Community Affairs & Human Services Department_May to October 1982:OMMt7NITY A.TTAIRS & HtTMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 Date vlemo 277-82, Comm. approved C. Mgr's appt. of Mrs. 5/5/82 ;ladys Kane as Dir. of Dept. of Com. Affairs & Human "Servs. Memo 686-82, Res. 82-17166 adopted, auth'g. the 10/20/82 creation & maintenance of an imprest ckg. acct. in amt. of $2,000 for Dept. of Community Affairs & Human Servs. for making emergency payments to the needy; w/Intercontinental Bank of Miami (cks. to be ltd. to max. of $25), repealing Res's. 79-15966 & 80-16257. COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES DEPT 2 Date 4/20/83 Memo 240-83, res. approving & adopting a C4B relocation policy to be applicable to the City's Community Development funded Multi -Unit Residential Rehabilitation Program and/or Rental Rehabilitation Program Demonstration, def. to 5/4/83. Housing Auth. mem. William Finkelstein inquired why this proposed program would be conducted under City Comm. Affairs & Human Servs. Dept. as opposed to Housing Auth. C Mgr advised he, C Atty, & Dir. of CA&HS Dept will be mtg w/St HUD officials in Jacksonville 4/22/83 Sc will discuss the concerns of possible I.IJLVIIvlULV1 date 4%711$1 - C41 1 T fi1"rA1KJ 41N14_1 -1U8/1/ -11N JLKVI I;J Vtt` ontld) .. overlap of jurisdiction & submit rep. Mayor Ciment suggested Admin. meet w/Housing Auth. Chm in effort to create uniform policy & eliminate any overlapping. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF, HOUSING AUTHORITY, HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974) 3 COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES DEPT. 4 Date 5/4/83 Memo 277-83, Res. 83-17334 adopted, creation C -4B & maint. of imprest ck. acct. for Dept. w/Intercontinental Bank of MB; amt. $2,000; max amt. for emerg. pmts. to needy @ $25; repealing Res. Nos. 79-15966, 80-16257, 82-17166. COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES 5 DEPARTMENT Date 6/15/83 Memo 381-83, Res. 83-17379 adopted, auth'g. C-4A establishment of sp. rev. acct. (for disbursement of $12,300 Com. Servs. B1. Grant for emer. hsg. & life-sustaining medications to indigents) & sp. trust fund acct. (for disbursement of $10,000 Com. Servs. Trust Fund for food & trans. for indigent residents); accts. to be operated by Com. Affairs & Human Servs. Dept. 9/21/83 Memo 629-83, Bid 182-83, vending & alloca- C-2% tion of authorized prescription medications COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES 6 DEPARTMENT Date (Cont'd) 9/21/83 (life-sustaining prescriptions only) to C-2X clients (indigent residents) referred by CMB Human Servs. Div.; awarded to Milton Medical & Drug, Inc., Hispania Inter -Americana #2, & Lee Ann Drug, quoting wholesale price plus 10%, 20%, & 22% respectively. Funding fr. Comm. Development B1. Grant Years 7 and 8 and Comm. Servs. B1. Grant. Tot. amt. per client, per mo. - $40 max. Bid amt: $25,454.39. (see HOUSING & COMM. DEV. ACT OF 1974, COMM. HEALTH CTR., HEALTH CLINIC & HEALTH CARE CTR - PRIMARY) COMKUNITY AFFAIRS.& HUMAN SERVICES 7 DVARTMENT Date 10/19/83 Memo 660-83, Res. 83-17511 adopted, auth'g C-4B execution of a modification of agreement bet. FL Dept. of Community Affairs and CMB, extending Community Servs. B1. Grant from 9/30/83 to 12/31/83. (Grant provides money for medication & emergency housing for low- income residents.) (see FLORIDA, STATE OF) 12/7/83 CµR Memo 778-83, Res. 83-17567 adopted, auth'g C Mgr to establish 1 sp. trust fund acct. to oper. programs under the Yr. 2 funding of the Comm. Servs. Trust Fund. ($12,000 St. grant approved for 10/1/83 - 9/30/84 M.B. MARTMENT Date (Cont'd) 12/7/83 Emergency Assistance Program to provide food C-4A certificates to indigent residents.) (see FLORIDA, STATE OF) 12/7/83 Memo 780-83, Res. 83-17570 adopted, auth'g C -4C.1 application for fin. asst. fr. the Charles Mott Foundation for the MB Transp. Asst. Program for Human Servs. Div. programs; anticipated Program term: 3/84 - 3/85. (Program to provide for City purchase of $9,600 worth of Metrobus coupons fr. Dade Co. at discount rate of $2 per round-trip coupon.) dOMMUNITY -A `PAIRS & HOMAN StRVICtS DRPARTMENm Date (Cont'd) 12/7/83 Memo 780-83, Res. 83-17571 adopted, auth'g C -4C.2 application & agreement execution for $10,000 grant fr. Charles Stewart Mott Foun- dation for MB Emergency Housing Assistance Program. Anticipated Program term: 3/84 - 3/85. (Program to temporarily relocate per- sons residing in bldgs declared unfit for human habitation or to asst. homeless per- sons for 3 -day per.) 12/7/83 Memo 780-83, Res. 83-17572 adopted, auth'g C -4C.3 C Mgr to establish 2 sp. rev. accts. to oper. programs for emergency housing & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date (Cont'd) 12/7/83 transportation asst., if funds are granted C -4C.3 by Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. 10 7/25/84 Memo 465-84, Res. 84-17802 adopted, auth'g. C -4A application to Fla. St. Dept. of Com. Af- fairs, B1. Grant Assistance Sec., for $14,280 Com. Svcs. Trust Fund Grant under Com. Svcs. Act of 1974 for 10/1/84 - 9/30/85 Emergency Food Assistance Program; auth'g. agreement execution. Program to provide food certs. to 1,428-2,142 residents; grant req's. matching funding proposed to be $6,762 in-kind fr. City (salaries) & $7,518 COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES 11 DEPARTMENT Date (Cont'd) 7/25/84 cash ($6,018 pvt. donations & $1,500 Genl. C -4A Fund monies); $28,560 tot. budget. Res. 84-17803 adopted, auth'g Mgr. to est. special trust acct. to operate Program if funds granted. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF) 10/17/84 Memo 667-84, Res. 84-17889 adopted, re-est'g C -4B imprest ckg. acct. for Dept. of Community Affairs & Human Servs. w/Intercontinental Bank of M.B.; for emergency payts. to needy (chg'g list of auth. signatories). (see VOUCHER SIGNATURES) COMMUNITY AP'AIRS & *I$$N SERVICES 12 DEPARTMENT Date 12/19/84 Memo 847-84, res. auth'g execution of agree- C-4A ment w/Andrew V. Cobos for his retention w/CMB as Minority Assistance Specialist. Rolin Rodriguez appeared in opposition to establishing Program & urged reestablishment of Consumer Affairs office. Latin Am. Adv. Bd. Chm. Edwin Rojas appeared in support of Program & urged authorization. Discussion held. Action def. to 1/16/84 to afford Comm. opportunity to meet w/Mr. Cobos. Comr. Daoud asked Mgr to schedule appt. or ask Mr. Cobos to contact him. POMMUNITY_ArrAIPS & HUMAN gOnV'ZCns DtPARTMBNT nate 1/23/85 C -4A 13 Memo 8-85, Res. 85-1797I adopted, auth'g ex- ecution of an agreement w/Bertha C. Casais for retention as Minority Assistance Spe- cialist; biweekly salary - $730.46, funded fr. CDBG funds, for 40 hrs. min./wk; Con- tractor to oper. CDBG-funded medication, prosthetic device, transp., food, and emer- gency housing programs; Community Servs. Trust Fund Emergency Food program; Community Servs. Bl. Grant Transp. program; and any other program City may oper. (see HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974) COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date 2/6/85 C -4F.1 14 Memo 78-85, Res. 85-17995 adopted, auth'g application for $5,500 grant for Fed. fiscal yr. 1985 to purchase Metrobus coupons fr. Metro -Dade Transit Auth. @ $2 per 2 -way pass discounted rate, to serve 1,500 - 1,900 indigent residents annually for travel to employment/training servs., medical facili- ties, and social serv. offices; further, auth'g execution of any required agreement; requires $3,084 local cash match for $8,584 total project budget. (see SOCIAL SERVICES, FLA., STATE OF) COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES 15 DEPARTMENT Date 2/6/85 Memo 78-85, Res. 85-17996 adopted, auth'g C -4F.2 Mgr to est. a sp. rev. acct. to oper. pro- grams for emergency transp. assistance, if funds are granted by FL Dept. of Community Affairs. (see FL., STATE OF, SOCIAL SERVS.) 3/6/85 Memo 165-85, Res. 85-18032 adopted, appro- C-4F priating $5,500 Community Servs. B1. Grant fr. St. of FL Dept. of Community Affairs, to CMB Human Servs. Div. for Emergency Transp. Assistance Program. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF, SOCIAL SERVICES) COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES 16 DEPARTMENT 7/24/85 Memo 438-85, Res. 85-18140 adopted, auth'g. C -4B application to St. of Fla., Dept. of Com. Affairs, Bl. Grant Assistance Sec., for $14,280 grant under Com. Svcs. Act of 1974, for Emergency Food Assistance Program to provide certs. to low-income residents (majority elderly); grant reqs. $6,780 in- kind svcs. match (Com. Dev. employees' salaries) & cash match ($6,000 pvt. donations & $1,500 Genl. Fund monies) for $28,560 Program budget; Program per. 10/1/85 - 9/30/86. Admin. to make necessary tech. chgs./cors. not substantially effecting application. Res. 85-18141 adopted, auth'g. COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES 17 DEPARTMENT Date (Cont'd) 7/24/85 est. of sp. rev./expenditure acct. to op. C -4B program if St. funds granted. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF, SOCIAL SERVICES) 10/16/85 M#609-85, professional servs. agreement for C -4C.1 cont'd employment of social service worker. R#85-18240 adopted, auth'g agreement w/Frances Katz; term - 10/1/85 - 9/30/86; biweekly salary - $730.88 for 40 hrs. min./wk.; Contractor to supervise ops. and oversee activities of Soc. Servs. t it (excl'g Minority Assistance Program �stSShorecoin Ctr. SERVICES) COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date 10/16/85 C -4C.2 18 M#609-85, professional servs. agreement for cont'd employment of social service worker. R#85-18241 adopted, auth'g agreement w/Rebecca Greenspan; term - 10/1/85 - 9/30/86; biweekly salary - $422.08; for 40 hrs. min./wk. (see SOCIAL SERVICES) 2/5/86 M#89-86, R#86-18350 adopted, auth'g C -4B.1 tion to FL Dept. of Comm. Affairs assistance thru CD program for $7, ($4,000 - bus coupons and $3,000 - temp. housing). (see SOCIAL SERVS. & COMM. DEV. ACT OF 1974) applica- for fin. 000 grant emergency , HOUSING COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date 2/5/86 C-414.2 R#86-18361 adopted, auth'g Mgr. a new charge code in Sp. Rev. op. above programs (C -4B.1) granted, when available. SERVS., HOUSING & COMM. DEV. ACT 19 to establish Fund 199, to if funds (see SOCIAL OF 1974) 10/1/86 M#646-86, R#86-18619 adopted, auth'g reten- C-4C.1 tion of Frances Katz, as soc. wkr. for So. Shore Comm. Ctr. C -4C.2 R#86-18620 adopted, auth'g retention of Rebecca Greenspan as soc. wkr. for CMB. (see SOCIAL SERVICES) COMMUNITY AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVICES 20 DEPARTMENT Date 10/1/86 M#647-86, R#86-18621 adopted, auth'g reten- C-4D.1 tion of Bertha C. Casais as Dir. of the Minority Assistance Program; funding fr. Yr. 12 CDBG. C -4D.2 R#86-18622 adopted, auth'g retention of Adelaida Miguelez as Clerical Assistant for the Minority Assistance Program. (see HOUSING & COMM. DEV. ACT OF 1974) 1/21/87 M#43-87, R#87-18734 adopted, auth'g $6,500 C -4A.1 grant application to the St. of FL, Dept. of Community Affairs for financial assistance thru the Comm. Servs. Bl. Grant Program for COMM/TY AFFAIRS & HUMAN StAVICE$ 21 DEPARTMENT Date (Cont'd) 1/21/87 emergency transp., housing assistance, & C-4A.1 life-sustaining medication programs. C-4A.2 M#43-87, R#87-18735 adopted, auth'g estab- lishment of a new charge code in Sp. Rev. Fund 199 to operate above programs if funds granted by FL Dept. of Comm. Affairs. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF)