Clean-Up_September 1976 to February 1980CLEAN-UP 12 (continued) Date City M r. explains problems. Councilman Habe suggests low maintenance plantings. (P.25-26) 9/27/768 Mrs. Walter Mead, president of M.B. Taxpayers 4/6/77 Assn. to discuss City's Litter Ord. To be scheduled for April 20, 1977. Mayor Haber requestel strict enforcement of 7/18/79 Littering Ord., and issuance of summonses to persons found dumping trash on city streets. (See Trash) (NOT ON AGENDA) During discussion of item 2/6/80 R -1C (see entry same date - Boats) Commissioner Weinstein referred to unsightly appearance of CLEAN-UP 13 (continued) Date properties abutting Lake Pancoast, and he re- quested that steps be taken at once to require owners to clean up areas referred to. He also requested removal, as soon as possible, of the disabled housebarge moored in the area north of 41st Street bridge. (See Boats) 2/6/80 Mayor Meyerson asked Administration to re- 3/14/80 dedicate its efforts to clean up South Beach area through stricter enforcement of Code and stepped-up efforts on part of Sanitation Divi- sion and Police Dept. CLEAN-UP 14 Date 11/3/82 Comr. Dr. Haber complained of water collecting in low-lying vacant lots throughout City, providing breeding areas for mosquitoes, & requested Admin. investigate matter & imdtly take steps to correct problem. (see HEALTH & SANITATION - CHP. 16) 12/21/83 In response to request fr. Comr. Grenald, R -11E Asst. C Mgr Ed Gross advised City employees, the Jaycees, & garbage companies are developing plans for a city-wide clean-up the 2nd weekend of Jan., when residents can either deliver trash, old furn., etc. to CLEAN-UP Date Date (Cont'd) 12/21/83 selected locations or call to request pick - R -11D up. He stated more info. will be pres'd at the 1/4/84 mtg. (see MB JAYCEES, INC., CITY EMPLOYEES) 15 1/4/84 C Mgr reminded those pres. of the upcoming R -11F M.B. Cleanathon, 1/7,8/84 advising 7 major waste -hauling firms are providing 27 pieces of equip. at no cost to City (arranged by Comr. Grenald), & that 10 restaurants are providing food & refreshments for those wkg. He further advised there will be 6 temp. col. sites throughout City where people can bring their discards, & that Jaycees & CLAN -tip 16 Date (Cont'd) 1/4/84 Jaycee Women will be helping to provide for R -11F a clean & beautiful city. Comr. Grenald was commended for his efforts. (see CITY EMPLOYEES, M.B. JAYCEES, INC., TRASH) 1/18/84 Certificates of Appreciation pres'd by Comr. PA -1B Ben Grenald to Lewis R. Goodman, Pres. - United Sanitation Serv.; Jack Casagrande, Pres. - Ind. Waste Serv.; Pedro Hernandez, Pres. - P.H. Waste Serv.; Raymond Davis, Pres. - Davis Sanitation; & Nicholas Cascione, Pres. - Ameri-Carting, for the 1984 Clean-a-thon. (see PRESENTATIONS, AWARDS, & CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION) CLEAN-UP 1/ Date 2/1/84 Certificates of Appreciation pres'd by PA -1H Comr. Grenald to Jesse Riebman, Pres. of Ultracom, for advertising our Cleanup Campaign for the MB Cleanathon during that weekend. (see PRESENTATIONS, AWARDS, AND CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION) 11/21/84 VM Grenald advised of upcoming Cleanathon to R -11C be held 1/5-6/85 and requested support of the MB Jaycees & Boy Scouts of America. (see TRASH) 1/23/85 Rep. on Cleanathon; not reached - def. to R -11C 2/6/85. CLAN -CUP 1$ Date 2/6/85 Rep. on MB Cleanathon. VM Grenald`advised R -9D 2,040 cu. yds. of trash & discards were cold. Later in mtg, he commended Beach Patrol for participation in project. (see LIFEGUARDS) 3/6/85 Certs. of Appreciation pres'd to reps. of PA -1A var. waste col. companies, Boy Scout troops, City depts., food suppliers, news media, etc. for participation in the MB Cleanathon. (see PRESENTATIONS, AWARDS, AND CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION) 4/3/85 Cert. pres'd by Mayor Fromberg to Beach PA -1A Patrol Ch. Raymond Sforza and C Mgr (rep/9 CLN4H5 19 Date (Cont' d) 4/3/85- Police Ch. Kenneth Glassman) for their PA -1A participation in the Clean -a -thou. (see PRESENTATIONS, AWARDS AND CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION) 4/17/85 VM Grenald distr'd corr. fr. Glenn Goulet, R -11H Natl. Coordinator - Keep Amer. Beautiful, Inc. Syst., providing info. as to ords. adopted by sev. cities throughout country to prevent and remove curbside litter. He suggested City consider participating in the programs promoted by KAB. =AN --UP 20 Date 7/24/85 Comr. Grenald advised that the entire county R -11H & 27 cities are participating in Keep Amer. Beautiful program, & they plan to clean the cities one at a time. 11/6/85 Comr. Resnick asked Admin. to dev. educ. R -11D program and stronger code enforcement to induce residents to keep city clean. Comr. Grenald suggested Admin. participate in Keep Am. Beautiful Program. 11/20/85 Comr. Grenald advised he will participate in R -11C Co's 11/20/85 Keep Am. Beautiful cert. ceremony. Mayor Daoud advised Cleanathons CLEAN-UP 21 Date (Cont'd) 11/20/85 will be conducted more freq. (see METRO R -11C DADE COUNTY) 12/4/85 Presentation of VCR video and tape "Keep R -9I Dade Co. Clean"; def. to 12/18/85. Comr. Grenald advised they are attempting to schedule Cleanathon a.s.a.p. after 1st of yr., so discarded Christmas trees will be incl'd, and urged Comm. participate. In response to Comr. Resnick's request that it not be scheduled on Sats., Comr. Grenald advised it must be scheduled for weekends not to interfere w/normal schedule of pvt. sector companies contrib'g use of equip. & CLEAN-UP 22 Date (Cont'd) 12/4/85 emps; & it takes 2 days to complete. He R -9I advised event is now under dir. of Keep Amer. Beautiful Program, & will obtain copies of KAB booklet for each Comr. 12/4/85 Nancy Liebman requested Cleanathon not be R -11A sched. during Art Deco Weekend because addnl dumpsters for Cleanathon detract fr. appearance of Dist. tours in conj. w/event. Mrs. Liebman to meet w/Adm. for placement on fut. agenda if necessary. Comr. Grenald advised they are trying to schedule Cleanathon after 1st of yr., so discarded Christmas trees will be incl'd. (see ART DECO) CT:RAN-VP 23 Date 12/18/85 Presentation of VCR video and tape "Keep R -9C Dade Co. Clean", not pres'd; required equip. rental - expense not warranted. Comr. Grenald advised Adm. is proceeding w/partic- ipation in the Keep Amer. Beautiful program, and is scheduling the Cleanathon for 3rd weekend in Jan.; he suggested Mgr conduct mtg. to coordinate efforts, advised he will pres. status rep. on 1/8/86; also advised he asked Mgr to consider making chgs. in Sani- tation Dept. on 6 -mo. basis to put sp. emphasis on really cleaning city. (see SANITATION DIVISION) CLEAN-UP 24 Date 1/8/86 M#26-86, status rep. on Cleanathon prepns. R -8G for 1/18-19/86 fr. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Comr. Grenald urged Comr's & Adm's cooperation & assistance. 1/8/86 Discussion re com. on Keep America Beautiful R -9Q Program; not reached, def. to 1/22/86. 1/22/86 Dade Clean, Inc., Exec. Dir. pres'd Keep Am. R -9F Beautiful, Inc. 1985 Ann. Rev. and lit. on Anti -Litter Campaign. Comr. Resnick suggest- ed citations be issued to those littering sts., canals, etc. Comrs. commended Comr. Grenald and thanked volunteers who wk'd on CLEAN-UP L5 Date (Cont'd) 1/22/86 1/18-19/86 Cleanathon (oral rep. given). R -9F Bldg. Insp. Oswald Ferro volunteered his servs. to clean canals in city (for details, see file recs.). Project approved, Adm. to investigate assoc'd liability. Adm. to pub- licize project & solicit volunteers to help. 4/2/86 R#86-18419 adopted (requested by Dade League R -7G of Cities), joining in the 4/20-26/86 Co. - wide Clean-a-thon entitled Keep Amer. Beau- tiful. Comr. Grenald apptd. by Mayor as City's KAB chm. to join w/Keep Dade Co. Clean, Inc. to plan/implement program. CLEAN-UP 26 Date 4/16/86 Proclamation declaring 4/20-26/86 as Keep PA -1D Amer. Beautiful Wk. in CMB pres'd to Deborah Jacobson. (see PROCLAMATIONS) 9/17/86 Proposed $5,500 cost for Keep Am. Beautiful R -3F program to be handled Administratively. (see 1986/87 BUDGET) 10/15/86 VM Grenald advised of mini Cleanathon R -3A.1 planned bef. Thanksgiving. 11/5/86 M#732-86, Mtg. re. Cleanathon; to be held in R -3A.1 Mayor's Conf. rm. on 11/6/86 @ 10 a.m. CLEAN-UP 27 Date 11/5/86 M#735-86, Ord. re handbills. C Atty to rev. R -5A laws of other muns. in ord. to regulate con- tent of fliers & fund clean-up costs. Comr. Grenald suggested City adopt anti -litter laws as promoted by Keep Am. Beautiful Pro- gram. (see ADVERTISING) 1/7/87 Announcement made, annl. Cleanathon weekend R -11C scheduled for 1/10-11/87. 1/21/87 Presentation of proclamation, medallions to PA -1B participants in the Cleanathon. AFSCME Pres. advised of plans for volunteer crew to trim overgrown vegetation around bus CLEANUP Date 1/21/87 PA -1B (Cont' d) benches. Adm. to det. on Indian Creek Dr. so PROCLAMATIONS, CITY TIONS, AWARDS, & CERTS. 28 ownership of outlots can be cleaned. (see EMPLOYEES, PRESENTA- OF APPRECIATION) 1/21/87 R#87-18742 adopted, recognizing efforts of R -7C the "Keep Dade Beautiful" progam & pledging support; $2,000 annl. fee funded fr. Sanitation Dept. (see SANITATION DEPT.) 2/4/87 Certs. of Appreciation pres'd to Police Dept PA -1C volunteers; Mgr. Certs of Appreciation pres'd to Pub. Servs. Dept. empoyees aa Ch. Glassman's son Rob. (see PRESENTATIONS, AWARDS, CERTS. OF APPRECIATION)