City Council_February 1969CITY COUNCIL
Attendance at Mayors' meeting in Tampa,
2/14 & 15 and Miami, 3/21 at city expenses
as customary approved. (Mayor & wife & City
Atty. 2/5/69 54 17;
Attendance at Fla. League of Municipalities
meeting in Orlando 3/2,3,4, 1969 at city
expense as customary by all members of
Council & other members of City Adm. deemed
necessary, approved. 2/5/69
54 177
gFiutqlql authorized attendance by Chairman
autitication Committee or duly
designated rep. at city expense, to recive
plaque on behalf of City atNational Congress
afCBeautification, 2/23-2569, in Wasbinot�n, 54 177