Comprensive Employment Training Act of 1973_December 1979 to January 1980COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT of 1973 _t (MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANTS) Date (continued) that provision can be made to provide employment for persons over 65 as homemakers. (See SFETC) 12/19/79 Memo #7967, purchase order contracts for 1/16/80 Training Programs funded by CETA, Title IID. pproved award of three purchase order con- tracts as follows: 1. Elements of Supervision for Non -Supervisors to Robert C. Preziosi in amount of #3,825.00. 2. Introduction to Spanish Language g Culture to Training & Consulting Associates in amount of $7,450.00. COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT of 1973 8 (MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANTS) Date (continued) 3. Crisis Intervention for Police Officers & Fire Fighters to Counseling & Stress Control Center in amount of $6,800.00. (See S. Florida Employment & Training Consortium (SFETC)) 1/16/80 Memo #8111, Ord. passed on first reading, 3/19/80 amending Ord. #789, Classified Employees Salary Ord., providing for a salary increase for CETA Helper classifications and their City budgeted counterparts; repealing all ordi- nances in conflict; and providing for an ef- fective date. Hearing and second reading COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT. of 1973 (MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANTS) (continued) scheduled for 4/9/80 at 2:00 p.m. (See S. Fla. Employment & Training Consortium, Salaries) 9 Date 3/19/80 Memo #8143, Res. #80-16242 adopted, authorizing 4/9/80 execution of an agreement with Florida Inter- national U. (FIU) to provide public sector training to be funded by CETA. Amount not to exceed $7,324; term from 4/21/80 to 6/30/80. Commissioner Friedman requested placement on 4/23/80 agenda, item regarding establishment of Senior Citizen Liaison in City Mgr's office. He requested Mgr's recommendations and report .COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT of 1973 10 4MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANTS) Date continued) on this. (See Schools -Public) 4/9/80 Memo #8111, hearing held and concluded, Ord. 4/9/80 #80-2208 adopted, amending Ord. #789, Classi- fied Employees Salary Ord., providing for a salary increase for CETA Helper Classifications and their City budgeted counterparts; repealing all ordinances in conflict; and providing for an effective date. (See Salaries) Memo #8179, Res. #80-16259 adopted, amending 4/23/80 Res. #80-16242 (adopted 4/9/80), authorizing COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT OF 1973 1,1 (MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANTS Date (continued) change in agreement performance term from "April 7, 1980 to May 31, 1980" to"April 21, 1980 to June 30, 1980", with FIU to provide Public Sector Training to older workers subsidized by CETA, TITLE IID. Commissioner Friedman requested that Administration identify the need for school volunteers and other job opportunities open to senior citizens when advertising for this program. (See Schools - Public) 4/23/80 '12 COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT OF 1973 DATE `( MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANTS) Memo #8463, Resolution No. 80-16401 adopted,%:authorizing execution of an agreement with Opportunities Industriali- zation Center of Dade County, Inc., to provide "World of Work" training, to be funded by CETA; amount not to exceed $5,257; contract period from 10/1/80 to 12/31/80. 10/1/80 Memo #8464, Resolution No. 80-16402 adopted, authorizing an agreement with Jewish Vocational Service, Inc., for a project entitled Higher Horizons, to be funded by CETA; amount not to exceed $35,300; contract period from 10/1/80 to 3/3/81. 10/1/80 13 COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT OF 1973 DATE (MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANT) Memo #8465, Resolution No. 80-16403 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement, retroactively effective 7/1/80, between the South Florida Employment & Training Con- sortium and the C ity of M.B.for the performande of a special program under the CETA of 1973, as amended; contract amount - $233,500; contract period from 7/1/80 to 12/31/80. 10/1/80 Memo #8467 - Award of Professional Services contracts for CETA Employee Training: 1) Item pertaining to authorizing the issuance of a purchase order contract to provide Spanish Language & Culture Training for CETA Subsidized employees (Training & Consulting Assoc. - $7,390.00) withdrawn by Administration for reconsideration of type of training to be provided and resubmission to Commission. (cont'd) 10/1/80 COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT OF 1973 14 ( MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANT) DATE Memo #8467 (Cont'd): 2) Resolution No. 80-16405 adopted, authorizing the issuance of a purchase order contract to provide typing skills training for CETA subsidized employees; M.T.I. School, Inc., -$4, 676.00, time period - 3 months; approx. 12 participants. 3) 3) Resolution No. 80-16406 adopted, authorizing the issuance of a purchase order contract to provide typing skills training for CETA subsidized employees - M.T.I. School, Inc. - $10,202.00; time period - 6 months; approx. 12 participants. 10/1/80 Memo 8654, Res. 80-16498 adopted, authorizing 12/17/80 execution of agreements, retroactively eff. 10/1/80, bet. So. Fla. Employment & Training COMPREHENSIVEEMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT OF 1973 15 (MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANT) Date (cont'd.) Consortium & CMB for performance of certain pro- 12/17/80 grams under CETA of 1973 as amended. (see SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING CONSORTIUM) Memo 8676, Res. 80-16501 adopted, authorizing is- 12/17/80 suance of P.O. contracts to M.T.I. Sch. Inc. & Jewish Vocational Serv., Inc. to provide Eng. as 2nd language training for CETA subsidized emps. as detailed in Comm. memo. Memo 8700, Res. 81-16511 adopted, authorizing 1/7/81 execution of agreement bet. City & FIU in the amt. of $5,657 to be funded by CETA, to provide World of Work Training for term 1/12/81 to 5/15/81 (see SCHOOLS - PUBLIC) COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT OF 1973 16 (MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANT) DATE Memo 18701, Res. 81-16512 adopted, authorizing 1/7/81 execution of agreement w/Coalition of Progress, Inc., in the amt. of $26,000 to be funded by CETA to provide cultural adjustment & employability skillstraining for term 1/12/81 to 9/30/81. Memo 9271, Res. 81-16803 adopted, authorizing 10/15/81 execution of agreement w/MTI Sch. Inc. to provide remedial/basic ed., job skills, & employability skills training as well as counseling & job development/placement servs. for certain CETA subsidized participants; amt. not to exceed $212,000, to be funded by So. FL Employment & Training Consortium (CETA Title 11B); term 10/19/81 thru 9/30/82. (see 'COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT OF 1973 17 (MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANT) [CONT'D] Date SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM,10/15/81 CITY EMPLOYEES) Memo 9363, Res. 81-16854 adopted, authorizing 12/.2/81 execution of agreement retroactively effective 10/1/81 w/So. FL Employment & Training Consortium (SFETC) to provide a Clerical Jobs Training Program under Comp. Employment & Training Act of 1973, as amended; contr. amt. not to exceed $277,750; all reimbursement costs to be pd. from Fed. funds provided thru Comp. Employment & Training Act of 1978 as amended, under Title IIB; term 10/1/81 to 9/30/82. (see SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM) COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYEM'ENT TRAINING ACT OF 1973 18 (MANPOWER REVENUE SHARING GRANT) Date Memo 387-82, $12,147 appropriation from Contingency 6/1f/ Funds auth'd. to repay So. FL Employment & Training Consortium for Dept. of Labor disallowed costs re- sulting from CETA audits for per. 8/1/74 - 9/30/77. (see U.S. GOVERNMENT, SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING CONSORTIUM) COMPREHENSIVE RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE 19 MASTER PLAN Date Memo 8990, Res. 81-16651 adopted, providing that 5/6/81 the City-owned propt. & pub. rights-of-ways that fall within the boundaries of the Beachfront Linear Park & Promenade (frm. 21st to 46th Streets) shall be retained & primarily used for pub. recreational bch. access in connection w/Beachfront Park & Promenade Development, funded by the Land & Water Conserv. Fund, Dade Co., & the CMB; further pro- viding, that the use of said propt. shall not be discontinued or altered without prior apprvl. frm. Dept. of Nat. Resources & the Heritage Conserv. & Rec. Serv. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF, U.S. GOVERNMENT, METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, BEACHFRONT PARK AND PROME- NADE PROJECT) COMPREHENSIVE RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE 20 MASTER PLAN Date Memo 9144, Res. 81-16720 adopted, authorizing the 7/15/81 acceptance of a $1,488,000 Land & Water Conservation (LAWCON) Fund Grant & execution of a Development Agreement w/FL Dept. of Natural Resources regarding MB Beachfront Linear Park & Promenade project (21st to 46th Sts.); development of linear beach access park to include parking area improvements, walkways, landscaping, & related site improvements; City to operate & maintain facility for 25 yrs. min. from date of completion; $2,976,000 total project cost to be funded 50% from local support to include $250,000 Metropolitan Dade Co. Decade of Progress Bond Funds already received by City & sale of City bonds previously authorized. (see U.S. GOVERNMENT, FLORIDA, STATE OF, METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY; BEACH- FRONT PARK AND PROMENADE PRQJECT) 'COMPREHENSIVE RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 21 Date Memo 9244, Beachfront Linear Park & Promenade - 9/16/81 consultant selection. Deferred to 10/14/81 at request of C. Mgr. (see BEACHFRONT PARK AND PRO- MENADE PROJECT) Comm. Weinstein suggested that when selected, 9/16/81 Beachfront Park & Promenade consultant be made aware of City's negotiations w/State on language of a proposed interlocal agreement granting City power to control & regulate restored beaches, so that they may consider the matter & submit recommendations.