Civic & convention Center Master Development Plan_July to August 1976CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN. 29 Date Authorization to extend contract with Beyer, 7/21/76 Blinder and Belle, deferred to Aug. 4, 176. Councilman Dr. Wikler requested an itemized report as to all services rendered by Mr. Beyer under his contracts and remuneration he received, and what services he will be per- forming under proposed new contract. Mayor Rosen requested Admin. to invite Mr. Beyer to be present at next meeting. Mr. Beyer appeared and reviewed scope of work 8/4/76 to be performed by him under proposed contract. Res. #76=15105 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement with Beyer -Blinder -Belle for a 1 yr. period, at a fee of $25,000, agreement to be CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 30 Date placed in proper form by City Attorney. 8/4/76 Memo #5836. ,0,20-C-8‘44.30 Mr. Beyer recommended Convention Center Complex 9/1/76 site for location of stadium. Vice Mayor Haber and Councilman Spaet presented Committee report and recommendations. Based on recommendations, public hearing called for 9/15/76 at 3:30 p.m. to advise public as to proposal for development of a 6,000 seat tennis stadium in Conv. Center Complex area immediately east of new City Hall, and utilization of roof area of Conv. Hall as a site for a 40 -unit tennis court complex. City Mgr. instructed to develop full report on CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 30-A Date Selection of hotel developer and requested 8/4/76 authorization to enter into negotiations with developer for construction of hotel on Site 3 at Convention Center. City Mgr. authorized to proceed with negotiations with consortium comprised of Blake Construction Co., City Financial Corp. and International Diversified Construction Corp. Requested authorization to hire real estate 8/4/76 consultant/negotiator to represent City in negotiations with hotel developer. Res #76-15108 adopted, authorizing employment of firm of Cushman & Wakefield to represent City in negotiations with hotel developer, CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 30-B (continued) Date at a fee not to exceed $10,000, to be funded from Unclassified Acct. No. 2931 - Studies & Reports. Council voted that City Mgr's Hotel Technical Advisory Committee continue as a review body in development of this project. 8/4/76 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 31 (continued) Date feasibility, expected revenues, expected expenses of operation of tennis stadium and associated tennis complex, how project would be financed, etc. 9/1/76 Enlargement of plan for Cony. Center Complex 9/1/76 to include International Exhibition Park. Re- quested by Councilman Dr. Simon Wikler. Pre- sentation made. City Mgr. and staff to evaluate and report. Councilman Weinstein requests Administration 9/7/76 -BH to expedite plans for air rights, leasing hotel, merchandise mart, in order to create additional income sources. (Pages 15,16) CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 32, Date Report of Hotel Advisory Committee re: selec- 11/3/76 tion of developer for a hotel and merchandise mart on Site #2. Deferred per City Manager's request, inasmuch as Committee is not prepared to render report at this time. City Mgr. re- quested to notify all members of Council when future meetings are to be held so those who can may attend. Councilman Spaet also requested that the Council be notified of any unusual happenings in the City prior to the Council's learning of such items through the media. Hearing held and concluded. Res. #76-15180 11/3/76 adopted, authorizing issuance, validation and subsequent sale of $3,000,000 Excise Tax CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 43 (continued) Date Wikler requested that Administration determine the competitive and counterproductive aspects of existing and planned projects of similar facilities located in Dade County. 1/17/79 Memo #7741, consultant selection - Hotel Trade 9/19/79 Mart. Administration authorized to negotiate a contract with Howard, Needles, Tammen, Bergendorf for Commission approval. (See Merchandise Mart) Memo #8014, a resolution of City Commission of 2/6/80 C.M.B. Fla., authorizing execution of a con- tract with Howard, Needles, Tammen, Bergendoff, as consultant for a Hotel/Trade Mart Study. CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 44 (cont i nue'd) Date Deferred to Feb. 20, 1980, per request of City Atty. (See Merchandise Mart) 2/6/80 Memo #8014, Res. #80-16191 adopted, authorizing 2/20/80 execution of an agreement with Howard Needles Tammen Bergendoff for consultant services in conjunction with development of a Hotel/Mer- chandise Mart. (See Merchandise Mart) Memo #8051, current financial condition of C.M.B., (deferred from 2/20/80). City Mgr. reviewed report and advised that shortly he will submit specific recommendations as to possible budget amendments which may be 3/5/80 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 45 (continued) Date required. Commissioner Weinstein suggested that Administration seek other sources of revenue and expedite development of a hotel/trade mart which could generate more revenue to City. (See Fire Dept., Metro Dade Co., 1979-1980 Budget) 3/5/80 Request of Mayor Murray Meyerson for discussion 5/7/80 of overhead walkways as proposed in Civic Center Master Plan. Not reached - deferred to 5/21780. Request of Mayor Murray Meyerson for discussion 5/21/80 of overhead walkways as proposed in Civic Center Master Plan (deferred from 5/7/80). Mayor Meyerson CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN -..46 (continued) Date requested that City Commission go on record in resolution form, advising interested developers and entrepreneurs that City is interested in going forward with development of Convention Center Complex, Hotel/Trade Mart, and completion of complex, and indicating to Administration its desire that plans for this project be reviewed as to feasibility, funding, etc., and to report to Commission at an early date. (Transcript to be furnished by City Clerk to affected depart- ments) Res. #80-16292 adopted, directing Admini- stration to pursue revival of plans, etc., as indicated by Mayor. Commissioner Friedman 5/21/80 CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 47 DATE Mayor Meyerson urged the Admin. to step-up the 11/19/80 process relating to Requests for Proposals for the Conv. Ctr. Hotel; he also requested each mem. of the Comm. to submit to him, the names of 3 persons for apmt. to an Ad Hoc Economic Advis. Com. w/members of the Comm. invited to sit w/the Com. to work w/the Admin. in the matter of the Conv. Ctr. Hotel. Admin. to advise all members of City Comm. of all meetings the Comm. will hold. C. Mgr. gave brief rep. re. Hotel/Merchandise 1/7/81 Mart feasibility study & advised that bid invitations were being prepared. Comm. requested Admin. to expedite. (see MERCHANDISE MART) CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 48 Date C. Mgr. & Mayor advised that Requests for Propos- 3/3/81 als for Cony. Ctr. Complex Hotel/Trade Mart had been mailed to developers & would be advertised. (see MERCHANDISE MART) Request of Comm. Mildred Falk for discussion of 4/15/81 perimeters of proposal for Intl. Medical Trade Mart on MB & potential of wrkshp in future. Comm. Falk & Exec. Assist. to C. Mgr., Frank Cerabone gave oral reps. of preliminary developments on proposal. Rober L. Weneck, IMT V. Pres. & Dir. of Mktg. appeared, distributed Operational Plan & other documentation, & reviewed proposal, requesting that City 1) extend 90 -day exclusive option on CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 49 (Cont'd) Date portion of land designated for hotel/trade mart 4/15/81 facilities, during which time IMT would attempt to secure $500,000 needed to introduce & promote project, and 2) upon obtaining initial funding, extend 1 -yr. exclusive option for IMT to obtain commitments frm. users. Admin. & C. Att. were directed to meet w/Messrs. Weneck & Richard E. Connolly of Financial Design Group, to determine legal restrictions on the proposal conditions, & to submit a rep. & recs. at 5/6/81 mtg. Mayor Meyerson suggested that if conditions can be met, Admin. consider introducing proponents to developers of the proposed 1,000-rm. hotel. (see MERCHANDISE MART) CIVIC"&'CONVENTIONCENTER'' MASTER` DEVELOPMENT PLAN 50 Date Memo 8999, res. creating & designating an Ad Hoc 5/6/81 Econ.Adv. Com. for the rev. of Development proposals for the Conv. Hotel Complex; providing for its membership & limited term of serv.; & its juris- diction, duties & responsibilities. Discussion held; action deferred to 5/20/81. Commissioners to submit to C. Mgr., names of nominees interested in serving on Com. During discussion, C. Att. advised that since this is an ad hoc short-term com. persons presently serving on other City bds. would be eligible to also serve on this committee. (see MERCHANDISE MART, ECONOMIC ADVISORY COM., AD HOC) CIVIC &' CONVENTION •CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 51 Date Oral presentation regarding proposed Intl. Medical 5/6/81 Trademart. Exec. Assist. to C. Mgr. gave oral status report. No action taken. (see MERCHANDISE MART) Memo 9044, res. 81-16668 adopted, as amended 5/20/81 creating & designating an Ad Hoc Economic Adv. Com. for rev. of development proposals for Conv. Hotel/Trade Mart Complex; providing for its membership & limited term of serv.; & its jurisdiction, duties & responsibilities; providing for appointment of 9 -mem. com. by C. Mgr. (instead of Comm.); term to commence w/receipt of development proposals & terminate upon developer selection. (see ECONOMIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE, AD HOC, MERCHAN- DISE MART) CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER "MASTER 'DEVELOPMENT "PLAN •52 Date Memo 9103, Planning Bd. recommendation regarding 6/17/81 approval of Garden Ctr. Plan & Use of 4.5 acre site under requirements of Conv. Ctr. (CCC) Dist. Required public hearing scheduled for 7/15/81 at 3 p.m. (see GARDEN CENTER AND CONSERVATORY, PLANNING :COFIMI S S ION) Res. 81-16731 adopted, authorizing appropriation 8/21/81 of $300,000 from 1973 $1,250,000 Conv. Ctr. Bond Issue, Ser. 3 Bond Funds, for payment of condemnation award to Edith Broida, et al, for acquisition of 1931 Meridian Ave. prop. (No. 50' of Lot 1 and portion of bridle path east of same, less west 3', Blk 7-A, Golf Course Sub.), the last parcel req'd for completion of Civic & Conv. Ctr. (runt I d\ CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 53 (Cont'd) Date Master Dev. Plan; & $35,000 for City's costs. 8/21/81 C. Att. advised that when Court has determined costs and fees to be reimbursed to former owners, they will be submitted to Comm. for approval. (see PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY, $11,550,000 BOND ISSUES [SEVERAL PURPOSES] FEB. 20, 1973) C. Mgr. gave status rep. of interest expressed in 9/2/81 construction of a hotel/trade mart over air rights in Conv. Ctr. Complex, advising that of the 5 companies that issued letters of intent in April, only Reynolds Constr. Corp. of New York has evidenced a continuing interest in the proposed project. He further advised that Reynolds had requested that a workshop be held to provide them an opportunity to CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 54 (Cont'd) Date make their presentation bef. the Comm., & he 9/2/81 suggested Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1981, at 2 p.m. Workshop scheduled as recommended. The Admin. was directed to notify Reynolds Constr. Corp., as well as members of the Ad Hoc Econ. Adv. Com., bankers, leading hotel people, and area merchants and property owners, of the workshop schedule so they may hear the presentation and offer input. NOTE: At the Sept. 3, 1981, Budget Hearing, the C. Mgr. advised that Reynolds Constr. Corp. had requested that the workshop be scheduled at 10 a.m. (instead of 2 p.m.) on Sept. 15, 1981; schedule revision approved. (see MERCHANDISE MART, AIR RIGHTS, WORK - SHOP SESSIONS, AD HOC ECONOMIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE) CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 55 Date C. Mgr. advised that the prospective developer of 9/3/81 hotel/trade mart project (Reynolds Construction Corp.) had requested a change in time for workshop mtg. scheduled for Tues., 9/15/81. Comm. accordingly concurred in the revision from 2 p.m. to 10 a.m. to hear Reynolds' proposal. (see' MERCHANDISE MART; WORKSHOP SESSIONS) Workshop held concerning presentation by prospective 9/15/8 developers (Reynolds Corp.) of Hotel/Trade Mart in Conv. Ctr. Complex. (see MERCHANDISE MART, WORKSHOP SESSIONS) CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN 56 Date Atts' fees for CMB V. Broida & Horowitz, Case 12/16/81 No. 74-6260 CA 10. C. Att. gave brief rep. Res. 81-16873 adopted, authorizing appropriation of $30,329.09 from 1973 Convention Ctr. Fund Acct. to pay atts' fees ($22,500 to Stanley Bartel, Esq. with $3,945.34 for costs; and $3,400 to Andrew Schuster, Esq. with $483.75 for costs) for acquisition of 1931 Meridian Ave. prop. (north 50' of Lot 1 & portion of bridle path east of same, less west 3', B1. 7-A, Golf Course Sub.) to complete Conv. Ctr. Complex. Mayor Ciment requested C. Mgr. & C. Att. to advise how such bond fund proceeds are invested & rate of return. (see PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY)