City Dump_October 1979 to June 1980ti7Y DUMP 15 (continued), Date increased insurance coverage. Res. #79-16041 adopted, authorizing execution of 1-yr. lease for term 10/1/79 to 9/30/80, with a 30-day cancellation clause, and with Optimist Club to provide liability insurance with following limits: $500,000 for bodily injury to one person; $1,000,000 for bodily injury for each accident; $25,000 for property damage. 10/3/79 Memo #8298, request approved, transfer of $17,000.00 ($11,785 to be applied to outside rental equipment; $5,215 to Operational Supply accounts) to be appropriated from Contingency Fund, for use at Ojus Dump property, for 6/18/80 CITY DUMP (continued) Date Sanitation Div. of P.W. Dept. (See Public Works Dept.) 6/18/80 Memo #8373, Res. #80-16347 adopted, with 8/6/80 Purchasing Agent and Fire Chief to implement as necessary -interlocal agreement with Town of Pembroke Park for combating fires at Ojus Dump in exchange for transfer of C.M.B. sur- plus 1950 Seagrave Ladder Truck. (See Fire Dept.) Memo #8425, Res. #80-16360 adopted, authorizing 8/20/80 execution of agreement with Optimist Club of CITY DUMP 17 (continued) Date Ives Esates for lease of a portion of City's "Ojus Dump Property", commencing Oct. 1, 1980 to Sept. 30, 1985. Agreement includes i) $1 per year consideration to be paid to City, 2) 30 -day cancellation clause; 3) Optimist Club to maintain liability insurance with following limits: $500,000 bodily injury to one person, $1,000,000 bodily injury for each accident, $25,000 property damage, 8/20/80 Comm. Falk discussed proposed leasing of City- 11/5/80 owned Ojus property & Comm. indicated no objection to her suggestion that Co. be apprised of avail- ability of property for use as Sports Complex. CITY DUMP 18 (cont'd.) Date Comm. Barry Schreiber, who was present for another 11/5/80 matter, offered his cooperation if City were to sub- mit a proposal. During course of Comm. Falk's pres- entation, she advised that City is obligated to pay County ad valorem taxes on this prop. because it is not being utilized. City Mgr. & City.Atty. were re- quested to review matter and submit report. (see METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY) PAL Coordinator, Bill Williams, appeared & present- 2/18/81 ed request of Herman Press, Pres. MB Pol. Athl. League, Inc. to discuss acquiring lease fot 5 acres at Ojus Dump for Moto -Cross Bicycle racing. Admin. & C. Att. to rev. proposal as to whether bids had to be tkn. for use of propt., approp. CITY DUMP 19 (continued) Date insur. requirements, etc. & submit recs. w/all 2/18/81 deliberate speed. (see POLICE DEPARTMENT, MB POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE) Memo 8959, res. authorizing execution of a 4/15/81 revocable permit for use by PAL of a certain portion of City Propt. to construct & oper. a moto-cross bicycle track; deferred to 5/6/81 at request of Admin., pending further eval. of ins. requirements. (see POLICE DEPARTMENT, MB POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE) Memo 8959, Res. 81-16654 adopted, authorizing the 5/6/81 execution of a revocable permit for the use by PAL of a certain portion of the City Propt. to construct & operate a moto-cross bicycle track; term - 5 years beginning 5/6/81; Permittee to obtain and CITY DUMP 20 (Cont d) Date maintain min. of $500,000 per -occurrence ins. 5/6/81 coverage for Bodily Injury & Propt. Damage, naming City as addl. ins'd; Permittee Contractor to pro- vide $300,000 Single limit liability ins. & $300,000 products & completed operations coverage, both naming City as addl. ins'd., as well as Workmen's Comp. Ins. per FL St. statutory limits. (see POLICE DEPART- MENT) EPART-MENT) Complaint regarding fires on Ojus propt. Mayor 5/6/81 Meyerson advised of a telephone call he received on 5/5/81 frm. the Mayor of Broward Co. comm. which adjoins the City's Ojus Propt., complaining about fires at that site, & asked the Admin. to try to delineate a solution to the problem. The Assist. aTY -DUMP 21 (Cont'd) Date C. Mgr. gave a brief oral rep. of actions taken by 5/6/81 the City in an effort to extinguish & prevent igniting of fires on the propt. Mayor Meyerson asked the Admin. to contact the Admin. or Mayor of that comm. on behalf of the Comm., to make them aware that the City is trying to find a solution to the problem. Memo 9160, status report on Ojus property. C. Mgr. 7/15/81 gave a report, advising that in connection w/recent amendment to the Dade County Master Plan, changing zoning designation of this property from Parks & Recreation and Urban Dev. to Industrial & Business Classification, he has received a request from Dade Co. Sports Auth. Dir. Rick Horrow, to appear at CITY DUMP 22 (Cont'd) Date the 8/12/81 Authority mtg., to discuss future 7/15/81 poss. use of this property. Admin. authorized to appear at mtg. to hear what is proposed, w/no commitments to be made. Comm. Wikler requested Admin. to obtain estimated value of this property & to advise him in writing within a week. (see METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY) Memo 807-82, res. awarding contrs. for pro appraisal servs. to Earle A. Giddens & Assocs., Inc. & C. George Hedg-Peth, M.A.I (The Hedg-Peth Co.) for the appraisals of CMB 143.8 acre Ojus prop.; not reached - def. to 1/5/83. 12/15/82 CITY DUMP 23 Date Memo 806-82, 820-82, Ojus prop. proposals; not 12/15/82 reached - def. to 1/19/83. Memo 807-82, Res. 83-17237 adopted, auth'g execu- 1/5/83 tion of pro. appraisal servs. contrs. w/Earle A. Giddens & Assocs., Inc. quoting $4,000 fee w/rep. to be available w/in 45 days, and w/C. George Hedg- Peth, M.A.I (The Hedg-Peth Co.) quoting $6,000 fee w/rep. to be available w/in 53 days for appraisals of CMB 143.8 acre Ojus prop. $10,000 appropriation auth'd fr. contingency acct. to fund above contrs. LTC 50-1983 dtd. 3/15/83. (see REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS & CONSULTANTS) CITY DUMP 24 Date Memo 48-83, Ojus prop. proposals, def. to 2/2/83, 1/19/83 per request of Comr. Singer. (see CITY -OWNED PROP. AND FOR SALE) Comments by Harry Plissner on sale of mun.-owned -2/2/83 prop. Mr. Plissner appeared & supported his pro- posal that the City explore declaring Ojus as sur- plus prop. & selling it. C. Mgr. was requested to rev. proposal & rep. to Comm. bef. 2/16/83 mtg. (see "P" MISC., CITY -OWNED PROP. AND FOR SALE) Rev. Memo 48-83A, Ojus prop. proposals. Reps. of 2/2/83 proposed Child's World Theme Pk. appeared & urged Comm. auth. Admin. to negotiate terms of develop- ment w/their gp., no action taken; to be pld. on CITY DUMP 25 (Cont'd) Date 2/16/83 agenda. Admin. to expedite completion of 2/2/83 appraisals (auth'd. 1/5/83) of prop. (see CITY OWNED PROP. AND FOR SALE) CITY DUMP Date 3/16/83 R -1F 26 Gillis Ledoux appeared/discussed "Ojus Prop." & intro. Pembroke Pk. Fire Chief Geo. VanEtveldt who explained prob. w/inadequate police protection by Metro & resulting danger due to unauth. use of Ojus prop. C. Mgr. to request Cnty. admin. provide more protection & submit rep. Comm. Dr. Haber suggested Chief also appear before Cnty. Comm. (see METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY) arytiomP Date 314 3 - - Memo 29 =83, 'Ojus;preperfy -appraisal R -8E repts. for info only. (see R -8F below) 5/4/83 Memo 294-83, Ojus property proposal - R -8F Child's World Theme Park (Frank Guarino). Adm's. rec'dation approved desig. Child's World Theme Pk. as pref'd. deveL for Ojus prop. Proposal incorps. deveL of movie indus. into So. Fla., new jobs, & family-oriented tourist attraction. C. Mgr. auth. to neg. long-term lease agmt., make rept. & rec'dation. City will accept $50,000 good faith dep. offered. Reps. of proposed deveL appeared. Reps. of Adler Group, Inc. (one of other 4 int. devels.) appeared/alleged (continued) 27 crr BUMP Date (Cont'd) 5/4183 proposal did not comply w/req'ments of RFP. R8F C Atty advised procedure was not improper. (see CITY OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE, MOVIE PRODUCTIONS) 2$ 6/1/83 Memo 345-83, request of W.R. Lazarus, Pres., RIC Izaak Walton League of Am., to discuss Ojus prop. land use, not reached - def. to 6/15/83. (see "L" MISC.) CITY DUMP Date 6/15/83 R -1C 29 Memo 345-83, W. R. Lazarus (Pres.- Izaak Walton League of Amer.) requested City suspend lease negotiations for proposed Child's World Theme Pk. development on Ojus prop. & contact Dade Co. to det. int. in obtaining prop., incl. oak grove, w/exch. benefit for City. Necessary tests to be conducted to ensure environmental soundness of project. Mr. Lazarus to be advised of investigation results & fut. agenda items re. prop. (see "L" MISCELLANEOUS, METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY). CITY DUMP Date -4/7/83 R -8B 9/21/83 R -8B 10/3/84 R -8B 3U Memo 580-83, Ojus property - highlights of lease agreement w/Miami-Child's World, Inc.; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. Memo 580-83, Res. 83-17483 adopted, auth'g execution of Lease Agreement w/Miami-Child's World, Inc. for developing & operating a family-oriented theme park on City -owned Ojus prop.; term - 50 yrs. w/one 10 -yr. option. Harold Rosen appeared rep'g proposed Lessee. Memo 638-84, status rep. - Miami Child's World, Inc./Ojus prop. Admin. recommenda- CITY DUMP Date 10/3/84 R -8B 31 (Cont'd) tion to extend the financing, design, approval, and permitting phase of lease agreement for addnl 1 -yr. per., provided developer progress into next phase of payt. of rental consideration of $2,000/mo. or $24,000/yr w/addnl. $47,500 security deposit bg. made, approved. Prior to above, Ira Giller appeared rep'g developer and responded to ques's fr. Comm. Comr. Grenald suggested developer consider miniature park similar to Duradam in Netherlands bet. Amsterdam and Rotterdam. (see CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE) CTT�t DUMP Date 6/5/85 R -9B 6/26/85 R -9B 10/2/85 R -8E 32 Memo 344-85, Miami Child's World, Inc. Thune Park/Ojus Prop.; rep. for info only, no action required or taken. Admin. recommended complete review of developer's progress on anniv. date of lease agreement. Memo 344-85, status rep. - Miami Child's World, Inc./Ojus prop.; for info only; no action required or taken. (see CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE) M#577-85 Miami Child's World, Inc.--Ojus prop. status rep., def. to 10/16/85 at request of Admin., pending review of addnl. CITY DUMP Date (Cont'd) 10/2/85 info. recd. R -8E SALE) 11/20/85 R -9F 12/4/85 R -8B 33 (see CITY -OWNED PROP. AND FOR 9/26/85 correspondence fr. Child's World Theme Pk. transmitting rep. of activities on project since last lease anniversary, for info. only; no action reqd/taken. M#708-85, Miami Child's World, Inc., theme park -project rep.; def. to 12/18/85 @ 2:30 p.m., per request of VM Arkin and C Atty, pending Legal Dept's review -investigation of letter recently recd. re. project. CITY DUMP Date 12/18/85 R -3D 34 M#708-85, Miami Child's World, Inc., theme pk. rep.; def. to 1/8/86 at VM Arkin's request. C Atty advised such action would not prejudice City. 1/8/86 M#708-85, Miami Child's World, Inc., theme R -3B park project report. Child's World V -Pres. Ira Giller rev'd history of project, pres'd plans, & advised of Letter of Intent fr. York -Hannover Amusements of Toronto, Canada, dtd 11/6/85 re financing. Atty Allen D. Fuller ques'd lease compliance. C Atty advised any perf. not accomplished was the result of 3rd party environmental matters. (694-1-. on o es -f card ) CITY Uri Date 1/8/86 R -3B 2/19/86 R -6A 35 (Cont'd) Matter def. to 1/22/86. Comr. Grenald requested Adm. rev. contr. & prepare time- table, incl'g any approved ext.(s) and when const. must begin. VM Arkin suggested dev. meet w/Purchasing & Prop. Mgt. Dir. & submit rep. of anticipated process & lease compli- ance/const. schedule, incl'g fin'g. Rep. from Land Use & Dev. Com. re: Child's World project. V -M Arkin reviewed notes of Com.'s 2/18/86 mtg. (see LAND USE & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE) CITY DUMP Date 3/19/86 R -6D 4/16/86 R -6B 36 Land Use & Dev. Com. Chm., VM Arkin, rep'd of recent mtg. re Child's World Theme Park. (see LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT COM.) Land Use & Dev. Com. Chm. VM Arkin rep'd on 4/15/86 mtg. re.: Child's World Theme Pk.; developer's to submit rep. as to financing, etc., and C Atty will have recommendation for 5/7/86 mtg. (see LAND USE AND DEV. COM.) 5/7/86 M#302-86, Miami Child's World, Inc., Theme R -8B Pk, rep. for info only; no action required or taken; item to return 5/21/86. Ira Giller rep'd on progress of project & ans'd CITY DUMP 37 Date (cont'd) 5/7/86 ques's. Paul Smith, Pres., York -Hannover R -8B Amusements, Ltd. ans'd ques. re its org., fin'g., & ability to cure pot. defaults ref. to in C Atty's 4/10/86 letter. City's Sp. Counsel James E. Glass pres'd bases for findings; advised City could notice lessee they're in default and expect deficient criteria to be met in specified time frame, otherwise lease could be terminated. Atty. Allen Fuller asked to speak; request denied for noncompliance w/Dade Co. ord. requiring lobbyists to register. Fol. corr. sub- mitted by Joseph Platnick, Pres., - NE Dade Biscayne Blvd. Coalition: 4/14/86 letter fr. CITY DUMP 38 Date (Cont'd) 5/7/86 Charlotte Greenbarg, VP, Dade Co. Council R -8B PTA/PTSA; 4/30/86 letter fr. Rodney L. Arroyo, Asst. Dir., So. FL Reg. Planning Council to Diana Sawaya Crane, Dept. of Comm. Affairs. 5/21/86 M#302-86, status rep. on Miami Child's R -8C World, Inc., Theme Park; def. to 6/4/86 per Land Use & Dev. Com's request, pending incorporation into agreement of studies required. 6/4/86 M#302-86, status rep. on Child's World Theme R -3A Pk. C Atty advised of negotiations and un- !!Y DUMP Date 6/4/86 R --3A 39 (Cont' d) acceptable proposed amdt. to agreement fr. York -Hannover Holdings, Ltd., and that City's sp. counsel advised lease in default. Harold Rosen, atty rep'g lessee, advised a York Hannover rep. would be_ available wk. of 6/9 to negotiate an amdt. bef. 6/18/86. Action def. to 6/18/86 @ 10:30. Atty Allen Fuller asked for info re negotiations (he is to make an appt. w/Mayor's sec. and submit ques's wished ans'd). Adm. to ascertain that proper precautions are bg. taken to re- duce/eliminate City's ins. risk exposure on prop. CITY DUMP Date 6/18/86 R -3A 9/17/86 R -11G 40 R#86-18485 adopted, amdg lease agreement w/4iiami Child's World, Inc. (amdg possession/commencement date of Ph. 2; date for securing permits; providing for Master Plan of entire site; and amdg credit requirements for Ph. 1 expenses). Status rep. on Child's World Theme Pk. re- quested. C Atty advised the $500,000 Irre- vocable Standby Letter of Cr. could not be rescinded w/out City's knowledge.