20120518_20120519 Retreat AgendaMIAMI BEACH May 18. 2012 9:30AM 10 :00 AM LUNCH BREAK 5 :00PM 20 1 2 COMMISS ION RETREAT Alexander Hote l 5225 Collins Avenue Parlor Room AGENDA BREAKFAST WElCOME I REVIEW MEETING MANAGEMENT I RUlES OF ENGAGEMENT NEW BUSINESS I OT HER PENDING ITEMS PlAN FOR CITY MANAGER SUCCESS ION Recruitment Guide lin es Defining City Manager Cr iteria I & Priorities Outlining the Selection Process PlAN FOR CITY MANAGER SUCCESS ION (CONTINUED) INT ER IM CONS IDERATIONS Inter im City Manager Interim Decision Making Interi m High Priority Items Tran sition Planning ADJOURN We ore commiffed to providing excellent public service ond safety to oil who live , work, ond ploy m our vibront, tropical, histone commumty. MIAMI BEACH May 19.2012 9:30AM 10:00 AM LUNCH BREAK 5:00PM 20 1 2 COMMISSION RETREAT Alexander Hotel 5225 Collins Avenue Parlor Room AGENDA BREAKFAST PENDING CITY ISSUES Inspector General Agreement Ethics Training Agreement ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION Charter Question -Commission Salaries Mass Transit Connectivity Study Miami Beach Mass Transit loop Election Cycle Towing and Terminal Island Survey Process and Results Proclamations to Employees City Attorney Evaluation ADJOURN We ore commttl Ki to providing excf'ilent public servtce und safety to o/1 who live work. ond ploy m our vibfont, troptcol hisToric commvntty.