Convention Center Complex_January 1984CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 467 Date (Cont'd) 1/18/84 Graphics of the Americas, So. Hall, C -3A 1/25-31/84. 1/18/84 Memo 29-84, request fr. Raging Bear Pro - C -5A ductions for refund of $3,000 dep. for canceled Natl. Softwear Trade Show (2/1-6/84); denied per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. (see CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) 1/18/84 Memo 30-84, request fr. Dade Co. Pub. Schs. C -5B for flat rate of $3,000 for use of Conv. Hall No. on 5/8/84 for Employment Expo/Job Fair; per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. CONVANTXON ENP COMPLEX 46$ Date (Cont'd) 1/18/84 Bd., as concurred in by Admin., request C -5B denied - flat rate of $4,000 to be charged. (see CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) 1/18/84 Memo 31-84, request fr. Promotions So., Inc. C -5C for sp. rate of $1,500 per performance for use of Conv. Hall So. 12/29/83 - 1/1/84 (AFTER THE FACT), approved per recommenda- tion of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. (tot. rental for 4 perfs.-$6,000). (see CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) 1/18/84 Memo 42-84, rep. of the Energy Bd. C Mgr R -8B advised RFP is bg. developed to provide CONV2NT1ON CENTgit COMMIX 469 Date (cont'd) 1/18/84 energy control in all of City's major bldgs R -8B & to tie into new Justice Ctr., 21st St. Comm. Ctr. & the expanded Conv. Ctr. (see CMB ENERGY BD., JUSTICE CTR., COMMUNITY CTRS.) 1/18/84 Memo 54-84, Food Mgt. Assoc. (FMA) status R -8I rep. Discussion held during which Conv. Ctr. Dir. Norman Litz responded to ques's fr. Comm. C Atty directed to put conces- sionaire on notice of items in violation of agreement & if not cured w/in 30 days, to institute legal action. Comr. Singer requested C Atty det. what equip. will CONVENTION CEN'rna COMPLEX 470 Date (Cont'd) 1/18/84 become prop. of City when pres. contr. is R -8I terminated. Purchasing Agt. Edward Davis advised of status of next concession agreement bid specification draft. Comr. Singer requested when completed, a copy of the proposed specifications be sent to VCA & MB Chamber of Commerce for input & that process be expedited. (see CONV. CTR. CONCESSION CONTR., CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, MB VISITOR & CONV. AUTH.) 2/1/84 Memo 60-84, Res. 84-17632 adopted, elec. C -3A contr., Electrical Exhibition Servs., Inc., Baron Antique Show, So. Hall, 2/7-16/84. CONVENTION CE.NTERCOMPI,Ex 471 Date 2/1/84 Memo 92-84, Bid 93-74, status report of R -8C Conv. Ctr. concession (Food Mgt. Assocs.); not reached - def'd to 2/15/84. (see CONV. CTR. CONCESSION CONTRACTS) 2/1/84 Boxing Comm. mems. requested Comm. waive up R -11A to $4,000 for free rent and use of Conv. Hall So., TV hook-up, ushers, box office, etc., on 3/9/84 for a world heavyweight championship fight bet. Greg Page & Tim Weatherspoon, to be televised by HBO throughout U.S. and internationally; approved. C Mgr to review request w/Conv. Ctr. Dir., & if any probs. develop, to CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 472 Date (Cont'd) 2/1/84 advise the Comm. imdtly. Comr. Grenald R -11A suggested Boxing Comm. contact VCA so appropriate publicity of event is provided. (see BOXING AND WRESTLING, MB VISITOR & CONV. AUTH.) 2/15/84 Memo 98-84, Res. 84-17642 adopted, elec. C -3B contr. w/F.M. Morgan, Inc., Miami Intl. Boat Show, No. & So. Halls, 2/17 - 3/3/84. 2/15/84 Memo 99-84, Res. 84-17643 adopted, elec. C -3C contr. w/Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Mkt., No. Hall, 3/4-12/84. Cow wrrON CEN'1 A cnMPL,Ex 471 Date 3/14/84 Memo 178-84, Pile Ref. 47-84, prof. Servs. C -2N to provide for a marketable evaluation rep. for the expansion & renovation of the Cony. Ctr.; awarded to Laventhol & Horwath as addnl. serv. under contr. for preliminary rep. dtd 10/28/82. Bid amt: $40,000 - $50,000 (proposal to be submitted w/detailed scope & time schedule) funding fr. Contingency to be repaid fr. bond sale. (see CONVENTION CENTER (CONTRACTS)) 3/14/84 Memo 122-84, Res. 84-17657 adopted, electri- C-3C cal agreement w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition CONV2NTION CtiV8A COMMIX 474 Date (Cont'd) 3/14/84 Servs., Inc., So. FL Computer Showcase, So. C -3C Hall, 4/3-9/84. 3/14/84 Memo 124-84, Res. 84-17659 adopted, electri- C-3E cal contract w/Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Variety Merchandise Show, So. Hall, 3/18-23/84. 3/14/84 Memo 137-84, request fr. Temple King Solomon C -5A theater promoter to delete 2/26/84 canceled perf. by Israeli Army Choir & Orchestra fr. contr. (AFTER THE FACT). Comm. approved recommendation of Cony. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 475 Date (Cont'd) 3/14/84 concurred in by Adm. (cancelled due to poor C -5A ticket sales). 3/14/84 Memo 138-84, requests fr. orgs. re. Israel C -5B Independence Day Celebration - 5/6/84. Consideration of request by Amer. Zionist Fed. of So. FL to pay $1,000 - $1,250 reduced rental rate for evening program in Conv. Hall So., def. to aft. session pending rect. of info as to rates pd. in prev. yrs. JCC request for use of lawn on Jackie Gleason Dr. fr. 3 - 8 p.m. for daytime activities, approved; 500 chairs and 100 tables to be provided at no charge; JCC to CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 476 Date (Cont'd) 3/14/84 fund necessary police and fire personnel, C -5B $120 for stage setup and tear -down, $75 for restroom clean-up, and to clean lawn fol. event. Later in mtg., Comm. approved $2,500 std. rate to AZF for use of So. Hall, w/$1,000 City contribution of in-kind servs. (see JEWISH COMMUNITY CTRS. OF SO. FL) 3/14/84 Memo 140-84, Rabbi Solomon Schiff, V -Pres. C -5D Rabbinical Assoc. of Gtr. Miami pres'd request for appropriation of $5,000 to fund the 4/29/84 annual holocaust memorial event; approved. (Event to be cosponsored by City, Metro Dade Co., & Gtr. Miami Jewish CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 478 Date (Cont'd) 3/14/84 for 10-yr. contract. (For info only). (see R 8B CONVENTION CTR. CONCESSION CONTRACTS) CONVENT/ON CENTER COMPLEX 477 Date (Coned) 3/14/84 Federation - $5,000 ea.). In future, event C -5D funding to be considered during budget considerations. (see METRO DADE COUNTY) 3/14/84 Memo 92-84, Bid 93-74, status rep. - R -8B concession operation in MB Conv. Ctr. Purchasing Agt. Ed Davis responded to ques's fr. Comm. and advised will have full rep. 4/4/84. Admin. advised shall cont. to require Refreshment Serv. Co., Inc. (FMA), pres. concession contractor in Conv. Ctr., to perform in accordance w/terms & conds. of contr. and will proceed w/bid specifications CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 478 Date 4/4/84 Memo 192-84, Res/ 84-17686 adopted, elec. C -3F contr. w/Electrical Exhibition Servs., Inc., 1984 Miami Intl. Culinary Show, Rm. 100 of No. hall, 3/28 - 4/2/84. (AFTER THE FACT) 4/4/84 Discussion on Conv. Ctr. lease related to R -9M boxing, w/drawn by Mgr. (see BOXING AND WRESTLING) 4/4/84 Comr. Shockett requested status update re. R -11E the RFP for the Conv. Ctr. concession contr. Purchasing Agt Edward Davis advised of actions taken 'causes of the delay (incl'g CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 479 Date (Cont'd) 4/4/84 obtaining info as to proposed expanded con - R -11E cession areas for inclusion in the RFP). He advised that they expect to have the RFP out no later than June lst, replies back w/in 35-45 days. Comrs. Shockett & Singer urged matter be given high priority & expedited because of its importance, time restraints, & the facility expansion plans. Mr. Davis said he will review the proposed timetable & submit a definite schedule on the concession & how it dovetails into the Conv. Ctr. expansion wk. in process. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 480 Date 4/4/84 Mayor Ferre suggested that efforts be made R -11F to have the Rapid Transit Syst. extended to Watson Island and MB Cony. Ctr., especially if a recreational theme park is established on Watson Island. Discussion held. No action taken. (see MIAMI, CITY OF, WATSON ISLAND DEVELOPMENT, RAPID TRANSIT SYST.) 4/19/84 Memo 221-84, Res. 84-17698 adopted; elec. C -3A contr., Edlen Elec. Exhibn. Serv., Inc., Amer. Lung Assn. conv., So. Hall, 5/17-24/84. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 481 Date 4/19/84 Memo 223-84, Res. 84-17700 adopted, elec. C -3C contr., Elec. Exhibn. Servs., Inc., Baron Antique Show, So. Hall, 4/11-15/84. (AFTER THE FACT) 4/19/84 Memo 227-84, Res. 84-17704 adopted, changing C -4C list & titles of auth'd signatories of CMB Conv. Ctr. Trust Acct w/Intercontinental Bank of MB for the Conv. Ctr., due to retirement & promotion of employees. (Repeals Res's 81-16696 & 76-14917) (see VOUCHER SIGNATURES) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 482 Date 4/19/84 Memo 254-84, File Ref. 66-84, energy conser- C-5F vation study of an alt. energy syst. for Conv. Ctr. Complex. Res. 84-17707 adopted, auth'g execution of pro. serv. agreement w/Univ. of Miami Sch. of Engr'g Clean Energy Research Inst. Bid amt: $12,300 (to be funded fr. Energy Committee budgeted acct.) (see UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, CMB ENERGY BOARD) 4/19/84 C Atty Memo 252-84, litigation status up - R -10A date. Rep. on disposition of CMB v. Expo - Intl. (unpaid Conv. Ctr. rents), submitted for info only; no action required or taken. (see CITY ATTORNEY - LITIGATION UPDATES) COMVEMON - c.._ �..._ C MPL Date � .. ..� 5/2/84 Memo 264-84,'Res. C-3A contr. w/Edlen 483 84-17714 adopted, elec. Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Am. Dairy Congress, No. Hall, 5/13-20/84. 5/2/84 Memo 286-84, Res. 84-17720 adopted, elec. C -3G congr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Go Vo -Ed Job Fair, No. Hall, 5/7-9/84. 5/2/84 Memo 273-84, Res. 84-17728 adopted, incr'g R -7B Cony. Ctr. Sp. Rev. Fund Parking Lot Oper. budget for FY 1983-84 fr. cur. $37,500 allo- cation to $75,000 (incr'd $37,500) for projected expenditures during bal. of FY; CONWNTION CaVgk COMPYA4( 484 Date .(Cont'd) 5/2/84 incr. anticipated to be offset by revenues R -7B to be recd during same period. (see 1983-84 BUDGET) 5/2/84 Memo 290-84, RFP 42-84, Project Mgr for CMB R -8H Tourist & Conv. Ctr. Expansion & Renovation. Reps. of Raymond Kaiser Engrs, Inc./HNTB Archs. & Engrs., Inc; Poydras Servs., Inc; & Turner Constr. Co. (final firms selected by Selection Committee) made presentations. Tourist & Conv. Ctr. Expansion Auth. mem. Ron Lavan also appeared. Discussion held. Firms ranked: 1) Raymond Kaiser Engrs, Inc./HNTO Archs & CONVENTfON DENTE t COMPLEX 485 Date (Cont'd) 5/2/84 Engrs, Inc. R7-8H 2) Turner Constr. Co. 3) Poydras Servs., Inc. Adm. auth'd to negotiate contr. w/firms in above rank-order. No obj expressed to Mgr's recommendation for establishment of negoti- ating team consisting of C Atty or rep., Purchasing Agt, Univ. of Miami Deans of Arch. & Engrg, Mayor's Ad Hoc Economic Development Council Chm., TCCEA Chm., & Mgr or his designee. (see M.B. TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXPANSION AUTH., MAYOR'S AD HOC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL) COWNWON:MITWOMPWC 486 Date (Cont'd) 5/2/84 W/ref. to an inquiry fr.-Comr. Shockett re R -11A whether resume fr. arch. firms int'd in bidding on the proposed Cony. Ctr. exp., which were recd after the deadline, could be legally accepted, the C Atty advised such irregularity could not be waived. Purchas- ing Agt Edward Davis gave oral rep. on matter. Item def to 5/16/84, pending rev. & investigation by C Atty. (see PURCHASING PROCEDURES) 5/2/84 Mayor Fromberg & C Mgr advised they had been R -11B contacted 5/1/84 re. Sen. Jack Gordon's pro- posed amdt. concerning the 3% countywide CONVEN TON CENTtA COMPL 487 Date (Cont'd) 5/2/84 Conv. Development Tax, and stated it was R -11B their understanding that the proposed new lang. would give more control to munics. w/respect to the arch. design and develop- ment of the expanded Conv. Ctr. In response to Mayor Fromberg's inquiry as to whether bonds would be more saleable if the legis. lang. was silent on this matter as opposed to providing for City control, Paul J. Levine of Morgan, Lewis and Bockius (Bond counsel) and Stanley E. Ross of Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. (fin. consultant) advised they did not believe the new lang. would have any effect on the bond issue, but could CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 4$$ bate (cont'd.) 5/2/84 not be definite w/out rev'g. the legis. The R -11B C. Mgr. adv. he will provide mems. of Comm. the lang. of proposed legis. (see METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX (CONV. CTR. COMPLEX EXP.)) 5/16/84 Memo. 296-84, Res. 84-17733 adopted, elec. C -3A contr. Lind Electric, Miami Home Show, No./ So. Cony. Halls, 5/27-6/3/84. 5/16/84 Memo. 305-84, M.B. Garden Ctr. & Conserva- R-1A tory Com. Chairperson Helene Owen urged re- hab./expansion project proceed imdtly. Adm. to rev. concerns & est. timetable for com-. datittITIOM =VITA MMPTAX 489 Date (cont'd.) 5/16784 pletion; rep./rec. 6/S/84 10 a.m. Time R -1A Certain. Com. Daoud req'd. rep. on bond fund. Mayor suggested Ctr. pl. plantings along roadway bet. TOPA and Conv. Ctr. (see GARDEN CENTER AND CONSERVATORY, LANDSCAPING, THEATER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS) 5/16/84 Memo 303-84, Mildred Falk suggested that R -1C people are inadequately informed on Conv. Ctr. expansion project funding method & govtl. agcy. (Dade Co. or M.B.) to auth. & be responsible for rev. bonds; & advised that tourists oppose 10% tax. Com. Grenald suggested she dir. ques. to Tourist CONVENTION CENTErt COMPLEX 400 Date (cont'd.) 5/16/84 & Cony. Ctr. Expansion Ruth. (see "E" R -1C MISCELLANEOUS, METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX (CONVEN- TION CENTER COMPLEX EXPANSION), M.B. TOUR- IST AND CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION AUTHOR- ITY) 5/16/84 C. Atty. rev. Memo 328-84, options rel. to R -10A proposals rec'd. fr. archs./engrs. for Cony. Ctr. expansion; no action taken. (see ARCHI- TECTS & ENGINEERS, PURCHASING PROCEDURES) COMMITTOM C2MTE COMP= 491 Date 5/16/84 Admin. to rep. to Pkg. Com. today,manner R -11C Pref. Pkg. Lot money is col. & City's abil- ity to accurately acct. for receipts. (see PARKING COMMITPEE) 5/16/84 C. Atty. adv. that re: representation of R7 -11F Expansion Proj. Mgr. bidder that no lawsuits were pending re. their prof. servs. when several suits in Dade Co. against a subsidi- ary corp. had been dismissed, since it was not reqd. in bidding docs. that bidders dis- close whether or not there was pending liti- gation, or that there was pending litiga- tion, it is not a material misrepresentation CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 4g2 Date (Cont'd) 5/16/84 of fact, therefore, the bids may not be re - R -11F prioritized or rejected on that basis. (see PURCHASING PROCEDURES) 6/5/84 Memo 342-84, request fr. Church of Reforma- C-5A tion to extend $1,500 deposit for canceled theater event. Comm. approved recommenda- tion of Cony. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., that deposit for 4/6/84 Intl. Series concert (cancelled due to ill health of Series Managing Dir.) be extended to 9/22/84 date only, & retained if date not used. (see M.B. CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 493 Date (Cont'd) 6/5/84 Memo 343-84, FL Furniture Shows: request for C -5B 5 -yr. contract. Fol. discussion, Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., to amend existing Jan. & Aug., 1985 contract to run through Aug., 1989 show, w/provision that should Lessee cancel a contracted event, the deposit be forfeited and another $5,000 deposit required; contract to incl. provision that if City is selected as site for national political convention or other major convention during contracted dates, same to be changed. (see M.B. CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 494 Date 6/5/84 Memo 344-84, request fr. Victor Logan to C-5C transfer $1,000 deposit fr. canceled fall event to July, 1984 Boat Show. Comm. approved recommendation of Cony. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., to transfer deposit for Oct., 1984 dates (cancelled when negotiations to buy show previously pres'd in Coconut Grove Exhibition Hall, failed) to bal. of min. guarantee due on Miami's Summer Boat Show, 7/2-14/84. (see M.B. CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) 6/5/84 Mayor Fromberg advised that Metro Dade Co. R-11E Comm. passed bonds for imposition of 3% CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 495 Date (Cont'd) 6/5/84 Conv. Development Tax of which 2% will be R -11E allocated to City for expansion of Conv. Ctr. (see METRO DADE 3% CO. -WIDE BED TAX) 6/20/84 Memo 376-84, Res. 84-17761 adopted, elec. C -3B contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Miami Summer Boat Show, No. & So. Halls, 7/2-14/84. 6/20/84 Memo 378-84, Res. 84-17763 adopted, elec. C -3D contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Singles Expo '84, No. Hall, 6/7-11/84. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date 6/20/84 R -7I 496 Memo 417-84, Res. 84-17778 adopted, request- ing Co. Comm. to auth. issuance of Sp. Obligation Bonds not to exceed $80,000," aggregate prin. amt. to fin. cost for expan- sion of MB Conv. Ctr., secured primarily by pledge of City's share of 3% Conv. Development Tax; auth'g negotiation of interlocal agreement & assistance in issue preparation. During discussion, Lawrence Levy of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius (City's bond counsel) appeared in support of reso's adoption. (see METRO DADE COUNTY, METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 497 Date 7/11/84 Memo 149-84, Res. 84-17782 adopted, elec. C -3A contr. w/Electrical Exhibition Servs., Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Mkt., No. Hall, 6/15-25/84. (AFTER THE FACT) 7/11/84 Memo 426-84, request fr. M.B. PAL, Inc. for C -5A 50% off std. rental rate for use of Conv. Hall So. on 8/25/84 for ann. Country -Western Show. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., for denial of request for 50% reduction in std. rate & approval of $1,850 reduced rate to cover operational costs. (see CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., M.B. PAL, INC.)