Comprensive Development Plan_March 1979 to March 1980COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 6 Date Memo #7413, re: Comprehensive Master Plan - 3/21/79 City wide. Meeting, as requested by Consultants, scheduled for 3/28/79 at 2:45 p.m. in City Hall second floor conference room. Commissioner Wikler requested that Administration call Commissioners to remind them of meeting. Memo #8116, Res. #80-16232 adopted, City Mgr. 3/19/80 and City Atty. to take all necessary steps to recover as much as possible of total compen- sation paid Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan, Inc., for consulting services for development of a Comprehensive Master Plan (termination of agreement). COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Memo #8113, presentation and description of City's Comprehensive Plan for submission to State at April 9, 1980 Commission meeting. For information only. 7 Date 3/19/80 Memo #8231, local government Comprehensive 5/21/80 Planning request to set date for public hearing. Administration recommendation approved: City Commission schedule public hearings on June 18, 1980 at 5:01 and on Aug. 6, 1980 at 5:01 p.m. for purposes of consideration and acting on Comprehensive Plan, Hearings to be held as indicated, COMPREHE:NSIVEDEVELOPMENT PLAN 8_. Date Memo #8312, local government Comprehensive Plan. 6/18/80 Public hearing held and concluded. Responses of Administration as to comments submitted to Planning Dept. distributed and reviewed. 1) Mrs. Minette Benson requested that all refer- ences to future development of Pelican Island be deleted, including map references; and that applicable State, Federal, and County laws, prohibiting filling of Biscayne Bay, be delineated and not as indicated as "State and Federal sanctions prohibit". She also voiced objections to the rendering on the walls in Economic Development Dept. which was made many years ago, of Pelican Island developed as a golf course. (Economic Development Director agreed to do so) COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN -5 continued) Date 2) In discussion of Housing element of plan, Commissioner Friedman's motion approved, to effect that Planning Dept. and Planning Brd. study and make recommendations as to possible changes in zoning requirements which would legally provide incentives for construction of rental housing on property such as located on Rue Granville between Normandy Dr. and 71st St., (Lots 10-14, Inc. Blk 36, Miami View Sec. Part -3 Isle of Normandy and Lots 21-25, Blk 36, Miami View Sec. Pt. 1, Isle of Normandy (property having been considered by Housing Authority as site of 60 -unit replacement housing for Goodman Terrace tenants and which site was rejected by 6/18/80 COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 10 (continued) Date Commission for such purpose. 3) It was announced and established by Commis- sion that future hearing dates to consider adoption of Plan would be Aug. 6, and Aug. 20, 1980, respectively at 5:01 P,M., with appropriate notice to be given by City Clerk. 4) In interim, Planning Dept. will review all comments and prepare documents in final form for action by Commission on August dates. (See Pelican Island, Planning Commission) 6/18/80 COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 11 Date Memo #8384, hearing held. Ord. approving M.B. 8/6/80 Comprehensive Plan, passed on 1st reading. Hearing and second reading scheduled for 8/20/80, at 5:01 p.m. (See - Art Deco, Middle Income Hous- ing, Collins Ave, "P" Misc for brief recap of suggestions made by Commission and interested citizens.) Memo #8414, Revised Comprehensive Development 8/20/80 Plan distributed by Planning Division. Hearing held and concluded. Ord. #80-2223 ado ted, adopting plan, pursuant to Chapter 1 3.31 1 Florida Statutes, known as Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; providing for a future land use element, a traffic circulation COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (continued) 12 Date element, a sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, and potable water element, a conservation and coastal zone protection element, a recreation and open space element, a housing element, an inter- governmental coordination element, a utility ele- ment, an historical preservation element; and providing for severability, (1st reading 8/6/80) During discussion, V.M. Daoud requested a status report on resurfacing of Flamingo Park track, City Mgr. advised that a report would be sub- mitted for 9/3/80 meeting. 2) Res. #80-16361 adopted, authorizing and directing City Mgr, to submit a grant application to State of Fla's Dept. of Community Affairs for participation 8/20/80 COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (continued) in local Government Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program, (See Flamingo Park, Florida, State of) 13 Date 8/20/80 Pub. hrg. to consider a proposed ord. amending 5/20/81 the Comp. Plan of CMB so as to change the Designated Future Land Use of Blocks 21, 22 & 23, Altos Del Mar No. 1 Subdiv. Plat Bk. 30, p4, Pub. Recs. of Dade Co., FL, (west side of Collins Ave. bet. 76th & 79th Sts.) frm. Rec. & Open Space to Residential, held & concluded. Several questions raised by mems. of audience & Comm. relating to geffect, etc. of this proposed change on propt. on east side of Collins Ave., which is similarly COMPREHENSIVEDEVELOPMENT FLAN 14 (Cont'd) Date designated for rec. & open space use. Discussion 5/20/81 of the proposed Collins Ave. widening project, if it is to be implemented, & effect on this propt., as well as other questions, caused Comm. to defer action & to refer issue to Admin. & to Planning Staff & Planning Comm. to reconsider all aspects of matter. (see PLANNING COMMISSION, ZONING) Request of Harold Rosen for reconsideration of the 7/8/81 5/20/81 Comm. deferral of & the rescheduling of the pub. hrgs. on the amendment to the Comp. Master Plan & change of zoning frm. RS -4 Single Family Dist., to RM -60 Multiple Family Medium Density Dist., re: west side of Collins Ave. bet. 76 St. & 79 St. Att. Rosen, representing prop. owners ,Appeared & ``COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 15 (Cont'd) Date reminded Comm. that at the conclusion of the 5/20/81 7/8/81 hrg., due to questions which had been raised con- cerning treatment of props. located on east side of Collins Ave., no action had been taken on the Planning Comm's rec. to amend the Land Use Map of the Comp. Master Plan to change the Designated Future Land Use of blocks 21, 22 & 23, Altos del Mar No. 1 Subdiv., from. Rec. & Open Space to RM-60. He requested this matter be placed on 7/15/81 agenda so that if Planning Comm's rec. on land use is approved, the necessary hrgs. for the zoning change can then be scheduled. Matter scheduled for 7/15/81 at 3:30 p.m. Time Certain. (see PLANNING COMMISSION, ZONING) COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 16 Date Memo 9156, ord. amending City's Comprehensive 7/15/81 Master Plan & attached Future Land Use maps regarding property located on the west side of Collins Ave. bet. 76th & 79th Sts. (Blocks 21, 22, & 23 Altos del Mar No. 1 Subdiv., Plat Bk. 30 Page 4) by excluding subj. parcels from Rec. & Open Space designation & including same in Residential designation, passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 9/16/81 at 3 p.m. (see PLANNING COMMISSION, ZONING) Memo 9156, Ord. (2nd reading) amending Comp. Plan 9/16/81 & attached maps by excluding Blocks 21, 22, & 23, Altos Del Mar No. 1 (west side of Collins Ave. COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 17 (Cont'd) Date between 76th & 79th streets) from Recreational & 9/16/81 Open Space designation & incl. same in Residential: 25-60 units/acre designation; repealing all ords. in conflict; providing for effective date. Att. Harold Rosen, representing area prop. owners, appeared & requested deferment for at least 120 days, since his clients were not available & Planning Com. is considering possible town house zoning for area, which he wishes to res. Hearing cont'd. to 12/2/81 at 3 p.m. Att. Rosen agreed to pay readvertising costs. (see PLANNING COMMISSION, ZONING) COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 18 Date Memo 9156, Ord. amending Comp. Plan & attached 12/2/81 maps by excluding blocks 21, 22, & 23, Altos Del Mar No. 1 (west side of Collins Ave., 76th to 79th Sts) from Recl. & Open Sp, designation & incl. same in Rest., 25-60 units/acre designation; repealing all ords. in conflict; & providing for effective date. C. Mgr. & Planning Dir. Sanford Youkilis rev'd hist. of matter. Hrg. held and concluded. Action on 2nd reading of proposed ord. deferred to 1/6/82. (see ZONING) Memo 20-82, Res. 16885 adopted, authorizing execu- 1/6/82 tion of agreement w/FL, Dept. of Veteran & Com. Affairs to enter into a conte -OP obtain & COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 19 Date Memo 20-82, Res. 82-16885 adopted, authorizing 1/6/82 execution of agreement w/FL, Dept. of Veteran & Com. Affairs to enter into a contr. to obtain & use $20,000 grant for Comp. Planning under 1981- 82 Local Govt. Comp. Planning Asst. Program; servs. to be commenced within 15 days after execution by Dept. & be completed no later than 9/30/82. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF) Memo 360-82, Res. 82-17029 adopted, calling pub. 6/2/82 hrg. [as req'd. by FL St. 163.3181(3A] on 7/7/82 at 4:30 p.m. to consider Planning Bd's recommenda- tion to amd. Fut. Land Use Map of 1980 MB Comp. Plan to reassign 280 41st St. prop. (Moulin Rouge Hotel) from Residential 0-24 units/acre COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 20' (Cont'd) Date classification to Coml. classification. (see 6/2/82 PLANNING COMMISSION) Memo 402-82, sp. presentation & status rep. on 6/16/82 MB Comp. Plan; not reached - def. to 7/7/82. Atty Frank Wolland, rep'g. Mrs. Arthur Bettman, 6/16/82 requested that hrg. scheduled for 7/7/82 at 5 p.m. to consider Planning Bd's recommendation to amd. Fut. Land Use Map of 1980 MB Comp. Plan to chg. classification of prop. on west side of Collins Ave. (bet. Collins Ave. & Harding Ct.) from 76th to 79th Sts. from Rec. & Open Sp. to Res. 25-60 COM'REHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT FLAN 21 (Cont'd) Date units/acre classification, be rescheduled to 6/16/82 earlier in day or to 7/21/82 but earlier than 5 p.m. so pub. can attend w/out hardship & will have ample time to express their views. C. Atty ad- vised that a hrg. to consider a chg. in Comp. Plan reqs. 30 days' notice & must be held bef. rezoning hrg.; further that St. statute reqs. hrgs. on land matters to beg. no earlier than 5 p.m.; hrg. to re- main as orig. scheduled. (see COLLINS AVE., PLANNING COMMISSION) Memo 445-82, hrg. on Planning Bd's recommendation 7/7/82 re. chg. of land use classification of 280 41 St. Drop. (Moulin Rouge Hotel) held & concluded. Ord. amd'g 1980 MB Comp, Plan & Fut. L nd U§e Map by exrliidinn nrnn_ from Raairiantia1 fl 9L. COMP'REHENSI'VE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 22 (Cont'd) Date units/acre classification, & incl. same in Coml. 7/7/82 classification, passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 7/21/82 at 2 p.m. NOTE: On 6/16/82, an ord. to chg. zoning of subj. prop. from RM -100 Mult. Family Dist. to C-4 Coml. Dist., was given 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 7/21/82. (see PLANNING COMMISSION, ZONING) Memo 446-82, C. Atty Memo 447-82, chg. of land 7/7/82 use classification on Fut. Land Use Map of 1980 MB Comp. Plan to reassign prop. bet. Collins Ave. & Harding Ct. from 76th St. to 79th St. Hrg. held & concluded. Atty Harold Rosen, reptg. applicant COMPREHENSTVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 23 (Cont'd) Date Helen Trammel, appeared in support of chg. Atty 7/7/82 Frank Wolland, rep'g Mrs. Arthur Bettman, & Arch. Cesar Gomez, pres'd illustrative drawings of sizes of bldgs & lot coverage that would be permitted under RM-14, RM-24, & RM-60 zoning. Mr. Wolland indicated he would furnish copies of drawings for rec., & C. Clerk marked renderings w/exhibit nos. Ord. 82-2321 adopted, as amd'd, amd'g Development Plan & attached maps by excluding Blocks 21, 22, & 23, Altos Del Mar No. 1 from Recreational & Open Sp. classification & incl'g same in Residential 0-24 units/acre classification; to become effective 7/17/82. Ord. amd'g Zoning Ord. 1891 & attached maps by excluding subj. prop. from RS-4 Single Fam. Dist. & incl'g same in g4-14 l4ult Fan. Lpw Deni qty COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 24 (Cont'd) Date Dist., passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading 7/7/82 scheduled for 7/21/82 at 2 p.m. (see ZONING) Memo 402-82, sp. presentation & status rep. on 7/7/82 MB Comp. Plan, not reached - def. to 7/21/82. Memo 445-82, hrg. held & concluded. Ord. 82-2323 7/21/82 adopted amd'g. Comp. Plan & attached maps by excluding Moulin Rouge Hotel, 280 41st St. from Residential 0-24 units/acre classification & incl'g. same in coml. classification; to become effective 7/31/82; Restrictive covenant providing that prop. lessee & owner agree that bldgs. to (Continued) COMP' HBNSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Date (Cont'd) 7/21/82 be erected on prop., if utilized for residential purposes at all, will not exceed density of 100 units/acre; filed w/mtg. records. 7/21/82 Memo 402-82, Planning Dir. Monte Lee rev'd. Comp. Land Use Map & recent suggested chgs. to same. (for info only) . 1/4/84 Memo 11-84, Res. 84-17612 adopted, calling R -8B hrgs. for 2/1/84 and 2/15/84, both commencing at 5 p.m., to consider adoption of proposed ord. amdg. MB Comp. Plan by incorporating therein the So. Shore COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 26 Date (Cont'd) 1/4/84 Revitalization Strategy, and to consider the R -8A same document as an amdt. to the City's adopted So. Shore Redevelopment Plan. (see REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, M.B.) 2/1/84 Memo 69-84, hrg. held & concluded re. ord. R -3G adopting the So. Shore Revitalization Strategy Plan as an amdt. to the redevelop- ment element of the City's Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the Local Govt. Comprehen- sive Planning Act of 1975, & as a modifica- tion to the Community Redevelopment Plan for So. Shore, pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Act, as amd'd to incl., 1) dOMPRMENSIV2 DEV= PM.LN' PLAN 27 Date (Cont'd) 2/1/84 Planning Bd's recommended modifications B, R -3G C, & D; 2) Planning Dept's 12 recommended modifications; and 3) Supplemental Reloca- tion Statement,passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 2/15/84 at 5 p.m. City's legal/planning consultant Robert H. Freilich appeared in support of amd'd ord. adoption. (see REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, M.B., PLANNING COMMISSION) 2/15/84 Memo 69-84, hrg. held & concluded on ord. R -3G adopting the So. Shore Revitalization Strategy as an amdt. to the Redevelopment element of the City's Comprehensive Plan, CdMPRMENSYVS D7 3PMENr (PLAN 29 Date "(Cont'd) 2/15/84 pursuant to the Local Govt:'Comprehensive R7-3G Act of 195, and as a modification to the Comm. Redevelopment Plan for So. Shore, pursuant to the Comm. Redevelopment Act. Ord. 84-2403 adopted, to become effective 2/25/84 (ord. incls. Planning Bd's recommended mods. B, C, and D (excl'g A); Planning Dept's 12 mods.; and Suppl. Reloca- tion Statement). Robert H. Freilich & Martin L. Leitner of Freilich & Leitner, P.C. (City's legal/planning consultant for Redevelopment) and Christopher Macey of Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. (consulting engrs/planners) appeared, & COMM g.. *I4S b VE 4 rL P 4 29 gate (Corina) 2/15/84 responded to ques's fr. Comm. (see -MANN= ANN R --3G COWL, ' RtDBVEtOPMM 'AND/OR -AGENCY,' M.D. ) 3/6/85 Memo 153-85, Planning Bd recommendation to R-38 amd. Zoning Ord. 1891 Comp. Plan (future land use element), chg'g the classification of prop. bet. Collins Ave. & Harding Ct. fr. 76th to 79th Sts. fr. Res. 0-24 to Res. 26-60; and to chg. the Zoning Distr. fr. RM - 14 Low Density Dist. Multiple -Family to PUD - Planned Unit Res. Dev. Dist. Planning Dir. Jud Kurlancheek pres'd proposal & re- sponded to ques's fr. Comm. PB recommenda- tion rejected; land use classification and COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 30 Date (Cont'd) 3/6/85 zoning to remain unchanged. (see ZONING, R -3H PLANNING COMMISSION, OCEANFRONT PARK (77th - 87th TERR)) 4/16/86 C Atty M#272-86, R#86-18426 adopted, accept - R -7C ing settlement offer for costs and termina- tion of proceeding (Anna Silver, etc. v CMB) for Leon Black, Esq., (approx. $29,294.76) in exchg. for prompt amdt of Comp. Plan and prop. rezoning to permit 60 units/acre. (see ZONING, OCEANFRONT PARK 77th - 87th TERR) )