20120604 CITY MANAGER FINALISTS INTERVIEWEads, H.C. JR H. C. Eads, Jr. May 25,2012 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission City of:Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 3 313 9 Dear Mayor and City Commission: This application and package is submitted for the Interiln City Manager position. As the former City Manager for the City of Coral Gables my diverse experience and recognized leadership can provide the City of Miami Beach the stable continuity so1.1ght The Commission can rely on my professionalism and demonstrated abilities that will direct the City Administration confidently during the interim period. I am proud to present my credentials to the City of Miami Beach where I reside with my family. Your consideration is appreciated. Thank you. H. C. (JACK) EADS, JR. jackeads@bellsouth.net PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE City of Coral Gables, Florida City Manager (1988 -2001) As Chief Executive Officer, leadership, collaboration, negotiation and community relations comprised the primary functions. Preparation and presentation of the City's budget reflected a joint City vision for a world class development plan featuring high quality services and infrastructure. Public/private sector developments totaled approximately $400,000,000. City of Miami, Florida Assistant City Manager ( 1983 ~ 1988) Reporting departments included: Police, Parks and Recreation, Public Facilities, Conferences and Conventions, Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services, Public Works, Sanitation, Technology, and Cable Television. Responsibilities included finance, operations, personnel, and planning. Special Assistant to the City Manager (1981 -1983) Responsibilities included community and press relations, research and preparation of position papers and reports, development and implementation of special projects, and serving as the liaison to the City Commissioners and their .staff. Assistant to the City Manager (1971 -1977) Directresponsibility for the preparation of the bi-monthly City Commission Agenda, negotiation and management of major leases and agreemen~, and acquainting and atlracting public involvement in city development projects. Budget Analyst (1971 -1972) Staff position responsible for assisting in the development of a $90 million budget. Miami-Dade County, Florida Assistant to Director, Department of Tourism (1979 -1981) Duties focused on tourism development and promotion to national and international markets, conventions and conferences and protocol events for elected dignitaries. Project Manager, Miami International Airport ( 1977 -1979) Responsible for the creation, negotiation and implementation of contractual arrangements with . private sector service providers to the airport. ~ BOARDS AND COl\1MITTEES Director Americable International, Audit Committee Director, Goldfield Corporation, Chair Compensation Committee, Audit Committee Ch.allm.an, Coconut Grove Arts Festival Board AFFILIAUONS International City Management Association Member, Leadership Florida Reserve Officers Association EDUCATION Master of Arts, Public Administration-University of Oklahoma, 1973 Bachelor ofBusiness Administration-University of Miami, 1966 INTERESTS Enjoy photography, yoga, and adventure travel SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CORAL GABLES WITH H. C. EADS, JR. AS CITY MANAGER 1988-2001 PUBLIC SAFETY Completed $11 million Communication Center for Police, Fire and local government communications, equipped with a new 800 MHz Radio System and a Computer-aided Dispatch System. Mobile Data Computers, which allow for Field-based reporting and Automatic Vehicle Locator system, will be installed by March 2001 Received accreditation status for Fire Department from the Commission ofF :ire Accreditation International Excelled in regional, national and international Vehicle Extrication competitions, hosting the 1999 International Automobile Extrication Competition and Learning Symposium and earning top honors at the 2000 International Extrication Competition in Scotland • Attained. Police Accreditation from the Commission for the Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies. (The Department was re-accredited in 2000) • Completed a :five-year strategic plan for the Police Department. The 1999-2004 Coral Gables Police Services Plan is composed of 61 individual Action Plans • Achieved highest Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating of Class I for City's Fire Department • Adopted use ofCa:irnsiRIS units, helmet-mounted thermal imaging systems, in the Fire Service • Constructed and staffed F:ire Station No.3 • Secured one-acre donation from the University of Miami for future :fire station/training site • Completed renovations to Fire Stations No.1 and No.2 Acquired one :fire engine and received additional suppression unit. Purchased one fue pumper truck, one fire support truck, and two telesquirt vebivles • Achieved significant Fire Department minority hiring goals Installed new fire emergency dispatch system • Implemented sexual battery and traffic-homicide investigative functions • Created Victims Advocate Program • Received national recognition of Police DUI Program Created Police SWAT and Property Crimes Tactical Unit Installed Lo-Jack and Teletract Anti-Car Theft Systems • . Initiated Citizens Mobile Patrol Unit • Connected commercial establishments security alann systems directly to City Police Department dis~atchers • Received significant Law Enforcement Trust Funds for Police Department participation in multi-agency drug enforcement; funds used to acquire police equipment • Implemented security system for all City buildings • Received National Hurricane Conference Emergency Management Award for advanced planning and response during Hurricane Andrew MANAGEMENT • Entered into a land lease agreement with The Rouse Company for redevelopment of the City's 8,4-acre Equipment Yard. The $275 million project requires no public sector investment and .will result in City ownership of 20 acres and more than $35 million (NPV) in direct financial return to the City, including t!P{es. Groundbreaking occurred in March 2000; project opening expected Fall2002 • Annexed four residential areas, bringing $3 72,670,000 in net assessed value, 1,14 new residents and 752 acres to the City •· Entered into a land lease agreement for the development of the Bus Terminal site with the Codina Group. The $35 million development includes 200 residential units and ground floor retail • Established the City's Development Department • Reorganized Building & Zoning Department and modernized office and computer systems • Attained Insurance Services Office (ISO) rating of 1 for Building & Zoning Department, the highest rating awarded to date • Attained a Class 8 community rating by FEMA' s Community Rating system which resulted in 10 percent discount in flood insurance for properties in flood zones Adopted New Comprehensive Plan which was approved by the State of Florida, and completed a five-year review . • Implemented the Geographic Information System (GIS) • Established a Storm Water Utility • Professionalized staff through certifications (CPA, PE, AJCP, AlA) and college education reimbursement • Established Strategic Management Program including goal setting and performance measurements for each Department • Established policy for review and .funding of community support programs • Received recognition from Government Finance Officers Association for excellence in presentation of Budget Document and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for seven consecutive years • Achieved anAAA. Issuer CreditRating assigned by Standard & Poor's and Moody's • Maintained City's General Fund Reserve balance at a high level for contingencies and emergencies such as hurricanes " Implemented comprehensive adj-ustment of City user fees and charges • Shifted City personnel to add 45 public safety positions (25 police officers? 10 non-sworn police employees, and 10 :fire fighters) while only increasing tbree new positions to the City work force Goldberg, Barton, S. Barton S. Goldberg Home Address: . . •• • • ·,., ~ -, ' r .;~~. ·_:: ,· . -.-.'-- Business Address: 300 W 41st St Ste 214 Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Phone: 305.5328894 E-Mail: hoofbt2@aol.com For \nttrlYn Cit4 mano.qe~ pohtion --~ . • DATE OF BIRTH: PLACE OF BIRTH: EDUCATION: :MILITARY SERviCE: EJv.lPLOYMENT: PAST EMPLOYMENT: LICENSES& CERTIFICATES: RESillvffi OF BARTON S. GOLDBERG ! ··I !. October 20, 1933 Brooklyn, New York Miami-Beach resident since 1942 Miami Beach Senior High School January 1948-January 1951 University of Miami January 1951-February 1956, BBA University of Miami January 1951-February 1957, LLB, JD . Rutgers-Stonier Graduate School of Banking-Diploma in Banking United States Army Reserve, Captain, February 1958-1963 Self-employed as an attorney 1958-1963 Courshon & Courshon, 1701 Meridian Avenue-1963-1976 During active practice served as responsible attorney primarily in corporate, real estate and probate work. Still maintain active status as an attorney. President, Jefferson National Bank and Jefferson Bank of Florida October 27, 1970 to 1996 Secretary/Treasurer, Jefferson Bancorp, Inc. September 1970 to 1996 Chairman Colonial Bank -South Florida Region 1996 to 2007 Chairman Emeritus Colonial Bank -South Florida Region 2007 to Present Licensed by State of Florida Board of Bar Examiners as an Attorney -1- RESUME OF BARTON S. GOLDBERG :MEMBERSHIPS AND CIVIC ACTIVITIES PAST PRESIDENT: Florida Bankers Association-1996 to 1997 PAST CHAIRMAN: Comptroller of the Currency Regional Advisory Committee PAST PRESIDENT: The Founders, Mt. Sinai Medical Center FOUNDER AND Mt. Sinai Medical Center TRUSTEE: PAST PRESIDENT Mt. Sinai Medical Center Foundation CURRENT DlRECTOR: PAST CHAIRMAN: Young President's Club-Mt. Sinai Hospital DIRECTOR: Temple Emanu-El, Miami Beach PAST PRESIDENT Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce AND LIFE TRUS1EE: Man ofthe Year 1989 PAST PRESIDENT: Miami Beach Civic League Civic Leader of Year Award-1974 and 1981 PAST PRESIDENT: Miami Beach Homeowners Association PAST PRESIDENT: 41st Street Merchants Association PAST CHAIRJv'f..AN First Housing Development Corp. of Florida CURRENT DIRECTOR: Director 25 years, Chairman 13 years CO-CHAIRMAN: Zoning Board of Adjustment, City of Miami Beach, 1971 to 1991 . PAST PRESIDENT: Junior Achievement of Greater Miami, Inc. PAST VICE PRESIDENT, United Way of Dade County DIRECTOR, TRUS1EE, 1REASURER: -2- PAST CHANCELLOR C011MANDER: VICE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR: MEMBER: Miami Beach Lodge Knights of Pythias Jewish Museum of Florida Florida Bar Association Miami Beach Bar Association Dade County Bar Association Citizens Board-University of Miami and Presidents Council Civic League of Miami Beach Tau Epsilon Phi Alumni -3- Higginbotham, Jr., W. D. W. D. May 9, 2012 (updated May 29, 2012, italic) Mayor Matti Herrera Bower, Vice Mayor Jerry Libbin, Commissioners Jorge Exposito, Michael Gongora, Jonah Wolfson, Edward L. Tobin, and Deede Weithorn City of Miami Beach, Florida Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission: ,-., -~ ~ ---. ,'· __ ··~ .... ' ' -, . ' ~-· ' . . ' . . - wdhiggin@bellsouth.net I am interested in discussing the possibility of serving as your Interim City Manager and can do so immediately. I am pleased to attach my Resume and a copy of the Background and Credential Verifications for your review and consideration. The "background check" was done on me in relation to my contract with ICMA. for service to the Department o(Defense and USAID in Iraq. The information was gathered over four years ago,· however, the only change is my address. My background in municipal and public sector management, budgeting, financial management, disaster preparedness, and economic development are some of the qualities I have to offer Miami Beach. Additionally, I have a successful record of being a strong and involved leader. I am currently an active member of ICMA and FCCMA and have been recognized by both for over 25 years of public service. In addition to my most recent City Manager position for the City of Madeira Beach, I have held positions as City/Town Manager and Assistant Manager in four Florida and two California cities, Economic Development Director for the Regional Planning Council in Gainesville, FL and Local Governance Program Finance Advisor in Iraq. Subsequent to leaving Madeira Beach I completed a six month assignment as President/CEO of the Treasure Island, FL Chamber of Commerce. I have proven myself as a leader with written and oral communication, public relations, and strong interpersonal skills. As I indicated, I am at your disposal immediately and will serve on a month-to-month basis while being in a position to assist the City Commission with the selection of your permanent City Manager (I would not be a candidate). Given the desirability of serving the City of Miami Beach, I am confident the recruitment can be done without the contractual services of a professional search firm. I am well acquainted with the Florida Sunshine Laws and will be happy to meet with each of you on a one-on-one basis if you so desire. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, 'UJ, "[), ~~' fh· W. D. Higginbotham, Jr. Attachment RESUME W. D. HIGGINBOTHAM, JR. BACKGROUND I have successfully held public and private professional positions including City/Town Manager in four Florida cities, Economic Development Director for a Regional Planning Council, Local Governance Program Finance Advisor in Iraq, Chamber of Commerce President, and Marketing Director for a California based financial consultant. I have been recognized by ICMA for twenty five years of public service and I have been active in the Florida City/County Managers Association and the Florida League of Cities for over twenty five years. March 2011 to September 2011 PROFESSIONAL & PUBLIC SECTOR EXPERIENCE PRESIDENT and CEO Chamber of Commerce, Treasure Island, Florida The day I resigned as Madeira Beach's City Manager I was offered the position of President and CEO of the Treasure Island Chamber of Commerce. Treasure Island is adjacent to Madeira Beach and I was and am well known by the City of Treasure Island elected body and administration as well as the business community. I accepted the position for a six month period with the charge of doubling the Chamber's membership, enhancing the ·relationship between the City and the Chamber, and increasing the visibility of the Chamber. As President I managed to more than triple membership; I led the effort to have a ·city Commissioner appointed liaison between the City and the Chamber; I established a weekly news letter and monthly social events; I created promotional and solicitation materials; and I purchased and converted over to an in house Content Management System for the Chamber's web-site. The Chamber is no longer an unknown entity and the recognition continues to grow each day. June 2008to March2011 CITY MANAGER City of Madeira Beach, Florida Madeira Beach is located on a Gulf Coast barrier island in Southwest Florida. The City is approximately two square miles in size and provides public works, solid waste collection, parks and recreation, community development, fire protection, and a City owned and operated Marina. The City also provides police protection and recycling services on a contract basis. The City is a major tourist destination in Pinellas County and is known for its two miles of pristine beaches and the well known John's Pass Village. The City's daytime population exceeds 30,000 during peak seasons. The City's primary goal is to expand tourism facilities (hotel rooms); however, the depressed economy in recent years has inhibited development. None-the-less, I led the City moving forward with incentives and density changes to encourage development when the economy and market conditions are favorable. Further, I maintained the tax rate with no negative impact on service levels. November 2007 to April2008 LGP PUBLIC FINANCE ADVISOR Provincial Reconstruction Team, Baghdad, Iraq The Iraq Local Governance Program (LGP) is a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Funded program. Under contract as an ICMA Consultant I served as a Public Finance Advisor and a member of the Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) in Iraq. I managed and led the providing of budget and financial advice to Iraqi local officials, Local Government Councils, and Provincial Government Councils. W. D. Higginbotham, Jr.· page2 January 2006 to December 2007 TOWN MANAGER Tlwn of Surfside, Florida Surfside is located on an Atlantic Coast barrier island in Southeast Florida. The Town, which is approximately one square mile in size, provides police, public works, parks and recreation, solid waste collection, and potable water utility. The Town is largely a bedroom community with approximately 1,300 single family homes and 1,200 condominium units. The Town had a struggling downtown business district, yet I successfully led an aggressive Merchants' Association toward re-vitalization. As Town Manager I proved that I am well rounded and knowledgeable in the full range of municipal services including budgeting, capital improvement fmancing, fmancial management, grant acquisition, emergency management and disaster preparedness, police services, public works, infrastructure, land use, growth management, and intergovernmental relations. The Town Commission and community knew me to be a "hands on" out-going manager with excellent people skills. April2004 to January 2006 TOWN MANAGER Town of Melbourne Beach, Florida Melbourne Beach is located on an Atlantic Coast barrier island in Central Florida. The Town, which is approximately 600 acres in size, provides police, public works, and a well funded volunteer fire department. The Town is largely a bedroom community with limited commercial development. As Town Manager I was recognized as knowledgeable in municipal services including budgeting, financial management, grant acquisition, emergency management and disaster preparedness, fire prevention and suppression, police services, public works, infrastructure, land use, growth management, and intergovernmental relations. June 1996 to April2004 DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPlviENT NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL, Gainesville, Florida The Planning Council includes a 6,813 square mile North Central Florida Region consisting of 11 counties and 33 communities. The Council programs can be divided into three categories: economic development and related programs; rural development activities; and regional programs. As Director of Economic Development, I managed the Planning Council's economic development and related programs. I led our programs and activities with the U. S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, The Original Florida Tourism Program, and the Business Retention and Recruitment Program in the 11 county Region. Further, I was appointed and served on several VISIT FLORIDA and Enterprise Florida advisory committees. May 1989 to May 1996 September 1984 to Apri11989 Refer to "OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE" below CITY MANAGER City of Gainesville, Florida With approximately 1,800 employees, the City of Gainesville's operating budget was $249 million. The City of Gainesville occupies an area of 50 square miles. Gainesville is the home of the University of Florida with a student population of 50,000+/-which is not necessarily included in the City's published population. The City is a diversified full service community including wholly owned and operated facilities such as a 500 mega-watt regional electric utility, regional transit system, regional airport, and a County-wide library system. I managed providing contract services, including fire protection and traffic engineering to Alachua County for the unincorporated urban fringe. We served a population, in and outside the City limits, of 200,000. As City Manager I interacted closely with over 50 active City Commission appointed citizen advisory boards. W. D. Higginbotham, Jr. page3 My accomplishments as City Manager included the commencement of a dynamic downtown redevelopment project that continues today; development and subsequent Commission adoption of a comprehensive affirmative action program; improved delivery of contract and non-contract services in Alachua Cm.m.ty; using existing personnel, augmented the delivery of emergency medical services which improved response time; obtained a UDAG grant for downtown redevelopment; developed a program to convey a "can do" attitude from City employees. January 1979 to· August 1984 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER-FINANCE City ofBakersfield, California As the Assistant City Manager-Finance I served as Treasurer of the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency as well as Auditor-Controller by City Charter. As such, I managed the functions of City Treasurer and Finance Director and led the development of the City's operating; enterprise, and capital budgets, the City's Finance Department, Data Processing Operation, Internal Audit, and Risk Management. Further, I served as CPO for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Corporation, and the Fireman's Disability and Retirement System. As Assistant City Manager I served as a department head and also served as Acting City Manager in his absence. January 1977 to January 1979 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF FINANCE City of Redwood City, California Under the general direction of the Director of Finance, I managed and directed the departments of Data Processing, Risk Management, PW'chasing, and Central Stores. Indirectly, I led the activities of cash management and fiscal control. Further, I coordinated financial and risk management matters between the City and the Port of Redwood City. May 1989to May 1996 OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CORPORATE MARKETING DIRECTOR & SALES MANAGER ~C~ALRESOURCECONSULTANTS Westlake Village, CA and Gainesville, FL and REALTOR®, Gainesville, FL During 1994 and much of 1995, I managed and directed a sales staff of twelve. We served 160 local government clients in the State of California. In addition to managing OW' sales staff, I managed our marketing plans and implementation, proposal development and preparation, maintaining client trust-based relationships, and overall administration. In 1978, :MRC began specializing in providing on-going revenue enhancement audits, information, and related consulting services to local government clients. Prior to joining :MRC, I provided management and financial management consulting services to public and private sector clients primarily in North Central Florida. Returning to Gainesville in June, 1995, I worked as a REAL TOR® in Gainesville, Alachua County, and surrounding counties. Additional private sector experience includes: • Financial sales as an investment/stock broker and account consultant for financial appraisals. As a sales representative for financial appraisals I was responsible for developing and presenting proposals of financial service to corporate officers, attorneys, accountants, and local governments. • Controller in a retail furnitW'e chain and full-line retail department store. Responsibilities included all finance and accounting as well as some operational and general management. • Accounting responsibilities in a major university and a medical and hospitalization insW'ance company. W. D. Higginbotham, Jr. page4 PROFESSIONAL AND CIVIC AFFILIATIONS PROFESSIONAL LICENSES EDUCATION International City Management Association (ICMA), 25 year service recognition Florida City and County Management Association (FCCMA), 27 year membership Nature-Based and Heritage Tourism Advisory Committee (Governor Appointment) Leadership Gainesville XII, Gainesville, Florida Chamber of Commerce Florida Economic Development Council Gulf Beaches Rotary Club Florida Notary Public #249093 Florida Real Estate Commission License #0570200 Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana Certificate in Accounting-May 1968 Other Education • Emergency Management Institute, Emmitsburg, Maryland. Disaster Resistant Jobs Training-November 2000. • University of South Florida-November 1998 Center for Economic Development. • Florida Real Estate Institute, Inc.-November 1990. • Emergency Management Institute, Emmitsburg, Maryland. Disaster Preparedness-June 1985 and June 1987. • Continuing education at the University of Arizona and the University of Southern California. Client: INTERNATIONAL CITY/COUNTY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATJON 777 NORTH CAPITOL STREET, SUiTE SOO WASHINGTON, DC 20002 -Phone:202-289-4262 Fax:•202"";962:-<:i50'0· vcr·Ref .. #: 00s1 0734 Corporate H!!adqua.rters 20690 Kenbridge Court Lakeville, MN 55044 1 (952) 985-7?00 Main 1" (952) 985-72t8 Fax Applicant: HIGGINBOTHAM JR, . WILLIAM DILLARD 3800' HILLCREST DRIVE #222 HOLLYWOOD, i=L 33021 '[-' ',.J .. ~ ~~ t '; ' ~/:. ·, ·' 1, -: Oate.Re.qr..iested: tQ/15/2Q07 Datetompleted: t0/22/2007 s·ackgto.urnP.It~ro:s:or:clet~d·: ... , · · ....... · o·~$.c~dpt~«;Jn:. :· ·· 'Re.~'Yjf '> Academic-HighestDegree/£)i!'!~~~-;?~~~~~q:: ....... :TU.u.\l\fE_U~iyE~§I!TI, .. ~t!!VE.13§1.IT.C?()~~E:".' ... N<?_I?.i~.C.~~.P.?.~<:;X ______ _ Criminal ~~~r::_~-~ C~un~~: ..................... -· ............................... !3~QY.'!Af~P! fL. ... _ ._ ........ ----~----.................................... _No_p_is'?~epa_~<:;X ........ _ .. . C.rimirial Search -County Cr.iminal Search·-County· IDSearcti?.iu~ ....... · ·-..... · ......... -... .... ·~RE\'.~R.J?,fL... . .........................................................• ~9:.q!~?!.~P~~cy TRANSlJNlON -S-EARCH . Comple~e(j . " .. . .... . .. ~ "'''"'" "'" ............. . to~.~~~-~-~ a! £tin.:\!n.CI~ A!=it~!;,.~~~-............. ,. ............ . . -.... ~. ~.:: ~N..P.~~i?.R~~·g_~:~.~Y. :::·~~:·::: .. ..... -.-........ . . ....... ..... ... N.O.:.IJ.~~9~P.a~~¥ DAVE :J.A!=:~~~---·. Personal Reference- o,. =-indicates a'dfscrepancy: £. .. ::: fndi¢;:~tes Please. R~vi~w Verified. C'i9d_enlisls, ·fric:has, 'n!t!dli ii~iy·etrort~q-provida accpt:aJo·D_nd·ui:J:fo:dats :iriorrnation:in]hi~-mport. 'q!itcarynqt ai;t_ as a·gl!arsnlor·of ~he idformati~r.. ·If this · .report contains·lnlormsuon abOUt Criminal coniriCiions"ariii·inilvlirg vehii:le'vlolaliOiis; yoihihould.'oe sware:litat.ifis ;xisslbli> lhst.qiirio; i:liarges:liave 't>eeri pi'IXGssed · : iri a./oiWr'cOurt:IHat has .no cantml reporting l9cation·or lf?Dt)he-subjf4.cl.. has.partipipatacJ./n ~ PtpgrBm _lh;Jt parmfti'a .t;fi,~Vii:tfon. O.r citation:to be elimin_atad from puo/ii:. rer;orcls. In no event shall vet o(it.s respadUvs affitiatB:;i'f•geniS; ei[riifoyess;·diraCtot's.'or sitpplism·bii'liBoto 'to yof!,.!>'r-ilqyonil tilaiming'through yO_u, ·for (!),'incld~lat =.in dire.~, .sfJecJ~ or Co"nsequemfa! dama~s,:.Pf" (2) :~nr. iJam~giJs-whBtsoever:result~ng from loss·of USft,~dala O( prtifits;·-'aris!ng out cif or.7ri connection Wflh:.-lhfs 'repoi't TM 1/abi//IY, 0{ VCI-Bl!" its. rssi>~cifile·aftinates;.ag8nt$: erriptqjs'sil, difr!iftOri: ~nrJ suppi,ler'S•is' lim~e<i Sol~ly to 'y_o!Jr direCi qamag;/s Bnd iiriio e,;~i}l sflaH'II'BXCsBd.fhif · amo.~nt..of.e.rrors ?-"d omissions:irsi!IJlnce.:if ~tiy, provlding.coverage:_for:\19./'s. Pobift!Y'Ii:l•a client: You haVE; previously agreed that ·the iiifoiriiatidil conliline_d ;,; thiS· :repoit will be,ilsacl in. acCoti:lafJCB 'With ail.'iJpplicaq/lf·.la)mi'a/?(/·'regu/~irinsrlfrQiudfn'g· !h~Fair Cr;er!if;Rfiporti_n9, f. ct. If;the..infprmatio,n contair;eifjn /his• report-is . conside_rerJ arfve~W,io an empioyrrisnfapplicant, you·mlist-1f-proilicf8'the aprilicant-WHh:a :eaptof'lliisrepoti; '2) prol!iiJa.fhe.appliearit-wiili ·;, cepy ·of hislhef:righ/j;; 'ana ~:3J.Pfo¥J.t:!B. ih~·~PP!.f.cifit;Jt, ~;(h 9_·pfYi::-.afl.~~:se;a¢tX?fi··~?,q ~-cl~o.~-J~#ar:.:: .· , .. · :· · · ~-· · · · · ·.· · · · · · · ·· · '.: Name: HIGGINBOTHAM JR, WILLIAM DILLARD DOB: 12/13/XXXX · Result: No Discrepancy Name oflnstitutlon:. Name While· Attending:, .City: · State:· Verified Information TULANE UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY COL,L.EGE WILLAIAM HIGGINBOTHAM NEW ORLEANS LA 703-742:.::4200 Applicant Supplied TULANE UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE NEWOR[..EANS J~hone Number:. Yeat:Graduated:. 19.68 1968 Type of Degree/Diploma Certificate Rece.iv.ed. ·Major: .Frqm Date: ·CERTIFICATE IN ACCOUNTING: C.ERTIFICATE IN ACCOUNTING To Date:· · C:ontactName: NOT APPLIC:;ABLE ACCOUNTING .05/1960 :05/1968 NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Contact Title: ON-LINE VERIFICATION Ac;couNriNG 02J:f96t 0511.968 .Name: HIGGINBOTHAM JR, WILL,IAM DILLARD DOB: 12/1.3/XX:XX Result: No Dis.crepancy Verified information· Ni.mib~n:?fX e!'lrs $earC,h!'Jd: 7 StatelCounty: BROWARD;FL The. offense~ dispiayed in this :repori'may not' be criminal in .nature; Piease·con~u/tyour /egalad.liiso{befotfi~ taking ·adverse aclion based on tHe c;iatcr ofthis rePort: Name: HIGGINBOTHAM JR, WILLIAM DILLARD DOB: 12/13/XXXX . . Result: No 'Discrepancy Verified lnformati9n · · fllurril;lerofY~ars Searched: 7 :State/County: ALACHUA, FL The offenses displayed in this report may not be criminal in nature. Please consult your legal advisor before taking adverse action based on the data of this report; Name: HIGGINBOTHAM JR, WILLIAM DILLARD DOB: 12/13/.XXXX Result: No Dis.crepancy Verifie.d Information Numb'er. of Years Searched: 7 2 State/County: BREVA.RD, FL The offenses dispiaye.d.in .this report may n0t be criminal in nature. Please consult your legal advisor before taking <Jdverse action based on the daia of" this report. 3 Name: HIGGINBOTHAM JR, WILLIAM DILLARD DOB: 12/13/XXXX Result:.Completeo " •, -~. ~-,,. p •:n'<" -~ -•~,• ~ ., . . ' Verified Information Applip~nt Sup'plie~ Verified Credentials utilizes TransUnion LLC as a source to identify consumer's names (aliases, maiden names, etc.) and address· history baSe(j upc>.nthe social ~e.curity numbef intn.e.Jm~e.au's file. Names .and addresses obtained in this report hray ofmay not actUally>be'·associated with.th8 .social sec:urity i:ll.lmbt;;idoat. oas.- . been submittecj. · TAANS · tiNIPN rn$:E~~RLii}{ ;i?Q~:- z oooo.9oo-3. BTJREAi:r·.~ri/sUB: . d9 2:4 t!SER REF; ·REPORT DATE: lQ /is./2u·0'7 :R:Ei;>ORT ir:·IME: 12.:~~~:. :r;if1~ __ ..;_ _________ ~--.--:-.":""'a;:o:-:;.,-.:... __ ~---~--:.;._~.~~-~.-------.~-::....:-~.-.--.--~.--~""'!-~"';"!.~.:o:-~--:-~·:-:~:--:~--...:.;...:..:.~ . . .. · . ... . •:,·. . . ; IN FIEE SINCE DATE:.~ •. a:2/:19'T9· '• '· •,.' ··.·' .. . .... ,., ;Ji;DPRESS -:AJ;)J)R .RPT PATE; 3·9o·o HILLCREST DR:#-222 ·:s:or;LYW00D:, FL :3'3;02,1. ·ol/2;0,_06 .2oo !:i.TH AV#C MELBP~ BEAcir:, FL ~,25(51 '.05/:2094 '18,3 0:4 W· NEW.E!BRRY.-RD . NEWBERRY..! . :FL 3··266·9. 'I'~.L*:PiiO~ NtJM;E!EI{:· - -----..... ~ _ _: ________ ~---'-.~---...,...---:.,...,...,.------~----:..-:>-:-~---·-:-~-~""::'-':"""':"""~-.:...-. ..,.,-~---:--.-~;_ __ ~_:-~-· :*·*·:~r H A W• :ii: ..: .. :A" 'L E; ·R'·T ;.· . ·AVAILABLE :AND .CL~ IN Fir;:E ·s·tNci:E. t>A:±.E.~ .6:;?[~6o6: 'r'' PRIMJ!.RX liJ}U>$~-_HJ;~G:j:NBb.THArii, }'I · A.nmiEss · · · ·. · 'MDR . RPT .IiATiE' · 3 a·ctti .~:t:r:ir.ctu:.si',. b:R,#22,2 ):>QJ:i~"YWO.Qp,. FL 33.9ii ():2;/;2.6~;?, . · .. ·-~--~---~-:.:...--~..::---.:..:.-~....:....:·--~.;.:..~----~---~-....:-_ _.;__~--------=---.~~~~--~~-:.:...:-·-.:...·.::...;.....~:...-~-·--~-·- * * * .H .A ·'l>t K-~: k :t . R, .'R: ·'Ji ·;, . AVAJ:LABiiE .AlilD. CLEAR: .HIG.Gl;NB0~1 ~Yl' 3800 HII,LCREST.ol:>R ·222 HO:LLYWOOD.,, rF.L 33.02~ . : .. 4 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Tel: 305.673.7411 Fax: 305.673.7254 TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Co FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk DATE: May 30, 2012 SUBJECT: W. D. Higginbotham, Jr.-Additional Information/Amended Resume Package The cover letter and resume for Interim City Manager applicant W. D. Higginbotham, Jr. were forwarded to you on May 22, 2012. On May 30, 2012, Mr. Higginbotham submitted the attached additional documentation: • Revised cover letter; • Resume; and • Background and Credential Verification Mr. Higginbotham has asked that this resume package replace any previous one that that you may have received from him. \Ne ore commifled to providing excel/en/ public service ond safely lo oil who live, work, ond plo)' in our vibranl. lropicol, historic communily. Name: HIGGINBOTHAM JR. WU ... LIAM DILLARD DOS: 12/13/.XX.XX Result: No: Discrepancy _ .... -_ .-.-~--~--:-::------~ -. Verified Information -Product DIS!chiimer.· '. ,: :'• .,_.·.·· The information contained in this report is public.·data 'that has been directly imported from ·government data sources generated by government agencies. The ·accura_cy oneliability of the data is not guaranteed or -warranted In any way by. Verified Credentials, Inc.' In nQ .event.shaiiVerified Credential$, !he~ or its respe.ctive .affiliates, i'Jgents, employees, directors or supplfers·he ,iJable to you, or anyone clairnlng through you, fof',{1) incidental, .indirect, special gr c;:onsequential damages; or i{2):any damages whatsoever resulting'from.loss· of us.e, ·.data or profits, arising out of or in coniiectiori with. the information d_isplayed·on this report. You are. require'd to ·.use the information.contained in the report in accordance .-with all <Jpplicable laws and regulations, includingthe·Fa'ir Credit Reporting Act. Verified Credentials; Inc. cannot ·offer legal advice aboutthe Information displayed on this report. Furthermore, Verified Credentials, I ric. will not be responsible-for any actions taken by the Client based on- information that is displayed in this:report. Product Rec.ommeridatiO"ns: :···· .· ·'-· .• . " ... .. · .. •· Verified·.credentials STRONG!-Yrecomrnenos.that :you:cons~ft le_gai:Rounsel ptjor to taking :adverse :acticin '·based on "the .information-contained in this· report Verified ,Cred.entla!s aisoSTRONG.LY reepm:mends tb;;it ii:).the $ventJhat patential.qiscrepant'iriforrnation is·found, that, . you ''fOllOW.'"" UP" by conducting a thor.ough-·i~Vj;!St(gation -,at_ · fn~e s~te aT1d .cqunty leve! .. NO RECORDS EOUNb: 5 . . . . . : . . . .. · .. · ··· .. =.:· . ····, .. N;:~me: HIGGINBOTHAM JR, WILLIAM DILLARD Result: No Discrepancy City: state:: Verifie~d ... loformation MANUFACTURE~S REPRESENTATIVE IN THE HOSP.ITALITY INDUS)JW MONTE SERENO· CA ConfactName:. DAVE JAE<~ER .'How dc>'you know ttiis· person? Are .you related to .~his .Person?' Wtiafli:ind cifper;Sq·n C!l? yi;n1 tl'iiJ:lk:the~y are? .WE WENT TO HIGH S'CHbQ.l TOGETHER AND. .HAVE SINCE .ESTABLISHED A FRli::NDSHiP. WE:HAVE TRAVELED TH~ WO~l,.D T.OGET.HER. THAVEKNOWN Hlfv)'·SINCE 1958~ WE ARE NOT RELATED. HE 1$. A I/E8.Y SINCEREANO HONESTPERSON. HE ANALY-zES ANY SITUATION BEFORE MAKING A DECISION:. I THINK HE)SVERY . ,p(n'sTANDING-AND . . · · . · . . .. :~RIL~IANT.! · Woutq·,Y.9Li':re¢orri~.~lii:!)h.e&i-for·a.Ji;i~?· ''r:ES'I:WOULD::RECOMMEND ·. . ·~::~ct~E~~~¢~t~:~;:· ·.···'"··· .Applicant Supplied MONTE SERENO · .CA Magrisso, Julio E. I ... ,, . ~­\ ,. .. ~ I 1 I I i I t I. ~ .Julio E. :Magrisso ' - .. ·-·-·=====================--'===-==--== PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE City of Miami Beach, Miami Beach, Florida Assistant Director-Parks and Recreation Department Responsible for: December 2002 -Present Administration and overseeing of the Recreation Division, to include supervision of the Facility Managers and their subordinates, all recreational programming, maintenance, planning and budgets, the Media Division which is tasked with compiling and publishing magazines, flyers, press releases, Letters to Commission, and other printed material to various sources and the supervision of the Parks and Recreation Analyst which maintains the integrity of the statistical and financial information, analysis of detailed data to include use of specific recreation software, excel, word and all City mandated software. Union related issues, staff conflicts and employee matters. Assure a smooth running operation by keeping moral high, insubordination to the lowest possible level by using effective Management .skills. Keeping the organization operating at its highest level of efficiency given staffing, budget, facility and residential constraints. Coordination with CIP, Public Works and other city department and vendors on various construction and maintenance related issues and major projects, to include planning meetings, construction documents, vendor discussions and long term city planning. Supervision of staff assigned to parks, playgrounds, tennis centers, youth center, pools, and community centers Established and continually review all existing policies and procedures using allocated resources and industry standards. Acting as department liaison to Recreation Centers and Parks Facilities Board, Sports Committee and residents. Writing and assisting in grant applications, coordinating the timely and proper expenditure of grant funding. Developing and working with Facility Managers on a broad, diversified program of recreation services and activities ·to meet community needs, including programs for s'pecial populations Developing and justifying budget proposals; monitoring division revenues and expenditures in accordance with approved budget and recommending fees and charges for various services The financial aspect of the Recreation Division and the Administration Division's budget, to include analyzing current balances, projections, daily management of the budget, and preparation of future years funding requirements Short term and long term planning of the divisions in cooperation with the Department Director. ... ·'·~ .::~ Julio E. Magrisso Page2 Jakel Partners, Inc. President/Owner December 2000-December 2002 Management Consulting practice focusing on small to medium size companies. Assisted organizations with their daily operations and analysis of potential organizational and managerial changes that improve efficiency and profitability. In addition to providing management with useful recommendations and solutions, we prepared financial reports including budgets, variance analysis, inventory valuation and sales summary reports. Injection Footwear Corporation July 1990-December 2000 Owner/Partner-CFO, Vice President of Finance and Administration Responsible for Management, Administration, Legal, Accounting, Personnel, Risk Management and facilities maintenance of this major $50 Million South Florida concern. Responsibilities included management of the accounting and financial operations. Preparation of Financial Statements, budgets, weekly and monthly managerial reports. Directed all facets of the accounting department's changes and purchases of computer systems and upgrades. Interfaced directly with all financial institutions, attorneys and auditors. Developed and executed the necessary int~rnal controls to properly safeguard company assets Instrumental in analyzing, communicating and completing the sale of the company's assets and liabilities to a German corporation in December 1999. Responsible for managing the company's budget. Duties included outlining and directing all department heads with their individual budgets. Accountable for maintaining budget and explaining negative variances. Oversaw all management, administrative and operations of a 150,000 square foot facility and its personnel of over 900 employees during peak production periods to as low as 400 employees during slower periods. Duties. included making final decisions on hiring, firing, company slowdowns, pay scales and pay raises for all factory, clerical and professional personnel. All supervisors and department heads reported directly to me on matters pertaining to personnel. Spearheaded the conversion of the company from conventional insurance to a State of Florida approved Self-Insured as it relates to Workers Compensation. Created safety procedures, manuals and inspections in order to prevent accidents. Reduced the accident rate in the manufacturing process by 90 % and saved the company over 1.5 Million dollars in a short seven year span. Corresponded with Attorneys and insurance conwanies on all related matters. Responsible for negotiating favorable insurance premiums and coverage as well as mediations on individual claims. Took on the task of maintaining the integrity and aesthetics of the offices and the manufacturing facility. Organized all new construction projects and negotiated directly with contractors and county officials. Also responsible for monitoring the environmental impact of all chemicals and interfacing directly with governmental agencies on these issues. . I ... . . r .. r ~: ' Julio E. IV!agrisso. J.D. Gramm Income Tax Corporation CFO/CEO y_ Page 3 1988-1990. Responsible for managing 13 Accounting and Income Tax offices in three States. Increased the number of office locations from 11 to 13 while adding more yearly accounting services. Responsibilities included the management of all accounting, individual offices, purchasing and personnel. Negotiated all office leases and determined locations for new and existing offices. Tested, hired and trained all employees. ·solicited, negotiated and consummated the sale of JD. Gramm Income Tax Corporation to a third party that subsequently sold it to H&R Block. Ramsay HMO, Inc. · Controller 1989-1990 Responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day· functions of the accounting staff Duties included budget presentations to upper management. Additionally responsible for cash management and calculations of future liabilities-IBNR Ackerman & Palumbo, Inc., Security Consultants Controller Responsible for all Financial Reporting and record keeping BOP, Inc./ Berkley Mortgage Corp. Assistant Controller 1986-1988 1985-1986 Responsible for operation and management of the accounting and financial business cycle of 4 companies under 1 parent entity of this Real Estate Developer, Hotel operator and Mortgage Company. Duties included all accounting functions and reporting and documenting all Financial Statements. Prepared all Income Taxes for all entities. Coordinated and functioned as a liaison bet\Neen the buyers, attorneys and the mortgage company for all Real .Estate closings. Rissman Development Co. Karpel and Co.'s, CPA's Staff Accountant 1983-1984 1982 Responsible for the preparation of budgets for all development projects. Compared budgets to actual results and analyzed variances. Interfaced with prospective unit buyers explaining all mortgage rates and available programs. Performed financial audits of profit and non-profit corporations. Duties included the preparation of Financial Statements, Payrolf and Federal Tax Returns. EDUCATION University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Bachelor of Science in Accounting June 1982 'j .•. I ~r-··~· I Julio E. Magrisso AFFILATIONS, CHARITIES, SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS Board of Directors, Chairman of the Finance Committee-After Schoo! All Stars Former Vice Chair, Manager's Blue Ribbon Committee on Parks-City of Miami Beach. Former Vice President, Biscayne Point Homeowners Association Assistant Baseball Coach, Miami Beach Senior High School-JV Former Little League Baseball Coach for 11 years-City of Miami Beach Former Co Chairman, Youth Center Advisory Board-City of Miami Beach Former Vice Chair, Parks & Recreation Advisory Board-City of Miami Beach Treasurer, Warren Stamm Campaign for Commissioner-City of Miami Beach Former Member, Florida Association of Self-Insured Speaker, University of Florida, School of Accounting. Speaker, Dade County-Enterprise Zone programs and benefits Teacher for GED night schools-Sunset High Schoof, Miami Former Board Member, Sunset Condor Association Page4 I c l ·-·-··. r.. .n Granado, Rafael From: Sent: To: Attachments: Magrisso, Julio Monday, May 21, 2012 1:29AM Granado, Rafael .,Julio Magrisso-Resume 2012.docx Dear Ralph: . After giving this much thought, please consider this my official submittal to fill the interim City Manager position, and forward this to our Mayor and Commissioners for their consideration. Attached is my resume. ! only present myself for this on a temporary basis until such time that a permanent Manager is selected, and because I love this City as much as I do. My current and prior experience is outlined in my resume and proudly details substantial Private Sector and Public Administration experience, including ownership and management of a major privately owned South Florida manufacturing company and other accounting and administrative experience. 1 am fortunate to have returned to make Miami Beach my home in 1987. Since then, I volunteered for the City of Miami Beach Recreation Division as a baseball coach for the traveling baseball team in the 90's, was a proud member and Vice Chair of the City of Miami Beach Parks and Rec Facilities Advisory Board for years, served on the Youth Center Advisory Board, was Vice Chair of the Parks Blue Ribbon Committee and also served on a selection committee-all prior to my employment with the City which began in December, 2002. Although I am certain that more qualified professional public sector administrators will be considered for the permanent position, l believe ! am seasoned enough to be temporarily tasked with keeping consistency, administrative order, accountability and some historical perspective during a time that my city mends, begins a new chapter and starts to come together. Of extreme urgency includes finalizing this fisc~! year's budget process. I am certain that I can successfully accomplish this with everyone's help and cooperation-with the complete understanding that my current and permanent position is eventual. At some other point, possibly as soon as the City and my personal belief is oonvihcing enough, I will present myself for a permanent position of Assistant City Manager-when and if the position opens up. · My Recreation Division has great Management and will run smoothly, without a hick-up for the short term period. This I am sure of. Respectfully submitted, Julio E. Magrisso 1 Garcia-Pedrosa, Jose RESUME of JOSE GARCIA-PEDROSA Educational Background: • J.D. degree, Harvard Law School, 1971 • B.A. degree, with honors, Harvard College, 1968 (Field of concentration: Economics) • Graduate of Coral Gables High School, Coral Gables, FL • Honorary Law Degree and Commencement Speaker: Stetson College of Law: 1996 Employment History: • Farm Stores Corporation: President & General Counsel: 2008-present • National Parkinson Foundation: President and CEO: 2002 -2008 • Ruden McCloskey law firm: Partner: 1998-2001 • City of Miami: City Manager: 1998 • City of Miami Beach: City Manager: 1995-1998 • Tew & Garcia-Pedrosa law firm: managing partner: 1991-1998 • Finley Kumble Wagner law firm: partner: 1984 -1998 • City of Miami: City Attorney: 1982 -1984 • Smathers & Thompson law firm: associate, then partner: 1971-1982 Memberships, Awards • Anti-Defamation League Jurisprudence Award: 1995 • Latin Builders Association: Lawyer of the Year Award, Public Official of the Year Award • American Bar Association: 1971 -present • Delegate to House of Delegates: 1982 -2004 • Section of Legal Education & Admissions to the Bar: 1982 -2004: Chair (1991) and member of Council of the Section and of the Law School Accreditation Committee • The Florida Bar: 1971 -present • Board of Governors of Young Lawyers Section: 1973 -1978 • Various Committees, including Committee on Professionalism Resume of Jose Garcia-Pedrosa page 2 • National Parkinson Foundation: member of volunteer Board of Directors: 1991 -2002 • Director in various community organizations, including WPBT-lV Channel 2, Metrozoo, volunteer committee of lawyers for Cuban and Haitian rafters and other community initiatives • Cuban-American Bar Association: founding member • Florida Association for Women Lawyers: 1982 -1987 • Dade.County Bar Association: various committees • Finalist, Dade County Manager selection process: 1994 Personal Information • Resident of Miami Beach since 1996. • Current address: -· • Email address: josegp@atlanticbb.net • • Proud father of 2 children: Daniel (age 32) and David (age 24) Granado, Rafael From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Ralph, Exposito, Jorge Tuesday, May 29, 2012 5:26 PM Granado, Rafael RESUME of JGP RESUME of JGP.doc Attached is resume sentto my e-mail for consideration as interim city manager. Would you please add to the building list of candidates . . Thanks and Regards, Jorge R. Exposito if • 1 Granado, Rafael From: Sent: To: jonahwolfson@wolfsonlawfirm.com Wednesday, May 30, 2012 10:41 AM Granado, Rafael Subject: Fw: Resume Attachments: RESUME of JGP.doc Please put his name and resume in. Please confirm. Thank you Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa <jgp@farmstores.com> Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 10:28:46-0400 To: <jonahwolfson@wolfsonlawfirm.com.> Subject: Resume Dear Commissioner Wolfson: Attached please find a copy of my resume. Thank you. Jose President & General Counsel Fann Stores Corporation 1 Brooks, Kathie G. 'Mayor and Commiss'ion.~rs City of Miami· B¢ach C/0 Rafael Granado 1'700. Convention. Centef.D:riYe.: Mi~mi aea:ch' FJorjdi);.~it19 Attached: is :rriy resriih.'e fo(the..:'.l~~sitioh of':li:i~ef;biJ\QitY· J\1B;n.:~g¢.tl&f:':tfi.e· @it}' df'.tvf}aiUJ B'~ch:. After· ;car.e:$1 .. ~oii.S.i4erp,~iqn;. T ha:v;~·,.dePl4~4-tP. ~.~it?ITf#An.Y '~pp1.i<:<a:tii;>I), ~e~:us.~ T 'Qel):~v.~ I c~n lJ(;: . of service.· ·.dur:~ng; .th~s:.PJinsltio:n l;J¢ri~d.fortheJollowingt¢asiins: · ·~; A~·a:,resi'de~Hor: th:e:;p~f2$.;y~~is~,lcare:,(l.~eply,8,hol,lf:t}1e futu~ ofth.e Ci:ty·-ijoineq the·.City for tha~ reasol;). and ~outin1Je:tq:.4_~sire·to .m~e.a difference; 2., i:hav:e ·rartiiliarizy·with:·.the otgariization: .. ;and·rriany o'f·the high level issue's that will or ma;y need tO be addres·sedi ,in the":iriteiim': p¢riod~ inciudmg buqget, l~bor ne:gj:>tiati,ons~ pel)$ion . . reform; · · · · · · · · · 3. 'i::believe I can·ptpvlde stabini)' .. ~md .. :c,otttinuity: to··ih!;: organization .. untiL,fhe pennanent'C1ty Manager is:setected; and · · · · · · 4, !.have wprked.with,all·df;ydij:fo:rinan~')Y¢$s,~dl'thi~ you:lQiow 'IJ!,y work ethip. :ab~litkis· anc,l .. · sk:Hfs~ 1 hope' you will ·c6h~tder ·m:y ·a:J)p1ication/butrY.~atdtess d:f-\v.ho. is .appoihted''to the:··interirr(position, I ·wiU..,c(!p.t~nue.. t9. be,:·suppbmvy;Jr(W.h?-te.Y,er·:cap~city:J,affi 1.1~.eayo;, $ili~ .• ~.· .,;.··~A: ~G~o?····.· .. ~ KATHIE G. BROOKS, AICP ' 1~. -~ •' ~• -'· ~; I • ~ • • ' ' • -• . l ' ' '-~-·-. -' ·_ Budget and :PerformariceJiri p r<i:v.cmen:fDirector. City of-J\iia.riii Bea¢1j · ·~e:spops·i~!~:'f¢r't!J:e)J,ify 1s. operating . .an4 capitalbudgees :totaling approxi~ately :$500 million in FY 20.11/.12 an(j J)P.)W1am~ Beach: ·R~d~:veloptnent,Agency-budgertotalfng:approximately'$4.0 miliiorr~. . R~sponsible for :fqll deploYJti.ent·p:f tb,e: City's ~:Xceilei).ce' model including; community satisfaction surveys; ·enviro!lmentaJ.·s~an's an(bench1nar~g-'a11aiyses, devel()pment.and updating·o{the City's SU:a,tegic plan, aliocatio:it .qf re~()'urc~s in s"Q:PI>.ort 9f the, strategic.' pJa,n j:ln:ougll te$po!l~ibflity for the Cityis b.udget. process, perfon:ilance ·m,onitqring and):e.poijing,.perfopi~am:;eiinp:ro:wme:nt org<Uii'zatio:rw.J;p~M~\<;ipip.ent · $en'~S· a,s. s~ff'ilaison .to ·the::cit)i's' Bp:dgefAd'iiiso:r:y··¢oinD11tt:e'e')irri;i r:eptesehts .the City as :a; m~mbe1" ·ofthe. Poiice ·and.Fire P~nsio.n Board. .R~pr~sentaJ:ive Accomplishments; .,Z f..repared..f5udgets ihdt mairitaf11ed Ctt;: sel)l.ice . .lev.eZj att~ss.~n.tiaJ{vothe .scgne, as FY 2:0¢6(0.1 despite the impacts on the City's .bucfget of:property i~:·ref01~m;.·signif1Cani de¢/ilJ~ in-pr:ope.riy ·yq[ufi; .and rirr:~maiic: incteds.esO<in pension cost~: -wi{ho~ttreducing 1hefin.CIJ7.cia.Lreserv..es.· ,./ Wq]:fee,d. Clf?sely wf~h ·the. Btir!get,A_dv.tsR,ry C(Jmm.i#ei.'s l?y ·:~~p~qinin_g. the·fln(!l'}cia(iinpqci::C?J:the .. v.f!! i~~-· pe~sion.options andjfroiilded.backgfour~d.i/ifori;l~t16n.for:pen~{on r?/oT:in> . . . . ... ;.;{. ' Pr.iivl t!~dsuppor;t imi;(pnqfys!~Jf:J ·the, B~dgei:r.f.dyli.orjMJa,1Jft11iltee:toll!o/r./S. the '¢.~elopment-of the 'Financial' P9liai,e.V;Jorihe"Cify in·:zoo.6: . ;;:--Meilber.· oft1u!n~gp~iatir{g ferim ]bllaor'Jfi iiir,eeinentsJ'C!r th-e. C#y il:I-:'1'00'9..anc(itito; for;using ·on .en;zployee iivebacki' a~;dp~ntton··riforrn:jor=" non"~Q!;n·e;hpjqye~·gfp1Jps..> . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . :.Y R.ecetYed:CifY ·~jlr.'st "J'ttjnsp~rent Budget.Award,'' .frhm :ihe :Peifor-ma!rc.e. insiitute .. -?.'. Foririalized the performance :excellence model fot the:· City; with activities· r.dated to customer input, aligillnent and linkage .of plans~. measurable performance· ·monitoring, data .driven~performance inl:provenrerit,<and·'contii.iub'us ·feedback. ··if DeveloperlAhe·Ci1:y's:fust:Strategic Plart, pri:>Yieling a roadmap to·success,for tb.e. brganization, as well as~ pi-6\l.idlrtg_-a toQl Tor nieasuritig.accorripliShinerits:aria:hc:ilding,government;accountab1e. :.{: Improved department p~tformante. mea,Sures· and tneasureineJit. t~ch,riiques. arid :processes, int1uding: c!e¥'elopibg lnpoyative·me~:Ui'esfu suppo:rt i=>f•cofuiniinityJirio:rities. . . . 6.· Developed_ the: Public ;Area: Cleaniiness Iirdex' ~-a. set of sfu:n:d~d~',J.ised.to mea.Sur::e.and.teport·the:~ ;deanlin~ss <;if tl].~ ,City using be$:t practices ';tro~ .national and internatioil!lJ, public: .and priv;;te·· organiz;ations, Tiw te.sulis of the ::assessments·: are· UA~d tq ·monitor in1tiati:v.es, t~rget .fu:tuf.e,' :iniproYem.ents 1 and= !Il~~e. :t;no:r;e:~i'ficient li$\l,-Of:l!Ya,ihiJ:ile r~soorc~~; As a resuJt pf this prqgtarrr: ;!iJ:icite!\iJlt~; the C!ty wort th~ Sterling Region!li''t~am·Siiowca,seA ~ard.-art4.·the·:Ci~y'is cl.e~er; o" 'I:;!!-1Jiiche4 :a,n aggressive c~stom~:~~ry,jce pr;ograiii_;:to. · conth:luall y e.vl{l}.lll.te how. w~il_ ~e · Cjzy. ~s:· doing:>~n·:me¢~ng these:.sta;r:\datds; ~dudil).g a .. ;ser.v.ice shoppecprqgram.,. ·and idemtify areas for iii;l.proyement ·Assistant Director, Offi.ce. of:St~ategic Business Manage~ent Miami-I).ade C9\l,nty Re$J?onsiqie f?r deployinel1t ofth~· CoJ,lrity' S<st,rategi~ pian, incluqin,g·4loc~tion pfr,es9Urces, ·~n support of.~he, stiat~gic pian~ through responsibil~ty ~or :t:he County~s .budset prqcess, performance !Upnitori,ng·~n¢: reporting; performance tmpro:vement, organtzatiOnal develop)Jlerit .R,epreseritativ.e.Accomplishmenfs;. ·.( Completely restructured the. County's anniu1L'fr.oposed Budget document and"d'epattni.e!Jl work plans. ·~o. align with. the. Strategic Plari,foc!Jsimperformance, and·'be in9re,.user~jfiendly. · · .;,r· Responsible for til an ·:deployment and .oth:h components of performance .e~ceilence. inCluding: • Disseniinafion.ofthe: plan through6tit·the comrnUriity·and the. organization; ;,-Coordination with Employee Relatioiis .regarding' .:plan"related ·trainfug .erihancefue.nt to· ):h:e :courity'·s emp,lo~eeorien'tation'::a.i'Jd.supei'Visoiy·traihl.rig;progianiS.~ ... D ·.CobJ;dmatioii: of.intet.face to:perfonnan:ce:appmisal systems;, . • Eilharicements to ·a~pfuth:ierital :quartet~)' perfonnance rej:i'ortirig;, "200h::2003 Strategic·' Plan ·co.ordiiiator;·.Office'ofPeiiormanc:e··rmt:mjv.ement: · Mi11iiii~Dade Cotinl:y · · Responsible.· for the development.: J:if the. frrst~ever counzywide Strategic Plan for Mianii-Dade· County. Re~pons.ibilities iricl1;1de otitr~ach: .anci c:onsensus: building with ele¢ted offiCials, Cotinty Manager's Assistants, · Departme'nt;Uirectors ~d·the:.Pliblic·at large; and developing .work plans arid managing consultants .for the project Repre~entative:Acc.o!Tiplishments: .j . P¢:veJoped.·and .simtiltanequ?lY :c:oorqinated .eight planning teams .compr}sed o,fA.ssistant-. County Managers, depart:rnent,directo!'S;.pian.nfug.support':Staff'; .community leaders, ele.cted officials; .busi,hess gi'OlJJ)~;. etc. V' Gon(j~cted·~v.e;yS, wqrl<:sb,.ops:a,rt'd focJ,lS,:grotipS. with r~~idep:tS, ¢mpjoyee~~ ·elected .!)ffl,cials, e:;<ecut;ives, etc:. . ../ /l,:~ses.~e4:~~mn.t:yWide::rrencjs: ~d ·eval:uated~s'l!en@.hs; .we¥n,e~ses,,,qppcn:turiit1<;s· a:o:d ch(ill~nges . ../ Pevelopeq: cqunty.governmenP.s,·Ti:rst~ever:rnission ~tatemenr, yalue:.sta.temeJ1t anp·.n.ihe ·pr.ioricy.them~~·.t_q; gu~~~ the' process,. i;h~e.'W!ere endors.ecf..by the B.t>ard o}Co~mty:C/o17!!niss~orers_ on May 'it, 1002. . . :;--· D.~Yci)pp~d 'Strat~~c.~go~ls. ~9.:VeJ:in.g 'a!.l '~eas: of:;ser;yipe deliy.ery. m¢~udll}g . ec~wwmc .deveiqp:J?Jent, ,health_ and ]luman.seryiGes; n~igllbq):'hood services,:public safety; c).llt\lre.apd . .reci:eation and'tr.aD.!?poria:t;iort. with, perl:onrianc,e. :,obj~~tiv~s ·wid ~~?sufes for. ~?¢.h: ,goll-1 ·lhci:>ipo~atiJ:lg:: input ftom tlie. :colmiitii,i1Jj event ·~d planriing,':te;i:m~~. Th'efe w.errr.eiJcJ.or.~eclbx the ]jqqi·d ·afCo~n'ty'C{nillttiji_iqiJer on Jzin,e 0i. .200'3. . . . i-. '().rgmpzed aild: condU,cie.d. J~e ·ci:iu4!Y·'.s· ·!lttat~giq :pliuihi:n.,g cbrnrounio/ eye~~, Wit!i ·~.ey~tiil. h\iridred .P.ru:fi6ipai,its'.jo ·4eve'l,qp and, prioritiZe l:ico~~n4e<}.:?-cticins .tti,acfi~eYe·t~¢ .. gQal!i,, 199} .. ..: 2001 . . . ' . . ~sisU!nt Dkector:fo:r Finance:ilrufPhmniiig: DeparlmenfofSolid ·waste·Management; Miami•DadeCounty· Managed·. the 'fi.nanc·e; :budget; procuremeilt, .. plannirrg, information serviCes and human resourc.es 'divisions for the Department:of Solid Wa5te·Manag.em:ent; h:icluding 'Coordination· wi¢ 'external auditors and outside bond ratings agencies, operating and capital ·budgetS of approximately $200 :miliion and $20 million per year respectively, organizaticirial·reviews and :efficiency studies, all departmental.~eryice and :construction contract development. and adnlinistration, 'development and.'.imp1ementation .of long~range .and strategic plans, recruitment, .labortela:tions and contract negotlati:on, arid payroll. Responsible for mana~ing 80 employees. Responsible fot·primary stippm.t to th¢ Department Dir~ctot for policy recommendation!> and 4ec;isions, inclucllng the. d~velqpm:ent of all legal mecharrisms required to support these· cjecisions. such a.s. proposec:l ordinance?; administrative orders, and coordination·o:f the .departnient' !i .F~gend? items for·tne· Boi!rd of County C<nn.mis?ioner,s. R-epr.~sentatlve.:A:c~qmplish:me.m9:· -1 S.erv~d'as pnlyfQlidw.aste i$s!!-er.:me.rnl5er-o/sub~Co?ntnitt.eejqr the d~¢lppmerit oftheNational Federation -ofMunicipal Ancilysts. (NFM)f.)Recommend~d BesrPractices in D~sc!omr.eof Solid Waste Transactions· (fss.u,edNo:vemper 4001); · ./ Seryed as-:the 4epar.tment liaison -w~th ihe C01;nty Mcmge1:~s appointed management team in developing the bilSin~s,plan io. enswe.the. long-terr11 ~tability of the countyrs solid waste department in respqnse. to the chang{ng.soli4-waste _enyir.(mme.1:r.t ojihe 1990.'s.--due ta changes infedetql ruling, th_e department went iritp financiq/..tur.m,oil-:which:necesslfated the creation of a. new .. bilsin:ess model for ·the r;lepartment -As liaisqn wqs• :an integral pad .of the te(Im that resulted in (li'J in.rJov.qtiv.e plan that hct.s-"kept the depciitinen( solven_fjor the last20year_s. " A criticq( .compqne.nt-of (hecp{q_p. was-the organ#p#qn_alrcyiew :atid tes7Lltirrg rigfitsJii'ng :ofih¢ Pepartment, with:·~he SU!J(:f?S~fol reductitm irr:$28million-in.cps,ts and_,o.yer q 20:pe_rc.e_nt re4uC.#@ ih· the num;ber o}emplqyees,, as well.:a. creative customer· agreemrmts: . . . e . The.p/an_.(lnc{its_, !1J!plementatiol'J..res.ultedtn :an ·'[ipgJ~ade: fn·th:e.:ratjrtgsJot i_h'e-'ttfurttyrs_ .. solid'W.as(e revenu.e bonds_.. · ·-~' Depa.rtment:ofSqlid Waste. .¥am~g~mentiiai!;qn -with ·inv.estmynt firm!!'!m.:cl ~ond rating ~g~n~ies; inc:luding Standard::and ~oo~\)v1:oody~s Investm(ln~ Secyices; FitchiB:CA, .tv$IA, etc,jnc:1!14ing development of 5 ·.and .io· ye~J.r fin~~i~l qap.a¢.~ty plans::f.or •¢e; depar,bnen~ Me)rt~er, 9.f¢te Co!lp~y;·s.' Manager:~~ fjnanciai ~A.:dyiso.ry'QlJllflTiitte(;l; l{~gpjtatlf?g:$-xp~r,le_nce _. . .;r Se:txe:d·a,~'·a.· member •.otJhe,·C~upty:··r0',ang~t:.s:·Negotia.tipg Coxmp.ittee.:for Mamn Luther :King Metrora.ll Siaiion }C>ili~ :aev~lo.prnent. ·p_roject . s~~~e~sfullY. negotia'ting. ilie·· innoyatiye _piivate-publ!c . par:tnership, ~greemeri'tS 'with the BAC Fundirtg.borporntion (:BACi, · · · ·../' MenibeFof'the negotia!irig.teafu for various>coiltract ameridbterits ·wit:h. the: private .. opetatot of the count)r' s Resources Rec·over.)l·Fac.iiit.x; an Operation an'd ·maintenance. agreement of $60 million per:year. :.;f Member dftliecrtegotiating. teain for AFSCME·1abor agreements pertaining to the·.solid.waste employees for Miami.Dade::Coun'o/. · · · · . ..r· Department Iea,d in-·the expedited .procurement :of the $82 m'imon Hurricane. Andrew Debns· Disposal contract '"-Co.ordiriated refrnblirseinent:·of.oY-er :$100. million ffi.;Biliri.cane Aridre.w related expenses fr0m :th;e':_Fedeni.l 'Sinergenc;y Man&gemeh~ Agencx (fEMA); U,cli,+dilig:,negotlation o;ft.e1mbul'$ement :s·c~pes-·Cif workarid ¢stim~ted:expenditure.impacts,; ·'and. documented :actual.exp'enses. · ptanning,,;J~ev.~toprrtent an.d E;conomic·A.i-zao/s.es -1 Manage!i :tiJ,e~Miarn,'~-.·Dade· C9un,ty Ma.in Landfill Re~ tJ~e-Stuqy .( Developed:a~d irripierqenie~_·iq!fg rangq;lans fpr the Depm:tm,ent .of Solid W~te M~~~ement, fncludin,g I11terfac;:es. with tlie county?s ;C:ompreh~nsive .Develop~ent .Master Plan ·process, an,d, .level~of~serv:jce standru.:~s· ..r.· ·Managed .th.e .i.995 Soll.d ·was~e Special .Assessment bis~Ct Study, inCluding the. development anq jmpieme11tation.of:a c0~mvidesuryey .of:iUi solid waste generation. in·Miami,oDade_ County by land use type.~and 5-year financial proje.ctlo.\1 to e.s.timate·p.otentiaLasses_smetit rates , .7 Managed the 1994 ·Dade, (;ounty ·solid was~ Transfer Station~ Efficiency Study that recommended cost :eff:~ctive·aiter:h~tive to 'improve the .efficiency-o(three regiop.al soli4 waste transfer ~cilities. Chief,_ M~nagement and B~dget "D"ivi~ion. Department ofSo!Icl W~st~:Ma~agement" ¥iami-~ade Coun~y Managed t!i,e·pr~parati~n :and ·monitoring pfth~· department's annual operating and t;apita:l p:ut;lget in excess of$200 mi.llion annual.Jy, ~nsuring coordination with :the department's. capi~l ·plans, and detennining problems and· associated recommendations: for corrective,actions where necessary. Implemented: grants moniWring pro.cedures .of the department in assocjatio11. with.the receipt .of .first time .. grants i11 excess. of~ mill~on per ye.ar; developed. interlocal agreements ':'lith municip;i\ities· for g~:ants !i,lnds, an4 :prepared grant. applica~i.o.ns .. and .. e:x,penqitt,rr.e .reimb:urse1nerit re.J:Luest,s:. · · · ·· · :Managed.the billing and ·colleetibn 'fi,Ijictions: for.'-waste·· co1lection ·frorrt .. approxim?.tely .260:000· re,sldenftal and. commercial customers; 'in¢h1ding. the ·estaBiishmept-'ofptocedu,res· and •epoits to ~nsure. i;I:te, funeJy and ~f:f~ciive. . . collectiori ofieceiva.bies os·ft9.in CJ,J$tom~rs~ :DetetffiiJiedtequired ·erihai:icernen~s ~9 the coi:J::q:nlt~rizf::cl 9iH!ng sYstem: · to.~i:'.esdlve.billin:g.;aeficiencies: .'Managed aJI"·~rocurement and. ·contra'Ct activities Jdi: 'the 1Jepari:rnent ·.including development of Departrneni:aJ pro:cedU.res to. ensti:i'e :complianc.e with Count:y, State;. arid· Federal procuremel).! reg1,1latio:ns and resolution .of issues related 'to: product qlia1ity, timeliness of:delivede~, etc. · · · Representative Accomplishinerits: . . ,/ Managed the Variable Rates :feasibility:Study:for Metropolitan Dade .Count)!,,, evaluating the iinpacts of a rate. system that:cliarged .. users.for waste· collection -in proportion t6·the ·amount: of waste:~enerated. ··/ Managed the development· of the·.Mianii~Dade ·count)! Solid: Waste Ffuaricial·C~padty Modeling System (including·r;evenue fcireca$ti!ig,, capital rep)ac;.emeht; debt.se!Ylce co.verage 1 :etc.) · · · ::-( Negptiating team member and rnanaged· fmplemen\il,ti6rt of .. the: c;ounty fbt~ever Curbside. Recycling_ Contract; ·providing ·s·ervke:to approidmatelyno.oob. homes~ . · · 4 Responsible ·f<lr the -:s¢lection and ·imp'Jementatibn :of an· automated Pattiage: routing system. for •the P.eP.¢m.e.l}j,9,fSO.Hd .. Wa.&'te;M.iW.ag~mel)t. :m:!~ri~1:-i:.f~i~a:;:~!~apnJn,~·a;~a·JYie:trom9te~))e~~~oP,~¢n~ ·:t\fia)n'i-;~~Qe,€.qtuJty :Spea:ih~adea the .D~pa:rtme.J1t: s:,e;:ffort {n:·c.oil)ple.tlng::~~-''planni:ng:an¢::4ey.eioRD1~ntfor-ihe -~xpans'i.o:q.o{fue• Couptyis: Metromo.ver {pegple-mov.er) .:system irl _dow.11town: Miami? :Florida,. j.ncli:!~g consultant managemeq~ i:e.chi:J.ical · supervision·6(r!der5~-~ti fo:rec~'t$.i fundil}g.contract neg;otiations with J:pderal·C~:nd S't!,te gove~men~, coordj1,1ation with ,publicigroups, j:iroject'cOordii:lation with'the· Pub1ic Works De·partment and the Courity Attorney'·s office •.. Managed all ttarisit agency .coordination with the County's Planning Department and Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO); including :updates to the transportation component of the Comprehensive Development Master .Plan. and data.I:equirements for lbng range·.transportation planning and forecasting. Representative Accomplishments: .(. Project Manger for ·the .Mhimi Metrdinover Development; including federal .acceptance for· the Final Envitonmerttal I.ihpact Statement or Metrop0litan Dade County and the Local Perspective ·Report for the, Corripletionofthe Miami.Metromover · · ·o/ Team member. in the development ofth~·.trai!sit financiaJ ·capat?ity·:models (including revenue forecasting; :Capital repl~c.errient; debt servibe .. coverage, etc.) -provide'd the.·frimsportation plannit?-g iirt~Iface .to the models by dfrectly llriking the CourityJ:r~vel bebavtor models and ridership .forecasts to the> finanCial models projectipg reven)les and expenditures. ~ Pr.oject Man~er for the ·south Miami Parking Garage· Expansion Environmental Assessment and supporting,S.outh Miami M~trorail. Parkin~.Oarage Expansion.Report Principal.Planner/ T:ransit,.Jle.~e!'lr~h Sup~:rvisQr Miti!Di~Dade· Tran~it Agency Miami-:J:)aqe·Councy Supervised..all·researc;h aci:lvhies for the. P.lapning .pi~is1m;r to c;oliect~·perf.or:mance)nfoxmatim::t required to evall!ate transit service and .provide inputfor· tr;1vel demand models·~d an;'llyses. Managed •devejopme;nt·at1d:i'!J1p~ementation ofsurveys anc;l dev~lop~d comp11ter progra'QfS t~ ·anll..l~: ~urv~y d,atll,. D~:ye;lop~q,, ca:l.i.b~ted. and· valigated a,tr!iJ:lSit, fare~tidersbjp-ela:stici_ty mo,dels to ,(:leterrn.iiJ:e _the eff~ciS of 'fare ·pqang~s ·Q!l·· :ridership. ~cf:proyidjng a .basis: ·tor., evaiuafing revenue impacts ofp~posedfare change!; .. 19.8():-19.~ Syst~ms .Pianii.er ~c})iJ:Ilp.~lei-.Corr.adiii4) ~s~9li~lltes: ·Developed iristruniimt.S, 'training i:riiinuats ·ana pib'ce4ute~·.~fqr tr;:tverbeha\dof: ~i.lrv~y~;.,i.riclL~-diri'g. :home ihterVie\v~~ mail, ori'-board,: and tei'ephone: :surveys' Reviewed :and:.ana1yzed results using statl:strcal· techniques to. determine': ot~gin~demnation·travel.P..aths .•• mp.geiieratioi:i.'.da~;!iii'd·mode:,choice·.fu.foririation.'to6alibrate·~tra\ie]'.demah'dmodels. · SLip'etvised'the data. prociessil).g .sectioti, j)r.ov.iding: technical •sttpport:·.for the dev.elopmeitt ·of ·a broad ·range .6f corilp.uteq'pplications. · · · ·· · · · .dTHER.PROFt'SSIONAL EXPERIENCE ,2001.-Pr:esent Officer· The:Bayshore Visions Grotip?.Inc. SeiY.'es.aK.orie-of.thtee·:officers·m1magin~:;the·re·atesta.t~.irivesttne:rtts:Ofth.e•coi,i)oi'a.tior('on:.a; partrtil:ne·oa:sis. M~ter of,A~. m•Geqgrap_hy, t9J~S· Sfu'Ill:n<!-:(}um ,Laude . . . . . . .. . Univer~i.ty 'qfMiatni, Qoralpabie~ •. Flerida .. Tr.ansportati()n ~d. ·u.rban;Econojtlics·qsmcentratign ;13~cheion,•fA.:rtsjq. G:eogr;;.phy;' 1978" Ma211a. Ci:un:Laude : ._:;,. ···.· . . . . .. . .. .. -. Universityof:Miami, Cpra,J Oahlesi.Florida, ~~vironwental com;:e~trati9n. American Pl.apni~g :Associai:i.on; Gold Coast. Sectl?n.; Out~t1lllding.:S~tegic··R.!lu;ming· A~ard. ofExcellencefor:.Cit)l of Miami Beach -Strategic P.lanni~g Proc~ss/2007 · · Peiforma,nce InStitute A ward Wiriner for Tian~par.ent Budgeting~ .2006 · National Association of •counties 2003 Achievement Award Winner, Miami Dade County Strategic Planning Initiative · Oom:mittee Member, National Fede:ra:tion.·ofMunicipll.l An!l.~ys~!;, R~cornmend~d Bt;:st Practices lif;Disclosure for Bolid-Waste:'f.ransactions, .No:veinber 2001 · · · · · "Strategic Planriii:)~ for.:Ml.inicipal 'Eriterpiisesl'·Governmerlt Finance:Revie,.;;.Volume 1:5, Number 3, .Apdll9.9~ .,Solid. Waste :Asso.c.iation ofNorth .A:inerica_, 1998"·Planhiilg,_:and.F:inahci!il Manag;ement Excellence. Award Production ;o::(Biom.ass Fuel for· Resource; Recovery! Trash.Rec;ycling':i:ii-Dade .Co:llhty,_ Florida With. Pal,il l . .Mauriello, AI GP, :presented at.Jhe· Fifth-North Ainerican Waste,.to,.Enex:gy Conference,. l997 · · NatiQn!li As~o¢i1ition of Cqlll:itre~-: l9.96:· Award WJ:t:mer; T9.95 StrategiC: Phui for Metropolitan: Daoe County Solid W a:ste Ml,lilagement !.'Miami D~)>,T,rltowrrPeoP.ie·:iqi:iv.er·.Demart<:l'An}~lysj's'.\ Ti"<iri$ortati6n Research Req0rd; 19&'9 (w-ith M. Sung) :'1TMp ·Oener:&~ion py· Ct9$$~Ciassincatl,on: .. .An, ,A(Itema:t!V.e: Me.'thoP.o\ogy!'; Presented. ~t the Transportation Research ;Bqard Amruai Me~filt~, J1J.D.J;\azy l9S:J,.Tr@~porta,trd:r;~.Re!l~arc]J: Retot.d:twith -P .. Stapher).