20120829 COWMIAMI BEACH Committee of the Whole Meeting City Hall, City Manager's Large Conference Room, 4th Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive August 29, 2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Vice-Mayor Jorge R. Exposito Commissioner Michael Gongora Commissioner Jerry Libbin Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Deede Weithorn Commissioner Jonah Wolfson Interim City Manager Kathie G. Brooks City Attorney Jose Smith City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. Call to Order-4:00p.m . COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA R9A The Committee Of The Whole Will Meet On August 29, 2012, At The City Manager's Large Conference Room, To Discuss The Following: 1. Budget Overview For The Office Of The Mayor And Commission 2. Overview Of Job Audit For Classification Of Office Associate V In The Office Of The Mayor And Commission 3. Update On City Manager Recruitment 1 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachA.gov TO: FROM: DATE: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager /A 'A_ August 29, 2012 / - SUBJECT: Update on City Manager Recruitment BACKGROUND At the June 6, 2012 City Commission meeting, the City Commission selected Bob Murray & Associates to assist the Mayor and Commission with the recruitment, selection and hiring process for the City Manager (Resolution and Commission Memorandum attached). In mid July 2012, Renee Narloch from Bob Murray & Associates met with the Mayor and Commissioners to solicit feedback from each of you on the recruitment strategy and process. On July 24, 2012, LTC #189-2012 (attached) was sent which provided a copy of the draft recruitment brochure developed by Ms. Narloch based on her conversations with each of you. Ms. Narlach asked that each of you review the draft brochure and provide feedback directly to her. The final version of the recruitment brochure is attached. The Administration has reached out to Ms. Narlach so that she can make herself available by conference call on August 29, 2012 during the Committee of the Whole so that she can provide you with an update on the recruitment process should the Mayor and Commission wish to hear from her. KGB:ri 2 Agenda Item Rq fl. (3) Date ~-J.q -1 z_ 3 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FL INVITES YOUR INTEREST IN THE POSITION OF CITY MANAGER THE COMMUNITY The City 0f Miam i Beach was incorporated on March 26 , 191.5 , with a ·population d 1.00 . Presently, the total year-rour:~d p0pulation Is approximately 87,000, with a daily population of up to 190,000. Miami Beach began as a fruit plantation community but soon proved to be a more promising resort and recreation Today, Miami Beach is a cosmopolitan , tropical island city with a strong emphas is on historica l pres ervatio n and w ith residents who are as diverse as its visitors . center. Early developers built polo fields, tennis courts, and hotels to attract visitors to the oceanside village. Today, Miami Beach is a cosmopolitan, tropical island city with a strong emphasis on historical preservation and with residents who are as diverse as its visitors. The city boasts over seven miles of beaches, three golf courses, 21 parks, art and culture, dining and nightlife, and world class shopping. A major convention and tourism destination with daily transatlantic airline service, Miami Beach has become a year-round international resort and one of the premiere cities within the Metropolitan-Dade County area. Over ten million tourists visit South Beach and the Art Deco Historic District each year, making the area the second most popular visitor destination in the State of Florida, following Disney World. Tourism contributes tens of billions of dollars annually to the area's economy. While Miami Beach is known the world over for its leisure and cultural activities, the year-round residents of Miami Beach are energetic and take great pride in their community. The city is diverse, multi-cultural and highly educated. The median age of residents has decreased from 63 to 39 since 1980. The most recent census indicates the population is comprised of 53% Hispanic, 40% White, 5% African American and 2% Other. Miami Beach has become a global center for fashion, film, television, music, news media and the performing and visual arts. The city has a fine symphony, a ballet company, several museums, and numerous artists and galleries. Several attractions include the historic Art Deco District, the Holocaust Memorial, and the Fillmore at Miami Beach jackie Gleason Theatre of the Performing Arts. The city has a one million square foot convention center, which hosts a variety of trade and consumer shows, as well as concerts and special events. The successful refurbishment of the Art Deco District sparked an economic boom which continues to attract many new industries to the area. Second only to tourism is the city's healthcare industry. The city is also home to a multi-million dollar modeling and enter- tainment industry. Located opposite Miami across the Biscayne Bay, the City of Miami Beach has a land area of approximately 18 square miles, which includes I I square miles of water, and 63 miles of water frontage. The city boasts an annual average temperature of75 degrees Fahrenheit, which, along with the beachfront access, contributes to its excellent outdoors recreational opportunities. Housing costs range from multi-million dollar homes to more moderate and affordable housing. Choices include single-family dwellings, condominiums, and apart- ments, with a large selec- tion of rental properties available. The public schools are part of the Dade County Public School System, 4 and there are six major universities and colleges located within a 25-mile radius of Miami Beach. THE GOVERNMENT The City of Miami Beach currently oper- ates under a Commission/City Manager form of government. The Commission is comprised of the Mayor who serves a two-year term and six Commissioners who are elected to four-year staggered terms . Elections are held in odd -numbered years. The Mayor, who presides over the Commission's meetings, may vote on all matters that come before the City Com- mission, but has no power to veto. The City Manager and City Attorney are appointed by the Commission. Other department heads are appointed by the City Manager with the consent of the City Commission. The City provides a full range of services including pol ice and fire protection; recre- ational activities; cultural events ; sanitation services; water, sewer and stormwater services; neighborhood community services; and the construction and maintenance of streets and infrastructure. The FY 20 I I /20 12 adopted general fund operating budget is $244 million, plus an FY20 I I /20 12 Capital Improvements Budget of $62 million . The City employs approximately I ,900 full-time staff, and the City employees are represented by five bargaining units. THE POSITION The City Manager is appointed by the City Commission and functions as the Chief Administrative Officer for the City, respon- sible for the administration of all depart- ments as well as the enforcement of all laws and ordinances within the City's juris- diction. The City Manager informs and advises the City Commission on all of the City's affairs. Duties of the City Manager include: • Directing and coord inating work of the staff and operating departments ; hiring and firing staff; administering the per- sonnel system; dealing with employees. • Monitoring and controlling financial affairs of the City : preparing and implementing the budget. • Relating to neighboring ju ri s- dictions, the county, state and federal government, other governmental agencies, local citizens, interest groups, vendors and contractors; conducting press relations and public relations. • Carrying out directives from the City Commission; responding to, and solving citizen problems; devising policy recommendations, problem solving, and advising the City Commission of recommendations. • Directing the development of policies and procedures relative to collective bargaining negotiations and interpretation, Human Resources administration , and special projects assigned by the City Commission. • Directing the City's collective bargaining negotiations, contract agreements, impasse proceedings, grievance and related employee-relations activities. • Overseeing the development of liaisons to various City Boards and Committees. The City has three Assistant City Managers who report to the City Manager. The former City Manager held the position for 12 years. Ms. Kathie Brooks, Budget Director, is currently serving as the Interim City Manager. KEY ISSUES AND CHALLENGES Relationship Building £conomlc Development/Diversification Apart from the City's current flourishing economic activities, there is a need to pursue new economic avenues and implement a plan to diversify economically by encour- aging new and emerging industries to the area, such as the entertainment industry and technology. THE CANDIDATE £ducation/£xperience The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills and demonstrated professional management and leadership experience, including fiscal, planning, human resources, labor relations and negotiations, private/public joint ventures, tourism and municipa1;1arge scale operations. A minimum of seven years of executive management experience as a City/County Manager or Assistant City/County Manager in a com- parable, complex full-service city in an ur- ban or tourism-based setting or as a senior manager or CEO of a private organization is desired. A combination of public and pri- vate sector experience is considered a plus. Candidates must have experience in a dynamic, diverse, rapidly changing com- munity with a proven record of moving the community and organization forward to its goals. Solid budgetary and financial The City of Miami Beach embraces its responsibility to continually improve relationships in and among the community and surrounding areas, including its relationship with the local business community. With its extremely diverse and multi-cultural citizenry, the City must continue to promote an environment which brings out the The ideal candidate skills are needed, as well as experience managing substantial-sized construe- tion and capital improve- ment projects . A Bach- elor's degree in public/ will have excellent best in the community. The City continues to balance meeting the needs of residents and the local businesses within the community, while preserving the city's historic cu~ure and quality of life. communication skills and demonstrated professional management and leadership Capita/Improvement Projects The City has several capital improvement projects underway. In addition, the City is in the planning phase for development of the 52-acre Miami Beach Convention Center District which will include con- vention center expansion/renovations and the addition of a convention center headquarter hotel, outdoor public spaces, parking, restaurants, entertainment, retail and residential spaces. Community Growth/Redevelopment With its very limited size of seven square miles, the City must continue to balance the community's growth and its preservation of historic areas, while evaluating and strategicall y managing its limited redevel- opment opportunities. 5 experience . business administration or a related field from an accredited college or univer- sity is required; a Master's degree is preferred. Ability to speak Spanish is a plus. Management Style and Abilities The selected candidate should: • Treat all Commission Members even- handedly and assist them in working together; • Keep the Commission informed in a timely and accurate manner; • Possess excellent interpersonal skills; • Be able to build bridges among individuals and groups and gain consensus; • Have strong convictions and present recommendations to the Com- mission; • Promptly implement Commission decisions; • Be familiar with and willing to embrace advancements in technology; • Be able to make difficult personnel and budget decisions; • Operate the City in a "business-like" manner; • Share and communicate information and be responsive to others; • Demonstrate and encourage transparency and accountability; • Encourage a team approach by staff and partnership between the Commis- sion and staff; • Have proven skills in selecting, motivating, developing and evaluating staff; • Be a long-and short-term visionary; • Be fiscally resourceful; • Be a competent leader, who is willing to acknowledge his/her mistakes; • Be apolitical; • Possess strong collective bargaining skills; • Have proven budgetaryftinancial skills; • Be sensitive to a wide range of diverse populations who compete for lim- ited resources; • Be customer service oriented and solicit citizen input; • Have an inclusive management style; • Have good project management skills; • Be able to understand and balance neighborhood and business community concerns. Personal Traits • Professional • Person of integrity • Hard-working and dedicated • Adaptable and able to relate to a diverse community • Personable and diplomatic • Energetic, enthusiastic and passionate 6 THE COMPENSATION The salary range is open and dependent upon qualifications . The starting salary will be based upon the knowledge and experi- ence of the individual selected. The City offers an excellent benefrts package. For additiona l information on benefits, please visit: www.miamibeachfl.gov;hr. The State of Florida does not have a state income tax. TO APPLY If interested in this outstanding opportunity, please visit our website at: www.bobmurrayassoc.com and follow the prompt to appl y online by creating an applicant profile. Filing deadline is: September 12, 20 12 Resumes will be screened according to the qualifications outlined above. Screening interviews with the most qualified applicants vvill be conducted by Bob Murray & Associates in order to determine a select group of finalist candidates who will be asked to prov ide references; references will be contacted only following candidate consent. Final in- terviews will be held at the City of Miami Beach with the Mayor and Commissioners. Candidates will be advised of the status of the recruitment following the selection of the City Manager. Questions regarding this recruitment may be directed to Ms. Renee Narloch, Vice President, Bob Murray & Associates at info@bobmurrayassoc.com or call 850-391-0000. The City of Miami Beach is an Equal Opportunity Employer. PURSUANT TO FLORIDA OPEN RECORDS LAW, APPLICATIONS AND RESUMES ARE SUBJECT TO DISCLOSURE. OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 189-2012 LEITER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manage/~ ~ · July 24, 2012 SUBJECT Draft Advertisement and Brochure for City Manager Recruitment The purpose of this Letter to the Commission (LTC) is to provide a copy of the attached draft advertisement and brochure developed by Renee Narloch from Bob Murray & Associates after meeting with each of you last week. Ms. Narlach has asked that you each review and provide feedback directly to her so that she can incorporate any changes and begin placing advertisements and producing the brochure for distribution for potential candidates. Ms. Narlach has asked that you provide feedback to her by Friday, July 27, 2012 . Please contact Ms. Narlach with any comments by e~mail (reneen@bobmurrayassoc.com ) or calling her directly at 850-391-0006 (office) or 850- 294-7220 {mobile). If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. C: Jose Smith, City Attorney Renee Narloch, Vice President, Eastern Region, Bob Murray & Associates KGB/cg 7 The Community City of Miami Beach, Florida City Manager The City of Miami Beach was incorporated on March 26, 1915 with a population of 100. Presently, the total year-round population is approximately 87,000, with a daily population of up to 190,000. Miami Beach began as a fruit plantation community but soon proved to be a more promising resort and recreatlon center. Early developers built polo fields, tennis courts, and hotels to attract visitors to the oceanside village. Today, Miami Beach is a cosmopolitan, tropical island city with a strong emphasis on historical preservation and whose residents are as diverse as Its visitors. The city boasts over seven miles of beaches, three golf courses. 21 parks, art and culture, dining and nightlife, and world class shopping. A major convention and tour~sm destination with daily transatlantic airline service, Miami Beach has become a year-round international resort and one of the premiere cities within the Metropolitan-Dade County area. Over ten million tourists visit South Beach and the Art Deco Historic District each year, making the area the second most popular visitor destination in the State of Florida, following Disney World. Tourism contributes tens of billions of dollars annually to the area's economy. While Miami Beach is known the world over for its leisure and cultural activities, the year-round residents of Miami Beach are energetic and take great pride in their community. The city is diverse, multi-cultural and highly educated_ The median age of residents has decreased from 63 to 39 since 1980. The median household income in 2010 was $27,322. The most recent census indicates the population is comprised of 53% Hispanic, 40% White, 5% African American and 2% Other. Miami Beach has become a global center for fashion, film, television, music, news media and the performing and visual arts. The City has a fine symphony, a ballet company, a museum and numerous artists and galleries. Several attractions include the historic Art Deco District, the Holocaust Memorial, and the Jackie Gleason Theatre of the Performing Arts. The City has a one million square foot convention center, which hosts a variety of trade and consumer shows, as well as concerts and special events. The successful refurbishment of the Art Deco District sparked an economic boom which continues to attract many new industries to the area. Second only to tourism is the City's healthcare industry. The City is also home to a multi-million dollar modeling and entertainment industry. Located opposite Miami across the Biscayne Bay, the City of Miami Beach has a land area of approximately 7.1 square miles, 10 miles of water, and 63 miles of water frontage. The City boasts an annual average temperature of 75 degrees Fahrenheit, which, along with the beachfront access, contributes to its excellent outdoors recreational opportunities. Housing costs vary ranging from multi-million dollar homes to more moderate and affordable housing. Choices include single-famUy dwellings, condominiums, and apartments, with a large selection of rental properties available. The public schools are part of the Dade County Public School System, and there are slx major universities and colleges located within a twenty-five mile radius of Miami Beach. 8 The Government The City of Miami Beach currently operates under a Commission/City Manager form of government. The Commissior1 is comprised of the Mayor who serves a two-year term and six Commissioners who are elected to four-year staggered terms. Elections are held in odd-numbered years. The Commission selects one of its members as Vice Mayor for rotating six-month terms. The Mayor, who presides over the Commission's meetings, may vote on all matters that come before the City Commission, but has no power to veto. The City Manager and City Attorney are appoir1ted by the Commissior1. Other department heads are appointed by the City Manager 'With the consent of the City Commission. The City provides a full range of services including police and fire protection; recreational activities; cultural events; sanitation services; water, sewer and storm water services; neighborhood community services; and the constructior1 and maintenance of streets and infrastructure. The FY 201112012 adopted general fund operating budget is $244 million, plus an F¥2011/2012 Capital Improvements Budget of $62 million. The City employs approximately 1,900 full-time staff, and the City employees are represented by five bargaining units. The Position The City Manager is appointed by the City Commission and functions as the Chief Administrative Officer for the City, responsible for the administration of all departments as well as the enforcement of all laws and ordinances within the City's jurisdictior1. The City Manager Informs and advises the City Commission on aH the City's affairs. Duties of the City Manager include : • Directing and coordinating work of the staff and operating departments; hiring and firing staff; administering the personnel system; dealing with employees. • Monitoring and controlling financial affairs of the City; preparing and implementing the budget. • Relating to neighboring jurisdictions, tl'1e county, state and federal government , other governmental agencies, local citizens, interest groups, vendors and contractors; conducting press relations and public relations. • Carrying out directives from the City Commission: responding to, and solving citizen problems; devising policy recommendations, problem solving, and advising the City Commission of recommendations. • Directing the development of policies and procedures relative to collective bargaining negotiations, interpretation, and Human Resources administration, and special projects assigned by the City Commission. • Directing the City's collective bargaining negotiations, contract agreements , impasse proceedings, grievance and related employee-relations activities . • Overseeing the development of liaisons to various City Boards and Committees. The City has three Assistant City Managers who report to the City Manager. The former City Manager held the position for 12 years. Ms. Kathie Brooks, Budget Director, is currently serving as the Interim City Manager. 9 Key Issues and Challenges Relationship Building The City of Miami Beach embraces its responsibility to continually improve relationships in and among the community and surrounding areas, including its relationship with the local business community. V\lith its extremely diverse and multi-cultural citizenry, the City must continue to promote an environment which brings out the best in the community. The City continues to balance meeting the needs of residents and the local businesses within community, wt1ile preseNing the City's historic culture and quality of life. Capital Improvement Projects The City has several capital improvement projects underway. In addition, the City is in the planning phase for development of the 52-acre Miami Beach Convention Center District which wiU include convention center expansion/renovations and the addition of a convention center headquarter hotel, outdoor public spaces, parking, restaurants, entertainment, retail and residential spaces. Community Growth/Redevelopment With its very limited size of seven square miles, the City must continue to balance the community's growth and its preserw.tlon of historic areas , while evaluating and strategically managing its limited redevelopment opportunities. Economic Development/0 ivers ification Apart from the City's current flourishing economic activities, there is a need to pursue new economic avenues and implement a plan to diversify economically by encouraging new and emerging industries to the area. such as the entertainment industry and technology . The Candidate Ed ueationJExperlence The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skins and demonstrated professional management and leadership experience, including fiscal, planning, human resources, labor relations and negotiations, private/public joint ventures, tourism and municipaVIarge scale operations. A minimum of seven years of executive management experience as a City/County Manager or Assistant City/County Manager in a comparable, complex full-seNice city in an urban or tourism-based setting or as a senior manager or CEO of a private organization Is desired. A combination of public and private sector experience is considered a plus. Candidates must have experience in a dynamic, diverse, rapidly changing community with a proven record of moving the community and organization forward to its goals. Solid budgetary and financial skills are needed, as well as exper!ence managing substantial-sized construction and capital improvement projects. A Bachelor's degree in public/business administration or a related field from an accredited college or university is required; a Master's degree is preferred. Ability to speak Spanish is a plus. Management Style and Abilities The selected candidate should: • Treat all Commission Members even-handedly and assist them in working together; • Keep the Commission informed in a timely and accurate manner; • Possess excellent interpersonal skills; 10 • Be able to build bridges among individuals and groups and gain consensus; • Have strong convictions and present recommendations to the Commission ; • Promptly implement Commission decisions; • Be familiar with and willing to embrace advancements in technology; • Be able to make difficult personnel and budget decisions; • Operate the City in a "business-like• manner; • Share and communicate Information and be responsive to others; • Demonstrate and encourage transparency and accountability ; • Encourage a team approach by staff and partnership between the Commission and staff; • Have proven skills in selecting, motivating, developing and evaluating staff; • Be a long-and short-term visionary; • Be fiscally resourceful; • Be a competent leader, who is willing to acknowledge his/her mistakes; • Be apolitical; • Possess strong collective bargaining skills; • Have proven budgetary/financial skills; • Be sensitive to a wide range of diverse populations who compete for limited resources; • Be customer service oriented and solicit citizen input; • Have an inclusive management style; • Have good project management skills; • Be able to understand and balance neighborhood and business community concerns. Personal Traits • Professional • Person of integrity • Hardworking and dedicated • Adaptable and able to relate to a diverse community • Personable and diplomatic • Energetic, enthusiastic and passionate The Compensation The salary range is open and dependent upon qualifications . The starting salary will be based upon the knowledge and experience of the Individual selected. The City offers an excellent benefits package. For additional information on benefits, please visit: www.miamibeachfl.gov/hr. The State of Florida does not have a state income tax. To Apply If interested in this outstanding opportunity, please visit our website at www.bobmurrayassoc.com and follow the prompt to apply online by creating an applicant profile. Filing deadline is September 4, 2012. Resumes will be screened according to the qualifications outlined above. Scree ning interviews with the most qualified applicants will be conducted by Bob Murray & Associates in order to determine a select group of finalist candidates who will be asked to provide references; references will be contacted only following candidate 11 consent. Final interviews will be held at the City of Miami Beach with the Mayor and Commissioners . Candidates will be advised of the status of the recruitment following the selection of the City Manager. Questions regarding this recruitment may be directed to Ms. Renee Narloch, Vice President, Bob Murray & Associates at info@bobmurrayassoc.com or call850-391-0000. The City of Miami Beach is an Equal Opportunity Employer. PURSUANT TO FLORIDA OPEN RECORDS LAW, APPLICATIONS AND RESUMES ARE SUBJECT TO DISCLOSURE. 12 City Manager City of Miami Beach, Florida The City of Miami Beach is located in South Florida along the Atlantic Coast and is a world famous, international destination for travel and leisure. Encompassing seven square miles, the City has approximately 87,000 year-round residents and a daily population of up to 190,000. Miami Beach's population is diverse and multi--cultural. The city has a thriving business sector which includes many local and tourism-related businesses, as well as an established residential community which is committed to preserving the city's historical heritage and quality of life. The City has a Commission/Manager form of government in which the Mayor serves a two-year term and the six Commissioners are elected to four-year staggered terms. The City has an FY2011/2012 adopted General Fund operating budget of $244 million and approximately 1,900 FTEs who are represented by five bargaining units. The Mayor and Commissioners are seeking a City Manager who is a person of integrity and accountability with demonstrated professional management and leadership experience, including fiscal, planning, human resources, labor relations and negotiations, private/public joint ventures, tourism and municipal/large scale operations. A minimum of seven years of executive management experience as a City/County Manager or Assistant City/County Manager in a comparable, complex full-service city in an urban or tourism-based setting or as a senior manager or CEO of a private organization is desired. A combination of public and private sector experience is considered a plus. Solid budgetary and financial skills are needed, as well as experience managing substantial-sized construction and capital improvement projects. A Bachelor's degree ~n Public/Business Administration or a related field is required; a Master's degree is preferred. Ability to speak Spanish is a plus. Salary is open, dependant upon qualifications, with an attractive benefits package. To apply, visit our website at W\NW.bQbrnurravassoc.com and follow the prompt to create an online profile. Questions may be directed to Ms. Renee Narloch, Vice President~ Bob Murray & Associates, at (850) 391-0000 or info@bobmurrayassoc.com. A detailed brochure is available. The City of Miami Beach is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Pursuant to Florida 's open records law, applications and resumes are subject to disclosure. 13 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-27928 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING, BY 5/7TH VOTE, THE WAIVER OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING, FINDING SUCH WAIVER TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIATE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BOB MURRAY & ASSOCIATES TO ASSIST THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION IN THE CITY MANAGER SELECTION/HIRING PROCESS; FURTHER APPROPRIATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000.00 FOR SUCH AGREEMENT(S) WITH THE SUCCESSFUL FIRM(S), ONCE NEGOTIATED AND EXECUTED, AND TO COVER MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES RELATED TO THE PROCESS. WHEREAS, at the May 18 and 19, 2012 City of Miami Beach Commission Retreat, the Commission directed the City Attorney and the Human Resources Department to initiate an expedited process to solicit qualified recruitment firms to assist the City Commission in its search for a qualified candidate to fill the position of City Manager; and WHEREAS, at that meeting, the Commission appointed Commissioner Weithorn to work with the City Attorney and Human Resources to develop the scope of work for this process, and to assist in identifying/selecting a firm, and negotiating an agreement for the required for services; and WHEREAS, an informal, expedited solicitation process, via the issuance of a Request for "Expression of lnteresr, was prepared and submitted to Commissioner Weithorn for review and approval, and was thereafter issued on May 25, 2012, with an opening date of June 1, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.; and WHEREAS, the Request for Expression of Interest was issued on May 25, 2012. BidNet issued bid notices to 149 prospective proposers, and 40 additional proposers were notified via e-mail; and WHEREAS, additionally, the Expression of Interest was also posted in the Procurement Division's website; advertised in The Daily Business Review; and distributed to International City/County Management Association (ICMA), Miami-Dade City and County Management Association, Ken Small's newsletter, and Florida City/County Management Association (FCCMA); and WHEREAS, this resulted in the receipt of the following seven (7) proposals: 1. Slavin Management Consultant (SMC); 2. Colin Baenziger & Associates (CB&A); 3 . Waters-Oidani Executive Recruitment/The Waters Consulting Group, Inc (WCG); 4 . Heidrick & Struggles; 5. Bob Murray & Associates; 6 . David Gomez & Associates (DG&A); and 7 . Stone Legal LLC; and 14 WHEREAS, following discussion at its regular meeting on June 6, 2012, it is recommended that the City Commission waive the competitive bidding requirements, finding such waiver to be in the best interest of the City, and authorize the City Attorney to negotiate an agreement (or agreements) with the selected firm (or firms), as set forth in the this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, authorize, by 5/7th vote, the waiver of competitive bidding, finding such waiver to be in the best interest of the City, and authorize the City Attorney to negotiate a professional services agreement with Bob Murray & Associates to assist the Mayor and City Commission in the City Manager selection/hiring process; further appropriating an amount not to exceed $25,000.00 for such agreement(s) with the successful firm(s), once negotiated and executed, and to cover miscellaneous expenses related to the process. PASSED and ADOPTED this CaL'~ day of J ~ , 2012. ATTEST: F:\A TTOISMIJ\resolutions\search firms for city manage r.doc 15 APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE FOR CUTION ~ lD MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY JOSE SMITH, CITY ATTORNEY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti Herrera FROM: DATE: June 6, 2012 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING, BY 5/7TH VOTE, THE WAIVER OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING, FINDING SUCH WAIVER TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIATE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH A QUALIFIED RECRUITMENT FIRM{S) TO ASSIST THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION IN THE CITY MANAGER SELECTION/HIRING PROCESS; FURTHER APPROPRIATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000.00 FOR SUCH AGREEMENT($) WITH THE SUCCESSFUL FIRM(S), ONCE NEGOTIATED AND EXECUTED, AND TO COVER MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES RELATED TO THE PROCESS. At the City of Miami Beach Commission Retreat, held on May 18 and 19, 2012, the Mayor and City Commission directed the City Attorney and the Human Resources Department to initiate an expedited process to solicit qualified recruitment firms to assist the City Commission in its search for a qualified candidate to fill the position of City Manager. So as not to delay this vital process, the issuance of the attached Request for Expression of Interest was determined to be the best methodology, short of going out for formal competitive bid, to expedite the process. Accordingly, an informal, expedited solicitation process, via the issuance of a Request for "Expression of Interest", was prepared and submitted to Commissioner Weithorn for review and approval, and was thereafter issued on May 25, 2012, with an opening date of June 1, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. (Please refer to Appendix "A" for the Request for Letter of Interest). Should the City Commission approve the recommended action today, it is anticipated that the next step will be to negotiate a professional services agreement (PSA) with the selected firm (or firms), with fees to be negotiated. The scope of work required, will be the following: • Develop recruiting specifications, in conjunction with the City Commission and other City officials, which address the specific duties, responsibilities, operational issues and traits, and other factors that are relevant to the position of City Manager; • Develop minimum qualifications and desired qualifications for the position of City Manager; • Develop a work plan that outlines the different phases of the process; • Develop a timeline for completing different phases of the process; • Conduct a search with recruiting activities including selected advertising and networking. Develop recruiting specifications to encompass a state/nationwide search; 16 Agenda ltem _...!.,;R~1:.......ct= __ Date b-& -1·2- Recruitment and Selection Firm For City Manager Page2 June 6, 2012 • Document procedures to be carried out, including timeline for their accomplishment. Prepare recruiting materials that present an accurate profile of the position and environment; • Contact potential candidates through written material, advertising, and direct recruiting; • Develop criteria for evaluating candidates; • Develop a screening process for evaluating candidates; • Develop a list of finalists, together with the City Commission, utilizing generally accepted screening practices and procedures to be detailed in the report; • Screen and evaluate candidates to establish a qualified semi-group; • Research personal, professional, and academic qualifications thoroughly and discreetly; • Consolidate the findings of the final candidates in clear, objective profiles detailing: current situation, past experience, skills and performance that are directly appropriate to the position; and • Develop and participate in the selection process, to include meetings with the Mayor and Commissioners. As stated, the Request for Expression of Interest was issued on May 25, 2012. BidNet issued bid notices to 149 prospective proposers, and 40 additional proposers were notified via e-mail. Additionally, the Expression of Interest was posted in the Procurement Division's website; advertised in The Daily Business Review; and distributed to International City/County Management Association (ICMA), Miami-Dade City and County Management Association, Ken Small's newsletter, and Florida City/County Management Association (FCCMA). This resulted in the receipt of the following seven (7) proposals: 1. Slavin Management Consultant (SMC); 2. Colin Baenziger & Associates (CB&A); 3. Waters-Oidani Executive Recruitment/The Waters Consulting Group, Inc (WCG); 4. Heidrick & Struggles; 5. Bob Murray & Associates; 6. David Gomez & Associates (DG&A); and 7. Stone Legal LLC On June 1, 2012, Commissioner Weithorn and City Attorney Jose Smith, were provided with copies of the responses received pursuant to the Request for Expression of Interest. The following is a brief summary of each firm's profile. Slavin Management Consultant (SMC) Slaving Management Consultant is an independent management consulting firm formed in 1991 and incorporated in the State of Georgia. SMC operates nationwide from its home office near Atlanta, Georgia. The principal and only stock holder of the firm is Robert D. Slavin has conducted or assisted in more than 750 successful executive searches throughout his career. He will be assisted by Mr. David Krings. Specialty practice areas include executive recruitment, pay and classification, performance appraisal systems, and organizational development training. SMC has recruited many top level professionals, including chief executives for many Florida public agencies including the City of We ore commiNed to providing excellent public sefVfce and safety to all who lrve, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, histone community 17 Recruftment and Selection Firm For City Manager Page3 June 6, 2012 Atlantic Beach, Boynton Beach, Coral Springs, Davie, Dunedin, Clearwater, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Gulfport, Hollywood, Homestead, Jacksonville Beach, Miami, Miami Beach, Miramar, Neptune Beach, North Miami Beach, North Port, Ormond Beach, Palm Bay, Palm Beach Gardens, Panama City, Pompano Beach, Sarasota, Sunrise, Venice, West Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, Winter Park, Tavares and Titusville. In addition, SMC has placed County Administrators in Escambia County, Hillsborough County, Lake County, Manatee County, Martin County, Palm Beach County, Sarasota County, Santa Rosa County, Seminole County and Volusia County. Colin Baenziger & Associates (CB&A) Established in 1997, Colin Baenziger & Associates (CB&A) is a national recruitment firm owned and operated by Colin Baenziger. CB&A is headquartered in Palm Beach County, Florida. The principal and owner of the firm, Colin Baenziger, will serve as project manager. He is located in Wellington. FL. Office, where the work will be conducted. In addition to 15 years as a consultant, Mr. Baenziger spent 1 0 years in government as a senior manager. Mr. Baenziger has been the project manager in more than 100 city and county manager searches. Tom Andrews, senior vice president, will be the deputy project manager, and David Collier, senior vice president, will serve as the recruitment manager and assist with the identifications and screening of candidates. CB&A specializes in Florida. CB&A has been selected to perform 74 of the last 101 City and County Manager searches where Florida local government has used a recruiting firm. Some of the national clients include: Fayetteville, NC, Fulton County, GA, Matanuska-Susitna Brorugh, AK, Portland, ME, Roanoke, VA, and Tacoma, WA. CB&A has completed over 100 searches for city and county managers and more than 200 senior-level local government management searches overall. Some are the following: Hallandale Beach, Tacoma, Homestead, Village of Key Biscayne, City of Palm Coast, St. Johns County, City of Roanoke, Union County, Polk County, or Portland. Waters-Oidani Executive Recruitment/The Waters Consulting Group, Inc (WCG) The Waters Consulting Group, Inc 0fVCG) was founded in 1976 and was incorporated in 1988, in Texas. In 2005, The Waters Consulting Group, Inc and the Oldani Group formed a strategic alliance in the area of nation-wide executive recruitment -Waters-Oidani Executive Recruitment. WCG focus on the public sector. Over the past few years, WCG has recruited and placed more than 200 executive level positions within the public sector. This includes City and County Managers/Administrators and Deputy City/County Managers/Administrators as well as various department director positions. Some are the following : Broward County, City of El Paso, Mecklenburg County, Town of Greenwich, City of Ashland, Port of Cincinnati, Alexandria, Arlington, Ashland, Baytown, Bee Cave, Bend, Brookings, Buda, Bulhead, Canton, College Station, Commerce, Corpus Christi, Denton, El Paso, Emporia, Farmers Branch, Fate, Fayetteville, Forney, Fort Myers, Forth Worth, Fountain, Friendswood, Gatesvile, Granbury, Grand Rapids, Great Falls, Greenwich, Highland, Hoobs, and others. We ore commitled to providing oxcelienl public ser~ice and safety to all who live , work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, hisloric community 18 Recruitment and Selection Firm For City Manager Page 4 June 6, 2012 Heidrick & Struggles Heidrick & Struggles was founded in 1953 in Chicago. Heidrick & Struggles has a global team of 350 consultants working from more than 50 locations in principal cities of the world. Heidrick & Struggles has approximately 1,500 employees. Heidrick & Struggles has confirmed 4,274 assignments in 2011. Mr. Guy Cote, with over 10 years of executive search experience building leadership team and will lead the Miami office. The following are some examples of the private and municipal experience of Heidrick & Struggles: ACPA International, American Diabetes Association, American Lung Association, American Medical Association, Association For Financial Professionals, The Atlanta Convention & Visitor Bureau, Atlanta Housing Authority, Baltimore Area Convention & Visitor Bureau, Center for Global Development, City of Atlanta, City of Cleveland, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Cruises Lines International Association, Empire State Development Corporation, Foundation for Research on Economics & the Environment, New York City Department of Finance, New York State Education Department, State of Georgia, State of New Jersey, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and others. Bob Murrav & Associates Bob Murray & Associates has completed over 800 public sector recruitments, including more than 200 City Managers. The firm has offices in Tallahassee, Florida and Roseville (Sacramento), California. Ms. Narloch will be the lead consultant for the City of Miami Beach recruitment. Ms. Narloch is located in Tallahassee, Florida. She has more than 20 years experience conducting public sector recruitments and has participated in more than 400 searches nationwide. Ms. Narloch will count with the assistance from Ms. Keila Febres Griffin, as needed. Bob Murray & Associates recruiters have conducted searches for City of Miami Beach, City of Ft. Lauderdale, City of Phoenix, City of Pasadena, City of San Antonio, City of Ocala, Town of Palm Beach, and Town of Jupiter. Bob Murray has contracted with Broward County to conduct reaches on an "as needed" basis. Bob Murray & Associates is currently City Manager recruitments on behalf of Topeka, Arvada, Clatsop County. Recent clients include the City of Fort Lauderdale, the City of Arlington, City of Centennial, cities and towns of Arcadia, Montebello, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Marcos, Woodland, Arvada, Castle Rock, Airway Heights, Kirkland, Newcastle, Shoreline, Albany, Coos Bay, Damascus, Eugene, Milwaukie, Newberg and Salem. David Gomez & Associates (DG&A) David Gomez & Associates (DG&A) was founded in Chicago in 1978. In 2007, DG&A formally developed a search practice that focused on working with governments from major cities. The project lead is David Gomez with 37 years of experience in building diverse teams and has spearheaded the development of diverse executive talent pipelines for dozen of clients . Christopher Gomez will lead the recruitment team for the City of Miami Beach candidates. DG&A has been retain ed by many Mun icip a lities and Government entities such as Cook County Health and Hospital System, City of New Orleans, Chicago Housing Authority, City of Chicago We ore comm1Hed lo providing excellenl public serv1ce and safely 10 ol! who live, work, and ploy m our vibrant, lropicol, nisloric commun;ry 19 Recruitment and Selection Firm For City Manager Page 5 June 6, 2012 Human Resources Department, Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, and the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Board of Police, Vanguard Health Systems, Gads Hill Center, New Futuro, Allied Industries. Stone Legal LLC Stone Legal LLC is located in Boston and Miami. Stone Legal LLC has not placed individuals in comparable positions. Stone Legal LLC has placed attorneys in major markets throughout the United States since 1983. Alan Stone, a principal of Stone Legal, has been a legal recruiter since 1983. Mr. Stone and his team have assisted countless clients, partners and associates over the years. Mr. Stone has nearly 30 years of legal recruiting experience. Barry A. Freedman is responsible for national client development, responsible for candidate recruitment and the day-to-day operations of Stone Legal LLC. Daniel J. Gilfarb is the managing director of the Stone Legal Miami office. Recommendation After a careful review of the all responses, and performing due diligence, Commissioner Weithorn and I recommend that the City Commission select one of the following search firms: 1. Slavin Management Consultant (SMC); 2. Colin Baenziger & Associates (CB&A); 3. Waters-Oidani Executive RecruitmenVThe Waters Consulting Group, Inc (WCG); 4. Bob Murray & Associates Conclusion The City Attorney recommends that, should the City Commission wish to proceed with the process discussed at the Commission Retreat, that it adopt the attached Resolution waiving, by 5/71h vote, the competitive bidding requirements, and authorize the City Attorney to negotiate with the selected firm or firms, as the City Commission determines based upon review of the responses received in response to the Request for Expression of Interest, to assist the Mayor and Commission with the City Manager selection/hiring process. It is further recommended that the City Commission appropriate an amount, not to exceed $25,000.00, to cover the costs for the agreement (or agreements) with the successful firm (s), as well as miscellaneous expenses related to the process. and the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute such agreement (or agreements), upon conclusion of successful negotiations. JS/RAIME/mem F:\ATIO\SMIJ\Recruitment and Selection firms for City Manager. doc We ore commiNed to providing excellent public seiVice and solely to ali who live, work, and ploy in our vibrant, tropicol, hi:;toric community. 20 /v~lA/\1\I BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miomibeocnA.gov HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Tel: (305) 673-7524, Fox: (305) 673-7529 May 25,2012 RE: REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST PERTAINING TO THE ENGAGEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL RECRUITMENT FIRMS TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SCREENING AND SELECTION PROCESS FOR THE CITY MANAGER FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. At the City of Miami Beach Commission Retreat, held on May 18 and 19, 2012, the Mayor and City Commission directed the City Attorney and the Human Resources Department to initiate an expedited process to solicit qualified recruitment firms for assisting the City Commission in its search for a qualified candidate to fill the position of City Manager. Accordingly, the attached "Expression of Interest" form has been prepared and submitted to you for consideration . Should your finn wish to be considered, please complete the attached form and return to the attention of City Attorney Jose Smith at mestevez@miamibeachfl.gov, NO LATER THAN June 1, 2012 at 1 :00 PM. All questions and inquiries must be directed in writing to Maria Estevez at mestevez@miamibeachfl.gov. Following its receipt and review of the responses submitted to this Request for Expression ol Interest, the City reserves the right to contact such firm (or firms) as the City, in its sole discretion and determination, may wish to interview, in further determining the most qualified firm (or firms) to perform the required recruitment and other related professional services solicited pursuant to this process. NOTWITHSTANDING THE ABOVE, OR ANYTHING CONTAINED IN THE ATTACHED FORMS, THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT, AT ANY TIME DURING THE PROCESS, AND IN ITS SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION, TO REJECT ANY AND ALL RESPONSES RECEIVED PURSUANT TO THE REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST, AND/OR INITIATE AN ALTERNATE PROCESS FOR PROCUREMENT OF THE AFORESTATED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (WHICH PROCESS MAY INVOLVE, WITHOUT LIMITATION, EITHER RETENTION/ENGAGEMENT OF A QUALIFIED FIRM THROUGH A WAIVER OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING, AS PERMITIED PURSUANT TO THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CODE, OR THROUGH INITIATION OF A FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESS). FURTHERMORE, ALL FIRMS SUBMITIING A RESPONSE TO THE REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST AGREE AND ACKNOWLEDGE, AND -BY SUBMITTAL OF A RESPONSE-ARE THEREBY DEEMED TO UNDERSTAND THAT BY SUBMITIAL OF SUCH RESPONSE, NO CONTRACTUAL OR OTHER LEGAL RIGHT OR INTEREST OF ANY KIND SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN CREATED OR TO EXIST BETWEEN THE SUBMITTING FIRM AND THE CITY, UNTIL AND UNLESS A CONTRACT HAS BEEN AGREED TO AND EXECUTED BY BOTH PARTIES. If you have any questions, please contact Maria Estevez at mestevez@miamibeachfl.gov. W e are commilled kJ providing excellenr public sewice and safely to oil woo live, v..ork and pby m our vibronl, !ropica /, h,siofic comrnunily. 21 MI/\J\/\1 BEACH EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Professional Services Related to the Recruitment of a Permanent City Manager The City of Miami Beach is in need of professional services related to the recruitment of a permanent City Manager. This "Expression of Interest" is serving as an informal procurement process in lieu of the competitive bidding process. It is anticipated that a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) will be executed for such services. Fees will be negotiated. The Scope of Work that will be required, pursuant to this PSA, is as follows, but will be more thoroughly defined with the successful firm(s): • Develop recruiting specifications. in conjunction with the City Commission and other City officials, which address the specific duties, responsibilities, operational issues and traits, and other factors that are relevant to the position of City Manager; • Develop minimum qualifications and desired qualifications for the position of City Manager; • Develop a work plan that outlines the different phases of the process; • Develop a timeline for completing different phases of the process; • Conduct a search with recruiting activities including selected advertising and networking . Develop recruiting specifications to encompass a state/nationwide search; • Document procedures to be carried out, including timeline for their accomplishment. Prepare recruiting materials that present an accurate profile of the position and environment; • Contact potential candidates through written material, advertising, and direct recruiting; • Develop criteria for evaluating candidates; • Develop a screening process for evaluating candidates; • Develop a list of finalists, together with the City Commission, utilizing generally accepted screening practices and procedures to be detailed in the report; • Screen and evaluate candidates to establish a qualified semi-group; • Research personal, professional, and academic qualifications thoroughly and discreetly; • Consolidate the findings of the final candidates in clear, objective profiles detailing: current situation, past experience, skills and performance that are directly appropriate to the position; and • Develop and participate in the selection process, to include meetings with the Mayor and Commissioners. Firms wanting to express their interest in this work shall complete the information on the following page and return their responses to the attention of City Attorney Jose Smith at mestevez@miamibeachfl .gov. by no later than 1:00 p.m. on June 1, 2012. The City will contact those firms it wishes to interview to determine which firm will be selected to enter into a PSA with the City and perform the work . We 01e commiHOO lo providing excellent public service and 50fety to all who live, v.orl:. ard ploy in our vibrant, tropical, historic communily. 22 I\ '\ 1\ -I " f\ I J\ "' ·. B E A/."""' H f \ \ I -·-' / '/ \ \.___. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Professional Services Related to the Recruitment of a Permanent City Manager Firm Name:------------------------------ Firm Corporate/Florida Address:---------------------- Finn Corporate/Florida Telephone Number: ________ Fax Number: ____ _ Firm South Florida Address (if applicable):------------------ Firm South Florida Telephone Number: _________ Fax Number: ____ _ Point of Contact Name:-------------Title: _________ _ Point of Contact Telephone Number: __________ E-mail Address: ____ _ Attach to this sheet, in NO MORE THAN TEN (1 0} typed pages (minimum 10 point font), please answer all of the following questions: 1. Briefly describe your firm and its organizational structure, including key personnel. 2. Describe the municipal experience of the firm. 3. Describe any private sector experience. 4. Describe the past performance of the firm. 5. Give references from organizations the firm has served. 6. Give references from persons the firm has placed in comparable positions. 7. Present a brief work plan and expected time for completion. 8. Present a price proposal for the services the firm would perform. 9. Explain what information the City would need to provide. 10. State the location from which the firm performs its services. Return your response to the attention of City Attorney Jose Smith at mestevez@miamibeachfl.gov, by no later than 1:00 p.m. on June 1, 2012. The City will contact those finns it wishes to interview to determine which firm will be selected into a PSA with the City and perform the work. VVe ore committed 10 pravdng e.xcel/en J pubbc service and safely 10 ail who live, WCJii< and pby in our vibran t. tropical, h•sJoric ccmmunily 23