Charter Amendments_November 1983CHARTER AMENDMENT'S 140 Date (Cont'd) 11/2/83 #3 re. ACLF's & nursing homes, Health Adv. Bd., low-income housing, etc. (see ACLFS, NURSING HOMES, HOUSING - LOW COST, HEALTH ADV BD, SP. ELEC. - 11/1/83 (CHARTER CHGS)) 11/2/83 C Atty Memo 570-83, ord. amdg. §9 of City R -3B Charter so as to conform procedure for adoption of ords. to St. law as set forth in §166.041, FL Statutes; not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. 11/9/83 C Atty Memo 570-83, Ord. 83-2390 adopted, R -3B amdg. §9 of, City Charter to conform procedures for adoption of ords. to State 3^ !'l / C TER AM NMEN S Date 11/9783- R -3B 141 (Cont'd) law as set forth in §166.041, FL Statutes, to become effective 11/19/83. (see ORDS. - GEN. AND/OR PROCEDURES FOR ADOPTION) 11/16/83 Discussion re. Charter Amdt. for 4 -yr. R-9$ staggered terms of Comm.; w/drawn at request of Comr. Grenald for further staff rev. & provision of relevant back-up info. Comr. Singer advised he would send other Comrs. some back-up info re. item. (see CITY COMM) 12/7/83 Res. 83-17576 adopted as amd'd; pl'g before R -7D electorate at 3/13/84 Sp. Elec. (Pres. Preference Primary), ballot ques. for an 3 63 j CHARM AMEMI5MtNTS 142 Date (Coned) 12/7/83 amdt. to CMB Charter, incr'g the no. of Bd. R -7D of Adj. mems. fr. 7 to 9, consisting of 2 active or retired gen. businessmen & 5 ac- tive or retired mems. of fol. professions/callings: Law, arch., engr'g, real estate dev. or broker, c.p.a., & fin. consultation or landscape arch., provided that not more than 2 shall be fr. any such professions. Bd. mem. Phil Brooks responded to ques's fr. Comm. (see ZONING BD. OF ADJUSTMENT) 12/7/83 Res. 83-17579 adopted, proposing an amdt. to R -7G CMB Charter re. staggered terms of Comrs. be 3LS/ . -4?'�i�� CNAATER AMENOMtNTS Date (Cont'd) submitted to electorate at 3/13/84 (Pres's Preference Primary). COMMISSION) 12/7/83 R -7G 12/7/83 R -8L 14 Sp. Elec. (see CITY Discussion re. restrictions on the issuance of revenue bonds; placement on March ballot of ques. to amd. the Charter eliminating this restriction. C Atty directed to draft resolution for consideration 12/21/84. Mayor Fromberg asked C Atty to also research to det. if City's tax base is required to back revenue bonds where revenue is insuffi- cient. (see BONDS) 3Db--/ CHARTER AMENDMENTS Date 12/21/83 R -7C 144 Res. 83-17601 adopted, proposing an amdt. to the MB Charter re. staggered terms of Comrs., to be submitted to the electorate at a sp. elec. to be held on 3/13/84 (Pres.'s Pref. Primary); repealing Res. 83-17589 adopted 12/7/83 (amd'g detail text wording). (see CITY COMMISSION) 12/21/83 Res. 83-17602 adopted, calling Sp. Elec. on R -7C 3/13/84 to submit to the electorate, amdts. to City's Charter & Related Laws concerning staggered terms for Comrs., issuance of mun. bonds, & expansion of Bd. of Adjustment fr. 5 to 7 mems. Proposed ques. re. casino 3c)(5- `���� CHAR'I'ER AMENDMENTS 145 Date (Cont'd) 12/21/83 gambling def'd to 1/4/84 so Mayor Fromberg R -7C would have opportunity to express his thoughts on matter. Proposed ques's 1 and 3 amd'd prior to adoption of above resolution. (see CITY COMMISSION, BONDS, ZONING BD. OF ADJUSTMENT, GAMBLING) 1/13/84 Fol. Resolutions adopted, re amdts. to City R -11A Charter: 1) Res. 84-17613 adopted, amd'g text re staggered terms of Comrs. (deleting words "either by voluntary agreement or"), repealing Res. 83-17601. (Cont'd on next card) L06i. c5 CHARTER AMENDMENTS 146 Date (Cont'd) 1/13/84 2) Res. 84-17614 adopted, amd'g text re R-11A incr'g no. of Bd. of Adjustment voting mems. fr. 5 to 7, repealing Res. 83-17576, 83-17602, and 84-17610. 3) Res. 84-17615 adopted, setting text pertaining to §37(h) re. issuance of municipal bonds. 4) Res. 84-17616 adopted, calling Sp. Elec. on 3/13/84, to submit to electorate, amdts. to City Charter & Related Laws, concerning staggered terms of Comrs., iss. of mun. bonds, & expansion of Zoning Bd. of Adjustment fr. 5 to 7 mems. (see ,3o6 i -xv65 CHAATER'AMENDMENTS Date (Cont' d) 1/13/84 - CITY COMM., ZONING BD. OF ADJ., BONDS, R -11A SPECIAL ELECTION -3/13/84) 2/15/84 Res 84-17648 adopted, repealing Res 84-17616 R -9I calling Sp. Elec. on 3/13/84 to submit proposed amendments to City Charter re. staggered terms for Comrs., iss. of bonds, and incr'g no. of mems. of Bd. of Adj. (ques's 2, 3, and 4), for approval or disapproval; and directing Metro Dade Co. Supvr. of Elections to take necessary steps to remove ques's fr. ballot. (see CITY COMM., SPECIAL ELECTION - 3/14/84, BONDS, ZONING BD. OF ADJ., METRO DADE CO.) 147 CHAATEA AMENISMENVB 148 Date 4/19/84 Memo 251-84, Mayor ' s Ad Hoc Econ. DeV. R -9F Council recommendation that Comm. pl. pro- posed Charter amdt. pert. to Sec. 37(h) re. issuance of mun. bonds (repealing "Falk Amdt.") on 10/4/84 run-off Prim. Election ballot, approved in prin. (see MAYOR'S AD HOC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, ELECTIONS) 5/16/84 Ques. A (staggered 4 -yr. Comm. term) amd'd. R -8B to provide that Mayor also draw lot after Nov., 1985 election to det. if 2 or 4 yr. term, w/4 -yr. Mayoral terms thereafter. Atty. to submit rev. ballot lang. for 6/5/84. Clerk advised that when formal ac- 3c) / CHARTER AMENDMENTS 149 Date (Cont'd) 5/16/84 tion taken in July to call elections, Atty. R -8B will prepare alt. res. to pl. item on 10/2/84 ballot should no space be available on 11/6/84 ballot. Atty. to res. constitu- tionality of indeterminate terms. Ques. B (repealing Charter Sec. 37) dharifying lang. rel. to issuance of rev. bonds, approved. Fol. staggered term quest. lang. finaliza- tion, Atty. to prepare req. res's. for 7/25/84 Comm. action. (see CITY COMMISSION, ELECTIONS) 6/20/84 Request of Mildred Falk, Pres., MB R -1A Homeowners Assoc., Inc. to discuss CHARTER AMENDMENTS (Cont'd) "...proposed Charter Amdt. relating to issuance of bonds of $250,000 or more by the CMB..." Mrs. Falk appeared in opposition to placement of proposed Charter amdt. repealing §37(h) re. issuance of mun. bonds, on election ballot. No action required or taken. (see "F" MISCELLANEOUS) Date 6/20/84 R—lA 6/20/84 R -10A 150 Proposed ballot ques. & Charter text for fall election re. staggered term of Comrs. & Mayor; def. to 7/11/84; C Atty to draft alt. ballot ques. lang. (see ELECTIONS, CITY COMMISSION) �a�% -sz-6-5 CHARTER AMENDMENTS 151 Date 7/11/84 Proposed ballot ques. & charter text for R -10A fall election re. staggered term of Comrs. & Mayor. Comm. approved wording as amd'd to provide for lots to be drawn by City Clerk at least 90 days bef. Nov., 1985 election. (see ELECTIONS, CITY COMMISSION) 7/25/84 Res. 84-17805 adopted as amd'd., calling C -4D 11/6/84 Sp. Election to submit qu. re. re- peal of Sec. 37(h), to be qu. #2; bond counsel to approve rev. wording. Res. 84- 17805A adopted as amd'd., calling 11/6/84 Sp. Election to submit qu. re. estmt. of CHARTER AMENDMENTS 152 Date (Cont'd) 7/25/84 4 -yr. staggered terms for elected officials, C -4D to be qu. #3. (see SPECIAL ELECTION - 11/6/84) 9/5/84 C Atty Memo 557-84, Res. 84-17836 adopted, R -7F (Alt. #1) calling a Sp. Election to be held on 11/6/84 for purpose of submitting to the electorate of CMB, an amdt. to MB City Charter Sec. 37(H) concerning limitation on issuance of municipal bonds; repealing Res. 84-17805. (Ballot ques. #2) (see BONDS, SPECIAL ELECTION - 11/6/84) 3d6j �`%,lo /" CHARTER AMENDMENTS Date -9/5/84 R-91 153 Res. calling for a sp. election on 11/6/84 for purpose of submitting to the electorate, a ques. re. an amdt. to the City Charter, chg'g the Comm - C Mgr form of govt. to a strong mayor form of govt. commencing Nov., 1987. Comr. Daoud's motion to adopt reso., died for lack of a 2nd. 11/21/84 Res. 84-17937 adopted, accepting cert. of R -7A the Metro Dade Co. Canvassing Com. as to the results of the Sp. Election held 11/6/84; fol. ques's detd. to be disapproved: Ques. #2 re. repeal of Charter g37(h) re- garding electorate approval of 3 - CHARM R AMENDMENTS Date (Cont'd) 11/21/84 R -7A Ques. 03 3/20/85 R -9E mun. bonds re. amdg. staggered officials. (see BONDS, SP. ELECTIONS) Charter §8 terms ELECTION 154 to est. 4 -yr. for elected 11/6/84, Mayor Fromberg advised experience re. City's econ. dev. plans indicates Charter §37(h) restriction is crippling progress in City, and during recent developers' conf., pro- spective developers advised City's inabili- ty to issue rev. bonds was a maj. obstacle to their ability to put together a viable ,e)zc-7 CHARTER AMENDMENTS 155 Date (Cont'd) 3/20/85 project. Comm. voted, in principle, to pl. R -9E repeal of §37(h) on 11/85 ballot. 4/17/85 Mayor Fromberg urged the Comrs. to stress to fl -11F public, importance of passage of anticipated ballot ques. to repeal Charter Sec. 37(h). 5/15/85 Request by Raphael Herman to discuss R -1A calling a pub. hrg. on "strong mayor form of govt." Mr. Herman appeared and was heard. (see "H" MISCELLANEOUS) 6/26/85 Memo 372-85, Harry Plissner appeared rep'g R -1A the Com. for Better Govt. for MB and sub- CHARTER AMENDMENTS 156 Date (Cont'd) 1 6/26/85 mitted petition for Charter chg. to provide R -1A for Strong Mayor form of govt. City Clerk directed to submit petition signatures to Dade Co. Elections Dept. for verification. Atty Harold Rosen, rep'g the MB Chamber of Commerce, expressed its opposition to the petition. (see METRO DADE CO., CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, "P" MISC., PETITIONS) 7/10/85 Memo 414-85, Mildred Falk was heard re. R -1B request to pl. on 11/5/85 ballot, a petition req'g. voter approval of participation of City prop., funds, or cr. in any project whose tot. value is $250,000 or more, 3D6--7 CRARTER AMENDMENTS 157 Date (Cont'd) 7/10/85 w/prov. that any emergency project may be R -1B effectuated by a 5/7 Comm. vote. (see "F" MISC., PETITIONS) 7/10/85 Discussion held re. "strong -mayor' initia- R-3B tive petition cert. by Dade Co. Election Dept. No opposition expressed to City Atty's request for auth. to negotiate, subj. to conflict of int. search, agreement w/Judge Arthur England as consultant in formulating recommendation for Comm. consid- eration. Deferred to 7/24/85 at 11:15 a.m.; City Atty. & consultant to submit rep. & recommendation as to ramifications, 30 57 _ w65 CHARTER AMENDMENTS 158 Date (Cont'd) 7/10/85 constitutionality, etc. (see PETITIONS, "P" R -3B MISC.) 7/24/85 C Atty. rep. re. Co. cert. "strong -mayor" R -3B initiative petition. Sp. counsel Judge Arthur J. England recommended City decline to pl. proposed amdt. bef. voters (rep. in file). Comr. Daoud's motion to pl. item on 11/5/85 ballot, died for lack of 2nd. Comr. Daoud's motion to pl. on ballot strong -mayor form of gvt. (similar to Hialeah form), to become effective November, 1987, died for lack of 2nd. Def. to 9/4/85 for full Comm. C Atty to expedite action on Com. for Better y9e*0 9 -C i2TE.AMEMM W 159 -15-Ste (Cont'd) -7/24/85 Cvt. for M.D. Writ of Mandamus --filed to R3B compel'Comm. t6p1. petition item an ballot. (see PETITIONS) 9/4/85 No action taken re. res. calling sp. elec- R-7C tion on 11/5/85 to submit to electorate a Charter amdt. re. issuance of mun. bonds (repeal Sec. 37(h)). V -M Shockett read Co. Atty Robt. A. Ginsburg's 9/4/85 ltr. to David Pearlson, Pres. - M.B. Resort Hotel Assn., confirming that Co. Comrs. auth. Mr. Ginsburg to dismiss Co's appeal ltion Bonds Supr. Ct. re. Dade Co. Sp. for M.B. Cong. Ctr. expansion project, upon