20170111 AM2MIAMIBEACH City Gommission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERTAL 2 (1t9t20171 City Hal!, Commission Chambers, 3'd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive January 11,2017 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Comm issioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vrsff us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any Iobbying activity with the City Commission, any Gity Board or Committee, or any perconnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on Iobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM AGENDA C7 - Resolutions C7 T A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE TO AMEND THE CITY'S TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AS SET FORTH IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT'3'. Human Resources Addendum added on 11912017 R9 - New Business and Gommission Requests R9 AA DISCUSS PLACING ''THANK YOU FOR NOT SMOKING'' SIGNS AT EVERY PUBLIC BEACH. Vice-Mayor Joy Malakoff Addendum added on 11912017 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 Resolutions - C7 T MIAMI BEACH GOMMISS ION ME IT'IORAN DU M TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jinrny L. Morales, City Manager DATE: January 11,2017 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE I\4AYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIry OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FINANCE AND CITY1ruIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE TO AMEND THE CITYS TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAMAS SET FORTH IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "3". RECOMMENDATION We still believe that a Tuition Assisiance Program is a valuable tool in enabling our employees to reach their personal goals, while also creating a pool of qualified staff to contribute to the City. Therefore, the administration is recomrnending a nrore streamlined, simplistic procedure for approving course work and applying the tuition assistance reimbursernent. Areas of clarification are recomnended as follows and will reflect in the Administrative Procedure No. HR.20.'1 (Elhibit 3 - Revised Draft Procedure): . All coursework must be related to a City of Miami Beach career path . Six (6) credit hour limit per senester; eighteen (18) credit hours per year . No reimbursernent for PhD's . The tuition per credit hour rate for classes taken at Miami-Dade College is $118.22 (this rate will be updated by the Hunan Resources Department, as needed) . Reimbursenent will be at the following levels, with the per credit hour rate (tuition only, exclusive of fees) not to exceed the FIU rate, for traditional Undergraduate and Graduate prograrrs, published each July in the State University System of Florida, Tuition and Required Fees (www.fl bog. edu/abouUbudgeUcu rrent. php): o 90% reimbursernent for courses in which employees eam an "A' ? lncludes a "passing" grade on a pass/fail basis o 80% reimbursement for courses in which employees earn a "B" o 60% reimbursenent for courses in which employees earn a "C" . Corporate/Executive prograns (ie. MPA, MBA) will be reimbursed at the sane grading scale above, al$714 per credit hour (including on-line courses and courses at private schools) . Maximum allowable reimbursernent for each employee, regardless of the educational program they are enrolled in is $5,250 per year (federal governnent cap for exemption from withholding tax) . Approved, non-degree, work-related courses shall be reimbursed at 70o/o of the course cost, exclusive of books and other fees Page 352 o1775 3 ' Approved, certification courses, directly related to a City of Miami Beach career path, will be reimbursed at70% on a pass/fail basis. (bemples of certification prograrns: Film, Hurnan Resources, Finance) Using the recomnrended changes proposed above, we are proposing a $300,000 budget allocation using the following participation scenarios: Undergraduate Program .40 enrolled employees ' Each of the 40 employees takes 6 credit hours per senester for a total of 18 senrester hours per year at $162.61 per credit hour (using FIU per credit hour rate) .40yo eam an "A' which results in a cost of $42,148 . 40o/o eam a "B" which results in a cost of $37,465 .20o/o earn a "C" which results in a cost of $14,050, for a total ependiture of $93,663 Graduate Program (traditional) . 10 enrolled employees ' Each of the 10 employees takes 6 credit hours per sernester for a total of 18 senrester hours per year at $398 per credit hour (nuxi mum allowable per year $5,250) . Aloh earn an "A' which results in a cost of $21,000 . 49o/o earn a "8" which results in a cost of $21,000 .2oo/o earn a "C" which results in a cost of $8,617, for a total ependiture of $50,617 Executive/Corporaie Program . 10 enrolled employees ' Each of the 10 employees takes 6 credit hours per semester for a total of 18 senester hours per year at $714 per credit hour (neximum allowable per year $5,250) . 40o/o earn an "A' which results in a cost of $21,000 . 40o/o earn a "B" which results in a cost of $21,000 .20o/o earn a "C" which results in a cost of $10,500, for a total expenditure of $52,500 Certification Prograns (City of Miami Beach career path) . 50 employees at an average of three (3) courses at $500 per course = $1,500 . Completion of courses on a Pass/Fail basis, reimbursed at70% for a "Pass" . Estimated annual cost for certifications is $52,500 Non-degree Prograns (City of Miami Beach career path) . 25 employees at an average of three (3) courses at $250 per course = $750 . Completion of courses on a Pass/Fail basis, reimbursed atTAo/o for a "Pass" . Estineted annual cost for certifications is $13,125 With the recomnended changes, the Administration intends to make Tuition Assistance a srnooth process for those ernployees wishing to eryand their knowledge and skills by obtaining a degree or certification in a career-related path at the City. These arnendrnents will also improve the process for the Hunran Resources staff that is responsible for processing the tuition assistance reimbursement Page 353 of775 4 request. ANALYSIS Beginning in January 2A15, the program utilization was as follows: twenty-nine (29) undergraduate enrollees, fifteen (15) graduate enrollees, and twelve (12) non-degree seeking enrollees. With a total of fifty-six (56) employees utilizing the program, to date, approximately $67,000 has been reimbursed, that is 21.96% of the cunent budget.The majority of our employees attended Miami-Dade College (21.4o/o), Florida lntemational University (19.6%), and Barry (19.6%). We have determined that some aspects of the current program are vague and somewhat confusing to the user, as well as the Human Resources staff that is calculating the reimbursement. Several employees voiced their concem about the way tuition assistance is being applied when compared to the illustration used in the January 14,2015, Commission memo (Exhibit 1). For example, the information provided to the FCWPC and Commission includes executive degree programs at colleges such as Barry, Nova, and FlU, in which the City has partnered with these schools to offer varying prefened tuition rates, costing as much as $760, exclusive of application and lab fees, books and other related expenditures. The cost analysis used for the two-year pilot program was based on the following assumptions for an Undergraduate student at FIU and a Graduate student in a corporate lvlaster of Business Administration program at $760 per credit hour. The tuition assistance budget allocation for the two-year pilot program is $305,000. This budget was anived by using the following assumptions: Undergraduate Program .56 enrolled employees . Each of the 56 employees takes 6 credit hours per semester for a total of 1B semester hours per year at $203.59 per credit hour . 40o/o eam an "A" which results in a cost of $66,000 .30o/o eam a "B" which results in a cost of $37,000; . 30oh eam a "C" which results in a cost of $25,000, for a total expenditure of $128,000 Corpo rate Grad uate Prog ram (Business Ad ministration) . 18 enrolled employees . Each of the 18 employees takes 6 credit hours per semester for a total of 18 semester hours per year at $760 per credit hour . 60% earn an "A" which results in a cost of $118,000; and .40o/o eam a "B" which results in a cost of $59,000; . 30o/o earn a "C" which results in a cost of $25,000, for a total expenditure of $177,000 However, as we near the end of the two-year pilot program, and look back at past practices, we believe that the program was not used to its full potential due to the conflicting class approval process and the misunderstanding of the reimbursement process, especially as it relates to the Corporate/Executive Graduate programs. Additionally, we received a letter from the Director, Master of Public Administration ("MPA") at FIU regarding their program structure for the Executive MPA and how the tuition is determined. An MPA program cost is $32,000, with $2,000 of those dollars used for books and food, resulting in a $714 per credit hour tuition rate. The Director also states that the MPA program has been very successful since its inception in 1978, with 2800 graduates (Exhibit 2). Page 354 ot775 5 CONCLUSION The Administration recommends adopting the Resolution. Legislative Tracking Human Resources ATTACHMENTS: Description o Exhibit 1 u exhibit 2 o Exhibit 3 Page 355 ot775 6 EXHIBIT # 1 RESOLUTION HO.20r$388$r A RESOLUTIO},I OF THE i,AYOR AI.ID CITY GgTlIitrfSSIOH AF THE CITY OF MIAtIi' BEACH, FLORIDA' ACCEPTI'HG THE RECOMIIENDATIOIIS OF THE FINAiICE ANO CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE TO AI}TEHO T}IE CITY'S TUITISH ASSISTAHCE PROBRAIII As FoLLows: TUlrloN A$sxsTANcE SHALL BE BA$ED oN, Bur Nor EXCEEO, THE TSTABLISHED CREDIT HOUE TUTTION RATE IH THE $TATTS UNIVERSITY SYSTE$ AT THE Tl,UtE OF EHROLLftllEttT; ASSISTANSf SHALL BE BASEO OI{ A SLIO}HG SCALE OIRECTLY RELATED TO THE EMPLOYEE'$ PEBFORITIANCE IN APPROYEB COURSEWORK FROTTI ACCREU.|TSO IilSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEAfiHING wlTH A Slx CREDIT HOUR Lllt lf PEE SEITIESTER; ASSISTANCE SHALL BE LI[iffTO TO fiO PERCENT OF TilE TUITTOH CO$T$ FOR GOURSES IN W}IICH EMPLOYEE$ EARH AN "A,'' 60 PERCEHT WHEN THEY EARN A,'8," AND i10 PERCENT WHEH THEy EARN A ,,C," EXGEPT GRADUATE COUR$E$ FOR WHICH ASSI$TA}.ICE RESUIRES EA,RNING NO LE$S THAN A UB'r. A REPAYMENT REOUIREMENT IF THE EMPLOYEE SEPAR,ATES FROTil EMFLOYIIIE'{T EY THE CITY WTHIH T$'O YEARS OF HAVING RECEMED AS$ISTANCE, WT}I AN EXGEPTION FSR EMPLOYEES tlfH0 ARE l*lD OFF OR OIE; ANn AFFROVING It{E RSVISEO CIW OF nillAllll BEACI{ EIiIPLOYEE TUITION A,SSISTAI,ICE PROGRA|I SET FORTH IH THE ATTACHED EXHIEIT A. WHEREAS, there Cily of Miami Beach {City} has a lcng.standing tradition of encouraging employees to furlher their education by offering e tuiiion assistance prcaram; and ItIHEREAS, the tuition assisiance progrem has not been revised since 300{; and WHf;REAS, costs ,or a post-secondary educalion have risen considerably in the intervening years; and WHEREAS, tuition assistance is available only to full'time City of Miarni Beach ctassified emptoyees who have completed their prohationary periods, or for unclassified employees who have a minimum of six t6) rnonths of continuous service. (TimE s*rved in a Provisional/Temporary status is excluded); and WHEREAS, the Finance and Sitywide Projects FCWP) Committee membqrs revieumd the status of the prograrn and recommend*d the following changes at the Decernber 12, ?014 meeting: tuition assislance shall be basect on, but not exceed, the established credit hour tuition rate in lhe State's University System at lhe time of enrollment: assistance shall be based on a sliding ssale directly retated to the employee's performance in approved coursework from accrediled institutions of higher learning with a six credit hour limit por sernester; assistance shsll be limited tu 80 percent of the tuiUon c+sts for courses in which ernployees eam sn *4,'60 percent when they eam a "8,' and 40 percent wten they eaffi a "C," except graduate courses for which assistance requires earning no less lhan a "B'; and a repayrnent requirement if the employee $rparated within two years of havhg received as$istance, with an exception for employees who are laid olf or diei and WHEREAS, a revised City of Miami Eeach Employre Tuition Assistance Program lhat incorporales lhe recommeldalions of the FGWP Cornmitte€, snd olher ctean-up revisions, is etteched as Exhibrt A: ancl Page 356 of775 7 IIUfiEREAS, the applicability ol the revrsed City of Mianri Baach Employee Tuition Assistence Program, as set forth in Exhibit A, to employees covered by * collective bargaining unit will be subiect to negotiations when the cunent mllectivs bargaining agreements expiie. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E tT OULY RESOLVEO By THE MAYOR ANO C|TY COIbllSSlOll OF ?tlE CITY Of MlAltll EEACH, FLORIBI, that the Mayor and the City Commission hereby accept the recornmendations of the Finance and Citywide Projecti Gcmmittea to Emend the City's Tuilion Assistance Program as follows; tuition assistarrco shall be based on, butt not exceed, the established credit hour tu,tiorr rate in the Etate's University System at the lime of enrollment; assistance shall be based on a sliding scale directty retated tcthe Employeel performance in approved coursework from accreditad institutioni of high*r leaming with a six credit hsur jimit per semaster; assistance shatl be limited to 80 perceot of tfre tuition costs for cours€s in which empbyee'g earn an "A,' 60 percent when lhey eam a "8,* and 40 percent when they earn fl "C," except graduate courses for which assislance requires eaming no less than a '8"; efid a repayment requirement if the employee separatad lrom employrnent by the City of Miami Beach within two years of having received assistance, with an exception for employBes who are laid off or die, wlthin trivq years of having received assislance; and approve lhe revised City of Miami Beach Employee Tuition Aesistance Prograrn set forth in the attEched Exhibit A . FAssED ANo AOoprED rhis tLaay os {*arrOry _ , 2010.,( ATTEST: APFROVED AS TO FORM & IANGUAGI & FOI?EXTCUTION- Reso.doi:r lrk Dof€ Page 357 of775 8 lntended Outeome lhat a universal culture of high quality customer-seryice is driving the conduct of the City COMNAISSION ITTM SUMMARY Condensed Tltle: A resolution of lhe Mayor and Crly Comrnission of the City of Miarni Beach, Florida, accepting the recommendation of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee to approye changes to the tuitron assislance Item SummrrylRecommendatlon : The Tuitjon Assistance Program rs an emptoyment benetil, s0 long-tem that the last time ii was reviewed was ten years ago in October 2004. The purpGe of lhe program b lo encourage employees to fuilher their education by taking approved or accrediled counieB which rrill irnprove their performance in sle services they were hired to perform or would be relevant to the empbyees' career development and potentisl adyancement within the city. After significant discl,rssion, the FCWPC recornmended that the tuition assistant program be modihed as foltows. upon Cily Ccmmission approyal, for ernployees in lhe uflclessified and "othets" salary groups. . Assistance based on a sliding scale directly relaled to the employee's performance in school, for approved coursework from accredit€d institutions of higher learning. Six credit hour limit on the flumber eligible for tuition assistance per semester. A repayment requirement if the employee separates within lwo years of having received assistance, with an exception far employees who are laid off or die undergraduate Programs. 80% reimbursement lor eourses in which employees earn an "A'. 60Yo reimbursement for courses in which employees earn a 'B'. 40o/o reimbursement fqr coulggg in which ernployees earn a 'C'' Graduate Programs. 80o/o reimbursement for courses in which employees earn an 'A". 60% reimbursemeni for courses in which employees earn a 'B' Applicabitity of these changes to employees covered by a mtlective Dsrgainiog unrl will be a sub]ecl t0 negotiations with representatives from the American Federation of Stale County and Municipal Emptoyees (AFSCME), Cornmunicatiorts Workers of America (C1AIA), Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), Government Supervisors Association of Floride (GSAF) and the lntemalionat Association of Firefqhtets IAFF) when current collective Advisorv Soard Rgsommandatlon : ffiimousry l i yoted to continug sppr-oye changs_ijg-UElCl!9!--asgstanffigsgem aq set liolh herein. I Flnanclal lnlormation: Amounl Account 0t 1-s5s&00'0367 Flnanclal lrnpact SummarY: Crespo-T Human Resources Director I AGEirDr fiEn . cl. i1MIAMIBEACH Page 358 of775 oxe -!.:.{.(:/ t 9 &\l=r MIAMIBEACH Chy ol lticrnl icoth, l7O0 ConwDti'co C.rr|er Drivo, Miomi Booch, Florido 13 I 39. wivr.miomibemhi,go. CoMlvrtl SS ION MEiiORAMDUM IO: fROM: DATE: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the Cig Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager January 14. 2015 SUBjECI: RESCILUTIOH ACCEPTING THE FINAIICE AND CITYWDE PROJECT$ COiJ|i,IITTEE'S RECOiTTUENOATIOHS REGAROING THE CITY OF iIIIA!U! BEAGH TUITION ASSISTAI{CE PROGRAM BACKGNOUND At the November 19, 2014, City Cornmission meeting. the subject program wes referred to the FinEnce and Citywide Projocts Committee {FCWPC) for its review and recommendations and the matter was addres$d at the December 12, 2014, meeting. The Tuilion Assistance Program is an employment benafit, so long.terrn that lhe last time it was reviewed was ten years ago, in October 2004. Budgetary allocaiions during the same period of time have fluctuated between $30,000 and the currenl $20,000 per year. Expenditures in t0O4 r#ere over budget by almost $8,000 but every year since then, except for 2010. expenditures were significantly below allocated amounls. ln fiscal yeet 2013114, 34 employees made use of the benefit for a total expenditure of slightly over $19,000. Based on the amounts reimbursed, six of the 34 amployees who filed for reimbursernent are enrolled in poslgraduata programs. The purpose of the program is to encourage employees to further their education by taking approved or accredited courses which will improve their parformance in the services they w€re hired to perlorm or would be relevant lo the employees' career development and potential advancernent within the city, The city relmburses tuition only for one course per semester for a total of t 2 credit hours per calendar year. To h eligible for reimburs€ment, ernployees rnust successfully complete each course taken, which rneans earning a grade of 'C" or beter and I "pass" if the course is graded on a passlfail basis. Reimbursement rates are as follows: . Appraved undergraduate comrnqtity college and non-srediUcertificate courses - $158.25;r Approved undergraduate university courses - $251.16; and. Approved graduate courses - $531.15. prscusslo$ At the December 12, 2014. meeting, Committee members were infonned that in addiiion Page 359 of775 10 FCWPC RECOMMEHDATIONS REGARDING THE CITY OF MIAMI SEACH TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM January .l4,2015 Fage 2 lo the tuition assistance prograrn, the City of Miami Beach has partnered with Barry University, Carlos Albizu University, Florida lnternational University and Novi $outheastern Universily to offer employees prefened luilion rates for a number of programs. Offerings vary, yet despite significant discounts, post€raduate credit hours may cost as much as $760, exclusive of application and lab fees, books and other relaled expenditures. ln April 2014, staff underlook iln informal survey regarding tuition assislance and received eight responses lrom municipalities in Miami-Dade and Brsward Counties. One did not offer any assislance, another offered it to selecl bargaining unit employees and a third suspended its program due to budgetary constraints. The different approaches among the entilies that responded were striking. Two entities allocated a certain amount to the program and reimbursed at the State tuition credit hour rate until the allssalions were exhausted. Since there were no limits on the number of credit hours eligible for assistance. reimbursement was based on available funding. lf an employee delayed submitting the requirsd information, he or she ran the risk of losing out on the benetit due to budgetary constreiflts. Twe rnunicipalities. the Village of Key Biscayne and the City of Doral, based their reimbursements on employee achievarnent. An "A" was reirnbursed at '1000/0. a'B' and 75% and I ^Cn at 50o/o 2l both organlzations, The Village of Key Biscayne reimbursed an employee up to $4,000 pr fiscal year and the City of Doral reimbursed up to 18 credits per fiscal year. MiamlDade Coun$ reimburses up to 500/o cf tuition costs to any employee uvho earns a 'C" in an approved course afrer financral and other assrstance hes been applied- ANALYSIS I'-RES Er.lTEO TO THr qCWpC Should the City alect to make changes to the Tuilion Assistance Program, the metler wili have to be negotialed with labor representativ*s as part of the collective bargaining process. Changes, if adopted, may apply to employees in lhe undassified or'olhers" salary groups upon ado$ion. The atlached revised program procrdures incorporate lhe following: r Assistance hased on a sliding ssale directly related to the emplcyee's performance in school. No limit on the number of credit hours eligible for tuition a$$istance ' A repayment requirement if lhe employee separales wilhin two years of heving received assistance, with an axception for employees who are lad off or die Tha Administration recommends a two'year pilot program beoause it is difficult to anticipate how much interest the prograrn will generate and whether the City wi,l be abte to aflord to offer euch an employment benefit. The cost analysis is bated on the following assumptions and the undengraduate tuition cost at Florida lnternational University and 5760.00 per credit hour fsr the Corporate Master of Business Page 360 of775 11 FCWPC RECOMMENDANONS REGARDING THE CITY OF MIAMI BEAI]H TUIIJON ASSISIANCE PBOGRAM January 1{. ?0!5 Page 3 Administration also at Florida lnternational University. U n dergrpd u a ts. P rogr.qln r lnstead of 28 employees, 56 enroll in an undergraduate program (a twofold increase)t. Each of the 56 Lakes 6 credit hours per semester for a lotat of 18 semester hours pe? yeat at $203.59 per credit hourl. 4Ao/o earn an "A" which resulls in a cost ol $6s,000;. 30% earn a '8" which result* in a cost of S37,0S0; and. 3006 eern a "C" which r$ults in a cost of $25,000 for a total expenditure ol $128,000 Corporcte Ma$Jgl.g. ! Bu siness Adminislratio n . lnstead of 6 employees, 18 enroll in ihis graduate program;. Each of the 18 takes 6 credit hours for a total of 18 semester hours Fer year at $760 per credit hours;. 60% esrn an "A" which results in a cost of $1 18,000; and, 4AoA earn e "B' which results in a cost of $59,000 for a tqtal expendrture of $177,000 Consequenlly, based on the €bove assunlptions. this pilot program could run al 5305,000. SESOMI6ENDAT!ON Afler significant di*cussion, the FCWPC recommended that the tuition assistant program be modified as follows, upon Gity Commission approval, for employees in the unclassified and others salary groups. . Assislance based on a sliding scale directly related to the employee's perfomance in school. for approved coursework from accredited institutions of higher learning r Six credrt hour lirnit on the number eligible for tuition assislance per setneiter r A repayment requirement if the employ€s s€parat€s within two years of having received assistance, with an exceptiofl for employees who are laid off or die Underoraduale Proorams . B0% reimbursernent for cources in which employees earn an ''A" . 60% reimbursement for courses in which employees earn a '8" . 40Yo reimbtrrsement for courses in which employees earn a "C" Page 361 of775 12 FCIVFC RECOMMENOATIONS REGAROING THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM January 1{,2015 Pag€ 4 Graduate Proofems . 80% reimbursement for courses in which emptroyees earn an "A". 60% reirnbursemerfi for coursss in which €mptoyees €am a "B' Applicability of lhese changes to employees covered by a collective bargaining unit will be a subiec,t of negotiations with repres*tatives from lhe American Federalion of Sl,ale County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). Communications Workers of America (CWA), Fralernal Order of Police (FOP), Govemment $upervisors Association of Florida {GSAF} and the lntemational Association ol Firelighterc (IAFF} when current collective bargaining ag reernenls expire. The Administration reCornmends adoption of the FCWPC's recommendation and further recammends that beganning with the 2016/17 liscal year budget. program costs be re- evalualed during the budget allocation process Attschment JLM/KGB/SC.T T:IAGENDA|€Ol3Uan!ary\Human Resources\Tuition filembursomEnt Rates al CMB Mamo,ducr Page 362 of775 13 CITY OF tUlArUl BEAGH EITIPLOYEE TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAITi The City of Miami Beach Employee Tuition Assistance Program ("Program") is established to provide financial assistance to eligible employees voluntarily participating in training or educational programs from accredited irrstitutions of higher learning designed to improve their effectiveness which directly benefits City operations, activities and objectives; provide professional developmenl; and help prepare employees for other opportunities within the City's service. fuition is the fee for instruction and lab fms on[, and does not include textbooks, exams. audit Ges, or any olher expenses. Tuition assistance is available lo full{ime City of Miami Beach classified employees who have completed their respectrve probationary periods and to unclassified employees who have no less than six months of continuous service. Time served in provisional/temporary status is not included when determining eligibility. An accredited institution of higher learning, as defined in the Higher Education Act, ir an educational institution that award* a bachelor's degree or provides nol less than a 2-year program that is acceptable for full credit towards a degree; is legally authorized within such $tate lo provide a program of education beyond secondary education; and is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association, or if not so accredited, is an institution that has been granted preaccreditation status by such an agency or association that has been recognized by the Secretary of Education, QUALIFICATIO}IS: The tuition assistance shall be based upon and not exceed the established credit hour tuition rate in the $tate university system at the time of enroilmenl and shall be limited to six credit hours per semester- Upon successful completion of approved coursework, the assistance schedule is based on the following levels of achievernenl: 1, Grade A . 80o/o reimbursemenl 2. Grade B = 600/o reimbursement 3. Grade C = 40% reimbursement; except for graduate level courses which are not eligible for reimbursement at this level of perforrnance 4- A passing grade on a passlfailbasis * 80% reimbursement Employees receiving financial assistance including scholarships, fellowships, grants, specialdiscounts and/or Veteran's benefits, will be eligible for tuition assistance after the financial assistance has been applied to the luition costs Exhibh A Page 363 of775 14 The Ctty reserves the right to deterrnine and amend the numher of courses, the number of credit hourc, and the level of tuition assistance prior lo the beginning of a schcolsemesler. EIIIIPLOYEE ELIG lBlLlW : Tuition assistance is available to futl-tirne City of Miami Beach chssifbd employees who have completed tneir respective probationary periods and to unclassified employees who haue no less than slx months of continuous service. Time served in provisionalltemporary status is not included wh*n deterrni n ing el igibility. {a) For classified employees, an overall evaluation of "rileets expectations" or higher on the tatest employee perfonrrance evaluation preceding the beginning of classes. Exception: A classified emptoyee whose latest averall evaluation isless than "meets expectations" may be eligibte for tuition assistance for coursework related to specific areas of perforrnance that have a requirement to take coursr$ as a part of their job performance. upon approval of the Human Resources Department. (b) unclassified empfoyees must receive lhe approval of his or her supervisor to participate in the Prograrn. COURSEWOFK ELIGIBILITY: Guidelines for establishing eligible coursework are as follows: (a) Degree and certificatrofl prograrns at accredited institutions whiuh relate directty to care€r opportunities within the City of Miami Beach are eligible fm approval. (bl For those employees who have been approved for a degree program, all general educatian courses specifically required by the school will be approved" {c} All other coursework will be considered on a course by course basis. (d) All courses must be taken outside af working hours unless lhe empfoyee's department director approve$ the u*e of annual leave. lf administrative leaye is gra:nted ts tske a course during Working hours, which requires City Manager approvat, no tuition assistance will be granied. Page 2 of ,l Page 364 of775 15 (e) Online lnternet courses and programs provided by accredited Florida- based educatlonal institutions are eligible for luition reimbursement DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR: The department directors shall be responsible for verifying that all approved cour$ework is in cornpliance wilh this administrative procedure, as well as all other aspects of lhe program. Department directors shall approve or disapprove all reimbursements for degrees, programs, and courserarork for employees within their departments. EMPLOYEE OSLIGATIONS: In order to be eligible for tuition assistanee, employees receiving tuition assistance under this Program must remain in the Cig's employ for a minimum of two years following the last tuition assistance payment. Employees separating from City service prior to the expiration of this period will reimburse the Ci$ for the assistance received during the final year of employment through deductions from their final payroll check. lf the final paycheck is insufficienl, the employee will still be responsible for making arrangements to reimburse the City or their separation papers shall be coded as not having lett the City in good standing and the employee shall remain responsible for any remaining reimbursement. ln the event the employee fails to reimburse the City, the services of an attorney required to cotlect such debl shall be sought and such attorney's fees and court costs shall be added lo the amount owed the City. No reimbursement will be required of those employees who have been laid ofi. lf the employee dies while in the City's service, no reimbursement will be sought from the employee's estate, APPLICATIOH PROCEDURE: Employees wishing to participate in the Program shall subrnit to departrnent directors an application for courseworUdegree approval no than thirty days prior to the start of classes. COURSEWORK, I}E6REE REVIEW AI-ID APPROVAL: The department direclor shall spprove or disapprove the employee's requesl after verifyirrg the employee's etigibility for participation in the Program. @)Appmval After the department director approves the request. a copy of the original application is returned to the employee advising them of the approval. l'age 3 of { [heir later Page 365 of775 16 (b) Disapproval lf the department director disapproves the application, he or she shall advise the employee of the reason for the rejection no later than 30 days from the date of the receipt of the applicalian. REMSURSEMENT; All approved applicants will submit a request for reimbursernent, elong with tuition receipts, officia! grade notifications, and all supporting documentation, to their department directors no later than thirty days from receipt of their grades. The departments shall submit all applications to the Human Resources Department, whether approved or disapproved, with the supporting documents for final review and reimbursernent approval. PENALTIES: Should an employee submit docurnentation which the employee knows is false or inteniionally misleading in order to receive benefits to which the employee is not entitled, the employee shall be deemed ineligible to continue to participale in the Program and shall repay City of Miami Beach for any tuition assistance received while in tile City's employ. The employee may be subject to disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, dismissalfrom the City service, Page { of4 Page 366 of 775 17 rffiiffi' l l uman Ilcsourcrs l)cpannrcnt City of Mianri Bcach NIiani Bcaclr, Florida Dr:ar SisMme: ll hiri conrc to nry attcntion t.tral tlrcrr; ars tluesti*ns ubrrut trrilirrn chargcd b5' rhc fixecutive N{astcr of Public Adnrinistration Prr)gronl{ltlPA), ln this letter" I hopc to clari t-v thcsc qucstions. 'l'he FIti lllP;\ Ilrograrn is ollbrcd by thc only public rese.arch university in Miami. Thc program has bccn oft'crcd coutinuousty sincc I 978" and has ovcr 2,t100 gr*duatcs. Thc program is supportcd by l{ thculty rncn:burs rrlro arc dcdicatcd to public scn'icc rcsearch - rvith ovcr 400 publiciltions in the fitrld of putrlic adnrinistration. AII our laculty arc ccrtified as graduale thcrrlty. and thc lbrv adjuncts thal *,e hir,"' arc crcdcntialed accurding to our acercditation staudards * i.e. l0 yr'ars of expericnce at thc l*,ri of director or highcr. 'l'hc []lU iVIPA prograrn is the only NASPAA-Accreditcd progranr in 14iarri-Dadc County. NASPAA accrcditation is a quality flssirrilncc for curriculunr. students and faculty of thc program. While othcr institutit:ns in thc rcgir"rn ott'cr non-acsrcdited grirduatc dcgrces in public aclr"rrinistratirrn, thr.'y tcntl to tsach corxscs using ntln- qualificd thcultl.', Our averagc inconting MPA student has a J.6 out of .1 undcrgraduatc CPA. ln short. lhc f'lu MPA is a qualitv prograln dclivcring qualirS' curriculum by quality faculty to qualit!' studsntr,. 'lhe Executi';c cohort t'rf our MPA ;trogrunr is dcsigncd firr u,orkinu prclcssionals t,ith expcricncc of 5- l0 ycars ot'puhlic sr:r'viccr r.,xpcriencc. 'l'hc cuniculum is dr,.signcd to mect the nceds of prof'essionals - n'ith c()rr- courscs in budgcting, finance. human rcsourcc milnagement. policy making and lcadcrxhip. ..\dditionally, the progranr offers clcctivc courscrvork in stratLrqi$ plannirrg. public privatc partncrships. nrcdia rclations. and cxecutivc leadcrship. 'l"lrr"'program lras cxccll*nt rctention rales hecausLl lL'{-'are vcry sclcctivc in admission and rvc arc v*f/ carcthl rvith curriculunr tlcsign. Brcausc \\,c are a putrlic institution irnd cur stuclrrnB arc public and non-protit studcnts- thr. F.MPA is pricr:rlto barely'recover its ccst.s. Thc HtUP,\ tlucs nol gcncrfllc protjt and evcry dollar gcncrrated from thc ctlhofl is rcinvcstcd in thc progranr, '[hc prograr]l clocs inclurlc thc cosi ol'books antl lbotl rvhieh arnouttts to lcss than $1.000 of the S32,000 tuirion chargcd by rhc prc,gram. -l"hcrutbrc. ihc cosr pcr crrdit tirr our [:lv.IPA. cxcluding r'trst ol'books and tixrd. is S7l4 per crcdit hour. I warlt to cmphasizc that tltis amount is the actual cosi amounl - thc revenucs gcncrated by dris progrr{m harely EXHIBIT # 2 Departmcnt ot Public Admanirralion, Stevan J. Green Srhool of lnterna:ronal and Publis Affairc 11100 l.W Bth Srre€r, pCA 2S7 . Miami, FL 13199 . Tet: (305) 348-SggO. rex: {BDS) 348-584E Floridaloternational UniveriityisanEqualOpportunity€mployerandlnstrtrltion - TDDviaFRS 1-800-955- 8771 Page 367 of775 18 p,2 rcc0vcr rts c!(pcnscs. Oft-ering an arcrcditcd pnrgran: is expensive -- for exanrplc, the cosl of a rcscarch faculty is alnrost l0 tinrcs thc cost olan ad.jmrct lhctrlty mcmbcr. Qualit.v.. and accr*ditatiort rcquircn:cnts unfbrtunately havc coslt asslrciatsd rvitlr thcrr:. Hrlrvcvcr. accrcditirtion assuru$ thal your crnplol'ecs nnr in lire t rccuivinu lhc propcr cclucatiort antl nrc not.iust rcceiving a dcgrec. lf you havc qucstiot'rs. or 10 chat abrrul this mattcr, plcase cont.lct mc at (105) 34tt- 433t1 (u'ork) or at (J05) 903-S990 (home). I ma;- also hr: rcachcd by e-mail at nmlkadrr'(alfiu.gdu- Sinccrcly Yours Llohanrad A Ikadry. Ph.D. Dircctor, ['lastcr oI Public Adruinistration Pro f'cssor. Dcpartmcnt o f Public Arlnrin istration Page 368 of775 19 t bbhf SEQUENCE NUMBER: HR.20.01 DATE ISSUED: MAY, 2015 DATE UPDATED: DECEMBER.2Ol6 ir,I iAf,"fl !t3ffi,r\il h"i CITYW1DE PROCEDURE SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES PURPOSE: The City of Miami Beach Employee Tuition Assistance Program ('Program"i, which was revised in 2015 per Resolution 2015-28891, is established to provide financial assistance to eligible employees voluntarily participating in training or educational programs from accredited institutions of higher learning designed io improve their effectiveness which directly benefits City operations, activities and objeltives; provide professional development; and help prepare employees for other opportunities within the City's service. Tuition is the fee for instruc'tion and lab fees only, and does not include textbooks, exams, audit fees, or any other expenses except for those executive degree programs where the tuition is inclusive of fees for books and other expenses. an eduoationalAn accredite&tAqjitUtion of highqgQslrung, as defined ln"he Higher I institutioninat.ai a bache[9f$'ti60i-da.-or provides:fiifFlessthan acceptable$or fuli Ctedi!.towards a degreefis legally authorized within of educatiOn bevond se6onaarY*,gducatiori;;, and is affiEdit6! by a r -fuli Credit.towards a degree*is legally authoriz-ed within : ueyona $tionaary*gduJ.tion;rlanJ ii affi'editg! Uy a n ;ociation, or,;if not 6b; accreditHd, as an ins#tuttfi that hat r an agend'tir assoCiation tnat-ifras beenl!$.iog&ed by th ','!e6. :, ii ti.,'.:!::' lirl#, ,..i1 -,,,, ,.;,:i',':, :' ,ffi' of education beyoncl sEdondaryBpducatlofiilallo ls aqEoFPg oy e agency or-qssociation, orrif not bblaccreditt$d, is an insfitutftffi that I rGtrr oy *,$$ "n asenryiiir r.roln,::_:,lli*r'ueeni#sos&.ed uv PROCEDURES: ." {:'; i. ,"' :"'' . W:,i,,,,... '.*:.. :.tt:11:!. _;j::,1€i:.-,1:'' :.r-s.-ld:+tl:i: ;#:*j!n, t'* -.-*,-r+. iI- i: 1. fuitiOn assistarlE= ror undergradugs cours%s taken at:Mia co rfr-rn un --rty c.pil&-b) wil I 6if re i m bu r$d( u p rtbl$ t t a. ze peF, ped it ovtii'b'FitffiiREsourcesr[epartmeefrsn#ded. Y:,, : College {o69 similar This rate will Bffupdated tuiti#I[ssi*l :ij .,': :?I .i.l:f],r':r nce shall be basedrUPon and2. F;F not exceed the Florida tnternational University (FlU) established credit hour tuition rate in the pubtished State University System at the time of enrollment. This rate is updated each July and posted on the web at http:/www.flboq.edu/aboqubudqeucunent.n_hp. . . S. For nontraditional graduate programs, (Corporate/Executive) tuition assistance shall be reimbursed up to $7i4 per credit hour. This includes Executive programs at FIU, Barry, Nova, etc. 4. There is no reimbursement for PhD's. S. Approved non-degree, work-related courses shall be reimbursed at 70% of the course cost, exclusive of fees for a "Pass' grade. 6. Approved certification coursei shall be reimbursed alTOo/o of the course cost, exclusive of fees for a "Pass'grade. Tuition assistance shall be limited to six (6) credit hours per semester, and eighteen (18) credit hours p"iv".i. At no time shall the annual tuitioh assistance for each employee exceed $5,250, the federal !ou*.n**nt cap for withholding tax exemption. (This amount is subiect to change based on updates to the federalguidline.) a nd sr5ililaiEto urses, Page 369 of775 Page I of4 20 MiAMIffifu\ilh* CITYWIDE PROCEDURE DATE ISSUED: MAY,2O15 DATE UPDATED: DECEMBER,20,I6 Page: 2ot4 SEQUENCE NUMBER: HR.20.01 SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE TU ]TION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES Upon successful completion of approved coursework, the assistance schedule is based on the following levels of achievement: e Grade A = 90% reimbursement. Grade B = 80% reimbursement. Grade C = 60% reimbursement; except for graduate level courses which are not eligible for reimbursement at this level of performancer f,, passing grade on a pass/fail basis = 90% reimbursement Employees receiving financial assistance including scholarships, fellowships, grants, special discounts and/or Veteran's benefits, will be eligible for tuition assistanoe after the financial assistance has been applied to the tuition costs, Coursework Eliqibilitv Guidelines for establishing eligible coursework are as follows: a) Degree programs al accredited institutions which relate directly to career opportunities within the City of Miami Beach are eligible for approval.b) For those employees who have been approved for a degree program, all general education courses specifically required by the school will be approved.c) All courses must be taken outside of working hours unless the employee's Department Director approves the use of annual leave.d) Non-degree, work related courses (or City of Miami Beach career path).e) Certification, work related courses (or City of Miami Beach career path) Denartment Directgt Department Directors shall be responsible for verifying that all approved coursework is in compliance with this administratlve procedure, as well as all other aspects of the program. Tuition Page 370 of775 Pag6 2 of4 21 i\4 l,&f,ri I*mAi: i-"{ CITYIiVIDE PROCEDURE DATE ISSUED: MAY,2015 DATE UPDATED: DECEMBER, 2016 Page: 3 of 4 SEQUENGE NUMBER: HR.20.01 SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE TU ITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES Department Directors shall approve or disapprove all reimbursements for degrees, programs, and coursework for employees within their departments. Emplovee Obligations There is a repayment requirement if the employee separates from employment from the City of Miami Beach within two years of having received assistance, with the exception for those employees who have been laid off. Emplayees separating from City service prior to the expiration of the two (2) year period will reimburse the City for the assistance received during the final year of employment through deductions from their final payroll eheck. lf the final paycheck is insufficient, the employee will be responsible for making arrangements to reimburse the City or their separation papers shall be coded as not having left the City in good standing. R.qimbursement Employees seeking reimbursement shall submit their pre-approved application form along with the supporting documentation stated in Part I and ll of the application, no laterthan 30 days from receipt of their grades. Departments shall submit all applications to the Hurnan Resources Department with the supporting documentation for final review and reimbursement approval. Penaltv Should an employee submit documentation which the employee knows is false or intentionally misleading in order to receive benefits to which the employee is not entitled, the employee shall be deemed ineligible to continue to participate in the Program and shall repay City of Miami Beach for any tuition assistance received while in the City's employ. The employee may be subject to disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, dismissalfrom the City service. ln the "r"ni'iffiffioloyee faitsffi.ffimo.ur"" the city, tffierrice" "f diti.,eth*t.r#C such debt shall be soughl and s#h attoiney$ fees and courtjcosts shalF& added to the the City. i:,jlc iir;:.; $:1r . rii ,ii: ini*6 i:=:+the City. i:,1, r,,..,. 1 t;' . 'i, ,,,: i* ;:i; ;tilri . -^ *r" :r.,,,, l; 1Wi ':ii ffiApolic?tioii,Procedure :i-,, .E*: .,j.,:.; j' it::.i i'-*{;i ffr,'i;r;Iri *:;ii:l:,i ::lr'j ..''.:,i., ].r:,i-E il,'ri;:' '''i'''"'"''''' " 1;i: ':ij :'' ' ' ''-''i'" ^- ' l' l Employees wishing to participaiel::ffi,lfib' Program.$att sffiit to theif;:,i1ts-p-Fitment Dire;ffgrs the attached Tuition Assistance Progfhm A0pllcation Formjalong ffih tne supp-iirlifi$"documentat&]n stated i* Da* t ^t3k^ a-^liraalar ia l^riiit ^- an-i:.,^ --:^-ri':i.ru-.-l-.ffAi ^t-^^t;;.r ;-'.'i'. owed in Part I of the applicationno latq:Jfran 3O.days prior:,to:thqslarf6}classegi; ,,r;,,:':.-g *;; I; -iilr .'t.ri.:.:ii:ffi*;i;is;it ,:l.j; i]8' Page371 of775 Page 3 of 4 22 ivi lriivl IffifiAilr.t CIT\AAJIDE PROCEDURE DATE ISSUED: MAY, 2015 DATE UPDATED: DECEMBER. 2016 Page: 4 ol4 SEQUENCE NUMBER: HR.20.01 SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM RESPONSIBLE PEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES Prepared by: Revlewed by: Director, Human Resources Department lnternalAuditor Page 372 of 775 Page 4 of 4 23 MIAM;SEACH Tuition Assistance Frogram Application Frrm FOR HR USE ONLY: Date: Name:Date Employed: Cla*sificaticn City tB #: Department: Phone:Course Schedsle Dates: Name of Edusational lnstitution: Educational Objectives Acadernic Degr*e Major {Area of Concentration): il Non ilegree X Undergraduate Degree n Graduate Degree n Non Degree n Assosiate's ff Bachelor's X Master's Department verification: Documents provided: il Approved D Denied, reason: n Tuition Assistance Application n Class Schedule t3 Catalog Dercription(s) fo,r course{s} listed abave Departrnent Director's $ignatu re Date Atiach the following supporting documentation and submit to the Human Resources Department no later than 30 days aft*r grades have been posted: tr $upporling documentation provided with Part IfI Csurse Registratian Statement C Receipt of Payment in fullil Grade{s} received for course{s} listed above U lllfi ?0Sr Fo{lE} - €nple}ac Tult&fi As:i$ts1ce Appti€dsn.d** 24 New Business and Commission Requests - R9 AA MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Mce-Mayor Joy Malakoff DATE: January 11,2017 SUBJECT: DISCUSS PLACING "THANK YOU FOR NOT SMOKING" SIGNS AT EVERY PUBLIC BEACH. ANALYSIS Please place as a discussion item: I recommend placing signs stating "TFIANK YOU FOR NOT SMOKING" at every public beach. lt is good that we will have two smoke free beaches, but even though it is non-enforceable, I think it is a positive message to thank our residents and visitors for not smoking on all our beautiful beaches. Legislative Tracking Vice-Mayor J oy Malakoff Page 700 o1747 25 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 26