Cable Television_February 1983CABLE TELEVISIO N Late -83 _ R8B 15 Rev. Memo 8683, COMM. Mtg. 12/15/82, discussion on Ultra -Com Cable TV. (For info. only) Mayor Ciment requested Admin. monitor Ultra- Com's serv. installation & related income to City, every 2 mos. & submit status reps. Ben Walker, consultant rep'g Sunshine Mktg. Servs., Inc. explained var. types of microwave tv opers. Comr. Singer requested C Atty rev. former C Atty's 9/28/82 opinion that Sunshine TV Entertainment is not required to obtain a franchise fr City & submit rep. & recommendation. C Mgr advised Admin will investigate possible need for City regulation of var. types of microwave tv 30 6/. -S'F33 ---CAUtTtatVItt50- 16. -bate' { Coned) --2/6%83--opers.-_and/or lioenting _of "same & submit" rep. 6/1/83 Memo 360-83, update on Ultra -Com Cable TV. R -9B (for info only) Adm. recommended Ultra -Com cont. to provide City w/update of all new subscribers. In addn., Adm. will cont. to monitor the final constr. efforts to ensure that it is done in an efficient & timely manner. 5/2/84 Memo 295-84, public hrg. scheduled for R -9J 5/16/84, 3 p.m. in accordance w/Sec. 5(4)(b) of Ord. 79-2164, to afford int'd persons the 3a5 -A fe9 CAO_TM' IAntsl 17 Date (coned.) 5/2/84 opportunity to be heard on request -of Ultra-- R-8J ltra-R-8J Com Cable of Dade Co., Inc. to transfer its cap. stk. to Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc. 5/16/84 Memo 308-84A, hrg. held re. UltraCom of Dade R -3H Co., Inc. outstanding cap. stk. transfer to Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc. Res. 84- 17736 adopted, approving transfer as it per- tains to CMB's cable TV license granted to UltraCom of Dade Co., Inc., per Transfer of Control Agreement executed by UltraCom, Inc., UltraCom of Dade Co., Inc., and Harte- Hanks Communications, Inc.; UltraCom of Dade Co., Inc. to cont. as license Grantee. azc/ x.33 CAHLE TELHVtSION 18 Date 43785' Memo 244-85, installation of Cable TV on R -9C Hibiscus Isl., Palm Isl., and Star Isl. by Harte-Hanks Cable, Dade Co.; rep. given by VM Grenald. Mgr to provide monthly status rep. of progress and anticipated completion date for ea. Isl. Comr. Daoud asked Admin. to advise areas of MB covered or not yet covered by cable. 4/17/85 VM Grenald suggested Comm. consider inviting R -11G Cable TV to televise portions of Comm. mtgs. that would be of most int. to the people, and asked that matter be pl'd on the 5/1/85 agenda for discussion. (see COMM. MTG.) 3 a6'% 'y 9 .�3 CABLE TELEVISION Date 11/20/85 R -5B 12/4/85 R -3C 19 Rev. M#680-85, ord. granting Crystal Cable- vision Co., Inc., its successors & assigns, nonexclusive franchise for installa- tion/op./maint. of cable com. syst.; passed on 1st reading. Hrg./2nd reading scheduled for 12/4/85 @ 2:00 p.m. Rev. M#680-85, hrg. on ord. granting Crystal Cablevision Co., Inc., a nonexclusive fran- chise for the installation/op./maintenance of a cable comm. syst. w/in MB; action on final reading def. to 12/18/85. Andrew H. Moriber, atty rep'g U1traCom of Dade Co., Inc., subsidiary of Harte-Hanks Comms., CABLE TELEVISION 20 Date (Cont'd) 12/4/85 appeared in opposition to award, contending R -3C voter approval and Co. license are required first. He requested that, if granted, Crystal be required to svc. entire area, not just mult.-family bldgs. C Atty advised electorate approval of franchises is not required, and Co. indicated application should be approved by City bef. obtaining Co. license. Harold Rosen, atty rep'g applicant, said his client is applying for Co. license. Bruce J. Record, Mktg. Dir. of Crystal, responded to ques's. Comr. Grenald advised he would attend 12/7-11/85 Nat'l League of Cities mtg. in Seattle and C L's TLEVISION 21 Date (Contd) 12/4/85 asked that action on ord. be def. until R-3C after that mtg, to afford him opportunity to inquire how handled by other cities. Mgr & C Atty to negotiate location of proposed svc.; C Atty to provide Mr. Moriber w/copy of proposed agreement. Minette Benson complained of problem obtaining serv. fr. Harte-Hanks, & suggested ord. incl. require- ment to provide appropriate local svc. Mrs. Benson to discuss matter with C Atty. VM Arkin asked Adm. to investigate complaint. (see METRO DADE CO., NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES) CARtA T2L8VI8ION 22 Date 12/18/85 M#737-85, File fief. 50-85/00, ord. granting R -5A Cable TV franchise to All -Rite Satellite, Inc.; def. pending addnl Admin. review. 12/18/85 R -8A 1/8/86 R -5A M#680-85, Rev. II, Cable TV franchise for Crystal Cablevision Co., Inc.; def. pending addnl. Admin. review. Rev. M#737-85 , Ord. granting ellite, Inc. a nonexclusive the installation, oper., and a cable comm. syst. w/in request of applicant. All -Rite Sat - franchise for maintenance of M.B., def. at `aa -6 -.e,3_3 CABLE TELEVISION 23 Date 1/8/86 M#680-85 Rev. III, cable TV franchise for R -8A Crystal Cablevision Co., Inc.; def. to 1/22/86 at Mgr's request. 1/22/86 M#737-85 Rev. II, Ord. passed on 1st reading R -5A granting a nonexclusive franchise to All - Rite Satellite, Inc., for the installation, op., & maintenance of a cable communication syst. w/in MB. Hrg./2nd reading scheduled for 2/5/86 @ 2 p.m. (Ord. to provide for franchisee to pay fees on all servs. rendered.) Atty Andrew H. Moriber, rep'g UltraCom of Dade Co./Harte-Hanks Cable, appeared in opposition to ord. passage. CABLE TELEVISION 24 Date 1/22/86 M#680-85 Rev. III, cable TV franchise for R -8A Crystal Cablevision 'Co., Inc.; w/drawn by Admin. 2/5/86 M#737-85 Rev. III, C Atty M#94-86. Hrg. R -3C held/concluded, Ord. 86-2500 adopted as amd'd granting All -Rite Satellite, Inc., nonexclusive franchise for installation, op., & maint. of cable comm. syst. in MB (incl'g chgs. in C Atty M#94-86). C Atty to research/rep. on whether any company (cable, phone, etc.) can make installations & pro- vide svc. to residents w/out paying a fee. 37Srs/. 4./e