20150429 Agendar915 . ?015 MIAMIBEACH Presentations & Awards/City Commission Meeting City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Genter Drive April29,2015 Mayor Philip Levine Vice-Mayor Jonah Wolfson Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Micky Steinberg Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Deede Weithorn City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visrt us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video streaming of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach, entitled "Lobbyists," requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Gommission, any Gity Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the Office of the City Clerk. Questions regarding the provisions of the Code should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select 1 for English or 2 for Spanlsh, then option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). ln order to ensure adequate public consideration, rf necessary, the Mayor and City Commission may move any agenda item to an alternate meeting date. ln addition, the Mayor and City Commission may, at their discretion, adjourn the Commission Meeting without reaching all agenda items. AGENDA 1. Call to Order - 5:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Requests for Additions, Withdrawals, and Deferrals We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. 1 Commission Agenda, April 29, 2015 Presentations and Awards PA1 Proclamation To Be Presented ln Honor Of Landscape Architecture Month. (Requested by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) PA2 Certificate Of Recognition To Be Presented To Michael Allessandri. (Requested By Commissioner Michael Grieco) PA3 Certificates Of Appreciation To Be Presented To The 2015 Soil @ MBSH Art Contest Winners, Soil @ MBSH Honorees, And The 2015 Soil @ MBSH Essay Contest Winners. (Requested By Commissioner Michael Grieco) PA4 Proclamation To Be Presented To Elaine Lancaster, "Elaine Lancaster Day," For Her Dedicated Services To The Miami Beach LGBT Community. (Requested by Commissioner Deede Weithorn) PAs Community Resiliency Award To Be Presented To David Guthrie. (Requested by Commissioner Deede Weithorn) PA6 Community Resiliency Award To Be Presented To Harvey Ruvin. (Requested by Commissioner Micky Steinberg) PA7 Certificate Of Recognition To Be Presented To Teen Job Corps, St. Patrick Church, And Helping Hands Ko-Op, For Their Partnership And Participation ln The City Of Miami Beach Grocery Delivery Program. (Requested by Commissioner Edward L. Tobin) PA8 Certificate Of Recognition To Be Presented To Miami Beach Resident Chris Wyman For His Brave Actions That Led To The Arrest Of Two Felons. (Requested by Commissioner Edward L. Tobin) REGULAR AGENDA R7 - Resolutions R7A A Resolution Accepting The Recommendation Of The City Manager, Pursuant To Request For Proposals (RFP) No. 2015-129-ME, For Construction Manager At Risk Services For The Miami Beach Convention Center Renovation And Expansion Project ("Project"); Authorizing The Administration To Negotiate An Agreement With Clark Construction Group, With Said Agreement Subject To Prior Approval By The Mayor And City Commission Before Final Execution Thereof. (Office of the City Manager) 2 Commission Agenda, April 29, 2015 R7 - Resolutions (Continued) R7B A Resolution Approving The Creation Of A Mayor's Task Force On The Development Of A Continuous Bicycle Pathway Along The East Coast Between Miami Beach And Fort Lauderdale; And Prescribing The Duties, Manner Of Appointment, And The Terms Of Office Of Task Force Members; And Urging The Mayors Of The Cities Of Surfside, Bal Harbour, Sunny lsles, Golden Beach, Hollywood, And Fort Lauderdale To Appoint A Representative From lts Respective Jurisdictions To Serve As Task Force Member; And Urging The Florida Department Of Transportation District Four And Florida Department Of Transportation District Six, Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization, And The Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization To Each Appoint A Representative To Serve As Member Of The Mayor's Task Force; And Directing The Administration To Share This Resolution With The Above-Referenced Cities And Agencies. (Requested by Mayor Philip Levine) (Legislative Tracking: Transportation) R7C A Resolution Accepting The Recommendation Of The Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee Regarding The Continuation Of The Alton-West Trolley Route And Directing The Administration To lmplement The Proposed Bi-Directional South Beach Trolley Route And Service Plan That Connects Collins Avenue ln The East, 17th Street ln The North, Alton Road ln The West, And 1't Street ln The South. (Transportation) R7D A Resolution Expressing Support For Expediting The South Beach Component As The First Phase Of The Beach Corridor Transit Connection Project Which Proposes Light Rail TransiUModern Streetcar Connectivity Between The City Of Miami And The City Of Miami Beach; And Directing The City Clerk To Transmit A Copy Of This Resolution To The Agencies lnvolved With The Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study (i.e., Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization, Florida Department Of Transportation, Miami-Dade Transit, And City Of Miami). (Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine) (Legislative Tracking: Transportation) (ltem to be Submitted in Supplemental) R9 - New Business and Gommission Requests RgA Washington Avenue Blue Ribbon Panel Presentation With Final Recommendations. (Requested by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) RgB Request For Waiver Of Conflict By Weiss, Serota, Helfman, Cole & Bierman. (Office of the City Attorney) End of Aqenda 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 Presentations and Awards PA1 Proclamation To Be Presented ln Honor Of Landscape Architecture Month. (Requested by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) PA2 Certificate Of Recognition To Be Presented To MichaelAllessandri. (Requested By Commissioner Michael Grieco) PA3 Certificates Of Appreciation To Be Presented To The 2015 Soil @ MBSH Art Contest Winners, Soil @ MBSH Honorees, And The 2015 Soil @ MBSH Essay Contest Winners. (Requested By Commissioner Michael Grieco) PA4 Proclamation To Be Presented To Elaine Lancaster, "Elaine Lancaster Day," For Her Dedicated Services To The Miami Beach LGBT Community. (Requested by Commissioner Deede Weithorn) PAs Community Resiliency Award To Be Presented To David Guthrie. (Requested by Commissioner Deede Weithorn) PA6 Community Resiliency Award To Be Presented To Harvey Ruvin. (Requested by Commissioner Micky Steinberg) PA7 Certificate Of Recognition To Be Presented To Teen Job Corps, St. Patrick Church, And Helping Hands Ko-Op, For Their Partnership And Participation ln The City Of Miami Beach Grocery Delivery Program. (Requested by Commissioner Edward L. Tobin) PA8 Certificate Of Recognition To Be Presented To Miami Beach Resident Chris Wyman For His Brave Actions That Led To The Arrest Of Two Felons. (Requested by Commissioner Edward L. Tobin) Agenda ltem PA I - I 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6 MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, l700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: April 29,2015 the City Co SUBJECT:A RESOLUTION OF THE MA AND CITY COMMISSION OF THECITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER, PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFp) NO. 2015-129-ME, FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AT RISK SERVICES FOR THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER RENOVATION AND EXPANSION PROJECT ("PROJECT"); AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT WITH CLARK CONSTRUCTION GROUP, WITH SAID AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO PRIOR APPROVALBY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION BEFORE FINAL EXECUTION THEREOF. ADMI NISTRATION RECOMMEN DATION Adopt the Resolution. KEY INTENDED OUTCOME lmprove alliance with key business sectors, namely hospitality, arts & international business with a focus on enhanced culture, entertainment & tourism. BACKGROUND On February 11,2015, the City Commission elected to re-bid the Project under a Construction Manager-at-Risk (CMR) project delivery method, an approach that allows for the continued development of the design for the Project with the benefit of input from the Construction Manager prior to establishment of the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Project, currently anticipated to occur on or about October, 2015. A request for proposal was issued on March 2,2015, advertised and emailed to national and local construction management firms. Proposals were due on April 9,2015. Only one proposal was received from Clark Construction ("Clark"). On April 15,2015, the City Commission authorized the Administration to eliminate the RFP Evaluation Committee and open the sealed fee proposal and estimated General Conditions costs submitted by the sole proposer, to permit the City Manager to proceed with the due diligence process and make a recommendation to the City Commission concerning award. ANALYSIS Firm Experience: The Clark proposal meets all of the requirements of the RFP. Clark has extensive public assembly experience that includes 15 major convention center projects (shown below). Clark reports to have Agenda ttem R?A Date 9-Z?-l.r7 Requesf for Proposals (RFP) No. 2015-129-ME for Construction Manager af Risk Seryices April 24, 2015 Page 2 of 4 built convention center projects totaling $4.7 billion with over 20 million square feet as well as other public assembly venues with convention and meeting space. Project Name/Com pletion Date Role TotalSq Ft Music City Center, Nashville (2013) Knoxville Convention Center (2002) Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (2004) Orange County Convention Center Phase V Expansion, Orlando (2003) Walter E. Washington Convention Center, D.C. (2003) McCormick Place South Building, Chicago (1996) McCormick Place West Expansion, Chicago (2007) Wisconsin Center, Milwaukee (1 999) Palm Beach County Convention Center, West Palm Beach (2003) Los Angeles Convention Center Expansion (1993) Miami Beach Convention Center Expansion (1991 ) Pasadena Convention Center Expansion (2009) Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center Expansion, Phase l, San Antonio (2001) Memphis Cook Convention Center Expansion (2003) San Diego Convention Center Expansion (2016) CM at Risk Lead JV Partner CM at Risk Lead JV Partner CM at Risk Lead JV Partner CM at Risk CM at Risk Design/Build Lead JV Partner Design/Build Lead JV Partner Design/Build General Contractor Design/Build General Contractor General Contractor General Contractor CM at Risk CM at Risk Lead JV Partner 2,100,000 480,000 1,700,000 2,800,000 2,300,000 2,900,000 2,600,000 680,000 346,000 2,700,000 1 ,100,000 302,500 865,000 33s,000 1,000,000 Project Manager Experience: Mark Eames is the proposed Lead Project Manager for the Project. Mr. Eames has over 25 years experience in the construction industry including experience with large, complex convention center projects. Mr. Eames has been involved in three convention center projects and a large convention center hotel expansion project, including: o Music City Center, Nashville (2013). McCormick Place West Expansion, Chicago (2007)o Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (2004)o Hyatt Regency McCormick Place Expansion (2013) 8 Requesf for Proposals (RFP) No. 2015-129-ME for Construction Manager at Risk Services April 24, 2015 Page 3 of 4 Mr. Eames was the Prolect Manger for the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center project. Clark reports the three convention center projects that Mr. Eames was heavily involved were under budget with considerable cost savings. Other Team Members: ln addition to the Lead Project Manager, Clark has assembled a project team of key individuals that includes a Project Superintendent, Assistant Project Manager, Preconstruction Manager, Quality Control Manager, Safety Manager, and a Director of Sustainable Solutions. Clark has teamed with local construction contractor Facchina Construction. Some of Facchina's recent local projects include the New World Center, Pennsylvania Avenue Parking Garage, Grove at Grand Bay, American Airlines Arena, Espirito Santo office tower and Florida lnternational University's Parking Garage. Financial Strength: Clark provided financial statements indicating total assets of $1.6 billion and gross revenues $3.6 billion in 2014. Clark provided letters of surety bonding capacity adequate for the Project from Travelers, Chubb Group, and Zurich. CMR Fee Proposal: Clark has proposed a CMR fee equating to 3.95%o of the work they manage. This equates to a fee of approximately $t9 million based on the current budget. Preliminary research indicated market fees for these services typically range from 2.75o/o to 3.0%. Heretofore, the City has budgeted a 3% CMR fee, which equates to $14.6 million based on the current budget. lt is hoped that Clark is willing to negotiate a fee that is more consistent with the City's budget. Pre-Guaranteed Maximum Price ("GMP") Services Proposal: The CMR Contract incorporates three key contractual phases: 1. The contract that the City Commission will act upon in May of 2015 will focus on; i) the CMR Fee, ii) a fixed price to not exceed for pre-GMP services (May 2015 through October 2015), and iii) the general contractual terms and conditions. 2. ln October of 2015, the City Commission will consider a "GMP Amendment" that will be the result of the pre-GMP services, a six-month process to agree upon a GMP, including Clark's long-term staffing costs to manage the construction. 3. The project will then be competitively bid over the next several months. Any savings as a result of the competitive bidding, below the GMP, is contemplated to be spilt 75% to the City and 25o/o to Clark. This is a major advantage over the prior design-build process in that now the $400+ million worth of construction trade subcontracts will be competitively bid pursuant to an "open book" contracting process, and not merely part of one design-build lump sum. ln addition, the bidding to the trades following the GMP Amendment in October, 2015 will be based on much further-completed design packages, thereby bringing greater certainty to the bid process and pricing that better reflects the costs actually required to complete the Project. Clark has proposed a Pre-GMP Services Fee of $3,669,799. This includes $2,424,269 for staffing, $530,530 for expenses, and $715,000 for "profit and overhead". The City has budgeted $2,500,000 for pre-GMP Services based on discussions with leadership of other similar projects. 9 Requesf for Proposals (RFP) No. 2015-129-ME for Construction Manager at Risk Seryices April 24, 2015 Page 4 of 4 . Staffing - fhe $2,424,269 in staffing cost provides for roughly 19 full-time equivalents for six months. This equates an average annual cost of $255,186 per person. . Expenses - The $530,530 relates to office/trailers and related expenses. These are budget amounts and actual City cost will be based on actual expenses incurred. . Profit & Overhead - The profit and overhead of $715,000 is a 24o/o mark up on the staffing and expenses. This is very high and inconsistent with the proposed CMR fee of 3.95%. It is hoped that Clark is willing to negotiate a Pre-GMP Fee that is more consistent with the City's budget and prevailing industry rates. CONCLUSION / RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission direct the Administration enter into negotiations with Clark Construction related to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2015- 129-ME for Construction Manager at Risk Services for the Miami Beach Convention Center Renovation and Expansion Project. JLM/JS/MH T:\AGE NDA\20 1 S\April\MBCC\MBCC CMR Perm ission to Negotiate - MEMO.docx 10 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THECITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER, PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFp) NO. 2015-129-ME, FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AT RISK SERVICES FOR THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER RENOVATION AND EXPANSION PROJECT ("PROJECT"); AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT WITH CLARK CONSTRUCTION GROUP, WITH SAID AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO PRIOR APPROVALBY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION BEFORE FINAL EXECUTION THEREOF. WHEREAS, Request for Proposals No. 2015-129-me (the RFP) was issued on March 2, 2015, with an opening date of April 9, 2015; and WHEREAS, a voluntary pre-proposal meeting was held on March 19,2015; and WHEREAS, the City received one (1) proposal from Clark Construction Group; and WHEREAS, on April 15, 2015, the City Commission authorized the Administration to eliminate the RFP Evaluation Committee and open the sealed fee proposal and estimated General Conditions costs submitted by the sole proposer, to permit the City Manager to proceed with the due diligence process and make a recommendation to the City Commission concerning award; and WHEREAS, after reviewing the Proposer's qualifications and submission, the City Manager exercised his due diligence and is recommending that the Mayor and City Commission authorize the Administration to enter into negotiations with Clark Construction Group. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY GOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the recommendation of the City Manager pertaining to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2015-129-ME, for Construction Manager at Risk Services for the Miami Beach Convention Center Renovation and Expansion Project; and authorizes the Administration to negotiate an agreement with Clark Construction Group, the sole proposer to the RFP, with said agreement subject to prior approval by the Mayor and City Commission before final execution thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: day of 2015. APPROItD AS TO FORlvl & IAI{OUAGE & FOR EXECUIXCT.I Q),t* {ztt' Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Philip Levine, Mayor Ene E11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 12 Condensed Title: An Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission Of Miami Beach, Florida, Approving The Creation Of A Mayor's Task Force On The Development Of A Continuous Bicycle Pathway Along The East Coast Between Miami Beach And Fort Lauderdale; and Prescribing The Duties, Manner Of Appointment, And The Terms Of Office Of Task Force Members; And Urging The Mayors Of The Cities Of Surfside, Bal Harbour, Sunny lsles, Golden Beach, Hollywood, And Fort Lauderdale To Appoint A Representative From lts Respective Jurisdictions To Serve As Task Force Member; And Urging The Florida Department of Transportation District Four and Florida Department Of Transportation District Six, Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization, And The Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization To Each Appoint A Representative To Serve As Member Of The Mayor's Task Force; And Directing The City Clerk To Transmit A Copy Of This Resolution To The Above-Referenced Cities and Key lntended Outcome Supported: Ensure Comprehensive Mobility Addressing All Modes Throughout The Pedestrian Sa Supporting Data (Surveys, Environmental Scan, etc.): According to the 2014 Miami Beach Community Satisfaction Survey Final Report, about 4 out of 10 residents (39%) claimed they would ride bicycles; this is in2012 U8%\. Item Summary/Recommendation : ln 2007, pursuant to Resolution No. 2007-26695, the City of Miami Beach (City) adopted the Atlantic Greenway Network (AGN) master plan to create a safer environment for pedestrians and bicyclists. The AGN proposed a comprehensive network of pedestrian and bicycle facilities that provide direct access to important destinations within the City, linking residential neighborhoods, commercial centers, and parks. The Beachwalk and Baywalk are major components of the AGN system and facilitate the use of alternative and sustainable forms of transportation throughout the City. More people are riding bikes and walking around Miami Beach than ever before. From the advent of DecoBike (now CitiBike) to having one of the most robust bicycle scenes in South Florida, active transportation plays a key role in the life of Miami Beach residents and visitors. The City is now in the process of updating the Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP). As the data in the draft Plan indicates, a third of the people on Miami Beach at any one time are bicycling, walking, or taking transit. The BPMP Update seeks as its main goal to lead to a greater number of people bicycling and walking in Miami Beach. Through research conducted as part of the BPMP Update, the travel mode split for Miami Beach was estimated. Approximately 45% of City residents and tourists currentlywalk, bike or use transit as their primary means of transportation. This is a substantial percentage of the population wfiose transportation needs are addressed bythe policies and designs in the BPMP Update. ln addition to these City-led initiatives, Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, in the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact's Regional Climate Action Plan, recommended that the region complete, expand and connect networks of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, including supporting access to transit, prioritizing implementation of planned bicycle and pedestrian networks. Through the efforts of the BPMP and the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact's Regional Climate Action Plan, the City is striving to increase and promote the safe and convenient use of its bicycle and pedestrian networks including the creation, extension, and improvements of bicycle and pedestrian facilities between and among present and potential major local and regional generators of bicycle and pedestrian traffic. Mayor Philip Levine has requested the Administration to lead in the creation of a Task Force with the purpose of exploring opportunities to develop a continuous bicycle pathway that would connect Miami Beach with Fort Lauderdale along the coastal region. This Task Force would be comprised of representatives of coastal cities along the proposed pathway connecting these two jurisdictions (i.e. cities of Surfside, Bal Harbour, Sunny lsles, Golden Beach, Hollywood, and Fort Lauderdale). The Counties of Broward and Miami-Dade should also be represented on the Task Force. Additionally, the Florida Department of Transportation Districts 6 (Miami-Dade County) and 4 (Broward County) should have representation on the Task Force. Other members should include the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) for Broward County and Miami-Dade County. Within their respective MPOs, these two organizations have Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committees that should have representation on the Task Force. Additional organizations could be called upon to participate as part of the Task Force as the project evolves. At the request of Mayor Levine, the City of Miami Beach will serve as Chair of the Task Force. More specifically, the Transportation Department will be the City's lead Department in collaboration with the Environmental and Sustainability Division of the City Manager's Office. The goal of the Task Force should be to develop an incl within six months of beino established. Financial Information: Source of Funds: Amount Account I OBPI Total Financial lmpact Summary: None. & - Clerk's Office Jose R. Gonzalez. P.E. X6768 AAIAANIBHACH 13 g MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, ,l700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMIS MEMORANDUM Mayor Philip Levine and Members Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager April29, 2015 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, MAYOR'S TASK FORCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CONTINUOUS BICYCLE PATHWAY ALONG THE EAST COAST BETWEEN MIAMI BEACH AND FORT LAUDERDALE;AND PRESCRIBINGTHE DUTIES, MANNEROF APPOINTMENT, AND THE TERMS OF OFFICE OF TASK FORCE MEMBERS; AND URGING THE MAYORS OF THE CITIES OF SURFSIDE, BAL HARBOUR, SUNNY ISLES, GOLDEN BEACH, HOLLYWOOD, AND FORT LAUDERDALE TO APPOINT A REPRESENTATIVE FROM ITS RESPECTIVE JURISDICTION TO SERVE AS A TASK FORCE MEMBER; AND URGING THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT FOUR AND FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT SIX, MIAMI.DADE COUNTY, BROWARD COUNTY, MIAMI DADE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION, AND THE BROWARD COUNTY METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION TO EACH APPOINT A REPRESENTATIVE TO SERVE AS MEMBER OF THE MAYOR'S TASK FORCE; AND DIRECTING THE GITY GLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE ABOVE-REFERENCED CITIES AND AGENC!ES. ADMINISTRATION RECOMM ENDATION The Administration recommends that this Resolution be adopted. BACKGROUND ln 2007 , pursuant to Resolution No. 2007-26695, the City of Miami Beach (City) adopted the Atlantic Greenway Network (AGN) master plan to create a safer environment for pedestrians and bicyclists. The AGN proposed a comprehensive network of pedestrian and bicycle facilities that provide direct access to important destinations within the City, linking residential neighborhoods, commercial centers, and parks. The Beachwalk and Baywalk are major components of the AGN system and facilitate the use of alternative and sustainable forms of transportation throughout the City. More people are riding bikes and walking around Miami Beach than ever before. From the advent of DecoBike (now CitiBike) to having one of the most robust bicycle scenes in South Florida, active transportation plays a key role in the life of Miami Beach residents and visitors. The City is now in the process of updating the Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP). As the data in the draft Plan indicates, a third of the people on Miami Beach at any one time are bicycling, walking, or taking transit. FROM: DATE: the City CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY ROVING THE CREATION OF A 14 Commission Memorandum - Resolution Approving The Creation Of A Mayor's Task Force On The Development Of A Continuous Bicycle Pathway Between Miami Beach And Fort Lauderdale April29,2015 Page 2 of 3 The BPMP Update seeks as its main goal to lead to a greater number of people bicycling and walking in Miami Beach. Through research conducted as part of the BPMP Update, the travel mode split for Miami Beach was estimated. Approximately 45o/o of City residents and tourists currently walk, bike or use transit as their primary means of transportation. This is a substantial percentage of the population whose transportation needs are addressed by the policies and designs in the BPMP Update. Miami Beach ranks # 6 in the country for bicycle commuting among cities with a population between 65,000 and 100,000, with 5.29% of its residents commuting to work, while Florida ranks # 17 according to a2013 analysis of bicycle commuting in American cities. lnfrastructure improvements to bicycle networks and pedestrian amenities have the potentialto reduce traffic congestion while improving mobility and the quality of life of residents. The Atlantic Corridor is the coastal corridor portion of the Atlantic Greenway Network that is currently under development along the City's beachfront area, adjacent to and within the subject property. These multi-purpose beachfront trails will be on-grade paved pathways along the dunes, with native landscaping, shade canopy areas, and turtle-friendly lighting. The system of bicycle and pedestrian trails provides continuous, multi-purpose public access corridors throughout the City. The access corridors are being developed as Greenways or linear parks which wind their way along the City's beaches, waterways and natural ecosystems with connections to residential areas, resort areas, business districts, civic centers, transit sites and parking facilities. The Beachwalk segments that have been completed run from Government Cut to 3rd Street, from 5th Street to 23rd Street, and from 64th Street to 79th Street. The Beachwalk segments from 3rd Street to Sth Street are currently in design, and construction is anticipated to be completed in 2016. Segments from 24th Street to 45th Street are in the process of selecting a designer and construction is anticipated to be completed in 2018. Segments from 47th Street to 64th Street are currently in design and construction is anticipated to be completed in 2016. ln addition to these City-led initiatives, Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, in the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact's Regional Climate Action Plan, recommended that the region complete, expand and connect networks of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, including supporting access to transit, prioritizing implementation of planned bicycle and pedestrian networks. Through the efforts of the BPMP and the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact's Regional Climate Action Plan, the City is striving to increase and promote the safe and convenient use of its bicycle and pedestrian networks including the creation, extension, and improvements of bicycle and pedestrian facilities between and among present and potential major local and regional generators of bicycle and pedestrian traffic. ANALYS!S Mayor Philip Levine has requested the Administration to lead in the creation of a Task Force with the purpose of exploring opportunities to develop a continuous bicycle pathway that would connect Miami Beach with Fort Lauderdale along the coastal region. This Task Force would be comprised of representatives of coastal cities along the proposed pathway connecting these two jurisdictions (i.e. cities of Surfside, Bal Harbour, Sunny lsles, Golden Beach, Hollywood, and Fort Lauderdale). The Counties of Broward and Miami-Dade should also be represented on the Task Force. Additionally, the Florida Department of Transportation Districts 6 (Miami-Dade County) and 4 (Broward County) should have representation on the Task Force. Other members should include the 15 Commission Memorandum - Resolution Approving The Creation Of A Mayor's Task Force On The Development Of A Continuous Bicycle Pathway Between Miami Beach And Fort Lauderdale April 29, 2015 Page 3 of 3 Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) for Broward County and Miami-Dade County. Within their respective MPOs, these two organizations have Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committees that should have representation on the Task Force. Additional organizations could be called upon to participate as part of the Task Force as the project evolves. At the request of Mayor Levine, the City of Miami Beach will serve as Chair of the Task Force. More specifically, the Transportation Department will be the City's lead Department in collaboration with the Environmental and Sustainability Division of the City Manager's Office. The goal of the Task Force should be to develop an implementation plan, including funding strategies, within six months of being established. This regional initiative supplements the localized efforts outlined as part of the BPMP Update and the regional efforts outlined as part of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact's Regional Climate Action Plan. This would serve as an excellent alternative mode of transportation connecting various coastal cities in a very unique way. Overall, the development of a continuous pathway between the cities of Miami Beach and Fort Lauderdale would be an infrastructure improvement to bicycle networks and a regional transportation asset connecting various cities along the route. RECOMMENDATION ln an effort to enhance mobility, particularly for non-motorized modes of transportation, and in response to Mayor Levine's request, the Administration is recommending the approval of this Resolution. Additionally, a copy of this Resolution will be transmitted to all the cities and organizations included in the title of this Resolution. KGB/JRG/XRF T:\AGENDA\2015\April\Transportation\Resolution Creating Task Force to develop a continuous pathway between MB and FLL MEMO April 21 201S.docx 16 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE CREATION OF A MAYOR'S TASK FORCE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CONTINUOUS BICYCLE PATHWAY ALONG THE EAST COAST BETWEEN MIAMI BEACH AND FORT LAUDERDALE; AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES, MANNER OF APPOINTMENT, AND THE TERMS OF OFFICE OF TASK FORCE MEMBERS; AND URGING THE MAYORS OF THE CITIES OF SURFSIDE, BAL HARBOUR, SUNNY ISLES, GOLDEN BEACH, HOLLYWOOD, AND FORT LAUDERDALE TO APPOINT A REPRESENTATIVE FROM ITS RESPECTIVE JURISDICTIONS TO SERVE AS TASK FORCE MEMBER; AND URGING THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT FOUR AND FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT SIX, MIAM!. DADE COUNTY, BROWARD COUNW, MIAMI.DADE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION, AND THE BROWARD COUNTY METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION TO EACH APPOINT A REPRESENTATIVE TO SERVE AS MEMBER OF THE MAYOR'S TASK FORCE; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE ABOVE.REFERENCED CITIES AND AGENC!ES. WHEREAS, the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact (Compact) is a unique and collaborative effort among Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe Counties, their municipalities and partners; and WHEREAS, the Compact has developed the Regional Climate Action Plan which includes recommendations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS, greenhouse gas emissions are a contributor to sea level rise which is a threat to health, safety, and welfare of residents, visitors, and businesses of Miami Beach; and WHEREAS, planning, designing, and prioritizing walkable, affordable communities supported by sustainable multimodal transportation options reduces greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach goal is to promote alternative modes of travel, while ensuring environmental and economic sustainability, and improving the quality of life; and WHEREAS, the Compact provides recommendation for the region to complete, expand and connect networks of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, including supporting access to transit, prioritizing implementation of planned bicycle and pedestrian networks; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach shall strive to increase and promote the safe and convenient use of its bicycle and pedestrian networks including the creation, extension, and improvements of bicycle and pedestrian facilities between and among present and potential major local and regional generators of bicycle and pedestrian traffic. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND GITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM! BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute this resolution and to direct the City Clerk to transmit a copy of this resolution with the above-referenced cities 17 and agencies. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of ,2015. ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Philip Levine, Mayor T:\AGENDA\2015\April\Transportation\Resolution Approving the Creation of a Mayor's Task Force on pathway between Miami Beach and Fort Lauderdale (RESO).doc D ASTO. rdnu & IANGUAGE-a ron EXECUTIoN t,f 18 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: A Resolution Of The Mayor And City Commission Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting The Recommendation Of The Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee Regarding The Continuation Of The Alton-West Trolley Route And Directing The Administration To lmplement The Proposed Bi-Directional South Beach Trolley Route And Service Plan that connects Collins Avenue in the East, 17th Street ln The Alton Road ln The West, And 1't Street ln The South. Kev lntended Outcome Supported: Ensure Comprehensive Mobility Addressing All Modes Throughout The City Supporting Data: As recently indicated in the 2014 City of Miami Beach Community Satisfaction Final Report, cityruide Traffic Flow, Parking Availability and Road Conditions have been rated as very poor and appear in a down trend. Additionally, according to the same report, 49o/o of Miami Beach residents would be willing to use local bus circulators as an alternate mode of transportation. mendation: The Alton-West Trolley service was approved by Miami-Dade County as a temporary traffic mitigation strategy in connection with the FDOT Alton Road reconstruction project. The City is authorized to operate the Alton-West Trolley service within the limits of the FDOT Alton Road project and until final completion of the project, scheduled for August 2015. At the January 15, 2015 City Commission meeting, the City Commission referred the Alton-West Loop to the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee (NCAC) to discuss the potential operation of this service beyond the final completion of the Alton Road project. At the NCAC meeting on April 21,2015, the Committee made a motion recommending the approval of the attached Alternative 1b by the City Commission. The City's Transportation Department has held various discussions with Miami-Dade Transit (MDT) regarding the establishment of a permanent South Beach Trolley route after the Alton-West Trolley service is terminated. MDT staff has highlighted the importance of avoiding duplication of service and competition with the existing circulator service (the South Beach Local). The Administration believes that the most effective and efficient manner to complement the SBL is to provide a more direct connection between Collins Avenue and Alton Road. Two Alternatives that incorporate that connection have been proposed by the Administration and are attached for reference. The recommended Alternative by the NCAC, 1b, is the shortest option in length connecting Collins Avenue and Alton Road directly. This proposed route operates in two directions and requires a fleet of six (6) trolley vehicles. This route alignment connects to various public parking garages (i.e. the 17 Street / the Fifth and Alton Garage) and allows for transfer onto the proposed Middle Beach Trolley and existing South Beach Local. Note that this route provides similar coverage as the Alton-West Trolleyalong Alton Road; however, service is extended south to provide service to the Miami Beach Marina for a connection to future water taxi services as well as to connect to the Rebecca Towers senior complex. The proposed South Beach Trolley service is anticipated to operate Monday through Saturday from 6:00 AM to 12:00 AM and Sundays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM with a frequency of 15 minutes. The anticipated cost for operating Alternative 1b is estimated at approximately $2.9 Million annually. The Administration is identifying additionalfunding and resources needed to develop and implement a cityruide interconnected trolley system as part of the FiscalYear 201512016 budget process. Upon approval of the final route alignment by City Commission, the Administration will enter into an lnterlocal Agreement with Miami-Dade County. A contract amendment with the City's trolley operator will also be needed. The proposed South Beach Trolley service could begin by March 2016. Since the April 21.2015 NCAC meetinq. Transportation staff contacted Miami-Dade Transittodiscussthe alternative recommended bv the NCAC (Alternative No. 1bl. At the meetino, MDT staff expressed some concerns with the duplication of service to the Rebecca Towers Complex since the South Beach Local currentlv serves this location. Additionallv. MDT staff recommended some minor adiustments to the proposed Alternative No. 1b route. includinq servinq Meridian Avenue - in lieu of Alton Road - from 11th Street to the Fifth and Alton Garaqe. Additionallv. MDT staff emphasized the need for the tno to offici, .T}IERES0 t ffilur,{. Advisory Board Recommendation: The NCAC Committee directed the Administration to proceed with the implementation of the South Beach Trolley to promote mobility in South Beach upon the termination of the Alton-West Trolley service. The Committee passed a motion recommending the attached Alternative 1b (Bi-directional) as the preferred option and 1a (Uni- South Beach Trollev route. Financial lnformation : Citv Clerk's Office Legislative Tracking: I Jose R. Gonzalez, Ext. 6768 , Source of Funds: OBPI Financial : N/A Department Director Assistant City Manager City Mr raper JRG .\Lb KGB JLM /LL T:\AGENDA\201 S\April\ Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the Regarding the AGE}'IDA I Ir the {S MIAMIBHACH m[s[ fl? c =DArE qdq-ls19 1- ,. -*-.n: -/--, I ?l :r . 3{rl: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Mayor Philip Levine and Members SSION MEMORANDUM tiii:;41r''l FROM: DATE: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager April29, 2015 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY GOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACC THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CONTINUATION OF THE ALTON-WEST TROLLEY ROUTE AND DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO IMPLEMENT THE PROPOSED BI.DIRECTIONAL SOUTH BEACH TROLLEY ROUTE AND SERVICE PLAN THAT CONNECTS COLLINS AVENUE IN THE EAST, 17TH STREET IN THE NORTH, ALTON ROAD IN THE WEST, AND 1ST STREET IN THE SOUTH. NEIGHBORHOOD/COMMUNIW AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING ON APRIL 21. 2015 At the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee (NCAC) meeting on April 21, 2015, the Committee passed a motion recommending Alternative No. 1b (bi-directional service) as the preferred option and Alternative No. 1a (uni-directional service) as the secondary option for the proposed South Beach Trolley route. The Committee directed the Administration to proceed with the development of the South Beach Trolley to enhance the South Beach Local service and promote mobility in South Beach upon termination of the Alton Road reconstruction project and consequential termination of the Alton-West Trolley service, anticipated to occur in July/August 2015. Since the April 21, 2015 NCAC meeting, Transportation staff contacted Miami-Dade Transit to discuss the alternative recommended bythe NCAC (Alternative No. 1b). Atthe meeting, MDT staff expressed some concerns with the duplication of service to the Rebecca Towers Complex since the South Beach Local currently serves this location. Additionally, MDT staff recommended some minor adjustments to the proposed Alternative No. 1b route, including serving Meridian Avenue - in lieu of Alton Road -from 11th Streetto the Fifth and Alton Garage. Additionally, MDT staff emphasized the need for the City to host a public hearing to officially present the proposed route and service plan to the community for input. BACKGROUND On February 5,2014, the City launched the Alton-WestTrolleyas a means of improving mobilityand mitigating parking impacts to the businesses along the Alton Road and West Avenue corridors in South Beach as a result of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Alton Road reconstruction project. The Alton-West Trolley service was approved by Miami-Dade County as a temporary traffic mitigation strategy in connection with the FDOT Alton Road reconstruction project. The temporary 20 Commission Memo - Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Commiftee Regarding the Continuation of the Alton-West Trolley and lmplementation of the South Beach Trolley April29,2015 Page 2 of 4 certificate of transportation issued by Miami-Dade County authorizes the City to operate the Alton- West Trolley service within the limits of the FDOT Alton Road project and until final completion of the roadway project. At the January 15,2015 City Commission meeting, the City Commission approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the sole 6-month term renewal option of the Agreement between the City and the trolley operator, Limousines of South Florida lnc. (LSF), to continue the provision of the Alton-West Trolley services through the final completion of the Alton Road reconstruction project on July 31,2015. The City Commission also referred the Alton-West Loop to the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee (NCAC) and the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee (FCWPC) to discuss the potential operation of this service beyond the expiration of the recently approved 6-month renewal term. At the January 30, 2015 NCAC meeting, the Administration provided an overview of all the actions and approvals required in order to establish a permanent trolley route in South Beach once the current Alton-West Trolley service is terminated on July 31 ,2015. The NCAC passed a motion requesting that the Administration explore alternative route alignments to provide trolley service in South Beach and bring the item back before the NCAC for further discussion. On April 6,2015, the Transportation Department presented a proposed South Beach Trolley route and service plan to the Transportation, Parking and Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee (TPBPFC) for inpuUfeedback. The TPBPFC made recommendations and requested that the revised route be brought back to the committee for further input at its May meeting. The alternatives presented herein incorporate the initial feedback provided by the TPBPFC. ANALYSIS Pursuant to Miami-Dade County Code, the County has jurisdiction over transit service within Miami- Dade County, even within municipalities. As such, extensive coordination with the County is required in order to develop a municipal circulator route/system that minimizes duplication of service. Additionally, an lnterlocal Agreement between the County and the City, subject to both City Commission and Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approval, is required for permanent operation of municipal circulator service. The City's Transportation Department staff has held various discussions with Miami-Dade Transit (MDT) regarding the establishment of a permanent South Beach Trolley route once the Alton-West Trolley service is terminated. MDT staff has highlighted the importance of avoiding duplication of service and competition with the existing circulator service in the area (i.e., the South Beach Local). The alternatives included herein have been presented to MDT staff and incorporate the transit agency's comments. MDT has expressed some concerns with the proposed alternatives and has advised that full support will be given to any route alignment that complements the existing South Beach Local circulator service, thus providing additional mobility options and promoting ridership. The existing South Beach Local (SBL) circulator is a circulator service operated by Miami-Dade Transit and partially funded by the City of Miami Beach through the City's share of the People's Transportation Plan funds received by the City on an annual basis. The City has an existing lnterlocal Agreement with Miami-Dade County for the provision of this service. The Agreement, dated February 21 ,2012, has an initial term of five (5) years with an option for renewal at the City's discretion. This service operates 365 days peryearwith 13-minute headways during peak hours and 2O-minute headways during off-peak hours. The route is eight (8) miles long and provides a connection between high activityareas in South Beach including Collins Park, Sunset Harbour, Belle lsle, West Avenue, South Pointe, and Washington Avenue. The route operates in two directions with 21 Commission Memo - Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee Regarding the Continuation of the Alton-West Trolley and lmplementation of the South Beach Trolley April 29, 2015 Page 3 of 4 a fleet of eleven (11) vehicles. The weekday average ridership of the SBL is approximately 3,500 passengers. The fare is $0.25; however, only 65% of the riders pay a full fare as the other 35% of the riders are granted partial or full discounts depending on age and educational status. More than 25% of the SBL users are over the age of 65 and have a County-issued Golden Passport. The Transportation Department has developed two (2) alternative alignments for the proposed South Beach Trolley that would complement the SBL by filling a gap in service. Currently, the SBL operates as a bi-directional loop providing a connection between two major business corridors (Alton Road and Washington Avenue) as well as high density residentialareas, such as WestAvenue and Collins Park. However, the connection between both corridors is not direct, as the SBL travels a circuitous loop and enters many local streets within various neighborhoods. The Administration believes that the most effective and efficient manner to complement the SBL service is to provide a more direct connection between Collins Avenue and Alton Road. Providing an east-west connection through 17th Street allows for a connection to the 17h Street Garage and the proposed Middle Beach Trolley route. The Administration also believes that a more efficient service can be provided if the route is made bi-directional as this will maximize ridership and ensure the patronage of users in both directions. Alternative No.1 (Attachment A) is the shortest option in length that provides a direct connection between Collins Avenue and Alton Road. This alternative has been divided into two (2) sub- alternatives - Alternatives 1a and 1 b - which operate along the same alignment but differ in service as 1a operates in one direction (with four(4)vehicles)while 1b operates in two directions thus requiring a larger fleet size (six (6) vehicles). This route alignment provides a connection to various parking garages including the 17th Street Garage and the Fifth and Alton Garage. Note that this route provides similar coverage as the Alton-West Trolley along Alton Road; however, service is extended south to provide service to the Miami Beach Marina for a connection to a future water taxi service as well as to connect to the Rebecca Towers senior complex. This route is anticipated to operate with a frequency of 15 minutes. Alternative No.2 (Attachment B) increases the coverage area by incorporating the 5h Street corridor and Collins Avenue south of 1 1th Street. This route is anticipated to operate with a frequency of 15 minutes and will require a fleet of 6 vehicles. Maps of each of the proposed alternatives have been attached for reference. Please note that all proposed route alignments take into consideration land use/density. This ensures the highest ridership potential and best use of the City's resources. The proposed South Beach Trolley service is anticipated to operate Monday through Saturday from 6:00 AM to 12:00 AM and Sundays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM with a frequency of 15 minutes. Upon approval of the final route alignment by City Commission, the Administration will enter into an lnterlocalAgreementwith Miami-Dade County. Based on the process timelines, the Administration anticipates bringing an lnterlocal Agreement to the City Commission in July 2015 and final execution by Miami-Dade County in October 2015. A contract amendmentwith the City's trolley operatorwould be required and anticipated in July 2015 and service could begin by March 2016 depending on the number of vehicle required and corresponding manufacturing times. Should the City Commission desire to implement the proposed South Beach Trolley service in the immediate term, upon final completion of the FDOT Alton Road Project in August 2015 and consequential termination of the temporary Alton-West Trolley service, the Administration could reassign the three (3) trolley vehicles currently operating the Alton-West Trolley Loop to operate the proposed South Beach Trolley route in the interim. lt is important to note that headways would be 22 Commission Memo - Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee Regarding the Continuation of the Alton-West Trolley and lmplementation of the South Beach Trolley April 29, 2015 Page 4 of 4 approximately 30 minutes as only two (2) vehicles would be in service until the fleet of new, permanent low-floor trolley vehicles are manufactured, delivered, and placed into service. COST AND FUNDING Alternative No. 1a (Attachment A): The anticipated annual cost of maintenance and operation of this alternative is $1.9 Million. Funding will be provided from the Resort Tax Quality of Life Transportation fund. Alternative No. 1b (Attachment A): The anticipated annual cost of maintenance and operation of this alternative is $2.9 Million. Funding will be provided from the Resort Tax Quality of Life Transportation fund. Alternative No. 2 (Attachment B): The anticipated annual cost of maintenance and operation of this alternative is $2.9 Million. Funding will be provided from the Resort Tax Quality of Life Transportation fund. The Administration is currently identifying additionalfunding and resources needed to develop and implement a citywide interconnected trolley system as part of the Fiscal Year 201512016 budget process. ln orderto fund a citywide system consisting of trolleys in North, Mid, and South, including a Collins Link, current funding would need to be augmented by approximately $2.+ million of PTP funds currently allocated to capital projects and an increase of the contribution from the Parking Fund from $1 .3 million to approximately $3.0 million. These amounts also include two (2) additional Transportation Analyst positions to plan, coordinate, and implement the expanded trolley system and improve coordination of signal timing with Miami-Dade County. The citywide interconnected system can be considered as part of the FY2015/16 budget process or approved during the FY 2014115 fiscalyearwith currentfunding given the lead time necessaryfor the implementation of the new trolleys. The latter would require the Commission to prioritize the order of implementation of the proposed trolleys given the initial cost restraints until the new fiscal year. RECOMMENDAT!ON The proposed South Beach Trolley is anticipated to have a significant impact on citywide mobility by enhancing/expanding the citywide circulator network. The provision of the proposed South Beach Trolley service is anticipated to also have a significant impact on the awareness and promotion of public transportation while enhancing the current South Beach Local service. The Administration recommends that the Transportation Department continue its ongoing discussions with Miami-Dade Transit staff on the proposed South Beach Trolley to develop a route and service plan that would be supported by both the County and the City Commission. Once a tentative route is finalized, the Administration will bring this item back before City Commission with an lnterlocal Agreement for Commission approval. Attachments: *n[k,,,,{& A- Alternative No.1a and 1b B- Alternative No. 2 T:\AGENDA\201S\April\ Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Commiftee Regarding the Continuation of the Alton-West Trolley -Memo 23 2 25rH 6 24lH 72 YI 923RD h o,,\- 2{ST X UJzt UJo J Attachment A Lrg o'-Q oto=- ial --tu "u ,tETH o uJ =a LINCOLN I6TH r1 1/tth 5TH / ",F'o oz -,-,g zrvD t, GTH -.1 sTH i orri o r€ lSr POINTE Its- UJttfr t-ttlcouNa =6-6 14TH Z 13TH 12TH d=E= ozzul o. ,1rH f gTH gTH xo 4 6 7rH !9 otn E d SBTAltemative I South Beach Local Parking Garage Parking Lot ! MalorTranster ALTERNATIVE 1a: Frequency - 15 Minutes Number of Vohicles - 4 Direction: Lenght - 4.7 Miles Cost - 1.9M ALTERNATIVE 1b: Frequency - l5 Minutes Number of Vehicles - 6 Direction: Bidirectional Lenght - 4.7 Miles Cost - 2.9M N A 0@& *PREL!MINARY* SOUTH BEACH TROLLEY .qtsr ALTERNATIVE { (a and b 24 Attachment B N A - 0fr& *PRELIMINART SOUTH BEACH TROLLEY gi ALTERNATIVE 2 oY2 2srH I 24TH ( 9, 23RD "h 23Ro ?,n ?r", y o'no - u 21sr nl 2OTH 21sr __"€ _S$* ed 14tH 13rH I ;12tH i j lorl i ALTERNATIVE 2: Frequency - l5 Minutes Number of Vehicles - 6 Bidirectional Loop Lenght - 4 Miles Cost - 2.9M "i'q qq,.:,& lz u(,U'O =-,J8i ,sI POINTE 18TH o UJ =a LINCOLN 15TH z,sltl tJ a2z EI o- SBTAlternative 2 Proposed Middle Beach Loop (Phase I Potential MBL Connection to Publix South Beach Local Parking Garage Parking Lot ! u"Prrr"nsfer Point 25 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD/COMMUNlTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REGARDING THE CONTINUATION OF THE ALTON.WEST TROLLEY ROUTE AND DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO IMPLEMENT THE PROPOSED BI.DIRECTIONAL SOUTH BEACH TROLLEY ROUTE AND SERVICE PLAN THAT CONNECTS COLLINS AVENUE IN THE EAST, 17TH STREET IN THE NORTH, ALTON ROAD IN THE WEST, AND 1ST STREET IN THE SOUTH. WHEREAS, the Alton-West Trolley circulator service was approved by Miami-Dade County as a temporary traffic mitigation strategy in connection with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Alton Road reconstruction project; and, as such, has been operating under a temporary certificate of transportation issued by Miami-Dade County; and WHEREAS, the City is authorized to operate the Alton-West Trolley service within the limits of the FDOT Alton Road project and until final completion of the project, scheduled for August 2015; and WHEREAS, should the City wish to continue the provision of a circulator service in South Beach on a permanent basis, a proposed route and service plan must be approved by Miami-Dade County via an lnterlocal Agreement; and WHEREAS, as advised by Miami-Dade County staff, said proposed route and service plan should, to the extent possible, avoid duplication of service and competition with the existing circulator service in the South Beach area (the South Beach Local); and WHEREAS, the Administration believes that the most effective and efficient manner to complement the South Beach local service is to provide a more direct bidirectional connection between Collins Avenue and Alton Road; and WHEREAS, the Administration presented two (2) alternative routes for a proposed South Beach Trolley service to the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee (NCAC) at its April 21,2015 meeting for input, Alternative 1a (service loop traveling in one direction) and Alternative 1b (bi-directional service loop), each connecting Collins Avenue in the east, 17th Street in the north, Alton Road in the west, and 1't Street in the south; and WHEREAS, the NCAC made a motion recommending the implementation of a South Beach Trolley route and service plan corresponding to Alternative 1b, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit 1; and WHEREAS, Alternative 1b is proposed to operate with six (6) vehicles from 6:00 AM to 12:00 AM Monday through Saturdays and from 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM on Sundays, with a frequency of 15 minutes; and WHEREAS, the operating and maintenance cost of Alternative 1b is estimated at approximately $Z.g Million annually; and WHEREAS, the Administration will commence discussions with Miami-Dade County in connection with developing a plan for an interlocal agreement and securing the requisite certificate of transportation, which would govern this South Beach Trolley Route; and 26 WHEREAS, the Administration is identifying additional funding and resources needed to develop and implement a citywide interconnected trolley system as part of the Fiscal Year 201512016 budget process; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the recommendation of the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee regarding the continuation of the Alton-West Trolley route and direct the Administration to implement the proposed bi-directional South Beach Trolley route and service plan that connects Collins Avenue in the east, 17th Street in the North, Alton Road in the west, and lst Street in the south. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of April, 2015. ATTEST: Philip Levine, Mayor Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE ^. & FOR FXECUTTON#.|-*6 27 28 R7 - Resolutions R7D A Resolution Expressing Support For Expediting The South Beach Component As The First Phase Of The Beach Corridor Transit Connection Project Which Proposes Light Rail TransiUModern Streetcar Connectivity Between The City Of Miami And The City Of Miami Beach; And Directing The City Clerk To Transmit A Copy Of This Resolution To The Agencies lnvolved With The Beach Corridor Transit Connection Study (i.e., Miami- Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization, Florida Department Of Transportation, Miami- Dade Transit, And City Of Miami). (Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine) (Legislative Tracking : Transportation) (ltem to be Submitted in Supplementa!) Agenda ttem ,(? D_Date r{_lGt529 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 30 ffi,:,**:-,-, -RG '. : : 1: ' ',- I I , t. '::J, l1*..,: I OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Jimmy L. Moroles, City Monoger FROM: Joy V. W. Molokoff, Commissioner DATE: April 23, 2015 SUBJECT: Woshington Avenue Blue Ribbon Ponel Presentotion with Finol Recommendotions Pleose ploce the obove item on the April 29, 2Ol5 Awords ond Presentotions City Commission ogendo. lf you hove ony questions, pleose contoct me ot extension 6622. JV\^/M We ore commitled to providing excellent public service ond sofety n oll who live, work, ond ploy in our vibronl, fropicol, hist'oric comnunify. Aoenda ltem R ?A Date '_9--29.ls.31 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 32 E MIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ANORNEY RAULJ. AGUTLA, crTy ATToRNEy COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the City Commission FROM: Raul J. Aguila, City Attorney Dt',6,- CC: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: April 2Q, 2015 SUBJECT: Request for Waiver of Conflict by Weiss, Serota, Helfman, Cole & Bierman The City Attorney's Office is seeking to retain Edward G. Guedes and Samuel l. Zeskind of Weiss, Serota, Helfman, Cole & Bierman ("Weiss Serota"), to represent the City in the matter of Christopher L. Parker, Et Al. vs. ATS Consolidated, lnc., Et Al., United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, Case No. 1:14-cv-24010 FAM. Mr. Guedes has requested that the City grant a waiver of conflict of interest to the law firm of Weiss Serota for those matters identified herein: Weiss Serota Glient Matter Chen Moore & Associates Nazario v. Ctty of Miami Beach, et al. Pending wrongful death case arising out of the City Center 9A Project. Chen Moore and the City of Miami Beach are co-defendants with no pendino or anticipated cross-claims. Floridian Condominium Association Representation dealing with public works projects to elevate West Avenue and in addressing Russel Galbut's project between Alton and West and 5th and 7th 1201 Chelsea, LLC (dlbla 1215West)Zoning matter in permitting stage 6080 Collins, LLC Zoning matter in permitting stage Domus Holdings (dlbla 1818 Meridian)Zoning matter in permitting stage 1345 Pennsylvania Code enforcemenUleg islative issue/potential zonino apolication to allow short term leases Baptist Hospital Government affai rs representation with respect to attempts to alter zoning to restrict medical uses to the hospital district, and in connection with zoning approvals on Alton Road Crown Castle Representation relating to cell equipment siting issues and on property leases with the citv. Aoenda ltem Rq ts Date - V-Zq -l S-33 Commission Memorandum April24,2015 Page 2 The conflict of interest provisions in the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct provide as follows: Rule 4-1.7 Conflict of lnterest; general rule (a) Representing Adverse Interests. A lawyer shall not represent a client if the representation of that client will be directly adverse to the interests of another client, unless: (1) the lawyer reasonably believes the representation will not adversely affect the lawyer's responsibilities to and relationship with the other client; and (2) each client consents after consultation. The City would be granting the waiver pursuant to Rule 4-1.7 of the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct. ln that regard, the waiver is required by the City to formalize the representation surrounding the pending Federal Class Action lawsuit. This waiver, if the Commission wishes to grant it, can be accomplished by a simple motion and vote by the Commission. Progressive Waste Representation in connection with its commercial franchise and its residential contract Spear Brothers Representation at Variance hearino 34