City-Owned Property & for Sale_November 1981CITY -OPINED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE For all entries after 11/25/81 regarding theater, see: COLONY THEATER. CITY -OWNED PROPERTY and/ FOR SALE (continued) sale of property may not be co -mingled in General Fund; further, that a determination must first be made as to whether particular properties are no longer needed and which may be declared to be surplus. Administration directed to review and submit report and recommendations. Discussion of possible sale of City -owned land that could be considered surplus, with proceeds to be used for construction of New Police Station. Requested by Councilman Hal Spaet. Deferred to 6/1/77 for full Council. 7 Date 6/16/76 5/18/77 C-OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE 8 Date List of City-owned properties, for information 12/3/80 only. Memo 8834, M.B. Comm. Mental Health Ctr., lease of 3/4/81 City facility, 36th St. & Collins Ave. Admin's rec. that prior to any further use of this facility, Admin. be authorized to refer subj. propt. to Planning Bd. & Planning Div. for rev. & consideration of alt. uses, approved. Any Condl. Uses to be considered by Planning Bd. & subsequent hearings scheduled as to appropriate use of facility & propt. (see PLANNING COMMISSION, MENTAL HEALTH, BUDGET ADV. COMM., 1981-82 BUDGET, DRUG REHABILITATION PROGRAM) CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE 9 Date Memo 8903, rep. on C. Admin. & Planning Bd. action 3/18/81 regarding Wofford House', 4221 Pinetree Drive. Admin's rec. that Comm. approve use of Wofford House for recreational purposes & authorize C. Admin. to take necessary steps to obtain bids for future use of bldg, approved. Admin. was requested to proceed expeditiously. Att. Gerald Schwartz appeared in support of request of Jewish Comm. Ctr. of S. FL for use of propt. (see PLANNING COMMISSION, M.B. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER) Bids for use of City -owned bldg. at 4221 Pinetree 5/20/81 Drive. Att. Gerald K. Schwartz, Chm - MB Jewish Comm. Ctr., requested Comm. action on their bid CITY-OWNED PROPERTY AND VOR SALE 10 (Cont'd) Date for use of the 4221 Pinetree Drive bldg. for 5/20/81 adult and children's activities, so their planning/ implementation process can begin. The Exec. Assist. to the C. Mgr. gave an oral rep. of bids rcvd., advising that there had not been sufficient time to analyze the JCC bid; furthermore, that the 2 parts of their proposal having to do w/rental rate & ins. had been omitted. He recommended that the Admin. be authorized to negotiate a final pro- posal w/JCC for presentation to Comm. C. Att. gave opinion that Comm. could either reject the bids rcvd. as not meeting specs. (1 was incomplete & other arrived aft. submission deadline), or do nothing & allow the Admin. to negotiate w/JCC. Admin. was authorized to negotiate agreement CTT' -OWNED PROPERTY AND (Cont'd) terms w/JCC & place the (6/3/81, if poss.) for C FOR SALE item omm. consideration. 11 Date on future agenda 5/20/81 (see MIAMI BEACH JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER) Memo 9065, Res. 81-16678 adopted, authorizing 6/3/81 execution of agreement w/Jewish Comm. Ctrs. of So. FL, Inc. for lease of City -owned propt. located at 4221 Pine Tree Drive, MB, FL, for 1 yr. at $1 per year, w/yearly options for renewal, subj. to Condl. Use approval by Planning Comm. & subsequent approval by Comm. (lease not to be executed until aft. (6/17/81); facilities to be used as a rec. comm. ctr. (see PLANNING COMMISSION, MB JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER) CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE 12 Date Request of Rabbi Abraham Korf, Fla. Friends of 9/16/81 Lubavitch, to discuss the issue of leasing the Colony Theater; scheduled on 10/14/81. (COLONY TH.) Request of Rabbi Abraham Korf, Fla. Friends of 10/15/81 Lubavitch, to discuss "issue of leasing Colony Theater". Rabbi Korf appeared & presented request to lease Theater for $1/yr., to present acculturation activities for newly -arrived immi- grants & sr. cit. programs. Asst. C. Mgr. Hal Cohen advised of Admin's efforts to compile list of prospective groups to provide cultural events in Theater, & stated that they are not ready to make a recommendation. Admin. directed to meet w/all int'd. gps, & submit recommendation for CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE 13 (Cont'd) Date use of prop. within 1 mo. (see COLONY THEATER) 10/15/81 Comm. Daoud requested Admin. to submit a rep. & 11/25/81 recommendation on proposed use of Colony Theater, a.s.ap. C. Mgr. advised he will have a status rep. for 12/2/81 mtg. Mayor Ciment advised that he had requested from Admin. a complete listing of pres. uses of all City -owned prop. (see COLONY THEATER) **For all entries after 11/25/81 regarding theater, see: COLONY THEATER. CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND ?OR SALE 14 Date Request of Andrew W. Capitman, Chm. Art Deco Week- 12/16/81 end Com., for authorization for use of City -owned property on Ocean Drive for placement of antique booths and food stands during 1/15-17/82 event, at no charge. Request approved; Miami Design Preservation League/Com. responsible for clean-up, etc. (see MIAMI DESIGN PRESERVATION LEAGUE, ART DECO, SIGNS, POLICE DEPARTMENT) C. Mgr. gave brief status rep. of study being con- 1/6/82 ducted of all City -owned prop. in effort to ins. that best & most valuable use is made of ea. parcel, & advised that rep. would be forthcoming in 4-6 wks. He further adva,sed that pyt. developers CITY—OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE 15 (Cont'd) Date have expressed int, in purchasing 36th St. & Collins 1/6/8 Ave. prop., & he had recd, Requests for Proposals from prospective buyers of old City Hall prop. Mayor Ciment suggested that Admin, investigate possibility of bldg. addl. facilities on 42nd St. & Pinetree Dr. prop, to house activities for all age groups, to be funded from proceeds of City props. which might be sold. Memo 51-82, Planning Bd, recommendation on use of 1/20/82 City—owned Operation Reentry Facility, 36th St. & Collins Ave.; not reached — deferred to 2/3/82. CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE 16 Date Memo 51-82, Planning Bd. recommendation on use of 2/3/82 Operation Re-entry Facility. Planning Bd's recommendation that City prepare RFP's for re -use of City -owned props. at 36th St. & Collins Ave. (Oper. Re-entry site) & 3516-3530 Collins Ave., endorsed. Memo 252-82, Art Deco Development Corp. proposal 4/21/82 for old City Hall. Andrew W. Capitman, Dir. - Art Deco Dev. Corp., appeared & explained their proposal for use of bldg. Admin's recommendation that 1)City enter into an agreement joining w/ADDCO in pursuing an Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) & 2)Admin. be auth. to concurrently rebid project w/extensive CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE .17 (Cont'd) Date advertising to secure addnl. alt. proposals should 4/21/82 ADDCO not be successful in obtaining grant, approved. Mayor Ciment suggested that in ready., Admin. make known that prop. may have UDAG grant att. & int'd parties could submit proposals contingent upon grant approval (appropriate wording to be formulated by C. Att's office to insure legality of adv.). Admin. to det. time limit on ADDCO's right of 1st refusal on competitor's bid after rect. of notification on UDAG application. (see CITY HALL, URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT) Res. auth'g. C. Mgr. to obtain appraisals & commence 5/5/. negotiations for sale of City -owned props. at 4221 Pine Tree Dr. & 3602 Collins Ave., not reached - CITY -OWNED PROPERTYAND FOR SALE 18 (Cont'd) Date deferred to 5/19/82. 5/5/82 Memo 48-83, Ojus prop. proposals, def. to 2/2/83, 1/19/83 per request of Comr. Singer. (see CITY DUMP) Comments by Harry Plissner on sale of mun.-owned 2/2/83 prop. Mr. Plissner appeared & supported his pro- posal that the City explore declaring Isl. View prop., Bayshore Pk. pipe storage area, Pub. Props. nursery & maintenance shop, Brittany Bay, & Ojus as surplus props. & sell them. C. Mgr. was requested to rev. ea. proposal & rep. to Comm. bef. 2/16/83 mtg. (see "P" MISC., CITY DUMP, ISLAND VIEW HOSPITAL PROP., BRITTANY BAY PROP.) Rev. Memo 4843-A; jp.Vop. oroposih:- Reps of proposed Child's' World -Theme Pk. appeared & urged Comm. auth. Admin. to negotiate terms of development w/their gp., no action taken; to be pld. on 2/16/83 agenda. Admin. to attempt to expedite completion of appraisals (auth'd 1/5/83) of prop. to ins. City will rec. fair mkt. rental value under proposed long-term lease. (see CITY DUMP) CITY-OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE 20 Date 3/2/83 Res. 83-17283 adopted permitting Paramount R-7A Pics. Corp. to film TV pilot "Feeling the Heat" in Old City Hall; they provide liab. ins., absorb all costs & lease "as is". Comm. Daoud suggested publicity. (see TELEVISION SERIES, MOVIE PRODUCTIONS, CITY HALL, PUBLICITY) 3/2/83 Memo 114-83, Admin's rec'dation approved for R-8B proposed use of Isl. View Hosp. Prop. as "passive" muni. pk. (18th & Purdy). Comm. Weinstein suggested Adm. try provide more pkg. NOTE: On 9/27/83 Plan. Bd. aprvd a minor site Tan amdt. per memo/drwg dtd 10/6/83 from Plan. Dir. (see ISLAND VIEW HOSPITAL PROPERTY, PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS) CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE 21 Date Comm. Daoud adv. that M.B. Jaycees Inc. are int. 3/2/83 in using Operation Re -Entry facilities(3602 Collins Ave.) in exchange for management of it when used by other civic organizations. Russell Galbut, V.P., M.B. Jaycees explained offer. C. Atty. directed to research if any restrictions & draft lease for Comm. consideration. C. Mgr. directed to submit rep. & recommend. at 3/16/83 mtg. as to use or sale of this & other City -owned properties. (see MIAMI BEACH JAYCEES, INC.) CITY-OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE 22 Date 3/16/83 Memo 177-83 and C. Atty. Memo 184-83 R-8A (Operation Re-Entry property/3602 Collins Ave.). Admin. auth. to neg. terms of mgmt. agreement w/Jaycees Sc submit report & recommendation for 4/6/83 agenda. Admin. to obtain appraisals, report, recommend on highest & best use of property. C. Atty. will prepare res. auth. change of public pur- pose of Publ. Improve. Bds. sold to acquire site for 4/6/83 meeting. (see BONDS, MIAMI BEACH JAYCEES, INC.) C11 Y OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE 22 Date 3/16/83 Harry Plissner appeared/rev'd. var. rec'dations R-9A including Advantages of selling var. City properties, Comm. Dr. Haber urged C. Mgr. meet w/Mr. Plissner and consider above suggestions. (see DOCTORS ON AMBULANCES, MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL, NURSING HOMES, "P" MISCELLANEOUS) CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE Date 4/6/83 Memo 220-83, Res. 83-17309A adopted, auth. R -SD rev. permit (to move hedge 10' closer to street on pub. right-of-way & install fence behind it w/10 days'notice & other restrictions) to M/M Allen Yarkin, 114 3rd Terr., San Marino Is. Atty. Cliff Schulman presented petition by neighbors, photos, & letter from David Plummer & Assoc. Inc. (see SAN MARINO ISLAND) 24 R8F 25 Memo 258-43, -1eagiri f Ci(Avried vacant prop. - to Reliable --Inc. • Res. S3 -173 Z5 -adopted, auth g lease agreement w/Reliable Inc. for use of prop. on NE corner of 4th St. & Alton Rd (Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Ocean Bch Addn. No. 3 Resubdiv.) for purpose of storing rental vehicles for 1 yr. per. commencing w/execution of Agreement, w/renewal option; mo. rental -$420; Lessor to provide ins. as required in Agreement. 13ate• -571a3 ` Memo 294.43; Ojus property -proposaf R-SF Child's World Theme Park (Frank Guarino). Adm's. rec'dation approved desig. Child's World Theme Pk. as pref'd. devel. for City's Ojus prop. Proposal incorps. devel. of movie indus. into So. Fla., new jobs, & family-oriented tourist attraction. C. Mgr. auth. to neg. long-term lease agmt., make rept. & rec'dation. City will accept $50,000 good faith dep. offered. Reps. of proposed devel. appeared. Reps. of Adler Group, Inc. (one of other 4 int. devels.) appeared/alleged proposal did not comply w/req'ments of RFP. C. Atty. advised procedure was not improper. (see CITY DUMP, MOVIE PRODUCTIONS) crey-bvis?r-ry-Pto i2ryANbi -1011`'S t 27 _ -5 1- Memo 320-83,- mgt. agreement w/MB Jaycees for R8G former Oper. Re -Entry Bldg. & for sub. of pub. purpose in the 1974 Community Facility Bonds orig. intended for the purpose of acquiring, developing & constructing the Oper. Re -Entry Bldg. Res. 83-17350 adopted, amdg. Res's 73-14220 and 74-14263 to sub. pub. purpose of bonds to provide a facility for govt., civic, ed., scientific, cultural, & charitable orgs., incl'g City, to enrich the lives of cits. & visitors to city. Res. 83-17351 adopted, granting Jaycees rt. to oper. Oper. Re -Entry Facility #2 at 3602 Collins Ave. for 5 -yr. term fr. 5/17/83 to 5/16/88 w/180 -day cancellation provision; CITY-OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE Date 5117/83 Jaycees to oper. & maintain facilities for comm. R-8G serv., civic, ed., scientific, cultural, & charitable programs and purposes. (see BOND ISSUES - $6,900,000 - 11/6/73 ELECTION, MB JAYCEES) 7/20/83 Request of Harry Holtzman of Reliable Auto R-IA Leasing & Rentals to disc. "...purchasing City Prop., Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Ocean Beach Add. No. 3 ...". Memo 493-83. Set for 9/7/83 at 11:45 A.M. Time Certain. 7/20/83 Res. 83-17429 adopted, auth. extension from R-72, 7/20/83 - 9/21/83 certain limitations in lease/ 28 CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE Date (Cont'd) MIT/83 R -7B 29 agreement for private development bet. City & Reynolds Construction Co., pending receipt of 1) letter holding City harmless if developer fails to obtain funding by 12/31/83, 2) stronger commitment of their financial participation in site prep. costs, and 3) commitment to bidding on Conv. Ctr. expansion/hotel construction. Comr. Fromberg reiterated request that RCC provide Comm. w/copy of their Laventhal & Horwath feasibility study. He also requested Adm., in interim, develop analysis of types of financing available for alternative facility so RFP can be sent out immed. if RCC does not submit required info by 9/21/83. NOTE: CITY-OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE 30 Date (Cont'dj -iW83 During discussion, C Mgr advised that deadline for R-7B submission of proposals for Conv. Ctr. expansion/hotel had been extended to 12/1/83, however he planned to extend it again until after the first of the year. (see AIR RIGHTS, CIVIC & CONVENTION CTR. MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN, CONVENTION CTR COMPLEX) 9/7/83 Memo 493-83, request of Harry Holtzman of R -3D Reliable Auto Leasing & Rentals, to discuss purchasing City prop. (Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Ocean Bch. Addn. No. 3). Admin. recommended Planning Dept. review request & forward its findings and CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE 31 Date (Cont'd) 9/7/83 recommendations to the Planning Bd. C Atty R -3D & C Mgr to review comments & quests raised by Comm. as to declaring property surplus, taking of bids, preparation of RFP's, solicitation of appraisers, etc. and prepared opinion, procedure, etc., so final recommendation can be pres'd to Comm. at an early date. (see "H" MISC., PLANNING COMMISSION) 9/21/83 C Atty Memo 601-83, procedure for sale of R -7F City -owned prop. in Redevelopment Area NJ 'OS 30 S2is0 'WW00 HSIMSf aas) 'bite p,guoo £8/6/TT og -gap - pagoeaz you 'wezbozd gexnueg0 JO; £8/Ii/ZT uo 'dozd pauMo-A4t0 queoen quaoeCpe go asn zog (-aa aazs auid TZZt) :q -mo0 gsTMar g1„I Aq gsanbaz 'E8 -'TL ouiaw VS -0 £8/Z/TT (ALHadOOld O SSVHOHnd QSSOd02Id aas) •snidzns 'dozd butzeToap gou) ATuo sTesiezdde go uoigegtotTos b,ggne 'Pagdope T8I7LT-£8 'sail 'PU uogTY aL u 'gS ggp go zauzoa as uo pageooT sgoT gueaen £8/TZ/6 (P1guoD) aqua Z£ AaVs Io-QN WIE40U4_aRNMQ-MMI3 CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SATE 33 Date 11/9/83 Memo 714-83, request by MBJCC for use of two C -5A vacant City -owned lots @ 4221 Pine Tree Dr. on 12/4/83 fr. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. for a Chanukah program, approved. Program to be sponsored by JCC & Chabad House; sponsors to provide required insurance coverage. (see JEWISH COMM. CTRS. OF SO. FLORIDA) 12/21/83 Res. 83-17605 adopted as amd'd, auth'g C Mgr R -7F & C Atty to negotiate a sale to the MB Housing Auth. of municipally -owned prop. (all or portion of old police sta. site prop. as may be required) for purpose of constructing no less than 60 units of family CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE Date (Cont'd) 12/21/83 pub. housing. (see HOUSING AUTHORITY, R -7F HOUSING - LOW COST) 34 12/21/83 Memo 844-83, proposal by MB JCC Family Ctr R -8C for the development of a mini -park on mun.- owned prop. on Pine Tree Dr. Mr. Schwartz appeared & pres'd proposal. Referred to Planning Bd. to conduct pub. hrg. & submit recommendation for Comm. consideration. (see JEWISH COMMUNITY CTR., PLANNING COMM.) 1/18/84 Memo 35-84, subj. before Planning Bd. for C -7A 1/24/84 mtg. - Hrg. on Jewish Comm. Ctrs. of So. FL request to create a mini -park on