Convention Center ComplexCONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX ALL ENTRIES PRIOR TO THIS DATE/ ARE IN THE FOURTH DRAWER OF THE SECOND CABINET ON THE WEST WALL, (OPPOSITE THIS INDEX FILE) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX NOTE: Previous to 1/7/81, Electrical Contracts may be filed under CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX or CONVENTION CENTER LEASE. Correct filing caption is: CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX. 1-A CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX For entries subsequent to 2/6/85 concerning Convention Ctr. Project, see: CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION. As of 1/8/86, for entries re. lease agreements and electrical contracts, see: CONVENTION CTR. LEASE book (on top of rotary file) �- 8 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 279 Date Memo #7945, request from Holiday on Ice for 1/2/80 a Run-of-the•Show Contract for 1980 event. Recommendation of Convention Center Advisory Brd., with concurrence of Convention Center Director, of approval for April 1 thru 6, 1980 engagement only, at rental rate of $16,000 or 10% gross receipts after taxes, whichever is greater, approved. Memo #7946, Temple Beth Sholom Concert Series 1/2/80 1979-80, cancellation of events. Recommendation of Convention Center Advisory Brd., with con- currence of Convention Center Director, approved. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 2iQ Date Memo #7948, settlement from Protection Mutual 1/L/80 Insurance Co. of the Factory Mutual Group in amount of $34,373.60, approved; Mayor was authorized to sign settlement release. In- surance Mgr. was asked to meet with Convention Center Director in an effort to resolve problems regarding any possible future claims and to take appropriate precautions. Administration was asked to correct negligent system of inventory control and loss determination in City. Com- missioner Friedman asked Administration to re- view previous report of recommendations regard- ing Convention Center security and to submit a status report on implementation of those CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX continued -2$1- Date recommendations and possibly make further recommendations. (See Insurance) 1/2/80 Commissioner Weinstein reiterated his re- 1/2/80 quest that an effort be made to help solve some of parking problems of exhibitors during events and conventions at Convention Center Complex. (See Parking System) Memo #7960, Mayor Meyerson requested Admini- 1/16/80 stration conduct a review of rate structure in TOPA and Convention Center, expressing his opinion that rental fees for facilities were not adequate. (See Convention Center Leases) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Request of Rabbi Solomon Schiff, Executive V.P., Rabbinical Assoc., of Greater Miami, for contribution to event on April 13, 1980 at TOPA commemorating the Holocaust. Com- mission approved Commissioner Weinstein's motion that City contribute its share($2500) contingent on: 1) The Association receiving monies from Metro Dade Co. and Greater Miami Jewish Federation, and 2) The V.C.A. participating in this in whole or in part. Commissioner Weinstein indicated that if a problem results and V.C.A. does not fund, =282 Date 1/770 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX (continued) 283 Date then the applicants could return. (See V.C,A,) 1/16/80 Memo #8017, recommendation of Convention Center 2/6/80 Advisory Board, concurred in by Convention Center Director, to grant refund of $600 rental deposit of Miami Beach Cares, Inc., plus $24 tax, paid for cancelled 12/4/79 event, approved. (See Boxing and Wrestling) Memo #8018, request from Chris Dundee Enter- 2/6/80 prises for reduced rental rate for boxing and wrestling events in Convention Center. Referred to Administration for further review in effort CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 284 (continued) Date to accommodate request, if possible, and sub- sequent submission of recommendation. (See Boxing and Wrestling Events, Dundee Enterprises, Chris) 2/6/80 Memo #8052, Commission approved request of 2/20/80 Air Unlimited and the Womans - "A -Fair" Exposition to land and takeoff three small aircraft on March 3, 1980 (Landing: 6:45 to 7:00 A.M.), and March 10, 1980 (Takeoff: 6:45 to 7:00 A.M.) on Convention Center Drive. Air Unlimited to provide $10,000,000 liability insurance coverage. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 285 Date Memo #8085, request from Rose -Wells Assoc. for 3/5/80 refund of rental deposit paid for canceled Theater event. Convention Center Advisory Board's recommendation for refund of $1,000 deposit plus 4% State Tax, total $1,040, for cancelled March 3, 1980 event, as concurred in by Convention Center Director, approved. (See TOPA) Memo #8086, request to waive Convention Center rental charge - Phil Donahue Show. Convention Center Advisory Board's recommendations to 1) deny rental charge waiver for use of room 100 of Convention Hall North from March 21 thru 27, 1980, and 2) return request to V.C.A. for 3/5/80 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX (continued) consideration of underwriting charge, as con- curred in by Convention Center Director, approved. (See V.C.A.) 286 Date 3/5/80 Request of Commissioner Alex Daoud for reduc- 3/19/80 ction of rent at M.B. Convention Center for Israel Independence Day celebration of American Zionist Organization on April 20, 1980. Not reached. Deferred to April 9, 1980. Memo #8147, Convention Center Advisory Brd's 4/9/80 recommendation that request of Chris Dundee Enterprises to apply deposit for canceled 3/4/80 event in Convention Hall South, to CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 287 (continued Date 4/15/80 matches, as concurred in by Convention Center Director, approved. 4/9/80 Memo #8148, re: Chris Dundee Enterprises re- 4/9/80 quest to reduce box office charge for certain boxing events. Convention Center Advisory Brd°s recommendation for reduction in box office charge only from $200 to $100 for events when wrestling is scheduled the following night, until 9/30/81 (termination date of their exclusive wrestling contract), as concurred in by Convention Center Director, approved. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 288 Date Memo #8149, Convention Center Advisory Board's 4/9/80 recommendation to grant request of Temple Israel of Greater Miami, as concurred in by Convention Center Director, approved; deletion of 9/10-11/80 and 9/19-20/80 dates only. Memo #8150, Convention Center Advisory Board's 4/9/80 recommendation for initiation of agreement for 2/2-11/82 with 80 -days before and 30 -days after event protection clause, as concurred in by Convention Center Director, approved for D.S. Clarke Antique Show for 1982 lease agreement with protective clause. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 289 Date Memo #8151, Convention Center Advisory Board's 4/9/80 recommendation to grant Edlen Electrical Exhibi- tion Services, Inc., rate reduction from $400 "Food Processing & Food Equipment" to $200 "All others" category with $200 refund, as concurred in by Convention Center Director, approved, - South Florida Culinary Fair, Inc. Request of Commissioner Alex Daoud for reduc- 4/9/80 tion of rent at M.B. Convention Center for Israel Independence Day Celebration of American Zionist Organization on April 20, 1980. With- drawn at request of Commissioner Daoud (organi- zation will be using another facility). CONVENTION CENTER.,COMPLEX Memo #8222, request from American Zionist Federation of S. Fla. for refund of rental deposit paid for cdnceled event, approved. Memo #8223, request to apply Convention Cen- 5/21/80 ter rental deposit from canceled event to tentatively scheduled trade show, approved. Memo #8224, request from Church of Scien- 5/21/80 tology of Ftwida for second extension of Theater rental deposit. Administration recommendation approved, deny request. Z90 Date 5/21/80 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 29.1 Date Memo #8225,. Mr. Robert Owens and Reverend 5/21/80 John Paul Nagy appeared, and requested third extension of rental deposit to July :1=2,, 1980, Commission approved request with stipulation that, if event is not held at that time, no further extensions will be granted. Memo #8253, request from Promoter Luis Izquierdo 6/4/80 for reduced Convention Hall rental rate of $800 or 10% to present boxing matches. Recommendation of Convention Center Advisory Brde that request be denied, as concurred in by Convention Center Director, approved. (See Boxing and Wrestling) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX _242 Date Memo #8255, request from Tennis Industry's 6/4/80 National Buying Show to pay $1,000 for air conditioning during move in Seminar dates of 1981 event. Recommendation of Convention Center Advisory Brd. that request be approved for 1/8 thru 1/15/81 trade show only, concurred in by Convention Center Director, approved. Memo #8256, request from Tennis Industry's 6/4/80 National Buying Show for protection clause in 1981 lease agreeement. Recommendation of Convention Center Advisory Brd. to grant pro- tection clause, concurred in by Convention Center Director, approved. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 291 Date Memo #8259, request from Momentum Enterprises, 6/475 Inc., for reduced rental rate to present closed circuit TV Boxing matches, June 20, 1980. Recom- mendation of Convention Center Advisory Brd., as concurred in by Convention Center Director, approved. (See Boxing and Wrestling) Commissioner Falk suggested that promoters of 6/4/80 proposed boxing matches meet with City Mgr. and Convention Center Director to discuss possibility of having additional bouts at a package rate in order to stimulate revenue for Convention Center. (See Boxing and Wrestling) (NOT ON AGENDA) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 29.4 Date Memo #8286, Res. #80-16310 adopted, electrical 6/780 contract - F. M. Morgan, Inc., NAACP, S. Hall, 6/26-7/5/80. (NOT ON AGENDA) A request made by Mr. Scott 6/18/80 Ross for permission to land 4 Bell helicopters to pick up persons to view demolition of Algiers Hotel from air on Sunday, June 22, 1980, was referred to Administration and later in meeting ammouncement made by Mgr. that request had been withdrawn due to shortness of time to make proper arrangements. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 295. Date Memo #8374, request for 1-day liquor permit for 8/6/80 International Assoc. of Fire Chiefs Convention, Sept. 30, 1980, approved. Memo #8375, request from Florida Restaurant 8/6/80 Assoc., for 5-day liquor permit, Oct. 8-12, 1980, approved. Memo #8376, request from Church of God in 8/6/80 Christ for 1-day rental refund for canceled use of Convention Center on July 13, 1980. Administration recommendation approved - approve deduction of outstanding invoice amounting to $1,560 from $2,000 pre-paid rent and refund $440 to Church of God in Christ. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 2.96. Date Memo #8377, request from Banla International 8/ 80 Sales Corp. for rental deposit refund for canceled Import; U.S.A. Trade Show, Aug. 4-12, 1980, scheduled for Convention Center. Admini- stration recommendation approved - approve refund of 2 of rental deposit, or $2,000 plus $160 tax, to Banla International Sales Corp. Memo #8378, request from International Expo, 8/6/80 Inc., for refund of rental deposits paid on 2 canceled events scheduled for Convention Center: World of Sports and Recreation, March, 1981 and International House and Garden Show, Sept. 1981. Administration recommendation approved - approve refund of Trental deposit CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 197 (continued) Date paid on both shows, or $2,500 plus $200 tax, to International Expo, Inc. 8/6/80 Memo #;8412, request from Chris Dundee for re- 8/20/80 duced rental rate of $1,000 or 12% of gross receipts to present boxing in Convention Hall South on Aug. 19, 1980. Convention Center Advisory Board's recommendation that request be denied, as concurred in by Convention Center Director, approved. Later in Meeting, Mr. Dundee appeared and advised he wished to be heard on this item; Mayor Meyerson requested City Mgr. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 298 (continued) Date to schedule matter on 9/3/80 Consent Agenda. (See Boxing Wrestling) 8/20/80 1) (scheduled by Commission on 8/20/80) Mr. 9/3/80 Dundee appeared and requested Commission's consideration to reduce Convention Hall rates for Boxing events, or in alternative, that Rm. 100 be designated for such use, Conven- tion Center Director advised that a) current Convention Hall rental rates are competitive with other similar facilities; b) City's Costs to set up for boxing events exceed in- come derived; c) Rm. 100 is not always avail- able due to prior commitments to conventions CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX (continued) 299 Date and/or trade shows but dates are known at least six months in advance. 2) Dan Roth, Chairman, Boxing Commission, re: Convention Hall rental rate. Communication of July 29, 1980 from Chairman of Boxing Commission, requesting con- sideration of a reduction in minimum fee from present $2,500 to $1,000 or 12% for use of Rm. 100 for boxing matches, filed with records of meeting. Administration directed to meet with Mr. Dundee and Chairman of Boxing Commission to review and possibly develop an equitable solu- tion to thjs problem. ($ee Dundpe E ter ripes Chris; Boxing and Wrestling, Boxing Commission' 9/3/80 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 300 Date Request of Hal Gardner, Director, News Bureau, 9/3/80 V&CA, to inform Commission of a Salute to British Visitors "Faire", Nov, 27 & 28 and request Commission's approval in providing Con- vention Center to V&CA at no charge for 2 days. Request approved. (See V&CA) Memo #8441, request for appropriation of bond 9/3/80 funds for construction of handrails for tele- scopic risers and purchase of additional risers for Convention Center Complex, Not reached - deferred to 9/24/80. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 301 Date Appropriation from 1974 Bond Fund No. 342, for 9/24/80 1) construction of handrails for telescopic risers ($10,000), and 2) purchase of additional telescopic risers ($125,680.59), approved. Comm. Kaplan suggested the Administration investi- gate the possibility of using the old risers as a permanent fixture elsewhere in City facilities. Memo #8470, request from Miami International Culinary Show for 5-day liquor permit, 4/22-26/81, approved. 10/1/80 Memo 8476, request of Anheuser-Busch cony. to 10/1/80 tether balloons in several M.B. locations, ap- proved subject to Admin. & Atty. rev. as to CONVENTION CENTER ' COMPLEX 302 (cont'd.) Date ins. & legal requirements. 10/1/80 Comm. Wikler commented on compliments rec'd. re; 10/1/80 concessionaire at Conv. Ctr. Asst. City Mgr. out- lined steps taken by Admin. and Atty. re: the con- cessionaire and advised that a recommendation would be forthcoming to Comm. in this respect. Civic & Conv. Ctr. Complex Hotel Feasibility 10/1/80 Study, prepared by Howard Needles Tammen & Ber- gendoff, distributed to Comm. for review. (see MERCHANDISE MART) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 303 Date Memo #8497. Commission approved request from Karel Expos t3:Bn Mgt, to apply $1040 rental deposit paid towards cancelled Jan. and Aug. 1981 shows to the $1,000 balance due the City from the Aug. 1980 show, and to refund $40 balance to Karel, per recommenda- tion of Conv. Cent. Advisory Board, concurred in by the Administration. 10/15/80 Memo #8498. Commission approved request from Merchants Buying Syndicate for cancellation of March 1981 contracted dates, as recommended by Convention Cent. Advisory Board, concurred in by the Administration. 10/15/80 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 304 Date Memo #8499. Commission approved request from Holiday -on -Ice for a run -of -the -show contract for the 1981 event, at rental rate of $16,000 or 10% gross after taxes, whichever is greater, as recommended by Conv. Cent. Advisory Board, con- curred in by the Administration. 10/15/80 Memo 8605 - rental rate of $15,000 min. guarantee 11/19/80 or 10% of gross receipts from admission ticket sales, after taxes, whichever is greater, approved* for use of 2 conv. halls & possibly rms. 100 & 102 by Classic Sports Productions, Ltd. to present closed circuit TV boxing matches on 11/25/80, with Conv. Ctr. to absorb all seating setup costs. (see BOXING AND WRESTLING) Rec. by C.C. Advisory Brd. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 305 Memo 8606 - Date Recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as con- 11/19/80 curred in by Conv. Ctr. Dir., to approve request of M.B. Fire Dept. to waive rental for benefit dance on behalf of U. of Mia./Jackson Mem. Burn Ctr. in Conv. Hall No. & So., 12/19/80, approved w/stipulation that Fire Fighters be responsible for setup & teardown of tables & chairs & cleanup of event under supervision of Conv. Ctr. staff. (see FIRE DEPT. & FIRE STATIONS) Memo 8607 - Recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. 11/19/80 as concurred in by Conv. Ctr. Dir., to grant re- quest of Temple Israel of Greater Miami for refund of $2,225 rental deposit paid for cancelled events, ..§41=9NAPI. 'CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Memo #8598, Request of Miami Intl. Inc., to lease North & South Halls from 1984 to 1993. Convention Ctr & reiterated Administration's rec. 306 DATE Boat Show, 11/19/80 for 10 yrs., . Did. appeared for extension of lease with MIBS. Victor Logan, producer of Miami Boat Show, appeared & expressed opposition to MIBS being given right of first refusal to put on summer shows, alleging granting of such would be in violation of the anti-trust law. C. Att. advised that it would be within the City's rights to grant the MIBS the lease w/options as set forth. Comm. Daoud requested the C. Att. to provide a memorandum of law on the subject. Matter deferred to 12/3/80. Admin. & C. Att. to submit additional backup material as requested by CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 307 (continued) DATE the Commission. (see CONVENTION CTR. LEASES) 11/19/80 Mr. Arnold Leon appeared & requested installa- 11/19/80 tion of cash registers @ Conv. Ctr. & TOPA concession stands so detailed records of receipts would be available to insure that the City receives all monies due under its contract w/the concessionaire. Mayor Meyerson advised he would inquire of the Admin. as to his remarks. No action taken. (see THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS) Memo 8627, Request frm. Tennis Industry's Natl. 12/3/80 Buying Show for A.C. rate during 1982 & 1983 trade shows. Rec. of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Brd., as concurred in by the Cpny. Gtr, Dir., that Tennis CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 308 (continued) DATE Ind. Natl. Buying Show be chrgd. $1,000 for A.C. 12/3/80 on seminar days of 1/2-3/82 & Buying Shows should ret. at a later date to request an A.C. rate for he 1983 show, approved. (see CONVENTION CTR. LEASES) Memo 8683, Request for 2 -day liquor permit & 12/17/80 waiver of 23-1/2% concession fee on beer, wine, eggnog, cheese & snack meats donated for M.B. Fire Fighters sponsored concert & dance for benefit of U of Mia./Jackson Mem. Burn Ctr. @ Cony. Ctr., 12/19 & 20/80, approved. (see FIRE DEPARTMENT & FIRE STATIONS)