City PsychiatristCITY PSYCHIATRIST Also see: PSYCHOLOGICAL/PSYCHIATRIC CONSULTANT SERVICES (CONTRACTS). 1 CITY PSYCHIATRIST 1- A Date Request of Commissioner Mel Mendelson for con- 2/787 sideration of contract with Dr. Philip Greenberg, Psychaitrist, M.D. Deferred to 2/20/80. Com- missioner Falk advised she will submit pertinent questions for inclusion in agenda package. Res. #80-16199 adopted, authorizing execution 2/20/80 of agreement with Dr. Philip Greenberg for services as a consulting psychiatrist for C.M.B. at an annual salary of $25,000 begin- ning 1/1/80. Memo 8631, Res. 80-16489 adopted; authorizing 12/3/80 execution of agreement with Dr. Philip Greenberg for services as a consulting psychiatrist for CITY PSYCHIATRIST 2 (Cont'd) Date CMB at an annual salary of $25,000 beginning 12/3/80 1/1/81 through 12/31/82. Memo 787-82, res. auth'g. execution of agreement 12/15/82 w/Dr. Philip Greenberg for servs. as a Consulting Psychiatrist for CMB for 2 -yr. per. effective 1/1/83, at rate of $30,000/yr. Action def. to aft. session pending rect. of addnl. info re. hrs. wk'd.no. of employees treated, cost of supplies, source of funding, ownership of equipment used, supervision, etc. (NOTE: item not reached during aft. session - def. to 12/17/82 cont'd. mtg.) Memo 787-82, res. auth'g. execution of agreement w/Dr. Philip Greenberg for servs. as a Consult- roilu- -bate (Cont'd) 12/17/82 ing Psychiatrist for CMS; not reached r clef. to 1/5/83.- 1/5/83 Memo 787-82, Res. 83-17229 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement as amd'd (deleting §2a.) w/Dr. Philip Greenberg for servs. as Consulting Psychiatrist for CMB for 2 -yr. per., effective 1/1/83, at rate of $30,000 per yr. 3/6/85 Memo 163-85, Res. 85-18030 adopted, auth'g C -4D agreement w/Philip Greenberg, M.D. for servs. as a consulting psychiatrist for CMB; dr. to maintain, at his expense, $500,000 CITY . PS'YCHIAT ST 4 Date (Cont'd) 1/6/8S- min.-med."nâ–șalpractice or similar pro.- -C=415 ro.-C-4D physicians' liability ins, naming City as addnl. insured, as required. (see PSYCHO- LOGICAL/PSYCHIATRIC CONSULTANT SERVICES (CONTRACTS) CITY PSYCHOLOGIST 5._ Date Memo #7683, employment of a full-time con- 9/5/79 suiting psychologist. Transfer of $25,000 from Contingency Fund for purpose of employ- ing a licensed psychologist authorized. City Mgr. to negotiate contract and submit same to City Commission for ratification.