20141028 JOINT SCM AND PLANNING BOARD WSMIAMI BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT Staff Report Chauperson and Members Crty Commrssmn & Plannrng Board F~OI~ Thomas R Mooney AICpC)j}/,. Plannrng On ector U9-W( Plannmg Board C~TE October 28, 2[)14 SUB.'ECT Joint Special Crty Commrssron and Plannmg Board Workshop to drscuss the Draft Telecommumr.;atlons Ordmance, as well as pohcres and procedures related to telecommunrcatrons HISTORY At the May 7 2014 meetmg the Land Use and Development Commrttee adopted a matron to refer thrs Ordrnance to the Plannrng Board and to bnng the Ordrnance back for further drscussron to the Commrttee on June 12, 2014 followrng revrew by the Plannrng and Publrc Works Departments On May 21, 2014 the Crty Commrssron adopted a matron to schedule the Ordmance for rev1ew by the Plann1ng Board at rts July 22. 2014 meet1ng On July 22, the Plannmg Board revrewed the ordrnance adopted changes and recommended rt to the Crty Commrssron lor adopt1on Zon1ng rn progress lor 150 days based on the Plann1ng Board recommendatron exprres on December 19, 2014 On September 17, 2014 the C1ty Commrss1on adopted a resolutron sett1ng a srx·month moratorrum on the acceptance of applrcatrons and the 1ssuarrc.o of perm1ts or approvals for wrreless personal telecommunrcat1ons servrces towers r"Towers) rn the public rrght-ol-way to grve addrtronal trme to rev1ew the regulatrons applrcable to Towers, due to the raprd changes rn Tower technology and concerns over the desrgn and placement of the Towers wrthm the C1ty's nght-ol-way The changrng technology may requ1re or prov1de for an extens1ve prolrleratron of street lurnrture w1th1n the C1ty's r1ghts-ol-way The C1ty des1re~ trrne to revrew the draft ord1nanc.o 1n order to develop a mechanrsm that would mm1mr.:e adv.orse 1m pacts to the Crtv's publrc rrghts of-way The srx-month moratorium would exp1re on March 16, 2015 On October 1. 2014 the Land Use and Development Comm1tte.o directed the Adm1n1strat1on to schedule a rornt workshop wrth the Plann1ng Board to comprehensively address all of the rssues and pol1c1es assocrated w1th the proposed telecommun1catrons ordinance, 1ncludrng the current moratorrum, the proposed ordinance and the proposed RFP BACKGROUND Prror to the enactment of the moratorrum Crown Castle fried appl1catrons w1th the Crty to obtam perm1ts lor D1strrbuted Antenna System rOASt nodes, a type of Wireless personal telecommuniCBtlons servrces tower, at twenty-f1ve locatrons throughout the C1ty, rn publrc rrghts- of-way To date, the Desrgn Rev1ew Board has approved five applrcatrons, wrth one pendmg on appeal to the Crty CommiSSion Twenty appl1cat1ons were filed for certrficates of appropriateness from the Hrstor1c Preservation Board Upon lrft1ng of the moratorrum, the C1ty understands that Crown Castle may submrt addrt1onal applrcatrons for DAS node approval m other locations around the C1ty Thrs DAS system rs rntended to supplement ex1stmg Wireless communrcatrons networks 1n the Crtv by strengthening the s1gnal between ex1st1ng antenna towers provrdrng cellular and drgrtal communrcat1ons srgnals to the modern d1g1tal network of smartphones, I Plannrng Board T elecommunrcatrons Wore shop October~6. 2014 tablets and computers Page2 Crown Castle 1s the successor 111 rnterest to Sprrnt and Nextel. whrch already have telecommun1cat1ons systems rn the C1ty, both at a fixed locat1on. the C1ty park111g garage at 1550 Collrns Avenue and at 45 other locatrons rn the C1ty's rrghls-of-way, wh1ch Crown Castle acqurred from Nextel These former Nextel s1tes are st1ll ru11 by NeYtel for use by the Crty but are now controlled by Crown Castle AT&T, a wrreless personal telecommunrcatrons servrce prOVIder has also rece11tly contacted the Crty to provrde comments on the draft ordinance, requesting to modify some of the proposed language THE ORDINANCE 1 Amends the Intent and purpose. and requrres compliance wrth Subpart B of the Crty Code whrch rs the Land Development Regulations 1"LDRs"1, 2 Amends or adds defrnrt1ons for varrous roadways collocation, communrcatrons facrlrty, commun1catrons facrl1ty and serv1ce providers pass-through provrder, Wireless commun1cat1ons facrlrty, provrder and servrce. among others, 3 Provrdes amended and new regulatrons for reg1ster1ng providers. 4 Amends the regulatrons and permrt appl1catron process to requ1re the ISSuance of permrts and des1gn and appropriateness rev1ew by the des1gn rev1ew board and hrstonc preservatron board 5 Creates standards and perm1tt1ng requrrements for commun1cat1ons fac1l1t1es des1gn (rncludlng a "stealth desrgn"l, locatron and collocatron, 1ncludrng establ1shrng a hierarchy for locat1on and collocatron to ensure the m1n1mum number of new poles are added, and encouragrng use of exrstrng poles and collocation on ex1strng and new poles 6 Adds standards for s1te Improvements, use of a11d restoration of s1tes and nghts-of-way, 7 Adds d1stance separatron between communrcat1ons facrlltres and between such fac1l1t1es and res1dent1al uses and contr1butrng burldrngs rn hrstor1c drstrrcts. 8 Prov1des for notrce to affected property owners of proposed work prror to perm1t rssLrance, 9 Prov1des for rompe11sat1on to the C1ty for the use of publrc trghls-of-way for these purposes, and 10 Amends or adds such other sectrons and proviSIOns as are approprrate to protect the public health safety and welfare The proposed LOR amendments establish the Junsd1ct1on of the Desrgn Revrew Board and H1stonc Preservatron Board lor rev1ew and approval of desrgn and locatron w1thrn public rrghts- of-way "of all Improvements and fixtures, 1ncludrng wrthout lrmrtatron, ut1l1ty equrpment and poles, telecommun1cat1ons equrpment and poles, and street furnrture" The cr1teria for rev1ew of appl1cat1ons are provrded for by the Desrgn Revrew Board and H1storrc Preservation Board AT&T and Crown Castle have proposed modrfrcatrons to the draft ordinance Other provrders or pass-through prov1ders may have 1nput on the draft ordinance Addrtronally, Crown Castle based upon rnput from the Hrstorrc Preservat1on Board Intends to request moti1f1catron to the draft ordrnance to prov1de one-to-one replacement of exrstrng street furn1ture (11ght poles) w1th srmrlar lookrng street furnrture that would house the DAS technology, provrdrng no net garn of street furniture rn the ROW TPMIGHIEBIM5 F IPLJ\N\$PLB\:'014\ I 0-28-1 "'T elecommunucalrono Wor,shopiTelacom Workshop Met no Oct 14 don nRAFT 1-.2~·2014 _ORDINANCE 1\10 WHE~~s. liM pl~cew~ni.QL~llill}J~atlon~ squrr;>rn.ftrl! dnd pcles IQ lha pu..!ll!.!;. Jjg!Ji!I.-.Qf:-'"'-"'~~ dem9. 1d for t'liP!XlLQmYnr:;~tlonfiitiC\/[Qill als~ rmnort~nt I'S'Jf& 1"llh t'>WQ<'p\ to th8 ·~r!y'6 l!i!~pon§!bill.Yll'. nl~nRue Ito Q~bllc 'ig l!:rof:1&'Wlli!J ' I ---------------~ll WH§RJ~h§, 'ldoutlo_o_ql:J!l~_joii~WIQQ Oj~lnJil~a 1, 11ec,,1.oary 1u S«l!hl< tho s!Jo1e ubje~t~~ ARfiGLS I GOMMUNICATION8 R'Gf-'T8..0"'-WAY Sec 104·1 .Title. _Thl6 ~rU:Ie gjJall be. ~~ O<"•ll a 1J may be cl-ed as the 'Cn;v if •lllamt Be2ch ComrtlUnlc~Ucns R1~ht~-ol·'flla ·t 0rdlnance " Sec.10<1·2 l~lllntond rurposa 1· ·~ tre 1Dlene of tile !)f{yQh to pte mote -1,~ pub 1c lte~lt~. sately illld g~neral "-"'~~r<e bv ptOfldtrt~ fo the Jl~cement ;1 1natn!en~nc~ of oomtnltn oat1ons tclollll~o lr thli' ~obll~ r ghls-ol'-woy •lllthln th~ r~iyg_fu,_ sdc lllr.q < 1.! adm<n•slenrg r&~•~noLle '1Jies " 10 reqc laltons net tm;onololwt with state and tedeJ ol l~•1 tlclllcilng .f...£-Jrul..l!Q!Jlrr'llcod jQ,_ Fl3, 81~1 ~ S07.40T-¥00i)J,_ as 1t 1my b~ amGnjeJ t, Jm 1•·n~ \V ttme, the ,,Jly-1(1\Y:§ horne-rule eutncr)', anc; In a~cordance 1'~-h the ~rVViiOIIS ~: the ~OOe.ti!l +s;c.;~mm,'l11oaW'<f~Oml nunlc9l•o'E Act ot t 0Gf ~-~£!.1 amen,js-d. a< ,u LMm feder~l snd ot..t~ 1.11•>; e&lciblto:ung raaoJna~le ·u'e> a:td ro9Uia'i0110 n~~~Obaty o -,,n~~e tit~ ~lacemar' O' trSIJllt.>nance ot commLntoaii01~ fa~111t'~s In rlt~ ~ubiiC llghto-of-I'IM ty "'Il cornmu11oat:ons set'tlces_rrl'~rs, r.:rm11'1un1o,11:1on• ~~~llttv ~I·Jvlliar• ~wl_other o;,os-- IJ:tr...!.\J\l!J. ,ot uvl<'l<it s: ~ncl 'llJntJ:""dn J dt5J L ot,~n lo l~e pu~ll~ '101tli. of-way '" re~ ula1wy Ito ~lll'lllc ngl-'s-o!-~'av, the f<\y!Jlt. shotl be >JOI'etned b'l m~c, sha!' wm~'; wth oil appll¢~ble taderal an11 Sl91e taws Ss(. 104,3, Definlth:>ns For uurpco<>S ol thts arltole, the toloo .. ln~ ~elms. p\lla~el words ancl ~letr oerlv~ti·111~ sllal' ll~V~ the mean.ngs g1ven Wher~ no-l·•~unsl.ll~nt wt h the COI""T~:-1, wotd~ used '"the pres~nt tense Jn:,L.de tha [uturs te11se, '"Ordo 11 the plwa' numb~, j . . I tn:lu~c th<-~lngU,Dt ~u!Tb~r, snJ vroros I·' ;11~ singular nrrm:J~r ltr~lu~~ chs pliit<>l nlrmber T 1a •·•~rds "sh~ll ' snd '\'irll" ~~ ~ tnendatc'n', a 1~ "rlla·l'' IS p~r rr,~,ve 11\/J,~S n~t o\hsi'\•IIS~ defined s~oll be co~~tru~~ to me&r th~ GO!f!"On onj ordmar; me?.tllnoJ ~bftudc•Jm~ul Sh<l' msan the permanent cea~\ICI of all lli!e$ Gt ~ oommunllat,ons faollrty pr ;lVIdOO Urf\ l~lo t?rtn &noll nat 'nclu~c cosc9t on ~· al' vEe of a f~crltt'/ wrtl·rn a ph)'otcol st·~cturo wf ,ere tle ph ;srca' ~t, ltcture cortrnu~s tu be us~d 8'1 ··<ay or <'klr~pl~, Jnd rrol I mltatrcn, ce%~tro' of •:ltrs~ cf ~GAble Wt!h111 a cundut!, wfer, the ccndurt c<>rtt:mue' '~be L'<ed, ~hall no\ b9 "oLand~nrnenf' of a facll't" in pui::IJC rrgh<s· of-wav -G.if! l-£0' ~11-fA ~3!> 1h~~*'111>ffi!C£ IGI >-~IJIJI<l---W-'-.>VWF-f"HJ;IR"fl'ln[A~ ~--p<.!I'SfhleEI1l;-{lRE'-{~~F<lha%1'.,j'tt&~~>4-I'Jf--IM....&IeoltGft-AI ~j:-<U1'f--81MH--p""iJ+i)fll-'lfl'lg~N< "'r-4ltfal Jleeo e! ~~~1~faft'li'IJ..!s-lo t..e.~affil\t<a<l -t>~a>A.I<Iee ev. rrb•~r-~..t.Re--oei>l-9-ll&r~J*"'<l-'"M~e: .s~iliU&e O••lfl.,.;l-l)f '-'1"6i'mk 'i---hy-"l M -o+--ll'~Bre-Q#l€r4<rlo!-S4-oofflF"'.I Rl salmns-St>r~ +R&-Wfm-IBslmle.&'"%1~t te pe'nt-aff<'l~rt-W-+~•rftl....li<;>Hf>or~-o~b\' 1'11116'1 prog r~'!IA' .r,g-\s-ll.", "'S'lll\t<%1-<l ~~ e <1<1 :aot bv-ml'IAWiil¥10-(}l~r~\prneT4-M ~ oll t4-J~<> ,.n~sf.~-iX"''*w.--h~~ '<le~s n"t-MI+tEkHII·ast ~~ ,~\Ql..R~. ~-lll +l'lclwde;r~Q(!IC~aJ<Icnd94,-j.FP-<Hl~r<ry&'M'""' Vt,OW,r~jllt<ti;-M~~"'ll8'""'ervt.les- Gl!) shall !'lEan th'l Cr\,1 of [•llornl Beadl, F'OI1de f:o~b~'--B!---1'.-iedi'J-,lo--B'rBIWI'J--sh~\ !fGUI1 ~11'/-~el ffldck'!1!-.f 1-;~tnj!lOr at'j p~2r\,--eq ' ·lr. 'fHtl Rl--..1<' d--f ""fl'-'rl>' -IP<!IHrJ4li}-W -nnt It mrtc~-t. 1-G,• bil?ll;-\'llfa.>; ~OA\I~~Ci$,--Jibot....,J<Mr~~ffi9f\11UD;~'IjF•i 0, -e~fl(:~ BO; ~CK\\;tH<llo,-i<&l<i h9lss -r!WHhG!a€-~~ult~rlt-&IR•, o~Ft0'9 loan!JI,-1--f.n<t>f.t•,... .appu:tBnam . .,S-~'1'~ kf oq t,~!'lf1€-l>t-v~ ~a\tw,' """P"""<*4lF--fH,)j ~loc \oi.-Gl-tt --13(' ,.,f" ~(j c • IW.J1 tml(l.i #t-tll8-J*lilll'J ~l)l.li<Hlf.Wa\1-oi.JA~y-aml-.<f~-{J~s.:l~~~~?i-Sl-<o&~+,tse~-to+'"""Mltl,-WAVW, - :-e~ittH!mt,.,.lll~~~~~fBH,OOJil'HJili''at~arv- Co/ocat,.;Jn .311\llLul'@!J. tho' s~u@tton rn '"1illil § woonrl___Q[__~uenl Q!4.1_r:ll'nl•.~t10rs oenrlce& orQ!(J!,jeLQUJ..PAll!.OU•Jir ptov..J>LeJ_y_~s an Gol?llnp ottur-l._illl \J);I~t1!J.ti.._S..2QQ_II~'IbseqUSD! 00t_0•009 Tf ~ tWi'.Jl'lgiU!fES j~e 910llltd_,_lll?fOt11.1_Q[ '·"@l!.illJ'Gatlnn~ r~oildv sb~ll_m]5>11 a l<lOIIII} t~!L!J_<l)(j _jQ__ n1n11i~:: ~DIUil:~tlc•ll.§....tiliV·OOO ·1" per fla Sl~l ~4Ql.,__~s ~1nendeJ MtillipiP csbl~'· o~n.iwio §hgro~ o 11be•s locgted w,thm lfl'l._J;~"JS cundult ol19JU'_& pops1<1•rc,•l c'll<l conm1 1iniCai.IO)JS fRCIII11_ Corrmuru~el!o7< Mfl ,oes s'lall meant 1e ;rano 1 s,<,[on oonvsyanCB, or roLtlr.g of , ,,_,, d~ta, audio, 111dso, or an)' otl et lntommtlon or slgnals"J!JQh_rtloa Vl~<~o SNI/Ic~" tv 1 o between or among po1Dts ~~r,1flhrough eny electro~1:;, r•~lc, e~lelllte, cabl~. ' I, , 01 other medtul"" or lnethod nowln ~xlste1ce ~~ haromtar de·ilsed, I of ·he 1 tor Ll ·ransmlssloD 11 1-iftl._lrfo IOS!ID,l>biVIoes 1,:<-ll!J. _ _Ilstodatlon or malll~<'ran<je or w111rg or c.qo11r;1nant on a .a~<sle>BOr-'&uus\otnec'E pre11 ~es I@,~J_Late pay Y011\ ch~I9~S tMJJ.L....BIII1n~ ~nd c~llectiQn ser11lces tfJ.I!ll __ ln\~rnet ~creso serv1ce, el,:rtron'C rn~·l serv1oe, &lsctJonl~ bulloetm boatd set,, lee, or slt~ll~r eA-IIl'eorl11"'1; ccm~.Jie/ serifiC<!S ' ·~ ~lf-Go!-le-00~~~~%1'-E>-viSG­ Gommun/cMIOnO I L.l " _Camm(lrm~llorr,, oer-1~~s ta< sh~ll rneBn t1 o lcU>tl CJILl11.1nJC~t·om, c,srvlae'l k\ oL'ti•OJIZ9~' co be ls•ll8d ~n<l aollsat~J by ooune:; a'd 111Ulll:tpa,ltres P~''""'''~ ~e.'.~, t :.G.h"'', uncn ch~rges lor aornmunrcatlono ~ervlc(>SJ!WU.!J~I''.:.Q)]§..jlla!,JL2.Q_~ ~m~.n..d.mJ FCC si'allme~n t. •e Fedaral Gommunlcet•~ns Commltsron. 111 putlta rJaht~;rof-·•~Y 01 In tne p~DI1c !lg/'L';-of-•<'<lr· s1~11 me~n 111. 011, over unU~r or acrcss the p.rtllc rlgh\3-of-v.av Ot~'~!,_a§J!~j!U In th§...d0folllllon_ol wltelea; pro,,Jd"' shall me;m Porsoon shal l~clude any lnJivrdJa, Gill~ trrm aS<m:latll•t , jo.nt vent>..re, pa,iners,lr~. estata truot, busrness tust, syn~JCate, flduc:~ry. wrporatron, org~nrzat'on or l8d~l <~nli:Y c.' ar.~ kbd, su<:<;~aso:, <J8Sig1aa, t1sns-sree, persnn~l ~~~r8•entat.ve and B:l ath<'r groups~~ oombtn'lt1~ns, an~ sh~llln~lude tt·.a Gl\yQly lu th6 ilxlent the ~l~':\£t ac·s ~e a cocnmuntca:•ono sarvl.;ee pr cvlder P/~ce PI hJB.'fltfliJJ c•.' f118G£-/,JO.'II ~I m~lllli'.'11!JcJ ur p/JCI'"} JJ' fl1JIIl1WIIIn,l Shotll n1ear lo erect, co Lslruut, Lllst~ll mstnb.l1n pl:oos, •ep;m, e:(tend e'p9nJ, rstoo~P, o:;cupy, locate 01 1alowls A"""""*·~-I'!IRI~8IIo~~ oGfiiV'-&>-J'I-BI'IO">''• J0,S•'I1 that m•m• or ~xe1 clses physl~al corlLDI ovat oornrnunlcotl~ns tamlll.:.s ~~ publ1~ tl~h!»of-\,ay, suer eo thP. phJslo~' control to ma1nt~1'1 ard rep~ 1, ~~ "~lacing or mafr'alnl1g' thP i:cllrbs M petMn prc.;ldlng seNico onl•, thrOUQh rasale or onlv ,J,,ough u~e cf a thtrd eady<> unbu,'dlad nGtworl\ elsments 1s ,Jut ' pls"111g Jr rr~:n!aLllr.~ ' thP '"'rnrn~ l•cat1ons a;;1i1t1~o throu~~ '"'h ~h o;u~h s~rvlrc 1s oro•,lded The ~ra1e1nlsslon onrl rec~lp~ of ra~10 frequenrv sl~~a,e throuoh t>,e a~r~p~ce ofrlw pcblla ll~hts-ot-w~y d,,fo not ccn~lliL"e "pl~olng cr mat1,a1n1~g' fnnlllt1es :r tho ru~llc rl~l1ls ~Hr.y Pub/1.;> IJQhl~·of-':1!)' ohall r1eon a uubllc rlg~i-of-Ymy, f'I'Biia ultllt, 1?<?-cO'I'Iffit• hl~hl'my, streot. llrlrt~:a, ''mnct or alley fo "''hrn11 lhe ~llyj;;1tt IS tha ~uthc11ty \hot f1a, JU:Ildlc!IW ~nri control an lrnAy l~WPitll;' gr"nt access to p.HSLiant ·o ar~hcal.:~ law ~IIJ Includes the surt'lW, the air spaoa ove1 the s~rtdce ond the ~~~~ below fhe su1o:e "Publ1o rlgh·s-of-waf'' Gh~ll not Include ,?nvate prooerty --"L~S.QIDeniJ oyer prlv~ ~ !llQ]lerty_ "?ul'lllc lyht~-of-way" sh~ll not Include Bll'/ re~l or pe·sonal <ll~ ~rooertv eAcept ao desGttbsd above end sh~ll not mlurte ""'r;::!Jt: buildings, fl..c'L.ras, ~o'eo, condUits f's~llltJea o· other ot•uctures or 11nero•,e1nento r~gal'dl6es of whefhet thav cue sllltated '~"he pul'llc rl~hts-ot-,~~y. oar,lm\llllcatl'·r~ ser~l~as oru·llder. VQtn~lunlc~iic'na I th~t h~o reg1o1ere~ wl'r rhe e>JvPit·1 m "O'U'"I' a, llcla..._g_Jd hol~s an -~ ' I ,.J I l1i •I Tc'~' d' allg'l OO~§D__iilll'_:;/;r!!>'f_l!r<;L de~1~n~rt 2!.Lrrl@ 'l'~~~port a ~W.lUnlc~tl!Jn• '.llf!!LO-W_QI_OIII~~ntelloi!g, ' ' i ,, ____ , _______ --------,---,------------------'------------L 1 II [I ' ' " 6ec 104-4. Registration lor placlny 01 malnta1mog commun1catlons lacJhlle~ In public rights-of-way 1a1 A " ' jc, ! ,, " " ' ' " ' ' ' ,, ' •• ' " " I JCVNn~ . or rmmtanancu of ~~ I•< llltles In ~ubllc rlghts-oi->~lay Othe' o dm~n~es, codas or legl:la\Jcr'l m~·1 ~oprv ·o t:1e ploc-'>ment or ma111 en~nce 1n the ru~l1c ny1to-of·'•;oy o· rae l1!J~o u,~r •·~ 110\ •;or-I"'Uill~st!ons f,c,lll1es "&g st•s'IUl does m·,t ~~Wbe a cor>H11W*ltf&4 rer\l¥3ei: -~rev!Ek>r~~~ frorn ~biJ1nl11,; dJOI~ptiJ\,} ~·.cosa or ~ol~ at\.<lc,·mert a£reemel"l~ b&tore ocatltt~ Its ta~i1111eo on the. "tl1<-.l<l'L§ Jf ~nciher petEo~'' r~cllillf~ i'le{JISt!atlon does not e~C'.I&e ~ e"ff''Fir.I~Vi'dCl-I§'•J!!!f,nnl ir~n compiy1ng With All ap~l c~bl11> '*!Ch OIC 'nances ocde" or 1egul~t1oM, mdud ~g IIIIo ~rt•cla.. Each oomr1UiliU."tiOIIS 0~';>~0~00;0; ~~ij'i:i,;~~~~~ that 1.1 tr• .;,,ci,;''; In tre ?It)~ sr I , d mlor,-,abon, :: ::~:::! ::;•: :~~:::.~ :::: :::;:', :::·::;,::l:h;o,':''~PIIO~ rt' s p11ms rv CJ nt~ ct oeJscn .~conn~ ell on with tl1a reglo!r~·Jo.l to cMtact r. caso of ~n idtnerg~n~~ t3l __ _For r..glstrallons s.Jb,nr'W~ pr1or to October 2(101, :11e appl r ~nt shal state wl1slhs 11 p vv des l~cal servrce or loll service or both, (4) __ C'vJdenc~ of t11e lnsur~nC<> co~erag& re~LIIte~ tm~et th:a artcle and ac~nowlecgme,t thai registrar! .1as recei•Jed ann 1~viem1ed a ~o~y of thro ~rtJr,J~. whlci' acknowled£JTent •hsll not be d~~med an agref.lt11ent, on a I I 15J_The r.ll"ber cf the appll•'ants v;;rtlt'caie of 1Ufhnll;;<!tlr,l or 11·'~11;& t prJvlds commcll'lcatror's setVIOOS rsoueU by th& I'IGtJda "'ubllc Se 1 Conlln1s•ro11 or tl·~ F~c·~ral r,o'JllllUn~e'atlon~ :JutTUlllsllo~ I I I tdJ Reg1stt ot1en appllc~trur ".,e~ no reg1str abQn ~ppl1cat1cn fe&' ~hBII be lrnp~s~d 11: r te,:Ji~!t allo~ rmder lh1s arilcle (er Th'l r..!rj•t: rty sh< I J8v1ew the rnf•1rmst'o~ 'lllhrnltted bY ihe ~pplroont S•.d' 18•/6•'1 shel be by the ~,l'y~_!li mans,er or hrs cr her designee I t1e ap~l1:ant subm~o hlorrnatron 1n ·~LotdanM wt:11 sub~ectrcn rcr ~tOV-7, 1:1e 1egrstratrcn shal ,., effective .md the 1 ~hall r·ollfV II of !be et,ed,~neMO u' tt>g'>Lrall~n 111 , 111 , If 11111 ~ot bean SJb'll•tlad 111 r permits ;he 1 •J) I 'I I'FI!I'f-l*llli. reculred of a or tnalntarr a r.ommLinlo~tlons r'gi"fs-ol-wdy /\r elfed:;e f permit ~lotwrth~tanc'rng an "' ,'~~C:rfy ~h~ll ~prly k rsrrrtll r1ay lm ,,!J'dilled by ul' on IJehalfol ~ regrhlta 1t Mav111g an 0tf<'>r:'lve 'egrst•a\ronrt a. per11rl'rng reqL.rrstT,erl5 at~ m~t. Soc. 104·-5 Notice of transfer, Mle or Msrgnment of assets In pu~hc nghts-of·way tW-=I>IG..:!bib4-~'-+1-'>-G-1-l Sec. 104-6. Plac!>ment or maintenance of a communlcatlone facility In public rlghta·ol· w~y. dnJ "e~eral law~~~~ It 1 II I ' wrch and abrd~ '" II 1. of an arnargenc)' II I ,1 p.cvralo1ouf I .n ~·aclt·~ or I ~ut not rlr"r~Erl to, ' I ~---~ ---------~-~--~~-~~ ~~~~------~ ---~--~-~~ -~--------------I met pern.~ II~ pe1rn1\ -.o,,l<.l .~av~ ,,rr~1nally br,~n r<>-Jur~J lo pefo:m the wrt< Ulld&rt.lk~n Ill tha p'blrc rlghts"of-l'A\' 1n co,ln~ctlch '·II h the em<>l•~~cv Re~l:;t:s~1 dGknowle~ot<>S tllal a~ 11 condition cf ttl ·~~ .g]l,<.ll:\: m~J mp~o.o rea~un~bl~> u nt nratn ~nanco "f A I I II' /, Sl1<1ll ~PPIY only ·o 1hP ~r.oas of I 1 1 .I \, , l h~ <-ll)1£lt~ may Jt;rte a 1-l;nf,et II m~lnle·1~nce ~n~ •ep~,l aotiiiii~S, thBt I I reqUII~ I lc1 A5 part of GOITII hlllll~a'IO~O It 1 I ,,, lac• ,, ,, ' 1<1 " to plaOf' a new or replaoe An ~'1stnp llli:I.~LdlQ:J-l•:J!ir?.'ll lltntt~don a roi')C~'JQ!1 ,, "' ' h " 1! , 11 !>~I%>Rll_fifl!sl• anto .,.,, Q " I ' tl 1, ln-ormho~ oo th~ :!il'\'9Jl'i find> reos~nablv n~ceo~ov to the olac<>rrr.-,IL( ut rnalto.snanc~ o-;lls 1.1 It 11 It , I I I I I LV lhe of ne11 I ' ,, " " ' ' " 1G l~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p]aood 01 rnalntlllnEd b0 !» rrJt to 'IJ 11Hf,W11V ~~· t~e publtG anc' with trs '"'""'' l•lh~ srlrJin "''Y ~Fih~ j}Ubllc rl~lll~-or-•,.,o,,, use of tr~nohiMS 18chnology (I o, ~lr~':ll~r~l Jnre m'lthod! fo, the mst~]]allc•,l oj !acllrtles In ihe pub:rc nghts-of·,'GY ~s \HI as rcrnt trerchlnj or t'1e co-looarron cr foe: rtteo 1n eYr~trn~ r-cmdurt 13 strong!~ en~owa~e'i, ~~-~ oncul~ b~ srnoloyed where""'' "e?>l~l~ To the wtertl nul p.ohrbl~d by federa. and state l"w tha sllyC~X shall r~quua arry --.l'rtW"!l<.nl oo3-><>'l'r~~l\r+i\f8@(1)_~@t! that <W.Io_G.. ~~~ have communln~ons taollltles rll the BliyCrfv. a~ ~~ th~ cat.o of adoptron of thrs < ircle to p]aOEl any new :ii~leo 1;lres, ft1~1 optics, o"llce boxeo and <ll"t·~r commur11c~tror s facrlltlss ll1~~~~ro.Jn:. ur.lsss su~ 1 c')tnmu.llca"rons facilities ca~ b~ co-oc~ted on 6\IS"tng poles. The GI(;<Ql;J: m;lnager IrldY promulgat~ ~~~sonatle rules ~nd reoulatlo~s conGernlng ths plw.sment OJ maintenance of a comnunlca!lare 1aclllty In publll nghts4-l'l"'/ r.onsrstent wltl• t',ls art:r,la and other appl cable lmv rf, All safe\'/ p1 actcas reculrec l>y applicable 18'•1 or ~coeoted 1nc liSir.· orac-:ce• ent sta ,dards shall b~ uoed dl•tln~ the ~lao~ment 01 111~'ntenance ~~ commur11c~t1~rs fac.lltlas, fgl A\Thr t·1e L~rrplaton of any placement OJ malntenoJ,~e CYf g e<>mrr1unlr..<1ltors f~c111ty 1n j:Ublle rl~hta-of~N<'J ur <.n~h phase theJeo1 a teg1sh~~t 3hall, ~~ ,-~ own e~):ens~, rest0re the Jubl1c ngh~·of-II'EY to 1\'J OJ lglnal condition be-tore such wo·~ If th~ ,·aglatrant F~rls to m~ko such restoratl~n '"·1\hln JO days or suoh lon[;er pedod of time as rnay be teason~b!y tequl sd und~r the qi·~Uinst~~cas, fotJovt.n~ tim comj'letlon ot s1 r.h :JI.J.o81ll611t or m~lnt~na11ce, l'le &\yQE\: mav per!~rm resto .J.\1011 and charge che cc•'' ,f lh" rc,storotlun ag3rMt ;hP "";rshml'llr aooordancc with F-SE!r :0\ill ~ J37 4D2+c'>JN[)l,_ BS It rray he at11e,1d~c' ~,,, 12m< ~ths fr,llr,\••'hG the ongral oorrpletlon of the '"'01~, the regi~\IBri shall gJ~tat1ls-a lt:e restoratron worl otn'i shall conect a·,~ 1\'>storatlon "''Oik th•t joe~ not sacls~i t!16 le:jlllr~rr~nts of th'• ar tJcls ft Its o\;n w~~noe rh; Removal or iliJeatiOII >t t:1e tlrrectlon of th~ Hlt.::lt~ of tl ~~~lstrntrio contr~unl~ntlone la~illtv 11 public rldhls·rt-w:w sh~ll be [Mst.r~~ by -he p1m>ts1o~~ nt f:-I<Fl;a_ S!!!l §,§ 357 ~n3 ar~ 337 404-~8fit,. as ll'eymav hf' arewi~d iMr t,rna !J nme SUbl~'-' rc the ~fo,e~mentloned f:-.&fl.;o_5);rt t~ :;JI.JO~ a1 d em 404 9nd ot1e1 p·o,tsJ~ns ot law, l•h~r.ewr ~~~S~1'-1 ~verhea~ utlllt'l dlotr:b~11CI1 raclll!re~ are ~onve.ied IJ onje 1ground fccrlrtles pursuRnt to Arllcls V cf ChstMr 10 of lhl3 Cc;ie, any GGfflf111Jl-JJs.l1 <m&-~~~_trat1l ha;1ng comnlunlc910ls tadl'!lus un ~cb th~t SJB to b6 remJ1·e~ ohal a11~nge lot th~ conv~rslon to und,,rgt0'11~ t~crii:I~S on the SalloG ti!'ITnS ard cond~l~ns 9~ !he o1h~r utll11:~e !hot are be1rg ccn·,eti"d to ~nder~rc,'Jn~ tsCIIJtres \'1 IJ. parmi. tr0111 th~ .JWC1t~ cc-nsl1tut~s aul.1o112sbon to "nderts~s Mlv certa1, act1vl1eS 1r pltbllc llghts-dl'/'3.'1 111 MCcorc,moa wl·t'· !hlh ortlcl~. a11d dJ~o rw~ creoM > ~rop~<'l·1 right or grant autJ,Jrlt~ to lrnplngo urnn the 11ghts of others who 1"6V have dll Interest 1n the p11.111~ rrg'ts·oJ..w~l' U1 A reglstra~t sh>ll m~htaln tto c~n,muolcatl~ns tar;rllt esl~ 1Utl1c •rJhto-rt.way Ill~ rnt,'net consistent w1th oCGeJted IMustry >'laotroe and apj:llcable law \~J In conneLtron With c-x~ovoxiJr.ln the puiJ11c rlq 1ts-0'1 wav, a reg1s1rant ohall, \'~hare appllcn~le, :Qmp!y w1tr thP urdsrgl c~nd facl:tty d~m~g~ prevoontlon J 1d sciety act se: fcrth In ~911-Fia Si!l 5 G56-f.:1£QQ)., as~ m~ be amended fi~'n t1me to tlrre dl P.~grstrar.t sh~ll use a,1d '*-'-~reM du~ ;;a.ncn c~r~ o~d ~~tl' rn petcrmr.19 ••tork In the P'Diic 1ig~t~-oi-w~y and ~hall La,<, ~II r~ao~nau~ 3\eps ·~ gafe;uard '''J'k s~te dfOd~ Lml U~o1 1e~ue~t of th~ 4t)·Cit•t, and ~" nomi<Yi ty the -nlljQJ!: of he otltsr '"~'!, con•tructron lnsta!latron or I~P<!Ir~ ret~•~nced lela'"',~ r~[l~trsrt rna)' b~ •squr·a~ to ~ovr Jrn~te pl~~ement cr rnalnte tance acttv~res under ~ p~r '11 with anv otr~r '•lrrk, rQn,tn,otton, rnstJI dlion rJr rep,lrb th.Ji may be l'C!'unrnj o, ~cheduled to occur Wttlln a r~asonable trm<4rfm~ m the subject puiJd~ n~JI"'-~-nl-wa; a~"l reglstr Jnt may ~e ro qr11rert !o reas~n~J-1•1 altet rt• plac9n:e~t cr mat tter91Ce schedule as nc.cassary ~o m In m•nrmlze dlsruptrDns ~nd chotlrrnancr rn the oublrc nyhts-uf.,,,av Lll\ A IRlJI<lrAnl ohall trrl pl~r,P '" m~lntarn Its cotllmrmiG!ltlons fncll~les '" ~· f,, rnrer!et0 ll'lh dl:>pl~ce, damag.,. o· ~estro:t acy ts:rlrtes 11dudrnr but nolllml:~d io, ~ewers. gas or water ma;ns otorm tlrarns, prpru., cable& Ql cond,tto oft)"~ elly~ •Jr ~nl· other per so~'s f•~rlrtle~ lawfrrll:f oc<:urvlna tM ~' thllc nahts-o. wav c'l1e s.ty,Jrt; (OJ The ~Qi!i. rna: ~s nc wat.antreo or tepreo~nja·rors re;ardrng lhe frtnaso, E'.!tlab•ll\y, 'lr a~ta,Jabrlit,. of \he dl'f'sC:'t'i'~ public dgl",ts-cf·'~8'1 for 'he r~G,s;r~nt~ ~ommunlc8trons ·acllltJes anu a~y perlormon~e ct work, co~ts rncL·rred or sa '"e~ provrded by regrst ant shall be a: reg1sllsnt's SQ[e tl~k r~othrng 111 lhrs arilc'e sh~i' s 'd the lllf/-oi;ill ~ut 10r il~ to adJ, vacate, modifY ata~don cr otherNrse dlsocse of ,lUI, lc ~~hts-oi-w~y, and th~ ~•tyC;Ity makes 1~ l'lor.ant•es ~-r&prea~nl:ltrano regdtdrry th~ a~arleblllty of any added, VlC't"ed mo"llled cr Slan~·,,M, Jubllo tlgllts-~1-way tcr comr mrnlca·Jons tocrlrtres •:t\ TJre crty.Q.ill£ ,t,all havs II".~ right to nra~e o~cr ln>p~clrOlS ul tomnu ,~alio111 faorlltles placoo or · arnlalned rn publ'c tJghre-of-l·lov ~~ 1! lln('o neces"""" ·o ellOLJre c~mplrsnce wiTh 'Ills ar~role (, 11 ~ permrl ~rpl'calwn ('' p'a~6 ~ ne·o or r<:'ploce ~n mlstlo~ comrnL'Il ·catron~ louht,, rn puJirc 118hts-<;f-way sl"sll r~cltde oans shui .. Jn~ ire lo~a.lon •rl th-o ~r~pao~c lnotallatlan of faorlrtr~~ rn \110 puhllo llg~ts-of-wav, II th8 pl~ns 80 p 8Vrded tequr-., rsvlslo~ bflsed Upo,• 8<li1J~I r~<;tallstro~, t~~ 'eglsl!ant ohol, o,orn~tl'/ ~~~vrde review pla~a rr~ piJ"" ohall be In ~ hard copy fo,mnt or nn elclctr•Jillc t~r.1 at -~~'''fled lV tt1e s!-¥1,!_~. provkted such elect tonic to' mat rs 1 n.1lnt~l,1ad ~y th& reg rot! a 11 -~uch plans rn i! tormat ma,1:aJn.oj by the t'>gr~lla·11 s1~1i ne p,c,,dfd ~t r,u c~s· to t1e <.rl-j~ Upon :•'rnp etlan u' an11 ~olnm·.mloatlons tacllltles, II'S ~omm~r lcatl~t s s,;rvlc1s ~rovrcl~r shell fJr'IIBn ·u tha sJl;'.Qlli:, at no cost to tha cn;.G!!:< one (/Jmpls'e ;~t of aasle(' "s; btult" elans, or 111 tire c~sf ~~;my undergroJ,1<1 commrrnrcatlor,s f;;:rlrtreo a sealeJ ~orve; •hoWin9 u,s e•~-:t locatlcn of <LI~h rcmtnunJ.;atln1s f~crlile;, lrci•Jdrn~ !hell tle~t·, lt rn orthe1 Gase, ~IIGh other cfocument~tron c~~crlhrr·r; th~ loc9tron l]ll~lu~rng h~lqhlc'r d~ptlr, as the cas~ mav be,, of o"rnrnunrcatlDrtS uolllll~; a; lim Gll;-k.Jl:y_ rnsnaaer 01 hrs u· n~r desrgrm~, m~y app,~·Nt l hrs IE»fUII~nlert sh.,Ji be 11 adrlrt~n to, ar,d no; rn .tel ot. ~ny f.lrn~o tl".e <'<lr-cat..,Ro q•'lllc~®f~tr~nt Is required to r·.aJ,e ur,cer th~ Underground Farlll~l Damane Prevanl<on and 5qtet) Aet set torth rn F.&-t311 Fl~ S!"t. fl 5~6-12(h)Qj,_ as am;:mded trom trr11~ to 11'119 Tl'.e lo~f \J,at s~cr, r;Jee,s or surve1 \S or, ~IB l·•rth t~e Gily1cli:t ~I ll~ In no 11·~'' abroeJale fh~ d' ti ot an; ~~roan to cvmpl; w,;h t·,e <~foteoarJ Underg,aund faorlty Dsmage "'re•~r!lon ann Safety .;c, ,,;hen penorrrl~g worO In t~e rubhc ,'ghts·of-W<.Y .lny ptoprleta,., ~unrn~ntrol buerneso; rntcrtreton ottarned from~ rF~rot ant 111 co·t11ectran with a pemrll Rppl'(atlcn o1 a permit ohall b" +tald '.onfldentlgl bv the <;<(¥City to the ext~11l prc.vrded rn f,\;3,-~FIR. Sta: §_ 2021S5 {;1000-),~, ss nmr,nd~J ftam t'me to triM 1~) The 3lti~ reslrves the tiJh" to plar.~ ~nd msrrl<Hn, end peJmrtlo be plsoeJ o, ma,ntarned, sewer g~' wal.-r, ~l'%tllv, b'Drl'l' drainage, commJnlco!long, and athM 'ypes of fa~llrtras. cables ~r oor:a.1d. and to dr and to p~rmrt to be r<~ne, a~\· , I i_j , I undP:ground and 0'''>r.wad ln~l ~li;tlon l'l lm lrl ven·enl tMI may be rlean1~d nec~''"'Y 01 proper by tile GltyGI·y rn pLtblrc rt[rllS·Qt l"•ay ocouole~ by th9 rsgrstrsnt ~nd the ~.lJ'£:rl~ ~lso reoilr~es :he rrght to reS<orvo any portln~ if the p..illlc rights-of-way tot Its own present or "Vure use The ;,.tl)<Q!:i :uti'ill reoerv~~ •Wirou" 111ltloti~nthe rrght f;1 alter, ~ha.1g~, or cauo~ to u~ clra1g~d the gr~dl~!;. ·~stallat~n. :o.luGolllc'll, ur 'Ntdl~ of tht> pt ~l'c r"l,b-~1-lo~Y 'vlltollll the-limits at the "'"}Cili and •Nrt!irn ssrd lrtnrts ~l s~rne may tcom trme to (I me bB ~."-'r~J IS) A re-gl~lr~nt ~hallrrom~ at the request ot gny peroon aulhonzed by the p<~rmrt Tim ct such '•c"''c''i ~1all 00 pard bl' tha pstson 'I ~1& ~lllho,lt-,· \o ,'lqture ~•r~r. ,, Jn days advan~e w~·tsn ' ' -···-------~~ ' l1 , 1 Ill, • ,, ~ I " ' J'Y1.L .... J'ctsu@n\ to f-&F~ Slot ~ 337401(~\,1)tb\-\2aQO', ~nrl cth~r aprlteabl~ provlslone of taw, and nolwtthsten'ilnj 9111 oth~r r 01~slnns nl thlo Go1~ th•, ~.Ql!:.: hereb)' elects not to ~hat~~ pe1mtl fees to an11 JSgLstr~nt tor pert nits to 'I? wori' 111 I;~ publtc ngilts-of-ws~ Sec. 1 04c7. Sus[>enston of pQnmts ThP W>.fJ]Y may ousr-~r<l a permit f ~r I"· or k In t1e ~ubllc 'tgh'~-nf-l"a" 'or one QL mor6 at tho foll~·'l'na rea•ono, :1 1 111ola~on of .~errntl oondtt·o~s, tncle~~ILng r.cndtlto,1s se· foih 1n the r..errotl L1l& attlcle ur o.h<3r ap,JIIoabla srtYCity ordiMrGGS, :ocies '" regulaho 1~ ycvPmiiJ ~IBcemert o, MaLncenat c., of cJtYHL1llllLCaolon~ facllltLel 1 1 publ1~ (ghls·Ol-">"laV, 12\ Mtsr6pr~sentat'~n or ftaud by reg~<tr~n\ tr, a r~gt'>ltJitcr or perrn~ apphoatJon tc the 001\y~~•!J!1'. t3: F~llcll~ tc propsr'y rsn~w m ln,fP<!oll•~n~~s Jf tu~I'T' lutt".J! ,4) Fa• . .1re to reiQcate or rerro•/e f"orlrtref as m~~ Je. ta, .. 1ul'y tequ red by ;h~ ···~/Qt!:t The 71ltCHY. rnar~~et s·,al' %)•JtJe n~tloe ~1'J an otpotiU~Ity to lU'e an) vlolatror~ of (<) lhrorr~h 141 obu•s, e~ch ~~ l'll11c:1 sh~F be, '"'~sonab'e un(e• tlrs ctr·:ur nstan:es Sec. '104·B. Appeals. P.ny person aQgrrov<>d by ar,-actl~n or decrs c 1 ofth8 silli£-.J!J' m~naoer, cr his ~or her desr~nee, l"·lth r~gsrd to"") aspacl of regrsUalr,ln under thrs airole rr~v appeJI ~~ th€> ~J!lllal rast~r a~1,JI~tew:t pursuant :o arr.rc'e II of ol1atter 3\J uf tr.r~ CQde by frlrng wltlr th"' 5peclal .1mster, 1;rtl1111 30 d~;~s af·,l :ece1pt ~ Vllltten decision of the GIW;;!!l1 rr:~nager or Ills or h61 <le~t~llb~, a 10t1ce ct appeal, wbttli of.dll sd 'c·tllr ~onclo"l:l t ,B actron o daolsron ap,J~~I"'d from a11d th" renons or grot.n~f lor ·h~ anoPol ~o requeMs tor exten~lon Cl tl~10 fur ,IJ•na an ~ppsal wfli be permltlwi Tile en y alp..>al that shall l.>e ~o1srd"r"'d ~r~ thJ<e a~~"cll~ tho! ~lie~& tha! tll~re lo .error rn .1nv or<l~t, requrremenl, db~l~ton ol c~tenn1natron naJe by ~n o~<lr,lnlst•a'lve uf:lc'al Ill Ill·; ~nfornen,nt of thrn article The sppc ~I m•~ler •h~ll sat '""~ ~~pilellar l'<>erlolg 01 the verv ne>t a,&llable dBta fc'''owlng ouch rotl(e of a~JS21 anc Cd11ee rotiCE' thereof tc b~ grven to tr.e appe]loln\ anc the <rt\lf-fHfl<m9'l~~d ~h~¥~~J1~ 111~naget, or h1o DJ far deslgne.o thai I pre~ent c11~ Ga~e on bella~ of t -,a 3~'/Q;y T 1~ sr'e~l;rl mas!er shall h•a• ~1d onnsdsr all fauts m~tenal to the apps~l and tander ~ deoro1on '"''th11~ ~0 Cdlen~at days Gfihe jate of tre hearl,g ~ho spoolal m~stcr "'lJ:I a1 rm, rsver~e ~~ '"od1f1 !h~ aLtlon or dGola:on apoe<~lttl it om· p ovlded that tre sp~cl~l mas·e,· G~al' not tel a a•rY act1on 'llhlch conll1."s wth or nulltrles ary o· lhe prcv1~lcns of th1s ~rtr•:le At•) pe-,on aggtr!ifved ty any decls1on of tile. spao1al rnastar on an ap~eal shell be ent1UE'j tJ ~rrly to the circuit cour; lor a revlswlher'lti bv peilllc•r: lor writ c,f c~rt:orarlln accorJanLe v~lh r~ appl1oable onur• ,u:es lr;>/'J -Nv CO!;+--J.!OI!---~ !" G...Ju-<!'4 Sec. 104·0 Involuntary termlnattoo of registration. (a I The "'""".QJ!.~ ,TJ~Y \erm111~te a reg1stra\ on II (1 1 A 1ederal ~r ~tate autho11ty suspends, denies, eHevokas Qt.I:!JJ&IwlsQ. frltl~ to 91Sllla ~~~tOI\f.Jt{k.W,g_j_straJ)iltrt cerll lu;rt1o11 or i1cense I~HWI§>llu pr ·'VIrle oommrmlcatrons oervr<.>as, 12~ Th~ reolstrant', p a cement or malnt~ranr~ of a co1mnr1t1b'tlom tan.11tv 1n the p~~llc ,lghtb-ofAI'S'/ p/e,ents an e<traorc'1ratV danger to the <;r~nerel r,ubllc or o\har liSPr'i at Ire p.bl'c I and lire r~~,l~lrant t~llo l0 ten,edy 1~ af!er 1 "' . II 'I (~) 1 11 orhls ~~Iter des'~ll"E, l·'lth a , 1 1 1 term naMtr act1011 IOullldlng '"'hlch tha•;>·ore ard des-: 'rhrn~ tl~8 pmpo$Ad . .;glstliml sh~ll hav" 6J da)'s Jfter teG~Ipt ouc:1 11 1 eltmlna'e the reason 01 \.,ifthlrl whrcll to ercs~nt a TJanago>r to accomr,:1sh the sanre If 111~ p•n to · mclnBJPr ·, ;ru~tdO' wrr<ien notlc~ of s rr.h t'ilJectlon to shall mska o ecommenLatton t1 tr~ mayc.r art! l.lt¥[,;fu: , a de~1own as t~ errnrn~tlon of fclgrstratLon Ths ~it>,C1ty rnar.ager, or his or Jesi<Jne~ shall pt~•Jide no\rr:~ to reg1st•or.+ ~I an~ re'iolullcn cr c\h~r octlun to bs lak~n up at any 111~~tlng oflha .T.ayor and '*>'11J.!:'i ccmrnlos1on a11d reg1stran\ shall t<> granted the opr;o.tLinltv to '9 neard al s~ch nreetlrg fl. de.lbton by a "fly~ to tar"r1ioate a regiS'rallun may onlt IJe acco'!lpllsheo by an a ell on of the mayor and 01t)i_[fu' ~onrmlsolon I, regb·ront 3i'all ~e notlfle~ JY wrl:tt8n nctlce o· 211y tlaol~lon by the n·ayor snd tlt%1ty oo,'tl'"loslon co 'ellnlhatc II" regt&ltallon, Such written notice shall J~ s.-.nt w~hln seven days oflsr li1~ O"'OibtOn ------------~-------------, •,c1 In the event ot ternllnalion, the l~rme, teg:strant silall tl; nollfv the d+Cir,: of tile assumpt:or1 or antrcrpat~J assUm)•ILon ~y <JIIuth~r reg1st~a1l of 0wnershrp ot thr Je.glslrarr:'o ~urnrlllrnlcai,oM ta~fl'tles 1.1 puCitc rlgHo-d"'•''"V Cl •2) ptO'IIO>J 'II~ Qll\o)JJIY Wtth ,, acooptable p:an for rltspostho 1 o' rts ~~ITim-lllrcattor€ !dCII:tiE-8 111 pL bite •lgbn,·~ • W!l.Y It a r<>or~trant tall~ to 01111ply •·;lth thla Slll'~r.t,c;n (~), \Jhlcil ~et~rmrnalt~n of n~r.aocr,Jll~nce ts Sttb]ect t~ apJ3~1 ''" ptowJed tn s6otlon 104-B herEml tha s!W!::ll'!l m>) ~~etur~e an~ tetnecftes ol 1r~hll; I' h~> -ill law ur 1n eq111ty ·ncludtng bLrt not 'llflh<l tv requl~~ng ;IIG teglst.rar:t w• r.:n 9:J d~yo of the ierrntnatrJn, or s·~~h lonqer ~er ud as moy be ~greed to by lle re~rsltari, to t~mcv~ oo~e "' ell of the fsct't!tes from the pui'lic rlr;hts"o(way ~nct rc~to'<l \ho publtc rt~lt"s-cf"w~y to ih orl~lrnl ~lndltllll J~l"•"' tits remo;al hit In ony e~6nt, ~ barmrnat~d realstrent oi'EI 1 tel\<" such sters as ~rP neMSsat)· to lenti<>r safe evaty portrJn of the r.otnmumc6trons t'~ctllUe~ '"'ra" 11ng tn t)l;l pu~.1c rrgltt!" of-wav of the dvQlit (e, In tll9 event of tC>r mn~tton ~1 a regrstratror., tOrs saolTOl does not aut'orlze the ~.Q_Ili to cause tOe 19n1oval ~~ G0'1111Unlcatlons 1~·-ll!'l.;.s used lc lrovlde 9,1oli'et seNto~ :o1 whrch th.;. reg·st·ant or aneth~! perso~ who own• 01 sverct3es nh~scal ro~toG ever th~ lacllitles Mol us a v~ll~ cetltfic~tlon o·Jlcense ''"It~ tr>O ao;ernlng tedetRI 01 state ~E<nc,, 1 rqut;ed ror provrs•01 o· such ,.;;r~lte, ard 10 t'€11IS'ered with the &rt,'.Qlli, rlreq .111 ad I Qo~ ''< ? >J-<..,:;1,,,1, }-1-'-'!lo.,;Ljj Sec 10410. Exm!tng communlcaltons fa~!lltte~ In public nghts-of·way. ' " 1 Itt I II fr I " ' ' 1 ' I II, s~c. 10.J•11.lnauranre, :RJ f. ,~.(;lstra"t shall woviJ~, p9)' tor an4 tnalntarn satl•tactort lo the rttyQill' lh~ :yres or lnsw Jllce <.lese: Jb.on her.,•n fJ 1nsu anu;. sha I be 11 on1 '""'ponstble col n J8nluo dulv aut1crlled to ~o busrl'ess 11 the St~te ofF orlda ana l"avrny a rating re~SJ"lab~ etceJtahl~ to the G~. 1\11 llel:rhtv o~lrcles •hall ~rovrrle. ths( thf mi~.Qt!:'i Jb rln ~Jdi1lonallnsurnd as to the ::wttvltle~ under tnrs mttcle Tt,e reyulred covardges mY>t b~ ~vldenood ~l' propatly &xeollled 'ertrfic~t~s of JnlL, ~neff !orr'" The ce1 jlcate> rn~lt be srgned bi the autMortzed rep,esentatlve of·he I~SUr:lll"" wrwanv and ~hall 00 fr'ecf and ma'ntalned '"'it~ the Glly~ annuaJ1 1 Thirty da;s ad;a 1.e 11ri~sn notice by registered, oe:itfled or regu:a, l'lsll or la<»rmtle as d~tetr~ln~ by the Gltv.Q!!.\: m<tst h gJVen to tl1e ,J~IyCI\:1, oJ any cancel I anon, Intent no! to rene''' or reductlot. 11 the policy covera:J~S 1 he 'r.e:M.1Ce requnerrents rnay be s~thtte'i by fVIdenos of self"•l'aurarcP or other typeo u- nsurdnoe aooe]'!ah e to the llilj.•Q!Y. :b) T 1e limits of ~o··el~ge cf 1.1~ .r,·sncs ,·eqltll ed sh~ll te not let~ tlar the tollov/,13 11) Wcr~ers contrC~rsailcr ~nd em~lot·et'~ llaollttv rnourll.nL~ Wor·(et's compensa1"·r~F'1cttdo ~t2'tu.orv req Jlreme ·t~ I :~1 Comp,eh"~"ife ge1'lll\lllabilltv B<XI.Iy Injury a,1rl p.uparty rf~rnage· S1 ~OO,OJO 00 o~1t~lne:1 sm~l~ li,,t eEoh acaur·~nne r,'l, ,\nJornobJ'P. liability Bodily inJu.y ~nc' rraperty darn~ge $1,000 Oi•O CO ccmblned q1nglee 111"11 e~c~ accrJent, 1<.• 1 ,;o.-J< •o I·'"",, '+:;...,•r,_,,..., Sec.104·12. lnclemmfl~atlon. tal A tedt~tlant sha'i, ~~ 1ts sole No\ and e..:panse, lndernr/v. 1old r,allnleo< a~c def~nd th~ ~I7FC1ty, It< ofh-:lals, boa,ds, n1embe·s, age,1ts, et•d ernploy9Ss, agam~· any a11d all cl~lrns, SUits, causes oi ~cl'un, proce~Jmgs 1udgrnsrto fer d~rnage< 01 eqJ]t,ble re1let, and costs an~ ee~pem;<>s mcu 1&0 h11he s'i)lf:lt { ~rls1ng ou\ 0'1 \he t-ldc~m-onl ur rDaw.ienance of ITS oorrmu 1lc~llons~m-or facilities In p~·bllc rl~l'io-of·'"aV, re~ardl~os of ;oi'ether the act ~r OmiSSIOI' con1~la1ned "f 1• ~L. "liOfl~o>J, ~llo•,•1ed or proh1t1te~ by tldo art1~le, provld<>d h"wever. t~ ~~ .a regl~t' an!'s obllaatiM Mere\lnoet a hall ~~t extend to ""'' clalmo Gausad bv the ~ugligonca g1o% negl.genoe VI W<tn'Dr ~r wtltlul acts ~~ 1he ~tl•1fl!l' T11s ptoVJslon lnc:udes, Du-IS net lrmlt~o to, th~ '*>"e~ leasomble atorn~vs' f~es 1nourr~d Ill Jetsnd\1~ !l<Jalns-o.w wch cla:'T, suit or ~·o~cedlngs The BltvQ!!Y agreef; to not1fy ·11e registrant 1n Wlll,ng, .,;jhrn <! ,e,~oncb:a t1me of the 'l\lyCI!'!. r!lO~IiflnQ n~tn;e, ;~f•nv losue 11 de'eti"'I"~S mav re~u11e lndemrnl~e·l~n Nnthi~J 1n t~ls s~otlon ~hall ~rohlblt I 16 .slljC.ty rron1 1oriC1pall1 19 In 1,1e de,'ens" uf ~nv l1'1gat<on 1':1 Its O'lln counoel and o~ 1ts o""ll wsl1f1n th~ 1\ft,<',;~ reasono~J~ b~liellhetA sJJ3t.\ Qr rcay e<!;t d cc~fll:t pclentl~l conll'ct or appea·anc~ of 2 ~antllot No'hln;l conr~me~ In this •ectlon shall bs ~OilliJu~d or, 1'err;reled \1) "" cren)'ln~ to ewh~l party an:fl'lr,ledy or Jet~~~~ .waiiDble ,o su~r. part} under the 1~""" ot the Stele ot ~lorld~: o, 1::1 os a l•'olv~.· of oove, elgr nrrr·ll11111' bavond th~ '"a ~er rrow'l~d ~~ f'..&[I!L.§i!l) ~ ~ao ::!B-1-2-0C.fltr oo I r,,ay be amend~d from t,me tu Ill ne ,tJI T1e. lnd~mn1f1ootlon requ11ements shall surt1~e and b~ 111 &lf~ct sWr the lerm~tlatl.1n or cancei'Atl~n nf '' re'tiOI ration ,C>ri-M"·-' <'i-_,,~,._oJ, I•<[.,JjL Sec •[1)4.13. Construr.l<on boMd. ·~I Pno1 r~ 'oeulng ape rn1t '"'h&r~ th9110rl un:let til~ perrn1t \•Ill 16qL1Ire r~otv1al1vn of public rrghto ·ot-"•roy, a OIWQ/ mav r<9tJu1rr a aonstrJ.ctlon ~onJ to sec~ e prop~· peror'lal,cs unJ~r th~ 1aq1dtem~nts 0'1 an; perrn1t; o11d "he res'or~l'''' of ths publ'~ 1 dhl<-~f-way Tw~l~e 1nvnths atler \ha oomJidlat, of lh~ :aotcrnllO< 11 pu!JIIa rl~hlo--of­ wr;~ 111 acuordanoo '<•·II~ t1a bond 111B reg1strant ma1 ellmlna<e tl1s b~nd HowtM'Ir, t!Je S+!¥gty may subse~u~nrly reyu11e a new u~~d fo a11y s~bseqLI~nl wotl< 1n the public llgnts-of-•·1~1 The aJnstJuotlo~ bono. sh9,1 be lssu~d by d ours'v hav[~g ~ ratlrg reasonabLV acceptable to the GifV.Ciiy. shall be sL bjsct '0 th" approval of tha Cl~~fli:t! nsi< mar~ysr, ~r.d shall ~ro1J1de that. "Fo '~~"~rv .. , ~21 mon\hs alter 1ssuanoe of thlo bcnJ, th1s tond mcly n'll os C.\ln~;eled. or allo•.;ed lo lop~e, unH s1x!v 160) oaya after receipt ov the City, bv oettlr~J ma1l, , slllt n 1ec~1pt requ~oted, of a l•r~ten not1ce from ·he l~ouar of the bond oflrMn! to ~dnc< I o' n~t to tenbW " 1b\ The 11ghts teoerV9d by t~e Llt:CJ!~ Wllh rfsr->ol to ~ny aon~IIJ'lllor bo1d es.abl,shed purs•Jar~ \o th1s secllo1 ~·~In addmon ·.v ~~~ othsr ;lghto and remadle~ t\'e ollt'Jl:i may r,ave Linda: ll',s art~ele, <~t alia•" or equry -------------1- t~l The nghts reserved to th.o W;~ "nMr this s~cttorr ore In ~acrror tc, ~ 1 other rlgi1ts of !he <*iCJr; ll'h!lher n;ssr11ed 111 thJo atltcl~, or a1ilhorlzed I v ~the< law, "Dd no ~di·Jtr, )'lc'coodlng or e~ercro~ Q( a nghtl.;rlltro>s~ect :c th~ conoluctro1 bond \•"Ill at oct any othm rlqhlli'.oBit,<Qb mov have r~·~ )" ;;.,_u~~.-++-&-"oJ..rf.lt Sec, 104-14 Secur~ty fund At tho tlrr~ ot registration, II''" rea strot1\ shall b~ re~un~d to ttl~ wl<ll the ;;l!y2£,•, lor ml¥91'1. aporoool ar annu~l bond, ~as'l depusl or lr &vo;able letter of :redrt In tilil q rm of f11' COO UC hJvrna as a suretv" cornr.ary ~u~l~l~d tu Uu h'lrm>s In the Sta·~ ot FloJtd~, ~nd scc~p;ab:e to the "''lyCtly mBIJag~r c;,r h•s 01 hal destgreb wldch eh~IIIJe re~erred to ~stile "o&cunt)-fund" Th~ securtrv 1Jn1 sretl be m%1lahad fr~m ~uch Inc through t1a earlier 01 rat tr~nsfar, sal" assrgnme111 or ,~I''U;<ll of ~II N mmunl~allor,~ fsc"rtres In ny:llS·Of·wav· ar 12 mcntl's afler \hd ;~ ru~nel1~n 01 cenC£11atlor. of The shall be Cofi:JitloMd on tile ful attd lalthful llrequ,r~ments, <.iu(1eo ancl obiJ(;atro~s 1mpo•ed 'PO•l ar11al~ ; re ~ocurll~ fund •I" ail tl' rur~IS'Ied •~nuall1 as provide a contlnurna ou~rantee o<·he tsg1>llrant's fli'l 1 In ·he eve,"\~ registrant IOJ]s tJ ~erf~rm 1t• :JLitleo a1d upo1 the registrant by t·e provls'on~ o~ this article suCJ•ct to artrcle, ;here oh< I be 1ecoverabl~, 101ntlv and oeve•~ll•· f om V1e : '::,:;:::: 01 11e ~~clirlt•f fund, ~n)' dama~c< 01 loso suffered by the <>~lj£11i oo ",:::~:;: t:1e full onow:t O" ~nv comper,satron rndemni'IO~tJon or cost of I'E rt ab~ndonnren! ol dny lacllltles o' the r~q,strant In public I<Jh\s·J'· v,ay, p.us s reas~n3ble dllowa,1Ce for attond)"' toes, up tJ tre lull anrounr ot the secwt1 fund 1-loll·lllhstandtng th~ frrego1ng, til., Gl!\fPJ!.:I. may 1n 1ts ·JI~cretlo1 n~t requ1re a secur.tv func or ma; ""G9pl a corpr.r<i!EI "LI21'a~'"e of t.1e r~grEtrant ~' rts parert ~cmran'l Jc'l•.~~~~ 2''''·' ·"''"' r -1~•)"- .!'!ec 1M-15, Enforce~1ent remedies. \d; A regt~l~~~;'£ ;sllutc to corrp'" ,.,,]Jh ero;rslan5 cl this ~rt~le ohal ccnetlb"\" 1 vlalattan rilhls art1.:l8 anct shall subJe':\ lh•o ·e~1~1tart to he coJe ~~fYrc~r,lenl ~~ cv·stor o and prorJedu·es a~ rro.,Jded ln_Glti!!l\!!L3_Q of ·hrs Code Including the pm,~sl,ne of £bill/l!l!.1Q. Lh~t allow the Cl\yQ[!y to s~d~ tdll<>f as otlrer.;1se pr o"<.l~d by 1<1'.'1 (IJr Fall .irs ~I the <lll)i£;1\>: to antnrct! ~.1~ rec.Jrtetttento cf lhls a·td~ ohdll nu' cor·~·i·ute • "''a'ver of the crty':;ldl.i§. nght to enforce thac ;icla!t@ ot subseqLJsnt •l~latlnn~ ol the same1ype n: lc seek ap~top 1 1atE' enfcrGetnG•1 r~m"ld ss (::.-.h'(~'IWI-C.'Q"'j 1," 16-~11 Sec. 10~·16. Al:landonmant of a communications facility. rs, Upcn ~Osndomrent of a t-ommunl~atlons i~clll~l Ol·'n~J by a reg1strsnl In ~-1.>.1c rig hffi-of-way t'1.o re~lstranlsnsll 10l1ft the <lli'P'~ wlthth 90 dd~S ib) rile I'!!Y!&:i rnsy ri~cerr' the r"lgrs~art by \<~rlLWn notlrP. to tPm,,v~ ~II or ~11 portron ot such ~bandoned t~cl:lty at the regrslranfs tole S>.pense tf t1e 61!\1~ det~rm1nes tho\ 'he ~~~~dvns(, fsctiMs oresance miarieres wtlr tf"e p.1bll" heoltl1 solely at weltate whrcl1 shellllnclude, but o:1811 noi ba lltnrted 10 ~ cetermlr~tiD,1 t'1a· SUc'h f~'Jlily !1J CQilr~romlees oa-ety at sny llnre ]UJ any public rgn;s-ohl"ly Uo<>r 01 dU11n~ constr'JGtlon cr m~'llt~nanoc 1n ~'Jbl:c IIR~;s-of-way, r2) prevent>' an~thar ~erson f,oM .o~allrg fucJiile~ In th6 ores of putllc nghls-of"''"ay where the ab~1dQ1fd fAollry J; lo~ated wh~n oth'9t a ter1~trve locations are .-~t reasonaiJiy available; ~r (:.11 cre~tea a I m<JLn'am;nce ~ond,l!on that L$ d>sruplwo ·o l'1e pdbdc rlw"t""~f-IJI~j· 'J'>P In 1h~ "''~nt "f 12J a!J•JW, IMr •'ltVQLI.Y rr~:1, equne ~ha trud rmmn ·n cr.Dtd111a·e ''"Lin ll·e re~Lhttcnt th•,t owns tile ,;xlstLn~ locllltv 1m jQlnt rsrnov~l d'td pl~c<"rn~llt, '"'her~ ~~~~,.: IJ Lv the teg[,IJil.l t 1:) II' the c-vs1t 11 at lh~ ~-'<It< c.oes not drsct \l~ l'ilmJ;al of 1.1~ ~b~ndo,·e'l t~clllly, +he reo1s'rant. b)' Its notice of ,1l>dnJonn1e1t to rhe llll>tl<J!l. shad be ~eet1ed to consent I~ I 1e alter a\1•'11 or rernova of qiJ o: s 1y port1on of the feGI,!-)' by tile !lit'r!Jt' cr anothe1 Qerson :~: s~ch ti,Jrj oari'j's ~ust td' If tla re;Jistr9nt lOLl> to remc~e Bll or en11 porion o" a,1 a~9nnonM tmll1ly "" dlrecferl bv the £Htt('_A!\( within a reascr~!Jie tlmG p~rlod ~" "1~y I;~ \~qu t~d J-,·; the t~~i-y( ~~ unde' the ell wmstonces, th~ e>I:!J!GLI•l ma)' petiun n eur. • r~rno"~l dn<J did'~~ he cost of ll1e t<>rnovsl ~~~~n~t the 'eglelr.:nt Sec. 104·17. For~e majeu ..... In "he av~nt ~ rsglstrants psr!Ciman'e of or ~omplldn~e w"h anv of 'n& p ovls1ons o: lh1s art1cle 1s pre>enle~ by~ ~au~e or a"e.1t not wlthh th~ ·sgl,lclllts control, su~h Inability to ~eliorm or :om~l'l shall be Ueerred eXcL..o~tl <nd no penal;les O" s~nottons sCcl: be ID1f>09~(' a~ a Je9Lit, ri'OWi~d. h~"·'6V<>I, th~t such L~glstlfllt u:;~; "II p sctlcanle me~ns to axpedL\IOLLOit Ct,la or coLr&ct a11v ouch 1nanll.'y to •Brlorrn 01 LOmp), FO' ourpose; 11 \his ~rt1cl~, c~use~ ot &V~IIb 11~! >•11IM111 ~ ,egl'ib~'t'~ corfrol shallrr cluda l'rth•JUI llffiLt~ILon, act< cf gud, !Jo.Jds, earthqLta~es, landsl'c'e8 ~utrlcan9s, fll~a and cti'e" natura, tlisas\ets, act~ ui pu~1 L~ ~nen11et, rrol• c· elvll Q,s['itbances. sabotag~ otnk~s Md restr~11ts LmpoSsl by o cer uta govJrnm<Jrtal agency or Govrt Csus~s ~r av~nU! with n r~y~st.a,ll's control, anJ thus not lalllng WLtllln th1s <~~~011, th~ I lncurl5 w~huulllrnltatlon registrants llt•ancl~llll<tbllltv to perfo r~ ur CJI11plv, econcr,tlc h01rdoh1p, and 'lll~fess~ncE m9lleasanoo ut ronl\,asance ty ~!1'/ c.1 rfgl~trant's diTAc'o o c~lcets, emrloyees, ccn1r~ot.vrs ,,, agfnls ~;)AJ.--""--;;.11""-'~~~i<i~·~·· Sec. 104·18 Reee/Vatron ol rights and romadtoo. (or l he <'14'QcLy rese1v~s tlw rrgl1l to am,,nd illiE; artcl3 ~s Jt shall tLJHi n~veosory 1r. tne lal•nl ex~rclse allis pc It·~ J Ollar; :b) n" ~rllcla s.1a11 'Ja "PPIIG<lbl& tc all colnmunLcotJcn~ f<tc'.ttlao ~l~c~<i n !h6 pu·•ll~ rl£hlo·of-w~v on c1 8tter the e:te~~ve d~te c th1o art1ciB ~nd aholl orrlv to all ey,st,n• co.llmUrliSahons toclllilss I• lhe ~ ubiLc r ghts-d·way rrl~r to the eflectl•r& d,te rr thlo @lilcle, lc the lull e>1ent permitted by i\aiE' an.J fedsra I"''' 1 c) The sdo:.tlo,1 u, lh!s ~tltcle 10 not Intended to ~lfej: Bhy 1ghib o' cefensss of t:t. Cli'(C.L!y o "COllniUJllcahoos servLCu pluvlder und~r clny aYislll ~ 1r1nclll~~ 'rc,enoe 01 othf: ~~re.,rn~ 1ls wrtr s ~ornmun1cffilons se1 VI'-"" r;rovlrlsr (n.' Nothing In t,11s al"l~ls shall afracl tile remedleo lhs «tl>rldt'L OJ th,, ~g,strart has a¥8lla1Jie und~1 sr~lloable law. 101 Any pers~n who us5s t~.-communications !acl'ltles ot a reg1s!ran·, o!h~r then the tP~I<>trant th'l! o1·1rs the lac111tee, shall nol ba ertltletl to anv rights 'o p:a~e ,,, malma1n <Uclt facllllios In e~r.esa nf tre rlghte of t~e regtstJa\1\ t.lRt pieces ot rramt~"'" the l~crllt:~s 1 \ • .,:\ 1.',.,._'\Jor -13( '~r~-4,0-'•~~-M ------____ ,_- s~c I 04·19. l:stabllshmsnt of the rate of ths communi( ~tlon3 "el vlws tax I H) l"cr tne f,~t;~l '/edr citi'e 311;'C!]y cornmen.Jny on OclvJ~r I, 2001, and end1ng on Sepltlmb~r 30, 2002, th~ ~:rty her~by est~~ilsr~~ lhci rate of the commu111CJJ:I~ns servrcE<J Ia> as~~~ bsse rate of5.10 r.e ce~t established bv F-SFI~ '31~1 §.) 2C2.19 arcl 202 20, pluo D 4~ ~'o'"""!, as )l8rmtllec' rv 8cr:tron 11 of Clmrter 20U1-14D cf che La•;•~ of Flo rd'l, pi 1s 0 \ 2 ~erc.ont, as re1 m1l!ed by 1<--SFia 81 "'I § ~:;:~ '0 I •~r rl tolai ~1 G P2 percent (b) 0n and aft~r Octcbe: 1, 2002 l~& ~ill'Y..D: harel1y e~t~bllshe~ the •ate Jt l1~ c~nlmllnlcatlon~ SET·II~es tsx as the basa Jdl3 of s 10 perce.nt est~lll1;hed by 1'--<;.--..\fJa §.ta_l §_ 202 2.0, pl.is 0 12 pe oe,lt, as neiTl"r'ted by !'.<.f-la Sht ~ J.l~ 1,01, for a Mal ul 5 22 percent, ta) The <ffi)IQift nereby lnstrocts h• f-londa ::JEpaimenl of Rr.venue lo ooll~ct the oomrrur.lcatlons se,vlces lax at ·he rates set forth m oubsecllons •~1 ~nrl tbl of this se~tron f"~~~C.'l-' §_ru;., 104@ Pas:; .. T'trougll Prav,det and Commun!catl<;o'1'Lf~<:IN:t.i'..!Sl'!.l9~r.l:~~<! Charg<>S ' ' !1§9.: I'ION__j C1ty Crod& Ch!J.Illil.L 11 B, '(.<Jmlnfol!~lron and R·e~\_0~1 Er~cedUI'"~ ~tll•lk> 11.. "h!ll!J rj~""-!JJ\1'i.!.Oil ll__~P§ojg_~_8_\'.l(!<l!'' E.r,~o.\J,: 5••i'f[~IJ J l ~-T 1 "Po·N~IS srd gut "'" " Is hcr~ll'l t0.1lli!11d.\l1 ilS "oliO\'& Sac. 118-71. Powers and dut.les The deslgr. :~v el•' board shal have lhe 'rllo'.-·rng pol•rers and dLrtres, (f,To promote sxceflencb In urban 1esl~n (2)T~ twlnw all arplt~altot" r&'jUt, t~g de01gn tevtAW 'ppto,sl tcr all u!opertlos not ~~~~ted l'ltlhtn '! ~e•:gnaltld htslonc d·strlct 1 no" deolgnatecl 9s ~ hlstortc stfe FJr W1r'~o ~; srt In t1e a,i ,. pu~ltc JlaGe~ , ths I re;tew board •~all setve ~s a'ivtgor to tit • ctllmt>oto· and or~~ 1 ttl I r 82, ar'tcle VII atltn It dtvtslon ~. Ill I I II ,I (SIT o pt,.pare and 1 ewntm~lld adoplton of d~stgn pl<ltts ~ertalnln~ to nelgllborhouJ ~tudles (4)To promote redltcOO Ctllne and f.;sr of Crtllle through tl'e ug" of ~tlrnc ~rcvcntlon lhtottgh env t o1tne.1ta' de~ tan gurd< ltnaE an<l blr~teatss. liS ~ppta,ed t;v tile city ccmrr tsston t5)TO hear and dect~e ~ppe.ots ot the planning dltector when dectdlll~ mAit81S ~ttrsuan: to oectton 11e-2eo S!::CTION 3, ~¢Jii'~d8-Cf.aeter 118....:.._'\,lmlttlsrailcn •nd R~vtew PJ.9i&!.Jpre~.-~.ttll'l~ II, "!'<_oards," Dlvtslort <1 "tll;tortc..E@!.."!.Q"'-!Ior BoRf<i~ 5<>J-110tt.118-10; "Po·,·t.~ <HJ.9..du~oo," I<; 'l?' aby !lmE'ttde~l a~ hi low<, Sec 118-102 Powel"l! and duties : 1 )PeC'lmtnettJ to lh5 p a 1111rc> board, ~hd crt11 co,nr'l'S!l'01 the 1sston~tlon of ~lston~ butiJtr,g~. s'ruc·u, ~• •mpr cvel'lanl•, land~carc ·ce:tLr~s. pub lc 1.110 'lcr~. an~ htstott~ 't~s or dtslrlcts 12)P ~pare att~ tecontmend tat odopltol ~oectfic gtttd~lln~s for eadt d~~tg•atec stle or dt'<tlct ·o )e usee ·o evaluate the a>•pro>•llateness and cont~alt~tltly ot prJpo,e.j ~~erQPO, 11 dev~loor,te~t l"'tthtn de~tgnalt~d hrs'ort::: e~s~ vr htstott~ dtslt tcls i3jlsstte ~ denv certHtcates <.!1 apptJPII~teness certft:~!es b dig 9nn ceMtcat..:J of ar-~·opna\el'<'se IJI derroltlun 1.1 accordance 'Mth Jru:JE>ULII~~ spemfie~ tn 11''3 dlvl;l~n. e>eludt~til cerliftcal~s r:1 appo~•tslett~~s fo• d~mJitltan far cllt-oWl&'i bu,ldtngs and ~~h~r i,r~tuv~mt!nls a< he.strcf;e, spe"ltted on cltv-ovmed )'rop~llj and ~Jbltc rlgl' s-o•-wa1rs snd ~'opetly u .. ;•ted h~ l'1" Mtatnl 8e~~r~1 Redav~turrrem ,-.nency f~: which ptopertle.s tha hlstorlc pres~'V!llton hoar~ shall oefll~ ac ~d,dsor to tMe my coMmlss'0n Jb!-".1YlM:!l!t....oh'l.lL!nclJJ~ l~l'L!ill1~ rG'ffil___ill__11ill!l.L. !ill9_J\L«Q\!QJL\\11 llt1L.J&!lllc M JtS-of-1(8 .!L lljS td5 of I DJ-3!!\( des·gnato;&Jl[§.\QltC dt~lt <ct• of all iffiprovemenb and It {\ureJ lnclu(I[Q~ wllh0!11 llrntt,att~n utlt!Y m!l!!P...llllUi&l_t\L~olros lelee&JU!Jll •Ottii!bQoo <'wutpnt~nt a Jd go[e€ ~p<l ~b~l furnllut s. (41Re~omr~~~d res[,Jmtlrr of prop<>r'v (1 tto prtor condtttOI' as 11<11tlred b~ €ee<lcr 11S-CJ':l when the propertv hes been altered In vlo alton of this lllt~lst~n (5tAJvl~e the ~a~rd at ac•usUnent 1,11!11 re~ard to vanance! ~&scc.l~leJ l"'llh ~rope.tl~s rlsolg 18 ied as htstortc sitos, htst~. lc bu ld•na~. historic str~ctures, htsloMO tmpravernan:s, hf~tcrtc landsc~p'? t~atur'"'s ~r any Ll.tldtn>, or ~IIUOIUrP oc~led l•'llhln a hts·o I~ district or ~ N~·t~ral lleRISI<'II [! stnc"t throuQh ·..;rltten Jacommend'>\lan \o l:e ~~ad 1nt~ the I~G!Jid by l'la pl~11n111~ g'l'i ~onl11g dii<>OtJr at the bGard ot odjustmenfs he<mng, (6)Facillta1e the re'ieve'oprnenl of hmtr11r. -•'t~~ anrl d1slt:cts by dlrect111g the plonning de~artr;er,t, and ctr-m clt•1 cep~r:rne1ts, to ptO•IIdc, advlsoN anU technlc.al ~SSI3\anw to prope,l)' 01;ners, apo1Jcanl3 fYr certlfl-:ates of arpmpna\enes3 (7\~llal<s and pras•,nbe by-lsv.s ~nd aPrllOatlon pro~edu·es that are rea~o1~oly n&~eqoar·1 enc ap1r~rnatc !DI' the proper admtnlstrat'on and enfo OEinent of the provr~IOIIR of l1".1s dlvl3l~n ne b:~'d ~ha1l preacrlbe ·~ m~ t~r u~e bV ~~pl•~a~ts \•lher reque3ll1g M"IOn Llncer th1s Ji'JISICn Tnf Uoard 1112)1 aJthotJl6 any 0116 o• Its meMbers to ~dllllnlster oeths and~~ certtfv off1m1 dccumenls (3)/Jward 11siono markers or _r;laqoes u~~n the reccmn1snrlation C'l 'he ol!)o man~gar and vtti' the ~onsent 01 tile ctty commission \B\Update a~G rsv'se the lllstorlc mopartles C:atabosa 11 J)Advocata !hal tiM citv adml1-.1strail~n expl~'~ <lnd ~dvlse th~ hrst~nc Feser1~\1Jn bo~ cl erd the bJiidmg dflclal ss to at.emst1ves r,~il61Jie tor s'sbiiiZing Md ples.,rvmg ln~de~uate[y m;ml<lin"d anctlor ~ns~fe bu•l·ilngs or str .1ctur~, Wltl-h the city's des1~nat0d h1sloo I~ dlstnM~ or on c eolgneisd hfst on~ skeo 1111P.evlew ~II n~w conoiJ uctlon, allerallons, rnodl11catlcrs ~~u H"l~ro·,ement~ to any build~r1g, stru~~ure Jmp,Lvement, lands~spe fe~tlre, pu~l,c 1ntellaJ or stto l',dlv'dually des1~nated In scoord"rGc with sectl~ns 118-091, · 18 502 and • t&-593, or Jo~at~d w1t:11n ~n hl'•c.rc dJSI1I't 112flo review any ~nd ~II amerdments to th1s 8o::e affsctlna ~1sto11~ pr~s~JV<tilot, lsoUAS speclflcslly diVISion 4 of a•tlcla II ~~ ch~ptal' 11 0 en\1tl~d "hlsto!IC pt aserva11~n bo8rd," and a·ilcle ll of charr~• 118 an titled "historic p.eservatlon" PL'''9L·antto sfctlon I '9-163 " " " ',a)Dcslgn rev1ew encompasseo llle ex!miiM\1,111 vf <lchtecJu,~l dJa• .. oJngo; for c<:rsJe;ency w,tll tl1e crlteJJa str.rted belo.v, With t"'gdrd tu the a<>bll"et us, ~~~e<>l dllCcl>, safely, @nd 1 unctlo1 'rf anv n.ow cr evlst1n~ atru~ure and ph''SIO~I atlilbL.teo of the project 111 tel~\lon ·o tile oote, ~d]<a~nt stm;;III'E>S and wrrouncling oommUilll~ T'he boalrl ard the ol~nnlng derartment sh~ll Ievie''" plan~ i'as~U uor..1 the p.,Jow stated cJJtena, cnte:la 11sted 1n neighborhood p~11s, f apollcohle, ana ue~1g11 gUJUellne~ a<IDpted and ~mP,lde~ perlojJc~IIV l'/ fM coolgn review board ~r,cilur h1stmlc P' eservatlo11 bo~rd Rld{;ornrnen Ja1,ons Jf t1~ pla1 1nl1q d"'parltner1 <"laY lnclu~~. v.l; n:t b<ii llm1tsd to, comrrenis frorn t1e lluild111g depaiment a1d tha pttbllc warl~ department If th~ bo~ d delarmlnes that an application Is r.~t con~lst:Gnt •41th th5 orlt~ 1~, 1' shall se1 fo1h In l•mtlng til a :eaoo~~ subst~~liall 1a l'.s flnd•ng The cti\Atta ef~'e1~ec ~bov,-, ~~~ as l:llows. (iiThe existing anj proposed oo11diUnn~ of l~a lot, lncludmg but not ne~esS~JIIy lno~ed to topag1RPhY, 'J">Jet~hon, 1r~es, dra~nags, sh~ l·•al~·\·o~Vq (2;Th~ locat1~n of all a><rstrng and proros&'J buildin~s, drlveh, peri\111!; ~pclcSO, VialkW!WS, me"n" nf ;ng.css ~nd ag~J~g. doal~age facll~l~5, \llll:tv oer;Jcr,>, lalld8Cal"nQ slr~ctures, slg11s, Sotd II:Jhllng and sc eemng ~aVJOes \3)Ths dlnrs1Sions ol all bLtlldrngs, < tr ueLtes, g<fl~~~·,s, p3ilrng spaces, ~Jot area J ot1o, hcrght, lot ~""e'age and any othal lnfornat:Qn t~ot rnov !.>e 1ea>ona''~ ne(eSMry t0 d<>l<llltlns comrl1ance With the r eqlu~ment; l'f ll19 u~derl~lng ~onlng dis nvt, ,md art~ aur.l1osole overlays, for a pa.tlcUisr a~p.lcatton or pruject 14JT!re GOior, deblgn, s~lactlul, of lanUilc~p• tMIPiiRIS an:! s.chrtar,tu,al col~ments ol e't"~rlor IAtil~flly ourraues and prrmary p.1bllo 111te1.or atecls for tlsvetopiT'~n-s r~'<UIIIng s ~\rld111~ r~nnt In &I ea~ ci the t.!y l:fcntlflcd In se~t1on 118 252 (.13)The pMpo~ed sire plar. and the lonrllon ~ppesranca and des1~n ot new and ~~~~tin~ b.rrld1ngs ar.d structure~ sre 1r ;oniN-1·'1\' with the ~-an(la ds of this article ana otner ao~l1co1Jie o·d,n~nws, a10h1;ectura• and de~1qn gutcelln~s a& adop\~d ~nd a'Tlanced pet~odtJally by tre destgn review ooard an-I hl•torrc ptsservstran board ~nd all r,ertrnert m~ste r:ans (6) I he p!aposad str uclure, and/or add1bons <!I modlfi"'ltiOilS :o an e~lstrng s!rL.ctu•e, md1cateo sen;rtiVIty t'l o1d ~s comp~ttbla w~l-the en \II, on mart mnd adiac"ln' s1rrtct~,a~. and ~11!-ams~ the appec ·a nee of the S\111 oun.1irg ~roperiJe~ lll 'h~ 1eslgn and ,ayou\ of th~ popc~ed Sib> pl~n, ~s well ~~ all ne''' onJ ex.st'ng bJiidln;J'> shall be reV1ewe~ so ~s to-JroviJe ar etf~lan' ~rr~ng~men" ullard u~~s. Particular <>1tentlo1 shall be ~1'181 tG <.af~ty, ~time ~reven\1011 end lire protection relatlo~Bhtp tu the surrO\In:flrg norghllorhJod, ""~"Gt on contlgUJUh clld ~djclGar I burld ngs ~nd l~n~s. p<>Ueatrr~.l slyht l•nee and ifi'!W ~o rldors rB)Pecestr ,sn and vehlc.uiM tt<ltfiC mo,eltle~t I'll hirl a•1d odj~oor I to the s1to oholl b~ re,·1ewed tc en~u e t 1at cl"larlv dsfl,1EH~, s<~gre~ated ~edestl19n ~ccesa to tire b,te and al Lulldlng• I' provlced for and 'hat all parkrng s"~~es uro ~sal c a 11 df<l oaf~(V and wnven1entl'l ar, onged: p&deotrran furnl·u·~ and btke rac~s s1oll be c~n~ltler~d Acoe"s to tit~ >rt> rror< aojacmt' warlo ~hall be d~s1gned sc as U; llrertere ao little M put~lble wll1 ttaltlc "11'·1 on 1hP>e r o~ds a ·,d tc !X't m1t IIGhlt-IN a rapid ~ d saf~ lngr ess and ~g: eas In the srte (g,L[r,;htlng shall b" r<>vlaw"d to r;nsurc safe r~w~n,nl r1 ~~rscr; and V3htcl~~ aod r~ll6ctron :on pubrc rrcpeortv for OA"IIII\Jo purp~ses Aird t~ nih1n1IZe nta,e ~n~ ret1Ntlc'1 rr ad,t~~enl pope.t1es Ll~hbng ~hall be revtewed 10 assu e 1.1at ~ enhan;e:; the appea:a 1ce rrf structJre~ at n1~rt (10:~ardeoa~e a~d pavilg matenals ~hall be ,,viewed to etLsVe ~h adequate relatl~nslllp "l~h and enhMcement offhe Q;ersll site plan des1gr ( 11)3uter ng maten~ls shall be re1•1ewe:l to ens we thet haaUIIgl.lb of ~Je~l~les, 11ulos, ~nJ 111:: ~~ frnm otruotutes ate ddequatslv sh1elde~ from public~~~'"', a~t~ve.lt prope:tieo .111d pedeetrlan areas i12~TM pro~os~ structure has en "' lentat•on ~nd 1 nasslng whl:.h 18 b~nolt~'e to and ccrrpallble w1!h U1e l•u,drng sile ~nd ~uno~nd1rog 916d a11d willvl (tea'e~ or m~JltMo,-,, 1mr~rta"~ 11le•," GC,I ,1<1 o II s) (13:Tte l!~tldmg hJs, 'where feaat~l~ s~a:e In th~t part ~ltl·~ ground nou, irun1mg a sll~.,.. u streets •hlht~ll IS t~ be JC~LIPied lor re~trlerlial or camme'Ctal 'J>S~, ltkewtoe, !he up%illoora ol :ha p~d~ot dl port1on of the propo~ed bUJidtn;r It on ling a slrcet, or stree\1' o hoi I h~ve 1 estjat ,t al u o~m'''"ICI~I o~aces, ohalll av~ lh~ awa>Liance ot be:"g s r~stdentl~l ur Cmlllll~ICI>!I sp~o~ o ohall hnv~ ~ll ~tchttectural tre~tmenl w·hldl shall bu"fer th, app<1aranos ot the e~r~lng structJI; frotn the ~utTounJing mea 811~ 1!. l;,teo steo -~lth ttw overall appear ~n~e cl the p OJeCt \1 ~) I he b.illo lng so~ll llMe an appropriate and f Jll)' Integrated rvvfbp a, ohtteollllal 11 eafltiHit lohluh subotant,aiiY %.eens all ntuclt<Hlrar "~UIP'!lent, s1atrS snu Gle~atorlcwerE ( 15) ~n addltton on a building 'It~ ~hAll b., deslgnP1, "ted and 111@~0&1 In~ manrcr •mtr,h ' ~P.ILSJtlva t.:. and co 11patlble wit the exlstlng lmprovementls\ t10: ~II portons of a proJect nonttnc & &treat ct s•c:ewal~ sM~IJ •nr.J po ate ~n arohtlari:u·<'ly arpro~ttate aTno\ln; ol hansrar6my ~t 1he tl·st leva[ .n ord~r to ad, eve p~Je~trlan oompoti\Jtltt\· and <Jrlequate visual Inlet est, (171 'Ills lo~atlon design, s~reenlng ~nd ~uffertlio) of al r~quueo s"ff/tCa Jays, deltvety h~ya, trssh ond tefu~e receotocles, ~s \'Jell as:ras:1 rcorns sh9ll be a11an"eJ so ~s \c have a nu~ltn~l tmpaot en ad,'ac;,nt ptope~·les " ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' " '' ' '" i I _JI , I "'"''""'~: SW.alth <l~orw, >hJII IJ.e uHr~eg wr~l§li~t pus&lble (tl_u.0.P~!DI!ll!.n!.:m the visual lm!JujJ_of vArele~o qqmmYql\ghoo6 !aulhties tRel Pia SI~L~31!51P,1(11bJlli. fl.lod G!\'1 (:r-<.1& §.!Q:i:M.tl5». ~......ill'l...£'!Gh p Q~OS§I jo loc~le ~:11JI~J1lt¥.!i£L ~r'JUILJ level on or w;Mcs~t to l~a e~J~II([ ~~ a Q9l\LO( 'QWJr dQd ~lliL~t\i.QQ.fili!Jidl.ru\l_Q...~!51_!@._d egurPmerJ.JQ!JJ.SllJt_AII atli~IIII"Sl.l!JLQ.( pdra~~llLliL.lli.El._~ar of ~ \OW£[ ~' wale shell lncluJ., J!!IJ>iln~Il!J.fLdecumeJiatlo,l !)§ID21l~J:.i!trng \~ t~ Ml19ft0JQ.Il.QU!is Qjjy_Ml!J!t16~...lh§l the ~lJ!Y_~clntl1:;l_~l!l.lllo, slf9tlll i " '' ' ' ,, ' ' ' ., I ' 111 r ' ' 'I J!l ' ,,, ,, _ _ 1'}11 "I IT_ 81!\"s ruu_gn_ proo~~a!s to plae~ _tQ!"§!L~GI _QL!I!Odify --~~,tl p_g_r!]ITliiOiutlo.l~ !~r.I!Jhles ~hell be subQ\\1 to_t1_,_1 J!alld9rd~ Jn_1_trweJr§J~_s s..-t npt 111 Fla. St~ §_j.tj_ iW.l'l...§HJllilru!<;;d,.ILilli.WJq Wt\l10u! It mj icl!t 011 .t6L ___LJ.§.. ntovrsro~• 9. [lon'a §tatute ~i>lflJj 17~!1~1J.illl'.--ill1 }60:. 1721 1211211~ 1 favor In£ aulucallun ~mqnp ~m,el.§.tFJ.l!tl'ild~ro, t61 The Qt,wrston,...m_ Flo.,y~ $~ ~3GQ 172(1;lli.aJ(5• allov,•lng c~rt~m modrfiooJtQO~ ol ex•stln>J lowero >Jnd certBIIl I¥P'-"" or t~w"r tsmlaQ._.-:>.!.Q!IDJ,j_,_ 11 e~h c~g'1..lf tJ-~ overall helg tltPf the ~oi\'€1J_ lf-lli<L!n.rleaoeci LQl Ths proyro'on~...QLE!Ql:lda Stytuta §3ooj.:;_1_i1)_~M1lJuJ.!rnw lfVi§U lan<i davelopn!9nl and g{J!!lll.n§IJ§!h_Jn~ wlthou' lln11taUon (~I evr<jenw lira! DQ. ~~~~~ rq st··uol ur8 can !)lRODDOIIJ.ll..ki.Jl~d for cntcnna place~lMi...LthJ.llili.E.s'tlcntl~l fll'-"'~ cannr,, ~~.JJQ.!TI o!)l;siPe 1e'L@ufu!L or ~a~ JJ:.JieL..!ll!ll. tha 1arqht or a pmroseJ ty1.ver d 1 ewldc~msnf toV.·<'ll , cl 1 DJldl!ie<U\!I'&LYL~ ... -'-li'Jual!o~ 1~ necwoi![\' to Jllil.'ili!e de>lre{j set vi~ (01 The p:o"l5loos o! f'IRCI9~ Sta)Ute 5~6~ 172112l(Wl~Ll!.!J::llinJ1 'f'lh~rj-~ tmd drs!ance heR@r8!lott~ t~ Lhl! ntlniOILim d!SIBtiCt· necetsgU_'ilil)_J..\'§.t' IDI1!.<:1l.lli'l..!l.~'~'' illliLA§!l.\lll'ltlc r:oPNrllo, <El The poyls.IOI!l ot Florlds StgtUiS!!,:l66 17:'(12Ml!.llilM.!JJJIO,J...II1~ C:~·l lQ cooperste With Wlrelebb jdf"VId~,s to..J!,IL~!?jrtliUunt a<;1Lut ii tbl!l.ll.lvh.bit S PIOVtla< from ;erllu£L~ resi~Q.O!!al 61 E ~ or a ZOil!U.!L~ £.E.I Hi8 OI0Vi~ICO~_Of rlotiJ~ St.l\U\e §06~ 1!2:1~/ibliC./ ~elnt!tl!~IU!J J~.rnlromD .<md aeHhe\1~ rec.ulr~tDi"'lH ~onsls!Pnt w1th 'hose e'-!lJl!lld qnder Flori·!~ 9~..Qbul~l 5§3 ~OJ ~lQIJc;d t9 <ill ~.Jrru!m Jyp~;; ['! Cy[\S!Il.IG"IOn, ~!ld 1G1 The reaurremqnio of F:lol!d~ St;tute fl36§.17~(121tel lionjt111Q leVIS"/ ul f? 1~111 '"'lrelc"~ ___gg.!IlJ:ll.,!jJ.L9ill10n~ r~pi~(!Jn,;rts or mocl!n(;!1tlons I but nQL$-"i-'!.11 1WDIV1ng nc rllscc.ml'lle chengBs 1.1 51ze typcl or 8ppent@.!JQ., Sec. 11 S-564 Declstons oo certlllcat..s of appropriateness. 1al~ deO!SIO!l Oil El' ~ppll~~\!0'1 fol a cet!LIIO~\e of sppiO~II2!6t195! shall be ~a>o/1 L!pUn t·~ foilm•ln(J ' , lEvaluatl~n of the compat:b I tty or tile phvslcal alterst1un o !tr.pto~~rrent '•'•!til sur, ~unj1ng p. opsrtl"'s and where appbi.OI<'i comUIJonce ,;,Lh lh<> fvllovl! ,q a The Sec.~!Bt'/ ollnteMr's ~tandar~' ror ~~~abll1tatlon ;,pd Guc~ll!'e> for Rehab! I tallnq Historic. Blilldi1JS as l"e\,tSS~ frotr !JM!I to t:"le, R!ld b CJlh"r >'Uid~llna.Jr.wllclel'l'plans a~optOO u op~1cv~J by!es~illt!Jn or ~"·,n,nce b·1 th~ o1ty ro1nmlos!on. 1211n d<>telm1n1ng l•ohethe, a patl!cul~r appl!c~tlon Is com~~:lbe vlltn ounounrll,,~ >ropertJes tne h.~(r;I!C orsservat10n bo~rd shall ronslder th~ f Jllo'•o!ng a E:.<terlor a, chltectural features, b,Gensral des1gn sea:~, mRs~lng enG ~rran~et"lenl c Tel(\Ute and m•terral and uolar <t r~<> ,e:at!~.l·~~~ of subsect!r·n~ e, b, o., abo•,~, t~ other stm:;tl!ro~ anJ leaMes of\he d1stnct e Th~ ou, r.oso torwhl:h th0 d1str .&t 1•19.o cre9ted r The relat1nn,1h1p of trcl •lze, dso1gn nnd sHm~ d ~ny llA"' or reco1si.'Jmd atru~rL r~ to 1he lanc'ee8pe of the Jl<riGt. g "'" 11storlc IEMI!rces repvrt coni~ olng all a,alloble C:at~ Rn~ h1c~tonc Joourn~ntatton re~ar din;~ (i'e btllldlng, slt8 Jr featu:e hTl!' ~rlom~ archl'~cfurBI deo1~n o,· anv subseq11er' modalcat1ons \hat hov~ "~ciU't ed s1g11 ''lcarce, :31The examlnal101l vf arrhtl<>c\u,~l d!<lWinos lor consstency l'•llh ll1e 'nte,Ja 'tated b~lo;,, Vvlln reg~rc' to th~ aeshB"ICS eppeera'loes, "safetv, ancf tL.nctlcn of any n~w or ~) 1>t11g structure, pu~lic 1ntet1~r space and pt''"'c~l atll1~Lcteo of th~ ptoject In rei9tJon to :he site, AdJ«csnt sltLcture.~ and pro:Jertles and surrour.dln(; comtnunlty T1e l1lstonc praservot1on Jo~l'i an<l pl~nnln<J Jep;wr;:ent shall revrew plar,;; baoed u~on t'lf' J"low st~l6d ~~~~~ria ~11<1 1 ecommendatlun6 o; the pla~n111g <1epertms.11 nory mc'uds, but not be lii'Lited to, c~mmsnts frorn ths bu1ldmg department The CJitet ~ "eferencsd abc·1e are ~s followe, s The loc~t1vn o all e<~stlng ~n:! rroposec bLIIIdmgs, drwss parking spooos, walkl·,ays. mea~s of lngt~as <t~d egress, d1 ol~eg~ focll'·l.;o, utility servloos landscap1,1, structure9, s1.ns, and lghtlng and scr~o>rtlng de1!1<>'1S, 0 The dnn~nslons of ol: buildings, stn1c'ureo setbar.J<g, orrkrng s•Jac~;, flo.lr araa r~tlo, i'elght, lot ooveragG end anv otMt mtommtlor \hat may be te~~OIIJ,'I'I nBctJssarv to detsrmtne Lmrnp'oanc.e w1lh ,he r~qui'Pments ~~ !1~ undarlyl~g zrn·n~ dlsttlct ~nd a w arpl1cab:s ove. law;, tor ; jar(1cular ~ppllcatlon or PJ o eel cTh~ color, de~lgn surface 1111Ehos <nd se·e~flon o' lan~s:;rp~ matorlalo enJ Ar~h lect:ural elernenlo of the c:.terlor nl al, bLIIIdmn artl ott·uotwe3 and lrlma "i rJ~IIc 111t~r or areas for deve:opments requlriDO • bu1ld•~g p~rm1t 111 ar~~s of the ~ity ftlentlf"'" ir sect1~n 1'0-5U~ ~.-he p opose:i sluoture, andnr ecdt1~rs to a 1 e1 ls'lng 8tuc\ure 1s apptoprlato •o a1 d conoJatlble v~th !11~ en·,'ron -n«nt Brd adj~cent st·uc(ure6, an~ e,1nanceo th~ ~ppefrance of the sunou1J1ng ~·oper'I6S, or t1e purr.ooSP3 fr., '·'lhlch tile dlstnCI '"~~ ~re:re·l e Ths design ard layout ci the prop~sed 01le pl~n, as W€'11 ~all ne'.'v and Molm~ bJildlrrgs ano puiollc lnteri;Jr spa~~s shal loe revl~w0d au ~s tc pru·nd" an ~tl1~1~•1l a !<lng~lnsll oll~nd ~SPS Patt'ctJiar atle1bon sMall be given to ~8"e-,, t: 1me prev~ntlot M,tltire protection, 'elatlvnshlo lJ \h~ SJIIoundlno nei;,Jhborhood, 1mp~ct on ~·eoetvlng h1olutrc ~haracte1 of the ne1ghf..orroc~ and d1~hd, co1rt1~uous and adjocant 11illdl·,gs and lands, p~de~trlan slglttllnos ard view corrldol$, f Pades'rl~n and vchlct·Jer tratt1¢ move rrant wlthlr. a1 td a11 ~oe~t I~ tre site sh~ll be rev1ew~d to en~ure that cle~rly defined, ;eyr egated pedes:rlon ~c()ess to !he ~~e an~ ar <>Ulldlngs Is ploiJided for and !rat eny dnv~"''ays a11d parking spacES ~te us~bh, sately and C011'ienl®n\ly arrarged anti have~ mlnlmal1mp~ut ~n pedestllsn chulatlo,l thrau~hout the 81le, """"~to the s~a froln aOjacsnt rca~s shall he ne~'gne~ so ~s (o '" __ j I mt~rfere as l1ttle as poss1Jie w'th VBi>'C'..:IaJ trnfllc tluw cr. t~e~8 ru~ds ~ncl r<>n~str1an rrroven,ent onto ond within -he sl·s, as well as p<'r:n~ bot1 peJs>lt ans ~no ,•eh Gles a ~lie-ingreos a11d 8groos to the~~~~ g Lrthtlng sil~ll h~ relllewed tu ensu 6 ~@IE> lllOIJellle~t ot ;er~.;n, arrl vehkl~s ~·Jd r<>lle~tlwn on publl( ~ropsrly tor se(rm(y ~urposes ~nd to m1nl,r.1ze gl.ire enJ refledon or• adracant p•opart1aS and nJnol~te,Jt w1lh a clr1 master plan. wher~ applicable r L~rdsca~e ~n<l pavlnq , ·~terlals shal: bs re,·lewad to e1sur~ ~n a~equa(e ~l<lt'onshlp w1to i!nd e 1hanoemant of ho eve rail s1te plan de~lg 1, 1 Bufferrng mater1~ls shal: b~ rPifl<lweJ t~ e,1sure -rBt he~dllg~ts ,,f vshlc as, noise, and t:gnt from struoturoo drs adeqJ~taly bhlald~d fror• pJbllc orow, ad;ac"nt propart1eo and rerl~•t~sn are~s ].Ani rropos~d ~ew s!rliCtL't<l ohall haife ,;;n OL1en•at1o.1 ~nd massrng l'lhlch IS senslll\'9 t~ arLd ~~mpa!lble WI h tr~ LLL[Ui tg ~~~~ ard surro~nJ1ng med ~lld I·'ILICIL ~ra'lleE O/lllaEnl<llnS rrnporlant ;raw corrrdorjo 1, kAII ~tllldlngs Eh~ll hMe, tc tM greatest e\te~t possible 5l9C6 IlL that pat! otth~ ground floor lron,lng a stdev.,alk, sl•eel 01 otro~ts ••>hlciL Is to l;e occop1ed foL tesJdert!al ~r comnLGrCrcll uee;;: ltl ev-16~, tha u.~Pet floors ot th~ pedastal pottlon of the propc~ed bu1ld•ng fron\111g a oldP.\•161~ stree~, o streets srall havG rPr:dent1e. or c~mmerc:al spac~s. or shall have, 11£ appearance :.f berr~ a re~rdan·ral or ~DmmErcl~1 space 01 .shall h•v<> en a<chr,ec·u al t.ea•ment '•·lht.:h shall b~rrer the arJfaro11ce oi a r,a:illng strudu" TOI n <he sr lii'O~nJin8 ~rea aoO '" rntegrated l·llth t1s ova, all ae,oear2 1ce oft 1.-omject tAd 1Ju ldrngs Sh9ll have cln app,~pllnte and !Lilly 1nte~retec' 100f'op srcnrtectura trea\rilsnt which subsl~r'l~llv scro0n~ all n;;.ch2nls"l ._qulpr;-ent, stair< a •d elavat,,r L;wers m.An;' ~dd1~1on on ~ buJ'c 11~ s~e shall loe designed s1ted ar,d .nasoed ,,, a mar.ne Whll'h Is -s~nort•v~ IL' anrl oonrp~t1ble wrth the e.~ISIIIlg lmpl ovement:h t n All po•thne o\ ~ proJeCt trontrrr9 a s!taet x 5rdewotlk slra:t lntorpo·ate an a TC\Int of fr ansparer~1 ~~ the "lrst IS"Je necossar)' t~ ach1~v~ pedest~an ~u rpst b1l1t11 ~The o~atron, <.l~s1gn, ocr&enlng dnJ l.>uft~rln~ of all r"~urred o,;w1ce b<vs jo 'vary bay~. \ld~h and rfiu;d N>t.~ptclt.te9, a3 we""" Lasilroornb ,hdlllM at,a ,:,ed ;o a~ to ~La"e ~ 'lllnrmsll~pil~l on wjjoo~nl ,?lD[•e.{l~' --------_, I _ , lr~llh ds~r9D...£L.£Q!)lmur •ca\rons tact Hres .!:!.._be bcate~ on ne1•· 'illJ!_clur es rrr t!JH rlglrts·O' -way shall ellmlna!S' ibo. o~:il~_lQ.c;e.t'}.~g~n_d..\'L~IcJVai~_llfill'P.menl loth~· Jiron I, II ' [[I[ ,, II [ II llltl " tB1 ThE-11rovlslon~ of t•Jtda Statut~ ~3651721~i!L•hm:J.tlfLGll.r:fil.lli mq!Jifi_C"!ill!J.~,g21fnq loW'Jrs .i!.ll£1 gerlsrn ivtre~ n! tov@! r~o!acetlell,S....!IL~;Lt!..P>~ If lhr. mr~tall heJq'1t ot the t('"IP.I 1~ not ·nc•&&.'l.'1:!1 IG) The P!O''I~Io~~ ~~ Flor·~a ~tmut!l..ltl6517,1,il:?,!lbutr l•mltrnn re'll~w to l!m\L!;!BVtlopmHnC ~rr;! Lan.nq !ssw•• tpclucrng wrlhout 1 'r'!P\Ion 1~1 ovldoneu_that r.Q eff!ll!nq etructutl' can teaeonably be used for ~n,elnR J!clCStntJn( If! 1h•l\ r~sl~~ntlal Q•eas qannot b€' SE'[Ved from outsrd~ resld~ntral ars9s 01 (~) I!Jat th€ :1el•flli .... 1'L!! p....QiJ.PS<>d lo~Ver~l~ce'Tient tow .. r, a rnoclrf!~d twsr 01 2 QJ:IO~~t1or Ill neQ>l~'.!!t\'.!9. provl~~ d~q1re:l se'\ilce LOL ~-_Ilte _Qt.0fl~.!9JlLO..:...flU-:!!..._§j_at U!~53d~ __lj]J.1.ZJ1 b II -, I l<mltj'}g_ s§Q~<:_~~ w'JJ. di~.D2itll"!lhll<>J''..'l!2.1QJ.be mlnlntul rt .ffill...l.'t'<,t, nece§~ru.t .. ' Q_ "~t >JY struclut§l estttY ~n~![@..!Jc !<OIJC~IIj,>,_ i.SL._Xil<e_~,~~~~~~~Jl~ oi Flol!'l<1 5taMe; §}_'fi_j;-~tl1Jl.t12l..lli~ c:.~~ r!itQ..'& ltll '·'l.i!J'!Lel!'i..f t..tvl~~ r5.!9_ttl'CL1'!Y§lill1' ~n l@f· I~ ~tJ."-. t r at .illQ..f)illt\. a o rowJa I'!JlliU'Jillllllq § '""19' nt1"1 at •o...Qr JJ..mrtlng <Jr>\llil. .rfl......_J:b:c...f/L~''#~r6 D:.t:lQ.uda St(l!Jte r,~Q!i 1 nt't2H~Etl mitt! II<~ ~e~·gn r§qurremants and antb.,.tra rm..urr~mrrill r•onsrsle1t wrh i~·J£<: ~do, ten unrlcr Fiorlrl~ StalL' e Cbqoter ~6; ?.W!!jjQQ 1,Q "II srmr~~ rrf nunst•u~ltQ.I.!....o!l.!l! [G1 rbs r~qurreroen\~ nt Flclidg Sla!tlte §J6!i 172ij~JBLIJr!!Jtltl\llslJ'!<;'.' Ql pstlalrt wlmless ~Om'lluntcabo•tb rBpl~getpenill 01 nod'lrcailonJ,O_Jbttt not t"'"~ ]rvo:vlnq_no dlsoernlblc .fl'alm~~ m ~lzo...:,v,E 8t ~DI<@amrt~e .§.ECTI Ofi~..So:ll(!!;;illQO , ltli..LlfL!.!ll.!l.ntlon of [l'l C!Jx.S::Jilllr:nk:iJon. apd It 1~ hsreby_Qicalne~ IMI the ~ro'"~"r' oUt~ ord1n~n~e ohall ~-' ccrr~ "nJ !J~ mad.@. p~rt or the v~c!fLQ!Jtl!'....!.h_9f M1arn1 ~sclt ~! amend~ ,that the ~er.t1ons of tht3 ord1nance :11sy be renurnbo;r~U OLteletlerecl lo aroonu<ll!i)L£1!£h •nten11cn <IJli that ttl-'! 1•o•d_"91 dh!IQ~E'~!ri'W bfl chA~'l.L~"LtQ._"&~ct"'n'~Q' atl1EW an.12!'.9..Q,:l§.ts vru.uL. ' I __l _ _j . I All 01 ~lrano'[<]~dr1S of ~rdlnalllei> @llJ dl ~ec huiL.illilU2~tb or SfQIIG,JS 10 cont)'ct hcl1 ew1~' b~ JWJ..\b§_ ~·0111§_ ~<:ll!l&L>UI'§il!'J, mlJON 8 Se•Jerahii!!Y_ If an'( S<"C[Ion st>IJ~~n t l~u~~ ...f'J_ I' I <WI~Icn ot _fu1~ Ordltlmll«i'..kl!~l'J'ta:ld ille ~~.L'iW &lMRD..Q~.!!~ af'l·cl<~ct hv 0 liOh wvaV,Jfu.,_ ~UE6T ----- CIT1 CLERK IIPPROVEtJ AS TO ' I C'ITY ATTOBI~E)' Date un,1ar;>91'i' .\L~.D..Ql'i::<.Il"-'Y l~ !i\ltM~I! d.,nJ!d." sl!l_ckan bngll~'16 Fn~tl~ Sec c fl.Cill~rjj[l_g_ ------lv'MOR '-