20120604 CITY MANAGER INTERVIEW AAAfteraction June 4, 2012 City of Miami Beach
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City Commission Interviews
City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive
June 4, 2012
Mayor Matti Herrera Bower
Vice-Mayor Jerry Libbin
Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito
Commissioner Michael Góngora
Commissioner Edward L. Tobin
Commissioner Deede Weithorn
Commissioner Jonah Wolfson
City Manager Jorge M. Gonzalez
City Attorney Jose Smith
City Clerk Rafael E. Granado
Note: Commission Interview Session I and II were videotaped, but not aired on the same day, for
fairness and equality to all candidates.
Meeting started at approximately 9:40 a.m.
Mayor Bower explained that each candidate will be interviewed for approximately one hour, in two
Sessions, one from 9 to Noon, the second from 1 to 4 PM. She added that there will be no public
input or comments. Mayor Bower asked Jose Smith, City Attorney, to give the Commission some
guidelines to proceed.
Jose Smith, City Attorney, provided the City Commission with guidelines as to certain inquiries
and fair questions to ask, and distributed a proposal summary of 21 questions gathered from
various municipalities that the Commission can select from, if they so wish. In the alternative, the
Commission may ask questions not on the list. However, Mr. Smith suggested that every
candidate be asked the same questions.
9:50 a.m.
Mayor Bower welcomed Mr. Eads, and explained that each candidate will have a ten-minute
opening statement, followed by a question and answer session from the Mayor and each
Commissioner, and a ten-minute closing statement by the candidate at the end of the interview.
Mr. Eads spoke about his experience in City government.
Commissioner Góngora asked Mr. Eads about his life after retirement, what his priorities would be
if selected, his position on diversity and why he feels he is the best candidate.
Mr. Eads explained his involvement with not-for-profit organizations and his investments in
Georgia. He stated his priorities if selected would be to continue with the Convention Center
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process, to hire critical vacant positions in the City, and continue to manage the City until a
permanent City Manager is selected. Regarding diversity, he stated having had experience
bringing diversity into the hiring process of City employees. In answer as to why he feels he is the
best candidate, he responded that is his experience, he feels he can serve the City well and move
forward until a permanent replacement has been made.
Commissioner Weithorn asked about crisis management skills, successful outcomes; how does
he measure success, and to mention his achievements and expectations from this Commission.
Mr. Eads explained that during a crisis, he would approach the issue professionally, focus and
present alternatives to the City Commission, and move forward. He added that inactivity is worse
when dealing with crisis issues. He stated the importance of creating a work plan and added that
communication with the Commission collectively or at times individually is essential.
Vice-Mayor Libbin asked Mr. Eads the steps he would take to restore confidence, about past
leadership skills, what he would change if he had to do it all over again (low point in his career);
what his biggest challenge is and about budget experience.
Mr. Eads stated that the City Commission has taken the first step by admitting that there is a
problem. He would look at all departments, and if there is a problem, it needs to be dealt with, in
a proactive way. The City has many good employees that work well. He cited his experience in
Coral Gables, his involvement with the development of a large shopping center (Merrick Park) and
negotiating contracts. As far as what he would change (low point in his career), he stated that the
City of Coral Gables at a time was anxious to build an annex to City Hall, and it became a
campaign issue and was never done; and looking back it would have been a good thing for the
City. His biggest challenge he feels would be the Convention Center process and building
confidence back to residents. He added his experience in regards to bargaining union
negotiations and budget restrictions.
Commissioner Tobin asked about Mr. Eads’s strengths and weaknesses.
Mr. Eads explained that while being the City Manager in Coral Gables, he made every effort
possible to maintain the Mayor and City Commission informed, and believes communication is his
strength. His weakness is impatience, and at the same time, impatience is an asset, because he
will get the job done or die trying.
Commissioner Exposito inquired about handling critical positions in the City if selected, how he
would handle change of management causing staff instability, and also asked about his
competency as a good business leader.
Mr. Eads stated that vacancies give opportunity to internal employees capable of doing the job
and grow professionally, and he would enlist every department director to assist in engaging
growth within the City. Mr. Eads, in answering Commissioner Exposito’s question about change
of management causing instability, explained that he listens to people, he hears what they have to
say, he encourages participation and engaging staff. As far as competency and leadership, he
gave a brief summary of his experience and background in the City Manager’s Office as a budget
analyst and his growth within the City.
Commissioner Wolfson inquired as to his experience during the last ten years and his Miami
Beach community involvement.
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Mr. Eads explained his involvement with a cable TV service company to military base in Japan,
and explained how the signal has to be brought down to Cutler Ridge and transmitted fiber
optically to Japan. He also trades in Melbourne, Florida, providing service to major electric
companies, and is in the real-estate investment business.
Mayor Bower inquired what he would do if the job was offered to him on a permanent basis.
Mr. Eads replied that he is not applying for a City Manager position, only for Interim City Manager.
Vice-Mayor Libbin’s asked about his strengths, and Mr. Eads stated that enforcement is not a
revenue generator, but it helps maintains the quality of life and affects property values.
Mayor Bower inquired about his historic preservation, affordable housing, arts and education
knowledge, to which Mr. Eads responded that his wife was a high school principal so to him
education is critical and he shared his experience in affordable housing as well as the arts.
During his closing statements, Mr. Eads gave a summary of his qualifications, accomplishments
and goals if selected to the position, which included ability, stability, compatibility and
DISCUSSION SESSION - The City Commission discussed the applicant’s municipal experience
and the answers to his questions.
Mayor Bower welcomed Mr. Goldberg, and explained that each candidate will have a ten-minute
opening statement, followed by a question and answer session from the Mayor and each
Commissioner, and a ten-minute closing statement by the candidate at the end of the interview.
Mr. Goldberg spoke about his experience in the private sector, as President and CEO of a major
bank in Florida and the skills he can bring to the City as Interim Manager.
Commissioner Wolfson asked Mr. Goldberg about historic preservation, and to give the
Commission his perspective coming from a private sector background.
Mr. Goldberg explained that when Barbara Capitman explained to him what they wanted to do in
South Beach, he was skeptical, but he listened to her and Nancy Liebman, and he was able to
help funding her efforts, in addition, he was also involved in the Loews Hotel project and has
knowledge of historic preservation first hand. He added that people are essential to accomplish
things, and teamwork is necessary. He is interested in engaging people.
Commissioner Weithorn commented on his impressive resume, and asked, if selected, what
would be the first thing he would do; and secondly, what will he bring to the table, taking into
account that he is coming from a private sector background.
Mr. Goldberg stated that he would carefully select a calendar of events for a certain period of
time, to address the budget process, continue with the Convention Center process, and to get to
know the feeling of employees to see if they are really carrying out the City’s Mission Statement;
he brings to the table his long background and experience in finances.
Vice-Mayor Libbin asked about his management style and leadership and what steps he would
take to restore public confidence.
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Mr. Goldberg explained that his style is hands-on with a great deal of interaction with people at all
levels; weekly meetings with some staff; and bi-weekly meetings with other staff at different levels.
In regards to restoring public confidence, he would like to see an improved relationship with the
media, print media, press, TV and radio press and keep open lines of communications. Mr.
Goldberg added that he has limited experience in dealing with Union and labor relations, this
would be his biggest challenge, but he is a great listener and has a high degree level of service to
the public.
Commissioner Exposito inquired about his competency as a good business leader, about how he
would alleviate staff uncertainty with change of management, how he would maintain the City
Commission informed, and what would be one of his primary goals to achieve.
Mr. Goldberg stated that he has over 45 years of experience of high quality work and
transparency. He is a good listener; he also believes that employees should feel comfortable
speaking to their supervisors on a one to one basis. He stated that he would continue what was
started, and look at other areas of the City where there are problems and discuss with the City
Commission. He feels that citizens are the stakeholders; in regards to what the mission
statement reads, everyone should be treated that way; the City should be well managed, as the
Commission continues the search for a permanent replacement. He is in favor of holding
employee meetings.
Commissioner Góngora asked about diversity and Mr. Goldberg stated that his was one of the
first financial institutions to hire Hispanics and African-Americans, and as to why he feels he is the
best candidate, he responded that he has the desire to serve, he has a love for the City, and he
has private sector experience.
Mayor Bower inquired about his knowledge of the demographics of Miami Beach and affordable
Mr. Goldberg replied that the demographics have changed; the median age of 68 is now that of
30’s and the Hispanic community has grown. He added that probably a large percentage of
residents are below poverty level, socioeconomically, as well as those that are wealthy.
DISCUSSION SESSION - The City Commission discussed the applicant’s experience in the
private sector, and the lack of municipal experience, as well as the answers to his questions.
Mayor Bower welcomed Mr. Higginbotham, Jr., and explained that each candidate will have a ten-
minute opening statement, followed by a question and answer session from the Mayor and each
Commissioner, and a ten-minute closing statement by the candidate at the end of the interview.
Mr. Higginbotham gave a brief summary of his experience in City government.
Commissioner Weithorn asked about transparency in government, how he measures success,
and in terms of team stabilization in the City, what his approach on the issue is. She also asked
about what he would tell employees.
Mr. Higginbotham stated that budget is priority, stabilizing the organization the City must move
forward, he would work with budget and finance directors, and have a work plan for the
community and a financial plan. As far as reaching out to employees, he would explain that he is
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joining them and will do things together and move forward.
Vice-Mayor Libbin inquired as to his biggest challenges in the community, his accomplishments,
experience with budgets and Unions and the steps he would take to restore public confidence.
Mr. Higginbotham stated that his biggest challenge would be to stabilize personnel, and make
sure that there is no fear. His successes are mostly in the private sector, customer service,
attitude service to the community. He gave a brief summary of his experience during Union
negotiations in every City he has worked, and he provides leadership through the City
Commission’s direction. As far as restoring the public confidence, the wrongdoing of some
employees, is reflected in the entire organization, and there should be visibility, transparency and
communication to the community on those issues. He has an open-door policy management style.
Commissioner Tobin asked about strengths and weaknesses.
Mr. Higginbotham stated when politics change or there is a change in direction, it is time to move
Commissioner Exposito inquired about accomplishments that he is proud of, and if selected
Interim Manager, what he would do with some critical vacant positions, also what message would
he sent to residents.
Mr. Higginbotham responded that customer service attitude is first and foremost, and his
involvement in redevelopment projects in different municipalities and infrastructure processes that
are still pending. He has the needed leadership and he will do whatever is to be done to
reestablish trust and move forward.
Mayor Bower asked about his knowledge of demographics in the City, about preservation,
affordable housing, education and arts.
Mr. Higginbotham stated that he knows the demographics of the City include a large Hispanic and
Jewish community, with diverse ethnicities including African-Americans and a strong gay
presence. He works with everyone. He added that he is not too familiar the City’s with historic
districts, but he is familiar with historic preservation on a smaller level. As far as affordable
housing, he has been involved in assisting with various programs for needy neighborhoods with
success. He also knows that Miami Beach is diverse as far as residents that are very wealthy to
those less fortunate, including somewhere in between.
Commissioner Góngora asked about promoting tourism and sustainability/green issues. He also
asked why he feels he is the best candidate.
Mr. Higginbotham stated the North Beach tourism needs improvement, but that the City is well
represented in promoting tourism. He has had experience in depth of a number of cities, he has a
close relationship with ICMA, he has a good energy level, no connections to Miami Beach, he has
financial background and experience in management.
Mr. Higginbotham made his closing remarks.
Discussion held.
DISCUSSION SESSION - The City Commission discussed the applicant’s municipal and private
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sector experience and the answers to his questions.
There was a brief discussion regarding salary and bonus, selected applicant undergoing
background check and signing of waiver. City Attorney’s Office to handle.
11:50 a.m.
Mayor Bower suggested selecting the top two candidates to make the final selection at the June
6, 2012 Commission meeting and there was consensus.
1:45 p.m.
Mayor Bower welcomed Mr. Magrisso, and explained that each candidate will have a ten-minute
opening statement, followed by a question and answer session from the Mayor and each
Commissioner, and a ten-minute closing statement by the candidate at the end of the interview.
Mr. Magrisso stated that he has nothing to gain, but he can do much good; he spoke about his
experience in the private sector and as a City employee as Assistant Director in the Parks and
Recreation Department.
Vice-Mayor Libbin asked how he would address the problems that the City has identified,
restoring public confidence and the pinnacle of his professional career.
Mr. Magrisso explained that the Administration spends a tremendous amount of effort and time in
writing Commission memorandums to give to the City Commission and perhaps a lot of this is
unnecessary and should be streamlined. As far as restoring public confidence, it is a slow
process. An Interim City Manager needs to meet with the City Commission to restore trust in the
Administration and the confidence of the people. He gave a brief overview of his accomplishments
in the private sector and abilities.
Commissioner Tobin asked about strengths and weaknesses, to which Mr. Magrisso explained
that his goal is to get answers and gain the trust of the Commission.
Commissioner Exposito inquired about his “hands-on” approach of management style.
Mr. Magrisso stated that the interaction between the Administration and the City Commission is
important, as well as it is between Administration and staff at lower levels. He would work with the
City Commission to find out what is required of them to make decisions and thereby streamlining
the work at Administration level.
Commissioner Góngora asked about demographics, diversity, communication and handling
different directives from the Mayor and Commissioners, and what is he the best choice as
Mr. Magrisso stated that the demographics have changed from past decades, and the City has
created a great partnership, of which he is proud to be a participant. Regarding communications,
he thinks the Letter to Commission process works well. In response to dealing with different
directives from elected officials, he stated that he would have to do the right thing. His experience
and background in the private sector and his understanding of 10 years with the City are the
reasons he feels he is the best candidate for the position.
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Commissioner Wolfson asked if he is prepared for such a leadership position, and Mr. Magrisso
stated that in the private and public sector he has dealt with shareholders, with diverse people
and stakeholders.
Commissioner Weithorn asked Mr. Magrisso to go over his bulleted points in reference to resume
submitted and to speak on his management style.
Mr. Magrisso stated that his priorities and/or goals are budget-related, millage and capital
improvements, enhancements and reductions, to continue the Convention Center RFQ process,
the Union bargaining negotiations (he has been involved in contract negotiations), and review
those recommendations made by the Budget Advisory Committee, as well as administrative
orders, and regaining the City Commission’s trust in the Administration. On his management style,
he added that he analyses, understands and feels the pain of the employees below.
Mayor Bower inquired as to his position on historic preservation.
Mr. Magrisso explained that the City has done great improvements with structural preservation,
but stated that the natural resources are important and a passion to him.
DISCUSSION SESSION - The City Commission discussed the applicant’s experience in the
private sector, his commitment to the City, and the answers to his questions.
Mayor Bower welcomed Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa, and explained that each candidate will have a ten-
minute opening statement, followed by a question and answer session from the Mayor and each
Commissioner, and a ten-minute closing statement by the candidate at the end of the interview.
Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa made his opening statements by giving an overview of his background and
accomplishments in municipal government, law firm practice and experience as past City
Manager in the City of Miami Beach, which he stated was the best job he ever had.
Commissioner Exposito asked about core values and uncertainty by staff during the transition,
and how he would ensure an institutionalized organization; and what he would do different if he
had to do it all over again, referring to his being City Manager for Miami Beach.
Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa explained that he would retain and/or attract talented individuals, preferably
residents of the beach with knowledge and expertise in their fields. He added that he should have
never left the City when he was City Manager; that is something he would do different if he had to
do it all over again.
Commissioner Góngora asked why he is interested in the Interim position, what is the most critical
issue facing Miami Beach, and how would he handle conflicting requests from the City
Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa explained that during the summer business is slower, the City Commission is
in recess in August, and this an Interim position, so he has made accommodations so as to not
abandon his business completely. The critical issues facing the City are in retaining expected
levels of services for residents during the challenging revenue period faced by the City, the
budget deadline is September 30, the Convention Center process and improving the quality of life.
In addition to conflicting directives from the City Commission, he explained that with good faith
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and goodwill, those things can be remedied.
Commissioner Wolfson stated that during his tenure there was some conflictive issues internally
and asked him to explain.
Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa stated that he clashed with the Police Union and felt that there is a lack of
discipline with the FOP President at the time, but he feels he managed a difficult situation well.
Commissioner Weithorn asked him what he would do different if he had to do it over again, what
are his priorities and goals and what impact has he made in any municipality.
Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa answered that he would have intense group meetings with each
Commissioner to find out their expectations, and meet with staff. His goals would be to have
financial order in the City, a well run City; in terms of development move the Convention Center
Project forward and institutionalizing values that make the difference. He explained that in the City
of Miami, upon his arrival was fragmentation, a lack of leadership and tax improvement district
were very problematic, and he made a difference and a positive impact at the time.
Vice-Mayor Libbin asked about restoring public confidence and crisis management style.
Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa stated that at least two departments need to be looked at, and corruption
goes beyond the issue itself, institutionalized values must drop from the top to the bottom of any
organization. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa cited the example that when he was City Manager in Miami,
there was a financial crisis in the City, and conflicts between the Mayor and the Oversight Board,
and he succeeded in reaching an approved budget, earning the trust of those involved and
continuing into the future.
Commissioner Tobin asked his thoughts about where he thinks the City of Miami Beach may have
gone wrong, about privatization and moving forward with hiring and firing staff. He also asked that
if an Assistant City Manager position was offered, would he accept it?
Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa stated that he really didn’t know, perhaps the institutionalized values began to
diminish, because there are talented individuals in staff, there is a need for a constant leader,
earning their pay every day and operating at higher levels, but something happened along the
line, a diminishment of those values and the opportunity to do wrong by some employees. About
privatization, he stated he did not like it himself, and hiring and firing, he feels it’s something that
needs to be done. In regards to accepting an ACM position, he would be flattered but would not
accept and explained why.
Mayor Bower asked questions regarding demographics, socioeconomic statistics, preservation
and accepting (or not) a permanent position as City Manager.
Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa stated that the City has the entire spectrum from very wealthy to very poor in
the socioeconomic area. He added that the job of the City Manager is not to make policy on
preservation, but as a citizen, that he concurs that preservation has to be done in terms of Historic
preservation and continuance. In answering the question about accepting a permanent position,
he stated that again, he would be flattered, but he is not sure how he would feel, he simply does
not know. Closing statements were made.
DISCUSSION SESSION - The City Commission discussed the applicant’s private and public
sector experience and the answers to his questions.
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Mayor Bower welcomed Ms. Brooks, and explained that each candidate will have a ten-minute
opening statement, followed by a question and answer session from the Mayor and each
Commissioner, and a ten-minute closing statement by the candidate at the end of the interview.
Ms. Brooks spoke about her experience in City government during her opening statement,
emphasizing the encouragement and support received from her peers, which was a determining
factor in her submitting her application. She stated that changes need to be made and gave an
overview of her experience in the City and enumerated the priorities and goals at hand.
Commissioner Tobin asked Ms. Brooks about her strengths and weaknesses and how she would
manage staff not performing well.
Ms. Brooks explained that she has a broad overview of City departments; she understands the
issues at department director levels and has the respect of key personnel, organizational staff and
talented people. Her weaknesses, which she considers her challenges, would be to let go of the
Budget responsibility areas and her impatience for change. In answering Commissioner Tobin’s
questions about handling staff not performing well, she stated that at time City personnel do not
have a “definite sense of urgency,” a mindset that must be changed, and she has no problem in
dismissing personnel if their performance is not to part.
Commissioner Exposito asked Ms. Brooks if she had names of people interested in covering her
position in Budget, how she would go about satisfying consensus and since the City is facing
huge projects, what would be her role as Interim Manager.
Ms. Brooks stated the she would delineate a balance; the Interim Manager does not take away
flexibility from a permanent manager, and she would look for potential staff internally in the
interim; there are other vacancies, such as the Procurement Director that needs to be addressed.
Her priorities as Interim Manager would be the budget, moving forward with the Convention
Center process, labor negotiations and pension reform.
Commissioner Góngora asked Ms. Brooks for her recommendations as how to proceed; would
she accept a permanent position, and how she would handle conflictive City Commission
requests. He also asked why she feels she is the best candidate.
Ms. Brooks explained that first the City needs to focus on ethics and corruption education, internal
control, priority on policies and follow up on leads, sending a message from the Administration on
ethics and discuss pension reforms, labor negotiations and recommendations from the Budget
Advisory Committee. She explained that she would like to return to her position in Budget, and in
regards to handling conflictive requests from the City Commission, she stated she would get as
much information about the issue at hand, and find out why there are different views and make
the best recommendation and take appropriate action. She feels she is the best candidate
because she has organizational knowledge of department and issues, she has the respect of the
organization and wants to help during the transition; and she will not be leaving when the new
Manager comes aboard.
Commissioner Wolfson asked about her plan for restoring trust in Administration and her views on
the critical vacant positions.
Ms. Brooks stated that the City Commission is responsible of the community and are empowered
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to make policy. The City Manager carries out the policies established, and this need to be
reinforced by staff. She feels that some contractual projects need to move forward; and one of her
first priorities would be to meet with each one of the City Commission members to discuss their
Commissioner Weithorn asked her views on the restructuring of departments, elimination of
positions and how she would ensure success.
Ms. Brooks stated that restructuring departments and eliminating jobs is to be done with much
sensitivity and she hope to change the culture of the City by sending a message about urgency
and responsibilities to constituents in certain departments; she would want the City Commission
to lay out performance goals, and that would give a roadmap to success.
Vice-Mayor Libbin asked that in providing professional due diligence, what steps did she take, or
what did she do? He asked for an example of something she would do different than done
previously, and asked that if she is not selected as Interim Manager, would she consider the
position of Assistant City Manager.
Ms. Brooks stated that she is familiar with projects, but she would talk to experts to get their
perspective, and take recommendation from selective committees and staff, then make
recommendations. She wants to make a difference by having more of a sense of urgency in
responding to certain issues, and explained that she applied for the Interim City Manager position,
so she would decline an ACM position at this time.
Discussion was held and clarification was made regarding communicating to the City Commission
rather than to each individual elected official. Ms. Brook made her closing statements.
DISCUSSION SESSION - The City Commission discussed the applicant’s municipal experience
and the answers to her questions.
5:08 p.m.
Commissioner Tobin stated that his choice for Interim Manager would be Ms. Kathie G. Brooks.
Discussion held.
Commissioner Góngora agreed with Commissioner Tobin that Ms. Brooks can “definitely steer the
ship” and ranked her as Candidate No. 2.
Commissioner Wolfson suggested that the Commission agree on the top two candidates. His
choice is 1) Higginbotham and 2) Kathie Brooks.
Discussion continued.
Vice-Mayor Libbin suggested making the final recommendation today and bring for final vote to
the June 6 Commission Meeting.
Mayor Bower had originally ranked Garcia-Pedrosa as No. 1 and Kathie Brooks as No. 2, but had
changed her mind as a result of the interview process. She ranked Mr. Goldberg as No. 2.
Discussion ensued. The Mayor and Commissioner stated who their top choices were.
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5:43 p.m.
Consensus was reached, unanimously, selecting Kathie Brooks as the choice for the position of
Interim City Manager. It was suggested by Commissioner Góngora that Mayor Bower meet with
Ms. Brooks on June 5. There was consensus that a background must be conducted on Ms.
Brooks, and that confirmation of the selection should be brought to the June 6, 2012 Commission
Meeting at a 5:00 p.m. (time certain).
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Handout or Reference Materials:
1. The Miami Herald Neighbors Section Ad #706
2. Guidelines for Interviewing Applicants submitted by Jose Smith, City Attorney
3. Candidates resumes and documentation
3. Sign-in sheet
4. City Commission ranking votes