Charter Amendments_September 1985CHARM AMBNOMMNITS 166 Date (Cont'd) 9/4/85 dismissal of M.B. Homeowners Assn., Inc./ R -7C Mildred Falk's cross-appeal. Mrs. Falk stated she would drop cross-appeal if Comm. would pl. ques. on ballot for electorate to vote if they wish Cony. Ctr. expanded. (see METRO DADE CO., SP. ELECTION - 11/5/85, CONVENTION CTR. EXPANSION, M.B. HOMEOWNERS ASSOC.) 9/4/85 Mayor Fromberg's motion to adopt a res. R -7E calling a sp. election on 11/5/85 to submit to electorate a "straw vote" ballot ques. re. amdg. Charter & Related Laws to chg. Comm. - C Mgr. govt. form to Exec. Mayor form, died for lack of a 2nd. 36‘57 -czy ?0 oiiAg'I'S12 AMENDMENTS Date 11/20/85 R -1A 161 M4679-85, request of Mildred S. Falk, Pres., M.B. Homeowners Assn., to discuss a petition requesting Charter amdt. adding sec. re. cit. auth. to approve/disapprove City par- ticipation in projects valued @ $250,000 or more. Petition to be fwd'd to Metro Dade Co. Elections Dept. for sig. verification. C. Clk. advised Co. Elections Supvr. will ret. verification results by 12/18/85. C. Clk. to advise Mrs. Falk & Benita Argos when verification process completed. Adm./C. Atty. to investigate validity of sig. gathering procedure & funds source/payt. method; participant list to be obtained fr. Mrs. Falk. (see "F" MISC., PETITIONS) Fos; . ef�D CHARTER AMENDMENTS 162 Date 12/4/85 C. Clerk advised Metro Dade Co. Elections R -8G Dept. notified her that petitions submitted by Mildred S. Falk requesting Charter amdt. requiring voter approval of all facets of City participation in projects totaling $250,000 or more. did not contain sufficient valid signatures. She further advised that she had so notified Mrs. Falk, who stated she will attempt to obtain addnl signatures. (see "F" MISC., PETITIONS, ELECTIONS) 12/18/85 Discusssion re. staggeredetCommissionterms;4 R -9H yrs. • tolnensure suggested min should t , b red. �a�-� -s-y5a CHARM NDMtNT$ 163 Date (Cont'd) 12/18/85 time lost thru campaigning and red. election R -9H costs to candidates. Admin. to submit for 1/8/86 mtg., back-up info on ques. as last pres'd to electorate (11/6/84), for Comm. review and revision if desired. (see CITY COMMISSION) 1/8/86 Discussion on past proposal re 4 -yr. R -8D staggered terms for Comrs. & Mayor. Metro - Dade Co. Supvr. of Elections advised of var. possibilities gov'g which State elections may be held in Mar. & possible div. of exps. should City pl. ques. on 3/11/86 run -oft or. d 3/18/86 gen. election. C Clerk advised CHARTER AMENDMENTS 164 Date (Cont'd) 1/8/86 Comm. must act today if ques. is to be pl'd R -8D on 3/11/86 ballot due to 60 -day requirement for Charter chg. R#86-18339 adopted, calling Sp. Election on 3/11/86 submitting to electorate amdt. re 4 -yr. staggered terms for Comr's, w/Mayor's term remaining 2 yrs. (see METRO DADE CO., ELECTIONS, SPECIAL ELECTION - 3/11/86) 1/22/86 Harry Plissner pres'd proposal for strong - R -1A mayor form of govt. No action required or taken. (see "P" MISC.) 3� �-�. -5'�">a . CHARTER AMENDMENTS Date 1/22/86 R -9W 1b5 City Clerk advised, per Metro Dade Co. Supvr of Elections that a 3/11/86 runoff election will not be held and if City proceeds w/plans to hold a Sp. Election, it would cost over $40,000. R#83-18353 adopted, rescinding the calling of a 3/11/86 Sp. Election to consider amdg City Charter re. 4 -yr. staggered terms for Comrs., and 2 -yr. term for Mayor. Admin. to bring item back at appropriate time to pl. on 11/4/86 ballot. (see SPECIAL ELECTION - MARCH 11, 1986, SPECIAL FT.F,CTION -11/4/86, METRO DADE CO.) 3ar /. 'W.7 . CHARTER AMENDMENTS Date 2/5/86 Mildred S. R -11A submitted 166 Falk, Pres., MB Homeowners Assn., addnl. petitions re request for Charter amdt. regarding auth. of cits. to approve/disapprove City participation in projects valued @ $250,000 or more, to be tendered to Clerk subj. to opinion fr. C Atty whether or not their acceptance is appropriate. NOTE: Subsequent to mtg., C Atty advised petitions should be accepted & forwarded to Metro. Dade Co. Elections Dept. for validation. (see PETITIONS, METRO DADE COUNTY, "F" MISC.) 3DC-7 *<.e5 �� MATER AMENDMENTS Date 4/2/86 R -11B 4/16/86 R -11E 167 Discussion held re. timing of placement of ques. bef. electorate to repeal Charter g 37(h). Admin. to discuss matter w/Dade Co. Elections Dept. and submit rep./recommenda- tion. Upon inquiry, Admin. advised City is not in- volved in the Mun. Loan Program due to Charter provision requiring a referendum for payts. of more than $250,000. Mgr. advised provision also inhibits City's ability to acquire/assemble land in So. Beach for HUD 108 Program, as well as refinancing bond issues. 3a5-7. OA1 TER AMENDMENTS Date 6/4/86 R -11G 168 Comr. Singer requested item re. proposed ballot ques's for revocation of Charter g37(h) and establishment of 4 -yr. staggered Comr. terms, be pl'd on the 6/18/86 agenda; Chamber of Commerce rep. to appear at mtg. to address issue. 6/18/86 Discussion re. proposed ballot ques. for R -9C Charter §37(h) revocation & establishment of 4 -yr staggered Comr. terms. Chamber of Com. pledged support to City; advised a Political Action Com. formed; asked for mtg. of Cham- ber's Bd. of Govs & Comm. to d1 cus City's fut.; and advised Rediscover M.B. Cam. has 3o/. c5/ 5a CHARTER AMENDMENTS bate (Cont' A) 6/18/86 committed to support Chamber/Comm. (see R -9C CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, REDISCOVER M.B. COM.) 169 6/18/86 Mgr advised per LTC 96-1986, dtd. 6/11/86, R -11A of notification fr. Metro Dade Co. Elections Dept. that Charter amdt. petition submitted by Mildred Falk to allow electors to approve/disapprove City participation in projects valued @ $250.000 or more, had suff. signatures to be pl'd on ballot. Ref. to C Atty for rev. & rep. @ 7/9 mtg. (see PETITIONS, ELECTIONS) 9D6'/ -<-7-y�- CHARTER AMENDMENTS 170 Date 7/7/86 Sp. jt. mtg. w/Chamber of Commerce held re.: 1. staggered terms for Comrs.; 2. repeal of Charter Sec. 37(H) (Falk Amdt.). Comm. informally agreed to call Sp. Election on 11/4/86 to pl. ques's bef. the electorate. C Atty to draft appropriate resolutions. (see SP. ELECTION -11/4/86) 7/9/86 Rep. on Charter Amdt. petition submitted by R -10C Mildred Falk, Pres. - Homeowners Asso. of MB, re electors having power to approve/dis- approve city participation in projects totalling $250,000 or more. C Atty advised petition unconstitutional; Comm. under no a s`!. -4/5".> CHARTER AMENDMENTS Date (Coned) 7/9/86 mandate to pl. it on ballot. R -10C taken. (see PETITIONS) 7/23/86 R#86-18531 adopted, calling R -7F 11/4/86 re amd'g Charter staggered terms for Comrs. remaining 2 yrs. (see 11/4/86) 171 No action sp. election for concerning 4 -yr , w/Mayor's term SP. ELECTION - 7/23/86 R#86-18532 adopted, calling sp. election for R -7G 11/4/86 re. amd'g Charter re issuance of mun. bonds (repeal of Charter §37(h)). (see SP. ELECTION - 11/4/86) 366'( - �a CHARTER AMENDMENTS 172 Date 7/23/86 No action taken on res. calling sp. election R -7H for 11/4/86 to delete Art. XIV fr. Charter (Civil Serv. Syst.) & inc'g provisions into Code. (see SP. ELECTION - 11/4/86, CIVIL SERVICE) 8/15/86 R#86-18541 adopted, redesignating 11/4/86 R -3A ballot ques. #3 re staggered terms to #2; and ques. #4 re. repeal of Charter 837(h) to #3. (see SPECIAL ELECTION - 11/30/86) 9/17/86 M#584-86, hrg. held/concluded; Ord. 86-2516 R -3D adopted, amdg. Charter §30(v), providing var. annl. sp. assessment payts., incr'g fr. '5.-5-1 S6 CHARTER AMENDMENTS 173 Date (Cont'd) 9/17/86 10 yrs to 20 yrs, max. length of time for R -3D payt. of amts specially assessed, & pro- viding int. rate @ 6% or prevailing rate of FL Stats., §687.01, whichever gtr. 11/5/86 Request of Stanley K. Shapiro to chg. char - R -1C ter so that a Comm. candidate does not have to designate seat he is running for prior to filing date. C Atty advised amdt. would re- quire a referendum. No action taken to pl. ques. on 11/87 ballot. Admin. to provide addnl. info of procedures fol'd by other muns. NOTE: LTC 154-86, dated 11/12/86, filed w/mtg. recs. (see ELECTIONS) ezf7D CHARTER AMENDMENT 174 Date 11/6/$6 R#86-18669 adopted, auth'g Metro Dade Co. as SP. MTG. 11/4/86 Sp. Election Canvassing Bd. to con- duct_recount of ballot ques. #3 re Charter amdt. re. repeal of §37(h). (see 11/4/86 SP. ELECTION, METRO DADE CO.) 11/19/86 R#86-18674 adopted, accepting certification C -4B of Metro Dade Co. Canvassing Bd. as to results of the CMB 11/4/86 Sp. Election; declaring guests 1 ($3,000,000 GO Bond Issue) & 3 (repeal Charter 037(h)), approved; and ques. 2 Asta ger to ), disapproved. (see TR(DE•. $3,00 11,000 GO BOND ISSUE) s CHAR'I'ER AMENDMENT Date 12/17/86 R -7A 175 R4t86-18708 adopted, nullifying and repealing Charter par. 7, §26 requiring electorate approval of ords. or measures approved by electorate. C Atty advised ministerial act (prov. no longer has force due to passage of State law(s)). 12/17/86 Res. congratulating MB Chamber of Commerce's R -7C Com. for the New MB for assistance in defeating Falk Amdt.; def. to 1/7/87. 1/7/87 Res. congratulating the MB Chamber of R -7A Commerce's Com. for the New MB for assistance in defeating Falk Amdt.; w/drawn. (see CHAMBER OF COMMERCE) 3?) i `7*/r'Sa