Civic & Convention Center Master Development Plan_November to December 1966CIVIC S. CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Book Page City Mgr. to furnish Council with recommendations re. civic -cultural - Convention Center Complex, and list of architects. 11-23-66 51 187 City Mgr.'s recommendations re. Civic - Cultural -Convention Center Complex approved and authorization given to proceed; also authorized to negotiate with Gilbert Fein for contract for Cony. Hall expansion, etc., contract to be submitted to Council. 11-30-66 51 225 Convention Hall expansion items, etc. deferred to next meeting. 12-15-66 51 266 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLANPa e g Financial consultant proposals for Civic Center Complex deferred to 1/4/67 meeting. 12-21-66 51 281 Council authorized City Mgr. to negotiate contract with Victor Gruen Assoc. re. urban design consultant for Civic Center Complex. 1-4-67 51 312 City Mgr. authorized to negotiate contract with firms of R.W. Pressprich & Co., Inc. and Goodbody & Co. for submission to Council, for Financial Consultant Proposal for Civic Center Complex. 1-4-67 51 314 CIVIC 8. CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Book Res. #12030 authorizing execution of contract with Urban Design Consultants in connection with contemplated Civic Cultural Convention Center Complex. 1-18-67 51 343 Res. #12031 authorizing execution of agreement and disbursement of funds re. contract for financial consultants - financing proposed Civic Cultural Convention Center Complex. 1-18-67 51 343 Action deferred on institution of parking fee in area behind the Conv. Hall pending total complex development. 2-1-67 51 364 S.Z. Bennett authorized to proceed with off-street parkin g land acquisitions (Merid4a9_8ye.) 51 Page 525 3 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Page Victor Gruen & Associates indicates that proposed exhibit hall addition to north of Conv. Hall will not have adverse effect on plans for Civic Center Complex. 4-7-67 51 534 Res. #12107 authorizing purchase of Lots 6 and 7, Block 7, Amended Golf Course Subdiv. (southeast cor. of 19th St. and Meridian Ave.) from Gertrude C. and E. Shannon Bradfield, for $150,000 for Meridian Ave. off-street parking project. 5-3-601 51 568 Res. #12108 authorizing purchase of 66.9 feet of Block 7A of Amended Golf Course Subdiv. (northeast cor. of 19th St. & Merid ian Ave.) from Elizabeth Markoth Book 4 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENTBPLAukN Page5 (contd) for $81,750, for Meridian Ave, off-street parking project. 5-3- 1/7 51 569 City Mgr. to notify Victor Gruen & Assoc. of findings of work schedule reviews on Civic Center Complex. 7-19-67 52 124 Res. #12180 authorizing payment to S.Z. Bennett in connection with services as negotiator for cities acquisition of land re. Civic -Cultural Center (Meridian Ave.) 7-19-67 52 129 Progress report re. property on Meridian Ave. in vicinity of 19 St. 9-20-67 52 303 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 6. BOOK PAGE Res. 12247 adopted authorizing purchase of Lot 4, Blk. 22, together with strip known as Bridle Path from Joseph & Charlotte Burns for $60,000; & authorizing payment of $1,200.00 to S.Z.Bennett (1727 Meridian Ave.) 10-4-67 Res. 12248 adopted authorizing purchase of S. 25', Lot 8 & N. 37'—z', Lot 7, Blk. 22 & Bridle Path for $76,500, S.Z.Bennett's fee of $1,530 (1755 Meridian Ave.) 10-4-67 Res. 12249 adopted authorizing purchase of Lots 3,4,5, Blk. 7 & Bridle Path for $181,000 & S.Z.Bennett's fee of $3,620.00. (1817-33 Meridian Ave.) 10-4-67 52 314 52 317 52 318 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN J 000K PAGE Res. #12250 authorizing purchase of Lots 5 & 6, S. 122 of 8, S. 372 of 9, Bik. 22 & Bridle Path for $204,000 & S.Z.Bennett's fee of $4,080 (1733, 1741 and 1765 Meridian Ave.). 10-4-67 52 319 Res. #12346 authorizing contract and maximum expenditure of $15,000 for Victor Gruen services to develop a financial program for implementation of Civic and Convention Center plan, funds to be appropriated from Contingency Fund, later reimbursed from Resort Tax. 2-7-68 52 539 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 8 BUCK PAGE Res. #12358 formally authorizing contract execu- tion with Victor Gruen to develop financial pro- gram for implementation of Civic Center -Conven- tion Center plan. 2-21-68 53 27 Res. #12446 adopted amending existing agreement with R. W. Pressprich & Co. Incorporated (Civic Center financial consultant) to reflect name change to The Pressprich Corporation. 6-5-68 53 228 Resolution #12499 requesting The Pressprich Corp. to submit proposal re. methods of financing improvements to Hall & construction of Theater of Performing Arts, etc. 8-21-68 53 354 CIVIC-& CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN g u0OK PAGE Pressprich Corporation proposal re. methods of financing improvements to Convention Hall, construction of Theater of Performing Arts, etc., deferred to October 9, 1968. 9-18-68 53 448 Consideration of proposals from Pressprich Corp. & Victor Gruen & Assoc. re. financing improve- ments to Convention Hall deferred to November 13, 1968 pending meeting with these companies' re- presentatives. 10-9-68 53 475 City Manager and City Attorney to take steps for preparation of resolutions, etc., to get �I_VIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 10 BOOK PAGE underway recommendations of Victor Gruen and financial consultants on expansion of Convention Hall including Theater of Performing Arts; also to go to New York City to consult with bond attorneys. Ernest Silverman expressed disap- proval of certain cultural groups at their not being part of committee re. proposed Theater of Performing Arts. Councilman Seiderman expressed intent in future to submit resolution for for- mation of Committee on above Theater. 12-4-68 54 38 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 11 ----------- - Book Page Weinstein requested City Mgr. to schedule for 4/16/69, consideration, thru international competition, employment of architect for completion of Cony. Hall & Theatre of Perf.Arts. 4/2/69 54 327 Councilman Weinstein requested City Mgr. to submit recommendations on 7/16/69 re. Gruen report on Civic Center expansion as authorized in report submitted,& Existing financial proposals to fund recommendations of Gruen report. RES.13519 adopted authorizing bonds for roadways $1,500,000. 2/2/72 6/18/69 55 5 /— CtVI� t CONVCNTION CENTER MASTCR bCVELOPMENT PLAN —12, Meeting City Mgr. authorized to negotiate with Mr. John Beyer on costs of updating Civic & Convention Center Plan report previously given to Council in 1967 and to report back to council. 12/20/72 Discussion of proposals submitted by Mr. John Beyer for updating Plan scheduled for adjourned session, to be held on Wed., 2/14/73 at 2 P.M. 2/7/73 RES. 73a.13901A adopted, authorizing employment of Wilbur Smith & Assoc. to make study re: Civic & Convention Center Updated Plan, Traffic Study, Phase 1A, at fee not over $3,000. Appropriation of $4,000 authorized from Metered Parking System Surplus Funds. 2/7/73 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 13_ Meeting Dai Proposal dated 1/30/73 from Mr. Beyer of Beyer, Blinder & Belle, and Larry Smith Company,Inc. to Mr. Beyer as to the economic feasibility study for Merchandise Mart, etc. were dis- cussed and model of the Complex was examined during the course of discussion. 2/14/73 City Council approved Mgr's recommendation that these firms be employed--Cost of the Byeer proposal $30,000; cost of Smith proposal $13,000. As. .*Iq3-/31(r,- a4 2/14/73 In addition Council approved expenditure not to exceed $10,000 to cover an economic feasibility study for an arena or sports coliseum (separate study) to be conducted by Beyer, CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 14 Meeting Day Blinder and Belle if determined to be necessary. 2/14/73 Councilman Goodman's suggestion that if the City of Miami is contemplating a similar coliseum it should be taken into considera- tion and the Council should be apprised of it immediately so that the present commitment for the study could be cancelled or could be pursued, depending on the circumstances, was made a part of the motion of approval. 2/14/73 Council agreed to conduct a workshop session on 3/14/73 at 2:00 p.m. at which time Mr. Beyer will be present and will review the City's plans with the business community. 2/14/73 CIVIC . CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 14A Date Workshop held, Mr. Beyer's report and meeting 3/14/73 with business community not reached. City Mgr. to set another date. CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 15 Meeting Date Governmental Center Site Selection and Preliminary Report on status of updated plan for Civic Center : presentation by Mr. John Beyer. Add'l. reports to be made as work progresses. Appearance by John Beyer, consultant for Conven. Denter Complex study. 1. Site selection for new gov't. center bldg. approved as recommended. Proposed convention center hotel market study, and letter from Beyer, Blinder & Belle, consultant deferred to 9/19/73 meeting. 4/18/73 6/6/73 9/5/73 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 15A Date Proposed Cony. Center Hotel Market Study. Letter from Beyer, Blinder & Belle. Deferred at request of City Mgr. To be rescheduled when Mr. John Beyer is in City. 9/19/73 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 16 Meeting Date Res. 73-14217 adopted re: N. 50 Lot 1, Block 7A amended Golf Cs. Sub. Plat Bk.6,Pg.26, authorizing City Atty. to start condemnation proceedings Re: acquisition of property.., together with 30'strip of easterly property line known as "Bridle Path" 12/12/73 Res. 73-14217 adopted, authorizing City Atty. to institute condemnation proceedings re: acquisition of property for purpose of cpmpleting Civic Convention Center Complex Land Plan (Question 3, 2/20/73 bond ballot.) 12/12/73 Lot 2, Block 7A Amended Golf Course Sub. Plat Bk.6, Pg. 26, public records of Dade County and 30'strip on Easterly property line known as Bridle Path. Same as above. 12/12/73 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENTGPILA�rq Dalt Councdlman Weinstein.requested Administration to expe i e report on easibility of air rights, in Lincoln Lane area (in conjunction with the develop- ment of Convention Hall Complex) and in other areas of City, to be presented at either a regular meet- ing or a workshop session so that the Council may consider various alternatives and act. 1/23/74 Presentation by Mr. John Beyer re: pedestrian walkway system for Civic Center Complex presented. 3/20/74 Memo 4520- Recommended retention of John Beyer as special planning consultant not reached. Deferred to May 1, 1974. 4/17/74 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 17A Date Master Development Plan approved as presented. Approved in concept, extension of professional services agreement and authorized Administration to negotiate a formal agreement. Mayor Hall requested Mr. Beyer to consider some plan to improve appearance of rooftop of Convention Center facility. 2/7/74 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 18 Meeting Date Memo 45)11- Apprppriation $165,000 for land- scaping of Convention Hall wraparound approved. Adminis. recommend. :appropriate from$l2 million bond issue for Civic Center complex roads and landscaping, approved. 5/1/74 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVaIOPMENT PLAN 19 Meeting Day Memo #4659, authorizing execution of agreement 7/10/74 with firm of Beyer, Blinder & Belle for co- ordination & design service for Civic & Con- vention Center Complex, deferred to July 17, 1974 meeting. Res. 74-14423 adopted authorizing execution of 7/17/74 agreement with firm of Beyer, Blinder & Belle for Coordination and Design Service for Civic & Conv. Center Complex. In response to Councilman Meyerson's request that models for Complex be displayed CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 20 Meeting Date 7/17/74 aantty9opsytobe wreoCitslanfor development of area, City Manager advised that Admini- stration is pursuing idea and is considering exhibiting same on Lincoln Rd. Mall. Status report presented by Mr. John Beyer re: Master Civic & Cony. Center Complex Development Plan. 7/17/74 Request for Council Workshop on 2/20/75, to 2/5/75 hear Status Report from Mr. John Beyer, of Beyer, Blinder & Belle, on development plans for Cenvention Center Complex. Workshop scheduled for 2/18/75, at 4:00 p.m., in CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 21 (coned) Date Conv. Hall Conference Room. 2/5/75 Consideration of selecting a consultant to assist City Mgr. in writing specifications for Air Rights proposals for hotels over City -owned property. City Mgr. recommended retention of Mr. Guy R. Ramsey, of Hudgins, Thompson, Ball & Assoc., at a fee not to exceed $15,000. Council deferred action to March 12, 1975. Admin. requested to confer with City's consultant, Mr. John Beyer, for his opinion and references. City Mqr. advised that Mr. Beyer will be present at March 12, 1975 meeting. 2/27/75 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 22 Date Authorizing City Mgr. to make application to Internal Improvement Board for permit to con- struct bridge over Collins Canal at Prairie Ave., for Civic Center, B-45. (To be sub- mitted) Res. #75-14654 adopted. 3/12/75 Mr. John Beyer of Beyer, Blinder & Belle presented updated Master Development Plan for Conv. Center Complex. 3/12/75 Approve hiring the firm of Hodgins, Thompson, Ball & Assoc., to assist in drafting Air Rights specifications for hotel on Conv. Center site. Res. #75-14657 adopted, authorizing exe- cution of contract, at a fee not to exceed 15,000. 3/12/75 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 23 Date Authorization for Mr. John Beyer to proceed to Design Development Phase of Civic & Con- vention Center Complex, approved. 3/12/75 Extending current contract with Beyer,Blinder and Belle for 1 yr to act as Coordinator for implementation of Conv. Center Plan. Res. #75-14658 adopted, extending current contract for 1 yr, at the agreed fee of $50,000.00. 3/12/75 Approve moving forward with the design and construction of the Meridian Ave. Garage and authorize the City Mgr. to negotiate with the contractual architect on this pro- ject, Grove/Haack-B.B.A., for a revised fee. CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 24 (cont'd) Date City Mgr. will proceed. Council action unnecessary. 3/12/75 Authorize employment of Reynolds Securities, Inc., as fiscal agent and Mr. John Trimble as legal counsel to proceed with preparation of resolution to issue $10 MILLION RESORT TAX BOND ISSUE ($5 Million to be sold in 1975 and $5 Million to be sold in 1976). Councilman Spaet's motion for a public hearing failed of passage. Res. #75-14659 adopted. 3/12/75 Authorize hiring of Wilbur Smith & Assoc., to update financial status report on revenue generating capacity of New Parking Facilities CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 25 (cont'd) Date necessary prior to the sale of next Metered Parking System Bond Issue. Res. #75-14660 adopted, authorizing hiring of Wilbur Smith & Assoc, at a fee not to exceed $5,000.00. 3/12/75 Memo #5140, scheduling of public hearing re: 5/7/75 elevated walkway crossings over public streets - Convention Center area. Public hearing scheduled for June 18, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. Authorizing issuance of $10 Million Excise Tax 5/7/75 Bonds, Series 1975, to finance construction and acquisition of additions, extensions and improvements CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 26 (cont'd) Date to Civic and Convention Center Complex and Theatre of Performing Arts. This implements Council ap- proval of 3/12/75. Withdrawn by City Manager. 5/7/75 Memo #5141 Phase One- Walkways for Lincoln Lane West Parking Garage. Withdrawn by City Mqr. Resolution authorizing issuance of $10 M Excise 6/4/75 Tax Bonds, series 1975, to finance construction and acquisition of additions, extensions and im- provements to Civic & Convention Center & Theatre of Performing Arts deferred to June 18, 1975 for full council. 5/7/75 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 27 Date Res. #75-14745, adopted, authorizing issuance of 6/18/75 $10M Excise Tax Bonds, Series 1975, to finance construction and acquisition of additions, ex- tensions and improvements to the Civic and Con- vention Center, and Theatre of Performing Arts, (deferred from 6/4/75). Hearing conducted re proposal for con- struction of elevated pedestrian walkways in vicinity of Civic Center complex and concluded. Motion to reject proposal fails of passage. Motion to approve elevated pedestrian walkway system approved 6/18/75 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 28 Date Discussion of moving forward with walkways 11/19/75 for 17th St Parking Garage, connector into Burdine's and crossing 17th St, to be funded by Metered Parking System. Not reached. De- ferred to 12/10/75 meeting. Memo #5401 sub- mitted and filed. Memo #5401, discussion of moving forward with Walkways for 17th St. Parking Garage connector into Burdine's and crossing 17th St., to be funded by Metered Parking System, withdrawn by City Mqr. Admin. requested to notify Mrs. Falk when matter will be placed on agenda in future. 12/11/75