Community Center-See Recreation Departmentt COMMUNITY CENTERS (SPECIFIC) (for ADMISSION CHARGES --SEE: RECREATION DEPT.) SEE - AUDITORIUM OCEAN FRONT (10th Street) PIER PARK SOUTH SHORE RECREATION CENTER TEEN AGE ACTIVITIES BUILDING YOUTH CENTER (21st Street & 73rd Street filed under COMMUNITY CENTERS) COMMUNITY CENTERS As of 2/1/84, for entries re. 21st Street Community Center, See: 21st STREET RECREATION CENTER. {_ A COMMUNITY CENTERS 14 (continued) Date renovation at 920 Alton Road.ee Housing and Community Development Act of 19 4) 4/25/79 Revised Memo #8232, reallocation of bond funds: 6/4/80 1) Mr, Sidney Goodman appeared and requested that an allocation be made for construction of a community center on Collins Ave,, in the area from 48th St. to 65th St. (See Special Election- Nov, 6, 1979) Recommendations relative to reallocation of 6/18/80 bond funds for: 1- proposed Community Center to be located in area between 48th St. and 65th St. on Collins Ave. Per Administration's request for more time to review matter from a location COMMUNITY CENTERS (continued) and cost standpoint, matter deferred to Aug. 6, 1980. (See Youth Center, Bicycle Paths, Golf Courses, Flamingo Park) 15 Date 6/18/80 Memo. 8668, Consultant firms of Zyscovich (ar- 12/17/80 chitect); Wallace Roberts & Todd (urban planning, landscape design); & Morton, Wolfberg, Alvarez, Taracido & Associates (engrs.) selected to pro- vide prof. servs. for restoration of 21st St. Com. Ctr. Admin. authorized to enter into con- tract negotiations w/firms. COMMUNITY CENTERS 16 Date Sidney Goodman & other residents in area appeared 3/4/81 in support of request for Comm. Ctr. at 53rd St. & Collins Ave. Matter referred to Admin. for study as to need, feasibility, funding, etc. & Rec. Mayor Meyerson requested that consideration also be given to City leasing a facility for this purpose, as a pilot project. Arnold Leon requested copy of Rec. Dir/s rep. on 3/4/81 6th St. Comm. Ctr. C. Mgr. advised he would attempt to have rep. available by 3/18/81. Memo 8835, Res. 81-16591 adopted, authorizing 3/4/81 execution of agreement (wording subj. to C. Att. (cont'd) COMMUNITY CENTERS 17 (Cont'd) Date final approval) w/Zyscovich, Arch., for consultant 3/4/81 servs. for restoration of 21st St. Comm. Ctr.; Total pro. fees not to exceed $74,500, total anticipated reimbursable expenses $5,050; to be funded frm. 6th Yr. Comm. Dev. Block Grant Prog. (see ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS) With respect to the rep. Mr. Arnold Leon requested 3/18/81 on 3/4/81, concerning the 6th St. Comm. Ctr., C. Mgr. advised that it should be ready within a week. (see "L" MISC., REC. CTRS. & PARKS FAC. BOARD) COMMUNITY CENTERS 18 Date Mr. Arnold Leon appeared & again requested a rep. 4/1/81 frm. the Admin. w/respect to the use of 6th St. Comm. Ctr. He was asked to meet w/C. Mgr. to obtain the info. he was seeking. (see RECREATIONAL CENTERS & PARKS FACILITIES BOARD) Request of Herman Blaustein to discuss a com. 12/16/81 ctr. at Arthur Godfrey Rd. or 36th St. & Collins Ave., scheduled for 1/6/82. Herman Blaustein appeared to discuss a com. ctr. 1/6/82 at Arthur Godfrey Rd. or 36 St. & Collins Ave., & was heard. Admin. directed to investigate feasibility of establishing such ctr. & submit rep. & recommendation and to keep Mr. B1austein COMMUNITY CENTERS 19 (Cont'd) Date advised of progress on matter. 1/6/82 Memo 40-82, Bid 145-81, rehab./restoration of 21st 1/20/82 St. Comm. Ctr. Econ. Development Dir. Monte Lee stated that orig. bid of Avant Const. Co. was in amt. of $1,419,000, which exceeded available funding; that through negotiation & deletion of certain items, bid amt. had been reduced to $870,768. Following discussion, matter referred back to Planning staff for reevaluation of design plans & bid procedure, w/consideration given to letting project in stages, thereby reducing amt. of perf. bonds req'd., in effort to obtain bids from smaller contractors; rep. & recommendation to be submitted bef, project to COMM[JNITY CENTERS 20 (Cont'd) Date be rebid. 1/20/82 Memo 106-82, rejection of Bid 145-82 "rehabilita- 2/17/82 tion/restoration of 21st St. Comm. Ctr.". Com. Development Adv. Com. Chm. Arthur Unger stated Com's pos. that the 1 negotiated bid should be accepted. Project arch. Bernard Zyscovich explained scope of proposed project & suggested that bid be rejected & rebid, reducing scope to renovation of theater & clubhouse bldg. only. Admin's recommendation that bid be rejected to enable Admin. to further rev./ approved. Needs to be reevaluated following mtgs. w/involved parties & project to be rebid accordingly, • insuring that funding is not jeopardized. Admin. (Cont'd) COMMUNITY CENTERS 21 (CONT'D) Date directed to rev. & submit recommendation re. pro- 2/17/82 posed development of Dade Canal along northern boundary of Cony. Ctr. Complex. (see ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS, CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN) Memo 259-82, Bid 33-82, providing bus rental serv. 5/5/82 for Youth Ctr. & Rec. Dept. summer programs, awarded to Pro. Transportation, Inc. quoting $165/day rental chg. William Finkelstein appeared & inquired as to why City is discontinuing bus transportation serv. to take elderly on field trips & to pks. from 6th St. Com. Ctr. & 71st St. C. Mgr. advised that matter had just comd.to his att. this wk. VM COMMUNITY CENTERS 22 (Cont'd) Date Eisenberg suggested that Mr. Finkelstein make an 5/5/82 appt. to meet & discuss matter w/C. Mgr. (see BUS[PASSENGER] [CONTRACTS], RECREATION DIVISION [CONTRACTS]) Request of Gabrielle Nash -Tessler to discuss 21st 5/5/82 St. Rec. Ctr. Complex. Mrs. Tessler appeared & requested that she be heard today, as opposed to Admin's recommendation that matter first be rev'd administratively. C. Mgr. advised that part of the issue relatea to survey recently conducted at Ctr., but bef. he can make a recommendation, the results need to be tab'd. Item deferred to 5/19/82. Comr. Weinstein requested that C. Mgr. meet w/Mrs. Tessler in interim to discuss hex suggestions. (see wT' MISCELLANEOUS) COMMUNITY CENTERS 23 Date Request of Gabrielle Nash-Tessler to discuss 21st 5/19/82 St. Rec. Ctr. Complex. Mrs. Tessler requested that item be deferred to Time Certain on 6/16/82 for full Comm. Mrs. Barbara Brooks, V-Chm. - Com. Development Adv. Bd., advised that at Bd's last mtg., it approved $100,000 addl. funding toward project; further that Bd. strongly urges that City move ahead w/project, & if it is not approved, the $600,000 CD allocation for project will be w/drawn & reassigned, Matter deferred pending Admin's further rev. of appropriate overall use of prop.; to be rescheduled by Mgr. as expeditiously as possible. Mrs. Brooks to be notified when item is rescheduled. (see HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974, COMM. DEVELOPMENT ADV. COM., CIVIC & CONV. CTR, MASTER COMMUNITY CENTERS 24 (Cont'd) Date DEVELOPMENT PLAN, "T" MISCELLANEOUS) 5/19/82 Memo 314-82, request of Gabrielle Nash-Tessler to 6/2/82 discuss 21st St. Rec. Ctr. Complex, LTC 48-1982. Mrs. Tessler requested, 1) scheduling of admin. wkshop on 6/9/82 at 2 p.m. for all int'd. parties to meet & discuss plan for facility, and 2) item be pl'd. on 6/16/82 Comm. agenda at Time Certain. Admin. wkshop scheduled per request. Mrs. Nash- Tessler to meet w/Admin. prior to wkshop to work out details of notification to int'd parties. Re. request for Time Certain on 6/16/82, matter sched- uled for 11:30 a.m. (see "T" MISCELLANEOUS) COMMUNITY CENTERS Date Memo 314-82, request of Gabrielle Nash -Tessler 6/16/82 to discuss 21st St. Rec. Ctr. Complex. Planning Dir. Monte Lee rev'd. proposed improvements for Ctr. Mrs. Gladys Kane (Dir. - Comm. Affairs & Human Servs. Dept), & Project arch. Bernard Zyscovich replied to Comm. ques's concerning allowable use of CD B1. Grant funds & alt. plans for improvements to site. Admin. directed to consider const. of multistory, multipurpose bldg. (incl'g dance facilities) in area now occupied by dance fl./band shell, taking into consideration needs and pkg. facilities req'd., & to submit progress rep. & recommendation for 7/7/82 mtg. Mayor Ciment requested rev. of reps. needed COMMUNITY CENTERS 26 (Cont'd) Date to existing facility to comply w/codes & ensure 6/16/82 safety of users, utilizing CD funds for necessary improvements, & that rep. & recommendation be sub- mitted for 7/7/82 mtg. Comr. Daoud requested that Admin. take immediate action to rep,/repl. benches, old records, & dance floors at both 21st St. & 73rd St. Comm. Ctrs. & to repl. stage curtain at 21st St. Ctr. VM Eisenberg requested that Admin. incl. in its considerations of plans for expansion of Conv. Ctr. Complex, provision of dance facilities on bldg. roof for possible future use. (see "T" MISCELLANEOUS, HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974, CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX) COMMUNITY CENTERS Date Memo 393-82, res. approving application for & 6/16/82 auth'g. filing of statement of objs. & projected use of funds for year 8 under Coin. Development Bl. Grant Program auth'd by 1981 amdts. to Housing & Com. Development Act of 1974. Hrg. held & con- cluded. Mrs. Mildred Falk stated that inasmuch as considerable chgs. have been made to plans for restoration of 21st St. Com. Ctr. as orig. sub- mitted by arch. Bernard Zyscovich, she ques'd. the payt. for something not recd. or used, & suggested someone be apptd. to examine expenditures of CD funds more closely to ins. proper value is recd. for payts. made. Mayor Ciment requested that Admin. investigate matter & submit rep. for 7/7/82 mtg. (NOTE: LTC 91-1982 dated 7/15/82, filed COMMUNITY.CENTERS 28 (Cont'd) Date w/mtg. recs.) Action def. to 7/7/82 at 2:15 6/16/82 p.m. Time Certain. Mayor Ciment requested that Comm. rev. proposed allocations in interim & that Community Development Adv. Com. Chm. Arthur S. Unger be pres. when matter is considered to address any suggested chgs. Comr. Haber requested that Com. det. whether $50,000 - $75,000 funding under Neighborhood Improvement Program can be allocated for plantings & shrubbery & expertise, which funds would be supervised by a community-based gp., w/labor & follow-up to be provided by community mems. (see HOUSING & COMM. DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974,.COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADV. COMMITTEE) COMMUNITY CENTERS 29 Date Memo 435-82, Sidney J. Goodman requested that City 7/7/82 construct a multipurpose cam. ctr. for residents of high-rises from 4400 to 6400 Collins Ave., & recommended consideration of use of air rts. over mun. pkg. lot at 53rd St. & Collins Ave., east of fire sta. Request referred to Admin. for rev. of possible sites & recommendations. Comr. Dr. Haber suggested that funding be provided for upgrading of No. Shore Com. Ctr. at 73rd St. (see "G" MISCELLANEOUS, AIR RIGHTS) Memo 462-82, rep. on 21st St. Com. Ctr.; Memo 7/7/82 454-82, proposed Cony. Ctr. expansion - 21st St. Com. Ctr. Planning Dir. Monte Lee & architect Berr d Zy cpya,c rpt. ed t9 ques's fxpm (G9nt'd) COMMUNITY CENTERS (Cont'd) Comm. Admin. directed to develop plans for facility, considering suggestions offered by Comm., w/cost ests. & amt. of possible bond issue, & to submit rep. & recommendation for 7/21/82 mtg. 30 Date 7/7/82 Rep. on 21st St. Com. Ctr., not reached - def. to 7/21/82 8/18/82. Memo 552-82, status rep. on 21st St. Community 8/18/82 Ctr. Res. 82-17089 adopted, providing for sp. election on 11/2/82 to submit to electorate, ques. of issuance of bonds not to exceed $2,000,000 to fin. improvements to 21st St. comm. COMMUNITY CENTERS 31 (Cont'd) Date ctr. & const. of Collins Canal/22nd St. Walkway. 8/18/82 In addn., Admin. recommended Comm. auth. Admin. to seek new bids on proposed renovation wk. to existing bldg. Mayor Ciment suggested Admin. contact Arch. Bernard Zyscovich- in effort to ob- tain specific plans for Ctr. bef. election so the people will know exactly what they are voting on. (see ARCHITECT & ENGINEERS, SPECIAL ELECTION - NOV. 2, 1982, $2,000,000 BOND ISSUE, - 21st ST. COMM. CTR., ETC.) Memo 660-82, rev. of community ctr. ann. pass fee 10/6/82 schedule. Considering sm. amt. of projected addnl. revenue to be derived fr. proposed rate incr., item referred to Admin. for rev. of (cont'd) COMMUNITY CENTERS 32 (Cont'd) Date administrative cost/income in effort to reduce 10/6/82 fee to residents while maintaining control of attendance; to be rescheduled 10/20/82. Mildred Falk appeared & requested establishment 11/3/82 of an ad hoc com. comprised of owners of props. in neighborhood of 21st St. Comm. Ctr. to obtain cits. input re. proposed improvements to Ctr. & constr. of the Collins Canal/22nd St. walkway, for which electorate approved issuance of gen. obligation bonds in amt. not to exceed $2,000,000, at 11/2/82 Sp. Election. No action taken on request. (see SP. ELECTION - NOV. 2, 1982, $2,000,000 BOND ISSUE - 21st ST. COMM. CTR., ETC.) COMMUNITY CENTERS 33 Date Res. 82-17187 adopted, declaring 11/2/82 Sp. 11/17/82 Election results; Ques. #2 approved - improve- ments to 21st St. Conuu. Ctr. & constr. of Collins Canal/22nd St. walkway. (see ELECTION, SP. ELECTION - 11/2/82) Memo 764-82, authorization of Admin. to seek pro. 11/17/82 arch. engr'g. & landscape arch. serv. for 21st St. Community Ctr. project; not reached - def. to 12/15/82. (see ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS) C. Atty Memo 760-82, Messrs. George Davies of 11/17/82 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius (City's bond counsel) & Stanley E. Ross of Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. (City's financial consultant) appeared & COMMUNITY CENTERS 34 (Cont'd) Date recommended adoption of folg. res. leading to 11/17/82 sale of bonds. Res. 82-17188 adopted - $2,000,000 Gen. Obligation Bond, 21st St. Community Ctr. (to be in $5,000 denominations). Res. 82-17192 adopted, auth'g. bonds in amt. of $24,650,000 for var. purposes ($650,000 - 16th St.; $1,500,000- Beachfront Pk. & Promenade Project; $18,000,000 - Justice Ctr.; $2,500,000 - Arthur Godfrey Rd.; & $2,000,000 - 21st St. Community Ctr.) to be issued as an omnibus issue of Gen. Obligation Bonds to be designated Pub. Improvement Bonds, Series 1983. (see $24M OMNIBUS BOND ISSUE, SIXTEENTH STREET CLOSING, ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD, BEACHFRONT PARK AND PROMENADE PROJECT, PARKING SYSTEM, CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX) COMMUNITY CENTERS 35 Date Memo 764-82, authorization of Admin. to seek new 12/15/82 bids for pro. arch./engr'g & landscape arch. serv. for 21st St. Community Ctr. project, approved. (see ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS) Memo 41-83, Gen. Obligation Omnibus Bond Issue. 1/19/83 Res. 83-17249 adopted, (amdg. Res. 82-17188) amdg. certain provisions re. issuance of bonds in coupon form. (see CONVENTION CTR. COMPLEX, $24,000,000 OMNIBUS BOND ISSUE) Memo 58-83, Bid 148-82, 482 portable aluminum 2/2/83 pk. benches w/opt. to install, def. to 2/16/83 pending insp. of bench samples by mems. of Comm. & rect. of Admin. rep. as to comfort, life,