Convention Center Complex_July 1983CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 434 Date 7/20/83 Memo 475-83, res. authorizing Conv. Ctr. C -4B Director to execute certain amdts. (minor) to leases def. to 9/7/83 at request of C. Mgr. (see CONVENTION CTR. LEASES) 7/20/83 Mayor Ciment requested for 9/7/83 mtg., R -3C report on employment of addnl 2 salesperson for Conv. Ctr. Complex as approved 5/17/83 & results of their solicitations. (see 1982/83 BUDGET) 7/20/83 Res. 83-17429 adopted, auth. extension from R -7B 7/20/83 through 9/21/83 certain limitations CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 435 Date (Cont'd) 7/20/83 in lease/agreement for private development R-7B bet. City & Reynolds Construction Co., pending receipt of 1) letter holding City harmlesss if developer fails to obtain funding by 12/31/83, 2) stronger commitment of their financial participation in site prep. costs, and 3) commitment to bidding on Conv. Ctr. expansion/hotel construction. Comm. Fromberg reiterated request that RCC provide Commission w/copy of their Laventhol & Horwath feasibility study. He also requested Adm., in interim, develop analysis of types of financing available for CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 436 Date (Cont'd) 7/20/83 alternative facility so RFP can be sent out R -7B immed. if RCC does not submit required info by 9/21/83. NOTE: During discussion, C. Mgr. advised that deadline for submision of proposals for Conv. Ctr. expansion/hotel had been extended to 12/1/83, however he planned to extend it again until after the first of the year. (see AIR RIGHTS, CITY OWNED PROPERTY AND FOR SALE, CIVIC & CONVENTION CENTER MATER DEVELOPMENT PLAN) 7/20/83 Memo 405-83, discussion on cond. of Conv. R -9A Ctr. roof - not reached - def. to 9/7/83. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 437 Date 7/20/83 Discussion on notifying all other R -9D municipalities & requesting their support/financial aid for initial construction of expansion of Conv. Ctr. (svc. all Dade Co.) - not reached - def. to 9/7/83. 7/20/83 Res. expressing appreciation to Gtr. Miami R -9E C. of C. Tourist Comm./ratifying support of expan. of Conv. Ctr. & establishing priority that next people mover linkage be to M.B. - not reached - def. to 9/7/83. (see RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date 7/20/83 Discussion on Cony. R -9G def. to 9/7/83, concessionaire to CONVENTION CENTER - 438 Ctr. Concessionaire - 2:15 PM Time Certain; be present. (see CONCESSION CONTRACT) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 439 Date 917183 Memo 522-83, elec. contr., Edlen Elec. Exhibition C-3B Servs., Inc., fine jewelry & diamond show, No. Hall, 9/29 - 10/4/83; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 9/7/83 Memo 526-83, elec. contr., Edlen Elec. Exhibition C -3F Servs., Inc., Am. Academy of Family Physicians, No. & So. Halls, 10/5-15/83; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 9/7/83 Memo 527-83, elec. contr., Edlen Elec. Exhibition C -3G Servs., Inc., Merchants Buying Syndicate, So. Hall, 9/26- 10/2/83; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. CONVENTYON' CENTER COMPLEX 440 Date X83 Memo 530-83, elec. contr., Edlen Elec. Exhibition C-3] Servs., Inc., Direct Mktg. Assoc., No. & So. Halls, 10/18-21/83; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 917/83 Memo 531-83, elec. contr., Elec. Exhibition Servs., C -3K Inc., Intl. Home Show, No. Hall, 8/30 - 9/8/83 (AFTER THE FACT); not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 9/7/83 Memo 475-83, res. auth'g Dir. of MB Conv. Ctr. C -4A to execute certain amdts. to Conv. Ctr. leases, which amdts. concern technical, non -substantive changes of a minor nature; not reached -def. to 9/21/83. (see CONVENTION CTR LEASES) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 441 Date 9777-83 Memo 537-83, Res. 83-17434 adopted, auth'g & C -4G acknowledging Assignment of 1984-1993 Contr. for leasing of MB Cony. Ctr. fr. Miami Intl. Boat Show, Inc. to National Marine Mfrs. Assoc., Inc. 9/7/83 Memo 541-83, request from Chris Dundee C -5D Enterprises for 2 -yr. wrestling contr.; not reached -def. to 9/21/83. (see BOXING AND WRESTLING, CHRIS DUNDEE ENTERPRISES) 9/7/83 Memo 542-83, request from Exposition Corp. of C -5E America for $5,000 refund due to 1 -night closing of Miami Home Show; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date Memo 543-83, request from Ringling Bros. Circus C -5F for sp. min. gurantee rate of $61,600 or 10%, whichever is gtr. - 1984 engagement in Conv. Hall No.; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 9/7/83 Memo 545-83, request for flat rental rate of C -5I $27,500, Am. Heart Assoc. Conv., Nov. 1984; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 9/7/83 Memo 546-83, request for reduced rental rate - C-5) Health Fair '84; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 442 CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 443 Date V77-83 Memo 547-83, Bob Barker Fun and Games Shows - C -5K sp. rental rate; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 9/7/83 Memo 568-83, Interim status report on Conv. Ctr. R -3F Concessionaire, def. to 9/21/83 at 2:15 p.m. at request of Mayor Ciment; report re info. collected, to be pres'd. (see CONVENTION CTR. - CONCESSION CONTRACT) 9/7/83 Report on the Laventhol & Horwath Conv. Ctr. R -8E feasibility study. C Mgr announced Study will be pres'd on 9/12/83 at 10 a.m. at James L. Knight Ctr. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date 9 7 83 Memo 405-83, discussion on the condition of the R -9A Conv. Ctr. roof; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 444 9/7/83 Discussion on employment of 2 addnl. salespersons R -9G for Conv. Ctr. Complex as approved 5/17/83 & results of their solicitations. At request of Mayor Ciment, VCA mem. Arthur Surin (Fontainebleau Hilton Hotel) agreed to assist Admin. in recruiting salespersons for Conv. Ctr. VM Singer & Mayor Ciment suggested review & poss. upgrading of classification salary structure to enhance int. in the position. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX Date 9/7/83 Discussion re. possible video tournament R -9M show; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. 445 9/21/83 Memo 522-83, Res. 83-17453 adopted, elec. C -3B contr. w/Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc. fine jewelry & diamond show, No. hall, 9/29 - 10/4/83. 9/21/83 Memo 526-83, Res. 83-17457 adopted, elec. C -3F contr., Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Am. Academy of Family Physicians, No. & So. halls, 10/5-15/83. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 446 Date 9/21/83 Memo 527-83, Res. 83-17458 adopted, elec. C -3G contr., Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Merchants Buying Syndicate, So. hall, 9/26 - 10/2/83. 9/21/83 Memo 530-83, Res. 83-17461 adopted, elec. C -3J contr., Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Direct Mktg. Assoc., No. & So. halls, 10/18-21/83. 9/21/83 Memo 531-83, Res. 83-17462 adopted, elec. C -3K contr., Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Intl. Home Show, No. hall, 8/30 - 9/8/83. CONVENTIONCENTER COMPLEX Date 9/21/83 C -4A 447 Memo 475-83, Res. 83-17471 adopted, auth'g Dir. of MB Conv. Ctr. to execute certain amdts. to Conv. Ctr. leases (technical, non - substantive chgs. or of minor nature) pertaining to time/date chgs.; payment time chgs; typographical/clerical error corrections; & incr's in no. of dates, shows, etc. provided rent for such incrs. does not exceed $5,000. Amdts. to 1st be approved by C Atty's office as to form & by Mgr or his designee. (see CONV. CTR. LEASES) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 448 Date 9/21/83 Memo 541-83, request fr. Chris Dundee C -5D Enterprises for 2 -yr. wrestling contr., def. to 10/5/83 at request of atty rep'g Chris Dundee Enterprises. (see BOXING & WRESTLING, DUNDEE ENTERPRISES, CHRIS) 9/21/83 Memo 542-83, request from Exposition Corp. C-58 of Amer. for $5,000 refund, due to 1 -night closing of Miami Home Show. Comm. approved recommendation of Cony. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. for credit of $5,000 + $250 tax, rental chgs. due to City's closing of No. Hall on 5/31/83 due to rainwater leakage. CONVENTION Date 9/21/83 C -5F 9/21/83 C -5G CENTER COMPLEX 449 Memo 543-83, Comm. proved request of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for sp. min. guarantee rate of $61,600 or 10%, whichever is gtr. on a run -of -the -show basis for 1/24/84 - 2/7/84 engagement per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. Memo 545-83, Comm. approved request of Am. Heart Assoc. for sp. flat rental rate of $27,500 for use of Conv. Ctr. & TOPA for convention, Nov., 1984 per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 450 Date 9/21/83 Memo 546-83, Comm. approved request of C -5H Rotary Club of MB for reduced rental rate ($600) for Health Fair '84 in Rm. 100 on 4/12/84, per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. 9/21/83 Memo 547-83, Comm. approved request of C -5I Tennessee Partners for sp. rental rate of $7,375 + 10% of gate above first $7,375 in tkt. sales, for 2/10-11/84 Bob Barker Fun & Games Shows in Conv. Hall No., per recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. CONVENTIONS Z NTEi2 COMPLEX Date 9/21/83 Discussion re. possible video tournament & R -9E show; not reached - def. to 10/5/83. 451 10/5/83 Memo 632-83, elec. contr. Res. 83-17489 C -3C _adopted, Edlen Elec. Exhbtn. Servs., Inc., Intl. Health Fair, so. hall, 11/16-21/83. 10/5/83 Memo 636-83, elec. contr. Res. 83-17493 C -3G adopted, Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., antique show, no. hall, 10/27-30/83. 10/5/83 Memo 637-83, elec. contr. Res. 83-17494 C -3H adopted, Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., CON N'1'YON CENTER • COMPLEX Date (Cont'd) 10/5/83 So. FL Auto Show, no. & so. halls, C -3H 10/31 - 11/15/83. 452 10/5/83 Memo 541-83, request fr. Chris Dundee Enter - C -5A prises for 2 -yr. wrestling contr. Admin's recommendation auth'g Legal Dept. to finalize agreement w/CDE for per. 10/1/83 - 9/30/85, approved, incorporating terms set forth. Agreement basic terms: nonexclusive 2 -yr. agreement; 45 -day protection clause preceding & fol. ea. evnt; $2,500 dep. to be held by City & applied to any event cancelled w/out 10 days' notice; Promoter to CONVENTION CENTER Comp= 454 Date 10/5/83 Memo 640-83, Res.. 83-17497 adopted, C -5D approving & adopting oper'g budget of Sp. Rev. Funds for FY commencing 10/1/83 and ending 9/30/84 for: Convention Center Pkg. Lot Fund - $237,500 (see 1983/84 BUDGET) 10/5/83 Discussion re. possible video tournament and R -9C show. Conv. Ctr. Dir. Norman Litz gave rep. of attempts bg. made to book a 2-3 wk. natl. Pacman competition in Mar., 1984 in No. & So. halls. Item def., pending further developments on proposed competition. CONMt4'lQN CENTttt COMPY X 453 Date (Cont'd) 10/5/83 maintain ins. as required by City's Promoter C -5A to pay prevailing rental rates & seating set-up & tear -down rates when used on 1 -time basis. New terms: if City expands Cony. Ctr., CDE to vacate office upon 30 days' written notice fr. City & no subst. location will be provided; if City instructs Promoter to vacate office, CDE will have option of cancelling Agreement; monthly office rental incr'd fr. $225 to $250, plus St. tax. (see BOXING & WRESTLING, DUNDEE ENTERPRISES, CHRIS) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 455 Date 10/5/83 LTC 127-83, Res. 83-17506 adopted, auth'g R -9I C Mgr to negotiate an interlocal agreement w/Metro Dade Co. in connection w/Co. 3% Resort Tax on hotel rooms, which was auth'd by Co. Comm. on 10/4/83 (tax proceeds to pay for MB Cony. Ctr. expansion & constr. of new cony. ctr. in downtown Miami). (see MB TOURIST AND CONV. CTR EXPANSION AUTH., METRO DADE CO.) 10/19/83 Memo 661-83, request of FL Office Olympics C -5A for refund of $1,000 dep., plus $50 tax for canceled use of rm. 100 - approved per Admin's recommendation. CON'VBNI'ION aN'tNlt COMP= Date 10/19/83 C -5B 10/19/83 C -5C 456 Memo 662-83, request fr. International Action Sports, Inc. for refund of $2,500 dep. for canceled use of no. hall, 7/24/83. Admin's recommendation to deny request & pl. funds in escrow, to be applied to 1984 event in no. hall, approved. Memo 663-83, request for refund of $3,000 dep. for canceled helath, nutrition, & fitness show. Admin's recommendation to deny request & pl. funds in escrow to be applied to any other event held by org. on or before 1/23/84, approved. CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 457 Date 10/19/83 Memo 664-83, request of Comunicaciones Expo C -5D to apply dep. for canceled 1984 event, to be pl'd in escrow to be applied to Comunica- tiones Expo '85, approved. 10/19/83 Memo 665-83, request of Miami Home Show for C -5E continuous 5 -yr. conv. ctr. contr. Admin recommended request be denied; granted 1987 dates. 10/19/83 Memo 694-83, Food Mgt. Assocs. performance R -3C rev status rep. def. at request of C Mgr un- til audit rep. & performance evaluation is completed. (see CONV CTR CONCESSION (CONTRS) CONYVNTfON-COIT2R COMP= Date 10/19783 R -8F 458 Memo 695=83, Res. 83=17516 adopted, auth'g execution of interlocal agreement w/Metro Dade Co. for the imposition & col. of the 3% Conv. Dev. Tax, and memorializing Metro Dade Co. to issue sufficient revenue bonds for expanding CMB's Conv. Ctr. Complex; Agree- ment to become effective when approved by governing bodies & continue as long as Tax is imposed, unless terminated; Tax to be imposed as of 11/1/83. (see METRO DADE 3% COUNTY -WIDE BED TAX, METRO DADE COUNTY) 11/16/83 Memo 757-83, Conv. Ctr. exp. & Conv. Ctr. R -8C hotel request for proposal (RFP). Admin. COMV2MTIOWMTWOSMX 489 Date (Cont'd) 11/683 recommended that Comm: auth. Mgr to notify R-8C prospective bidders that proposals due in Dec., be cancelled & to proceed w/develop- ment of a new RFP after a decision is made re. Reynolds Constr. Co.; any new RIP'S to be brought bef. Comm. bef. bg. released for pub. hrg.; and that Mgr be given auth. to solicit proposal for arch. & engrg. servs. for expansion of Conv. Center itself, approved. Comr. Singer & Mayor Fromberg suggested Admin. obtain servs. of outside consultant & contractors fr. community to form an ad hoc com. to assist in drafting new RFP. Mgr advised Shmuel Erner, Exec. VP COMMITYON"C2t i'g COMPTIX • 466 Oate (Cont'd) 12/7/83 Memo 770-83, elec.'cbntr. Res. 83-1755g- C -3A adopted, Edlen 'Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Fine Jewelry & Diamond Show, So. Hall, 1/12-17/84. 12/7/83 Memo 771-83, elec. contr. Res. 83-17560 C -3B adopted, Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Tennis Ind's Natl. Buying Show, No. Hall, 1/5-12/84. 12/7/83 Memo 772-83, elec. contr. Res. 83-17561 C -3C adopted, Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., Tenth Ann. Intl. World of Wheels, No. Hall, 12/28/83 - 1/2/84. CONVRNTTONCENTgR COMPUX 460a mate (Cont'd) 11/16/83 of Reynolds Constr. Co., has requested a mtg R-8C w/City officials on 11/28/83. (see CIVIC & CONV. CTR. MASTER DEV. PLAN) CONVENTfON CEN'T'ER COMPLEX 461 Date 12/7/83 Memo 774-83, elec. contr. Res. 83-17563 C-313 adopted, Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., World's Largest Indoor Flea Mkt., No. Hall, 11/25 - 12/5/83. (AFTER THE FACT) 12/7/83 Memo 781-83, request fr. Hungarian Church of C -5A Reformation to reconsider requirement of full rental payt. for ea. event scheduled upon signing of series contr. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as concurred in by Admin. to grant request to pay only 1 dep. for series of events in 1 contr., w/fol. stipulations: (Cont'd on next card) CONNOTfON Cg ITA COMMIX 462 Date (Cont'd) 12/7/83 1. Time per. to be 6 consecutive mos., starting 1/1/84. (Comm. amd'd Bd's recommendation of 3 -mo. per. or 5 events, whichever came first). 2. HCR to pay full rental rate if a contr'd event in series is cancelled. 3. Rent must be pd. 2 days bef. ea. event date. (see M.B. CONV. CTR. ADV. BD.) 12/7/83 Memo 782-83, cancellation of 3 Cargo & C -5B Material Handling '84 trade shows (scheduled 3/13-20/84 in Conv. Hall No.) & request for refund of $3,000. Comm. approved recommendation of Conv. Ctr. Adv. Bd., as CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 463 Date (Cont'd) 12/7/83 concurred in by Admin, to deny request & C -5B hold dep. for cancelled show in escrow, w/rev. after 3/84; in interim, efforts to be made to sell 3 sets of '84 trade show dates prey. assigned to Tennatio, Inc. (see MB CONV. CTR ADV. BD.) 12/7/83 Memo 787-83, request fr. Tuto Enterprises, C -5D Inc., for reduced So. Hall rental rate & waiver of box office & tv hook-up chgs. for 12/16/83 boxing matches televised live to Chile; w/drawn at request of Tuto Enterprises, Inc. (date cancelled). (see BOXING & WRESTLING) CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 464 Date 12/7/83 Rep. by bond counsel on pending bond issues. R -8G St. Sen. Richard Pettigrew & George Davies of Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius, appeared and gave status rep. & proposed timetable re. forthcoming bond issues concerning Arthur Godfrey Rd. pkg. facilities, TOPA renova- tion, & Conv. Ctr. expansion. Stanley Ross of Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc., (financial advisor) also appeared & responded to ques's fr. Comm. (see $24,000,000 OMNIBUS BOND ISSUE, TOPA, ARTHUR GODFREY RD) 12/21/83 Memo 826-83, Res. 83-17591 adopted, elec. C -3G contr., Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., CONVENT/ON CENTER COMPLEX Date (Cont'd) 12/21/83 Pro. Golfers' Assoc. of America, No. Hall, C -3G 1/12-20/84. 465 12/21/83 Memo 827-83, Res. 83-17592 adopted, elec. C -3H contr., Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc., FL Furn. Show, So. Hall, 1/18-24/84. 12/21/83 Memo 829-83, request fr. 5th Annl. Miami C -5A Intl. Culinary Show for 5 -day liquor permit, 3/28 - 4/1/84, approved. 12/21/83 Status rep. by Mgr re. Reynolds Constr. Co. R -8D Project. No opposition expressed to C Mgr's recommendation that extension of certain CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX 466 Date (Cont'd) 12/21/83 limitations set forth in lease & agreement R -8D for pvt. development of hotel/retail (trade mart)/office complex in Conv. Ctr. Complex, expiring 12/31/83, be allowed to lapse & that RCC be encouraged to participate in the RFP for Conv. Ctr. expansion/hotel constr. VM Daoud asked that written notification be sent to RCC, advising them that extension will expire 12/31/83. (see MERCHANDISE MART) 1/18/84 Memo 22-84, Res. 84-17617 adopted, elec. C -3A contr., Edlen Elec. Exhibition Servs., Inc.,