City Employees_April 1984 (2)CITY EMPLOYEES 112 Date (Cont'd) 4/4/84 proposal. Discussion held. Comm. voted to R -1A defer item. (see M.B. JAYCEES) 4/4/84 Designation of Mayor & Comrs. "Aides" R -3D functions and representation of "Aides" authority. Discussion held. Mayor Fromberg requested that aides not be designated nor cards for same printed unless auth'd by Comm. w/specific designation of functions, responsibilities, duties, and purpose. Item def. to allow Comr. Weisburd opportunity to meet w/Mgr to draft appropriate criteria for such persons. (see CITY COMMISSION) CITY EMPLOYEES Date 4/19/84 C -4D 113 Memo 228-84, Res. 84-17705 adopted, auth'g execution of an Amd'd Agreement appointing Intangible Mktg., Inc. (parent corp.), H.C. Copeland & Assocs., Inc., & H.C. Copeland & Assocs. Equities, Inc., collectively referred to as "Administrator", as excl. administrative contractor & mktg. org. for Program, w/no remuneration fr. City, for 5 - yr. term w/renewal option for successive 5 - yr. periods; identifying Administrator's bank address & acct. no. for rec'g payroll deductions; providing that employee list is confidential; indemnifying & holding City harmless fr. claims; naming City as CITY EMPLOYEES 114 Date (Cont'd) 4/19/84 ins. sole beneficiary &providing that C -4D insurer's FL resident agt. countersign coverage; setting forth Administrator's compliance w/all applicable laws, rules, & reg's; providing that required ins. & bonding be furnished w/in 30 days of Amd'd Agreement execution; prohibiting assignment unless auth'd by Comm.; & identifying Mgr & auth'd designees as mgr. of City's responsibilities & procedures. (see DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN) 4/19/84 In response to request of Mayor Fromberg, R -11A the C Mgr gave an oral rep. on the cur. & CITY EMPLOYEES 115 Date (Cont'd) 4/19/84 upcoming budgets, advising for the cur. R -11A fiscal yr., they have placed a freeze on hiring, affecting 58 positions, & on $257,000 in capital purchases. He also advised they have discussed briefly w/some Personnel Bd. mems., the rev'g of job descriptions to provide a broader flexibility in the utilization of pers., in an effort to avoid laying off individuals. (see 1983/84 BUDGET) 6/20/84 Rep. on Mayor's Ad Hoc Youth Ctr Committee R -9J mtg. by Comr. Singer. Admin dir'd to imdtly hire a Rec. Opers. Mech. to wk. at least CITY EMPLOYEES 116 nate (Cont'd) 6/20/84 part time & if necessary, full time; to be R -9J funded fr. Settlement Fund for bal. of FY 83/84, if necessary. 7/11/84 Res. 84-17789 adopted, commending C -4C Les Feldman, M.B. Jaycees & Jaycee Women, & City employees for efforts in bringing about the M.B. 4th of July Celebration. Mayor Fromberg commended Police & Fire Chfs for efforts ensuring a safe event, & C Mgr's staff for their work on project. (see M.B. JAYCEES, INC.) CITY EMPLOYEES Date 7/11/84 R -11F 11'7 Comrs. Shockett & Singer asked C Mgr to personally investigate matter of recurring complaints re. alleged antagonistic atti- tudes of some City employees processing bldg plans and permits, inspectors, etc. toward prospective bldrs. C Mgr advised Comm. that info. on spec. instances would be helpful in det'g solution(s) to problem. V -M Weisburd suggested C Mgr consider sending a memo to all depts., advising employees of Comm's concerns & complaints recd., and urging more courteous assistance be given to public. (see BUILDING DEPARTMENT) OYy KMPLOYLK5 118 Date -7/25/84 Memo 49144; $20,000 death benefit pmt. to R -8F beneficiary of Pol. Off. Donald Kramer, per F1. Stats. 112.19(2)(a) & 112.191(2)(a); to be appropriated fr. Gen. Fund Bal. 9/5/84 Ms. Clara Fischer requested an addn. to the R -11C agenda to discuss the request for installa- tion of a handicapped ramp to the Beachfront Promenade at 24th St. (Roney Plaza), either repl'g or in addn to the stairs already installed. Comr. Shockett suggested some Pub. Wks employees may be under-utilized and wk. could possibly be done in-house, using leftover wood. Admin. to investigate budget- C/TY EMPLOYEES 119 Date (Cont'd) 975/84 ary requirements and possibility of doing R -11C wk. in-house, negotiate w/Roney Plaza owner for funding, & submit rep. & recommendation for 9/12/84 budget hrg. (see HANDICAPPED, RONEY PLAZA, BEACHFRONT PK & PROMENADE) 10/17/84 Harry Plissner relayed a suggestion he recd. R -11D that there is no need for the City to employ a Regd. land surveyor or a surveying crew, but that such servs. could be contracted w/Zurwelle-Whittaker, Inc. (as done by the Dade Co. Sch. Bd.) at much less cost. At the suggestion of Mr. Plissner, Comr. Arkin advised he would be happy to work with CITY EMPOSt Es 126 bate (Cont'd) 10/17/84 Mr. ?lissner in investigating the proposal. R -11D (see ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS) 11/7/84 Memo 725-84, Res. 84-17914 adopted, approv- C-4D ing in concept, the execution of a prof. servs. agreement for psychological screening of police, fire, and other CMB employees w/PR/PAM (Psychological Resources of Atl., Inc. and Psychological Assos. of Miami), a jt. venture, subj. to incorporation of amdts discussed and approved (see mtg. file records for details); term - 3 yrs. fr. Agreement execution; per -person testing fee - $120; PR/PAM to provide proof of ins. as CITY_gMPLOY8a Date (Cont'd) 11/7/84 required. C -4D CONSULTANT SERVS.) 4/3/85 R -11B 6/26/85 R -11A 121 (see PSYCHOLOGICAL/PSYCHIATRIC SERVS. (CONTRS), PSYCHOLOGICAL Mgr advised Police Officer Bob Fitzpatrick (training officer) passed away 4/3/85. (see POLICE DEPARTMENT) Comr. Daoud referred to recent Admin. chgs. affecting var. employees/divs. (LTC 98-1985) and requested Mgr imdtly submit a rep. on anticipated personnel demotions, lay-offs, transfers, etc. He requested fut. chgs be discussed at Comm. table. Mgr advised there CITY EMPLOYEES 122 Date (Cont'd) 6/26/85 will be a var. of chgs bef. 7/15/85, which R -11A he will advise Comm of bef. publicized & which will be discussed today in exec. session. Mgr advised Comm. adopted policy that any Gen. Fund revs. that become avail- able in FY 1985/86 thru rect. of unantici- pated Fed. Rev. Shrg. funds will be applied to fund contractual wage incrs, to extent allowable. Later discussion held concerning funding of labor agreement for FY 1985/86 and directing Mgr to negotiate/reduce sala- ries by 5%, w/employees earning $50,000 or more annually to be reduced by 10%, effective 10/1/85. Res. 85-18119 adopted, CITY EMPLOYEES 123 Date (Cont'd) 6/26/85 amdg. Res. 85-18086 to provide that all City R -11A employees be treated equally and those earning $50,000 or more also be subj. to the 5% rollback. (see SALARIES, LABOR RELATIONS, 1985/86 BUDGET, EXECUTIVE SESSION, FEDERAL REV. SHARING FUNDS) 7/24/85 Memo 445-85, approval/implementation of C -5F Aetna Life & Casualty Co. Aecert, Aedvise, PPO, & "start taking charge" health care programs, def. to 9/4/85 pending employee rev. (see HOSPITALIZATION PLAN & LIFE INSURANCE) CITY RMPLOY2gg124 Date 9/4/85 C. Mgr. advised that several suggestions C -5D offered during employee "brainstorming" sessions will be evaluated & pres'd. to Comm. over next several months. 10/2/85 M#576-85, request for proposal for the mgt., R -8D op., and maintenance of the city's mun. golf courses, approved in concept. Admin. auth'd to proceed w/process and meet w/AFSCME reps. to ensure affected employees not harmed (transferred or absorbed by contractor). AFSCNE Pres. Clinton Jordan suggested bef. RFP is circulated, Admin. rev. cur. conds. and managerial staff of CITY tMPLOYEIgS 125 Date (Cont'd) 10/2/85 courses (Dir., Greenskeepers, Op. Super., R -8D etc.), and establish Golf Dept. under Mgr (sep. fr. Pks & Rec. Dept.). Comr. Daoud requested Admin. study golf course op. and submit report 10/16/85 as to probs. and plan for resolution. (see GOLF COURSES, RECREA- TION DEPT.) 10/16/85 C Atty advised he would investigate ques. R -11C raised by Mayor Fromberg as to whether it would constitute a conflict of int. for a Comr. to be endorsed by an employee union and subsequentlyvote on that union's wage contr., a su it a report. (see CONFLICT OF INTEREST) CITY EMPLOYEES 126 Date 11/6/85 M#621-85, Bid 221-84/85, contr. for crime C -2A ins. for pub. employees; not reached - def. to 11/20/85. (see INSURANCE (CONTRACTS)) 12/4/85 M#712-85, LTC 221-1985, status of self -ins. R -8C & safety -loss prevention program; for info only. Comr. Shockett asked Adm. to investi- gate City's exposure for its vehicles driven to/fr. emps' homes & incl. in next rep.; Mayor Daoud requested rep. on number of vehicles bg. so used. (see SELF INSURANCE) 12/4/85 Discussion re designated area in City Hall R -9J for MB Employee Hall of Fame; concept CITY EMPLOYEES 127 Date (Cont'd) 12/4/85 approved; Adm. to outline procedure; appli- R-9J cations/nominations to be submitted to Plaques and Mem. Com. for consideration. (see PLAQUES & MEMORIAL COMMITTEE) 1/22/86 Comr. Resnick suggested employees be given R -9J sp. training to develop courteous attitude in dealing w/pub., and that schs. conduct contest for a slogan to be used when employees answer the phone. He advised he will be contacting St. Thomas Univ. to det. if it has a program that could be pres'd in City w/out cost. Comrs. offered suggestions as to how attitude could be promoted. CITY EMPLOYEES 128 Date (Cont'd) 1/22/86 Admin. to investigate alts. and submit rep. R-93 (see COMR. RESNICK, SCHOOLS - GENERAL) 1/22/86 Mayor Daoud suggested a mun. policy be R -9P inst'd whereby City employees be required to wear seat belts while driving City cars; and that City request St. Legislators to pass mandatory seat belt requirement for St. of FL (lobbyist to promote legis. passage). (see SEAT BELTS, FLORIDA, STATE OF, LOBBYIST) 3/5/86 M#154-86, RFP 232-85/00, mgt., operation, & R -8A maintenance of mun. golf courses. Presenta- CITY EMPLOYEES 129 Date (Cont'd) 3/5/86 tions made; firms ranked: R -8A #1 American Golf Corp. #2 Professional Course Mgt., Inc. #3 Jerry's, Inc. Adm. auth. to negotiate contr. w/#1 ranked firm, to be submitted for Comm's considera- tion/approval. AFSCME Pres. Clinton Jordan expressed concern re City employees wk'g on courses. All firms stated cur. employees would be given right of 1st refusal. (see GOLF COURSES) 3/19/86 Comr. Grenald circulated pictures & advised R -11C of voluntary efforts of Code Enf. Div. CITY EMPLOYEES 130 Date (Cont'd) 3/19/86 employees Oswald Ferro & Nestor Oliveira to R -11C clean city waterways on weekends. 7/23/86 M#523-86, bid RFP 151-85/88, City employees C -2J med. & med. records secs. w/Mt. Sinai Med. Ctr.; approved. Adm. to monitor/evaluate svcs. periodically. 7/23/86 VM Grenald & Comr. Shockett commented on R -11E conflicting impressions made on Comm. by MB Benevolent Assn.'s Clean -Sweep Com. & employee unions' pres. posture of confidence in Comm. MBEBA rep., Judy Sherry, advised a disclaimer was sent to all Comrs. & news media, & apologized if it had not been recd. Y:Y EMPLOYEES Date 9/3/86 C-4I 131 M#561-86, R#86-18568 adopted, ratifying prof. med., med. rec., & consulting psy- chiatric serv. w/Mt. Sinai Med. Ctr., Inc.; servs. to be provided w/in 15 mins.; pkg. - free; City to pay Hosp. $10,416.67/mo., 1st yr. (Personnel M#86-20, dtd 8/28/86 distr'd to employees re. serv.) (see MOUNT SINAI) 9/3/86 Res. granting a voluntary red. of comp. (3%) R -7B and holidays (2 floating & birthday) dur'g FY 86/87 for Admin. staff, Dept. Dirs., & Asst. Dirs. contingent uponon no em toons i;nyf'onfurtivesatonsdefor further investigation. (see (see SALARIES) CITY EMPLOYEES Date 10/1/86 R -5A.1,2 10/1/86 R -11F 132 M#668-86, ords. passed on 1st reading, amdg conds. governing donation of annl. &/or sick leave for unclassified & classified employees. Hrgs. & 2nd readings scheduled for 10/15/86. (Ord. enables employees fr. same or diff. depts. to donate time on a pro -rata basis.) VM Grenald suggested City adopt policy whereby employees who pt. out ways to avoid excessive costs to City rec. 10% of 1st yrs' svgs. resulting fr. corr. CITY EMPLOYEES Date 10/15/86 M#668-86, Hrgs held; Ord. 86-2520 adopted, R-38.1 amdg Unclassified Employees Ord. 1613 allowing donation of Annl./Sick Leave time to other employees in same or diff. depts. on pro -rata basis. R -3B.2 Ord. 86-2521 adopted, amdg Classified Em- ployees Ord. 1335 allowing donation of Annl./Sick Leave time to other employees in same or diff. depts. on pro -rata basis. 11/5/86 Discussion re. Employee Crime Watch Program. R -9G AFSCME Pres., Clinton Jordan explained proposal. Adm. to wk. out details and implement program. (see CRIME PREVENTION) CITY EMPLOYEES Date 11/5/86 i1 -9H 134 Discussion re. employee incentive bonus pro- gram. Adm. to est. program whereby em- ployees suggestions resulting in cost svgs. to City would rec. @ end of yr., 10% of 1st yr's svgs., up to $100,000; to be discussed w/labor union reps. 12/4/86 Cert. of Appreciation pres'd to Clinton PA -1B Jordan for initiating/developing Employee Crime Watch Program. Adm. to publicize pioneer program. (see PRESENTATIONS, AWARDS, & CERTS. OF APPRECIATION, PUBLICITY) CY'fY EMPLOYEES 135 Date 12/4/86 Adm. to schedule mtgs. of the Comrs & R -11E employees to rev. prob. areas & promote cooperation for the common good. Adm. to also est. goals and rewards for performance. 1/7/87 Mgr advised task force developed which will R -8A hire a gen. contractor to head new Bldg Dept. Planning Dept. to become more in- volved in zoning enforcement. Bldg Dept. to concentrate on plans/permits process. City employees to be given opportunity to apply for Dept. Dir. position. (see BLDG. DEPT./CODE ENFORCEMENT/DEV. SERVS.) CITY EMPLOYEES 136 Date 1/21/87 AFSCME Pres. advised of plans for volunteer PA -1B crew to. trim overgrown_ vegetation around bus benches. Adm. to det. ownership of outlots on Indian Creek Dr. so can be cleaned. (see CLEAN-UP)