City Manager_November 1979 to January 1981CITY MANAGER (continued) consideration deferred to 12/5/79. 69 Date 11/21/79 Request of Arnold Leon to discuss the removal of 1/7/81 C. Mgr., deferred to 1/21/81 at request of Mr. Leon, to be 1st item of bus. if possible. (see "L" MISCELLANEOUS) Mr. Arnold Leon appeared to discuss removal of 1/21/81 C. Mgr. & complained about various C. emps., procedures, & Comm. actions. It was suggested that if he knew of any wrongdoings, he submit his allegations to the State Att.'s Off. (see "L" MISCELLANEOUS) CITY MANAGER 70 Date Comm. Wikler expressed dissatisfaction w/Admin., 4/1/81 the expenditures it was recommending, & the lack of services in the City, & advised of his lack of confidence in the City Manager. Comm. Daoud expressed dissatisfaction w/Admin. & 6/3/81 stated that he will request, on 6/17/81 agenda, that C. Mgr. be asked for his resignation. Request of Comm. Alex Daoud for the resignation of 6/17/81 the C. Mgr., deferred to 7/8/81 at request of Comm. Daoud. CITY MANAGE1. 71 Date Request of Comm. Alex Daoud for the resignation of 7/8/81 the C. Mgr., withdrawn by Cogan. Daoud due to lack of full Comm., to be rescheduled by Comm. Daoud at appropriate time. Mrs. Benita Argos & Mr. Harry Plissner appeared & 5/5/82 expressed dissatisfaction w/City Mgr's procedure req'g indivs. requesting appearance bef. Comm. to first pres. matter to member of his staff for rev. & evaluation. C. Mgr. advised that this was a restatement of Comm./Admin. long—standing policy re. agenda plmnt. (see AGENDA) Comm. approved Admin. procedure of req'g staff 5/lyn, rev, of n}q.tters which indvs, hpve requested to CrTY'MANAGER 72 (Cont'd) Date be pld. on agenda, bef. same are pres'd. for Comm. 5/19/82 consideration. Mrs. Gabrielle Nash -Tessler spoke in opposition to procedure. C. Atty rendered opinion that procedure is reasonable and w/in con- cept of Dade Co. Cits. Bill of Rts. which gives every cit. rt. to be heard bef. C. Comm. w/in accommodations of orderly conduct of bus. (see AGENDA) Gabrielle Nash -Tessler requested that C. Mgr. set 6/2/82 aside every Tues. aft., 2:00 - 5:00 to hear from cits. desiring to be heard re. requests for agenda consideration. VM Eisenberg suggested she discuss matter w/Admin. (see AGENDA) CITY MANAGER Discussion of C. Mgr. salary effective after 7/19/82, not reached — def. to 7/21/82. (see CITY MANAGER — PARKINS, ROB W.) Date 7/7/82 Discussion re. salary for C. Mgr. Ord. amdg. 9/1/82 Unclassified Salary Ord. No. 1605, est'g. $55,000 ann. compensation rate for classification of C. Mgr., passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading sheduled for 9/15/82 commencing at 2 p.m. (see SALARIES) CITY MANMEA 74 Date ti 9/1/82 Mrs. Mildred Falk & Mr. Harry Plissner appeared & expressed opposition to policy of admin. rev. of items indivs. have requested to be pld. on Comm. agendas. (see AGENDA) 9/15/82 Ord. amdg. Unclassified Salary Ord. 1605, fixing the rate of compensation for C Mgr. Hrg held & concluded. Ord. 82-2338 adopted, effective 9/1/82. (see SALARIES) 5/2/84 Memo 272-84, Res. 84-17727 adopted, auth'g R -7A the incumbent C Mgr (pres. Rob W. Parkins) to perform acts and execute provisions necessary for City to receive grant payt fr. (Cont'd on next card) G '�Y MANAGER 75 Date (Cont'd) 5/2/84 Environmental Protection Agency for Sanitary R -7A Sewer improvements to transmit sewage to be treated at Virginia Key. (see U.S. GOVT., SEWAGE DISPOSAL & TREATMENT) 7/24/85 Memo 454-85, Mgr. auth. to award necessary R -8D agreements (essential contrs. &/or Cony. Ctr./TOPA leases) dur. Aug. (Comm. vaca- tion), w/rep. to Comm. in Sept. 11/20/85 Comr. Singer rev. 11/5/85 memo fr. Personnel R -11G Dir. to Mgr re. salaries of local govt. ch. exec. offs./ch. assts. & attys./ch. assts. Mgr's salary incr'd. to $77,500 ann. Appro- CY'fY MANAGER Date (Cont'd) 11/20/85 priate reqd ord. to be submitted. (see R -11G SALARIES) 76 12/18/85 Comr. Resnick expressed dissatisfaction with R -11I City progress, prob. solving, and attainment of goals; proposed Comm. give Mgr 60 days to dev. concrete methods and solutions to deal w/probs. Statements made by other Comrs. refuting Comr. Resnick's comments, citing progress has been made. No action taken. 9/3/86 Discussion re. reviewing the performance of R -9C the Mgr in accordance w/guideli es of the Intl. Assoc. of C Mgrs; def. to 917/86. CITY MANAGER 77 Date 9/17/86 Discussion re implementation of Mgr. evalua- R-9B tion in accord w/guidelines of Intl Assn. of C Mgrs.; def. to 10/1/86. 10/1/86 Implementation of rev. of the perf. & pro - R -9A ductivity of the Mgr. in accordance w/guide- lines of Intl. Assn. of C Mgrs; approved (to be an on-going process). Subcom. est. (Daoud, Arkin, Resnick, Shockett) to det. criteria and rep. back. 10/15/86 Mgr evaluation criteria/recommendations; R -9A def. to 11/5/86. CITY MANAGER 78 Date 11/5/86 Written rep. on recommended criteria & pro - R -9A cedure for perf. evaluation of Mgr; for info only. 11/19/86 Criteria for perf. evaluation of Mgr; def. R -9A 12/4/86 Evaluation of Mgr. Written rep. to be sub - R -9A mitted 1/21/87, evaluation to be conducted 2/4/87 (to become an annl. process). Literature recd. fr. Natl. Assoc. of City Mgrs. to be made available to Comm. to learn how other cities are coping w/problems. CITY MANACtrk Date 2/4/87 Mgr's evaluation rep. submitted; evaluation R -8D to be conducted 2/18/87. 79