Comprehensive Recreation & Open Space Master Plan_December 1979 to February 1980COMPREHENSIVE RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Date (continued) Friedman requested Administration to review and determine whether proposed agreement is consistent with Flamingo Park Recreation Master Plan. (See Schools- Public) 12/19/79 Memo #8010, Res. #80-16175 adopted, deter- 2/6/80 mining need for Urban Parks & Recreation Recovery Funds for use in conjunction with the Comprehensive Recreation & Open Space Mas- ter Plan of C.M.B, authorizing and directing City Mgr. to enter into and execute grant appli- cations and Intergovernmental Grants, planning, and development agreements with County, State, COMPREHENSIVE RECREATION & OPEN SPACE 14 MASTER PLAN Date (continued) Federal governments; to process same with U. S. Dept. of Interior Heritage Conservation & Rec- reation Service; empowering City Mgr. to enter into, execute and submit such grant applications, agreements, supplements, amendments and support- ing data to appropriate governmental agencies; certifying that City will comply with all as- surances as required by U. S. Dept. of Interior. Administration directed to initiate preparation of Action Plan. Mayor Meyerson advised that he and City Mgr. will be going to Washington on 2/13/80 to meet with members of Dept. of Interior and HUD in an attempt to obtain funding. (See U. S. Government, Fla., State of Metro -Dade Co. 2/6/80 BEACHFRONT PARK AND PROMENADE PROJECT) COMPREHENSIVE RECREATION & OPEN SPACE 15 MASTER PLAN Date Memo #8011, Res. #80-16176 adopted, creating 2/6/80 7-member committee, designating a Recreation Management and Advisory Steering Committee, providing for its membership, limited term of service; and its jurisdiction, duties and responsibilities. Each Commissioner to make 1 appointment, appointee to be selected from a list of candidates to be submitted by City Mgr.; all terms to expire upon City Commission's adoption of Action Plan. (See Recreation Management and Advisory Steering Committee) COMPREHENSIVE RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE 16 MASTER PLAN Date Mr. Joseph Dinhofer appeared and complained 3/5/80 about noise emanating from Memorial Field during its use, and suggested that the field be relocated to 14th St. and Meridian Ave. City Mgr. to investigate complaint and submit report at a later date. Commissioner Friedman requested City Mgr. to schedule a Recreation Workshop within next 4 weeks; Mr. Dinhofer to be invited to attend. The City Mgr. advised that he will be prepared to submit names of potential appointees to Recreation Management and Advisory Steering Committee for Commission's consideration, at next meeting. (See Parks and Playgrounds, Recreation Dept., Recreation COMPREHENSIVE RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE 17 MASTER PLAN Date (continued) Management and Advisory Steering Committee) 3/5/80 Memo #8308, Ad Hoc Tennis Stadium Com. abolished.10/1/80 It was determined that rec. plans were a part of Master Rec. Plan and such coms. could be appointed from time to time as need may arise. (see AD HOC TENNIS STADIUM COMMITTEE) Status report on Club on the Bay, Inc.; City 12/3/80 Att. & City Mg. rendered oral rpt. of actions taken to term. lessee's rights in Island View Hosp. Prop. & secure restoration to orig. cond. of an area subleased by R. L. Turchin Const., Inc.; COMPREHENSIVE RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE 18 MASTER PLAN (Cont'd) DATE Comm. directed Admin. & City Att. to proceed 12/3/80 w/all deliberate speed in these efforts. Mrs. Minette Benson, representing Venetian Islands Improv. Assoc. appeared & req'd the Comm. direct the Admin. to proceed immediately to dev. plans for use of the prop. as an open space rec. park in compliance w'the Comp. Master Plan; no action taken on her request. (see ISLAND VIEW HOSPITAL PROPERTY)