City Physician_October 1973 to November 1980CITY PHYSICIAN Meeting Date Res. 73-14166 adopted, amending agreement with City Physician, to increase yearly salary from $17,600 to $22,500. 10/17/73 Res. #78-15606 adopted, authorizing agreement 4/19/78 with Dr. Leo Grossman, for services as City Physician, for 5 -yr. period beginning 7/10/78, ending 7/10/83, with compensation to be $25,000 per annum. Memo 8538, contract w/H. J. Ross Associates ex- 11/5/80 tended under terms of addl. servs. to provide plans & specs. for remodeling & enlargement of Fire Sta. #2 to accommodate City Physician & en- largement of paramedical facilities; estimated CITY PHYSICIAN 10 (cont'd.) Date cost $11,700, to be funded by Wk. Orders No. 2597 11/5/80 & 2807. (see ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS, FIRE DEPART- MENT & FIRE STATIONS) Memo 662-82, City Phys. contr. ext. Res. 82-17153 10/6/82 adopted, auth'g. execution of amdt. to agreement w/Dr. Leo Grossman for perf. of duties as City Phys. for addnl. per. of 5 yrs. & 3 mo., term - 7/11/83 thru 9/30/88 w/compensation to be incr'd. fr. $25,000 per annum to $35,000, effective 10/1/82. Res. 82-17154 adopted, auth'g. execution of Admt. to Agreement w/Dr. Leo Grossman for perf. of duties as consultant & coordinator to City's program providing for emergency med. servs. by Fire Rescue Div. for addnl. 5 yrs. & 3 mo. per., term - 7/11/82 thru CITY PHYSTCIA14 Date 10/6/82 11 (Cont'd) 9/30/88, w/compensation remaining unchanged at rate of $10,000 per annum. 11/20/85 M4671-85, R485-18289 adopted, auth. C -4I( execution of amdt. to agreement w/Dr. Leo Grossman as City Phys. for addnl. 2 yrs. expiring 9/30/90, w/comp. incr. fr. $35,000 to $45,000 per annum (payable in eq. bi- weekly amts.) effective 12/1/85. R#85-18290 adopted, auth. execution of amdt. to agreement w/Dr. Leo Grossman as consultant & coordinator for Fire Rescue emer. med. svcs. for addnl. 2 yrs. expiring 9/300/990 w/comp. incr. fr. 10,000 to CITY PHYSIC/AN 12 Date (Cont'd) 11/20/85 annum (payable in eq. bi-weekly amts.) C -4R effective 12/1/85. (see FIRE DEPT. & FIRE STATIONS) 6/18/86 Mgr advised of $5,000 contrib. fr. Steven R -11C Paul Ross in memory of Dr. Leo Grossman; to train 6 Fire Fighters as Paramedics. (see FIRE DEPT.) 6/18/86 Mgr advised that Adm. is considering an RFP R -11D for employee med. svcs. in lieu of full-time staff City Phys.; decision to be made w/in 30 days; matter to be pl'd on agenda for discussion bef. decision finalized.