City Departments_December 1976CITY DEPARTMENTS Discussion of obtaining services of Dr. John De Grove, of Joint Center, Fla. Atlantic U., to do study of reorganization of City. Re- quested by Councilman Dr. Wikler. Dr. DeGrove reviewed his 12/7/76 letter proposal defining scope of work to be performed, to be completed within nine months, and also advised there would be a $1,000 reduction in the proposed budget because one member of the team has of- fered to render his services without charge. Res. #76-15219 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement with FAU-FIU, in the sum of $13,345, to conduct study. (Funds were appro- priated from Federal Revenue Sharing Interest Account, Entitlement Period V.) 1 Date 12/15/76 CITY DEPARTMENTS Date 1/22/86 R -9M 2 Comr. Resnick suggested Comrs. be assigned as liaisons to oversee functions of var. City depts. Comr. Singer suggested such would be contrary to Mgr/Comm. form of govt. Comr. Resnick to meet w/C Atty re. proposal. C Atty to submit rep./recommendation @ 2/5/86 mtg. (see RESNICK, ABE - COMR.) 2/5/86 C Atty M#108-86, C Atty rep'd that neither R -10B Comm. nor any of its mems. can lawfully oversee a City dept. (is contrary to Charter); filed for info only, no action req'd or taken.