City Manager's Office_March 1977 to July 1982CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE (continued) absence of City Manager, the week of April 3 thru April 10, 1977, approved. 3/16/77 Memo #6591, designation of City official to 11/16/77 execute functions of City Manager's office in absence of City Manager. Designation of Mr. Donald F. Harney approved. S Date C. Mgr's policy re. requests for agenda considera- 7/21/82 tion. Abe Marcus read ltr. delivered to C. Mgr. alleging that C. Atty. advised him that Admin's policy req'g. prior screening of cits. to req. agenda placement was unconstitutional; furthermore, he CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 6 (Cont'd) Date wanted to be pld. on agenda to discuss this policy 7/21/82 & the appt. of William Finkelstein to. Housing Auth He requested to be heard on these matters at this time. C. Atty advised that as he had informed Mr. Marcus, cits' rts. are subj. to reasonable restrictions for the orderly conduct of business. He further advised that Housing Auth. appts. are w/in Mayor's jurisdiction. (see "M" MISC., AGENDA) Procedure for cits. to request agenda considera- 8/18/82 tion. Abe Marcus pres'd. his 8/17/82 ltr. to Comrs., stated he disagreed w/C. Atty's opinion that procedure is legal, & requested that Comm. reconsider matter at 2 p.m. Mayor Ciment stated CITY MANAGER'S'OFFICE - 7 (Cont'd) Date that repeated discussion of policy is counter- 8/18/82 productive & that Mr. Marcus either abide by procedure or seek legal redress. Mr. Marcus advised that matter has already been ref. to Legal Com. of Am. Civ. Liberties Union for evaluation. (see "M" MISCELLANEOUS, AGENDA)