20150415 AM 3lll5 .2015 MIAAAIBTACH City Commission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERIAL 3 City Hall, Commission Chambers,3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive April 15,2015 Mayor Philip Levine Vice-Mayor Jonah Wolfson Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Micky Steinberg Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Deede Weithorn City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vrsff us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the Gity Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Glerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the Gity Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM AGENDA R9 - New Business and Commission Requests RgV Discussion Regarding The Beach Walk Appearance And Maintenance, From 14th Street Through 23'd Street. (Requested by Vice-Mayor Jonah Wolfson) RgW Discussion Regarding A Comprehensive Plan To Address Human Trafficking Within The CityOf Miami Beach. (Requested by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) RgX Discussion Regarding Amending Chapter 6 Of The City Code, Relating To The Hours Of Operation For Outdoor, Open Air, Or Sidewalk Cafes To Prohibit The Sate Of Alcoholic Beverages Service Between The Hours Of 2:00 a.m. And 8:00 a.m. (Requested by Mayor Philip Levine) 1 Addendum, April 15, 2015 R10 - Citv Aftornev Reports R10B Notice Of Closed Executive Session Pursuant To Section 447.605, Florida Statutes, A Closed Executive Session Will Be Held During Recess Of The City Commission Meeting On Wednesday, April 15,2015, !n The City Manager's Large Conference Room, Fourth Floor, City Hall, ForA Discussion Relative To Collective Bargaining. 2 g MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM To: Jimmy Moroles, City Monoger From: Jonoh Wolfson, Commissioner Dote: April 13,2014 Re: Commission Agendq ltem - Discussion ltem - Beoch wolk oppeoronce qnd mqinlenonce Pleose ploce on the April 1 5,2015 Commission Discussion Agendo: I hove ottoched B photos thot show the relotively poor ond unsofe condition of the beoch wolk from l4'h street thru 23'd street. I wont to discuss the following: I : Whot is the mointenonce schedule for the roping ond cleoning of the povers on the beoch wolk? 2: Whot con be done to provide better droinoge of the showers? The woter runoff is o sofety ond heolth. There ore numerous locotions olong the beoch wolk where the woter occumulotes thot result in the formotion of olgoe ond slime. Pleose feel free to contoct my Aide, Brett Cummins ot x6437, if you hove ony questions. .JW We ore commilted to providing excellent public service ond sofety to oll who live,'work, ond ploy in our vibronf , tropicol, historic communiN. Agenda ttem RqV Date 9-t S1f3 These pictures all show the lack of proper drainage for beach walk showers We ore cammttei t6 pl6yiiing exceiienl pubitc seruice ond sofe| lo oll who ii,,,e. work ond pioy in cttr vibronl lropicol hislortc communiltl 4 These pictures show maintenance and beatification issues on the beach walk We orc ccmmilled to providing excellent public servtce ond safenT rc oll who live, wark, ond ptoy tn our vibront, tropicol, hisforic ccnmun1y, 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6 r .*ir-.-I---*--mj--ffi -- tl{5'U*f5. ffi}ffiEECF OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Jimmy L. Moroles, City Monoger Joy V. W. Molokoff, Commissioner April 1 4,2015 Discussion ltem on o Comprehensive Plon to Ad Humon Trofficking within the Ciiy of Miomi Beoch Pleose ploce the obove item on the April .l5, 20.l5 City Commission ogendo. Attoched is on LTC ond Proposed Resolution by the Humon Rights Committee. lf you hove ony questions, pleose contoct me of extension 6622. JWVM We ore commined to providing excelbnt public sewice ond sofety to oll who live, work, ond pby in our vibronl, tropicol, f' Agenda ltem Date7 r.-. ^-.{I.-,-. ;i,.:,lliittrrr'11 t OFFICE OF THE CIIY MANAGER No' LTC # 067-zors LETTER TO COMMISSION To: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: February 12,2015 SUBJECT: Resolution Proposed by the Human The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to inform the Commission of a resolution proposed by the Human Rights Committee. MOTION: Resolution expressing the city of Miami Beach Human Rights Committee's recommendation to the City Commission to consider and pass a comprehensive plan to address human trafficking within the city of Miami Beach. Moved by: Walker Burttschell Seconded by: Monica Harvey Passes by: Vote 7-0 Attachment c) r\.t C:E - u1 -r1 r. rq ili-- CrJ .. -t n. r$ -iu, -11 1:mr.,!''l (d -i: : =: €, 8 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION TO THE CIW COMMISSION TO CONSIDER AND PASS A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO ADDRESS HUMAN TRAFFICKING WITHTN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach l{uman Rights Committee wishes to enhance the public welfare by rnaking recommendations to the City Commission to address the issue of human trafficking and to enhance public awareness on the issue; and WHEREAS, South Florida ranks third in the nation for human trafficking according to the United States Department of Justice; and WHEREAS, MBPD has reported victims as young as twelve years old; and WHEREAS, victims of both sexes, male and female, have been reported by MBPD; and WHEREAS, the Committee recommends that MBPD scrutinize all cases involving a "pimp" and prostitute, and handle each as a possible case of human trafficking; and WHEREAS, by recognizing the immediate dangers that a victim may face, the Committee recommends that the Commission direct the MBPD to designate a specific task force to combat human trafficking, consisting of at least three dedicated police officers and to appropriate such funds that may be deemed necessary to operate said task force effectively; and WHEREAS, the Committee recommends that the Commission direct the MBPD to document and report local human trafficking statistics to the Commission and to the Committee no less than annually along with recommendations from the Chiefs of Police to better combat human trafficking; and WHEREAS, the Committee recommends that the Commission direct the MBPD to brief all police officers no less than annually on the subject of human trafficking and local statistics; and WHEREAS, the Committee recommends that the Commission, with recommendations from MBPD, appropriate the funds necessary in order to provide short-term safe housing for victims of human trafficking and emergency care kits; and NOW THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED THAT, the Committee recommends that the City, with the assistance of MBPD, host semi-annual training seminars to local hotel management personnel in order to brief these individuals on human trafficking and to foster better communication and relations between these local businesses and MBPD; and the Committee recommends the Commission to support human trafficking educational program(s) in Miami Beach and Miami- Dade County Public Schools, 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 10 1915 . 20t5 liA/''r\imfACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the City Commission Jimmy Morales, City Manager Raul Aguila, City Attorney FROM: Mayor Philip Levine DATE: April 15,2015 SUBJECT: A DISCUSSION REGARDING AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE ClffS CODE, RELATING TO THE HOURS OF OPERATION FOR OUTDOOR, OPEN AIR, OR SIDEWALK CAFES TO PROHIBIT THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES SERVICE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF2:00 A.M. AND 8:00 A.M. I would like to engage in a discussion with the City Commission as to an amendment of Chapter 6, of the City's Code, in order to limit the hours of operation for outdoor, open air, or sidewalk cafes in order to preclude the sale, service or consumption of alcohol at such locations between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. The code revision would not limit the hours of operation of alcohol sales related to any consumption of alcoholic beverages. or We ore comrniled lo providinq excellent pubhc servtce ond so[el,,r lo oll who live work ond ploy tn our vibront troCical histn; .1" n", R q ,- D"t"E -11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 12 R10 - Citv Attornev Reports R10B Notice Of Closed Executive Session Pursuant To Section 447.605, Florida Statutes, A Closed Executive Session Will Be Held During Recess Of The City Commission Meeting On Wednesday, April 15,2015, ln The City Manager's Large Conference Room, Fourth Floor, City Hall, For A Discussion Relative To Collective Bargaining. Agenda ltem Date13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 14