Consumer Protection_October 1984CONSUMER PROTECTION For entries prior to 10/16/84, see: DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES CONSUMER PROTECTION 6 Date Ord. requiring disclosure of gallon price on ea. 9/2/81 gasoline pump within CMB, deferred to 9/16/81 for Admin. to review. (see GASOLINE PRICES) Ord. requiring disclosure of gallon price on ea. 9/16/81 gasoline pump within CMB; not reached - deferred to 10/14/81. (see GASOLINE PRICES) Ord. requiring disclosure of gal. price on ea. 10/15/81 gas pump within CMB, passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 11/18/81 at 2 p.m. (see GASOLINE PRICES) Ord. reqg. disclosure of gal. price on ea. gas 11/18/81 pump within CMB; providing exemptions; repealing CONSUMER PROTECTION 7 (Cont'd) Date all ords. in conflict; providing codification; 11/18/81 providing effective date. Hrg. held and concluded. Ord. 81-2282 adopted, to become effective 12/18/81. (see GASOLINE PRICES) Memo 365-82, ord. repealing Code Ch. 20, governing 6/2/82 City licenses & permits, and enacting new Ch. 20 to req. Occupational Licenses by all bus. in city; regulating transfer of licenses; specifying license fees; providing for penalties; providing application procedures and grounds for denial, suspension & revocation of licenses; providing for investigation of applicants & licensees; providing hrg.• procedures; providing for prosecution of unfair consumer practices by licensees; passed on 1st reading, (c, J) 'CONR'PROTECTTON (Cont'd) Date Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 6/16/82 commencing 6/2/82 at 2 p.m. (see OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES) Memo 365-82, C. Atty. Memo 407-82, Ord. repealing 6/16/82 Ch. 20, governing occupational licenses & enacting new Ch. 20 to req. bus. licenses by businesses operating in City; regulating trans. of licenses; regulating all coin-operated devices; specifying license fees; providing for penalties, providing application procedures & grounds for denial, sus- pension, & revocation of licenses; providing for investigation of applicants & licensees; providing hrg. procedures; providing for licensing & regulation of gun dealers; providing for licensing of ' CONSUMER' PROTECTION ,.q (Cont'd) Date residential landlords & repealing N8 Landlord- 6/16/82 Tenant Arbitration Bd.: providing for licensing of med. clinics; providing for regulation of pkg. lots; providing for prosecution of unfair consumer practices by licensees; providing for civil actions by aggrieved consumers; providing a schedule of fees, Hrg. held & concluded. Ord. 82-2316 adopted as amd'd, to become effective 7/6/82. (NOTE: Ord. as passed on 1st reading, rev. prior to 2nd reading to incl. requirements re. landlords, gun dealers, med. clinics, con- tractors, pkg. lot licensing, & consumer pro- tection.) (see OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES) CONSOMERSOTECTION. 16 Date 5/2/84 Ord. passed on 1st reading amdg Code Ch.' 17, R-5B by adding Art. II entitled "Disclosure requirements of conveyances of long-term interest in Hotel Units", requiring disclosure of certain min. consumer info prior to conveyance of long-term ints. in hotel units. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 5/16/84, at 2 p.m. (see HOTELS) 5/2/84 C Atty Memo 291-84, status rep. on criminal R -10B complaints for false & deceptive advertis- ing. Rep. for info only; no action required or taken. CONSUMER PROTECTION 11 Date 5/16/84 Hrg. on 2nd reading of ord. req'g. consumer R -3F info. disclosure bef. hotel unit long-term int. conveyance, cont'd. to 6/5/84 pending addl. rev./study. (see HOTELS) 6/20/84 Pub. hrg. of an ord. amdg CMB Code by adding R -3B Art. II, Chp. 17, entitled: "Disclosure requirements for conveyances of long-term interest in hotel units", requiring disclosure of certain min. consumer info prior to the conveyance of long-term ints. in hotel units. Hrg. cont'd to 7/11/84 at 2 p.m. (see ADVERTISING, HOTELS) dar s A P.Ao CTtON bate - 7/1 /84 - R=3C 12 Pub. hrg. of an ord. amdg. Chp. 17, Art. TT, requiring disclosure of certain min. con- sumer info prior to the conveyance of long- term ints. in hotel units, held & concluded. Ord. 84-2421 adopted, as amd'd. Prior to adoption, proposed ord. amd'd as fols: Sec. 17-17, Disclosure Requirements, to read "It shall be unlawful for any developer (instead of person or entity) to sell or lease..." Sec. 17-20, Violations/Enforcements, adding: a. "3. In any action for relief under this sec., the prevailing party shall be en- titled to recover reasonable attys' CONSUMER PROTECTION 13 Date (COnt'd) 7/11/84 fees." and amdg R -3C b. to read: "...and a penalty not exceeding thirty days (instead of 1 yr.) imprison- ment."... and Sec. 4, Effective Date, to read, "This Ord. shall take effect 60 (instead of 10) days after its adoption, on Sept. 9, 1984." (see ADVERTISING, HOTELS)