Community Health center_November 1981COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 1 Date Memo 9307, Res. 81-16832 adopted, authorizing 11/18/81 execution of agreement w/Stanley C. Myers Com. Health Ctr., Inc.; Provider to 1) provide prescription drugs to low-income clients residing in Flamingo Neighborhood Strategy Area, 2) receive $37,500 conditioned upon approval of HUD for release of funds, to be funded from 7th yr. C.D. Blk. Grant Title I funds, and 3) hold ins. coverage as provided for in Agreement; Agreement deemed effective upon execution by both parties, project to become operational within 7 days of effective date and to cont. until 9/30/82. Mayor Ciment requested the Admin. to provide quartely reps. of medications dispensed & servs. rendered by Com. Health Ctr.; that Admin. & Adv. Com. rev. COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 2 (Cont'd) Date every agcy receiving funds thru C.D. program to 11/18/81 determine if servs. are given & functions are fulfilled. He also requested a written rep. from Admin. as to whether there is a duplication of servs. being offered. (see HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974, HEALTH CLINIC & HEALTH CARE CENTER - PRIMARY) Memo 563-82, Res. 82-17095 adopted, auth'g. Amdt. to Agreement w/Stanley C. Myers Com. Health Ctr., Inc., 1) to provide for $30,000 addl. funding fr. 6th Yr. C.D. B1. Grant Funds (approved during 8th Yr. CDBG planning cycle), incrg. tot. funding to $67,500 for 10,152 prescriptions to 3,300 low- income residents from Flamingo Neighborhood 9/1/82 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 3 Date (Cont'd) 9/1/82 Strategy Area, & 2) extending term thru 9/30/83. Mayor Ciment requested periodic reps. on recipients & drugs provided by this & So. Shore Com. Ctr. agcy. similary dispensing drugs. VM Eisenberg requested rep. incl. residence -verification procedure (NOTE: 9/16/82 rep. filed w/agreement). (see HEALTH CLINIC & HEALTH CARE CENTER - PRIMARY, HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974, SOUTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER) 9/21/83 Memo 629-83, Bid 182-83, vending & alloca- C-2X tion of authorized prescription medications COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 4 Date (Coned) 9/21/83 (life-sustaining prescriptions only) to C-2X clients (indigent residents) referred by CMB Human Servs. Div.; awarded to Milton Medical & Drug, Inc., Hispania Inter -Americana #2, & Lee Ann Drug, quoting wholesale price plus 10%, 20%, & 22% respectively. Funding fr. Comm. Development Bi. Grant Years 7 and 8 and Comm. Servs. Bl. Grant. Tot. amt. per client, per mo. - $40 max. Bid amt: $25,454.39. (see HOUSING & COMM. DEV. ACT OF 1974, COMM. AFFAIRS & HUMAN SERVS. DEPT., HEALTH CLINIC & HEALTH CARE CTR - PRIMARY) COMMUNITY Date 11/2783' C -4B.5 11/9/83 C -4B.5 fes`, ' H.COTO Memo 713-83, res.-auth'g &directing the execution of an agreement bet. CMB & Stanley C. Myers Comm. Health Ctr., Inc. for imple- mentation of Year 9 CDBG funds to provide prescription drugs to low-income residents in CMB; not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. (see HEALTH CLINIC & HEALTH CARE CTR - PRIMARY, HOUSING COMM. DEV. ACT OF 1974) Memo 713-83, Res. 83-17534 adopted, auth'g execution of agreement w/Stanley C. Myers Comm. Health Ctr., Inc.; Provider to rec. $32,000 CDBG funds to provide prescription drugs to indigent patients (residents) using COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 6 Date (Cont'd) 11/9%83 facility; Agreement term: 10/1/83 - C -4B.5 9/30/84. (see HOUSING & COMM. DEV. ACT OF 1974) 10/2/85 R#85-18211 adopted, auth'g agreement C -4E.9 w/Stanley C. Myers Com. Health Ctr., Inc. for prescription drugs to low-income resi- dents; amt. $30,000; project term 10/1/85 - 9/30/86. (see HOUSING & COMM. DEV. ACT OF 1974)