City Employees_December 1979 to January 1980CITY EMPLOYEES 62 (continued) Date Parks Maintenance Supervisor, Records Manage- ment Operations Supervisor, Sanitation Opera- tions Supervisor, Shop Supervisor, Streets and Sewers Operations Supervisor, and Water Operations Supervisor; repealing all ordi- nances in conflict; and providing for an effective date. (Deferred from Dec. 5, 1979). Not reached - deferred to 1/2/80. (See Salaries) 12/19/79 Mr. Peter Hurtgen, City's legal representa- 1/8/80 tive; Mr. Joseph Kaplan, FOP legal repre- sentative; members of Police Department heard. Through the Mayor, both sides were CITY EMPLOYEES (continued) 63, Date asked to return to bargaining table so that issue can be settled at public hearing scheduled for Jan. 15, 1980. TIME OF PUBLIC HEARING CHANGED BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT OF COMMISSION TO 5:00 P.M., at request of FOP. (Meeting to be held Tuesday, Jan. 15, 1980, at 5:00 p.m.) (See Labor Relations) 1/8/80 Hearing opened. Messrs. Joseph H. Kaplan, 1/15/80 FOP negotiating atty., and Peter J. Hurtgen, City's Special Counsel for Labor Relations, appeared and were heard. Hearing continued CITY EMPLOYEES 64 (continued) Date to Jan. 16, 1980 at 6:00 p.m. for a full Commission. (See Labor Relations) 1/15/80 Messrs. Joseph H. Kaplan, FOP negotiating atty. 1/16/80 and Peter J. Hurtgen, City's Special Counsel for Labor Relations, appeared and were heard. The negotiated agreement was approved in princi- ple, pending ratification by members of FOP bargaining unit, after which it will be brought to Commission for final action. At commencement of meeting, Sgt. Ray Duncan, President -Elect of FOP appeared and stated that FOP negotiating team took it as a personal affront that CITY EMPLOYEES (continued) Administration made arrangements with Metro Dade Co Public Safety Dept. to stand by to police City Tuesday evening in event of a strike if Commission had not approved their suggested settlement requirements. Mr. Thomas W. Young, III, Personnel Director, appeared and advised that there was always possibility of a job action where emotions were high, and he had contacted P.S.D. so as to be prepared if such occurred, stating that to have done otherwise would have been a dereliction of duty. (See Labor Relations, Salaries, Metro Dade Co.) 6.5 Date 1/16/80 CITY EMPLOYEES 66 Date Atty. Harold Rosen, representing M.B. Professional 3/5/80 Lifeguards Assoc., appeared in their behalf and requested the following: 1) that additional life- guards be employed so as to restore Beach Patrol to its previous complement of 67 men; 2) that City recognize M.B. Professional Lifeguards Assoc., as the official bargaining agent before PERC) 3) that a separate Beach Service Dept. be created. Matter was referred to City Mgr. for review and recommendation, including review by City Atty. and Administration of Commissioner Weinstein's suggestion for creation of a special taxing district to be comprised of property owners abutting City's beaches, in an effort to offset cost of operation of City's beaches. Commissioner CITY EMPLOYEES 67 (continued) Date Daoud requested that a review be made of the equipment needs of Beach Patrol. Report to be made by City Manager at March 19, 1980 meeting. (See Labor Relations, Beaches, Lifeguards) 3/5/80 Commissioner Friedman asked City Mgr. to 3/14/80 submit a report on March 19, 1980 as to the scope of this newly -created position of Com- munity Services Director. (See Community Services Dept.) Res. #80-16231 adopted, expressing appreciation 3/19/80 and gratitude and that of the citizens and CITY EMPLOYEES 68 (continued) Date residents of C.M.B. for the exemplary public service of Peggy MacKay, former secretary to the Mayor; authorizing creation of a fountain in tribute to Peggy MacKay; authorizing crea- tion of "City of Miami Beach Peggy MacKay Fountain Committee". 3/19/80 Memo #8154, Res. #80-16247 adopted, approving 4/9/80 a Collective Bargaining Agreement with M.B. Employees Benevolent Assoc., effective April 1, 1980 and ending Sept. 30, 1982. CITY EMPLOYEES Date Commission praised Police and Fire Departments 5/21/80 for their actions and participation during Miami riots, as well as City employees who came to work in spite of adverse conditions. Administration was requested to move forward with Affirmative Action programs. (See Fire Dept., Police Dept.) (NOT ON AGENDA) Plaques presented to Convention Center with high- 9/24/8( est percentage (93%) of employees making donations to 1980 United Way Campaign, and to Office of Economic Development with highest per capita donations• (MORE - See Card 70) CITY EMPLOYEES 70 Date Drawing for persons who donated $5 or more to 9/24/80 this year's campaign - Winners: Andrew Sweet (Community Develop.) 20 lb. turkey; Octavio Fernandez (MIS) 2 tickets to Camelot; John Sammarco (Pub. Works) day off with pay. Former Mayor Rosen requested, on behalf of M.B. 10/14/80 Prof. Lifeguards Assn. that addl. personnel and equipment be provided, citing the increase in area to be patrolled and increased responsibil- ities due to increase in disturbances on beaches. City Manager will actively pursue all requests of Commissioners concerning lifeguard activities -- providing arrest powers, evaluation of equipment, addl. personnel; City Attorney pursuing possible CITY'EMPLOYEES 71 (cont'd.) Date litigation against County for funding of 10/14/80 lifeguards. (see Lifeguards, Metropolitan Dade County, Budgets 1980-81). City Manager was directed to carefully scruti- 10/14/80 nize requests for personnel and promotions, and a committee of Mayor -Meyerson and Comm. Weinstein will assist in review with the City Manager. (see Budgets 1980-81) City Mgr. was req'd to advise the Comm. Committee, consisting of Mayor Meyerson & Comm. Weinstein, before action is tknato hire anyone for the City so that they can sit as a Committee of the Comm. r'elatin,g to hiring of personnel & monitor the budget_ pursuant to 11/19/80 CITY EMPLOYEES 72 (cont'd) DATE Commission action at the Budget Hearing. 11/19/80 (see 1980-1981 BUDGET) Comm. approved C. Mgr's. rec. to declare 12/26/80 12/17/80 holiday for City Emps. (see HOLIDAYS) Memo 8759, Bid 4612-81, awarded to F.M. Morgan, 1/21/81 Inc. to provide temp. elect. serv. & standy-by electrician for outdoor Fine Arts Fest., 2/7-8/81. Bid amt: $7,680. Admin. directed to eval. cost effectiveness of hiring a Mast. Electrician to provide such services in-house in the future. (see ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & RELATED ITEMS [Contracts]) CITY EMPLOYEES 73 DATE Memo 8750, res. authorizing execution of an agree- 1/21/81 ment w/Edward S. Rivas for purpose of providing 8 months of specialized Spanish language training classes to police & fire personnel, deferred to 2/4/81 for addl. info. (see TRAINING CLASSES - CITY EMPLOYEES) Res. establishing that no City emp. shall be 1/21/81 penalized in emp. status and/or face poss. emp. term/ for belonging to, or actively taking part in the activitie of any responsible civic, fraternal, religious, philanthropic or partisan org., withdrawn by Comm. Falk following C. Att. advice that existing law provides such protection. C. Att. directed to submit to Comm. a memo of explanation on present law. CITY EMPLOYEES 74 DATE V.M. Mendelson questioned Comm. Falk as to rumors 1/21/81 being circulated to effect that she allegedly threatened an emp. w/dismissal if the emp. did not take certain actions she felt should be taken. Mayor Meyerson stated that such discussion was not proper at the Comm. table & suggested that Comm. Falk should pursue whatever course she wished in regard to the question raised. Memo 8783, res. authorizing execution of agreement 2/4/81 w/Edward S. Rivas for purpose of providing 8 mos. of specialized Spanish language training classes to pol. & fire personnel. Withdrawn by C. Mgr. (see TRAINING CLASSES - CITY EMPLOYEES) CITY EMPLOYEES 75 Date Comm. Wikler questioned the propriety of C. Mgr. 2/18/81 having apptd. an Internal Auditor without approval by Comm., considering the provisions of Charter Sec. 20. C. Mgr. advised that reorganizations by previous Admins. w/Comm. approval, provided for C. Mgr. to appt. an Internal Aud. as mem. of his staff. C. Att. & Admin. directed to review Charter & Code relative to this question & submit a rep. at 3/4/81 mtg. Comm. Wikler asked that law be reviewed relative 2/18/81 to whether City emps. may accept Christmas gifts & that be included in the rep. on Internal Auditor. CITY EMPLOYEES 76 Date Comm. Wikler suggested that Comm. com. comprised 2/18/81 of Mayor Meyerson & Comm. Weinstein, established 10/14/80 when the 1980-81 budget was adopted, to assist C. Mgr. in review of all requests for personnel & promotions, be dissolved. Item to be placed on 3/4/81 agenda for discussion. (see COMMISSION COMMITTEE FOR PERSONNEL REVIEW) Request of Comm. Wikler for C. Att.'s opinion regarding whether City emps. may accept Christmas gifts, deferred at request of Comm. Wikler who asked C. Att. to obtain, for Comm. review, state- ments of policy or ords. of similar substance in effect in other cities. 3/4/81 CITY EMPLOYEES 77 Date MEMO 8783 (REVISED), Res. 81-16602 ado ted, 3/18/81 authorizing execution of an agreement w Edward S. Rivas for purpose of providing 8 mos. of specialized Spanish language training classes to police & fire personnel; total cost $20,000; classes to be held during duty hours; program to be reviewed aft. 90 days. (see TRAINING CLASSES - C. EMPLOYEES) Comm. expressed its thanks for job well done, & 3/18/81 offered best wishes to Dr. Donald F. Harney, who will be leaving employ of City on 3/27/81 to take a position in Arlington Co., Virginia. CITY EMPLOYEES 78 Date Memo 9205, ord. amending Code Chap. 2 to provide 9/2/81 Regular employees right to elect participation in the CMB Employees"Benefit Plan or a Health Main- tenance Organization; repealing all ords. or parts thereof in conflict therewith, and establishing an effective date, passed on 1st reading. Hearing & 2nd reading scheduled for 9/16/81 at 2:20 p.m. (see HOSPITALIZATION PLAN & LIFE INSURANCE PLAN) Memo 9205, ord. amending Code Sec. 2.55 establishing contributions by employees & City to Health Maintenance Organizations for medical and hospitalization coverage, providing for severability, providing for effective date, passed on 1st reading. Hearing & 2nd reading 9/2/81 CITY EMPLOYEES 79 (Cont'd) Date scheduled for 9/16/81 at 2:25 p.m. (see 9/2/81 HOSPITALIZATION PLAN & LIFE INSURANCE PLAN) Memo 9205, ord. (2nd reading) amending Code Chap. 9/16/81 2 to provide ea. reg. employee the right to elect participation in Employees' Benefit Plan or a Health Maintenance Organization; repealing all ords. or parts thereof in conflict therewith and establishing an effective date. Hearing held & concluded; Ord. 81-2278 adopted, effective 11/1/81. (see HOSPITALIZATION PLAN & LIFE INSURANCE PLAN) CITY EMPLOYEES 80 Date Memo 9205, ord. (2nd reading) amending Code Sec. 9/16/81 2.55 establishing contributions by employees and City to Health Maintenance Organizations for medical & hospitalization coverage, providing for severability, providing for effective date. Hearing held & concluded; Ord. 81-2279 adopted, effective 11/1/81. (see HOSPITALIZATION PLAN & LIFE INSURANCE PLAN) Memo 9271, Res. 81-16803 adopted, authorizing 10/15/81 execution of agreement w/MTI Sch. Inc. to provide remedial/basic ed., job skills, & employability skills training as well as counseling & job development/placement servs. for certain CETA subsidized participants; amt. not to exceed $212,000, to be funded by So. FL CITY EMPLOYEES 81 (Cont'd) Date Employment & Training Consortium (CETA Title 10/15/81 11B); term 10/19/81 thru 9/30/82. (see COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT OF 1973 [MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANT], SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM) Comm. Falk offered a motion for adoption of a res. 10/15/81 strongly recommending that the Admin. issue a policy statement requiring that any dept. hd. wishing to openly campaign for any City election candidate, resign his pos. Comm. Weinstein ruled motion out of ord. because no backup info. or legal guidance was available. CITY EMPLOYEES 82 Date C. Mgr. announcedresignation of Hal Cohen 11/18/81 effective 5 p.m., 11/17/81 & recommended payment of 1 mo's severance pay. Request approved. C. Mgr. announced his appt. of Rob Parkins as Acting Asst. C. Mgr. Comm. Fromberg suggested appt. by Mayor of 3-member Comm. com. to serve in adv. cap. to aid C. Mgr. in his search for new Asst. C. Mgr. & to rev. the classification w/C. Mgr. & if necessary, submit recommendations to Comm. for salary adj. to attract quality applicants. It was pointed out in discussion that appt. of Asst. C. Mgr. was within the prov. of the C. Mgr. Mayor Ciment suggested to Comm. Fromberg that he discuss his ideas w/C. Mgr. re. filling of pos. & then if he still wanted to do so, he could pl. item on 12/2/81 Comm. Agenda. CITY EMPLOYEES 83 Date Police Ch. Emmett Miller gave status rep. of City's 2/17/82 recruitment efforts to hire 25 addnl. Police Offs., as det'd. at 1/20/82 Comm. mtg., & advised that it was anticipated the City will be able to hire approx. 10 cert'd. offs. from this effort. He further advised that 8 offs. completed their training last wk. & are currently going thru orientation. Comm. From - berg commended Ch. Miller & Off. Tom Hoolahan for their recruitment efforts. (see POLICE DEPARTMENT) Memo 324-82, police running shoes, not reached - 5/19/82 def. to 6/2/82. (see POLICE DEPARTMENT) CITY EMPLOYEES 84 Date Memo 324-82, police running shoes. Granting of 6/2/82 1-time monetary allowance of not to exceed $50 to ea. officer for purchase of running shoes, approved; tot. approx. $12,500 cost to be funded from St. grant Police Trust Fund No. 7-603-521-346 for purchase of nonrecurring items. Comr. Weinstein requested that Admin. investigate funding source so that same benefit is provided employees of other City depts. who wish to engage in regulated phys. fitness programs. (see POLICE DEPARTMENT) Contr. w/MB Employees' Benevolent Assoc. to pro- 7/21/82 -vide contractual off-duty super. & attendants for valet pkg. lots, withdrawn by C. Mgr. (see PARKING AREAS & PKG. LOTS, CONV. CTR. COMPLEX) CITY EMPLOYEES 85 Date C. Atty Memo 548-82, ord. repealing Code §31A -7(b),8/18/82 prohibiting City from contr'g. w/off-duty City employees; passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 9/1/82 at 2 p.m. C. Atty Memo 548-82, ord. amdg. Code §31A -7(a) & 9/1/82 repealing Code §31A -7(b), prohibiting City fr. contr'g w/off-duty City employees. Hrg. held & concluded. Action def. to 9/15/82. C. Mgr. to provide addnl. info. on how City would benefit fr. hiring off-duty City employees for purposes intended. CITY EMPLOYEES 86 Date Budget Adv. Comm. pres'd. Committee's ann. rep. 9/14/82 & recommendations re. 1982/83 proposed budget. C. Mgr. encouraged to negotiate w/employee unions to attain uniformity of employee classifications which will provide for portability of employees bet. & among depts. During discussion of the Sanitation Div. budget, Mayor Ciment requested job specifications be revised to encompass a wider variety of duties. (see 1982/83 BUDGET, BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE, SANITATION DIVISION) Budget Adv. Com. recommended C. Mgr. remove pro- 9/14/82 hibition against contracting w/City employees to provide servs. to City outside of their reg. employment. (see 1982/83 BUDGET, BUDGET ADV. COM. ) CITY EMPLOYEES 87 Date Memo 607-82, ord. amdg. Code §2-55 I(B) pertaining 9/15/82 to City contributions for gp. health ins. Gp. health & life ins. policy w/Aetna Life Casualty Co. renewed on monthly basis beg. 10/1/82, utilizing cost-containment measures* suggested by Aetna & approved by Pension Bd., & applicable incr'd. bi- weekly rates (for both City & employee) of $6.13 singer and $15.05 family for health ins. & $.11 per $1,000 coverage for life ins. *Cost containment measures, 1) eliminate 1st $2,000 of hosp. in-full benefits; 2) incr. deductible to $200 per calendar yr. w/$400 max. per family (presently $100 & $200 respectively); 3) incr. out-of-pocket limit to $1,000 per calendar yr. (pres. $500). (see HOSPITALIZATION PLAN & LIFE INSURANCE PLAN, PENSION BD. & SYST.I CITY EMPLOYEES 88 Date Res. re. 1982/83 budget of MB Visitor & Conv. 9/22/82 Auth. Mayor Ciment requested Admin. & Mr. Cramer investigate possibility of transferring Classified employee(s) not required by VCA to other City depts. in effort to achieve better utilization of personnel. (see MB VISITOR & CONV. AUTH., CITY ADMINISTRATION) Request of David Lewin to discuss police related 10/6/82 items. Mr. Lewin spoke re. City's mandatory physical fitness program for police personnel & related costs, & offered suggestions to reduce those costs. Per Admin's recommendation, Mayor Ciment suggested Mr. Lewin meet w/C. Mgr. & Police Ch. a.s.a.p. to discuss matter. (see U11 LMt'LUIthS 89 (Cont'd) Date POLICE DEPT.) 10/6/82 Memo 653-82, C. Att. Memo 652-82, ord. amdg. 10/6/82 Code §2.55, est'g. contributions by employees & CMB to gp. health ins. & health maintenance orgs. for med. & hospitalization coverage. Ord. chg'g. manner in which contributions to HMO's shall be made fr. flat dollar amt. to percentage basis (mem. & City ea. contributing half of cost), passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 10/20/82 commencing at 2 p.m. (see HOSPITALIZATION PLAN & LIFE INSURANCE PLAN) CITY EMPLOYEES 9U Date C. Att. Memo 658-82, rep. on ord. restricting post- 10/6/8 employment activities; not reached - def. to 10/20/82. C. Att. Memo 658-82, rep. on ord. restricting 10/20/82 post -employment activities. C. Att. reviewed rep. Item def. to 11/3/82 for full Comm. C. Att. to prepare ord. along lines of Co. ord. for consideration as he suggested. Memo 700-82, policy on granting half price green 10/20/82 fees to City employees, retirants, discontinuance of half price golf referred to Admin. for further var. categories of persons to 11A CC�}l I V T.TA 111 !� aTT� V _ (PP & minors, & permits; rev. of policy & whom policy anTY COTTRSFS) CITY EMPLOYEES 91 Date C. Att. Memo 728-82, ord. restricting post -employ- 11/3/82 ment activities of former City officials & employees for per. of 2 yrs. after serv. w/City; not reached - def. to 11/17/82. C. Att. Memo 728-82, ord. restricting post -employ- 11/17/82 ment activities of former City officials & employees for per. of 2 yrs. after serv. w/City; removed fr. agenda by Comm. CITY EMPLOYEES Date 2/16/83 RUE C Mgr advised ord allowing City to contract w/off-duty City employees, which was passed on 1st reading on 8/18/82 & not acted on fol. the pub. hrg. on its 2nd reading on 9/1/82, will be pld. on 3/2/83 agenda for addnl. hrg., due to time lapse bet. Sept. 1st & pres. date. (LTC 34-1983) 92 CITY EMPLOYEES 93 Date Memo 138-83, Ordinance 83-2364 adopted, effective 3/2/83 3/12/83, amending Code Sec. 31A-7(a) & repealing Sec. 31A-7(b), prohibiting City from contracting w/off-duty City employees. CITY EMPLOYEES J 94 Date 5/4/83 C. Atty. Memo 262-83, Legal expenses for R-9 A employees, pub. officers & agents of a municipality in civil or criminal actions arising out of scope of employment. See action of R -9B below. (see POLICE DEPARTMENT) 5/4/83 Discussion on legal exps. cov'd. for City R -9B officials; proposal to create policy for reimbursement of legal exps. for police officers not guilty of crim. chgs. against them in course of performing official duty. Atty. John Ritter appeared representing police officers involved in recent duty-connencted litigation Sc subsequent exoneration. (continued) CITY EMPLOYEES Date (continued) 5/4/83 C. Mgr. auth. to deter. appropriate policy R-9B (reasonable per-hr. fee, max., etc.) to satisfy reqmt. under St. Stat. 111.065 & submit rept. & rec'dation. (see POLICE DEPARTMENT) 95 CITY` L1VIPi:OYEES 96 Date "5/ir/g3 - Memo 304-83, Bid 66=83, part-time pkg. lot 2Fattendants for Cony. Ctr. for 1-yr. per. w/option for 2nd yr. per. (effective fr. date of award), awarded to MB Employee's Benevolent Assoc. quoting $6/hr. for Supers. & $5/hr for Attendants (1:5 ratio). Bid amt: $80,000 (est. for 1 yr. per.) (see PARKING AREAS CONTRACTS, CONV. CTR. CONTRACTS)