Convention Center Complex_January 1983CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 405 (Contvd) Date licenses for their types of products/servs. 1/5/83 (see PURCHASING PROCEDURES) Memo 10-83, elec. contr. Res. 83-17226 adopted, 1/5/83 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc. Graphics of the Americas, So. Hall, 1/26-31/83. Memo 41-83, Gen. Obligation Omnibus Bond Issue. 1/19/83 Res. 83-17249 adopted, (amdg. Res. 82-17188) amdg. certain provisions re. issuance of bonds in coupon form. (see COMMUNITY CENTERS, $24,000,000 OMNIBUS BOND ISSUE) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 4WD Date Rev. Memo 756-82, Rep. Bill Vervaeke of Eastern 1/19/83 Air Lines requested defrayal of costs in connection w/"Taste of FL" party for ASTA Conv. - 10/12/82. Request approved as recommended by Admin. & $7,500 fr. contingency appropriated for payment to Food Mgt., as outlined in Memo 756-82 rev. Memo 48-83, sale lease/back capital & equipment 1/19/83 financing opportunities. Mr. Calvin Grigsby, Calvin Grigsby, Inc. appeared & gave a brief out- line of what is involved in such ventures. Mr. Grigsby was requested to furnish the C. Mgr. w/documents relating to other cities & to Dade Co. for rev. It was suggested that he rev. the City's Conv. Ctr. Complex & outline what could be Flo e (cont d) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 407 (Cont'd) Date with it utilizing tax-exempt techniques. C. Mgr. 1/19/83 will provide documentation to mems. of Comm. for info. & subsequent rev. & Comm. action. (see PURCHASING PROCEDURES, SALE/LEASE-BACK FINANCING) Admin. to explore all facets of expanding Conv. Ctr. 1/19/8: Complex & ways & means to induce addnl. hotels to be erected. Investigation to cover all phases of financing - St., Co., pvt., etc. Status rep. to be submitted 2/2/83. Memo 59-83, elec. contr. Res. 83-17255 adopted, 2/2/83 w/Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Baron Antique Show, So. Hall, 2/1-10/83. uuNVENTIUN CENTER COMPLEX 408 Date Memo 60-83, elec. contr. Res. 83-17256 adopted, 2/2/83 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc. Interface '83 Conv., Conv. Ctr., 3/17 - 27/83. Memo 62-83, elec. contr. Res. 83-17258 adopted, 2/2/83 F.M. Morgan, Inc., Miami Intl. Boat Show, Conv. Ctr., 2/11-26/83. Memo 67-83, request fr. MB Chamber of Commerce to 2/2/83 waive out-of-pkt. expenses for trash & treasurers sale in rm. 105 on 4/1-2/83. Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. recommendation, as concurred in by Admin. to extend fin. support & grant request, approved. (see M.B. CONVENTION CTR. ADV. BD.) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 409 Date Memo 68-83, request for reconsideration of new 2/2/83 rental rate incr. - 1983 So. FL Auto Show. Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. recommended=, as concurred in by Admin. that since S. FL Auto Dealers, Inc. has already signed up 1983 booth sp. w/dealers at rates based on 1982 Conv. Ctr. rental rates, City grant fin. consideration for Nov. '83 show only, that in event sq. footage used is in excess of 190,000, the Auto Show rec. a $3,000 cr. against the rent due, approved. (see MB CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) Memo 78-83, sale of $24,000,000 Gen. Obligation 2/2/83 Bonds. Res. 83-17262 adopted, auth'g. issuance of negotiable coupon bonds in amt. of $24,000,000. Form of Official Notice of Sale approved; adv. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 410 (Cont'd) Date auth'd., Form of Preliminary Official Statement 2/2/83 approved; Statement release auth'd. City's fin. advisor, Stanley Ross of Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc., appeared. Bonds to be sold 3/2/83 at 11 a.m. (see JUSTICE CTR., BEACHFRONT PK. & PROMENADE PROJECT, ARTHUR GODFREY RD., COMMUNITY CTRS., $24,000,000 OMNIBUS BOND ISSUE) Memo 79-83, expansion of Conv. Ctr. Comm. voted 2/2/83 in support of proposed expansion. City's fin. advisor, Stanley Ross of Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. advised of approx. time per. req'd. for issuance of bonds if req'd. for expansion. Comr. Eisenberg urged City move forward expeditiously, advising he has assurance fr. Miami Mayor Maurice Ferre if City proceeds w/in reasonable time, he will CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 411 Date (Cont'd) 2/2/83 not recommend a cony. ctr. be built in Miami. (see MIAMI, CITY OF) 2/2/83 Discussion on creating an ad hoc com. for the expansion of the Conv. Ctr., def. to 2/16/83 due to absence of Mayor Ciment. 2/16/83 Memo 102-83, Res. 83-17267 adopted, elec. contr., C3C Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Mkt., No. Hall, 3/4-14/83. 2/16/83 Discussion on creating an ad hoc com. for the R9A expansion of the Conv. Ctr., not reached - CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date (Cont'd) 2/16/83 def. to 3/2/83. 2/16/83 Stat. rep. re. monies allegedly owed City by CC R9B food concessionaire not reached -def. to 3/2/83. 2/16/83 Allocation of $1 million to re-do TOPA acoustical R9) & amplification systs and to renovate; $60,000 to hire a consultant to rep. on schematic subj. to approval of C Mgr & Cony. Ctr. Dir. Comm. adopted policy to upgrade TOPA to a 1st-class facilty. (see mtg. records for details) Ad Hoc TOPA Renovation Com. est'd, to consist of Judy Drucker (Chm), Dan Paul, Bob Herman, Zev 412 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 413 Date (Cont'd) 2/16/83 Bufman Entertainment rep., 5 other persons (to be R9D selected by C Mgr/Conv. Ctr. Dir.), C Mgr, Conv. Ctr. Dir., & V-M Fromberg as Comm liaison. Com. to rev. consultant applicants, proceed w/preliminary negotiations w/same & submit rep.& recommendation for 3/2/83 mtg. (see THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS, AD HOC TOPA RENOVATION COM.) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 414 Memo 136-83, Res. 83-17282 adopted ratifying offi- Date cial Notice of Sale and Bid Form, accepting bid of 3/2/83 William R. Hough & Co. for net int. cost of $28,236,919.30 plus accrued int. on bds., from 3/1/83 to date of delivery, at rates set forth in bid. (see JUSTICE CENTER, BEACHFRONT PARK & PROMENADE, ARTHUR GODFREY RD., COMMUNITY CTRS., $24,000,000 OMNIBUS BOND ISSUE) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 415 Date Discussion on creating Ad Hoc Comm. for Expansion 3/2/83 of Conv. Ctr. Mayor Ciment req'd. Comrs. to submit names of suggested appointees to prop'd. comm. for his consideration & action. Status rpt. re. monies alledgedly owed .City by 3/2/83 Food Concessionaire in Conv. Ctr.; not reached - def. to 3/16/83.(see CONV. CTR. CONCESSIONAIRE CONTRACTS) Req. for funding for Annual Holocaust Memorial 3/2/83 Event on 4/10/83. Presentation by Mark Pollack, Exec. Dir., Holocaust Mem. Ctr.; to be at TOPA & cosponsored by City, Metro.Dade Cnty., & Gr. Miami Jewish Fedn. Comm. auth. $3,500 appropriation fr. Contingency Funds for event. (see THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS and METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 416 Date 3 16%83 Memo 185-$3, Res. 38-17299A ado ted auth. R-81 ex. of agmt. w/L. Gary Smith, Jr. lobbyist); fee $1,666.67 mo.; $3,750 qtrly. on favorable qtrly. evaluation by C. Mgr. (from Contingency Fund). Immed. priorities including Convention Center expansion. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF, MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT &/OR AGENCY, LOBBYIST, SAVE OUR COAST PROGRAM, TOURISM, LIBRARY, YEAR 2000 PLAN, CAUSEWAY, MacARTHUR, ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITIES) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 417 Date Memo 151-83, Renewal of contract awarded under 3/16/83 Bid 65-79, lease of trash compactors w/pickup serv. for M.B. Conv. Ctr. C. Atty. to rev. to det. if renewal in order or if bids must be taken again. Def.' to 4/6/83. (see CONVENTION CENTER CONTRACTS, GARBAGE & TRASH DISPOSAL CONTRACTS.) Memo 164-83, Res. 83-17290 adopted,elec. contr., 3/16/83 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., American Hdwe. Mfrs. Assn., So. Hall, 4/25-4/27/83. Mayor Ciment announced Workshop Meeting on 3/23/83 3/16/83 to discuss proposed expansion of Conv. Ctr. & the Kutun & Levin bills. C.Mgr. invited M.B. C. of C. Task Force to attend. Mayor requested members of newly-app't'd. Ad Hoc Comm. on Expan. of Conv.Ctr. be notified.(see FLORIDA. STATE OF. MIAMI BEACH (cont'd) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 418 (cont'd.) Date CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, AD HOC COMMITTEE ON THE 3/16/83 EXPANSION OF THE CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX) Memo 200-83, Res. 83-17304 adopted,elec. contr., 4/6/83 Electrical Exhibition Servs., Inc., Comunicaciones Expo '83, No. Hall, 4/7-4/15/83. Memo 203-83, Res. 83-17306 adopted, elec. contr., 4/6/83 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Merchants Buying Syndicate, So. Hall, 5/2-5/8/83. Memo 204-83, Request from Ringside Events, Inc., 4/6/83 for ext. of rental dep. Comm. approved rec'dation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred by Admin., that $1,000 dep. for canc. 3/1/83 boxing matches in Rm. 100 be held in escrow to be applied to any other event they may present on or bef. 3/1/84(see CONV CTR ADV BD) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 419 Date Memo 205-83, Request for Protection Clauses 10/83 4/6/83 & 1/85 Fine Jewelry & Diamond Trac Show Contracts. Comm. approved rec'dation of Cony. Ctr. Adv. Bd., concurred by Adm., to 1) grant protection for 10/83 show, issue amdt. to contr.; Lessor won't permit other such show for 60 days before and 30 days after event; 2) deny request for protection clause for 90 days after 1/85 show & issue amdt. that Lessor won't permit other such show for 30 days before and 60 days after event. (see CONVENTION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD) Memo 206-83, Request from Tuto Enterprises, Inc., 4/6/83 for continuation of special Rm. 100 Boxing rates; withdrawn by C. Mgr. (see. BOXING & WRESTLING) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 420 Date Memo 207-83, Hungarian Church of Reformation - 4/6/83 Review of perf. record of Theater use. Def. to 4/20/83 at 10 am Time Certain at request of Atty. Fred Sake, rep. HCR. (see THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS) Memo 218-83, Res. 83-17308 adopted endorsing 4/6/83 House Bill 288 (spon. by State Reps. B. Kutun, H. Spaet, & M. Friedman) to inc. Resort Tax on hotel rm. rental by 2% to fin. cons. costs for expansion of Cony. Ctr. Discussion on bill proposed by Sid Levin on creation of cnty.-wide tourist agcy; M.B.C.of C. & Gr. Miami C.of C. reps. support concept; Comm. passed motion in support of concept of such agcy. to promote the area w/under- standing bill won't interfer w/City's ability to (runt d) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 421 (cont'd.) Date fund necessary imp'ments/expansion of Conv. Ctr. 4/6/83 C. Mgr. & C. Atty, auth. to meet w/drafters of proposed legis. to try resolve conflicts & improve bill to protect City interests, & bring rev. bill to Comm. for final approval. Comm. Weinstein urged Comrs. meet w/C.Mgr. to offer suggestions on matter. (see FLA.,STATE OF, TOURISM, RESORT TAX) Memo 222-83, Res. 83-17311 adopted, auth. agree- 4/6/83 ment w/Food Mgt. Associates calling for dep. of qtrly. pmts. in excess of gntee. into a City trust acct., w/rebates of any overage pd. by FMA w/int. earned if applicable, to be rept'd. & pd. annually 'fter ea. contr. anniversary date. (see CONV. CTR. CONCESSION [CONTRACTS]) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Memo 223-83, Adm. to -solicit RFD's for the development, const., & operation of a Conv. Ctr. hotel (in air rights) and the rehab., const., & expansion of MB Conv. Ctr. Proposed hotel to be under long-term lease agreement. (see AIR RIGHTS) Memo 224-83, Comm. approved C. Mgr's amended recom-4/6/83 mendation giving Mgr. auth. to solicit RFPs for prof. tax-exempt leverage leasing/fin. adv. svcs. (vs. auth. to negotiate solely w/Fiscal Funding Co., Inc.) & submit rept. & recommendation to Comm. for selection of firm for negotiation.(see TAX-EXEMPT LEVERAGE LEASING) Date 4/6/83 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date 423_ C.Mgr. report re Food Mgt. Assoc. (Conv. Ctr. food 4/6/83 concessionaire) pmts. to City now up-to-date(in response to allegation monies owed City). Memo 232-83, Res. 83-17312 adopted,elec. contr., 4/20/83 Edlen Elec. Exhibition Svcs., Inc. ABA Automotive Conf, Conv. Ctr., 5/18-5/26/83. Memo 237-83, Res. 83-17317 adopted, elec. contr., 4/20/83 Elec. Exhibition Svcs., Inc., Baron Antique Show, So. Hall, 4/28-5/1/83. Memo 244-83, Change Order #1 approved re Bid Award 4/20/83 135-82 (Memo 7-83, Item C2G, 2/2/83 - P.O. 88841) incr'g. contr. w/Complete Building Maint. Co.for roof repair So. Hall Conv. Ctr.(secs 6,7 & 10 from $58,560 to $88,560.(see ROOF REPAIR CONTRACTS) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 424 Date Memo 207-83, Comm. approved rec'dation of Conv. 4/20/83 Ctr. Adv. Bd. & Adm. that contr. be issued to Hungarian Church of Reformation for 6-8 dates irom.5/1/83-10/30/83 (TOPA) w/min. dep. of $1500 to secure; Adm. auth. to negotiate winter dates. (see CONVENTION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD and THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS) Memo 271-83, Res. 83-17327 adopted, elec. contr., 5/4/83 Lind Elec., Miami Home Show, No. & So. Halls, 5/26-6/7/83. Memo 272-83, Res. 83-17328 adopted, elec. contr., 5/4/83 Elec. Exhibition Svcs., Inc., Miami Int'l. Culinary Show, No. Hall, 4/20-4/25/83. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 425 Date Memo 280-83, Comm. approved rec'dation of Conv. 5/4/83 Ctr. Adv. Bd. & Adm.;request of M.B. P.A.L. for spec. rate of $1250 for 8/13/83 Country -Western Show, So. Hall. (see CONVENTION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD) Memo 281-83, Comm. approved rec'dation of Conv. 5/4/83 Ctr. Adv. Bd. & Adm.; request for refund of $1,000 dep. of Amer. Zionist Fed. of So. Fla. on canc. Israel Indep. Day Celebration on 4/17/83 in So. Hall. (see CONVENTION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD) Memo 282-83, Comm. approved rec'dation of Conv. 5/4/83 Ctr. Adv. Bd. & Adm. to hold in escrow dep. for canc. 4/29/83 Fla. Office Olympics to be applied to any Neal Pedowitz event held on or before 4/29/84. (see CONVENTRION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 426 Date 5/4/83 Res. to draft ballot quests. re add'l. 2% Resort R-9 H Tax on hotel/motel rms. & issuance of Rev. Bds. to expand Cony. Ctr., not reached - deferred to 5/17/83. (see ELECTIONS, RESORT TAX) 427 3L 7 - Memo 308 43; 'requesffr.-� INS Syrnphc y -to waive C5A $750 theater rent for free children concerts. Comm. approved recommendation of Cony. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. that Symphony be granted refund of $250 of $750 rental pd. for use of TOPA on 4/13/83 to pres. 2 concerts. (see MB CONV. CTR. ADV. BOARD, THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS) 5/17/83 Res. 83-17352 adopted, that upon enactment of bill R9C incr'g Resort Tax on hotel/motel rooms, C Atty & C Clerk directed to prepare appropriate resolutions & ballot ques's to seek electorate approval of CONVENTION `'CEf 'CENTER -COMPILE Date Cont'd -311713 addril. 2%= Resort Tax & 'issuance of revenue bonds R9C for expansion of Cony. Ctr. Comr. Eisenberg requested resolution be sent to Dade & FL Leagues of Cities. VM Fromberg requested copies be sent to Laventhol & Horwath CPA for circulation as well as to the Gov., Cab., & all Legis. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF, FL LEAGUE OF CITIES, DADE CO. LEAGUE OF CITIES, RESORT TAX, BONDS) 428 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 429 Date 6/1/83 Res. 83-17372 adopted, expressing Comm's desire R9C that a.s.a.p., MB be incl'd in downtown people mover syst. (to connect w/Conv. Ctr.) via ground - level form of transportation, & to wk. w/authorities in design of same. (see RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM) 6/1/83 Comr. Eisenberg requested addn. of an item for RHC discussion re. cond. of Conv. Ctr. roof. Matter was scheduled to be heard imdtly after lunch, however item was not reached during the mtg - def. to 6/15/83. NOTE: 6/1/83 memo fr. Conv. Ctr. Dir. to C Mgr, re above, filed w/mtg. records. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 430 Date 6/15/83 Memo 378-83, Res. 83-17376 adopted, elec. contr., C-3C Elec. Exhbn. Servs., Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Mkt., No. Hall, 6/17-27/83. 6/15/83 Memo 405-83, discussion on cond. of Cony. Ctr. R9C roof; not reached - def'd to 7/6/83. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date 7/6M3 Memo 43443, Res. 83-17395 adopted, elec. contr. C-3G Edlen Elect. Exhib. Svcs., Florida Furniture Exhibitors, No. & So. Halls, 8/17-24/83. 7/6/83 Memo 440-83, Comm. approved rec'dation of C-5 E Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. (Adm. concurred) for approval of request by Temple King Solomon Theater Promoter for deletion of cancelled (poor ticket sales) 6/10/83 Camilo Sesto performance fr. contracted 8 Span. oriented summer series concerts. (see M. B. CONVENTION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD, THEATER OF PERFORMING ARTS) 431 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 432 Date 7/6/83 Memo 442-83, Comm. a roved rec'dation of C -5G Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd. Adm. concurred) to grant Tennis Industry's Nat'l Buying Show rate of $70/hr used (incl. precooling time) for add'l air condi. during 1/6-7/84 move-in/seminar dates (No. Hall & Wraparound) as requested. (see M. B. CONVENTION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD) 7/6/83 Memo 453-83, C. Mgr. auth. to award essential R -8F contracts & approve Conv. Ctr./TOPA leases during August Comm. recess w/rept. to be given Comm. for ratification in Sept. (see PURCHASING PROCEDURES, COMMISSION MEETING) CONVENTION CENTER commix Date 7-P113 Memo 40543, discussion on condition of the R-9 A Conv. Ctr. roof - def. to 7/20/83. 433 7/6/83 Discussion on notifying/requesting other R-9 F municipalities for support/financial aid on expansion of Conv. Ctr. - def. to 7/20/83. 7/6/83 Res. expressing appreciation to Gr. Miami R-9 G C of C Tourist Comm. & ratifying their support of expan. of Conv. Ctr. & establishing a priority that next people mover linkage be to M.B. - not reached - def. to 7/20/83. (see RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM)