City Hall_August 1956 to December 1966CITY HALL 12 - Book Page Res. #9311 fixing 40 -hr week for City Hall employees, effective Oct. 1, 1956 8-15-56 38 371 Lease of Room 309 in Harvey Bldg. approved -at $80.00;per'mo. Room 311 to be released. 12-7-60 Administration possible lease for City Hall, Washington Ave 43 360 authorized to negotiate best for additional office space N.W. corner of 12th St. and 12-14-66 51 245 CITY HALL 13 Meeting date Removal of cannon, request of Rabbi Weberman, on 11-17 agenda. 10-20-71 ...Rabbi appeared re above request, and that peace symbol be superimposed, submitted sketch. City Mgr to report back to CC and advise Rabbi. 11-17-71 Renewal of lease of space at 1200 Wash. Ave. for Purchasing Div. approved for 3 yr. period on same terms and conditions as existing lease, starting 1/1/73. 12/6/72 Res. 13825 adopted authorizing execution of lease bet. Henrietta Lorber of Lorber Realty Associates, d/b/a/ Jeffry Apts. for $4,000 12/6/72 ner �� CITY HALL 14 Meet. Date Dr. Haber directed Administration to determine ways and means of providing public with list of City department telephone numbers for assistance in reaching City departments. 12/12/73 Memo #5611, recommendation to sell old City Hall. 3/17/76 Deferred to March 31, 1976. Memo 5611 deferred to 4/7/76 3/31/76 Memo #5611, recommendation to sell the old 4/7/76 City Hall, (deferred from 3/31/76). Not reached. Deferred to April 28, 1976. Memo #5611, recommendation to sell old City 4/28/76 Hall (deferred from 4/7/76). Action deferred. City Mgr. to render written report as to CITY HALL (continued) condition of City Hall; what it would cost to put it into usuable, safe condition; secondly, the possibility of utilization as a governmental center. Council requested that report include advice as to what arrangements would be made with user of facility. Councilman Meyerson also suggested that consideration be given to re- tention of building as a landmark. 15 Date 4/28/76 Mr. Abe Marcus suggested use of City Hall as a 5/5/76 multi-purpose community center to serve as a health clinic, recreational and cultural center. City Mgr. advised that study, requested by Coun- cil on April 28, was underway. Mr. Marcus was re uested to give any additional suggestions to City Mgr. CITY HALL Memo #5703, evaluation of existing City Hall structure, operational cost analysis and re- furbishing costs. Deferred to June 2, 1976. 16 Date 5/19/76 Memo #5703, evaluation of existing City Hall 6/3/76 structure: operational cost analysis and re- furbishing costs, (deferred from 5/19/76). Deferred for additional review by Manager and Admin. of suggestions made by members of Council and public. Mrs. Gabrielle Nash appeared and advised of 7/7/76 School Board's interest in building, and re- quested that question of disposition of old City Hall be placed on the ballot. CITY HALL 17 (continued) Date City Mgr. advised that School Brd. is presently evaluating building for use as adult education center, and will be reducing their request and recommendations to writing, in near future. 7/7/76 Mr. Charles Rosenblatt advised that certain 1/4/78 U. of Miami officials have shown an interest in leasing the old City Hall for an educational facility. Mr. Rosenblatt requested to meet with City Mgr. and all interested parties to discuss matter. Vice Mayor Malek requested Administration to 6/16/78 submit an updated status report for June 28, 1978 meeting, with respect to future plans CITY HALL (continued) for the use of the building. Mayor Haber advised that he had recently met with U of Miami repre- sentatives with respect to their interest in using the building, and that he will be sub- mitting a report at the June 28, 1978 meeting concerning same. 18 Date 6/16/78 Memo #6961, status report on future uses of 6/28/78 old City Hall building (requested by V.M. Malek). Deferred to July 19, 1978. Memo #6961 (Revised) status report on future uses 7/19/78 of Old City Hall building (requested by V.M. Malek)(deferred from 6/28/78). Mayor Haber advised of interest shown by U. of Miami, FIU, and Nova U., CITY HALL continued) to use facility as a local campus, and advised that he would keep the Commission apprised of future developments. Commissioner Friedman advised that he has had discussions concerning the location of a Dorsey Skill Center in this facility. City Mqr. to pursue. 7/19/78 Res. #78-15760 adopted, approving, in principle, 11/1/78 proposal for leasing of property of Old City Hall to U. of Miami; pledging full support and cooperation of Commission; directing Administra- tion to continue negotiations and formulation of a proposed agreement for submission to Com- mission and University Board of Trustees. Com- missioner Friedman suggested that Venturi & fig Date CITY HALL 20 (continued ) Date Rauch consultants include, for the Washington Ave., Revitalization Project, an impact study of a major university in that area. (Requested by Mayor Haber) (See U. of Miami) 11/1/78 Mayor Haber advised of current meetings being 3/21/79 held by University's Executive Committee so as to establish parameters for negotiations re: use of old City Hall for branch of U. of Miami. Commissioner Wikler suggested that University also be reminded of need for additional parking facilities and security required by such a facility, which should be included in the deliber- ations. (See U. of Miami) CITY HALL Memo #7785, use of. Old City Hall for filming of a movie, approved. (See Movie Productions) Date 107779 Mrs. Nancy Liebman, representing PROBE, ap- 3/5/80 peared and asked that Commission address prob- lem of relocating social service agencies now housed in Fisher facility, and possibly provide space for them in old city hall. City Mgr. advised that he will meet with user agencies in near future, to review this proposal. (See Dade County School Board) Memo #8395, Old City Hall - consultant selec- 8/6/80 tion. Deferred to 9/3/80. Commissioner Wein- stein requested Administration to provide CITY HALL 22. (continued) Date information on all three firms being considered. 8/6/80 Memo #8449, Old City Hall - consultant selection. 9/3/80 (deferred from 8/6/80). Not reached. -deferred to 9/24/80. Administration authorized to enter into contract negotiations with Morton, Wolfberg, Alvarez, Taracido & Assoc. to provide professional services for adaptive reuse of old City Hall. Mayor Meyerson asked the Admin. to investigate possibility of a private company purchasing the property, re - 9/24/8C CITY HALL 23 (continued) Date storing the building, taking applicable tax advantages and leasing it to the City for use of social service agencies, and submit report. Memo #8449. 9/24/80 Memo 8612, Res. 80-16475 adopted, authorizing exe- 11/19/80 cution of agreement w/Morton, Wolfberg, Alvarez, Taracido & Associates for consultant services in conjunction w/feasibility study for adaptive reuse of old city hall; motion for res. adoption incor- porated suggestion made by Mayor Meyerson that con- sultant provide info. to City as to tax advantages a buyer might receive from historical status of bldg. such as has been done w/old Miami News Tower in Miami. (NOTE: Feasibility study furnished at 5/6/81 Commission meeting under Item R9B.) CITY'HALL '24 Date Memo 9001, recommendation that Comm. schedule an 5/6/81 on-site visit of old City Hall & hold a workshop to determine what action might be taken to encourage the adaptive re -use of this structure. Visit scheduled for Wednesday, 5/13/81 at 2 p.m.; Commissioners to meet at new City Hall. Memo 9058, status rep. on consultant's study re: 6/3/81 adaptive re -use of old C. Hall BIdg. Admin's recommendation that in light of existing condition of bldg., Comm. authorize C. Mgr. to proceed w/such remedial repairs as are deemed immediately necessary w/understanding that where poss., work to bldg. will be performed by City forces; that Admin. be authorized to immediately begin preparation of Request for CITY 'HALL 25 (Cont'd) Date Proposal so as to solicit proposals frm. private 6/3/81 parties to lease bldg. frm. City; lastly, that rather than proceeding at this time with a more detailed structural analysis of bldg., it be stipulated in the Request for Proposal that prior to executing a lease w/any party-for the adaptive re-use of the bldg., the City shall undertake such detailed structural analysis, approved. In reply to Mayor Ciment's ingy., Econ. Dev. Dir. 2/3/82 Monte Lee gave rep. of procedure used to develop int. in use of old city hall & advised that only expression of int. recd. was from Art Deco Development Corp. He further advised that he planned to have rep. & recommendation for 2/17/82 mtg. Mayor Ciment CITY HALL 26 (Cont'd) Date requested that Comm. be furnished copy of RFP 2/3/82 circulated concerning this prop. Comm. Daoud advised he observed cracks developing in upper north side of bldg. Admin. to have it checked. Memo 252-82, Art Deco Development Corp. proposal 4/21/82 for old City Hall. Andrew W. Capitman, Dir. - Art Deco Dev. Corp., appeared & explained their proposal for use of bldg. Admin's recommendation that 1) City enter into an agreement joining w/ADDCO in pursuing an Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) & 2)Admin. be auth. to concurrently rebid project w/extensive advertising to secure addnl. alt. proposals should ADDCO not be successful in obtaining grant, approved. Mayor Ciment suggested that in ready., Admin. make CITY HALL 27 (Cont'd) Date known that prop. may have UDAG grant att. & int'd. 4/21/82 parties could submit proposals contingent upon grant approval (appropriate wording to be formulated by C. Att's office to insure legality of adv.). Admin. to det. time limit on ADDCO's right of 1st refusal on competitor's bid after rect. of notification on UDAG application. (see CITY-OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE, URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT) Comr. Daoud requested that Admin. investigate 5/19/82 utilization of old City Hall as a possible alt. location for proposed Justice Ctr. (see POLICE DEPT., GOLF COURSES, JUSTICE CENTER) CI1" Y HALL 28 Date 2 6 g3 Memo l22-83, site -location for MB Police & Cts. R8L Facility and proposed construction program for old City Hall site, not reached - def. to 3/2/83. (see POLICE DEPT., JUSTICE CENTER) CITY HALL 29 Date Res. 83-17283 adopted permitting Paramount Pictures 3/2/83 Corp. to film pilot for TV series "Feeling the Heat" in Old City Hall; they provide liab. ins., absorb all costs and lease "as is". Comm. Daoud suggested publi- city. (see TELEVISION SERIES, MOVIE PRODUCTIONS, PUBLICITY, CITY OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE) Memos 121-83 & 122-83, LTC's 42 & 51-1983. 3/2/83 Discussion on Old City Hall site (& blk. to West) as new site for Justice Ctr. (Police, Courts, & Met. Pkg. Div.). Admin. to negotiate w/owners re purch. prices & submit report. Mayor Ciment requested complete back-up materials w/report. C. Atty. to research law re appraisals if priv.info. (see JUSTICE CENTER, POLICE DEPARTMENT, PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY) CITY HALL 30 Date Calvin B. Grigsby, Pres., Fiscal Funding Co., Inc., 3/2/83 reviewed report (filed w/mtg. records) on Tax - Exempt Leveraged Lease Financing. C. Mgr. requested Comm. concur that Admin. explore concept further w/Mr. Grigsby (no fee at this time) to determine if sale/lease-back would be most viable . alter- native for historic preservation of old city hall bldg. as pilot project. Report & recommendation to be sub- mitted for Comm. consideration. Comm. approved Admin. pursual of concept. (see SALE/LEASE-BACK FINANCING, HISTORIC PRESERVATION, TAX-EXEMPT LEVERAGED LEASE FINANCING) CITY HALL Date 3/16/83 R -8D 31 Memo 179-83, Res. 83-17296 adopted, con- senting to desig. of old city hall as local historic site, subj. to review by MB Hist. Pres. Bd. and Plan. Bd. w/final approv. by City Comm. Designa- tion of 21st St. Comm. Ctr. deferred to 4/6/83 pending Admin. review of architec. plans. (see COMMUNITY CENTERS, HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLANNING COMMISSION, HOUSING AND COMMUN DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974) CITY HALL Date 4/20/83 R9A 32 Rev. Memo 226-83, status rep. on progress of the proposed new MB Police & Ct. Facility project. Res. 83-17326 adopted, approving site sel. of old City Hall for new Justice Center; declaring acquisition of Lots 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12, Block 37, Ocean Bch Addn. No. 3, as pub. necessity; auth'g acquisition of said props. by purchase, donation, or filing of eminent domain proceedings & Declaration of Taking, as necessary. (see JUSTICE CENTER, POLICE DEPT., PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY) Mem6 28543, Pte: fid: tem:5-124 0C 2). Hit; r ii t. Site de ig. far `Oid `City Hall (see HISTORIC PRESERVATION, PLANNING COMMISSION, ZONING) 33 CITY HALL Date 6/15/83 R8D 34 Memo 397-83, Planning Bd. rep. & recommendation on the proposed designation of & historic preservation rezoning for old City Hall, 1130 Washington Ave; not reached - def'd to 7/6/83. (see PLANNING COMM., HISTORIC PRESERVATION, ZONING) CITY HALL Date 77gT83 R -8B 35 Memo 450-83, Status Rept. V on progress of proposed Justice Ctr. for info only. Comm. Fromberg requested Adm. to investigate if unused land acquisition funds could be applied to constr. & furnishing costs of proposed Justice Ctr., if necessary, and to subm. rept. & rec'dation. C. Mgr. advised that 7/20/83 & 9/7/83 repts. will pertain to consultant architects' design plans for facility and that he will include in rept. re utilization of funds, info as to proposed sale/lease- back funding approach for old City Hall bldg. (see JUSTICE CENTER, POLICE DEP ART MENT, SALE/LEASE-BACK FINANCING) CITY HALL Date 7/6/83 R -8C 9/21/83 R -3H 36 Memo 397-83, Res. 83-17405 adopted calling pub. hrg. for 9/21/83 at 3 p.m. to consid. rec'dations of MB Hist. Preserv. Bd. & Plan. Bd. re change of zoning to create Hist. Pres. District for old City Hall. (see HISTORIC PRESERVATION, PLANNING COMM., ZONING) Memo 599-83, Planning Bd. rep. & recommenda- tion on proposed designation of, & historic preservation for old City Hall, 1130 Washington Ave. Hrg. held & concluded. Ord. passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 10/5/83 at 2 p.m. (cont'd on next card) CYTY__Y ALL Date 9/21/83 R-311 10/5/83 R -3D 37 (Cont'd) Justice Ctr. consultant architects Jaime Borrelli & Mark Frankel, responded to ques's as to proposed use of facility. C. Mgr advised presentation would be made to Comm. by archs. possibly at 10/19/83 mtg. (see HISTORIC PRESERVATION, JUSTICE CENTER, PLANNING COMMISSION, ZONING) Memo 599-83, hrg. held and concluded; Ord. No. 83-2388 adopted, amd'g Zoning Ord. 1891 (Comprehensive Zoning Ord. & maps attached thereto), by designating old City Hall, 1130 Washington Ave., as an historic preservation CITY:HALL Date 10/5/83 R -3D 11/9/83 IF -7F 38 (Cont'd) site & by excluding the subj. parcel of land fr. MU (Mun. Use Dist.) and incl'g same in the MU/HP (Mun. Use/Historic Preservation Zoning Dist.); to become effective 10/15/83. (see ZONING, HISTORIC PRESERVATION) Memo 737-83, Res. 83-17542 adopted, auth'g expenditure of funds fr. $60,000 Reimburs- able Expenses contr. provision (Art. 5.1) w/Borrelli, Frankel, Blitstein, DeZarraga, Donnell, Duquesne, David Volkert & Assocs., for pro. servs. for CMB police & ct. facili- ty in any manner proper for contr. admin., incl'g up to $19,500 to update & cor. plans CITY-HAU Date (Cont'd) 11/9/83 for old city hall. R -7F JUSTICE CENTER) 11/9/83 R -8C 39 (see ARCHITECTS & ENGRS, Memo 728-83, presentation of schematic de- sign plans for MB Police & Cts. Facility Project. Markus A. Frankel, Jaime Borrelli, & Peter Blitstein (archs); Herschel E. Shepard (restoration/historic preservation); & Gaston de Zarraga (engr), pres'd schematic designs & model. C Mgr introduced Police Maj. Konrad VonEiff as Project Coordinator/ Dev. for City. Plans accepted,; imdt. demo- lition of Neron Hotel front wall w/supe ing structure, auth'd. See summary for CITY -HALL 40 Date .(Cont' d) 11/9/83 addnl pts raised during discussion re.: I -8C 1. Use of pistol range; 2. Structural soundness of old city hall; 3. Use of solar energy for project; 4. Lighting techniques for project, as well as all mun. bldgs.; and 5. Constr. of covered walkway bet. police sta. & ct. facility. Mayor Fromberg urged Admin wk. w/archs/engrs to expedite dev. & constr. of facilities. Model of Justice facility to be pld. in C Mgr's off. reception area. (see ARCHITECTS & ENGRS., JUSTICE CENTER) CITY HALL Date 10/17/84 R -7A 1/23/85 C -2F 41 Memo 679-84, Res. 84-17896 adopted, approv- ing RFP 157-84 (for the development of old City Hall) and auth'g Admin. to solicit pro- posals for developers to develop, construct, finance, oper., and lease old City Hall in order to provide a mixed-use commercial com- plex containing offices, mun. court facili- ties, the City's radio communication equip. ctr., retail facilities, restaurants, and other uses. Memo 31-85, rejection of RFP 157-84, tor the development, constr., financing, (and- d oper. of leasing rts. for old City CITY HALL Date 1/23/85 C-20 F 42 (Cont'd) responsive to specifications). Admin. requested auth. to seek proposals for sale/ lease -back of old City Hall; referred to Mayor's Ad Hoc Economic Development Council for review/evaluation of alts. proposed, w/rep./recommendation to be placed on 2/6/85 agenda. Allen Fuller of Fuller & Feingold, rep'g Beach Intl., Inc., submitted list of reasons Admin. should be instructed to negotiate agreement w/his w/mtg. records). (see FINANCING, MAYOR'S AD DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL) client (filed SALE/LEASE-BACK HOC ECONOMIC RALL bate -2/6/85 R-8D 3/6/85 R -8C 43 Memo 58.85, rejection of 2015 84-157 for the development, constr., financing, & oper.'of leasing rts. for old City Hall. as non- responsive; approved. Admin. to rebid. (see SALE/LEASE-BACK FINANCING) Memo 169-85, activation of constr./rehab. bid for old City Hall. Per Admin., Comm. approved option on 1/23/85 police headquar- ter and pkg. structure Bid 186-84 w/Frank J. Rooney, Inc. (item #2 - rehab of old City Hall as the Dade Co. Ct. Facility, police communication ctr., and addnl office & re- tail sp.), and awarded bid item #3 - com- CITY HALL bate 3/6/85 R -8C 3/5/86 R-11114 44 (Cont'd) bined base bid for items 1 (old City Hall renovation) and 2 - to Frank J. Rooney, Inc. Admin. to study feasibility of leasing or sale/lease-back of Old City Hall once const. completed. (see JUSTICE CENTER, METRO DADE CO., SALE/LEASE-BACK FINANCING) Project Coordinator advised projected com- pletion date on Justice Ctr. is end of July or Aug.; & on Old City Hall renovation, approx. 90-120 days later. Insp. Goddard responded to inquiry on cost of expanding gun range. (see JUSTICE CENTER) CITY HALL Date 2/4/87 R -11D 45 Mgr. advised Justice Ctr. & Old City Hall renovation complete except for punch -list items; & that bldg. dedications anticipated for 3/26/87. (see JUSTICE CENTER)