20170111 AM1MIAMIBEACH City Commission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERTAL 1 (116120171 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3'o Ftoor, 1700 Convention Center Drive January 11,2017 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visif us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Glerk priorto engaging in any lobbying activitywith the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM AGENDA R9 - New Business and Gommission Requests R9 Z DISCUSSION REGARDING THE TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE CITY'S STATE LEG ISLATIVE CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT W ITH CORCORAN & ASSOCIATES, INC., AND SOUTHERN STRATEGY GROUP, INC., AND REALLOCATION OF FUNDING TO THE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION TO PERFORM SUCH SERVICES INTERNALLY. Office of the City Attorney Mayor Philip Levine Addendum added on 11612017 1 1. Addendum 1, January 11,2017 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RDA) A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RDA), FOLLOWING A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE, AND WAIVING, BY 5/7TH VOTE, THE COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT, FINDING SUCH WAIVER TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY; AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRPERSON AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT, SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FORM ATTACHED TO THIS RESOLUTION, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (COLLECTIVELY, LANDLORD)AND THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (TENANT), FORTHE USE OF APPROXI MATELY 935 SQUARE FE ET OF C|TY-OWN ED PROPERTY (PREM tS ES), LOCATED AT 530 17TH STREET, MIAM| BEACH, FLOR|DA, FOR A PERTOD OF TWO (2) YEARS AND TWENTY-FIVE (25) DAYS, COMMENCTNG RETROACTTVELY ON DECEMBER 7, 2016 AND EN D I NG ON DECEMBER 31, 201 8. JOINT REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AN D CITY COMMISSION Tourism, Culture and Economic Development Addendum added on 11612017 2 MIAAAI BEACH TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DISCUSSION REGARDING THE TERMIMTION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE CIry'S STATE LEGISLATIVE CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH CORCORAN & ASSOCIATES, INC., AND SOUTHERN STRATEGY GROUP, INC., AND REALLOCATION OF FUNDING TO THE OFFICE OF THE MAYORAND CIry COMMISSION TO PERFORM SUCH SERVICES INTERNALLY. ANALYSIS Please place on the January 11,2017 City Commission agenda a discussion item regarding the termination for convenience of the City's state legislative consulting seruices agreement. The City is cunently under an agreement with Corcoran & Associates, lnc. (dba Corcoran & Johnston), and Southern Strategy Group, lnc., for state legislative consulting seMces. The initial term of the agreement began on October 1,2014, and ends on September 30, 2019. Notwithstanding the above, the agreement is terminable by the City for convenience with fifteen (15) days' notice. . I believe it is in the best interest of the City to terminate this agreement for convenience and reallocate funding, so that these services may be performed intemally by the Office of the lvhyor and City Commission, which, pursuant to Resolution No. 2015-29847, oversees and manages the City's legislative and govemmental affairs. Legislative Tracking Office of the CityAttomey Soonsor Mayor Philip Levine New Business and Commission Requests - R9 Z COMMISSION MENilORANDUM Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Mayor Philip Levine January 11,2017 Page 659 of 706 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 RedevelopmentAgency - RDA 1. COMMISSION MEII'PRAN D U M Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Jinrny L. Morales, City Manager January 11,2017 Newtime: 2:00 p.m. MIAAAI BEACH TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RDA), FOLLOWING A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE, AND WAIVING, BY 5r7TH VOTE, THE COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT, FINDING SUCH WAIVER TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY; AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRPERSON AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT, SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FORM ATTACHED TO THIS RESOLUTION, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACHAND THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (COLLECTIVELY LANDLORD) AND THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (TENANT), FOR THE USE OF APPROXIMATELY 935 SQUARE FEET oF ctry-owNED pRopERTy (pREMrsES), LOCATED AT 530 17TH STREET, MIAM| BEACH, FLORIDA, FORA PERTOD OF TWO (2) YEARS AND TWENTY-FIVE (25) DAYS, COMMENCTNG RETROACTIVELY ON DECEMBER 7, 2016 AND ENDING ON DECEMBER 31 ,2A18. JOINT REDEVELOPMENT AGENCYAND GITY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND The Pennsylvania Garage (Penn Garage) is located at 1661 Pennsylvania Avenue and cpntains approxirnately 7,655 square feet of ground floor retail space (Penn Garage Retail) and 560 rrunicipal parking spaces. Penn Garage Retail was leased entirely to Oolite restaurant which vacated the space last year. Since that tinre, a portion of the space was utilized by the City to provide training on the new Munis software system. The eniire 7,655 square feet is currently vacant. ANALYSIS The renovation of the Miami Beach Convention Center has displaced the Visitor Center of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce (Tenant). During the remainder of the renovation, due to its close proximity to the Convention Center, the Administration is proposing to relocate the Visitor Center into the northeastern 935 square feet of Penn Garage Retail, as depicted in Exhibit B (Floor Plan), attached hereto. The proposed basic terms and conditions of the new lease are as follows: Page 658 of 700 5 RentalRate: Premises: Size: Construction Allowance: Term: Two (2) years and twenty-five (25) days, commencing retroactively on DecemberT, 2016 and ending December 31, 201 8. $1.00 annually 530 17th Street Approximately 935 square feet The Premises have been partitioned and prepared by the City at a cost of approximately $13,000. Tenant shall accept the Premises in "as-is" condition. Tenant shall be responsible for any additional costs associated with modifying the Premises to meet its requirements. Termination Option:The City reserves the right, through its City Manager, to terminate the Lease Agreement, at any time, without cause and without liability to the City, upon providing Tenant with ninety (90) days prior written notice. Additional Uses of Penn Garage Retail The Office of Housing and Community Services currently requires space for its Children's Trust funded youth programs. The Administration is proposing to relocate Success University, Parent- Child Home, and the Miami Beach All-Stars programs into the southem 2,251 square feet of the Penn Garage Retail at the beginning of next year. The programs being relocated serve youth and families. Success University, which had been using the first floor conference room in City Hall until it was displaced, provides an altemative suspension program for youth suspended from school. The program enables youth to complete school work and participate in restorative justice to make amends for their poor choices that resulted in their suspension. The new space will allow the program to accommodate up to 15 youth a day and provide an environment conducive to learning. The Parent-Child Program provides young parents with guided instruction to support their roles as parents wtrile promoting school readiness. The new space will provide expanded intake and meeting opportunities. The All Stars program serves youth in grades 6 through I with resiliency and prevention training that result in reduced risky behaviors. The new space will allow for expanded after-schoo I and sum mer prog ramming. FINANGE & CITYVI'IDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE The Administration presented the above information at the December 16, 2016 Finance and Cihrnruide Projects Committee ('FCWPC") meeting. The FCWPC considered this matter and recommended in favor of executing a new lease agreement with the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, in accordance with the above stipulated terms and conditions. Once this lease expires, the City could consider using this space to market its proposed new line of City-branded products. The FCWPC recommended in favor of approving the use of the requested portion of the space for the Office of Housing and Community Services youth programs on a temporary basis with the understanding that they would have ninety (90) days' notice to relocate once a new tenant is identified. During this time, the City should utilize the services of a broker to market the rest of the space to one or several tenants, including restaurants and other unique retail users. Page 659 of 700 6 CONCLUSION The Administration recommends accepting the recommendation of the Finance and Cihlride Projects Committee to execute a new Lease Agreement with the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, in accordance with the above stipulated terms and conditions and their recommendation to approve the use of the space for the Office of Housing and Community Services'youth programs on a temporary basis. Leoislative Trackino Tourism, Culture and Economic Development ATTACHMENTS: Description o E*ribit B - Floor Plan o Resolution Page 660 of 700 7 ,!l :..11.:.:::1.': LlJ ,,,,,,,.,] O il.2<<: CId ' -' Hru.. Jl-.ryt **: :'>[.tJ<OEf ,, l. t e',!\--Jl.t/-' iJ<:::::.t i >F'r:l:,:: : (, tU,...1 | ZN,tZ .tll....i,,, : O- i..,.. :i ::."""1 i , :,h lit. +-- ta ,*iiofrrl -z-i ;ts1@g=e? |a -<6t i: o=;ix l . uvd[tr{tr :,E@L iiiiii i-- ,l i i i j i i",i- l'li t1 !ii:li ili I ii l: ii *4 I j uJ i-.Oi.S i-:@*1imi )i 1 l I I .,,,,-+ *::i : i- i i I ! -=+ II* .. l iL* j l:td:o '>i,OU r6]Ei!: {*-- ----------.------...---....,. .,......2':1 ,. . -. :&-..:-:-:.:&:.- zo ulJ tu Fa I.IJ =l.Uo La J F TUt 8 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RDA), FOLLOWNG A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND CITYWDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE, AND WAIVING, BY 5'7TH VOTE, THE COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT, FINDING SUCH WAIVER TO BE !N THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY; AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRPERSON AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT, SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FORM ATTACHED TO THIS RESOLUTION, BETWEEN THE CITY OF llrllAMl BEACH AND THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (COLLECTTVELY, LANDLORD) AND THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COIUMERCE (TENANT), FOR THE USE OF APPROXIMATELY 935 SQUARE FEET OF CITY.OWNED PROPERTY (PREM!SES), LOGATED AT 530 17TH STREET, MtAMt BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR A PERTOD OF TWO (2) YEARS AND TWENTY-FIVE (25) DAYS, GO|UIMENCING RETROACTIVELY ON DECEMBER 7, 2016 AND ENDING ON DECEMBER 31, 2018. WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Garage is located at 1661 Pennsylvania Avenue and contains approximately 7,655 square feet of ground floor retail space (Retail Space) and 560 municipal paking spaces (Penn Garage); and WHEREAS, the renovation of the convention center has displaced the Visitor Center of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce (Tenant); WHEREAS, during the remainder of the renovation, due to its close proximity to the convention center, the Administration is proposing to relocate the Msitor Center into the northeastem 935 square feet of Penn Garage retail space a/Ua 530 17h Street (Premises); and WHEREAS, upon further discussions, the Administration negotiated a new lease with Tenant, for an initial term of two (2) years and twenty-five (25) days, retroactively commencing December 7 ,2016 and ending December 31, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Administration submitted the agreed upon terms and conditions to the Finance and Citywide Projects Commission Committee (FCWPC) at its December 16, 2016 meeting, and the FCWPC recommended approving a new lease agreement with Tenant, containing the following essential terms: Premises: Size: Term: Rental Rate: Construction 530 17ut Street Approximately 935 square feet located at the northeastern portion of the RetailSpace Two (2) years and twenty-five (25) days, cornmencing relroactively on DecemberT, 2016 and ending December31,2018. $1.00 annually Page 662 of 700 9 Allowance: Termination Option: The Premises have been partitioned and prepared by the City at a cost of approxinrately $t 3,000. Tenant shall accept the Premises in "as-is" condition. Tenant shall be responsible for any additional costs associated with modifying the Premises to meet its requirements. The City reserves the right, through its City Manager, to terminate the Lease Agreement, at any time, without cause and without liability to the City, upon providing Tenant with ninety (90) days prior written notice. WHEREA$, the Administration recommends the approval of a lease agreement, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit *A", containing the essential terms outlined in this Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED THAT THE CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS OF THE MlAltlll BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENGY {RDA), that the Chairperson and Members of the RDA, following a duly advertised public hearing, hereby accept the recommendation of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, and waive, by 5/7ths vote, the competitive bidding requirement, finding such waiver to be in the best interest of the City; and approve and authorize the Chairperson and Secretary to execute a lease agreement, substantially in the form attached to this Resolution, between the City of Miami Beach and the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency (collectively, Landlord) and the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce (fenant), for the use of approximately 935 square feet of City-owned property (Fremises), located at 530 17th Street, Miami Beach, Florida, for a period of two (2) years and twenty-five (25) days, commencing retroactively on December 7, 2016 and ending on December 31, 2018. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of ,, ,,2017. ATTEST: RATAEL E. GRANADCI, STCRETARY PHILIP LEVINE, CHAIRPERSON T:\AGENDA\201 7\1 - January\TcE0\IvIECC\IUBCC RESO (RDA 0'l-05-1 7).docx ,#f;i3Hff3i,I3, & FOR EXECUIION- Page 663 of 700 10 EXHIBIT A LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made this _ day of 2017 (Lease, Lease Agreement), by and between the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ("The Citf) a Florida municipal corporation and Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency(The "RDA'), a public body corporate and politic, (hereinafter collectively to as "Landlord" or E, a Florida not-for-"CityiRDA'), and the MIAMI BEAGH CHAMBER OF COM profit corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant"). 1. Demised Premises. The City/RDA, in consideration of the rentals he to be paid and of the covenants, conditions and agreements to be kept by the Tenant, hereby leases, lets and demises to the Tenant,enant hereby leases and hires from the CitylRDA, those certain premises'"Demised Premises"), adjacent and part of the CitlRDA-owned property at 1661 Pennsylvania Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 which includes 7,655 square feet of ground floor retail (the "Retail Space") and 560 municipal parking spaces (the "Penn the "Building"), having approximately 935 square feet, as depicted more fully described as follows: The north-easterly 935 Garage Condominium, ,$k!it 1, of Pennsylvania i according to the Declaration thereof, as in Official Records Book 28080, at Page 4536, of the Public of Miami-Dade County, Florida. allda 530 17 Street, Miami rida 33139. entitled to have and to hold the Demised Premises for an two (2) years and twenty-five (25) days, commencing the 7th day of December, 2016 (the "Commencement ing on the 31"t day of December, ;.l l!-g..For purposes of , and including, without limitation, Subsection 2.2 contract yea/' shall be defined as that certain period r on the 1tt day of Januarv, and ending on the 31*t day of 2.2. Decefnber. lntentionally Omitted Notwithstanding anything in this subsection, or any other term or condition in this Lease Agreement, the CitylRDA reserves the right, through its City Manager, to terminate this Lease Agreement, without cause and without 2.3. Page 664 of 700 11 2.4. liability to the City/RDA, upon providing Tenant with ninety (90) days prior written notice. This Lease does grant any additional parking privileges not already available to the general public; though receipt is not guaranteed, Tenant may apply for Garage Access cards at the City Parking Department at the Parking Department's standard rates, 3.1.1. The Base Rent for th Premises shall be for One good and valuable 3. Rpnt. 3.1. Base Rent: Tenant's payment of Rent, as defined in this Section 3, shall commence on January 1"t,2017 (the "Rent Commencement Date"), Dollar ($1.00) per consideration, the acknowledged by the pa 3.1.2. lntentionallyOmitted AdditionalRent: 3.2.1. 3.2.2. 3,2.3. 3.2.4. and other sutficiency of which is hereby 3.2. ln addition to the Base Rent, as set forth ifi$_gclion 3.1, Tenant shall also pay Additional Rent as provided hglow: .:!;.:.... \-i..;^.r. idlord sha'll,:be responsible for any common area expenses for the ty.(not i$[lyqing Tenant's Taxes and Sales Taxes), Property real r.[t$;!p.s.gpnce for th9 P-roperty (not including Tenant's Notwithstanding in section 3.2.1 or any other provision set forth herein, as TedHtit is the sole tenant cunently using the restroom facilities in Unit 1 , until such time as another tenant moves into Unit 1, Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce shall be solely responsible for any all day to day janitorial maintenance of the restroom including restocking of sanitary supplies. lntentionally Omitted Tenant's Taxes and Sales Taxes. Concunent with the payment of the Base Rent and Additional Rent as provided herein, Tenant shall also pay any and all sums for all applicable tax(es), including without limitation, sales and use taxes and property real estate taxes, imposed, levied or assessed against the Demised Premises or Tenant's use of the Premises, or any other charge or payment required by any governmental authority having estate insura Page 6ff of 700 12 jurisdiction there over, even though the taxing statute or ordinance may purport to impose such tax against the City/RDA. 3.2.5. Enforcement. Tenant agrees to pay the Base Rent, Additional Rent, and any other amounts as may be due and payable by Tenant underthis Agreement, at the time and in the manner provided herein, and should said rents and/or other additional amounts due herein provided, at any time remain due and unpaid for a period of fifteen (15) days after the same shall become due, the City/RDA h..EX€rcis€ any or all options lhiy be exercised concunentlyavailable to it hereunder, which o or separately, or the CitylRDl#9,[''pursue any other remedies enforced by law. Location for Payments. All rents or other payments due following address: City at the or at such other address as lntentionally Omitted n of Demised Premises: ses shall be used by the Tenant solely for the ng brochures, maps, tourism information, guidance, nce with questions or issues regarding Greater Miami Premises may require Tenant to interact, from time to time, with City of Miami Beach officials and employees, acting in their regulatory capacity. Notwithstanding the preceding, Tenant hereby represents and warrants to the CitylRDA that it shall in no way, whether express or implied, give the impression that Tenant is in any way acting as an agent and/or representative of the City of Miami Beach or the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, nor that, by virtue of this Agreement, Tenant derives any special benefit and/or consideration from the City/RDA (acting in its regulatory capacity) with regard to Tenant's services to third parties. hereunder 5. 6. 7. 7.1. Page 660 of 700 13 7.2. Any violation of this Subsection 7.1 by Tenant shall be deemed as an automatic default under this Agreement and, notwithstanding any other provision set forth herein, shall entitle the City/RDA lo automatically terminate this Agreement, without further notice to Tenant, and without liability to the City/RDA. The Demised Premises may be open for operation seven (7) days a week, with hours of operation being as follows: Hours of Operation:Sunday - Sa 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Nothing herein contained shall be to authorize hours contrary to the laws governing such o in the days and/or hours of operation shall require the prio of the City Manager; provided, however, that in no event shall hours of operation extend earlier than 7:00 AM, or later than 11:00 PM. 7.3.It is underctood and agreed that the Demised i'shall be used by the Tenant duri the Term of this Agre i,pnly for the purpose(s/use(s) {s$L,iforth in Section 7 hereof,no other purpose(s) and/or fEd6)li . Tenant will not make or permit any use of the Demised ithat, directly or indirectly, is forbidden by or that may be dangerous to life, 8. lmprovements. 8.1. Tenant accepts the Demised Premises in their present "AS lS" condition and may construct or cause to be constructed, such interior and exterior improvements and rnaintenance to the Demised Premises, as reasonably necessary for it to carry on its permitted use(s), as set forth in Section 7; provided, however, that any plans for such improvements shall be first submitted to the City Manager for his prior written consent, which consent, if granted at all, shall be at the City Manager's sole and absolute discretion. Additionatly, any and all approved improvements shall be made at Tenant's sole expense and responsibility. All permanent (fixed) improvements to the Demised Premises shall remain the property of the City/RDA upon termination and/or expiration of this Agreement. Upon termination andlor expiration of this Agreement, all personal property and Page 66{ of 700 14 8.2. non-permanent trade fixtures may be removed by the Tenant from the Demised Premises, provided that they can be (and are) removed without damage to the Demised Premises. Tenant will permit no liens to attach to the Demised Premises arising from, connected with, or related to the design and construction of any improvements. Moreover, such construction shall be accomplished through the use of licensed, reputable contractors who are acceptable to the City/RDA. Any and all permits and or licenses required for the installation of improvements shall be the sole cost and responsibility of Tenant. Notwithstanding Subsection 8.1, upon termination and/or expiration of this Agreement, and at City/RDA's sole option and discretion, any or all alterations or additions made by Tenant to or in the Demised Premises shall, upon written demand by tltp City Manager, be promptly removed by Tenant, at its expense and bility, and Tenant further hereby agrees, in such event, to 'the Demised Premises to their original condition prior to the Date of this Agreement. this Subsection 8.3 only, shallalso ..improvements as necessary for Tenant's maintenance and repair of the ised Premises) which do not exceed Fivg Hundred ($500.00) Dollars,that the work is not ble law, 8.3. structurc{fsn&provided that it is permifted by 9. 9.1. \:-.:../:.r:...' \::"1 l. .'1+r'.::;:i::j' \i;;:; :-:- The City ManaEHr, and/or=his'duthorized representatives, shall have the right to enter upoiiilhe Demisdil Premises at all reasonable times for the 9.2. purpose of inspecting"'.,same; preventing waste; making such repairs as the CitylRDA may consi6siiCIecessary; and for the purpose of preventing fire, theft or vandalism. The City/RDA agrees that, whenever reasonably possible, it shall use reasonable efforts to provide notice (whether written or verbal), unless the need to enter the Demised Premises is an emergency, as deemed by the City Manager, in his sole discretion, which if not immediately addressed could cause property damage, loss of life or limb, or other injury to persons. Nothing herein shall imply any duty on the part of the City/RDA to do any work that under any provislons of this Agreement the Tenant may be required to perform, and the performance thereof by the City/RDA shall not constitute a waiver of the Tenant's default. lf the Tenant shall not be personally present to open and permit entry into the Demised Premises at any time, for any reason, and any entry thereon shall be necessary or permissible, the City Manager, and/or his authorized Page 6$ of 700 15 9.3. 10. Tenant'slnsgra_nceRequirements. 10.1. Before beginning any work and 10.3. 10.4. fi.4.1. representatives, may enter the Demised Premises by master key, or may forcibly enter the Demised Premises without rendering the City/RDA or such agents liable therefore. Tenant shall fumish the City/RDA with duplicate keys to all locks including exterior and interior doors prior to (but no later than by) the Commencement Date of this Agreement. Tenant shall not change the locks to the Demised Premises without the prior written consent of the City Manager, and in the event such consent is given, Tenant shall fumish the (including renewal periods), Tenant shall, at\s sole cost and expense, comply with all insurance requirements of the City{SD"A, !t is agreed by the issued by compar{es,,authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Florida. Prdfdert,p.frall indicate that insurance coverage has been ilsole cost and expense, parties that Tenant shall not occupy the Demised until proof of the following insurance coverage have been ;and aPProved bY the City's Risk . All insurance policies requiiti{,"below shall be obtained which meetiljthdYe_quir€ments as outlined below by submitting original certificates of \suraheqio,{he City's Risk Manager and Asset Manager respectively: \i,,,, 1l,l**1,,, , \',;::. ,.#l:i): ' \ii::jf ,r.:..t.;:,.:..f.:-:::: .:. \j., I j i!'i$ptoyeet'-ot the provider as required by iy.er's Liability coverage in accordance with 10.5. 10.6. I General Liability on a comprehensive basis in an amount not less tha-ffiffi.,000,000 combined siryl9 limit per occurence, for bodily damage. City of Miami Beach must be shown as an with respect to this coverage. will be insured for the following coverage: lntentionally Omitted All-Risk property and casualty insurance, written at a minimum of eighty (80%) percent of replacement cost value and with replacement cost endorsement, covering all leasehold improvements installed in the Demised Prernises by or on behalf of Tenant and including without limitation all of Tenant's personal property in the Demised Premises (including, without limitation, inventory, trade fixtures, floor coverings, Page 6S of 700 16 10.7. 10.8. 10.9. 10.10. 10.1 1. 10.12. 10.13. fumiture, and other property removable by Tenant under the provisions of ihis Agreement). lntentionally Omitted The insurance coverage required shall include those classifications, as Iisted in standard liability insurance manuals, which most nearly reflect the operations of the provider. Any insurance coverage required subrogation in favorof the City/RDA. ),, ffrust include a waiver of i:.rii , t:;lt:' The company must be rated no " as to management, and no less than "Class Vll" as to financia by the latest edition of Best's lnsurance Guide, published by A.M. Best , Oldwick, New Jersey, or its equivalent, subject to the approval of Division. Management Certificate holder must read: City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 -::.i.:i.r-_ i >-dt,rJi,:riti,.'-r^ Cor,pffancii Wtt{,the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the vendor of his libbility and dlitigation under this section or under any other section of this Agiirement. f:i1'\r'..,. .#, i;,,i:,ii*', E" l"':'/'i'::::i'1:::1'rL:r-a'i! h: a- City/RDA re-iie5ibC tntt.nght.lo impose add itional reaso nable i nsurance requirements a$1he City/RDAmay deem necessary or in accordance with common practice)'-';i1',, - "i'r:' " \:-.:i.l,- The policies of insurEii6e referred to above shall not be subject to cancellation or changing coverage except upon at least thirty (30) days written notice to City/RDA and then subject to the prior written approval of the City's Risk Manager. Should Tenant fail to obtain, maintain or renew the policies of insurance referred to above, in the required amounts, the City/RDA may, at its sole discretion, obtain such insurance, and any sums expended by City/RDA in obtaining said insurance, shatl be repaid by TENANT to City/RDA, plus ten percent (10%) of the amount of premiums paid to compensate City/RDA for its administrative costs. lf Tenant does not repay City's expenditures within fifteen (15) days of demand, the total sum owed shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) until paid, and such failure shall be deemed an event of default hereunder. 10.14. Waiver of Subrogation. Page 67p of 700 17 Tenant hereby waives, on behalf of itself and its insurer(s) (none of which shall ever be.assigned any such claim or be entitled thereto due to subrogation or otherwise), any and all rights of recovery, clairn, action, or cause of action, against the City/RDA, its agents, officers, or employees, for any loss or damage that may occur to the Demised Premises, or any improvements thereto, or any personal property of such party therein, by reason of fire, the elements, or any other causes which are, or could or should be insured against under the terms of the standard fire and extended coverage insurance policies refened to in this Lease, regardless of whether such insurance is actually maintained and regardless of the cause or origin of the damage involved, including negligence of the City/RDA, its agents, officers, or employees. The Tenant shall obtain from its ve insurer(s), under all policies of fire, theft, public liability, wo!6/s compensation, and other insurance {hb term hereof insuring or covering the fees (appellate or otherwise) resulting.,"from the failure to obtain such waiver. rnaintained at any time duflrl$'.the term hereof insuring or covering the Retail Space or any portiofi.,{he.reof or operations therein, a waiver of all rights of subrogation which th{'Tenant's,:insurer might have against the City/RDA, and the Tenant shalllrltlempil,,defend, and hold harmless the City/RDA against any loss or exijen'se,'including reasonable attorneys' 11. 12. lntentionally Tenant shall Premises.-: :r i -, ,1.r:1;::: 1 . i:.:r-.. ..: , i : ,..J._:.*.:-_-.:.:1\^ ;;.':'-"'.n:.r,'.,-,'". ,ir{ "r'il-r:i-- lng;1Ont to assign the Lease or sublet the Demised a:'.:. r.i I :': il.: :: 1.:, :. 13. 13.1. Mai Tenant shall be soltiilll.rcsponsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of the DemisedoPremises. Tenant shall, at its sole expense and responsibility, maintain the Demised Premises, and all fixtures and appurtenances therein, and shall make all repairs thereto, as and when needed, to preserve them in good working order and condition. Tenant shall be responsible for all interior walls and the interior and exterior of all windows and doors, as well as immediate replacement of any and all plate glass or other glass in the Demised Premises which may become broken, using glass of the same or better quality. 13.1.1. The City/RDA shall be responsible for the maintenance of the roof, the exterior of the Building, the structural electrical and plumbing (other than plumbing surrounding any sink(s) andior toilet(s), including such sink(s) and toilet(s) fixture(s), within the Demised Premises), the common areas and any HVAC systems shared by more than one tenant. The CitylRDA shall maintain andlor repair those items that it is Page 67S of700 18 responsible for, so as to keep same in proper working condition. 13.1.2. lf the City/RDA provides a separate air-conditioning unit for the Demised Premises, Tenant agrees and understands that Tenant shall be solely responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the heating/ventilatio n/a i r-co nd ition i n g ( HVAC) equipment servicing the Demised Premises, at Tenant's sole expense. 13.1.3. Tenant further agrees and understandsfiat, if the City/RDA provides a separate HVAC unit for the Demisqd?remises, the CitlRDA, at its sole discretion, may require that !obtain, at any time during the Tenn of this Agreement, and maintain in good standing, at Tenant's expense,'arm of this Agreement, a maintenance and repair contract,;by the CMRDA, with a service company previously approved in by the CitylRDA, providing for the preventative maintenance a irqpair of all HVAC equipment servicing the Demised Premises. ln event that the City/RDA Tenant that it will require Tenant tb*|ntract for said maintenance ir services, Tenant shall provide to'the City/RDA, in writing, withi {l) business days, the name(s) and telephone number(s) of Tenant shall ) for the City's review and approval. .rlof o current, enforceable and fully executed maintena :sgntrac't, no later than ten (10) business days after company, as proof of T of the."Clity's approval of the service compliahce with this provision, 13.2. 13.3. 13.4.lf Tenant fails to make such repairs or restorations or replacements, the same may be made by the CitylRDA, at the expense of Tenant, and all sums spent and expenses incuned bythe City/RDA shall be collectable by the City/RDA and shall be paid by Tenant within three (3) days after submittal of a bill or statement therefore. It shall be Tenant's sole obligation and responsibility to ensure that any renovations, repairs andlor improvements made by Tenant to the Demised 13.5. Page 67$ of 700 19 Premises comply with all applicable building codes and life safety codes of governmental authorities havi ng jurisd ictio n. 13.6. Tenant Responsibililips for Utifities (not included within Ooeratino Expenses), Tenant is solelv resporlsible for, and shall oron'lptly pay when due all gharges for electrici$, gos, cable, telephone, intemet, janitorial garage service and any other utility service provided to the Demised Premises, including, without limitation, all hook-up fees and impact fees, NOT included as an Operating Expense (pursuant to Subsection 3.2.1). ln addition to other rights and CitylRDA, upon the failure of T contemplated in this Subsection 1 at its sole discretion, to pay reimburse the City/RDA upon ln no event, however, shall to Tenant or to third parties, for an i ,,oI any utilities or services to the Demised 13.7.TENANT HEREBY AC AND AGREES THAT THE DEMISED PREMISES ARE to fulfill and comply with all statutes, ordinances, rules, orders,,:find requirements of any and all govemmental bodies, IS" 14. Demised Premises, an$shall alsory-hply with and fulfill all rules, orders, and regulations for the priivention of iire, all at Tenant's own expense and reiponsibility. Tenant -shal I'fl damages that may be imposi.sd;, $gy, all cost, expenses, claims, fines, penalties, and ,siI{,,because of the failure of Tenant to comply withof the failure of Tenant to comply with this Section, and shall indemnify and hold harmless the City/RDA from all liability arising from each non-compliance. 15. Liens. Tenant will not permit any mechanics, laborers, or materialman's liens to stand against the Demised Premises or improvements for any labor or materials to Tenant or claimed to have been furnished to Tenant's agents, contractors, or sub-tenants, in connection with work of any character performed or claimed to have performed on said Premises, or improvements by or at the direction or sufferance of the Tenant; provided however, Tenant shall have the right to contest the validity or amount of any such lien or claimed lien. ln the event of such contest, Tenant shall give the City/RDA reasonable security as may be demanded by the City/RDA to insure payment thereof and prevent sale, foreclosure, or forfeiture of the Premises or improvements by reasons of such ,d.thereinafter reserved to the $av tor such utility services (as !,'f,ue, the CitylRDA may elect, Page 67iSof 700 20 16. 17. non-payment. Such security need not exceed one and one half (1%) times the amount of such lien or such claim of Iien. Such security shall be posted by Tenant within ten (10) days of written notice from the City/RDA, or Tenant may "bond ofF'the lien according to statutory procedures. Tenant will immediately pay any judgment rendered with all proper costs and charges and shall have such lien released orjudgment satisfied at Tenant's own expense. lntentionally Omitted. Condemnation. lf at any time during the Term of this Agreement (including any renewal term hereunder) all or any part or portion of the Demised Premises is taken, appropriated, or red by reason of Eminent Domain 'shall be terminated as of the date ofproceedings, then this such taking, and shall the of the parties hereto shall 'be completely null and void, and neither have any rights against the other by reason of this Agreement or Br therein, except that any rent prepaid beyond the date of Chatl be prorated to such date, and Tenant shall pay any and additional rents, utility charges, 17.1. and/or other costs for which it is liabl€Under the terms of this Agreement, up to the date of such taking. *U(,,,. \*:, fxcepta$Lf#ibunder provided, Tenant snatl riti{,be entitled to participate in17.2. 18. Default. 18.1. Default bvTenant: At the City's option, any of the following shall constitute an Event of Default under this Agreement: 18.1.1. The Base Rent, Additional Rent, or any other amounts as may be due and payable by Tenant under this Agreement, or any installrnent thereof, is not paid promptly when and where due, and Tenant shall not have cured such failure within five (5) days after receipt of written notice from the City/RDA specifying such default; 18.1.2. The Demised Premises shall be deserted, abandoned, or vacated; excepffi-fiCibunder provided, Tenant snatl ritit,be entitled to participate in the pdcbedb*d.any award made to the CitylRDA in any such Eminent DomEin rproceedipg, excepting, however, Tenant shall have the right to claim Xng,,recovlrl_lrom the condemning authority, but not from the City/RDA,-{Such"li,go.JttpEnsation as may be separately awarded or recoverable'by.,a"n"nl"iliqTglant's own right on account of any and all damage to Tenahi'!. businils{'Sy reasons of the condemnation and for or on account of afrV;"cqst or loss which Tenant might incur in removing Tenant's furniture arirlffures. Page 6ft of 700 21 Tenant shall fail to comply with any material term, provision, condition or covenant contained herein other than the payment of rent and shall not cure such failure within thirty (30) days after the receipt of written notice from the CitylRDA specifying any such default; or such longer period of time acceptable to the City/RDA, at its sole discretion; 18.1.3. Receipt of notice of violation from any govemmental authority having jurisdiction dealing with a law, code, regulation, ordinance or the like, which remains uncured for a period of thirty (30) days from its issuance, or such longer period of tinlg -as may be acceptable and approved in writing by the City Manage{J,i{t nis sole discretion; 18.1.4. Any petition is filed by or agai under any section or chapter of the Bankruptcy Act, as ame .gemains pending for more than sixty (60) days, or any other authorized by the laws of the United ngs now or hereafter purpose of discharging or extending the time 18.1.5. 18.1.6. 18.1.7.court and shall not be 19. 19.1. 18.1.8. The leasehold interest is or arrearages in rent or damages for breach of contract, enter upon the Demised Premises and expel or remove Tenant and its effects in accordance with law, without being liable for prosecution or any claim for damages therefore, and Tenant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City/RDA for all loss and damage which the City/RDA may suffer by reasons of such Agreement termination, whether through inability to re-let the Demised Premises, or otherwise. 19.1.3. Declare the entire amount of the Base Rent and Additional Rent which niqffigfl lt 'rlt -::::: :;i!Aat jj::.]:,. Page 6ff of 700 22 would become due and payable during the remainder of the term of this Agreement to be due and payable immediately, in which event Tenant agrees to pay the same at once, together with all rents therefore due, at the address of the City, as provided in the Notices section of this Agreement; provided, however, that such payment shall not constitute a penalty, forfeiture, or liquidated damage, but shall merely constitute payment in advance of the rents for the remainder of said term and such payment shall be considered, construed and taken to be a debt provable in bankruptcy or receivership. 19.1.4. Enter the Demised Premises as the agent of Tenant, by force if necessary, without being liable to prosecution or any claim for damages therefore; remove Tenant's property there from; and re-let the Demised Premises, or pgrtions thereof, for such terms and upon such conditions which thg{CitylRDA deems, in its sole discretion, desirable, and to receivg.4ret''ients therefore, and Tenant shall pay the City/RDA any deficiencylttidt may arise by reason of such re-letting, on 19.1.5. 19.1.6. eighteen (18%) percent per annum, or the maximum amount allowable under Florida law, whichever is lesser, from the due date of payment until such time as payment is actually received by the City/RDA. Any failure on the City's behalf to enforce this Section shall not constitute a waiver of this provision with respect to future accruals of past due rent. 19.1.7. lf Tenant shall default in making any payment of monies to any person or for any purpose as may be required hereunder, the CitylRDA may pay such expense but the City/RDA shall not be obligated to do so. Tenant, upon the City's paying such expense, shall be obligated to forthwith reimburse the City/RDA for the amount thereof. All sums of money payable by Tenant to the City/RDA hereunder shall be deemed as rent for use of the Demised Premises and collectable by the Cily/RDA from Tenant as rent, and shall be due from Tenant to the Pa0e 6{$ of 700 23 City/RDA on the first day of the month following the payment of the expense by the CitylRDA. 19.1.8. The rights of the CitylRDA under this Agreement shall be cumulative but not restrictive to those given by law and failure on the part of the City/RDA to exercise promptly any rights given hereunder shall not operate to waive or to forfeit any of the said rights. 19.2. Default bv Citv/RDA: The failure of the CitylRDA to perform any of the covenants, conditions and agreements of this Agreement which are to be performed by the City/RDA and the continuance of such failure for a period of thirty (30) days after notice thereof in writing from Tenant to the City/RDA {which notice shall specify the in which Tenant contends that the CitlRDA failed to Iany such covenant, conditions and agreements) shall constitulrii:,i9:Uefaufi by the City/RDA, unless such difault is one which cannollbd cured within thirty (30) days because of circumstances beyond the CItt'S gontro!.rcnd the City/RDA within such thirty (30) day period shall have egmrprlqed and thereafter shall continue However, in the event the CitylRDA (30) dayp_griod provided above, and Tena :rfior Tenant, then such failure to perform {regardless of its control) as indicated above, shall constitute a (and''all of its obligations hereunder by giving notice of such electioQ;to the City/RDA, whereupon this Agreement shall terminate as of the dat6bf such notice).of such notice). 19.3. 24. Laws: 20.1. terminate as of the Compliance. Concessionaire shall comply with all applicable City, County, State, and Federal ordinances, statutes, rules and regulations (including but not limited to all applicable environmental City, County, State, and Federal ordinances, statutes, rules and regulations, a$ same may be amended from tirne to time. No Discrimination. Concessionaire hereby agrees hereby agrees to comply with City of Miami Beach Human Rights Ordinance, as codified in Chapter 62 of the City Code, as may be amended from time to time, prohibiting discrimination in 20.2" Page 6llof 700 24 employment, housing, public accommodations, or public seryices, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, sex, intersexuality, sexual orientation, gender identity, familial and marital status, age, ancestry, height, weight, domestic partner status, labor organization membership, familial situation, political affiliation, or disability. 21. lndemnitv Aoainst Costs and Charges. 21.1. Tenant shall be liable to the City/RDA for all costs and charges, expenses, reasonable attomey's fees, and damage_g "which may be incuned or sustained by the CitylRDA, by reason plfenant's breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement. Any gfmS due the CitylRDA under the provisions of this item shall constffie'hnft"n against the interest of the Tenant and the Demised Premise3=ahd a-Il.€f Jenant's property situated thereon to the same extent and on the same bd$dnions as delinquent rent would constitute a lien on said premises and proiqrty. \";li'' lf Tenant shall at any time be in default hereunderfud21.2. 22. lndemnificationAqainst CIaims. the City/RDA harmless from and against fiii;itffiygnq all claims or €uses otbition (whether groundless or othenrvise) ,1',,i,'' by oi*oq behalf of any person, firm, or corporation, for personal injury or occuning upon the Demised Premises or upon any other or appurtenance used in connection with the Demised in whole or in part by any of the following: 22.1.',!.sion on the part of Tenant, or any employee, agent, ee, guest, assignee, sub-tenant or subcontractor of 22.1.2. Any misuse, neglect, or unlawful use of the Demised Premises by Tenant, or any employee, agent, contractor, invitee, guest, assignee, sub-tenant or subcontractor of Tenant; 22.1.3. Any breach, violation, or non-performance of any undertaking of Tenant under this Agreement; 22.1.4. Anything growing out of the use or occupancy of the Demised Premises by Tenant or anyone holding or claiming to hold through or Page 67$ of 700 25 22.2. under this Agreement. Tenant agrees to pay all darnages to the Demised Premises and/or other facilities used in connection therewith, caused by Tenant or any employee, agent, contractor, guest, or invitee of Tenant. 23. $ions-AndAdvertising. Without the prior written consent of the City Manager, which consent, if given at all, shall be at the City Managefs sole and absolute discretion, Tenant shall not permit the painting and disptay of any signs, plaques, leftering or advertising material of any kind on or near the Dernised Premises. All additional signage shall comply with signage standards established by the City and comply with all applicable building codes, and any other municipal, County, State and Federallaws. f)i:i:,. 24. Effect of Convevance. Eir''", The term "CIt)ryRDA", and/or "Ldqglbrd' as used in the Agreernent means only the owner for the time being of thdQnd and fuilding containing the Demised Premises, so that in the event of any""s$e pfi$tiid land and building, or in the event of a lease of said building, the City/RD"A shall be and hereby is entirely freed and relieved of all covenants and oblig$tions of the City/RDA hereunder, and it shall be deemed and construed withorlt':firlher aoreement between theand it shall be deemed and construed withoritrfurther agreement between the parties, or betwe-err the parties and the purchasErnat.such sate, or the lease of this building,lh$.lfii{purchaser or Tenant has assrj'mgd and agreed to carry out all covenanfs;-aiid oDliqaggns of the City/RDA hereunder. 25. lf the be damaged by the elements or other casualty not d , or by fire, but are not thereby rendered discretion, in whole as det6rmined by the City Manager, in his sole !,,part, and such damage is covered by the Citt's insurance, if any, (referred to as "such occurence"), the City/RDA, shall, as soon as possible after such occurence, utilize the insurance proceeds to cause such damage to be repaired and the Rent (Base Rent and Additional Rent) shall not be abated. lf by reason of such occurrence, the Demised Premises shall be rendered untenantable, as determined by the City Manager, in his sole discretion, only in part, the CitylRDA shall as soon as possible utilize the insurance proceeds to cause the damage to be repaired, and the Rent meanwhile shall be abated proportionately as to the portion of the Demised Premises rendered untenantable; provided however, that the City/RDA shall promptly obtain a good faith estimate of the time required to render the Demised Premises tenantable and if such time exceeds sixty (60) days, either party shall have the option of canceling this Agreement. lf the Demised Premises shall be rendered wholly untenantable by reason25.2. eaoe 6{f of 700 26 of such occurrence, the City/RDA shall have the option, but not the obligation, in its sole discretion, to utilize the insurance proceeds to cause such damage to be repaired and the Rent meanwhile shall be abated. However, the City/RDA shall have the right, to be exercised by notice in writing delivered to Tenant within sixty (60) days from and after said occurrence, to elect not to reconstruct the destroyed Demised Premises, and in such event, this Agreement and the tenancy hereby created shall cease as of the date of said occurrence, the Rent to be adjusted as of such date. lf the Demised Premises shall be rendered wholly untenantable, Tenant shall have the right, to be exercised by notice in writing, delivered to the CitylRDA within thirty (30) days from and after said occunence, to elect to terminale this Agreement, the Rent to be adjusted arcordingly. writing within thirty (30) Oaysbf.,$e occupence giving rise to the damage and of its decision not to reFdlt .aFd.'rlhe Tenant may, at any time thereafter. elect to terminate thiit#irr66ment. and the Rent shall bethereafter, elect to terminate adjusted accordingly. 26. 27. 27.1. Tenant shall evicted or complies terms enjoyment of the Demised*"fremises and shall not be of the Demised Premises so long as Tenant ,this Agreement, egreed by and between the parties hereto of thg,City/RDAIb insist upon the strict performance of any , cciVepants, terms or provisions of this Agreement, or to ion hei'iriih conferred, will not be considered or construed ipelinquishment for the future of any such conditions, te i provisions or options but the same shall continue and 27.2. A waiver of.ahy term expressed herein shall not be implied by any neglect of the City/RDA to declare a forfeiture on account of the violation of such term if such violation by continued or repeated subsequently and any express waiver shall not affect any term other than the one specified in such waiver and that one only for the time and in the manner specifically stated. 27.3. The receipt of any sum paid by Tenant to the CityiRDA after breach of any condition, covenant, term or provision herein contained shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach, but shall be taken, considered and Paoe 6ff of 700 27 construed as payment for use and occupation, and not as Rent, unless such breach be expressly waived in writing by the City/RDA. Notices. The addresses for all notices required under this Agreement shall be as follows, or at such other address as either party shall be in writing, notify the other: LANDLORD: With copy to: TENANT:Jerome Libbin, President Miami Beach Ghamber Of Commerce 19-20 Meridian Ave, 3rd Floor rBeach, Florida 33'139 All notices shall be hand -a receipt requested, or by certified mail 29. with Retum receipt reCuested,Qlg snaU$1,e,$rctive upon receipt. Entire and Binding Agreement. \;.,,/1:tu"'{t*,.,,, This Agreement contains all of the!$ie€irnents bEhrreen the parties hereto, and it 30. may not be modified in any manner than by agreement in writing signed by lf any lff this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or crrcum any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this f;tii" application of such term or provision to persons or :lhan those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable,circurnstances shall not be thereby and each term and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law, 31. Captions. The captions contained herein are for the convenience and reference only and shall not be deemed a part of this Agreement or construed as in any manner limiting or amplifying the terms and provisions of this Agreement to which they relate. 32. Number and Gender. all .tle,parties hereto or their succes5Q.rs. in interest, The terms, covenants and g$Ugione'contained herein shall inure\g}tre benefit of and be binding upon the CitylROn ah'd*Tenant and their respective successors and assigns, except as QSlf,, be otherwiiiQp;p ressly provided in this Ag reement. Page 6f$ of 700 28 Whenever used herein, the singular number shall include the plural and the plural shall include the singular, and the use of one gender shall include all genders. 33. Limitation of Liability. The City/RDA desires to enter into this Agreement only if in so doing the CitylRDA can place a limit on the Crty's Iiability for any cause of action for money damages due to an alleged breach by the CityiRDA of this Agreement, so that its liability for any such breach never exceeds the sum of one hundred ($100.00) Dollars. Tenant hereby expresses its willingness to enter into this Agreement with Tenant's recovery from the City/RDA for any damage action for breach of contract to be limited to a maximum amount of $100.00. Accordingly, and notwithstanding any other term or condition of this Agreement, Tenant hereby agrees that the City/RDA shall not be liable to Tenant for damage in an amount in excess of $100.00 for any action or plaim for breach of contract arising out of the performance 0r non-pe CitylRDA by this Agreement. obligations imposed upon the in this Section or elsewhere in waiver of the limitation placed fi;grr anv ,.contained 34. this Agreement is in any way tobea upon the City's liability as set forth in Section 768.28. Sunender of the Demised Premises. y of theYBrm herein demised, or the sooner 'lwith'Ett:broom-clean, togethejiwith -5lt:$truelural changes, alterations, additions, and improvements which mqy have bebrlrhade upon the Demised Premises, in good order, condition and Epair, reasffibb wear and tear excepted, sublect, however, to the subsequ6nJ::provisions of this Section. Any property which pursuant to the provisions oftBis Section is removable by Tenant on or at the Demised Premises upon the termination of this Agreement and is not so removed may, at the option of the City/RDA, be deemed abandoned by Tenant, and either may be retained by the City/RDA as its property or may be removed and disposed of at the sole cost of the Tenant in such manner as the City/RDA may see fit. lf the Demised Premises and personal property, if any, be not surrendered at the end of the Term as provided in this Section, Tenant shall make good the CityiRDA all damages which the CityiRDA shall suffer by reason thereof, and shall indemnify and hold harmless the City/RDA against all claims made by any succeeding tenant or purchaser, so far as such delay is occasioned by the failure of Tenant to sunender the Demised Premises as and when herein required. 35, Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in every particular and particularly where the obligation to termination thereof, peaceably and quietly leavEl$tgender and yield upon to the CitlRDA the Depiscd Premises, together with 6ny.:and all.equipment, fixtures,CitlRDA the Depised Premises, together with iny and all equipment, fixtures, furnishings, appllqnces or other personal property,'i[,aDy, located at or on the Demised PJ"dmises Er{il,;used by Tenant in the maintenance, management or operation oI.$e Demisgd Premises, excluding any trade fixtures or personal property, if ariV*+rarhich gqn be removed without material injury to the Demised Page ffi of 700 29 pay money is involved. 36. Venue: This Agreement shall be deerned to have been made and shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. This Agreement shall be enforceable in Miami-Dade County, Florida, and if legal action is necessary by either party with respect to the enforcement of any and all the terms or conditions herein, exclusive venue for the enforcernent of same shall lie in Miami-Dade County, Florida. CIffRDA AND TENANT HEREBY KNOWINGLY AND INTENTIONALLY WAIVE THE RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY ACTION OR PROCEEDING THAT THE CITY/RDA AND TENANT MAY HEREIN AFTER INSTITUTE 37. AGATNST EAGH OTHER W|TH RESDECT TO ANy MATTER ARTSTNG OUT oF oR RELATED rO TH|S AGREEI4ENT. fi::;,i'.':" Radon is a naturally occuning radiqac.tive gas that, when it is accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, mafrp-resent fealth risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of Radon-fihgt exceed Federal and State guidelines have been found in bui ,in Florida. Additional information regarding Radon and Radon testing Health Unit. 38. No Danqerous Materials. .obtained from your County Public\..: 'u.. "''if: '':' ti.'..1-....i. \,J1::,'' may Tenant agrees not to use or permit in the Demised Premises the storage andlor use of gasoline, fuel oils, diesel, illuminating oils, oil lamps, combustible powered electricity producing generators, turpentine, benzene, naphtha, propane, natural in or upon ry "hazardous substance" or "petroleum products" on, Premises as those terms are deflned by applicable Federal and Statute, or any environmental rules and environmental regulations promulgated thereunder. The provisions of this Section 38 shall survive the termination or earlier expiration of this Agreement. REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Pase 6)frof 700 30 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their names to be signed and their seals to be affixed, all as of the day and year first above written, indicating their agreement. FOR Landlord:MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public body corporate and politic, ATTEST: By: Secretary Date FOR TENANT:IAMI BEAGH CHAMBER OF RCE AfiEST: By: President F:\T_Dr|ve\AGENDA\201n1 - January\TCED\MBCC\Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Agreement Draft changes 1-3-2016.docx Philip Levine, Page 6!{ of 700 31 EXHIBIT 1 Demised Premises MtsCC VISITOR CENTER Pase 6!! of 700 32 EXHIBIT la UNIT 1 Page 6!$of 700 33 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 34