Charter Amendments_December 1979 to January 1980CHARTER AMENDMENTS Request of Commissioner Mildred Falk to dis- Duss 5 proposed Charter Amendments which would e voted upon at March 11, 1980 election. Not reached - deferred to 1/2/80. Request of Commissioner Mildred Falk to dis- 1/2/80 cuss 5 proposed Charter Amendments which would be voted upon at March 11, 1980 election. Commission approved, in principle, placing 5 proposed Charter amendments on 3/11/80 ballot. City Atty. was requested to prepare final working of ballot questions, however, matter was not reached prior to adjournment. NOTE: Special meeting to be held on 1/8/80 -1,26. Date 12/19/79 , . -ry6f CHARTER AMENDMENTS (continued) at 2:30 p.m. to consider resolution and proposed amendments. Date 1/2/80 Consideration of Commissioner Mildred Falk's 1/8/80 six proposed Charter Amendments which would be voted upon at March 11, 1980 election. Mayor Meyerson advised Commission of reser- vations of V.M. Dr. Wikler concerning some of the amendments. Commissioner Weinstein's motion to defer carried. (See Elections) Dr. Morris Zucker appeared and was heard re: 8/20/80 a proposal for a referendum to be submitted 3aB ;�' -sP6 CHARTER AMENDMENTS (continued) 122:. Date to voters at earliest next general election amending City Charter authorizing issuance of $250,000,000 of City Revenue Bonds - to acquire existing, and build highrise rental units to meet needs of people, created by conversion of hitherto rental buildings into condominiums. No action taken. (See Housing - Middle Income) 8/20/80 Request of V.M. Alex Daoud for discussion of 9/3/80 Charter Amendment to require an election to fill vacancies on City Commission where re- maining term of office is 1 -yr, or longer (deferred from 8/20/80). Not reached - c i :j �S r. -VC/ 61 CHARTER AMENDMENTS 123 (continued) Date deferred to 9/24/80. NOTE: Deadline for sub- mittal of Charter amendments for 11/4/80 election was 9/5/80. (See City Commission) 9/3/80 (ADD ON) Request of Commissioner Mel Mendelson 9/3/80 for discussion of Charter change to change term length and number of commission votes required to appoint voting members to Brd. of Adjustment. Not reached - deferred to 9/24/80. NOTE: Dead- line for submittal of Charter Changes for 11/4/80 was 9/5/80. (See Board of Adjustment) • a • • • .w .A a5-1 CHARTER AMENDMENTS 124 Date Request of V.M. Daoud for discussion of Charter amend- ment to require an election to fill vacancies on City Commission where remaining term of office is one year or longer not reached. Deferred to 10/1/80. 9/24/80 Request of Comm. Mendelson for discussion of Charter change to change term length and number of Commission votes required to appoint voting members to Board of Adjustment, not reached. Deferred to 10/1/80. 9/24/80 V.M. Daoud's motion for submission to electorate 10/1/80 of proposed Charter amendment to req. an election to fill Comm. vacancies where remaining term is 1 yr. or longer failed of passage, 2-5. (see c T v r.nNMTSS ONi tT;/.I CHARTER AMENDMENTS 125 Date Request of Comm. Mendelson for discussion of 10/1/80 Charter change to change term length and number of Comm. votes req. to appoint Bd. of Adjustment vot- ing members, deferred to 10/15/80 at his request. (see BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT) Matter set forth above deferred to 11/5/80 for full Commission. 10/15/80 V.M. Mendelson's request for discussion of Char- 11/5/80 ter change to change term length & No. of Comm. votes req'd. to appoint voting members to Bd. of Adjustment not reached, deferred to 11/19/80. (see BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT) oho- y9e0 CHARTER AMENDMENTS 126 Date Request of V.M. Mendelson for discussion of 11/19/80 Charter change to change term length & number of Comm. votes req'd. to appoint voting members to Bd. of Adjustment, deferred to 12/3/80 for full Comm. (see BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT) Above -listed item not reached, deferred to 12/3/80 12/17/80. (see ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT) Above -listed item not reached, deferred to 12/17/80 1/7/81. (see ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT) Above -listed item deferred to 1/7/81 1/21/81. (see ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT) 367 '�06eF CHARTER AMENDMENTS 27 DATE Request of V.M. Mendelson to discuss Charter 1/21/81 change to change term length & no. of Comm. votes required to appt. voting mems. to Bd. of Adjust. not reached - deferred to 1/27/81, continued mtg/ workshop. (see ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT) Request of V.M. Mendelson for discussion of 1/27/81 Charter change to change term length & no. of Comm. votes required to appt. voting mems. to Bd. of Adjust., deferred to 2/4/81. (see BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT) Above -listed item, not reached - deferred to 2/4/81 2/5/81. (see ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT) 3b - CHARTER AMENDMENTS 128 Date Request of V.M. Mendelson for discussion of 2/5/81 Charter change to change term length & no. of Comm. votes required to appt. voting mems. to Bd. of Adjust., not reached deferred to 2/18/81. (See CHARTER AMENDMENTS) Abe Solosko requested Comm. consideration of pro- 3/18/8 posed Charter amendment establishing districts in City, which was among proposed amendments on which action was deferred at 1/8/80 mtg. Item to be placed on 4/1/81 agenda at request of Comm. Daoud. (see ELECTIONS, DISTRICTING) 2:D6--/- 'S CHARTER AMENDMENTS 129 Date Updated ballot question on subj. of Comm. Dis- 4/15/81 tricting; motion to place proposed Charter Amend- ment on 11/3/81 municipal election ballot died for lack of second. (see ELECTIONS, DISTRICTING) Request of Comm. Falk to discuss proposed Charter 7/8/81 Amendment eliminating Bd. & Com. appts. for 90 days prior to an election; referred to C. Att. for review & recommendation. (see CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS) Comm. Falk reiterated her suggestion expressed at 7/15/81 the 7/8/81 mtg. regarding adoption of a Charter Amendment to change the termination date of any a C7 </c/u1 CHARTER AMENDMENTS 130 (Cont'd) Date board & com. appts. which presently occurs during 7/15/81 the last 90 days bef. an election, to immediately following the election. Matter was deferred to 9/2/81 for a full Comm. (see CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS) Res. #81-16781 adopted, calling Special Election on 11/3/81 to submit a proposed Charter amendment to the electorate to provide for cost -of -living increases in pensions being paid and to be paid under the Police & Firemen's Pension System. Res. #81-16807 adopted, declaring results of 11/4/81 Special Elect -on held 11/3/81: Quest. No. 2 - 9/16/81 3 Dom'/,�� CHARTER AMENDMENTS 131 to amend Charter so as to provide cost -of -living in- creases in present and future pensions to be paid under Police & Firemen's Pension System, APPROVED. 11/4/81 C. Att. Memo 330-82, discussion of proposed 5/19/82 Charter amdt. re. staggered terms of Comrs., scheduled for 6/2/82. C. Att. Memo 330-82, discussion of proposed Charter 6/2/82 amdt. re. staggered terms of Comrs., deferred to 6/16/82. Comr. Singer requested that Clerk prepare hist. of 2 yr. Comm. terms (filed w/mtg. recs.). (see CITY COMMISSION) bs-x -,c.,-...i-- ' CHA1ZTLR AMENDMENTS 132 Date C. Atty Memo 330-82, proposed Charter amdt. re. 6/16/82 staggered terms of Comrs,; not reached def. to 7/7/82. (see CITY COMMISSION) C. Atty Memo 330-82, discussion of proposed Charter 7/7/82 Amdt. re. staggered terms of Comrs., not reached - def. to 7/21/82. (see CITY COMMISSION) C. Atty. Memo 330-82, proposed Charter amdt. re. 7/21/82 staggered terms of Comrs.; not reached - def. to 8/18/82. (see CITY COMMISSION) CHARTER AMENDMENTS 133 Date Res. 82-17087 adopted, calling sp. election on 8/18/82 11/2/82 providing for two amdts. to City Charter re. Firemen's Relief & Pension Plan and Police- men's Relief & Pension Plan for vesting of par- ticipant's benefits (to conform w/recent amdts. in St. law). (see ELECTIONS, POLICE & FIREMEN'S PENSION PLAN) C. Atty Memo 330-82, discussion of proposed Charter amdt. re. staggered terms of Comrs.; not reached - def. to 9/1/82. (see CITY COMM.) 8/18/82 � --,� 6 eS C fiR A EMi ENTS 1 4" 7g3 `' Req. by Daniel' Retter (atty3to'discuss R -1C ':..Petition to amend the M.B.Charter ...':- Memo 230-83. City Atty. Memo 215-83. Mr. Retter req'd. Comm. to voluntarily submit proposal in petition re ACLF's to provide that 1) zoning ords. establishing criteria for ACLF's & nurs. homes be approved by electorate; 2) granting conditional use for ACLF require unan. vote of Comm.; 3) Health Adv. Bd. be estab.; and 4) zoning density variance for any low-income hsg. proj. be subject to approval of voters. He said he would hold petition (submission would req. spec. eletion if req'd signatures obtained) if Comm. (continued) 3aG'/• �G� CtARTER bate R -1C AMENDMENT. - 135 continued would cancel pub.- hrg. & ta-ke no action on prop. ord. (R 3E of 4/678 ), and if City would impose a moratorium on approval of ACLF applications until after Nov. elections. At conclu. of discus., Mr. Retter submitted Petition to City Clerk (to be verified by Dade Cnty. Elections Dept.). Cert. of verification will be on 4/20/83 agenda for further action if necessary. (see ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILIITES, HOUSING - LOW COST, METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, NURSING HOMES, PETITIONS, "R" MISCELLANEOUS) CHARTER AMENDMENTS Date 6/15/83 R -3P 136 Consideration of pl'g. petition ques's. re. ACLF's/nursing homes/low-income hsg. projects, etc. on 11/1/83 elec. ballot, as req'd. by atty. Daniel Retter. C. Atty. adv'd. no action req'd. since Circuit Ct. ruled yesterday that City must accept addl. sig's. No action taken. (see ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITIES, ELECTIONS, HOUSING - LOW COST, NURSING HOMES, SUITS AGAINST THE CITY). 0-1A_I i'Li A EN:1)1MM 137 7/613 - Memo fr. Elaine Matthews, C. Clerk; re ballot R-3B wording on enlarging Library Bd. Comm. approved following form: "Shall Art. VI, Secs. 40-42, being the Related Laws of the City of M.B., Fla., be amended to provide for flexibility in number of Library Bd. Ttee. members; defining duties of Board; providing that all personnel except Unclassified personnel shall be apptd. in accordance w/the Civil Svc. Act, and repealing provisions of said Art. contrary thereto; changing City Council to City Commission." (see CITY EMPLOYEES, ELECTIONS, LIBRARY) ;OC/ W6S- CHARTER AMENDMENTS Date 7/6183 R -7D 138 C. Atty. Memo 457-83, Res. calling special election on 11/1/83 to sub mit to electorate an amendment to City Charter re ACLF's, Nursing Homes, Health Adv. Bd., Low Income Hsg. Projects, deferred to 7/20/83 at 11:30 AM Time Certain. In interim, Daniel Retter, atty. & chmn. of Comm. to Control ACLF's on M.B. & Mrs. Mildred Falk to meet w/C. Atty. in effort to determine mutually -agreeable ballot question wording. (see ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITIES, ELECTIONS, HOUSING -LOW COST, NURSING HOMES) 37) Cs - -61 CHARMR-AMEND tNTS 139 Date 10/5/83 C Atty Memo 570-83, ord. passed on 1st R -5B reading amdg City Charter S9 so as to conform procedure for adoption of ords. to St. law as set forth in §166.041, FL Statutes. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 11/2/83 at 2 p.m. 11/2/83 Res. 83-17518 adopted, declaring results of 11/1/83 Sp. Election as certified by the Canvassing Committee, det'g fol. ques. approved: #2 re. amd'g Related Laws to provide flexibility in no. of Library Bd. Trustee mems., etc.; and