Contracts-Award Of And Contractors_January 1966CONTRACTS - AWARD OF 4
3rd reading ordinance amendmt to Book Page
Chapter 2 of Code, relating to contractual
relationships between City and parties
refusing to waive immunity from prosecution.
Ord. #1572 adopted.
1-5-66 50 1
B. L. Atkins complains as
to conduction of contractors
examinations - referred
to City Manager 8-16-50 30 34+
Book Page
CouncilmanTurchin proposes adoption of
resolution favoring single licensing
system for contractors in Dade County.
To be presented to Council 12/16/65.
12-15-65 49 476
Res. *11688 adopted indicating that City Qi
of Miami Beach would voluntarily participate i"
in single County -wide occupational license '49
for contractors if such ord.adopted by Metro.501.
Book Page
1st & 2nd reading ordinance re.
repealing provision filing of
certificate of insurance by
contractors (amending Ord. 285),
providing for Metro procedures.
11-2-66 51 151
Ord. #1617 adopted repealing sec. 13
of Ord. 285 as it refers to
contractors' Certificates of Insurance.
11-23-66 51 176