Convention Center Complex_June 1982CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 378 Date Memo 347-82, request from Hungarian Ch. of Refor- 6/2/82 mation to apply $1,000 rental dep. for 3 can. Theater events to Ballet Gala 7/24/82. Comm. approved recommendation of Cony. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., to grant request to apply dep. pd. for cancelled 5/4, 5, & 6/82 dates to Ballet Gala in TOPA, subj. to: 1) dep. being applied to use of Theater only on 7/24/82, and 2) if HCR does not pres. event in Theater on 7/24/82, dep. to be for- feited & no further ext. to apply dep. will be con- sidered by Bd. (see M.B. CONVENTION CTR, ADVISORY BD., THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS) CONVENTION ' CENTER ' COMPLEX -379 Date Memo 358-82, Food Mgt. Assocs., Inc. $100,000 6/2/82 Perf. Bond. Request to amd. Invitation to Bid 93-74 to allow for perm. cash perf. bond, dis- approved. FMA to be given 30 days from date of notice to pres. proper corp. surety bond in amt. of $100,000 or be found out of compliance w/contr. terms whereupon Admin. will imdtly. beg. bid process to repl. pres. concessionnaire & recommend new con- tractor to Comm. In reply to Comr. Daoud's inquiry as to why cash regs. are not being used by concession operations in Conv. Ctr. Complex & TOPA, C. Mgr. advised that orig. invitation to bid was mod. by the then Comm. to exclude use of cash regs. or elec. acctg. devices as pt. of agreement. He further advj.Aed thgt Adnl411 hP,s ?,nwt.. }Dvep.to cont. CONVENTION'CENTER COMPLEX 380 (Cont'd) Date procedures in effort to ins. proper compliance 6/2/82 w/agreement terms. (see CONVENTION CENTER - CONCESSION CONTRACT, THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS) Comm. discussed nationally -televised World Boxing 6/2/82 Assoc. flyweight championship, Leonardo Cruz/Sergio Palma fight scheduled for 6/12/82 at Carillon Hotel. Conv. Ctr. Dir. advised that date was orig. cleared at Conv. Ctr. for the fight but promoter Bob Arum booked it at the Carillon because no rental chg. would be req'd. Boxing Comr. James Resnick advised that VCA had denied their request for funding of City's $2,500 rental ^_hg. so that fight could be held in Conv. Ctr., & referred Boxing CPM. to GPmM. fcr funding. (cooed) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 381 (Cont'd) Date Comm. approved 6/12/82 date in Conv. Ctr. w/waiver 6/2/82 of $600 TV hookup chg. & 12% of gr. admission ticket sales rects. Later in mtg., per Admin's recommen- dation, Comm. auth'd. establishment of a Sp. Programs Acct.. trans. of $2,500 to said acct., and an expenditure of up to $2,500 to promote the fight in Conv. Ctr. (see BOXING COMMISSION, BOXING & WRESTLING, M.B. VISITOR & CONVENTION AUTHORITY) Memo 379-82, Res. 82-17033 adopted, elec. contr., 6/16/82 Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Mkt., No. Hall, 6/20-28/82. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 382 Date Memo 385-82, Res. 82-17039 adopted, elec. contr., 6/16/82 Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc.. Natl. Piggly-Wiggly Opers. Assoc. Conv., So. Hall, 6/24-30/82. Memo 314-82, request of Gabrielle Nash -Tessler 6/16/82 to discuss 21st St. Rec. Ctr. Complex. VM Eisenberg requested that Admin. incl. in its considerations of plans for expansion of Conv. Ctr. Complex, provision of dance facilities on bldg. roof for possible future use. (see COMMUNITY CENTERS, "T" MISCELLANEOUS, HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 383 IDate Memo 43-82, Bid 162-81, LTC 52-1982, pt.-time pkg. 6/16/82 lot supvrs. & attendants for Conv. Ctr. for 6-mo. per. w/option for 6 addnl. mos., effective 2/3/82. C. Mgr. advised that had Apcoa, Inc. not transposed figs. in drafting bid, that based upon City's experience & Apcoa's proposed Supvr./Attendant ratio, their bid would have been lower than low bidder as listed in memo (Andy Fraine Fla., Inc.) & he would have recommended that award be made to Apcoa, Inc. as lowest bidder. C. Att. advised that as long as co. cert. is writing that is was a tech. defect, Comm. could waive irregularity & award bid to that co. if such is C. Mgr's recommendation. Motion to 1) approve waiver of formal bid adv. & ratify informal award of CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 384 (Cont'd) Date Bid 1061-T contr. by C. Mgr. to Unlimited Security,6/16/82 Inc., and 2) award subj. bid 162-81 to Apcoa, Inc. as lowest bidder per C. Mgr's recommendation, failed of passage 3-3. Def. to 7/7/82 for full Comm. (see CONVENTION CENTER [CONTRACTS]) Memo 43-82 (rev.), Bid 162-81, part-time pkg. lot 7/7/82 suprvrs. & attendants for Conv. Ctr. for 6 mos., w/option for 6 addnl. mos., effective 7/15/82. C. Mgr. advised that recommendation to reject bids was based upon alleged bidding error, length of time that had elapsed, changing circumstances (during recent employee contr. negotiations w/MB Employees Benevolent Assoc., negotiators indicated that (cont'd) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 385 (Cont'd) Date certain Metered Pkg. Div. employees are int'd. in 7/7/82 providing this serv. during their off-duty hrs.), & possible need to close a procedure. Bids to be held open until 7/21/82, pending Admin. det. of feasibility of using City employees to provide serv. (see MB EMPLOYEES BENEVOLENT ASSN.) Memo 426-82, Res. 82-17053 adopted, elec. contr., 7/7/82 Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc. World;Trade Fair '82, No. Hall, 7/11-20/82. Memo 433-82, Comm. approved Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. 7/7/82 recommendation, as concurred in by Admin., that request of FL Ph lh4rmonic, inc, to apply $1,000 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 386 (Cont'd) Date dep. for can. 3/16/82 concert in TOPA to fut. 7/7/82 perf., be granted for up to 1 yr. fr. date of can. event. Memo 434-82, Ramat -Gan Youth Band concert (free 7/7/82 admission), TOPA, 7/21/82, approved; thanks to be extended to Lincoln Savings & Loan for their participation (to pay expenses). City's contrib. - $750. (see SISTER CITIES) Memo 460-82, Food Mgt. Assocs., Inc. Atty. Scott 7/7/82 Jay, rep'g. FMA, advised that his client has been trying to comply w/contr. terms req'g. $100,000 Corp. Surety Perf. Bond but bonding co. will not CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 387 (Cont'd) Date issue bond w/out info. as to what it covers, which 7/7/82 he alleged City has never provided. Comrs. Singer & Dr. Haber suggested he put in writing his concept of what bond should cover & submit it to C. Atty. for verification. C. Atty & C. Mgr. directed to imdtly. put FMA on notice that City is invoking 30-day can. clause if contr. terms are not complied with, & to take all legal steps necessary & proper to protect ints. of City. Mayor Ciment suggested that all cor. w/FMA or its reps. be sent by Cert. mail. He also suggested that all fut. contrs. incl. stipulation that if bond is not provided as req'd., contr. is auto. terminated. (see CONVENTION CTR. - CONCESSION CONTRACT, CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 388 Date Memo 461-82, Air Unlimited, Inc. request to land 7/7/82 airplane on Conv. Ctr. Dr. for exhbn. at World's Trade Fair. Admin's recommendation to permit landing of single eng. 152 Cessna Airplane on 7/12/82 & take off on 7/19/82, contingent upon mtg. all Admin. requirements, approved. Memo 480-82, elec. contr. Res. 82-17061 adopted, 7/21/82 Edlen Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc. J.I.S.•Jewelry & Gift Show, No. Hall, 8/19-25/82. Memo 500-82, waiver of rental fee - TOPA for 7/21/82 commencement exercises for SE Inst. of Criminal Justice Basic Law Enforcement Class No. 71 on CONVENTION " CENTER COMPLEX •385 (Cont'd) Date 8/6/82, approved; approx. $400 labor costs for 7/21/82 stage hands & electricians to be funded by Police Dept's Pro. Servs. budget. (see THEATER OF PER- FORMING ARTS, POLICE DEPARTMENT) Contr. w/MB Employees' Benevolent Assoc. to pro- 7/21/82 vide contractual off-duty supvr. & attendants for valet pkg. lots, withdrawn by C. Mgr. (see CITY EMPLOYEES, PARKING AREAS & PARKING LOTS) Memo 514-82, elec. contr. Res. 82-17072 adopted 8/18/82 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., FL Furn. Show, No. & So. halls, 8/11-18/82. (after the fact) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 390 Date Discussion re. Conv. Ctr. concessionaire - sale 8/18/82 of liquor & beer at boxing & wrestling matches; not reached - def. to 9/1/82. (see CONVENTION CTR. - CONCESSION CONTRACT, BEER & WINE LICENSES) Memo 599-82, elec. contract. Res. 82-17094 adopted 9/1/82 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Merchants Buying Syndicate, No. Hall, 10/4-10/82. Discussion re. Conv. Ctr. concessionaire - sale 9/1/82 of liquor & beer at boxing & wrestling matches. Comr. Daoud advised at recent boxing match, he witnessed spectators throwing beer cans at referees because of unpopular rulings & requested CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX J91 (Cont'd) Date imdt. steps be taken to prevent a recurrence. 9/1/82 Conv. Ctr. Dir. advised that concessionaire's contr. requires beer to be poured fr. cans to paper cups & that corrective meas. will be taken. Comr. Daoud suggested signs in Eng. & Span. be posted, warning that persons throwing objects will be evicted fr. facility. C. Mgr. advised that City is in process of installing video equip. & counters to monitor concession sales & that rep. will be forthcoming. (see CONVENTION CENTER - CONCESSION CONTRACT, BOXING AND WRESTLING) Discussion re. "ticketron" ticket sales program. 9/1/82 Mayor Ciment & VM Eisenberg directed C. Mgr. to explore w/promoters of events & shows in Conv. ,CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 392 (Cont'd) Date Ctr. Complex & TOPA, concept of City or VCA 9/1/82 offering at half price, remaining tkts. to shows the last few days bef. they are scheduled, in effort to incr. attendance, w/income so derived to possibly be shared by City & the event promoter. (see THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS, MB VISITOR AND CONVENTION AUTHORITY) Budget Adv. Com. recommended that Conv. Ctr. 9/14/82 budget be cut by $50,000. Proposed budget unchanged. (see 1982/83 BUDGET, BUDGET ADV. COM.) Memo 585-82, elec. contr. Res. 82-17116 adopted, 9/15/82 Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Inter -Expo '82, No. hall, 9/19-30/82. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 393 Date Memo 589-82, elec. contr. Res. 82-17120 adopted, 9/15/82 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Am. Soc. of Clinical Pathologists, So. hall, 10/13-22/82. Memo 628-82, elec. contr. Res. 82-17139 adopted, 10/6/82 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc. Natl. Elec. Contractors Assoc. Conv., No. hall, 11/3-12/82. Memo 635-82, Att. Frederick C. Sake, rep'g. 10/6/82 Hungarian Church of Reformation, objected to requirements imposed on his client that they pay full rental rate for ea. event scheduled in contr. upon signing & requested reconsideration, claiming he was bg. treated differently fr. other TOPA users. Motion to require HCR to pay 50% CONVENTION CENTER CUNYLi2 jy4 (Cont'd) Date dep. upon signing contr., to be forfeited if 10/6/82 perf. cancelled, w/bal. to be pd. in advance of perf. date, failed of passage. Comm. approved Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. recommendation, as concurred in by Admin. to deny request; matter to be auto. pld. on agenda for rev. in 6 mos., based on gp's perf. record. (see THEATER OF PERF. ARTS) Memo 636-82, request fr. MDCC to waive rental 10/6/82 rate for use of So. hall lobby & 2 mtg. rms. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. to, 1) deny request for waiver of $800 rental rate & chg. only out-of-pkt. expenses for use of lobby & mtg. rms. on 11/14/82 for "Caring for Our Old" wkshops co-sponsored CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX jy o (Cont'd) Date by MDCC No. Campus & FL Dept. of Health & 10/6/82 Rehabilitative Servs., & 2) require that volunteers coordinated by MDCC be responsible for set-up & tear-down of tables & chairs used. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF, MIAMI-DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE) Memo 637-82, request fr. Ringling Bros., - 10% 10/6/82 royalty fee cr. to Walt Disney Prods. be granted "Off the Top" of gr. rects. for 5/3-17/83 & 4-17-29/84 Great Ice Odyssey shows. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. to grant request of Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc. UUNVhN1IUN CENTER COMPLEX 396 Date Memo 638-82, request of Vi -Carr Enterprises,Inc. 10/6/82 to hold rental dep. ($1,000) for cancelled 7/17/82 Vikki Carr concert in TOPA for 1 yr., to be held in escrow; to be applied to any other concert org. may pres. on or bef. 7/17/83, approved by Comm. as recommended by Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. & concurred in by Admin. Memo 639-82, request of Tuto Enterprises, Inc. 10/6/82 for ext. of sp. rates for boxing. Comm. approved recommendations of Conv. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. re. sp. rates for boxing matches in Rm. 100 by Tuto Enterprises, Inc. only. (see mtg. records file for details) Comm. also approved Admin's recommendation that sp. rate be applied when CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX (Cont'd) Date Conv. Ctr. admin. moves an event fr. Rm. 100 10/6/82 to No. or So. Conv. Hall for City's convenience. (see BOXING & WRESTLING) Memo 681-82, elec. contr. Res. 82-17161 adopted, 10/20/82 Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Baron Antique Show, No. hall, 10/21-24/82. Memo 687-82, request fr. Conv. Ctr. admin. to 10/20/82 grant sp. Rm. 100 rental rate to Tuto Enterprises, Inc. for use of Conv. Hall So. on 10/2/82 (AFTER THE FACT). Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin., that TEI be granted sp. rate as approved for Rm. 100 ($1,000 or 12% of gr. rects. fr. admission CONVENTION CENTERCOMPLEX 398 (Cont'd) Date tkt. sales, after taxes, whichever is gtr.) for 10/20/82 boxing matches pres'd. in Conv. Hall So. due to Admin. moving matches fr. Rm. 100 to enable refurbishing of its floor. (see BOXING & WRESTLING) Memo 697-82, request fr. Food Mgt. Assocs. for 10/20/82 cr. for assigning concession rts. to Ringling Bros. Circus. Att. Scott Jay, rep'g. FMA, reviewed history of dispute & requested approval of cr. as recommended by Admin. Admin's recommen- dation to approve cr. of $17,500 to be applied against gross sales for Years 1980-1985, a roved. (see CONVENTION CTR. - CONCESSION CONTRACT CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 399 Date Memo 712-82, elec. contr. Res. 82-17178 adopted, 11/3/82 Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., So. FL Auto Show, no. & so. halls, 11/15-30/82. Memo 717-82, request fr. 4th Ann. Miami Intl. 11/3/82 Culinary Show for 5 -day liquor permit, 4/20-24/83, approved. Memo 730-82, recommendation to incr. TOPA & Conv. 11/3/82 Ctr. rental rates; not reached - def. to 11/17/82. (see THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 399a Date C. Atty Memo 760-82, Messrs. George Davies of 11/17/82 Morgan, Lewis &Bockius (City's bond counsel) & Stanley E. Ross of Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. (City's financial consultant) appeared & recommended adoption of folg. res. leading to sale of bonds. Res. 82-17188 adopted - $2,000,000 Gen. Obliga- tion Bond, 21st St. Community Ctr. (to be in $5,000 denominations). Res. 82-17192 adopted, auth'g. bonds in amt. of $24,650,000 for var. purposes ($650,000 - 16th St.; $1,500,000 - Beachfront Pk. & Promenade Project; $18,000,000 - Justice Ctr.; $2,500,000 - Arthur Godfrey Rd.; & $2,000,000 - 21st St. Community Ctr.) to be issued as an omnibus issue of Gen. Obligation Bonds to be designated Pub. Improvement Bonds, Series 1983. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 399b (Cont'd) Date (see $24M OMNIBUS BOND ISSUE, SIXTEENTH STREET 11/17/82 CLOSING, ARTHUR GODFREY ROAD, BEACHFRONT PARK AND PROMENADE PROJECT, PARKING SYSTEM, COMMUNITY CENTERS) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 400 Date Memo 746-82, elec. contr. Res. 82-17186 adopted; 11/17/82 Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., the World's Largest Indoor Flea Mkt., no. hall, 12/5-14/82. Memo 730-82, recommendation to incr. TOPA & Conv. 11/17/82 Ctr. rental rates. Initially def. to 1/5/83. Comm. voted to reconsider item & approved proposed incr'd. rates as recommended by Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. & concurred in by Admin. (new rates det'd. in Exhibits VII & VIII filed w/mtg. records). Rates for new bkgs. to become effective on date of Comm. approval; contr'd. & commitments on cur. rate schedule to be honored; & rates for contrs. written on prevailing -rate basis to become effective 6/1/83. (see CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 401 (Cont'd) Date THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS) 11/17/82 Memo 756-82, request fr. Eastern Airlines for 11/17/82 defrayal of costs in connection w/"Taste of FL" party for ASTA Convention - 10/12/82; def. at request of C. Mgr. (see TOURISM) Memo 769-82, elec. contr. Res. 82-17203 adopted, 12/15/82 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., PGA Merchan- dise Show, So. Hall, 1/11-19/83. Memo 778-82, elec. contr. Res. 82-17205 adopted, 12/15/82 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Jewelers Intl. Showcase, So. Hall, 1/20-25/83. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 402 Date Memo 779-82, elec. contr. Res. 82-17206 adopted, 12/15/82 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Tennis Ind's Natl. Buying Show, No. Hall, 1/6-13/83. Memo 780-82, elec. contr. Res. 82-17207 adopted, 12/15/82 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc. 1983 Intl. World of Wheels, No. Hall, 1/13-16/83. Memo 790-82, request fr. Divine Lt. Mission for 12/15/82 extension of rental deposit. Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. recommendation, as concurred in by Admin. that $2,500 be held in escrow for cancelled use of Conv. Hall So. on 12/10/82, to be applied to any other event org. may pres. on or bef. 12/10/83, approved. (see MB CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 403 Date Memo 792-82, request for sp. rates - 1983/84 12/15/82 Natl. Basketball Assoc. season. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as con- curred in by the Admin. for: 1) $7,500 flat rental rate for approx. 5,600 seats; 10 game min.; $37,500 advance rent to be pd. upon contr. signing, to be applied toward last 5 games; 2) lessee to supply fl., scoreboard, & all bldg. servs.; fl. to remain prop. of Conv. Ctr.; 3) negotiations to be opened for t.v. & radio; 4) Conv. Ctr. admin. to be advised of dates required, no later than 4/15/83. (see MB CONVENTION CTR. ADV. BD.) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 404 Date Memo 794-82, Bob Barker Fun & Games Show - sp. 12/15/82 rental rate. Conv. Ctr. Adv's Bd. recommendation to accept guarantee of Tennessee Partners for 2/5/83 show in Conv. Hall No. of $7,375 plus 10% of gr. tkt. sales over $7,365, approved. (see MB CONVENTION CTR. ADV. BD.) Memo 7-83, Bid 135-82, roof repair of So. Hall 1/5/83 Conv. Ctr. w/options. Action def. Admin. to solicit bids fr. local roofing firms & obtain addnl. info. as to bids based on repl'g roof, w/10 -yr warranty; rep. to incl. more detail & info as to City's experience w/bidder(s). Comr. Singer requested Admin. establish a policy incl'g on bid lists, firms that have obtained City