City Operated Nursing Home_November 1972CITY OPERATED NURSING HOME
Meeting Date
Following presentation of the request for
a City -operated nursing home from Harry
Plissner, Councilman Magnes requested City
Atty. to immediately request an opinion from
State of Fla. Atty. Gen'l. whether such an
operation falls within the purview of City;
request to be made in his name,; and asked
City Mgr. to schedule subject as an agenda item
when answer is received.
Mr. Plissner to be notified of agenda scheduling.11/15/72
Councilman Weinstein asked City Mgr. to study
matter and give his recommendation as soon as
he can.
Meeting Date
With respect to City Atty's. oral opinion to
effect that after a review of City's Charter and
related laws, it would take a great stretch of
imagination to say City was authorized to operate
a nursing home, Councilman Weinstein asked that
City Atty. render a written opinion to Council as
to City's jurisdiction to get into an operation of
this nature. 11/15/72