20170111 SM1MIAMIBEACH Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERTAL 1 (1 t6t20171 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3'd Ftoor, 1700 Convention Center Drive January 11,2017 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem5n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Com missioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vrsrt us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Glerk priorto engaging in any lobbying activitywith the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Gopies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the Gity Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R5 - Ordinance R5 I AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 66 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED ''MARINE STRUCTURES, FACILITIES AND VEHICLES,'' BYAMENDING ARTICLE IV, ENTITLED.'VESSELS," BY CREATING SECTION 66-155 THEREOF TO BE ENTITLED'PROHIBITION OF ADVERTISING SIGNS ON VESSELS,' WHICH PROHIBITS THE OPERATION OF AN ADVERTISING VESSEL UPON THE TERRITORIAL JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE CITY; BY ESTABLISHING PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. First Readinq Office of the City Attorney Commissioner Michael Grieco Supplemental updated on 11612017 (Memorandum & Ordinance) R7 - Resolutions R7 C A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016t17. Budget and Performance lmprovement Supplemental updated on 11612017 (Memorandum) 11:45 a.m. Public Hearing 1 Supplemental 1, January 11,2017 R7 D A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING, SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FORM ATTACHED TO THIS RESOLUTION, THE TITLE VI/NONDISCRIMINATION POLICYAND PLAN, SUPPLEMENTING THE EXISTING TITLE VI PROGRAM PLAN, BY EXPANDING ITS APPLICATION TO ALL CITYWIDE SERVICES (INSTEAD OF JUST TRANSPORTATION); AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO MAKE SUCH FURTHER MODIFICATIONS TO THE TITLE VI/NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY AND PLAN AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE FEDERAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES WHICH OVERSEE THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS IN WHICH THE CITY PARTICIPATES. Transportation Supplemental updated on 11612017 (Resolution & Draft Policy & Plan) 2 Ordinances - R5 I COMMISS ION MEI'IIORAN D U M Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Raul J. Aguila, CityAttorney January 11,2017 AAIAMI BEACH TO: FROM: DATE: First Reading SUBJECT: AN ORDIMNCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 66 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED "MARINE STRUCTURES, FACILITIES AND VEHICLES," BYAMENDING ARTICLE IV, ENTITLED "VESSELS," BY CREATING SECTION 66-155 THEREOF TO BE ENTITLED "PROHIBITION OF ADVERTISING SIGNS ON VESSELS," WHICH PROHIBITS THE OPERATION OF AN ADVERTISING VESSEL UPON THE TERRITORIAL JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE CITY; BY ESTABLISHING PEMLTIES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RECOMMENDATION Pursuant to the request of Commissioner Michael Grieco, the attached Ordinance is submitted for consideration by the Mayor and City Commission at the January 11,2017 City Commission Meeting. Legislative Tracking Office of the CityAttomey Sponsor Commissioner Michael Grieco ATTACHMENTS: Description o Ordinance Page 432 of 705 3 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIry OF M]AMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AiIIENDING CHAPTER 66 OF THE coDE oF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED "MA,RINE STRUCTURES, FACILITIES AND VEHICLES," BY AMENDING ARTICLE IV, ENTITLED "VESSELS," BY CREATING SECTION 66.,155 THEREOF TO BE ENTITLED "PROHIBITION OF ADVERTISING SIGNS ON VESSELS," WHICH PROHIBITS THE OPERATION OF AN ADVERTISING VESSEL UPON THE TERRITORIAL JURISOICTIONAL WATERS OF THE CITY; BY ESTABLISHING PENALTIES; PROV!DING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City has identified a common practice for vessels to be operated within the waters and waterways of the City for the principle purpose of conducting general advertising; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Cornmission have an obligation to provide proper regulations surounding this type of conduct that will be in the best interest of the health, safety, welfare and aesthetics of the City and its residents; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance witl establish practical regu[ations for the proper and effective enforcement of vessels which are primarily used to conduct general advertising; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission have determined that this Ordinance will create the proper balance between those private property rights, and the immediate negative impacts to the residential properties that are located upon the City's jurisdictional waters and waterways; and VITHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission recognize that the adoption of this Ordinance will protect property values, the local economy and the quality of life for its residenis by preserving and enhancing the true identities, residential character and nature of the City's neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the Ordinance includes objective standards which could be utilized by the City's enforcement personnel to provide the appropriate guidance on determining which vessel is designed or used for general advertising; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND C|TY COMMISSTON oF THE Ctry OF M|AMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Chapter 66 entitled'Marine Structures, Facilities and Vehicles," Article lV entitled "Vessels,' of the Code of the City Miami Beach is hereby amended to create Section 66- 155 to be entitled "Prohibition of advertising signs on Vessels,' as follows: CHAPTER 66 MARINE STRUCTURES, FACILITIES AND VEHICLES 1 Page 433 of 705 4 ! Article lV. Vessels. Secs. 66-{5ffi Prohibition of advertisi.nE sions on Vessels. {A) lt shall be unlavvful for anv person to operate. or cause to be operated. anv vessel that is. displavino-qeneral advertisements upon aqy waters. waterwavs, marine area or publiq place within the iurisdiction of the. citv in which the public has a risht to travel. (p) At least one (1) of tllgfollowinq conditions must exist in orderfo_La determination to be made that the purpose of a vessel is for the displav of seneral advertisements:. 1. The vessel contains general advertisements {or one or more diff.grent business entities: 2. The vesse[ contains qeneral advertisements for a business entitv which is not the owner of the vessel: 3. The vessel is operated continuously without stopping while disp_lAyinq some forfn of general advertisement: 4. The vessel is driven in a repetitive pattern: 5. The vessel is capable of automaticallv. _changino the oeneral advertisements displayed without stoppino: or: 6. The vessel lacks the abilitv to serve anv purpose other than advertisino. l9) This section shall not applv to: 1. Anv vessel which displavs an advertisement or business notice of its owner. so lono as such :essel is engaqed in the usual business or regular work of the owner. and not used merely. mainlv or primarilv to disp-lav advertisements: 2. Any_..yessel that operates within those waters of the Atlantic Ocean and that such operation is located directly east of the Qitv's Erosion Control Line. I8) Defin-i-tiqns 1. Adverfi.slnq vesse/ means anv vessel desiqned or used for the oriFarv purpose of displavinq advertisements. 2. Vesse/ means anv boat, watercrafts. motorboat. sailboat. rowboat. dinqv. canoe. airhoa!. hougeD.gat. barqe, floatins structure, floatinq home or anv contrivance of any nature whatsoever which is waterborne. whether or not the same is capable of moving under its own power or by sail. 2 Page 434 of 705 5 7','elw1e''f,' {E) Penalties and enforcement. 1. A violation of this Section shall be subiect to the followinq fines: a. [f the violation is the first offense. a person or business shall receive a civil fine of $1.000.00: . b. lf the violation is the second violation within the precedino six months, a person or business shall receive a civil fine of $2.000.00: c. lf the violation is the third violation within the precedino six months. a person or business shall receive a civil fine of $3.000.00: and d. lf the violation is the fourth or subsequent violation within the preceding six mgnths, a person or business shall receive a cMI fine of $5.000.00. 2. Enforcemgnt. The Miami Beach Police Department and the Code Comotiance Department shall enforce*this section. This shall not preclude other [ara{ enforcement ag-encies from anv action to assure c_ofnplian,c_e*With this section and all anplicable laws. If a violation qf this section is observed. the enforcement officer will be autLrorized to issue a notice of violation. The notice shaU inform the violator of .the nature of the violation. amount of fine for which thq violaior is liable. instructions and due date forpaying the fine. that the violation may be apoealed by requestinq an administrative hearinq beforg_A special master within ten (10) davs after seryice of the notice of violation, and that the failure to aooeal the violation wlthin ten (10) days of seruice shatl-constitute an-qdmission of the violation and_A waiver of the riqht to a hearino. 3. Rights of violators: pavment._of fine: riqht to appear: failure to pav civil fine or to appeal: appeals from decisions of the sp-e-cial master. a. A violator who has been served with a notice of violation must eleqt to either: ! oavlhe civil fine in ihe manner indicated on the noticg of violation: o( ii. request an administrative hearino before a special master to appeal the notice of violation. which mu.st be requested within ten (10) davs olthe service of the notice of violation. b. The procedures for. appeal bv administrative hearing of. the notice of violation shall be aS.g.et forth in seetions 30-72 and 30-73 of this Code. A request for the-administratlve hearing must be accompanied bv a fee as approved by a. resolution of the city commission. which shall be refunded if the named violator prevails in the appeal. c. lf the named violator, after issuance of the notice of violation. fails to pav the cjvil.fine, or fails to timelv request an administrative hearinq before a special master. the special master mav be informed of such - fqilure bv the enforcement officer. The failure of the named violator to appeal the decision of the enfprcempflt olliser.lvithin the prescribed time period shalt constitute,q 3 Page 435 of 705 6 d. waiv_er of the violator's riqht to an administrative hearing before the special master, and shall be treated as an admission of the violation. for which fines and penalties shall be assess_ed accordinoly. A certified cop)r of an order imposinq a fing mav be recorded. in the publig records. and thereafter shall constitute a [ien upon any real or oersonal propertv owne-d bv the violator. which may be enforced in the same manner as a cou.rt iudoment bv the sheriffs of this state. includinq lew against the violatods real or personal propertv, but shall not be deemed to be a court iudgment except for enforcement ourposes. On or after.the sixt,y-first (61st'l dav folloyvioq the recordinq of anv such lien that remains unpaid. the Citv mav foreclose or othelUise execute upon th? lien. Anv party aggrieved bv a decision of a special master may aopeal that decision to a court of competent iurisdiction. The special master shall be prohibited from hearinq the merits of the notice of violation or considering the timeliness. sf a request for an administrative hearinq if the violator has failed to request an administrative hearino within ten (10) davs of the service of the notice of violation. The.qpecial master shall not have discretion to alter the penalties prescribed in subsection C(1). e. & Secs. 66-156-66-185. Reserved. SECTION 2. REPEALER. Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILIry. lf any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "sectien," "article," or other appropriate word, 4 Page 436 of 705 7 -::::." a-.-,j<,f i.i t?tFbr:PH51? SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days foltowing adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day o{ ATTEST: Mayor Philip Levine Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Underline. denotes new language (Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco) 2Q17: APPROVED AS TO LANGUAGE EXECUTION Cl[Affomey 5 Page 437 of 705 8 Resolutions - R7 C MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jirrny L. Morales, City Manager DATE: January 11,2017 11:45 a.m. Public l-learing SUBJECT A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016117. RECOMMENDATION See Memorandum attached. Legislative Tracking Budget and Performance I mprovement ATTACHMENTS: Description o Second Arnendrnent to the 2016117 Capital Budget Page 466 of 671 9 g MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl,gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016117. ADMI NISTRATION RECOMM EN DATION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND Planning for capital improvements is an ongoing process; as needs change within the City, capital programs and priorities must be adjusted. The Capital lmprovement Plan ('ClP') serves as the primary planning tool for systematically identifying, prioritizing and assigning funds to critical City capital development, improvements and associated needs. The City's capital improvement plan process begins in the spring when all departments are asked to prepare capital improvement updates and requests on the department's ongoing and proposed capital projects. lndividual departments prepare submittals identifying potential funding sources and requesting commitment of funds for their respective projects. The CIP is updated annually and submitted to the City Commission for adoption. The 2016117 - 2020121 Capital lmprovement Plan and FY 2016117 Gapital Budget was adopted on September 27, 2016 by resolutio n 2016-29582. The First Amendment to the FY 2016117 Capital Budget was approved on November 9, 2016 by resol ution 20 1 6-29637 . Section 166.241(4Xc.), Florida Statutes, requires that a municipality's budget amendment must be adopted in the same manner as the original budget. Administration recommends adopting the resolution for the second amendment to the FY 2016117 Capital Budget, SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE FY 2016/17 CAPITAL BUDGET The Second Amendment to the FY 2016117 Capital Budget totals an increase of $7,827,887 and re-appropriations of $431,'164 in order to provide additional funding to the following capital projects. Mayor Philip Levine and Members oflthe City Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager January 11,2017 Page 467 of 671 10 Resolution Adopting the Second Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2016117 January 11,2017 Page 2 of 6 1. Art in Public Places Miami Beach Convention Center: The original appropriation for this project included the cost of the art work however; additional funding is needed in order to pay the management fees which will be paid to Miami Dade County. Funding for this amendment would come from Art in Public Places Fund - 147. Prior Years' Appropriations $6,250,000 Januarv 11,2017 Budqet Amendment 810,797 Prooosed Total Appropriations $7.060.797 2. Botanical Garden Window Replacement Additional funding is needed in order to fully fund the window replacement project at the Botanical Gardens. Funding for this amendment would be appropriated to the City Center Capital Fund - 365. Prior Years' Appropriations $100,000 January 11,2017 Budqet Amendment 70,000 Proposed Total Appropriations s170,000 3. Maurice Gibb Park Seawall: An amount totaling $321,164 is currently needed to construct a seawall and Maurice Gibb Park. The scope of this project includes furnishing and installing 200 L.F. of precast panel seawall with the top of the seawall cap to be installed to an elevation of 5.7 NAVD. The Public Works staff recommends that funds be re-appropriated from the Julia Tuttle Causeway seawall project to this new project. Funding for this amendment would come from the South Point Capital Fund - 389. Prior Years' Aoorooriations $0 January 11, 2017 Budqet Amendment 321.164 Proposed Total Appropriations s321.164 4. Drainage lmprovement - Washington Avenue and South Pointe: An amount totaling $115,000 is currently needed in order for the contractor to provide emergency temporary connection to a drainage outfall located at Washington Avenue and South Pointe Drive. The scope of this project includes the installation of about 320 LF of 12" C900 PVC Pipe between the existing line and drainage structure located next to South Pointe pump station. The work will alleviate flooding in this area. The existing line located inside South Point Park will be repaired to make sure all the existing leaks are fixed. lnstallation of 20 feet of 20" liner, 30 feet of 24" liner and a transition 20" and 24" liner in the existing outfall will be in operation as an Page 468 of 671 11 Resolution Adopting the Second Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2416/17 January 11,2017 Page 3 of 6 oyerflow for the South Pointe pump station. The prelirninary construction cost is $250,000. Of this amount, $'134,025 is already funded in the project. Funding for this amendment would come from the $tormwater Line of Credit, pending the issuance of Stormwater Bonds - 429. Prior Years' Appropriations $405,000 January 11,2017 Budqet Amendment fld 115,000 Proposed Total Appropriations $520,000 5. Drainage Hotspot: An amount totaling $250,000 is currently needed in order to construct a 24" HDPE slip line outfall pipe at the intersection of 34th Street and Chase Avenue. The existing outfall is under capacity causing flooding of the roads in this area. Funding for this amendment would come from the Stormwater Line of Credit, pending the issuance of Stormwater Bonds - 429. Prior Years' Appropriations $2,659,373 January 11,2A17 Budget Amendment ht 250.000 Proposed Tota I Appropriations $2.90$.373 S. 5{ inch Diarneter Redundant Sewer Force Main: An amount totaling $989,974 is currently needed in order to expand the current scope of the 54" redundant sewer force main project to include the installation of an additional 36" line, line stop, plug valves, flow meler and emergency discharge connection in order to facilitate the ability 1o shut down the force main south of 17th street and to facilitate multi- directional flow operation of pump station No. 1. This item was approved at the December 14th, 2016 Commlssion meeting. Funding for this amendment would come from the Water & Sewer Line of Credit, pending the issuance of Water and Sewer Debt * 419 or funding from water and sewer operating budget. Prior Years' Aoorooriations $17,054,513 Januarv 11.2A17 Budset Amendment tN 989.974 Pronosed Total Aporopriations $18.044.487 7. Ci(y Genter-Commercial District BP9B: An amount totating $2,300,000 is currently needed in order to construct a stormwater pipe along Washington Avenue from 17th $treet to 18th street and along 17th street from Pennsylvania Avenue to Washington Avenue. This item was approved at ihe Decemher 14th, 2016 Commission meeting. Funding for this amendment would come from Stormwater Line of Credit, pending the issuance of Stormwater Bonds - 429. Page 469 of 671 12 Resoluiion Adopting ihe Second Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 241il17 January 11,2017 Page 4 of 6 Prior Years' Appropriations , $22,633,442 Januarv 11.2017 Budset Amendment rf 2.300.000 Prooosed Total Aonropriations $24,933,442 8. Sunset Harbour Pump Station Upgrades: An amount totaling $1,272,368 is cunently needed in order to provide landscaping to the neighborhood and to provide permanent emergency generators to pump station two and pump station three including associated water, sewer, lighting and irrigation. Funding for lhis amendment would come from Stormwater Line of Credit, pending the issuance of Stormwaler Bonds - 4?9. Prior Years' Appropriations $27,304,030 Januarv 11.2017 Budget Amendrnent M 1.?72.368 Pronosed Total Appropriations $28,576,398 g. Muss Park Facility: This amendment appropriates an additional $245,000 to the Muss Park Facility. The construction contract amount was higher than anticiFated. The increased cost is attributed to additional storm drains required as a result of the decision to elevate the playgrounds, resurfacing and re-striping of the parking lot, directional bore for the electrical service (instead of trenching), increasing the target for LEED ce(iflcation from Silver to Gold, various revisions required by the Design Review Board, additional/expanded windows, a new irrigation system, additional bicycle rack, redesigned stairlramp, revised concrete finishes and new lightning protection. Funding for this amendment would come from the Capital Reserve Fund - 304" Prior Years' AD0ropriations $?.450.000 January 11, 2A17 Budget Amendment 245.000 Prooosed Total Aoorooriations $2.5s5.000 l0.Anchor Garage Lighting: An amount totaling $277,219 is needed to upgrade existing lighting to comply with IES illuminalion standards for parking facilities. Additionally, the lighting will enable better utilization of the new CCTV system installad in the garage. Funding for this amendment would come from Anchor Garage Fund halance - 463. Prior Years' Aporooriations $0 Januarv 11.2017 Budoet Amendment 277,219 Proposed Total Appropriations $277,219 Page 470 of 671 13 Resolution Adopting the Second Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2016117 January 11,2017 Page 5 of 6 11. Fire Hydrants: Per Resolution 2016-29681, the City Commission authorized the expansion of parking spaces in the Biscayne Beach neighborhood which is generally bounded by 79th Street on the south, 85th Street on the north; Crespi Boulevard on the east; and Hawthorne Avenue on the west. As a result, funding in the amount of $300,000 is needed in order to relocate fire hydrants in order to yield 12 additional parking spaces throughout the Biscayne Beach Neighborhood. Funding for this amendment would come from the Capital Resenre Fund -304. Prior Years' Aonropriations $0 January '11, 2017 Budqet Amendment 300,000 Prooosed Total Anoronriations $300,00{} 12. Parking Garage at Biscayne Beach: Per Resolution #2016-29681, the City Commission authorized the construction of a new parking garage on a city-owned parcel localed at 79e Street and Hawthorne Avenue in the Biscayne Beach neighborhood which will create an estimated 70 parking spaces and a retail component for a sundry store to support area residents. As a result, $300,000 is needed to fund the design of the parking garage. Funding for this amendment would come from the Parking Enterprise Fund - 480. Prior Years'riations $0 January 11,2017 et Amendment 300.000 TotalA 300.000 13.West Avenue I Bay Road lmprovements: This amendment appropriates an additional $330,000 to the West Avenue I Bay Road lmprovement project. These funds are needed to provide surveying and a public information offieer for West Avenue Fhase ll. Funding for this amendment would come from the following sources.. $110,000 from Stormwater Linq pf Credit Fund 429 (Pending the issuance of Stormwater Bonds) {fiY . $110,000 from Water and Sewer Line of Credit Fund 419 (Pending the issuance of Water and Sewer Debt or funding from the water and sewer operating budget) CI/. $110,000 Transfer within Fund 38{. from the Flamingo Neighborhood West Project Prior Years' Aooropriations $25,854,596 January 11, 2017 Budqet Amendment 330,000 Proposed Total Appropriations $26"187.596 Page 471 of 671 14 Resolution Adopting the Second Amendment to the Capilal Eudget for FY 2016t17 January 11,2017 Page 6 of 6 14. FDOT Utilities Relocation: An amount totaling $677,529 is needed in order 1o develop engineering plans for the relocation of and upgrades to City-owned facilities as part of the FDOT project to construct certain infrastructure improvements on Aton Road/State Road 907 from Michigan Avenue to 43rd Street and from 43rd Street ts 63rd Street. Funding for this amendment would come from the Water & Sewer Line of Credit, pending the issuance of Waler and Sewer Debt * 419 or funding frorn water and sewer operating budget. Prior Years' ApDropriations $0 January 11. 2A17 Budoet Amendment N 671,s29 Proposed Tqtal,Approrriations $577,529 JLM/CGR Page 472 of 671 15 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 16 Agenda ltem R? D Date l-ll-l? RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND THE GITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEAGH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING, SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FORM ATTACHED TO THIS RESOLUTION, THE TITLE VI/NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY AND PLAN, SUPPLEMENTING THE EXISTING TITLE VI PROGRAM PLAN, BY EXPANDING ITS APPLICATION TO ALL CITYWTDE SERVTGES (INSTEAD OF JUST TRANSPORTATTON); AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO MAKE SUCH FURTHER MODIFICATIONS TO THE TITLE V!/NONDISCR!MINATION POLICY AND PLAN AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE FEDERAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES WHICH OVERSEE THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS IN WHICH THE ClTY PART!C!PATES. WHEREAS, at the May 21, 2014 City Commission meeting, the Commission approved an lnterlocal Agreement with Miami-Dade County for provision of Municipal Circulator Services; and WHEREAS, the lnterlocal Agreement require that the City comply with federal requirements for transit services, including Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title Vl); and WHEREAS, Title Vl stipulates that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federalfinancial assistance; and WHEREAS, on June 11, 2014, the City Commission adopted a Title Vl Program Plan (the 2014 Title Vl Program Plan); and WHEREAS, in order to receive Federal funds for projects, including transit projects, the local agencies and their contractors and consultants must comply with the Title Vl, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as well as other related federal and state laws and regulations, including Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations, and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) guidelines; and WHEREAS, to maintain Certification in the LocalAgency Program (LAP), local agencies must submit the Sub-recipient Compliance Assessment Tool (SCAT) once every three (3) years or at the request of FDOT or FHWA; and WHEREAS, to be eligible for federal funding through FDOT, the City, as a sub recipient, must have a Title Vl/Nondiscrimination Policy and Plan that covers all programs, services and activities of the City; and WHEREAS, as part of the required re-certification process, FDOT reviewed the City's 2014 Title Vl Program Plan and found the Plan to be specific to its Citywide transit services; and WHEREAS, while 2014 adopted Title Vl Program Plan meets FTA's requirements, as written, the City's current version was not broad enough to meet the FHWA/FDOT requirements; and 17 WHEREAS, the proposed Title Vl/Nondiscrimination Policy and Plan would be advantageous to the City as it will help to not only manage complaints efficiently by having set procedures, forms, and points of contact, but also to proactively discourage discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, income or family status by adequately educating and involving the community in the planning process and implementation of its services; and WHEREAS, in order to be compliant with FHWA/FDOT requirements, the Administration recommends that the City Commission adopt, substantially in the form attached to this Resolution as Exhibit 1, the Title Vl/Nondiscrimination Policy and Plan; and WHEREAS, the Administration further recommends that the City Commission authorize the City Manager or his designee to make such further modifications as may be required by the federal and state governmental agencies which oversee the federal assistance programs in which the City participates. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CIry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby adopt, substantially in the form attached to this Resolution, the Title Vl/Nondiscrimination Policy and Plan, supplementing the existing Title Vl Program Plan, by expanding its application to all citywide services (instead of just transportation); and further authorize the City Manager or his designee to make such further modifications to the Title Vl/Nondiscrimination Policy and Plan as may be required by the applicable federal and state governmental agencies which oversee the federal assistance programs in which the City participates. PASSED AND ADOPTED thls 11th day of January , 2017. ATTEST: PHILIP LEVINE, MAYOR RAFAEL E. GRANADO, CIry GLERK T:\AGENDA\2016\DecembeATransportation\Transit\TITLE Vl Program Plan Adoption RESO.doc APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXSCUTTON i/s/r z City Attorrey -4t*f Dole 18 MIAMIBEACH TITLE VI/NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY AND PLAN December,2016 EXHIBITir 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. THE CIry'S NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY STATEMENT ........ .............2 II. COMPLAINT PROCEDURE .....,.2 il1. ADA/504 STATEMENT........... .................... 3 IV. LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE PLAN AND L]M]TED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY (LEP) ANALYSIS ..,......4 V. PUBLIC !NVOLVEMENT...... .......5 vl. ASSURANCE .............. 5 APPENDIX A......... ............ 6 llPage 20 THE CITY'S NONDISCR!MINATION POLICY STATEMENT The City of Miami Beach, Florida (the City) values diversity and welcomes input from all interested parties, regardless of cultural identity, background or income level. Moreover, the City believes that the best programs and services result from careful consideration of the needs of all of its communities and when those communities are involved in the transportation decision making process. Thus, the City does not tolerate discrimination in any of its programs, services or activities. pursuant to Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), as well as other related federal and state laws and regulations, including Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations, and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) guidelines, the City will not exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject to discrimination anyone on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, income or familial status. II. COMPLAINT PROCEDURE The City has established a complaint procedure and will take prompt and reasonable action to investigate and eliminate discrimination when found. Any person who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination based upon race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, familial or income status in any of City's programs, services or activities may file a complaint with the City's Title Vl/Nondiscrimination Coordinator: Name: Jimmy L. Morales Address: 1700 Convention Center Drive Phone: 305-673-7010 Fax: 305-673-7782 Email: JimmvMorales@miamibeachfl.qov TfY: 7 -1-1 (Florida Relay) A complaint must be filed within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of the alleged discrimination. lf possible, the complaint should be submitted in writing and contain the identity of the complainant; the basis for the allegations (i.e., race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability or familial status); and a description of the alleged discrimination with the date of occurrence. Please refer to Appendix A for the Discrimination Complaint Form. lf the complaint cannot be submitted in writing, the complainant should contact the Title Vl/Nondiscrimination Coordinator for assistance. The Title Vl/Nondiscrimination Coordinator will respond to the complaint within thirty (30) calendar days and will take reasonable steps to resolve the matter. Should the City be unable to satisfactorily resolve a complaint, the City will foruvard the complaint, along with a record of its disposition to the appropriate District of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). 2lPage 21 Should the complainant be unable or unwilling to complain to the City, the written complaint may be submitted directly to Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The FDOT will serve as a clearing house, fonuarding the complaint to the appropriate state or federal agency: Florida Department of Transportation Eq ual Opportunity Office ATTN: Title Vl Complaint Processing605 wannee Street MS 65 Tallahassee, FL 32399 II!. ADA/504 STATEMENT Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and related federal and state laws and regulations forbid discrimination against those who have disabilities. Furthermore, these laws require federal aid recipients and other government entities to take affirmative steps to reasonably accommodate the disabled and ensure that their needs are equitably represented in transportation programs, services and activities. The City of Miami Beach will make every effort to ensure that its facilities, programs, seryices, and activities are accessible to those with disabilities. The City will make every effort to ensure that its advisory committees, public involvement activities and all other programs, services and activities include representation by the disabled community and disability service groups. The City encourages the public to report any facility, program, service or activity that appears inaccessible to those who are disabled. Furthermore, the City will provide reasonable accommodation to disabled individuals who wish to participate in public involvement events or who require special assistance to access facilities, programs, services or activities. Because providing reasonable accommodation may require outside assistance, organization or resources, the City asks that requests be made at least 30 calendar days prior to the need for accommodation. Questions, concerns, comments or requests for accommodation should be made to the City's ADA Coordinator: Name: Valeria Mejia Address: 1833 Bay Road, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Email: ValeriaMeiia@miamibeachfl.qov Phone: 305-673-7000 ext. 2988 Fax: 305-673-7963 TTY: 7 -1-1 (Florida Relay) 3lPage 22 lv.LANGUAGE ASSTSTANCE PLAN AND LTMTTED ENGLTSH PROFTCTENCY (LEP) ANALYSIS Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 13166, and various directives from the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and US Department of Transportation (DOT) require federal aid recipients to take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to programs, services and activities by those who do not speak English proficiently. To determine the extent to which LEP services are required and in which languages, the law requires the analysis of four factors:o The number or proportion of LEP persons eligible to be served or likely to be encountered by the City's programs, services or activities.o The frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with these programs, services or activities. o The nature and importance of the program, service or activity to people's lives and; . The resources available to the City and the likely costs of the LEP services. 1. The principal languages among the City's residents are English and Spanish. According to the 2010-2014 American Community Survey, 32.3o/o of City residents reported speaking only English, while 54.60/o reported speaking Spanish. The majority of the City's Spanish speaking residents are bilingual with 28.9% of Spanish speaking residents reported speaking English less than very well. Of the remaining City residents, 9.9% reported speaking other lndo-European language (other than Spanish), 1.7% reported speaking Asian or Pacific lsland language and 1.5% reported "other language". The City's website is published in English and it may be translated into Spanish or any other language as part of the Google Translate tool by clicking the Google Select Language icon on the bottom left corner of each page. 2. LEP customers within the City, under the analysis identified as Spanish speakers make constant use of the City's services. ln an effort to promote the use of the service by LEP customers, the City will make the following information readily available in both English and Spanish: . City's Website o Public Meeting Notices . P0ect lnformation 3. The City believes that its programs, services and activities are of critical importance to its public. Transportation, for example, provides necessary access to health care, emergency services, employment, and other essentials which would be difficult or impossible without reliable transportation systems. 4. The City of Miami Beach is committed to providing resources to improve access to its services for LEP persons. Bilingual information (English/Spanish) is/will be distributed in several different manners including: o Bilingual English/Spanish Website o Bilingual English/Spanish Material 4lPage 23 Bilingual English/Spanish at Meetings Bilingual English/Spanish Customer Service Staff The City understands that its community profile is changing and the four factor analysis may reveal the need for more or varied LEP services in the future. As such, it will annually examine its LEP plan to ensure that it remains reflective of the community's needs. Persons requiring special language services should contact the City's Title Vl/Nondiscrimination Coordinator. V. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT ln order to plan for efficient, effective, safe, equitable and reliable programs, services or activities, the City must have the input of its public. The City spends extensive staff and financial resources in furtherance of this goal and strongly encourages the participation of the entire community. The City holds a number of meetings, workshops and other events designed to gather public input on project planning and construction. Furthermore, the City attends and participates in other community events to promote its services to the public. Finally, the City is constantly seeking ways of measuring the effectiveness of its public involvement including biannual survey to businesses and residents. v!.ASSURANCE Every three years, or commensurate with a change in the City's executive leadership year, the City must certify to FHWA and FDOT that its programs, services and activities are being conducted in a nondiscriminatory manner. These certifications are termed 'assurances' and serve two important purposes: first, they document the City's commitment to nondiscrimination and equitable service to its community; and second, they serve as a legally enforceable agreement by which the City may be held liable for breach. The public may view the annual assurance on the City's website or by visiting City Hall. 5lPage 24 APPENDIX A DISCRIMINATION COMPLAINT FORM 6lPage 25 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DISCRIMINATION COMPTAINT FORM Complainant (s) Name:Address: E-mailaddress:Phone Number: Complainant's Representative's Name, Address, Phone Number and Relationship (e.g., friend, attorney, parent, etc.): Name and Address of Agency, lnstituticn, cr D-.partrnent Whcm You Allege Discriminated Against You: Names of lndividual(s) \A/hom \/:u All:ge D:scriiii:aleC Against You (if known): Descriptionof Descriminatio.'rl:.:cl,-cl: ja'i,:,,; :':i^t?3of pe:pieinvolvedandexplainwhyyouthinkitwasdiscriminatory): I believe discrimination I experienced was based on (circle all that apply): Race Color National Origin Sex Religion Familial Status Disability lncome Age Mail to: Jimmy L. Morales, the City cf t\Ii:nrr Eea;h I:lle \/i,/lic.C'^cr'm!nation Coordinator, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th floor, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139. This form may also be faxed to: 305-673-7782. The Title Vl/Nondiscrimination Coordinator will respond to the complaint within thirty (30) caiendar days and will take responsable steps to resolve the matter. Alternate means of filling compla.:.t will :e r^rade e';ailable fc:" persons with disabilities upon request. 26 " ,lBEACI-{ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FoRMULARTo DE REcLAMAcl6u peRa DlscRtMtNActoN Nombre(s) de (los) Reciamanre(s):Direccion(es) de(los) Reclamante(s) : E-mail:Numero(s) de telefono: Nombre del representante del Reclamante, dirrecion, telefono y relacion (por ejemplo amigo, abogado, padre, etc.): Nombre y dirrecion de la age:ic,:, lnstilucicn : de i:a:tarnertc que usted alega discrimino en su contra: Nombre(s) de (los) indirr:d:ic/sl :ue u: eri :iei,: J:;cr.iir::i.c: 3n su contra (si lo sabe): Describeladiscrirninacio':t.',':.:-rell:, -c':': rr'.'.rr,:":^.'j-]i:rvolucradasyexpliqueporqueustedalegaquefuediscriminado). creo que la discriminacio que yo senti fue basada en (marque todos los que apliquen): Raza Color Origen Nacional Sexo Edad Religion Esraoo Famiiiar Discapacioad lngresos Firma del Demandante:lrecha de la firma: I Envie por correo a: Jimmy L. Morales, the City ci i,t';a:a', Be ach Title Vl/Nondiscrimination Coordinator, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th floor, Miami Beach, Florida, 33i:i3. E!i.€ r'-r riiuia.o :ar,'i :it - se olede enviar por fax a: 305-673-7782. El Coordinador del Titulo Vl/No Discriminacion responciera a ia ceranc: ce r.s ,-.:-r1 ? .-:.-,r cr?s carencario y tomara las medidas razonables para resolver el asunto. Medios alternativos para llenar la queja serdn prrestos a disposici6n de las personas con discapacidades bajo petici6n. 27 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 28