Civic & Convention Center Master Development Plan_January 1982CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 57 Date Res. to appropriate $10,000 from 1973 Conv. Ctr. 1/6/82 Bond Fund Acct. to pay City's & condemnee's expert witness fees, atts. fees, & costs for condemnation of parcel of land completing Conv. Ctr. Complex which was subj. of case 74-6260 CA 10 , CMB vs. Broida & Horowitz as pers. reps. Mrs. Edith Broida appeared & requested opportunity to address Comm. Item deferred to 1/20/82 at 10:45 a.m. at request of C. Att. (see PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY) Atts' fees for CMB vs. Broida & Horowitz. Mrs. 1/6/82 Edith Broida appeared & requested opportunity to address Comm. Item deferred to 1/20/82 at 10:45 a.m. at request of C, Att, (see PROPOSED CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 58 (Cont'd) Date PURCHASE OF PROPERTY) 1/6/82 C. Att. explained basis for request for passage of 1/20/82 res. to appropriate $10,000 from 1973 Conv. Ctr. Bond Fund Acct. to pay City's and Condemnee's expert witness fees, attys' fees, & costs for condemnation of parcel of land completing Conv. Ctr. Complex which was subj. of Cs. #74-6260 CA 10 "CMB vs. Broida & Horowitz as personal reps." (1931 Meridian Ave. prop., north 50' of Lot 1 & portion of bridle path east of same, less west 3', B1. 7-A, Golf Course Sub.). Mrs. Edith Broida appeared, giving recap of actions relating to litigation. She ques'd. legality of use of bond funds for purposes requested by C. Att. C. Att. advised of oral opinion from bond counsel as to legality. CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 59 (CONT'D) Date Comm. deferred action pending rect. of written 1/20/82 opinion from bond counsel that action requested by C. Att. was legal. Mrs. Broida also mentioned settlement offer she made to C. Att., which C. Att. indicated was being reviewed. (see PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY) Memo 106-82, rejection of Bid 145-82, rehabilita- 2/17/82 tion/restoration of the 21st St. Comm. Ctr. During discussion Admin. directed to rev. & submit recom- mendation re. proposed development of Dade Canal along northern boundary of Conv. Ctr. Complex. (see COMMUNITY CENTERS, ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS) CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 60 Date Res. to appropriate $5,141.50 from 1973 Conv. Ctr. 3/3/82 Bond Fund acct. to pay City's atts. fees & costs for condemnation of land parcel completing Conv. Ctr. Complex which was subj. of cs. of "CMB vs. Broida & Horowitz as personal reps" (1931 Meridian Ave.). Mrs. Edith Broida submitted copy of 2/5/82 letter to her from St. Att. Gen. Jim Smith re. propriety of use of bond funds for expenses in eminent domain actions. opinion of City's bond counsel, to bond funds may be used for legal & pmt. of legal Comm. rev'd. effect that City's expert witness fees in connection with eminent domain proceedings. Res. 82-16941 adopted. (see PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY) CIVIC & CONVENTION'CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 61 Date C. Att. Memo 212-82, Res. 82-16973 adopted, to 4/6/82 appropriate $15,753.44 from 1973 Conv. Ctr. Bond Fund Acct. to pay $10,000 in City's att. fees & costs and $5,753.44 fees & costs of arch. Philip Solomon for condemnation of 1931 Meridian Ave. prop. [No. 50' of Lot 1 & portion of bridle path east of same, less west 3', B1. 7-A, Golf Course Subdiv.] completing Conv. Ctr. Complex (CMB vs. Broida & Horowitz as personal reps.). (see PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY, CONDEMNATIONS) Mayor Ciment gave oral rep. of negotiations w/Reynolds G/�Z Const. Co. for const. of proposed hotel/trade mart in `` Conv. Ctr. Complex area. He advised that mtg. of Admin, & Ad Hoc Econ, tidy, Coni, w/reps. of CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER"DEVELOPMENT PLAN 62 (Cont'd) Date Reynolds Const. Co. & Solel Boneh Intl. Gp. of Cos., 4/6/82 had been scheduled for Mon., 4/12/82 at 1 p.m. as to the negotiations. He invited Comm. to attend. Comrs. Fromberg & Daoud expressed dissatisfaction w/delay & suggested est. of deadline by which negotiations must be completed & contr. signed or pres. Ad Hoc Com. would be disbanded & either new com. apptd. or negotiations be taken over by Admin. Later in mtg., Comr. Fromberg requested placement of item re: reevaluation of Ad Hoc Econ. Adv. Com. on 4/21/82 agenda. (see MERCHANDISE MART, ECONOMIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE, AD HOC) C. Att. Memo 247-82, re. auth. to hire sp. coun- 4/21M2 sel to rev. & finalize lang. of lease & agreement w/R.ernolds Cpnstructipn Co. for leasing of air CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 63 (Cont'd) Date rights in Conv. Ctr. Complex for pvt. development 4/21/82 of hotel & trade mart. Res. 82-16986 adopted auth'g. C. Att. to hire Morris Rosenberg; auth'g payt. of att. fees from Contingency Fund at $150/hr. rate not to exceed $5,000. Prior to res. adoption, Mayor Ciment gave rep. of recent mtg. w/RCC reps. & advised that final draft of proposed agreement will be rec'd. & distr'd. to Comrs, in very near fut. Comm. con- curred in his request that another Comm. be auth. to participate in negotiations w/RCC; Comm. Eisenberg so designated. (see MERCHANDISE MART) `CTVTC & "CONVENTTOWCENTER'MASTER DEVELORr'IENT "LAN -64- Date •64 -Date Sandy Youkilis, Planning & Mgt. Coordinator, 5/5/82 appeared & pres'd. charts detailing pertinent as- pects of Reynolds Const. Co. proposal for leasing air rights for constr. of hotel/trade mart in Conv. Ctr. Complex area. Members of Comm. commended Mayor, Comrs., members of Admin., Ad Hoc Econ. Adv. Com., Ch. Dep. C. Att., & Sp. Counsel Morris Rosenberg for their efforts in negotiating proposed project. Att. Rosenberg appeared & responded to ques's posed by Comm. Res. 82-17004 adopted, auth'g. execution of Lease & Agreement for Pvt. Development of hotel complex/retail complex (trade mart)/office complex w/Reynolds Const. Co.; lease initial term - 49 yrs. During discussion, Comr. Weinstein suggested that Att. Rosenberg discuss 5?/RCC suggestions offered CT C_& CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 65 (Cont'd) Date by Comm. in effort to incorporate them into amdt., 5/5/82 if possible. (see AIR RIGHTS, ECONOMIC ADV. COM., AD HOC, MERCHANDISE MART) Rev. Memo 149-82, Comm. Pkg. Com. rep. Admin di- 5/5/82 rected to examine Lincoln Rd./Washington Ave. cm'. dist., considering impact of proposed Reynolds Const. Co. project, so available Metered Pkg. Syst. funding can be properly allocated among areas where addnl. pkg. facilities will have to be provided during const. C. Mgr. asked that Com. meet a.s.a.p. to examine RCC project needs as to staging & pkg. Comr. Fromberg requested that C. Mgr. advise Mrs. Mildred Falk of any fut. mtgs. re. this matter. (see LIN?OLN ROAD MALI, 'ANG SYSTEM, (Cent' d) CIVIC & CONVENTION "CENTER "MASTER 1DEVELOPMENT `PLAN .66 (Cont'd) Date MERCHANDISE MART, PARKING COMMITTEE) 5/5/82 Request of Gabrielle Nash -Tessler to discuss 21st 5/19/82 St. Rec. Ctr. Complex. Mrs. Tessler requested that item be deferred to Time Certain on 6/16/82 for full Comm. Discussion held. Matter deferred pending Admin's further rev. of appropriate overall use of prop., to be rescheduled by Mgr. as expeditiously as possible. Mrs. Barbara Brooks to be notified when item is rescheduled. (see "T" MISCELLANEOUS, COMMUNITY CENTERS, HOUSING & COM. DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974, COM. DEVELOPMENT ADV. BD.) CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER 67 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Date 5/4/83 Res. 83-17339 adopted, auth. exten. of certain R-9 F limitations in lease & agmt. w/Reynolds Const. Co. from 5/12/83 through 6/1/83. Comm. Dr. Haber asked that rep. of Reynolds give progress rept. at 6/1/83 mtg. & ans. questions. (see AIR RIGHTS, MERCHANDISE MART) CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER 68 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Date 6/1/83 Reynolds Constr. Co. request for extension of R8G time for their financial commitment. Messrs. Alan M. Berman (atty), Schmuel Erner (Exec. V- Pres), & Michael Jeremitsky (arch), rep'g RCC, appeared & requested, 1) extension for securing constr. funding through 12/31/83; & 2) deletion of portion of RFP for Conv. Ctr. expansion re constr. of 800-rm. hotel over air rts. Discussion held. Res. 83-17371 adopted, auth'g extension fr. 6/2/83 - 7/20/83. C Mgr/C Atty to negotiate concessions w/RCC per suggestions offered during discussion. Bid opening date for proposed Conv. Ctr. expansion �rY &:ONIVENTION:CENTEAtrtit LO_MtNT PLAN • •15177-767-7—It'd 6/1183 project, amd`d to 7115/83. Comr. Fromberg R8G requested RCC provide Comm. w/copies of their Laventhol & Horwath feasibility study. (see MERCHANDISE MART, AIR RIGHTS) 69 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER 70 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Date 7/20/83 Res. 83-17429 adopted, auth. extension from R-7B 7/20/83 through 9/21/83 certain limitations in lease/agreement for private development betw. City & Reynolds Construction Co., pending receipt of 1) letter holding City harmless if developer fails to obtain funding by 12/31/83, 2) stronger commitment of their financial participation in site prep. costs, and 3) commitment to bidding on Cony. Ctr. expansion/hotel construction. Comm. Fromber& reiterated request that RCC provide Commission with copy of their Laventhal & Horwath feasibility study. He also requested Adm., in interim, develop analysis of types of CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Date (continued) 7/20/83 financing available for alternative facility so RFP R -7B can be sent out immed. if RCC does not submit required info by 9/21/83. NOTE: During discussion, C. Mgr. advised that deadline for submission of proposals for Cony. Ctr.expansion/hotel had been extended to 12/1/83, however he planned to extend it again until after the first of the year. (see AIR RIGHTS, CITY - OWNED PROPERTY & FOR SALE, CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX) 71 C3yY & OOVV4NT IA ` VTO : M ST 72 DEVttOP NT' PLAN Date 9/21/83 R -8E 11/16/83 R -8C Memo 628-83, for pvt. development. Res. 83-17484 adopted, auth'g the extension of Conv. Ctr. Hotel Complex lease agreement fr. 7/20/83 thru 12/31/83, of certain limitations set forth in the lease and agreement for pvt. development bet. CMB & Reynolds Construction Co., & auth'g Mayor & City Clerk to execute same. (see MERCHANDISE MART, AIR RIGHTS) Memo 757-83, Conv. Ctr. exp. & Conv. Ctr. hotel request for proposal (RFP). Admin. recommended that Comm. auth. Mgr to notify CiV3L "` CdN9N YWNTEA' "i" '13 bEVEtOPMENT-PLAN Date (Cont'd) 11/16/83 prospective bidders that proposals due in R-8C Dec., be cancelled & to proceed w/develop- ment of a new RFP after a decision is made re. Reynolds Constr. Co.; any new RFP's to be brought bef. Comm. bef. bg. released for pub. hrg.; and that Mgr be given auth. to solicit proposal for arch. & engrg. servs. for expansion of Cony. Center itself, approved. Comr. Singer & Mayor Fromberg suggested Admin. obtain servs. of outside consultant & contractors fr. community to form an ad hoc com. to assist in drafting new RFP. Mgr advised Shmuel Erner, Exec. VP CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER 74 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Date (Cont'd) 11/16/83 of Reynolds Constr. Co., has requested a mtg R -8C w/City officials on 11/28/83. (see CONV. CTR. COMPLEX) 1/18/84 C Atty Memo 55-84, recommendation on offer R -10B of settlement of condemnation Case #74-6260, CMB v. Estate of Maurice Horowitz. C Atty recommended settlement in amt. of $500,000. Ms. Edith Broida, atty of record for prop. owners, stated she would not settle suit for less than $500,000. City's trial counsel Norman Malinski reviewed bases for his recommending $450,000 settlement offer. CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER 75 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Date (Cont'd) 1/18/84 Discussion held. Comm. approved $500,000 R-108 settlement offer as recommended by C Atty. (see CONDEMNATIONS, SUITS BROUGHT BY THE CITY) 4/4/84 Memo 196-84, incr. in Work Order 2871 to C -5B complete the purchase of the Horowitz Property. Admin. recommended appropriation of $350,000 fr. 1973 Conv. Ctr. Complex Bond Fund #335; approved. Any unexpended funds to be returned to Bond Fund when Work Order CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER 76 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Date (Cont'd) 4/4/84 is closed out. (see $11,550,000 BOND ISSUE, C -5B CONDEMNATIONS) 7/11/84 C Atty Memo 443-84A, litigation status up - R -10C date. Rep. on fol. case submitted for info only; no action required or taken: 1. CMB v. Estate of Maurice Horowitz (1931 Meridian Ave. prop.) - settled; title held by City. (see CITY ATTORNEY - LITIGATION UPDATES, CONDEMNATIONS) CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTED 77 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Date 9/19/84 Memo 597-84, subjs. to be considered by C -7A Planning Bd. - 9/25/84 (for info only): Hrgs: 1) Admin's request to chg. zoning of 1931 Meridian Av fr. MU to CCC, and 2) Admin's request to amd pkg. requirements in CCC District. (see PLANNING COMM., ZONING) 10/17/84 Memo 685-84, Res. 84-17901 adopted, calling R -8F hrg. for 12/5/84 @ 3 p.m. to consider Planning Bd's recommendation to amd. Zoning Ord. 1891 to exclude prop. located at 1931 Meridian Ave. fr. MU District and incl. same in CCC District. (see PLANNING COMM., ZONING) CIV/C & CONVVW XOW MOO I 1 MAS Eri 78 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Date 12/19/84 Memo 838-84, Ord. passed on 1st reading amdg R -5A Zoning Ord. 1891 & maps attached thereto by excluding a certain parcel of land (1931 Meridian Ave.) fr. MU Mun. Use Dist. and incl'g same in the CCC Cony. Ctr. Dist. hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 1/16/85 at 2 p.m. (see ZONING)