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Convention Center Complex_January 1982
CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 347 Date Memo 12-82, Recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., 1/6/82 as concurred in by Admin., that Health Fair '82 request for waiver of $800 rental rate for use of Conv. Hall So. Rm. 102 on 4/12/82, be denied & that event be granted $500 reduced rate, approved; Health Fair to be responsible for providing all labor req'd for setup, teardown, & cleanup for event. Memo 13-82, Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. 1/6/82 Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., that Perf. Enterprises, Inc. request for refund of $2,500 rental pd. for 2nd perf. in Conv. Hall So. on 11/21/81 (due to poor attendance), be denied. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 348 Date Memo 17-82, request for sp. rental rate for Conv. 1/6/82 Ctr. & TOPA Dade Co. Pub. Schs. Recommendation of Conv. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. that DCPS be chgd. $10,000 sp. rate (instead of $12,375 std. rate) for 5 graduation exercises & rehearsals in June, 1982, approved. (see DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD) Memo 46-82, Res. 82-16893 adopted, elec. contr., 1/20/82 Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc., Intl. Home Show, So. Hall, 1/25 - 2/1/82. Memo 47-82, Res. 82-16894 adopted, elec. contr., 1/20/82 F.M. Morgan, Inc., Miami Intl. Boat Show, Conv. Ctr,? 2 12-27/82, ' COIFENTION . CENTER ' COMPLEX 349 Date Memo 43-82, Bid 162-81, part-time pkg. lot super- 1/20/82 visors & attendants for Conv. Ctr. for 6 -mo. per., w/option for 6 addl. mos., effective 2/3/82; not reached - deferred to 2/3/82. (see CONVENTION CENTER [CONTRACTS]) Memo 34-82, Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd's recommendation to 1/20/82 Comm. to sel. 1 of 3 antique show promoters to pres. Feb., 1983 antique show. Judge Irving Cypen, repre- senting Bud Maron, appeared & requested Comm. approval of verbal agreement of lessee, D.S. Clarke, to assign 1982 & 1983 antique shows to his client. Ques. of Comm. consent for 1983 show asgmt. deferred, pending res. & rep. by C. Att. as to legalities & proper (FgDt, 911 net card) CON' ENTTON CENTER COM151,EX 350 (Cont'd) Date procedure. Various promoters and/or their reps. 1/20/82 appeared to pres. their pos. regarding choice of 1982 show mgt. firm. Discussion held. VM Dr. Haber's motion to accept asgmt. of 1982 show to Mr. Maron, died for lack of 2nd. Wkshp. mtg. scheduled for Tues., 2/2/82 at 9:30 a.m. to hear presentations by all promoters who have, as of 1/20/82, expressed int. in pres'g. 1983 show. (see CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., WORKSHOP SESSIONS) Memo 35-82, recommendationto incr. min. rental for 1/20/82 Feb. antique shows starting in 1983, not reached - deferred to 2/3/82. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX -350A Date Memo 43-82, Bid 162-81, part-time pkg. lot supvrs. 2/3/82 & attendants for Conv. Ctr. for 6 -mo. per. w/option for 6 addnl. mos., effective 2/3/82. Comm. approved Admin. recommendation to waive formal bid advt. in connection w/informal contr. awarded to Unlimited Security, Inc., Bid 1061-T, for interim operation of lot prior to rect. & award of formal contr. Award of contr. under Bid (cont. on next card) CONVENTION CENTER COMPL x 351 (Cont'd) Date Award 162-81 held in abeyance, pending overall 2/3/82 reevaluation of Pref. Pkg. Program at Conv. Ctr., by Admin., Comm. Pkg. Com., & Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd; rep. & recommendation to be ret'd. to Comm. within 30 -day per. or as expeditiously as possible. (See PARKING AREAS CONTRACTS) Memo 69-82, Res. 82-16905 adopted, elec. contr., 2/3/82 Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc. antique show - D.S. Clarke, So. Hall, 2/2-11/82 (after the fact). Request of Cypen & Cypen to discuss asgmt. of contr. 2/3/82 for 1983 antique show. Judge Irving Cypen, rep'g. ,Bud Maron, appeared & requested Comm. consent to asgmt, by A.S. Ci4rke of Feb., 1983 show dates to CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 352 (Cont'd) Date his client, submitting 14 -page petition of show 2/3/82 exhibitors advising of their desire that Mr. Maron manage show. Discussion held. Matter deferred to 3/3/82 at 4 p.m. Time Certain. Request of Rabbi Norman N. Shapiro, pres. Rabbinical 2/3/82 Assoc. of Gtr. Miami, to discuss presentation of Holocaust events in concert w/CMB, Metro. Dade Co., & Gtr. Miami Jewish Fed., scheduled on 2/17/82. Memo 35-82, recommendation to incr. min. rental 2/3/82 for Feb. antique shows starting in 1983. Motion to defer item failed of passage, 3-4. Admin's recommendation to approve $35 000 mint guarantee CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 354 Date Memo 95-82, Res. 82-16917 adopted, elec. contr., 2/17/82 Edlen Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc., Am. Rental Assoc. Conv., Conv. Ctr., 3/11-20/82. Memo 101-82, Res. 82-16923 adopted, elec. contr., 2/17/82 Edlen Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc. Conv. - Luggage & Leather Gds. Mfrs. of Am., Inc., 3/3-19/82. Request of Rabbi Norman N. Shapiro, Pres. -Rabbinical 2/17/8', Assoc. of Gtr. Miami, to discuss presentation of Holo- caust events in concert w/CMB, Metro. Dade Co., & Gtr. Miami Jewish Fed. Rabbi Solomon Schiff, Exec. V -Pres. - Rabbinical Assoc. of Gtr. Miami, appeared & requested $3,500 allocation from City, to match those granted CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 353 (Cont'd) Date against prevailing sq. footage rate, whichever is 2/3/82 gtr•, approved, Memo 34-82, Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bdfs recommendation to 2/3/82 select 1 of 3 antique show promoters to pres. Feb., 1983 Antique Show. Various promoters and/or their reps. appeared to express their int. in obtaining Comm. approval to manage Feb., 1983 show. Matter deferred to 3/3/82 at 4 p.m. Time Certain. Conv. Ctr. Dir. to notify all 1982 show exhibitors that City has not awarded 1983 show dates to any promoter. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 35! (Cont' d) DatE by Co. & GMJF. Per C. Mgr's recommendation, re- 2/17/82 quest to be handled administratively. (see METRO- POLITAN DADE COUNTY) Discussion on $2 chg. at Conv. Ctr. pk'g lot, not 2/17/82 reached - deferred to 3/3/82. (see PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS) Memo 127-82, Interval Intl., Inc. request for re- 3/3/82 fund of $2,500 rental dep. pd. for can. 8/26 - 9/1/82 conv. Recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., that request be denied & dep. held in escrow thru 9/1/83, to be applied to any other event org. may pres., approved. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 356 Date Memo 128-82, MB Police Athletic League request for 3/3/82 Conv. Hall So. sp. rental rate of $1,250 flat fee for 8/20/82 country western concert, approved per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. Sel. of promoter to pres. 1983 antique show. Att. 3/3/82 Norman Broad, rep'g. Bellman Promotions, Inc. requested that item be deferred for full Comm., stating that he had contacted reps. of other affected promoters who are out of town & had advised them of this anticipated request. Att. David Nevel, rep'g. Charles Wheatley Prods., Inc., appeared & requested that matter be deferred to 1st mtg. in Apr. because of prior commit- ments of his client as well as his own. Deferred CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX (Cont'd) to 4/6/82 at 4 p.m. Time Certain. 357 Date 3/3/82 Memo 175-82, Res. 82-16951 adopted, elec. contr. 4/6/82 Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc. Comunicaciones Expo '82, So. Hall, 4/22-30/82. Memo 176-82, Res. 82-16952 adopted, elec. Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc. World's Largest Flea Mkt., No. Hall, 3/28- 4/5/82. (after Memo 177-82, Res. 82-16953 adopted, elec. contr. Indoor the fact) contr. Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc.,Baron Antique Show, So. Hall, 3/25-28/82. (after the fact) 4/6/82 4/6/82 ' CONVENTION 'CENTER COM'LEX 358 Date Memo 178-82, Res. 82-16954 adopted, elec. contr. 4/6/82 Ed1en Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc., Natl. Fisherman Expo, No. Hall, 4/18-26/82. Memo 194-82, requests from Hungarian Ch. of Reforma- 4/6/82 tion, Inc. re. TOPA events: 1) apply $1,000 rental dep. for 3 contr'd. Chuck Mangione concerts toward 2/3/82 Mangione concert; 2) apply $1,000 rental dep. for ser. of 6 contr'd. 1981/82 concerts to 2/4/82 Mangione concert; 3) not bill $1,000 for can. 3/17/82 Ballet Trockadero perf. Robert Owens & Rev. John Paul Nagy, representing HCRI, appeared & explained bases for requests that deps. pd. be applied to next perfs. They also requested that HCRI be afforded same privi- lege of paying 1 dep. for its requested ser. of CONVENTION'CENTER'C©MPLEX 359 (Cont'd) Date dates, as granted other cultural orgs. Discussion 4/6/82 held. Comr. Fromberg's motion to consider Admn's recommendation 465 separately, failed of passage. Motion to approve following recommendation of Cony. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., carried: 1) deny all requests; 2) HCRI to forfeit rental dep. for can. 2/5/82 Mangione concert; 3) HCRI to forfeit rental dep. for can. 4/12/82 event &dep, to be applied to can. 3/17/82 event; 4) no dates after 5/7/82 to be held for HCRI until all arrearages pd. in full; 5) req. min. guarantee for ea. event sched- uled to be pd. upon signing all fut. contrs. Memo 195-82, requests from boxing promoter Felix 4/6/82 Zabala: 1) not chg. $350 for flat seating setup innntldi CONVENT ON'CENTER'COM'LEX 16-0 (Cont ' Date in Rm. 100; 2) reduce or eliminate $600 TV hook-up 4/6/82 chg. re. taping matches. Comm. initially approved following Conv. Ctr. Adv. Ed. recommendation, as concurred in by Admin., for 6 mo. per. w/rev. at that time: 1) incr. rental rate for Rm. 100 from cur. $800 or 12% to $1,000 or 12%; 2) reduce Rm. 100 seating setup chg. from $350 to $175; 3) waive $600 TV hook- up chg. Later in mtg., item reconsidered & deferred to 4/21/82 at request of VM Dr. Haber; Admin. to obtain Boxing Comm. rec. (see BOXING COMMISSION, BOXING & WRESTLING) Memo 196-82, request from boxing promoter Felix 4/6/82 Zabala to pay $800 or 12% for use of So. Hall on 6/25/82. Admn's recommendation to approye Conv. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 361 (Cont'd) Date Ctr. Adv. Bd's reconmlendation for rate of $1,000 4/6/82 or 12%, initially approved w/other Consent Agenda items. Ltr. in mtg., item reconsidered & deferred to 4/21/82 at request of VM Dr. Haber; Admin. to obtain Boxing Comm. rec. (see BOXING COMMISSION, BOXING AND WRESTLING) Memo 200-82, request from Temple Beth Sholom to 4/6/82 apply Theater rental dep. for can. Cantors concert scheduled 3/15/82 in TOPA to Leontyne Price perf. held 3/11/82, approved, as recommended by Cony. Ctr. Adv. Bd. & concurred in by Admin. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 362 Date Selection of antique show promoter to pres. 1983 4/6/82 show. Reps. of various antique show promoters appeared. Discussion held. Baron Antique Shows selected to manage 1983 show; details of contr. to be negotiated by Admin. & C. Att. & brought to Comm. for approval. During discussion, prior to selection, Comm. voted that contr. incl. clause whereby City would be rel. from any liability in event, by Ct. ord., it not have auth. to award 1983 Show dates to any firm; that City vigorously denies any liability to anyone for 1983 show and agrees to vigorously defend any such lawsuit (lang. subj. to refinement by C. Att.) No action taken on Judge Irving Cypen's request that Comm. consent to CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 363 (Cont'd) Date alleged asgmt. of 1983 dates by D.S. Clarke to 4/6/82 Bud Maron, based upon C. Att's opinion that Conn. was not req'd. to act on same. Conv. Ctr. Dir. Norman Litz replied to quests posed 4/6/82 by Comr. Fromberg re. admin. policy & chgs. appl. to Conv. Ctr. leases. Comr. Fromberg requested that Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. rev. rates being chgd. for use of facilities on daily & sq.-ft. basis. Mr. Litz advised they are conducting such a rev., which will incl. a survey of rates being chgd. by comparable facilities throughout country, & will submit rep. & recommendation w/in 2-3 mos. Mayor Ciment & Comr. Fromberg suggested that Admin. consider est'g. poli- cy whereby Conv. Ctr. Facilities would not be res'd (Coat'd) :CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX -364 (Cont'd) Date on firm basis for specif. dates until a signed 4/6/82 contr. w/dep. is recd. Mayor Ciment also requested that Mr. Litz provide list of gps. that are chgd. $1,000 charitable rental rate as opposed to com. rate (LTC 37-1982 dated 5-4-82 & LTC 30-1982 dated 4/16/82 filed with meeting records.) (see MB CONVENTION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD) Memo 226-82, Res. 82-16977 adopted, elec. contr., 4/21/82 Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc., Miami Intl. Culinary show, So. Hall, 4/14-20/82 (after the fact). Memo 227-82, Res. 82-16978 adopted, elec. contr., Edlen, Elec, Exhbn, Seryl., Inc., Am. Waterworks CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 365 (Cont'd) Date Conv., So.- Hall, 5/13-21/82. 4/21/82 Memo 231-82, Res. 82-16982 adopted, elec. contr. - 4/21/82 Edlen Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc., Merchants Buying Syndicate trade show, So. Hall, 5/3-9/82. Memo 195-82, requests from boxing promoter Felix 4/21/82 Zabala to: 1) not chrg. $350 for setup of flat seating in rm. 100; 2) reduce or eliminate $600 TV hook-up chg. in connection w/taping matches. Recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. as concurred in by Admin. to: 1) incr. rental rate from $800 or 12% of gr. recs. from admission ticket sales, after taxes, whichever is gtr., to $1,000 or 12% for 'zse o rITI. 100; 2) reduce Tm. 100 $350 seating ' CO'1$VENTION ' CENTER ' COMPLEX 366 (Cont'd) Date setup chg. to $175; 3) waive $600 TV hook-up chg. 4/21/82 for 6 mo. per. w/rev. at that time, approved. (see BOXING AND WRESTLING) Memo 196-82, request from boxing promoter Felix 4/21/82 Zabala to pay $800 or 12% for use of So. Hall on 6/25/82. Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd's recommendation, as concurred in by Admin., for rate of $1,000 or 12% of gr. recs. from admission ticket sales, after taxes, whichever is gtr., approved. (see BOXING AND WRESTLING) rONVENTiON CENTERCOMPLEX 367 Date Memo 237-82, request from Tennis Ind's Natl. Buying 4/21/ - Show to waive addnl. a.c. chg. for 1983 event. Recom- mendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., to deny request to waive chg. for a.c. during move-in/seminar dates (1/7, 8/83) & that Lessee be chgd. $1,000 for addnl. a.c. not covered in event contr. during these dates to cover Conv. Ctr. exps., approved. Memo 149-82, Comm. Pkg. Com. rep. re. proposed pur. 4/21/82 of prop. @ 17th St. & 40th St. deferred pending rev. & recommendation by C. Mgr. During discussion, Gerald Schwartz, V Pres. MB Chamber of Commerce for tourism & convs., appeared & advised that Chamber endorsed continuation of flat Kate sp, pkg. area in Cony. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 368 (Cont'd) Date Str. Complex. Comrs. Weinstein & Fromberg advised 4/21/82 that matter was discussed at length by Com. & they req. addnl. info fr. Admin. bef. considering it further; that Com. will submit specif. recommenda- tions at ltr. date. Ample pub. notice of mtgs to be issued. (see CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, PARKING COMMITTEE) Gerald Schwartz, V -Pres. - MB Chamber of Com. for 4/21/82 Tourism & Convs., advised that Chamber Bd. & Com. urged gtr. degree of aud'g. cont. & accountability of all Conv. Ctr. Complex facilities, incl'g. sp. pkg. lot, TOPA & food concessions. Mems. of Comm. requested Admin. to rev. all acctg. methods used in Conv. Ctr. cash flow operations & to take steps to imporeve procedures in effort to maintain (contd) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 369 (Cont'd) Date stricter accountability of rects. C. Mgr. advised 4/21/82 of inventory control methods recently instituted & of steps being taken to protect City ints. (see CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS) Memo 267-82, Res. 82-16999 adopted, elec. contr., 5/5/82 Lind Elec., Miami Home Show, No. & So. Halls, 5/24 - 6/4/82. Memo 268-82, Res. 82-17000 adopted, Edlen Elec. 5/5/82 Exhbn. Servs., Inc., Soc. of Nuclear Med. conv., No. Hall, 6/10-19/82. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 370 Date Memo 278-82, request from Natl. Piggly Wiggly 5/5/82 Operators Assoc. conv. for 3 -day lig. permit, 6/27-29/82, approved. (see LIQUOR LICENSES) C. Att. Memo 291-82, final approval of cony. ctr. 5/5/82 lease for 1983 antique show & Addendum for indemni- fication. Att. Stephen Cypen, rep'g. Bud Maron, appeared & requested that action be deferred on approval of lease agreement & Addendum for indemni- fication, to afford him opportunity to rev. Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. min. when Addendum to Lease agreement was considered. He objected to provs. in Addendum which auto. would entitle Baron Antique Shows, Inc. to 1984 lease, in view of his client's pending law- CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 371 (Cont'd) Date suit for a declaratory decree. Att. Harold Rosen, 5/5/82 rep'g. Baron Antique Shows, Inc., appeared in sup- port of approval of lease agreement w/Addendum. Because of pending Redevelopment hrg., motion to defer was approved, w/Mayor Ciment & other mems. of Comm. indicating they would resume discussion at conclusion of Redevelopment hrg. Following Redevelop- ment hrg., Messrs. Rosen, Paul Steinberg, & Louis Baron appeared. Discussion held re. amdt. to in- demnification addendum & agreement. The indemnifica- tion addendum was amd'd. as recommended by C. Att., "...on the pledge of rects. from 1983 shows...if they (Baron) get it,...and/or rects. from 1984 show & any deps. posted w/City"; further, that either Mr. Baron or Mr. Ray Grover (prin. stkhldrs. of BASI) or CONVENTION'aNTM COMPLY 372 (Cont'd) Date both, will remain as majority stkhldr(s) of BASI 5/5/82 (appropriate wording to be det'd. by C. Att.). Res. 82-17009 adopted, auth'g execution of lease agreement w/Baron Antique Shows, Inc., w/indemni- fication provs. as set forth. (see MB CONVENTION CTR. ADV. BD.) VM Sy Eisenberg & Comr. Singer commended Boxing 5/5/82 Comm. members for their successful efforts in scheduling televised boxing matches of well- recognized talent in Conv. Ctr. Complex & re- sulting favorable pub. brought to City. (see BOXING COMMISSION, BOXING AND WRESTLING) CONVENTION CENTER ' COMPLEX .3/3; Date Memo 311-82, request from Latin Arts Prods., Inc., 5/19/82. for red. Theater rental rate. Recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., that Latin Arts Prods., Inc. be granted per-perf. rental rate of $3,000 or 10% of gr. rects. from admission ticket sales, after taxes, whichever is gtr., for Roberto Carlos concerts in TOPA on 5/30, & 31 & 6/1/82, approved. Memo 312-82, recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. 5/19/82 Bd., as concurred in by Admin., to est. run -of -the - show coml. rental rate for 6 or more consecutive perfs. in Conv. Hall or TOPA, approved as follows: Conv. Hall No. or So.: rate chgd. from $2,500 or 12% of gr. rects. after taxes, whichever is CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 374 (Cont'd) Date gtr., for single perfs., to $15,000 or 10% of gr. 5/19/82 rects. after taxes, whichever is gtr., for 6 con- secutive perfs., w/$2,500 addnl. min. guarantee for ea. consecutive perf. over 6; TOPA: rate chgd. from $1,000 or 12% of gr. rects after taxes, which- ever is gtr., for single perfs., to $6,000 or 10% of gr. rects. after taxes, whichever is gtr., for 6 consecutive perfs., w/$1,000 addnl. min. guarantee for ea. consecutive perf. over 6. (see THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS) Memo 334-82, Food Mgt. Assocs., Inc. $100,000 perf. 5/19* bond; not reached - def. to 6/2/82. Comr. Fromberg reiterated his request that ext. aud. rev. money co]., procedures pf cony. Ctr, cpncessionaire. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 375 (Cont'd) Date C. Mgr. advised that aud. just completed clg. City 5/19/82 bks. & will next conduct such rev. Comr. Fromberg suggested that bef. any agreement w/concessionaire is altered, addnl. contr. requirements re. money cols. be incl'd. Comr. Haber suggested that Admin. submit interim status reps. on Comm. requests for info. wherein an extended rev. per. is necessary. Comr. Fromberg requested status rep. at 6/2/82 mtg. on Conv. Ctr. concessionaire money col. procedures. (see CONVENTION CENTER - CONCESSION CONTRACT) Memo 345-82, sp. rental rate for boxing - 7/2/82, 6/2/82 Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., to grant same rate of $1,000 or 12% of gr, admission, tkt. sale CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 376 (Cont'd) Date rects., after taxes, whichever is gtr., for Tuto 6/2/82 Enterprises, Inc. to pres. boxing matches in Conv. Hall No. on 7/2/82 as approved for 6/25/82 in Conv. Hall So. (to be scheduled if All Am. Week- end nationally -televised fight not held) (see BOXING AND WRESTLING) Memo 346-82, request for reduced rent & waiver of 6/2/82 TV hookup chg. for boxing 7/2/82. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., to deny Boxing Comr. James Resnick's request for flat $1,250 rental rate but to approve a sp. $2,500 flat rate (no percentage) & waiver of $600 TV hookup chg. for boxing in Conv. Hall No. on 7/2/82, as part of All ,A,ul. Weekend activities, CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX -377 (Cont'd) Date Comm. requested that VCA be asked to reimburse 6/2/82 City. Comm. also urged VCA to rev. entire matter of promotional activities in Conv. Ctr. Complex w/view to funding events that give nationwide or worldwide publicity to City. Discussion held prior to above action, during which consensus of Comm. was that Admin. meet w/Boxing Comm., Conv. Ctr. Dir., & Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. in effort to project need that would req. City funding contrib. & submit rep. & recommendation for establishment of Sp. Programs Budget Acct. for such purpose. (see BOXING AND WRESTLING, MB JAYCEES, INC., MB VCA, BOXING COMMISSION, MB CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.)