Commission Meeting_December 1979 to January 1980COMMISSION MEETING Mayor Meyerson requested that Administration take necessary steps to improve the sound system in Commission Chambers. Mr. Scott Ross, President, M.B. Jaycees, Inc., 1/2/80 appeared and was heard re: resolution passed on Dec. 6, 1979, which requests Commission to consider matters of major importance at least one hour after conclusion of normal business day. 57 Date 12/19/79 Mr. Scott Ross, President, M.B. Jaycees, Inc., 1/16/80 appeared and was heard re: methods by which to decide what items warrant evening agenda COMMISSION MEETING _s$ (continued) Date consideration. No action taken. 1/16/80 April 2, 1980 being 2nd day of Passover, Com- 3/5/80 mission approved a change of meeting date to April 9, 1980. (NOT ON AGENDA) Commission approved sug- gestion of City Mgr. that second April meeting date be changed to April 23 to provide usual two-week period between meetings, since first meeting was changed from April 2nd (second day of Passover) to April 9, 1980. 3/19/80 "--`C04t lSSI$N MEETING -39 Date Per suggestion of City Mgr. Commission deter- 5/77g mined that for purposes of formulating a vacation schedule, there would be no meetings held in July, 1980, and there will be sessions in the month of August, Mayor Meyerson requested Administration pursue 5/21/80 possibility of correcting acoustic problems which exist in Commission Chambers, Comms. Daoud & Wikler rev'd. highlights of Natl. 12/3/80 League of Cities Atlanta mtg. & Discussions held re: combatting crime, energy problems, etc. facing all U.S. cities. C. Atty. was asked to rev. & sub- mit opinion before 12/17/80 mtg. as to Comm. Wikler's q„uapstion for holding "informal Comm. mtgs." in COMMISSION MEETING 60' (cont'd.) Date relation to existing Sunshine Law. (see NATIONAL 12/3/80 LEAGUE OF CITIES, "SUNSHINE" LAW) Comm. Wikler suggested installation in Comm. Cham- 3/18/81 bers of large clock w/second sweep so that citizens who speak during mtg. can be aware of amt. of time they have during a presentation. Comm. Falk suggested using Co.'s format of setting out whether an agenda item, will be heard in the morning or afternoon, so that citizens interested in specific item need not wait an entire day to be heard. Conduct of commission meetings/Agenda format. 5/20/6/ Comm. Wikler suggested adoption of a Comm. policy regarding moving consideration of agenda items COMMISSION MEETING 61 (Cont'd) Date forward, ahead of other listed items. He also 5/20/81 asked the C. Mgr. to contact other municipalities in an effort to ascertain their agenda listing format as to whether they schedule approximate times that items will be heard so people will know in advance & not be required to sit in attendance during the entire session, & to report back. C. Comm. approved C. Mgr's recommendation that no 5/20/81 Comm. meetings be held during the mo. of Aug.; that aft. 7/15 mtg., the next scheduled mtg. would be held on 9/2/81. COMMISSION MEETING 62 Date Comm. approved C. Mgr's recommendation that 7/1/81 6/3/8] Comm. mtg. be postponed to 7/8/81 to accommodate holiday/vacation plans. Clerk to publish date change. Comm. Falk suggested that Comm. mtg. of 10/7/81, 9/2/81 being the eve of Yom Kippur, be deferred to 10/14/81 to accommodate members of the public who wish to attend. No objection was expressed to mtg. date change; Admin. to publicize the defermenti:. Rescheduling of Comm. Mtgs. scheduled for Wed., 10/9/81 10/14/81 & Wed. 10/21/81, both of which fall on religious holidays. Mtg. scbieduled for 10/14(81 COMMISSION MEETING 63 (Cont'd) Date rescheduled for Thurs., 10/15/81 at 9:30 a.m. Mtg. 10/9/81 of 10/21/81 cancelled. Res. 81-16783 adopted, amending Res. 81-16722, 81-16723, 81-16747, and 81-16748 so as to reschedule hrgs. to 11/18/81. (see ZONING, PLANNING COMMISSION) Comm, voted to cont. 11/18/81 session to Wed., 11/18/81 11/25/81 at 9 a.m. to conclude agenda, Ch. Dept. Ct. Att. advised that although req/d. 1/26/82 quorum was not pres. for the sp. Comm. mtg. called for the purpose of referring to the Planning Bd. consideration of requiring an environmental impact study of certain types of new const. & formal action could not be taken on any subj?, Comms. COMMISSION MEETING 64 (Cont'd) Date pres. may issue directives to Admin., if they so 1/26/82 wish. NOTE: This sp. mtg. was called as a result of discussion during Wkshp. mtg. held on 1/25/82, for purpose of hrg. residents of Crystal House who are in favor of imposition of a bldg. mora— torium on Collins Ave., in area from 44 St. to 60 St. Comm. voted to reschedule 4/7/82 Comm. mtg., which 3/3/82 is eve of 1st day of Passover, to Tuesday, 4/6/82. Mayor Ciment requested Admin. to poll Comm. as to 6/16/82 summer vacation plans to det. if quorum will be pres. on its reg. mtg. dates and/or possible need to schedule sp. mtgs. COMMISSION MEETING 65 Date Aug. 4, 1982 mtg. canc. (Comm. will be in recess 7/7/82 fol. 7/21/82 mtg. until 8/18/82). Scheduling of Dec., 1982 Comm. mtgs. Admin's 11/17/82 recommendation to combine the 2 Dec. mtgs. to 12/15/82, approved (reg. mtg. will not be held on 12/1/82). A sp. mtg. of MB Comm., scheduled for 9:30 a.m. 1/25/83 on Tues., 1/25/83 in City Hall, for discussion re. the C. Atty, was not held due to lack of a quorum. C. Mgr. also advised there was a tech. flaw in rela- tion to the notice given of the mtg. COMMISSION MEETING 66 Date 4/6/83 Reg. meeting for 5/18/83 rescheduled to R -11C 5/17/83 & adjournment by 5PM (due to-relig. holiday). (see MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT &/OR AGENCY) 5/17/83 Memo 315-83 & 216-83, Planning rep. & R -8A revised recommendation on New Adult Congregate Living Facility Zoning Ord. & admt. to Ch. 17B, Min. Housing Code to provide addnl. phys. stds. for ACLFS. Sp. mtg. scheduled for Tues., 6/14/83 at 9 a.m. to consider ords. on 2nd readingre ACLFS possible ballgt gues(s),. & settlement of lawsuit involving Atty David Nevel s clients. COMMISSION MEETING 67 Date (Cont'd) 5/17/83 VM Fromberg requested C Mgr imdtly notify R -8A Mayor Ciment & Comr. Eisenberg (who were absent) of mtg. scheduling. (see ACLFS, MINIMUM HOUSING STDS., ORD., PLANNING COMM., SUITS AGAINST CITY, ZONING) 7/6/83 Memo 453-83, signing of agreements during R -8F month of Aug. C Mgr auth'd to award any essential contracts & approve Conv. Ctr./TOPA leases during Aug. Comm. recess w/report to be pres'd to Comm. for ratification when it returns in Sept. (see CONV. CTR. COMPLEX, PURCHASING PROCEDURES) COMMISSION MEETING 68 Date 7/6/83 Comm. cancelled its reg. 8/3/83 & 8/17/83 R -9C meetings. (Following 7/20/83 mtg., Comm. in recess till 9/7/83.) 9/29/83 Pursuant to provisions of Sec. 8 of Charter of CMB, C Mgr called a Sp. Comm. Mtg. for Friday, 9/30/83 at 10 a.m. to chg. the deadline date for qualifying for Mayor & City Commissioner for 1983 City Elec. from Friday, 9/30/83--5 p.m. to Sat., 10/1/83 -- midnight. Chg. to enable those of Orthodox Jewish faith the opportunity to qualify. (see GENERAL ELECTION - NOV. 1, 1983) Date 9/29783 Due to lack of quorum, C Mgr of CMB cancelled the Sp. Comm. Mtg. scheduled for Fri., 9/30/83 at 10 a.m. re. chg'g of qualifying date for Mayor & City Commissioner for 1983 City election. (see GENERAL ELECTION - NOV. 1, 1983) 11/2/83 At suggestion of Mayor Fromberg, the Comm. R -11B voted to cont. mtg. to next Wed., 11/9/83, at 9:30 a.m. to afford new mems. of Comm. opportunity to rev. agenda & back-up info. 11/9/83 Discussion held re. chg'g the start time of R -9A Comm. mtgs to 1 p.m. rather than current COMMISSION MEETING 70 Date (Cont'd) 11/9/83 9:30 a.m. time. Comr. Weisburd requested R -9A C Atty draft ord. providing flexibility in mtg. start time for consideration at 11/16/83 mtg. 11/16/83 Ord. amdg. Art. I, §2-1 of Code, designating R -5B time of Comm. mtgs.; not reached - def. to 12/7/83. 12/7/83 Ord. admg. Art. I, §2-1 of Code, designating R -5B time of Comm. mtgs. Upon inquiry fr. Comr. Singer, Comr. Weisburd suggested item be def'd since some Comrs. will not be pres. during upcoming Dec. & Jan. mtgs. OOMMI ION MEMING Date 12/7/83 - it -7E 71 Memo 800-83, Res. 83-17577 adopted, auth'g firm of Zyscovich & Grafton, archs., to make necessary revisions to plans & specs for rebid of the 21st St. Comm. Ctr. as an addnl. serv. under the agreement (fee not to exceed $16,185). Comr. Grenald asked Admin. to investigate Mrs. Mildred Falk's sugges- tions that contr. incl. plans to adapt Acorn Theater to use by local colleges as training facility for radio/tv programs. VM Daoud suggested Mrs. Falk submit suggestions to Admin. bef. mtgs. for evaluation & inclusion into recommendations as deemed appropriate, COMMISSION MEBTING 72 Date (Cont'd) 12/7/83 thereby expediting consideration of matters. R -7E (see COMMUNITY CTRS. (CONTRS), COMMUNITY CTRS., $2,000,000 BOND ISSUE, ACORNS CIVIC THEATER) 12/21/83 Ord. passed on 1st reading amdg. Art. I, R -5B Code §2-1, eliminating time designation of City Comm. mtgs. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 1/18/84 at 2 p.m. 1/18/84 Hrg. held & concluded re. ord. amd'g Art. I, R -3E Code §2-1, deleting starting time of City Comm. mtgs. Ord. failed passage, 3-2 (4 votes required for adoption). COMMISSION MtgrTNG Date 1/18/84 R -9G 1/18/84 R -11E 73 Memo 56-84, status rep. on the MB Marina. Atty David Nevel, rep'g Waterfront Developers, Inc., appeared & requested opportunity to make presentation. mtg., Mr. Nevel referred to C Mgr procedure for agenda placement Later in so normal could be fol'd. (see MB MARINA, SUITS AGAINST THE CITY) Mayor Fromberg advised if someone speaks fr. audience microphones who is not recognized, he will turn off the microphone so their words are not recorded (in effort to maintain control over mtg.). He requested COMM/SSXON M PING 74 Date (Cont'd) 1/18/84 minutes reflect that those unauth'd words R -11E are not part of the transcript because the speaker was not recognized by the chairman. 2/1/84 Discussion re. 3/7/84 Comm. mtg. conflict R -9I w/Natl. League of Cities Conference. Because several mems. of Comm. will be out of town on 3/7/84 to attend Conf., mtg. date chg'd to Wed., 3/14/84, commencing at 9:30 a.m. (see NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES) 2/1/84 Because the 4/18/84 regular Comm. mtg. date R -11E falls on the 2nd day of Passover, the Comm. chg'd the date of that mtg. to 4/25/84. COMMISSION MEETING Date 2/15/84 R-88 4/4/84 R -9C 75 Discussion on Mar. 7 and Apr. 18, 1984 Comm. mtgs. In effort to avoid back-to-back mtgs., Comm. cancelled 3/21/84 reg. mtg. and reset 2nd reg. Apr. mtg. to Thurs., 4/19/84 (instead of 4/25/84 as prev. scheduled). Discussion held on request of Comr. Weisburd of the rule allowing a Comr. to prohibit the discussion of any agenda item not placed on agenda 5 days prior to Comm. mtg. Motion to adopt rule failed of passage 2-5 (VM Daoud & Comr. Weisburd favoring motion). COMMISSION MEET/NO Date 4/19/84 R -1A 76 Memo 236-84, request fr "Big Red" McElligott to discuss Comm. mtgs. chg. of dates fr. the reg. schedule. Mr. McElligott expressed dissatisfaction w/wording of agenda request, stating that his request pertained only to the Mar., 1984 Comm. mtg. dates. He further suggested that the Comm's chg'g dates of Mar. mtgs. was not in compliance w/Code Art. I, Sec. 2-1, & inquired why Code was not amd'd to allow date chg. as necessary. C Atty advised mtgs. were canc. because no quorum would be pres. on reg. mtg. dates. She advised an amdt. was desirable to clar- ify Code (see Item R -4A). (see "M" MISC.) COMMISSION MEETING 77 Date 4/19/84 Ord. 84-2407 adopted as an emergency meas., R -4A amdg. Sec. 8 of the M.B. City Charter & Sec. 2-1 of the M.B. City Code, providing that the City Comm. may cancel and/or change the dates & starting times of City Comm. mtgs. 4/19/84 Memo 245-84, chg. of mtg. dates - June & R -8F July, 1984. 6/6/84 reg. Comm. mtg. date chgd to Tues., 6/5/84, w/adjournment by 5 p.m. (due to Jewish holiday). 7/4/84 reg. Comm. mtg. date chgd to Tues., 7/3/84, (due to Natl. Independence Day holiday). COMMISSION MERTING 78 Date 5/16/84 Reg. July mtg. dates chg'd. to 7/11 & R -8A 7/25/84 (2nd & 4th Wed's.) due to Independ- ence Day holiday 1st Wed. & time bet. mtgs. due to Comm's. scheduled Aug. vacation. 6/5/84 Memo 353-84, signing of agreements during R -8D mo. of Aug.; not reached - def. to 6/20/84. 7/25/84 Comm. Grenald suggested that Comrs. be pres. R -11A. at mtg. starting time or that the starting time be rescheduled to the time they normally start. Mayor Fromberg advised that mtgs. will be started on schedule in fut. CO ITg8TOw MMTIMO Date --9/5/84 R -11F 11/21/84 R -1A 12/19/84 R -11A 79 The City Clerk announced that the advertise- ment for the 9/12 and 9/19 budget hrgs. reflect a 5 p.m. starting time, but the correct time, as set by the Comm. on 7/25/84 was 5:30 p.m. (see 1984-85 BUDGET) Memo 764-84, request of "Big Red" McElligott to discuss people's legal right to be heard at Comm. mtg. Mr. McElligott appeared & was heard. (see "M" MISC.) The Comm. voted to cancel the reg. -scheduled 1/2/85 mtg. & to have only 1 reg. mtg. in Jan. (1/16/85) . PagigagLirignag 8U mate 12/11/84 Comm. voted to change date of the regularly- SP.iMG. scheduled- 1/16/85. mtg. to Wed., 1/23%85: NOTE: This will be the only Comm. mtg. scheduled for 1/85 since the Comm. voted on 12/19/84 to cancel the 1/2/85 mtg. 4/17/85 VM Grenald suggested Comm. consider inviting R -11G Cable TV to televise portions of Comm. mtgs. that would be of most int. to the people, and asked that matter be pl'd on the 5/1/85 agenda for discussion. (see CABLE TV) 5/1/85 Comm. rescheduled July Comm. mtgs. fr. R -9B 7/3/85 and 7/17/85 to 7/10/85 and 7/24/85; no mtgs. will be held in August (vacation). COMMISSION MEETING Date 6/5/85 Reg. 6/19/85 Comm. mtg. date rescheduled to R -9C Wed., 6/26/85. 81 10/8/85 At the Comm. mtg. to consider the ruling of the Mayor, the Comrs. set forth that a fair and impartial consideration of the Housing Auth. issue could be held. Mayor Fromberg denied motions of atty's rep'g Mr. Perlin and Lerner to strike comments of Comrs. based on Mr. Knox's opinion that there are no con-straints on a deliberative board. The Comm. voted unanimously to confirm the Mayor's action in the removal of Messrs. Lerner and Perlin. Sp. Comm. mtg. to be COMMISSION MEETING Date (Cont'd) 10/8/85 held on Wed to removal AUTHORITY) 11/20/85 R -9A 2/5/86 R -11M 82 ., 10/23/85, re. action w/respect of Mr. Sand. (see HOUSING No objection expressed to chg'g. Jan. mtg. dates to 1/8/85 & 1/22/85 due to 1st regularly -scheduled mtg. date being New Year's Day. No objection expressed to Mgr's that Cony. Ctr. concessionaire & beverages for sale, & set chairs for customers on 3rd Hall during Comm. mtgs. suggestion provide food up tables & flr. of City COMMISSION MDIVPING Date 2/5/86 Mayor Daoud, R -11K outside -line removed. 3/5/86 R -11B 3/19/86 R -1A 83 Comrs. Shockett & Singer urged Commission table telephones be Religious leaders invited to offer invoca- tions to be advised of public nature of body & asked to present nonsectarian invocations. Stanley K. Shapiro suggested City consider limiting speakers to 3 per item (like Hialeah), and that City hold a mtg. every 2 mos. @ 6 p.m. Admin./C Atty to investigate holding 1 mtg./mo. @ 5:00 p.m., submit pro- posal to Rules & Sp. Events Com. for rev. & COMMISSION Mg4!TNG 84 Date (Cont'd) 3/19/86 recommendation & put on 4/2/86 agenda. (see R -1A "S" MISC.) 4/2/86 Discussion to chg. 4/16/86 Comm. mtg. to R -9H 4/23/86; no action taken (mtg. date remains 4/16/86). 4/16/86 Admin. requested to review aft./evening R -11C Comm. mtg. starting time and costs; rep. & recommendation to be submitted. 5/21/86 Comm. voted to reschedule 7/2 and 7/16/86 R -11C mtgs. to 7/9 and 7/23/86; no mtgs. to be held in Aug. (vacation). COMMISSION M8EI'ING 85 Date 2/4/87 Mayor Daoud advised Comrs. Grenald & R-11B Resnick & he would be in Israel 3/4/87 (reg. Comm. mtg. date).