Code Enforcement_August to October 1980CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 1 Date Memo #8418, request for direction regarding 875780 Code Enforcement Board Ordinance. City Atty. requested to prepare ordinance; in accordance with State guidelines for creation of a Code Enforcement Board, to be considered by City Commission on 9/3/80. In the interim, Admini- stration to prepare a study of costs involved in implementing the enabling act. Memo #8472, ord. creating Code Enforcement Bd., 10/1/80 providing for definitions, terms of office, etc., passed on first reading. Hearing & second read- ing scheduled 10/15/80 @ 2:25 p.m. Atty. to in- vestigate whether 6 -member bd. mandatory & submit report. Atty. advised that Legal Assistance Off. (cont'd.) CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 2 (cont'd.) Date was willing to serve as atty. for Bd. at no in- 10/1/80 crease in salary. Prior to second reading of ordinance creating a Code Enforcement Board, ordinance was amended by adding Sec. 8B-2(d) to provide that the Commission shall appoint legal counsel to the Board. Ordinance No. 80-2232 adopted as amended. 10/15/80 Memo 8635 - C. Atty. recommended that apmt. of Bd. 12/3/80 be deferred at least 1 mo. until track record of r Munic. Pros can be est. & some const. issues in- volving Bd. powers are resolved. No objections voiced. Munic. Pros. Steven D. Ginsburg introduced & was questioned by Comm. (see MUNICIPAL PROSECUTOR) CODE ENFORCEMiT BOARD 3 Date Memo 8943, Dade Co. Ord. seeking exemption frm. 4/1/81 Code Enforcement Bd., not reached - deferred to 4/15/81. (see METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY) Memo 214-82, ord. amd'g. Code Ch. 9B, Code Enforce- 4/6/82 ment Bd. ord, passed on 1st reading as amd'd. 2nd & final reading scheduled for 4/21/82. Prior to passage, ord. amd'd. to incr. membership from 6 to 7 members to conform w/rev. St. law & to provide that 3 persons (instead of 2 as heretofore pro- vided) shall receive initial term of 2 yrs. C. Att. directed to prepare appropriate amdt. to Code Ch. 17B, to repeal provisions relating to Min. Housing & Coml. Prop. Stds. Bd. membership & duties for action by Comm. on 4/21/82. In interim, Comm. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 4 (Cont'd) Date voted to reinstate following pers. to Min. Housing 4/6/82 & Coml. Stds. Bd. for per. ending 5/1/82 so Bd. may function until Code Enforcement Bd. is est. Pers. whose terms were extended are: Larry Taylor, Frank Alter, Al Nason, Jack Sutton, & Mrs. Selma Grenald. The Comrs. indicated they would be pre- pared to make appts. to Code Enforcement Bd. as soon as ord. is finally adopted and in effect. C. Att. & C. Mgr. were requested to prepare outline, in laymen terms, as to duties, powers, & functions of Code Enforcement Bd. (see MINIMUM HOUSING & COMMERCIAL PROPERTY STANDARDS BOARD) CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD S Date Comr. Weinstein reiterated his previous suggestion 4/6/82 that Div. of Mun. Prosecutor be est'd, sep. from C. Att's office, chgd. w/responsibility of prosecuting all City code, police, etc. violations. He requested that ord. to est. such div. be drafted & pld. on 4/21/82 agenda for Comm. consideration. (see CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, MUNICIPAL PROSECUTOR) Memo 245-82, ord. amdg. Code Ch. 9B (Code Enforce- 4/21/82 ment Bd. Ord.); amdg. §9B-2 to define jurisdiction & bd. membership, incr. membership, chg. terms of office; amdg. §9B-3 defining procedures; amdg. §9B-4 clarifying freq. of mtgs.; adding §9B-3.1 providing for appeals powers; amdg §17B-17 providing for same member- CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 6 (Cont'd) Date ship for both Code Enforcement Bd. & Min. Housing 4/21/82 & Cml. Appeals Bd.; repealing §17B-18, 17B-19, & 17B-20 of Ch. 17B; amdg Ch. 2 - §2-1.3 providing for sep. functions of Code Enforcement Bd. Hrg. held & concluded. Proposed ord. amd'd as follows: 1) Sec. 1 re, §9B -2(d) amd'd to read "The C. Comm. shall either appt. legal counsel to the enforcement bd. or a prosecutor." 2) Sec. 2 re. §9B -3(b) amd'd to substitute wording "Should the violation cont. beyond the time specified for correction, the code inspector shall provide the C. Mgr. & the Code Enforce- ment Bd. w/5 days' written notice, & in the absence of any affirmative action by the C. Mgr., a hrg. shall be requested by the code inspector pursuant to the procedure in the following sec." Qrd. 82-2307 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 7 (Cont'd) Date adopted, as amd'd above, to become effective 5/1/82.4/21/82 Terms of Min. Housing & Cml. Prop. Stds. Bd. members extended to 5/5/82 (prev. designated to terminate 5/1/82) so Bd. may function until Code Enforcement Bd. is apptd. Later in mtg., Legal Asst. Officer Bernard Frank apptd. to act as legal counsel to Bd. (see MINIMUM HOUSING & CML. PROP. STDS. BD., LEGAL ASSISTANCE OFFICER) Memo 282-82, appt. to Code Enforcement & Min. 5/5/82 Housing & Cml. Appeals Bd. - deferred to 6/16/82. Terms of Min. Housing & Cml. Prop. Stds. Bd. members extended to 6/16/82 (previously designated to termi- nate 5/5/82) so Bd. may function until Code Enforce- CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 8.. (Cont'd) Date ment Bd. is apptd. (see MINIMUM HOUSING & COMMER- 5/5/82 CIAL PROPERTY STDS. BD.) Memo 282-82, C Atty Memo 391-82, Code Enforcement 6/16/82 Bd. & Min. Housing & Coml. Props. Appeals Bd. Ord. 82-2314 adopted as emergency meas., amdg. Code Chp. 9B (Code Enforcement Bd. Ord.); amdg. §9B-2, eliminating dual Code Enforcement & Min. Housing & Coml. Prop. Appeals Bd.; repealing §9B-2.1 eliminating appellate powers; amdg Chp. 17B-17, re- establishing Min. Housing & Coml. Prop. Appeals Bd.; re-enacting §17B-18, 17B-19, & 17B-20; amdg. Ch. 2, §2-1.3 eliminating dual functions of Code Enforce- ment Bd, Comm. requested that C Atty, 1) send CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 9 (Cont'd) Date written request to St. Atty. Gen. for opinion on 6/16/82 combining bds. & 2) ask Co. Atty. for input on matter. Bd. appts. were deferred for full Comm. to 7/7/82. (see MINIMUM HOUSING & COMMERCIAL PROP. STANDARDS BD., FLORIDA, STATE OF, METRO. DADE COUNTY) Memo 530-82, David Dastis complained of unkempt 8/18/82 cond. of vacant lot next to his 1320 13th Terr. res. & of a tk. that is illegally pkd. on st. C. Mgr. advised that Code Enforcement Div. has taken necessary steps to cor. situation. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 10 Date 8/18/82 Memo 531-82, fol. appts. made by Comm. during mtg.: Howard Galbut term expires 7/1/83 Maryon Freifelder n n" Judge Sherwin Stauber 7/1/84 Michael Driben ' " " Betty Birnbach (tenant) " Sandy Edelman (Mrs.) n" 7/1/85 Benita Argos " " " 10/19/83 Discussion on combining Code Enforcement Bd R -9C & the Min. Housing & Coml. Prop. Appeals CObE'ENP6ReRM2NT ROAM Date 10/19/83 R -9C 11/2/83 R -3A.1 11/9/83 R-31 .1 (Cont'd) Bd.; not reached - def. CITY BDS, OR COMMS., BD./ORDINANCE) 11 to 11/2/83. (see PROP. MAINT. STDS. Memo 724-83, discussion on combining Code Enforcement Bd. & the Min. Housing & Coml. Prop. Appeals Bd.; not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. (see PROP. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS BOARD/ORD., CITY BDS. OR COMMS.) Memo 724-83, discussion on combining Code Enforcement Bd. & Min. Housing & Coml. Prop. Appeals Bd., def. to 11/16/83, pending rect. of Admin/C Atty rep. & recommendation (con- Date (Cont'd) 12 11/9783 sideration to ino1. Mayor Fromberg's request R-3A.1 that ord. provide auth. for appropriate sanctions to compel compliance w/bd's decisions, & Comr. Singer's suggestion that bd. be expanded fr. 7 to 9 mems). Mayor Fromberg also requested Admin submit recom- mendation re. enforcement procedure. (see CITY BDS OR COMMS., PROP. MAINTENANCE STDS. BD/ORD.) 12/7/83 Memo 794-83, fol. at -large appts made by R -3A Comm. during mtg. for term ending 7/1/86: Mrs. Barbara Brooks Mr. David Muhlrad Howard Galbut, Maryon Freifelder not reapptd CODE ENFORCEMENT BOAS 13 Date 12/7/83 C Atty Memo 810-83, options re. Property R -9B Maintenance Stds. Appeals Bd., F/K/A Min. Housing & Coml. Prop. Appeals Bd. C Atty reviewed memo & recommended Comm. eliminate Prop. Maintenance Stds. Appeals Bd. & give powers to grant variances to and interpret provisions of Min. Housing Code to Bd. of Adjustment. Comm. directed C Atty to prepare appropriate ords. to implement her recommendations for consideration 12/21/83. (see PROPERTY MAINTENANCE STDS. APPEALS BD., ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT) CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD Date 12/7/83 R -11B 14 No objections were voiced by mems. of Comm. to a direction to C Mgr that the Admin. pro- vide secretarial staff for mtgs of Bd of Adjustment, Code Enforcement Bd., MB Employees' Retirement Syst. Bd of Trustees, & the Planning Bd. Other advisory bds. as may be det'd by C Mgr, shall arrange to pro- vide its secretarial help fr. amongst its mems. or by a tape recorder. (see CITY BDS OR COMMS., PLANNING COMM., PENSION BD. & SYST., ZONING BD. OR ADJUSTMENT) 3/14/84 Memo 176-84, status rep. on C.I.P. (for info R -9A only). Code Enforcement Bd mem Benita Argos COM FNFORCBMIT 80APb bate (Cont'd) 3/14/84 R-9A 7/11/84 R -3A responded Fromberg 15 to ques's fr. Commission. Mayor suggested Mrs. Argos submit suggestions to C Atty as to appropriate Code amdt(s) to incr. Bd's power. In response to Comr. Weisburd's inquiry, C Mgr gave status rep. on employment of 10 addnl. Code Enforcement Offrs. as suggested 10/19/83 and funded 11/9/83. (see COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, BUILDING DEPT.) Memo 436-84, fol. appts made, terms expire 7/1/87: Ms Clara Fischer (tenant mem) apptd - Comm. Mr. Rocky Pomerance - apptd - Comm. COBE EVORCEMEt4T MAO Date 7/25/84 Memo 478-84, Michael Dribin reappt. to Code R -3B Enforcement Bd.; term to expire 7/1/87. 16 6/26/85 Memo 374-83, Benita Argos reapptd.; Pauline R -3A Mildner apptd to Code Enforcement Bd; terms to expire 7/1/88. 5/21/86 Discussion re professional offices in RM -60 R -8F portion of Architectural Dist. (aka Randy Sender proposal). Comr. Singer ques'd relief available to archs. who developed an office in a condo. bldg. who closed subsequently to bg. cited w/daily fines for noncompliance w/Code. Code Enf. Bd. mem. Pauline Mildner CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 17 Date Cont' d) 5/21/86 advised archs. should have known conversion R -8F was illegal & nothing could be done about the daily fine which would cont. until office was vacated. No action taken. (see ZONING) 10/15/86 M#696-86, VM Grenald urged Comm. to fill R -3A vacancy resulting fr. Michael A. Dribin's resignation. 11/5/86 M#732-86, Donald J. Rahn apptd. to fill un - R -3A expired term of Michael Dribin (resigned); term expires 7/1/87.