Colony Theater_March to April 1981!COLONY THEATER 1 Date Acceptance of Colony Theater, 1040-50 Linc. Rd., 3/4/81 as gift to City frm. Samuel Kipnis. Allen Goldberg appeared & gave rep. on propt. & his part in owner's considerations to donate it to the City & discussed finder's fee to which he claimed he was entitled. VCA Chm. Ben Grenald urged expeditious accept. of propt. Comm. voted to accept Mr. Kipnis' gift & directed C. Mgr. & C. Att. to work out details expeditiously & authorized obtaining required appraisal; final results to be returned to Comm. upon completion. (see "C" MISCELLANEOUS, "K" MISCELLANEOUS) Memo 8942, rep. on Colony Theater acquisition. 4/1/81 Res. 81-16620 ad pted, accepting donation of COLONY THEATER 2. (Cont'd) Date Colony Theater for pub. purposes & providing 4/1/81 the donor w/an MAI appraisal thereof. Appropria— tion frm. Contingency Fund of not to exceed $35,000 approved for operation of theater for bal. of fiscal yr., including $10,000 for finder's fee (accepting benefit of Allen Goldberg's work), & including MAI appraisal fee. Res. 81-16621 adopted requesting exemption from taxes on Colony Theater; exemption period beginning 3/13/81; property described as Lot 12, Block 47, Lincoln Subdiv., together w/bldg as is, seats, & big screen. (see "K" MISCELLANEOUS, PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY, "C" MISCELLANEOUS) COLONY THEATER 3 Date Request of Rabbi Abraham Korf, Fla. Friends of 9/16/81 Lubavitch, to discuss the issue of leasing the Colony Theater; scheduled on 10/14/81. (see CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND/FOR SALE) Request of Rabbi Abraham Korf, Fla. Friends of 10/15/81 Lubavitch, to discuss "issue of leasing Colony Theater". Rabbi Korf appeared & presented request to lease Theater for $1/yr., to present acculturation activities for newly -arrived immi- grants & sr. cit. programs. Asst. C. Mgr. Hal Cohen advised of Admin's efforts to compile list of prospective groups to provide cultural events in Theater, & stated that they are not ready to make a recommendation. Admin. directed to meet w/all COLONY THEATER 4 (Cont'd) Date int'd. gps. & submit recommendation for use 10/15/81 of prop. within 1 mo. (see CITY -OWNED PROPERTY AND/OR SALE) Comm. Daoud requested Admin. to submit a rep. & 11/25/81 recommendation on proposed use of Colony Theater, a.s.a.p. C. Mgr. advised he will have a status rep. for 12/2/81 mtg. Mayor Ciment advised that he had requested from Admin. a complete listing of pres. uses of all City -owned prop. (see CITY - OWNED PROPERTY AND/FOR SALE) _ Memo 9379, status rep. on proposed use of Colony 12/2/81 Theater. C. Mgr. advised that City does not have funds to commit to const. or reconst. of Theater & COLONY THEATER 5 (Cont'd) Date that Requests for Proposals are being prepared 12/2/81 w/idea of any successful user to pay all costs of such renovation, etc. Both he & Mayor advised or int, expressed by several gps, Messrs, Alan Rauzin & Neisen Kasdin, repg. MB Dev. Corp., expressed their ores int. in using Theater as a cultural arts ctr. & of their contemplated retention of consultants to perform a feasibility study. They requested that City not select a user of the facility until they recieive results of their study, anticipated by end of Feb., 1982, Comm, Daoud suggested that all parties int'd. in using facility, be given on—site inspection of Theater premises. Comm. Eisenberg suggested that wording of RFP's not limit use of prop. to theater only, but allow for COLONY THEATER 6 (Cont'd) Date proposals of other nature. 12/2/81 Request of Bernard Heller to discuss possibility 1/20/82 that he start a variety vaudeville show on MB, scheduled for 2/3/82. (see "H" MISCELLANEOUS) Request of Bernard Heller to discuss possibility 2/3/82 that he start a variety vaudeville show on MB. Mr. Heller appeared & reviewed proposal for use of Colony Theater. Mr. Lester Cowan appeared & reviewed renovations needed to bring Theater up to Fire & Bldg. Code requirements & their anticipated costs totaling $29,000. Mayor Ciment suggested Messrs. Heller & Cowan rev. their proposal w(C, Mgr, Mr, COLONY THEATER 7 (Cont'd) Date Heller to be added to list of persons to be sent 2/3/82 RFP (when prepared) for use of Theater. Ms. Judy & Alan Rauzin (MB Development Corp.) 3/17/82 appeared & requested permission to use Colony Theater for presentation of Israeli Film Festival beg. 4/27/82 for 5 days (4 evgs. & 1 aft.) to commemorate moving of Israeli Consulate from Atlanta to Miami, advising that if Festival is successful, it may become a yrly. event. Request approved, con- ditioned upon City's cost not exceeding $5,000; Admin. auth'd. to negotiate & approve cap. expenditures; adequate ins. to be obtained to protect City; Admin. to set reasonable charitable rental fee. COLONY THEATER 8 Date Discussion of Colony Theater, not reached -deferred 4/6/82 to 4/21/82. Planning Dir. Monte Lee appeared & advised that RFP 0.01 pkg. re. Colony Theater's use was ready to be sent out. Mayor Ciment & Comr. Daoud suggested that Admin. & C. Att. res. whether there are deed restric- tions on sale of prop. & if proceeds so obtained could be used to fund another bldg. In reply to Comr. Fromberg's ingy, C. Mgr. advised they are proceeding w/Israeli Film Festival to be pres'd. in Theater & that rep. will be forthcoming. Mayor Ciment & Comr. Daoud requested that Admin. develop plans for showing of films to residents at nominal admission chg, so facility ity is used ur til ��� COLONY THEATER (Cont' d) Date replies are recd. & continual use det'd.; rep. & 4/21/82 recommendation to be pld. on 5/5/82 agenda w/anti- cipated budget & funding. Memo 286-82, rep. on Israeli Film Festival at 5/5/82 Colony Theater on evgs. of 5/18-20 & 22-23/82 & aft. of 5/23/82. Res. 82-17008 adopted granting permission to Temple Beth Sholom of Gtr. Miami, MB Development Corp., & Am. -Israel Chamber of Com. for use of Colony Theater. $1,200 appropriation auth. from Sp. Projects Acct. for preparations of Theater for event. VM Eisenberg requested that C. Mgr. ask Festival sponsors to consider starting Sat. evg., 5/22/82 program at 9 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. in con4der4t441 of tb.e ending hr. of S11.a1bb4t 'MANY 'THEATER (Cont' d) Dafe under daylight svg. time. 5/5/82 Rep. on utilization of Colony Theater, not 5/5/82 reached - deferred to 5/19/82. Memo 328-82, Colony Theater utilization rep. Ray 5/19/82 Antorcha advised that So. FL Cinema submitted a bid for use of Theater & requested that item be def. or scheduled at designated Time Certain in aft. VM Eisenberg suggested C. Mgr. meet w/him to discuss matter, & indicated that item would be taken after 5 p.m. if possible. Later in mtg., $2,500 appro- priated from Contingency Fund to fund 7/7/82 thru 9/15/82 film program (projector rental, maint., security, adv., utilities, & film rental); COLONY THEATER 11 (Cont'd) Date 54 voluntary contribs. fr. movie users to be 5/19/82 requested to cover exps. Memo 359-82, request of Mrs. Ruth Greenfield of 6/2/82 Miami -Dade Com. College for free use of Colony Theater on Sun., 6/13/82 at 4 p.m. and the 79th St. beachfront on Sat., 6/26/82 at noon for proposed concert by Festival "w/in a Festival" of the New World Festival, approved, contingent upon rect. of $1,000,000 cert. of liability ins. policy. (see BEACHES) COLONY THEATER 12 Date Memo 755-82, proposals for use of Colony Theater. 11/17/82 Admin. recommended Comm. auth. C. Mgr. to negotiate a 5 -yr. lease agreement w/MB Development Corp. (w/a rev. bg. made of theater opers. prior to the granting of any renewals or extensions, & said rev. to be conducted by City Admin. & Comm.) for con- version of Colony Theater into a performing arts theater. Admin's recommendation approved; pro- posed agreement to be submitted to Comm. for approval. Memo 43-83, Res. 83-17252 adopted, auth'g. execution 1/10/5 of an agreement bet. CMB & MB Development Corp. for purpose of funding a project to renovate the Colony Theater & begin oper. as a performing arta fac}1 ty, (Cont d) COLONY THEATER 13 (Cont'd) Date using $301,511 of Yr. 8 CDBG Funds; said agreement 1/19/83 to be rev'd. by C. Atty prior to execution to cover var. pts. raised by Mayor Ciment & Comr. Fromberg re. addnl. dates for use by City; assurance that project will be completed; clarification of pro- visions to protect City in event not completed as it relates to possible mechanics' liens, etc. C. Atty to advise Mayor that agreement provisions are satisfactory bef. execution by Mayor. (see HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974) COLONY THEATER 14 Date 1 .197-83 Memo 44-83, Res. 83-17253 adopted, auth'g. execution of a lease agreement bet. CMB & MB Development Corp. for the Colony Theater, fol. rev. & revision by C Atty as to certain pts. raised during mtg. to tighten provisions of agreement. C. Atty to advise Mayor that agreement provisions satisfactory bef. it is signed. 7/20/83 Memo 490-83, Res. 83-17417 adopted endorsing C-5E efforts of M.B. Dev. Corp. to estab. a Colony Theatre Performing Arts Ctr., Washington Ave. Commerical Revitalization, Hotel Rehab. Financing Prog., Business Dev. & Initiation Fund, COLONY THEATER 15 Date (Cont'd) 7 20/83 and Economic Development Seminar as consistent C -5E w/local plans & regs. for purpose of applying for certain corp. contrib. tax credits under Fla. Law (55cr. for ea. $1 donated). (see FLORIDA, STATE OF, HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974, WASHINGTON AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT) 9/7/83 Memo 583-83, MB Development Corp's request to C -5G use Colony Theater as a performing arts ctr. (int. renovation and ext. improvements/modification) & allow expansion into City rt -of -way on Lennox Ave. (per plans prepared by Morris Lapidus), COLONY THEATER 16 Date (Cont'd) 9/7/83 pursuant to MU (Mun. Use) zoning C -5G requirements approved, subj. to 2 eond's. recom'd. by Planning Bd. (see mtg. records for details). Project to be completed expeditiously. C. Atty to submit recommendation as to procedure to permit use of pub. rt. -of -way. Anne Meyer & Alan Rauzin (Bd. Chmn. -MB. Dev. Corp.) appeared. (see PLANNING COMMISSION, ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT) 9/21/83 C Atty Memo 602-83, vacation of rt. -of -way R -7G for Colony Theater, not reached - def. to 10/5/83. -COLONY -THEATER 17 Date 10/5/83 C Atty Memo 602-83A, Res. -83-17499 adopted, R -7C vacating an area in rt -of -way of Lenox Ave. (see mtg. recs for complete description) (Vacation will allow MB Dev. Corp. to con- struct addn. to Colony Theater for con- version to performing arts ctr. as proposed 9/7/83.) (see STREETS, SIDEWALKS, SWALE AREAS, ALLEYS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY §39-23, VACATIONS OF ALLEYS & STREETS) 11/2/83 Memo 713-83, res. auth'g & directing the C -4B.6 execution of an agreement bet. CMB & The MB Development Corp. for implementation of Year 9 CDBG funds to renovate the Colony Theater; COLONS TlighTt12 11/2/83 not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. C -4B.6 (see HOUSING AND COMM. DEV. ACT OF 1974) 18 11/9/83 Memo 713-83, Res. 83-17535 adopted, auth'g C -4B.6 execution of agreement w/MB Development Corp. re. renovation of Colony Theater; MBDC to rec. $264,000 fr. Yr. 9 CDBG and unexpended bal of Yr. 8 funds obligated to Project, to renovate Theater & provide adm. servs. for start-up of facility's oper.; Project to be completed by 12/31/84. Marsha Senick and Anne Meyer appeared. C Mgr advised Project on schedule, other than COLONY TREATtR 19 Date (Cont'd) 11/9/83 delay in obtaining Lenox Ave. rt. -of -way C -4B.6 vacation. (see HOUSING AND COMM. DEV. ACT OF 1974) 2/15/84 Memo 100-84, subj. before Planning Bd. for C -7A 2/28/84 mtg. (for info only) - Colony Theater constr. starting time extension. (see PLANNING COMM., ZONING) *see card 19A 4/4/84 Memo 202-84, status report on the Colony R -9D Theater renovation. At request of Mayor Fromberg, item def. to 5/2/84 at 11:30 a.m. as requested by Ms. Anne H. Meyer, Colony COLONY THEATER Date 3/2/84 Letter received from Planning Dept. advising Letter on 2/28/84, Planning Board approved an extension of the Colony Theater existing conditional use. (Originally approved by Commission on 9/7/83, Item C -5G) 19A COLONY THEATER 20 Date (Cont'd) 4/4/84 Theater Committee Chairperson. Mayor R-9D Fromberg asked Admin. to notify all int'd persons of item rescheduling. 4/19/84 W/ref. to an inquiry fr. Mayor Fromberg, the R-11D C Mgr advised that mems. of his staff will be meeting w/mems. of the Bd. of the M.B. Development Corp. to discuss concerns re., 1) the projected costs & funding of the Colony Theater Renovation Project, and 2) the progress of the Hotel Rehabilitation Program, in an effort to possibly restructure MBDC or recommend some other form of change. COLONY THEATER 21 Date 5/2/84 Rev. Memo 202-84, status report on the R -3B Colony Theater renovation (for info only); no action required or taken. Ms. Anne H. Meyer, Colony Theater Committee chairperson, gave oral rep. on project. Comm. commended Committee for work & urged that Project proceed expeditiously. Mayor Fromberg asked Ms. Meyer to keep Comm. apprised of progress. 10/3/84 Memo 623-84, Yr. 10 CD projects/contr. ap C -4B proval. In response to inquiry re. status of Colony Theater renovation, Ms. Maria Pellerin gave rep. on bidding process & steps bg. taken to fund its opers. after COLONY IMAM 12 22 Date (Cont'd) 1073784 opening in fall of 1985. She further ad -- C-48 vised that progress rep. will be provided in late Nov. Mayor Fromberg suggested Ms. Pellerin contact Comrs. Daoud & Grenald to provide annl. info. on Project's progress. 12/19/84 Memo 848-84, Res. 84-17957 adopted, amdg. C -4B Res. 83-17535 & auth'g an amdt. to agreement w/MB Development Corp., extending term fr. 12/31/84 to 9/30/85 to renovate the Colony Theater; all other terms & conds. to remain unchg'd; no addnl. funds authorized for Project. (see M.B. DEVELOPMENT CORP.) COLONY TligATglk 23 Date 4/3/85 Maria Pellerin, Dir., and Bill Farkas of MB R-9B Development Corp. gave status report on the Colony Theater project. MBDC to imdtly pro- ceed w/bidding on basic internal structure and roof repair, and submit status rep. for 5/1/85. Admin. to det., based on TOPA reno- vation bids, what, if any, salvageable equipment/furniture will be available for Theater. Comr. Daoud asked Admin. to inves- tigate other alternative recommendations to open facility a.s.a.p. and submit report. (see M.B. DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION) �atp- -4/17/85- Memo 261-85,-status rep. on capital'improove- R 98 ment projects, for info only; no action required or taken. Comr. Daoud and VM Grenald requested Admin. submit rep. for 5/1/85 mtg., as to monies expended by MB 'Development Corp. re. the Colony Theater. (see M.B. DEVELOPMENT CORP., CAPITAL PROJECTS) 5/1/85 Memo 274-85, status rep. re the Colony R -9A Theater project. MB Dev. Corp. Dir., Maria Pellerin, advised renovation bids are due 5/29/85 and it has been det'd the seats bg. removed fr. TOPA can be utilized in Theater. COLONY THEATER 25 Date (Cont'd) 5/1/85 Item scheduled for 5/15/85 @ 11:36 a.m. for R -9A updated rep. (see MB DEVELOPMENT CORP., THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS) 7/10/85 Memo 419-85, Res. 85-18132 adopted, authg. R -7B Amdt. to Agreement w/NI.B. Dev. Corp., incr'g CDBG funds to renovate Colony Theater an addnl. $180,000* for max. of $444,000 of Yr. 9 CDBG funds & inexpended bal. of Yr. 8 CDBG funds obligated to Project; providing that const. commence w/in 30 days, w/completion w/in 6 mos.; extending term through 9/30/86. MBDC auth. to award const. bid to Tatum, Gomez, Smith & Vitale Const., Inc. MBDC COLONY THEAT812 26 Date (Cont'd) 7/10/85 Dir. advised of prob. in fi. structural R -7B support syst. Comr. Grenald expressed desire to speak w/reps. of cos. estg. guniting reps. req. on bldg. V -M Shockett requested Adm. to det. anticipated Theater operating costs & funding sources, & submit rep./recommendation for 7/24/85 mtg. *$130,000 transf. fr. Yr. 9 Lincoln Rd. St. Improvement funds to Project, $50,000 auth. fr. Yr. 9 surplus funds. (see M.B. DEVELOPMENT CORP., HOUSING & COMM. DEV. ACT OF 1974, LINCOLN ROAD MALL) COLONY THHAI'R 27 Date 7/24/85 L.T.C. 130-1985, 7/19/85 rep. fr. M.B. Dev, R -8C Corp. re. Colony Theater Renovation Project for info. only; no action regd. Comr. Grenald dissatisfied w/penalty if project not completed on time; & asked for info. on proposed gunite firm bef. contr. executed. Comr. Grenald accepted invitation to join MBDC Const. Com. to oversee project. (see M.B. DEVELOPMENT CORP.) 11/20/85 M#683-85, R#85-18292 adopted, auth. Amdt to R -7A Agreement w/M.B. Dev. Corp.providing for addnl $80,000, for max. of $524,000 of Yr. 9 Com. Dev. B1. Grant funds (to renovate COLONY TII,Z'BIZ 28 Date (Cont'd) 11/20/85 Colony Theater) & any unexpended bal. of R -7A Yr. 8 CDBG funds obligated to Project; other terms/cond. unchg'd; Agreement cont. thru 9/30/86. Theater Dir. distr'd list of Theater Bd. of Trustees & 1984/85 contrib. for op., equip., etc. MBDC Exec. Dir. Maria Pellerin pres'd project rep. (see HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEV. ACT OF 1974, M.B. DEVELOPMENT CORP.) 6/4/86 Rep. fr. the MB Dev. Corp. on the status of R -9E the Colony Theater project; informational packets distr'd; Comm. invited to attend a Gala fashion show to benefit Theater on COLONY THEATER Date (Cont' d) 6/4/86 6/8/86 @ Warsaw Ballroom (tax deductible). R -9E (see M.B. DEVELOPMENT CORP.) 29 10/15/86 M.B. Dev. Corp. rep. & Colony Theater Dir. R -8G submitted info. on Theater sponsors, events, bkgs., 86-87 budget, ribbon -cutting cere- mony, etc. Coconut Grove Playhouse producer to be solicited to possibly bk. same entertainment in both facilities. (see MB DEVELOPMENT CORP.)