City Manager-Renshaw, Claude_February to April 1984AgNSHAW CLAUDE Ci7'Y MANAGER 1 Data 2/1/84 Mayor Fromberg announced that Claude Renshaw R -11C passed away this week (served from 1925 to 1958 as City's 1st City Manager) and on behalf of the citizens, extended sympathies to his family. 4/19/84 Memo 244-84, request of Plaques & Memorial R --8E Com. for a plaque dedication in memory of Claude Renshaw. Request approved, w/under- standing this will not be only tribute con- sidered; cost of plaque, mailing invita- tions, & ceremony to be approx. $1,000, to be appropriated fr. City Hall Bond Fund. (see PLAQUES & MEMORIALS/COMMITTEE) Date 1%23/85 dial Hert2 pres'd request for area to be des-- R -7g ignated for placement of privately -funded pedestal Claude Renshaw monument. Res. 85- 17978 adopted, designating 24" (2') of sp. on top step of front entrance to City Hall (facing Conv. Ctr. Dr.) bet. 2 ctr. posts, for placement. Mayor Fromberg suggested Adm. & Comm. Plaques & Memorials Committee be involved in the monument design & placement. (see PLAQUES & MEMORIAL COMMITTEE) 3/6/85 Res. 85-18039 ado�ted, amdg above res. to R -9H provide thatte y accept the gift of the ROIMat Ci.AU15 CTIYAWalk bate (Cont' d) 3/6/85 Claude Renshaw' monument, to be pld. in a PAH prominent pl. w/in City, mutually agreed upon by donor & Adm. Comr. Singer suggested Comm. Plaques & Memorial Com. be abolished or its composition/membership chg'd to avoid future allegations that decisions are made by only 2 mems. of CPMC. No opposition expressed to Mayor Fromberg's suggestion that CPMC be converted to a 7 mem. Ad Hoc com., w/membership to incl. (in addn. to 2 Comm. mems.) 5 pvt. sector reps., to be apptd. by the Mayor. (see PLAQUES & MEMORIAL COMMITTEE) ENS AW, CLAUDE - CITY MANAGER Date 5/7/86 Placement of Claude Renshaw Monument; def. R-9E to 5/21/86. (see PLAQUES & MEM. COM.) 4