Community Center_February 1983COMMUNITY CENTERS 36 (Cont'd) Date etc. of proposed benches. Comr. Daoud requested 2/2/83 21st St. & No. Shore Community Ctr. personnel be pres. to rep. on bench usage at those facilities. (see NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER) Memo 78-83, sale of $24,000,000 Gen. Obligation 2/2/83 Bonds. Res. 83-17262 adopted, auth'g. issuance of negotiable coupon bonds in amt. of $24,000,000. Form of Official Notice of Sale approved; adv. auth'd., Form of Preliminary Official Statement approved; Statement release auth'd. City's fin. advisor, Stanley Ross of Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. appeared. Bonds to be sold 3/2/83 at 11 a.m. (see JUSTICE CTR., BEACHFRONT PK. & PROMENADE PROJECT, ARTHUR GODFREY RD., CONV. CTR. COMPLEX, $24.000.000 OMNIBUS BOND ISSUE) Coate _.3 _ . - Memo 136-43,' R_ es. $3-172 Tatifying official Notice of Sale `and-Bid'form, accepting bid of Wm. R Hough & Co. for net int. cost of $28,236,919.30 plus accrued int. on bds. from 3/1/83 to date of defy, at rates set forth in bid. (see JUSTICE CENTER, $24,000,000 OMNIBUS BOND ISSUE, ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD, CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX, BEACHFRONT PARK AND PROMENADE) COMMUNITY CENTERS Date 3/16/83 R -8D Memo 179-83, Res. 83-17296 adopted, con- senting to desig. of old C/Hall as local hist. site, subj. to rev. by MB Hist. Pres. Bd. and Plan. Bd. w/final approv. by City Comm. Desig. of 21st St. Comm. Ctr. def. to 4/6/83 pending Adm. rev. of impact on current arch. plans for structure. (see CITY HALL, HISTORIC PRESERVATION, PLANNING COMMISSION, HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974) 4/6/83 Memo 219-83, Res. consenting to desig. 21st St. R -8B Comm. Ctr. as hist. site - not reached, def. to 4/20/83. (see HISTORIC PRESERVATION) 38 COMMUNITY CENTERS Date 4/20/83 R8A 39 Memo 219-83, Res. 83-17323 adopted, consenting to designation of 21st St. Comm. Ctr. as a local historic site, subj. to review by MB Historic Preservation Bd. & Planning Bd. & final approval by Comm. Several cits. suggested City obtain input on plan for Ctr's restorations project fr. users & area prop. owners. C. Mgr advised cit. input will be sought at the appropriate time. (see PLANNING COMMISSION, HISTORIC PRESERVATION) COMMUNITY CENTERS 40 Date 5/4/83 Gabrielle Nash-Tessler appeared/discussed R-1A "..21st St. Recreation Center ...". No action taken or required. ,COMMUNITYMIT.,. .. 41 Memo 31143; Tsel -of-a consultant arch. "team to R8E provide pro. servs.-for Zist`St. Comm. Ctr. Improvement Program, def. to 6/1183 at 4 p.m. Time Certain at request of Mayor Ciment. LTC #70-1983 dtd. 5/13/83. (see ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS) COMMUNITY CV:N ITE S Date 6 /1/83 R3M 42 Memo 318-83, set of a consultant arch. team to provide pro. servs. for 21st St. Comm. Ctr Improve- ment program. Reps. of 3 preferred firms, as determined by Consultant Sel. Com., made presentations. Comm. ranked firms: 1) Norman Giller Assocs. 2) Wolfberg, Alvarez, Taracido & Assocs. 3) Zyscovich Architects & Assocs. Admin. auth'd to begin contr. negotiations w/firm ranked #1; should those attempts fail, then to proceed w/#2, & subsequently, if necessary, w/#3. Mayor Ciment urged Admin. to make every effort to have renovation wk. completed bef. the COMMUNITY CENTERS 43 Date (Cont'd) 6/1/83 improvement portion commences, so only one R3M constr. crew is wkg. in the faciltiy at a time. (see ARCHITECTS & ENGRS) 6/15/83 Memo 382-83, establishment of Ser. 4 - $2,000,000 C -5A 1983 - 21st St. Com. Ctr. Pub. Improvement Bonds acct. auth. Asst. C. Mgr. Patricia DeYoung ans'd. Mayor Ciment's ques's. re. status of funds. (see $24,000,000 OMNIBUS BOND ISSUE) 6/15/83 Memo 383-83; $1,849,430.33 appropriation from C -5B bond fund proceeds, auth. for const. of 21st St. Com. Ctr. (see $24,000,000 OMNIBUS BOND ISSUE). COMMUNITY Date 9/7/83 R-91 9/21/83 R -8F CENTERS 44 Request of Sidney Goodman to discuss public auditorium to be built on 53rd St.; def. to 9/21/83 at request of Mr. Goodman. (see "G" MISC.) Memo 617-83, Res. 83-17485 adopted, auth'g execution of agreement w/Norman J. Giller & Assocs. for 21st St. Comm. Ctr. Improvement Program (expansion/Collins Canal -22nd St. Walkway); wk. to be completed w/in 20 mos.; basic servs. comp. - $140,000 (based on $1,700,750 max. project construction cost); max. cost for design, contr. wk., & COMMUNITY Date 9/21/83 R -8F 9/21/83 R -9C CENTERS (Cont'd) reimbursable expenses - pprior authorization for by reso. of Comm.). 45 $148,000 (unless addnl. payt is given (see 21st STREET COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE) Request of Sidney Goodman to discuss public aud. to be built on 53rd St. Mr. Goodman appeared & requested authorization to construct an aud. at their expense in the air rts. over the City's metered pkg. lot at 53rd St. & Collins Ave. C Mgr advised such construction would have to be awarded C61NX'? Date 9/21/83 R-9C 10/5/83 C -7A -C'1'125 46 (Cont'd) through designated purchasing procedures & that facility could not be used for religious servs. Reps. of C Mgr & C Atty to meet w/Mr. Goodman & his com. in effort to resolve matter & submit report & recommendation. (see "G" MISC.) Memo 643-84, Planning Bd. items scheduled for Oct., 1983 mtgs. (for info only): 1. 21st St. Community Ctr. local historic preservation site designation (recommended by MB Historic Preservation (Cont'd on next card) aq pTnogs buTpun3 3o dTTzocem bufegs '(000'Z60'T$) z?edaz TTEMeas/sdeMneM oq pasoddo se (0SL'809$) 5PTq AgTununuoo asodzndTpTnui Mau zo3 spun3 3o uopeooTTe pasodozd pagoacgo / pazeadde (Tea •szw •sgsoo •zq.suoo pa3e3aumua eq3 anoge pue zano puna puog 130 43Tununuo0 000'000'Z$ aq3 30 000'00£$ •xozdde 3o uwopNeazq a ssnosTp oq )(Tea PazPTTW 30 3sanbaz '£8-ZS9 outaw (NOIIVAEHSHUd 0I80SSIH 'ONINOZ 'NNW ONINNV'Id aas) 'Z-dH/.114 0} f1W • z3 bqo buTuoz (*pa (P,4uo0) a3EQ L6 5451KaOJUILOi43_. 3T-11 £8/S/OT YL -3 £8/SAT COSI 'Y.-C I `r S 48 Date (Cont'd) 10/5/83 applied to bldg. She suggested it be R-1C referred back to Admin., w/direction to meet w/users to det. proper use of funds & stated objections to fee bg. pd. to arch. for costs of seawall constr. Mayor Ciment requested Admin. advise archs. that primary item is the community ctr, & suggest to them that they obtain input fr. users and 21st St. Comm. Ctr. Project Cit's Adv. Com. He also asked C Mgr notify Mrs. Falk when archs. & committee will meet to discuss funding allocations. (see "F" MISC., 21st ST. COMM. CTR PROJECT CIT'S ADV. COMMITTEE) COMMIT Date 11/16%83' C -5A etilttltS 4§ Memo 745-83, request fr. Chabad Comm. Ctrs. to sponsor 5th ann. Jewish Renaissance Fair, 1/22/84, Rm. 100 & mtg. rms. of Conv. Hall No. as well as adjourning grounds; approved w/certain exceptions, as recommended by Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. (see mtg. records file for details) . Chabad Comm. Ctrs. to provide required ins. & be responsible for all pers. costs at 21st St. Comm. Ctr. as well as any needed off-duty police & Fire Dept. employ- ees. (CONV. CTR. LEASES, MB CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) CENTERS RS Date 12/7/83 R-1E 12/7/83 R -7E 50 Memo 790 -83, -request -of Gabrielle Nash - Tessler to discuss evaluation of the plans for the development of the 21st St. Comm. Ctr Complex. Admin recommended Mrs. Tessler attend 1st Adv. Bd. mtg. (will be notified), where she can make suggestions, but not be heard at this time by Comm. No opposition expressed by Comm. Mrs. Tessler was not heard. (see "T" MISC.) Memo 800-83, Res. 83-17577 adopted, auth'g firm of Zyscovich & Grafton, archs., to make necessary revisions to plans & specs for rebid of the 21st St. Comm. Ctr. as an addnl COMMU_ NY TY ` CENTERS Date (Cont'd) 51 12/7/83 serv. under the agreement (fee not to exceed R -7E $16,185). Funding fr. $24000,000 Bond Fund. C Mgr reviewed updated cost estimates on bond issue for improvements & walkway. Comr. Grenald asked Admin. to investigate Mrs. Mildred Falk's suggestions that contr. incl. plans to adapt Acorn Theater to use by local colleges as training facility for radio/tv programs. VM Daoud suggested Mrs. Falk submit suggestions to Admin. bef. mtgs. for evaluation & inclusion into recom- mendations as deemed appropriate, thereby expediting consideration of matters. (see COY. Date 12/7/83 R -7E 12/7/83 R -8E 52 (Cont'd) $2,000,000 BOND ISSUE; COMMUNITY CTRS (CON- TRACTS), ACORNS CIVIC THEATER, COMM. MTG.) Memo 803-83, Res. 83-17581 adopted, calling a hrg. for 1/18/84 at 2:30 p.m. to consider Historic Preservation Bd & Planning Bd recommendations to amd. Zoning Ord. 1891 to exclude municipally -owned prop. known as 21st St. Comm. Ctr . , fr. MU Mun. Use Dist. & incl. same in MU/HP Mun. Use/Historic Preservation Distr. (see HISTORIC PRESERVATION, ZONING, PLANNING COMM.) COMMUNITY CENTERS Date 1/18/84 R -3F 53 Memo 38-84, hrg. held & concluded re. ord. amd'g Zoning Ord. 1891 & attached maps by designating 21st St. Comm. Ctr., 2100 Washington Ave., as an historic preservation site & by excluding the subj. parcel of land fr. the CCC Conv. Ctr. Distr. & including' same in the CCC/HP Conv. Ctr./Historic Preservation zoning distr., passed on 1st reading (per Planning Bd. rep. & recommendation). Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 2/1/84 at 2 p.m. (see ZONING, HISTORIC PRESERVATION, PLANNING COMM.) COMMUNITY CENTERS Date 1/18/84 R -8B 4/4/84 R -9A 54 Memo 42-84, rep. of the Energy Bd. C Mgr advised RFP is bg. developed to provide energy control in all of City's major bldgs to tie into new Justice Ctr., 21st St. Comm. Ctr. & the expanded Conv. Ctr. (see CMB ENERGY BD., JUSTICE CTR., CONV. CTR. COMPLEX) Discussion pertaining to chg'g the name of the 6th St. So. Shore Comm. Ctr. to the "MB Sr. Cits. Comm. Ctr". Discussion held. Motion to chg. name, failed of passage 3-4 (Mayor Fromberg and Comrs. Eisenberg, Shockett, & Singer opposed). Mayor Fromberg GdMMUNYTY Date 4/4/84 R -9A 9/5/84 R -7B CEN'TE125 55 est. an ad hoc com. to rev. usage &needs at all com. ctrs. (No. Shore, So. Shore, 21st St., & the Ocean Front Aud.) & submit rep. & recommendation; Comrs. to submit names of recommended appointees to his sec'y. (see AUDITORIUM - OCEAN FRONT, SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER, MAYOR'S AD HOC COMMUNITY CENTERS INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE) Memo 551-84, res. est'g a fee schedule for entrance to community ctr. nighttime pro- grams; def. to 9/12/84 budget hrg. COMMUNITY Date 9/19/84 R-31.1 10/3/84 R -9G CRNTFRS 56 Memo 551-84, Res. 84-17853 adopted, est'g 50 entrance fee to community ctr nighttime programs and rescinding portion of 9/28/76 Comm. Directive pertaining to passes & entrance fees; to become effective 10/1/84. Cost-saving/revenue-producing suggestions by Comr. Ben Z. Grenald. VM Weisburd suggested revisions in golf permit fees & reinstate- ment of annl. pass for Comm. Ctr. nighttime activities. Admin. to review proposals & effect on adopted budget, and submit rep. & recommendation for 10/17/84. (see GOLF COURSES, 1984-85 BUDGET) COMMtfl4YTY Date 10/17/84 R -9A 12/19/84 R -8C CV71128 57 Res. 84-17903 adopted, establishing a $5 annual pass fee for residents and providing for an alternative fee schedule for entrance to Community Ctr. nighttime programs, effec- tive 10/18/84; rescinding Res. 84-17853. Memo 842-84, 21st St. Rec. Ctr. & Collins Canal walkway. Ira D. Giller (arch/planner for project) pres'd redesigned development plans. Amd'd plans approved, arch. auth to complete wkg. drawings; Admin. to det. tot. funding available, and submit rep. CaMMtfilfTY c rrTtfts DAte N4 1/23/85 R -BD 58 Discussion re. senior cit. dances. Manager auth'd to allocate funds to imdtly. start Tues. night live music dances at Ocean Pront Aud., w/rep. as to funding needed, sources, allocation, etc. to be submitted for 2/6/85 agenda. Comr. Daoud requested Admin. publicize dance. (see SENIOR CITIZENS) 3/6/85 Memo 151-85, request of Robert Rich, Chm. R -1B Lincoln Rd. Mgt. & Development Adv. Bd. to discuss transfer of dances held at 21st St. Rec. Ctr. to Lincoln Rd. band shell; dances at Ocean Front Aud. and No. Shore Community Ctr. to remain. Event at Mali approved in COMMUNITY CENTERS 5g Date (Cont'd) 3/6%85 concept; Adm. to wk. out details & subnnit R-1B rep. & recommendation a.s.a.p. (see LINCOLN ROAD MGT. AND DEVELOPMENT ADV. BD., LINCOLN ROAD MALL, 21st STREET RECREATION CTR.) 4/3/85 Memo 243-85, Ira D. Giller of Norman M. R-8F Giller & Assocs. (archs/planners) pres'd final plans, specifications and design model for 21st St. Rec. Ctr. and Collins Canal Walkway project. Per Admin. recommendation, Comm. auth'd arch. to prepare bid documents and Admin. to advertise for construction bids. COMMUNITY Date 5/1/85 R -8C 12/18/85 C -2B CENTERS 60 Memo 275-85, dances on Lincoln Rd. Mall at bandshell (700 bl.), approved*. Mgr. advised staffing requirements amd'd; mer- chants to share costs roughly 50/50. (For more details, see mtg. file records.) *Friday night live -band dance to be in addn. to other live -band dances --Tues. night at Ocean Front Aud. and Sat. night at No. Shore Comm. Ctr. (relocated fr. 21st St. Rec. Ctr. per 11/21/84 Comm. action). (see LINCOLN ROAD MALL, 21ST ST. RECREATION CTR.) Bid 18-85/86, clean, resurface, and seal roofs @ So. Shore Comm. Ctr. (6th St.); def. to 1/8/86 pending bid tabulation. COMMUNITY Date 12/18/85 C -2C 9/10/86 R -7A 11/5/86 R -8H CENTERS 61 Bid 19-85/86, clean resurface and seal walls @ So. Shore Comm. Ctr. (6th St.); def. to 1/8/86 pending bid tabulation. M#605-86, res. establishing membership & user fees for tennis ctrs., pools, comm. ctr., youth ctr., and playground recreation programs; def. to 9/17/86. Adm. to consider concessioning beverage/hot dog serv. @ Comm. Ctr. activities. (see RECREATION DEPT.) M#748-86, reinstatement of Wed. social dance band @ Ocean Front Aud.; approved, $11,808 to be funded fr. TOPA tkt. surcharge.