Collins Avenue_June 1982 to February 1983COLLINS AVENUE 88 Date (Cont'd) 06782 82 to earlier in day or to 7/21/82 but earlier than 5 p.m. so pub. can attend w/out hardship & will have ample time to express their views. C Atty advised that a hrg. to consider a chg. in Comp. Plan reqs. 30 days' notice & must be held bef. rezoning hrg.; further that St. statute reqs. hrgs. on land matters to beg. no earlier than 5 p.m.; hrg. to remain as orig. scheduled. (see PLANNING COMM., COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN) 2/16/83 Memo 111-83, utility agreements for resurfacing R7A Collins Ave. (St. Rd. A -1-A) fr. 44th St. to 59th St. Res. 83-17272 adopted, auth'g execution of agree- COLLINS AVENUE 89 Date (Cont'd) 2/16/83 met w/FL DOT to allow their contractor to R -7A adj. var. sanitary sewer manholes (est. cost $19,200) & water valve boxes (est. cost $30,000) to new roadway grade; to be funded fr. Sanitary Sewer & Water Repl. Funds. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF, STREET PAVING) 7/25/84 C Atty to prepare, for 9/5/84, ord. req'g. R -9D addresses & names on Collins Ave. bldgs. facing the beach. (see HOUSE/HOTEL/BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERING) 2/6/85 Memo 74-85, Res. 85-17990 adopted, auth'g C -4B execution of Jt. Project Agreement w/FL COLLINS AVENUE 06 Date (Cont'd) 2/6/85 Dept. of Transp. for Utility Installation by C-48 Highway Contractor, for adjustment of 6 water valves & 5 sanitary sewer manholes to new constr. final grade (resurfacing fr. 59th St. to 63rd St., Collins Ave. (A-1-A) HN- 421); to be done in later spring of 1985. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF)